The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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Maruze Meikyuu the Pearl Yinchrysm :: Silver Hallowed Fortress; Keeper of the Crystal Shell

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Division Empty
PostSubject: Division   Division EmptySun Jun 28, 2020 6:23 pm

Division is a very special and very unique ability that allows Maruze to divide his weapon into many many different copies of itself with all of the same statistics like power and durability and such. The most he can do at the moment is 10,000. The Division does not stop there, however. If he uses Division when his blade makes contact with something, he may split the target into 2 smaller version of themselves and half their power. So imagine Maruze cuts a full cat with his Division in play. The cat will turn into 2 kittens that have difficulty walking. Things like that, you know? Maruze's Division may also affect anything that can be weakened or split in two, and doesn't particularly work completely on the terms of actual logic. Maruze's Kekkei Genkai is not only Division, but his Soul Wavelength is also Division.
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Maruze Meikyuu the Pearl Yinchrysm :: Silver Hallowed Fortress; Keeper of the Crystal Shell

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Division Empty
PostSubject: Re: Division   Division EmptySun Jun 28, 2020 6:23 pm


Speed Division: With power that allows Maruze to break down and assess the speed of other objects at any speed, Maruze's special 'Speed Dividing Blade' will slice away at the speed of something it touches, thus causing it to slow down rather significantly without the ability to recover lost speed. This works on velocity as well.

Chakra/Energy Division: With power that allows Maruze to see and assess the chakra or energy of whatever has touched him or is within his general area, Maruze's special 'Chakra/Energy Dividing Blade' will slice away at the chakra or energy of something it touches, thus causing it to be drained into the blade or erased completely. The more powerful the energy/chakra, the more hits it takes to deplete completely.

Power Division: With power that allows Maruze to see and assess the power of something (whether it be impact, physical strength, etc.), Maruze's special 'Power Dividing Blade' will slice away at the very power behind something, thus causing it to be weakened significantly in a number of ways. The more powerful the attack, the more slashes it takes for it to be weakened as much. This works on forces as well.

Health Division: With power that allows Maruze to feel and assess his own health and the health of other living things (in any sort of way, whether it be infection, plague, random illness, poison, leech, etc.) Maruze's special 'Health Dividing Blade' can detect and divide any viruses, plagues, ailments of any kind on and inside of his own body. In correlation to that, it also can hinder others by dividing and weakening their immunities, making them susceptible to anything they previously were not (even if it wasn't an illness, i.e. if someone is immune to fire, Maruze can divide whatever makes them immune to fire from their bodies and make them susceptible to fire.)

Illusion Division: With power that allows Maruze to differentiate and analyze illusions and invisible presences, Maruze's special 'Illusion Dividing Blade' can destroy and 'purify' any illusions, invisible targets, intangible targets and things of the like. In addition to that, it allows him to see everything as it truly is, unable to be fooled by things that aren't real and such, and protects his mind from any genjustu or illusion or anything.

Oblivion Division: One of Maruze's most powerful Division techniques, which causes him to create a seal in a specific area around him. This seal is made of his wavelength and also produced by his own KG, causing anything within to instantly become divided millions of times over in any and all aspects in less than a second, thus causing it to be destroyed once it enters this seal. Maruze uses so much power, however, that he cannot move when in use or he will completely drain himself.

Nerve Division: With power that allows Maruze to effectively see and assess nerves within living beings that possess them, Maruze's special 'Nerve Dividing Blade' makes precise and intricate slashes at the body that separates nerves without him actually cutting into the flesh. Whatever nerve is hit, he can cut it and make whatever it was connected to useless.

Mind Division: With power that allows Maruze to see and analyze mental waves, Maruze's special 'Mind Dividing Blade' gains the ability to slash directly at the head without causing any physical damage. Once struck in the head when this ability is active, it divides the mental processing speed, time and ability of the foe that was hit(For example, if you are hit with this, you cannot use jutsu/magic and walk/jump at the same time, and if you can't use multiple jutsu at once, and you cannot defend and use jutsu at the same time unless it's a defensive jutsu. Not only that, the ability to process speed, movement and the like drops severely, and so do reflexes and whatnot.) IN ADDITION to this, Maruze can cause people to forget things, to literally disconnect the mind from the body, or just cause all mentality to be erased in general.

Soul Divider: With power that allows Maruze's blade to physically cut the intangible, Maruze's special 'Soul Dividing Blade' gains the ability to slice any intangible object, though predominantly revolving around the soul. Maruze can slice apart a soul without causing physical damage to a body, slice a part a wavelength and such, and so on. It even allows him to split a soul from the body that harbors it.

Heavy Division: With power that allows Maruze to assess and analyze combination/mixed attacks, Maruze's special 'Heavy Division Blade' allows him to break down combined attacks to their simplest form (such as a Fire and Lightning mixed attack would be slashed and become fire and lightning separately, and also the course would be redirected by the blade.)

Man Division: A supportive technique that splits Maruze into 100 or less perfect 'copies' of himself. Despite this, Maruze's physical power and constitution becomes slightly weaker, but not by much.
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Maruze Meikyuu the Pearl Yinchrysm :: Silver Hallowed Fortress; Keeper of the Crystal Shell

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Join date : 2014-11-17

Division Empty
PostSubject: Re: Division   Division EmptySun Jun 28, 2020 6:23 pm

Division Blade
The pure essence of Division placed into his blade. It is only differentiated from normal Division by the fact that the Division Blade is a type of Division that can be derived into sub-categories of itself. It is a step above all other Division techniques and therefore can be classified as its own style with its own derivatives.

Division Blade: With the very essence of Division embedded into his blade, Maruze becomes able to literally divide anything and everything the blade touches in half, in two parts, etc. etc.

Waru no Zenkai: A special technique only attainable when the Division Blade is active. When Maruze uses this technique, he is able to omit powerful forces from himself that cause whatever caught within the force to suffer all of Maruze's Division techniques simultaneously (except for Divide by 0). This also gives Maruze the effects of all of his other Division techniques, and increasing all of his physical and mental capabilities by a shitload. It is one of his most powerful techniques. His power drains more swiftly while using this mode, however.

Divide by 0: One of Maruze's most powerful abilities, only attainable when the Division Blade is active. When Maruze uses this technique, he musters up a great deal of chakra or wavelength, slice something, having it be 'divided by the power of 0,' thus making it nonexistent once cut. It works on just about everything he has tested so far.

Infinite Blades
A special style Maruze has derived for himself. It doesn't particularly serve any real power, it's just a sword-fighting style.

Infinite Blades: Special usage of Division which allows Maruze to split his blades into multiple blades up to 10,000 blades at a time.

Infinite Cuts: A technique derived from the Infinite Blades, making all 10,000 blades appear and slash at the target continuously at unbelievable speeds without stopping.

Infinite Cuts; Dividing Slash: Using a mixture of the Infinite Cuts and the Division Blade, Maruze makes all 10,000 blades into Division blades, consecutively dividing everything they touch without stopping.

Infinite Raining Blades: Summons up all 10,000 of his blades and has them rain from the sky quite violently, reappearing back up to give the full effect of the rain.
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