The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Zeroth Restriction; Zita

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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Job/hobbies : Goddess Of The Zero World; Head Witch - Hostess

Zeroth Restriction; Zita Empty
PostSubject: Zeroth Restriction; Zita   Zeroth Restriction; Zita EmptySun Jun 10, 2018 4:17 am

Graviso Sepulchro

Originally separated into both Skull Magic and Gravity Magic (Skull Magic being from her alternate self, Vita, the original Skull Girl and Lich Queen), once Zita unlocked the seal between them and unleashed her true power, the Gravity Magic and Skull Magic took on its true form as Graviso Sepulchuro. Powerful gravitational techniques now shaped in the form of Skulls and skeletal appendages, it combines the best of both worlds. With the deadly power of Death, Curses and the Dead (Necromancy and such) from her Skull Magic and Gravity, Antigravity and Black Holes from her Gravity Magic, the Graviso Sepulchuro is one of the most deadly magics to have ever existed, and has been labeled 'Forbidden Magic' because of that. Zita wasn't formerly Head Witch AND Grand Magistrate for no reason, after all.

With this, at any given moment, Zita can summon floating gravitational skulls as her new 'familiars' in this form, in a sense. Because of the Skull Magic seeping deeper into her being as the Lich Queen, she has an eerie fondness for beheading.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Job/hobbies : Goddess Of The Zero World; Head Witch - Hostess

Zeroth Restriction; Zita Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeroth Restriction; Zita   Zeroth Restriction; Zita EmptySun Jun 10, 2018 4:23 am

Zita's Soul; the Sealed Soul
Zita's soul is a very special soul, unlike most others. It is a soul that has been forcefully restrained in power by itself. It takes the shape of a lock with green chains of sealing wavelength and a very light green, keyhole shapes core. The outer part is purple, just like a normal witch soul. The chains generated by the Sealing Wavelength have locked away her full power and only allows Zita to use about half of it at a time, thus separating herself into two different personalities. It is said that when this chain is unlocked and the soul is allowed to expand to its full power, Zita will lose her second personality and become her true self at true power, and only then will she become the true Head Witch. As stated before, this soul gives her the Sealing Wavelength. Zita's magic/soul magic is very advanced and will grow astronomically in power when unlocked.

Sealing Wavelength
Not much to say about it, other than it is Zita's Sealing Eye in the form of a wavelength. It has the ability to seal, overpower, lock, etc. anything it may come in contact with as well as unlock or unseal things. It is the driving force that seals away Zita's OWN power, so it is a very, very, VERY powerful wavelength altogether.

Zita's Soul; the Sealed Soul
Zita's soul is a very special soul, unlike most others. It is a soul that has been forcefully restrained in power by itself. It takes the shape of a lock with green chains of sealing wavelength and a very light green, keyhole shapes core. The outer part is purple, just like a normal witch soul. The chains generated by the Sealing Wavelength have locked away her full power and only allows Zita to use about half of it at a time, thus separating herself into two different personalities. It is said that when this chain is unlocked and the soul is allowed to expand to its full power, Zita will lose her second personality and become her true self at true power, and only then will she become the true Head Witch. As stated before, this soul gives her the Sealing Wavelength. Zita's magic/soul magic is very advanced and will grow astronomically in power when unlocked.

Zita's Soul was unlocked and she became one with her Alternate self, Vita, the Lich Queen. Because of this, her Magic is becoming united (Skull Magic and Gravity Magic merged to become Graviso Sepulchuro, her magic's true potential) and her power has risen astronomically. She is now fully in control over her Lich powers, which also enhances her Parasites (instead of just turning them into Locusts).

Sealing Wavelength
Not much to say about it, other than it is Zita's Sealing Eye in the form of a wavelength. It has the ability to seal, overpower, lock, etc. anything it may come in contact with as well as unlock or unseal things. It is the driving force that seals away Zita's OWN power, so it is a very, very, VERY powerful wavelength altogether.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Location : Deadman's Den; Forbidden Hotel -- L'Sia Estate
Job/hobbies : Goddess Of The Zero World; Head Witch - Hostess

Zeroth Restriction; Zita Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeroth Restriction; Zita   Zeroth Restriction; Zita EmptySat Jun 23, 2018 7:56 pm

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