The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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Join date : 2014-11-16
Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:35

Living Weapon Series
The Living Weapon series is just as it sounds. It is a living, organic being combined with the powers of machines and weaponry, though with more human-like qualities than any other. They tend to resemble normal humans until they need to engage in battle. They come in a variety of different collections, though the only Collection Cleff has right now totally completed is the Female Biometal-Human Collection... Also called the Fem BioHume Collection.

Female Biometal-Human Collection
The Fem BioHume Collection is a collection of numerous girl machines with an array of different weapons and armors that benefit their purposes. They cannot change their Biometals, as they are built in, however they can enhance them and adapt to a degree. Otherwise, they are just female living machines built for specific purposes.

MMS Type Cat; Specialized Close Combat Style, Maochao
True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-40732busou_shinkimechagirl

Maochao is a Cat-like BioHume with all of the powers and abilities of a cat, however increased greatly. As her product name states, she specializes in close combat. She may stick to any solid substance by forcefully digging her powerful claws into them. She is able to see through illusions as well as see in the dark, and can hear exceptionally well. Her smell is also pretty decent as well, much like a cat's. She is one of the fastest of the BioHumes. Her Cat Claw equipped to her left arm is able to change into a drill. Her helmet protects her from heavy gunfire, as does the rest of the armored parts of her body. Cleff has also fixed up all of her flaws that were pointed out by Cross long ago, making her much better than before.


Grinding Claws: Her left and right arm weapons. They have the power to rip powerful substances that are very dense and sturdy to shreds. They can also tear through energy fields with ease.

Defending Wall: Equipped to her right Grinding Claw. It is a powerful, yet small shield that allows her to block heavier fire than her armor can handle, giving her the power to rush right through tank shots with little to no damage at all.

Revolving Tooth: Equipped to her left Grinding Claw. Transforms the claw into a drill, which rotates at speeds up to 10,000 mph which can generate windstorms and tornadoes of the same strength. It also has 1,000,000 horsepower, making this her strongest weapon. It can even exceed these heights at full power.

Puchi Machines: Summons up tiny little machines from her body that do a number of things, such as shoot bullets and such. Hers are only made for shooting out bullets in rapid fire. Nothing more. She has 10 Puchi Machines. They are equipped to her body, but can detach and float around on their own.

Fighting Jacket: Equipped to her chest and shoulders. This is her lightweight armor made for very high movement, but maximum protection. It is durable and flexible, so it does not restrain her at all. It resists heavy bullet fire.

Heaven Dancing Boots: Equipped to her feet. These allow her virtually silent movement and speed equal to that of a well-trained ANBU. They deliver powerful kicks as well, so they are not just for speed. They are lightweight and work and shin guards.

Iron Ears: Equipped to her head. Her helmet, which resists heavy gunfire as much as her other armor does. It also increases her scanning range of the area to give her a much broader view of everything. They also work as a radar jammer to ensure people cannot track her.

Wind Blade: Her only projectile move. She focuses a large amount of force with her fist and releases it as a sharp, powerful burst that flies at the opponent, stealing the momentum and force of what it touches so that it can become faster and more powerful. It slices through what it can, as it is surprisingly sharp.

Strongest Shield: A barrier of force that absorbs the force of what is to hit it so that it may become stronger and sturdier. To prevent energies from penetrating it, as well, it concentrates itself after it is generated, constantly growing more powerful and reacting in a way that will adapt and then repulse whatever is trying to penetrate it. She may use the absorbed force for her attacks as well.

Sunder Splash Fever: Using the Puchi Machines, they all fire off hundreds upon hundreds of bullets in rapid fire at their target.

Final Doridori Attack: Spins her drill as fast as it can go, whipping up an immense windstorm and then drills into her opponent with the force of a thousand tornadoes to impale them and drill them to pieces.

Super Neko Punch: Punches and scratches with her Grinding Claws at maximum speed, aiming to totally pulverize whatever is hit and turn it to dust. She moves so fast her attacks are not able to be seen by even the keenest eyes.
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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:37

MMS Type Dog; All-Range Assault Style, Howling
True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Mms_dog2

As her name probably suggests, she is the Dog Type and the total opposite of Maochao. She is an All-Range Assault Style, so she can fight from both near and far. Her abilities rival that of Maochao's as well, for she is physically stronger than she is, but slower and is a little less reflexive. She is still pretty fast, however. She can smell much better than Maochao and uses that to her advantage, but sees a little less well than she does. Her instincts are much better and her ears are just as good as Maochao's.


Jitte: Equipped to both left and right arms. They are short daggers of energy, and though short, are powerful thanks to the high concentration of energy they have. They can slice through most things easily, even through several feet of steel.

Kyokurin: Equipped to her left arm. It is a circular spiked throwing ringblade that is able to use the ability Sealing Circle Vortex Slash. It is like a shuriken that moves silently through the air and tracks its targets so that it hits. It is surprisingly powerful for a ring and can cut through dense things with equal power to the Jitte.

Horai Ichishiki: Equipped to her right arm. It is both a powerful energy cannon as well as a rocket launcher and sniper rifle. It can take in massive amounts of energy to fire off the huge energy blasts from itself, and even change to a sniper mode for long distance shots.

Puchi Machines: Unlike Maochao, Howling's Puchi Machines have more variety. They can shoot electromagnetic pulses as well as bullets, and they can fly as well as patrol the ground. She only has 5, however, but they can attack and detach from her body at will. Hers can also create electromagnetic barriers to try to hold enemies in place.

Dog Spurs: Equipped to her legs. These allow her advanced terrain movement and thus gives her the ability to move on any terrain with ease and even walk across water. They work as anti-gravity units, so she is able to run up walls and things and not fall, but she cannot hover or fly.

Heart Protector: Equipped to the torso and shoulders. It is much stronger than Maochao's armor and can sustain much more fire and much more powerful blows than hers, but it is bulkier just a bit and makes Howling just a tad slower. Its defensive capabilities are grand, however, and makes up for the slight speed loss. It really is a heart protector.

Imperial Roar: Equipped to the head. Much like Maochao's, it can send out jamming signals and increases scanning range, but it also has a few more functions. It can intercept wavelengths in the air to sense minute changes as well as release powerful silent pulses of sound, sort of like hyper barks, only silent. They are very powerful, however.


Sealing Circle Vortex Slash: An attack that can only be used if she is being attacked. A counter attack, if you will, and only to be used with the Kyokurin. It creates a seal below the target when they attack and sucks them into the sealing vortex, locking them away and restricting them from coming out, sealing away their powers and mobility as well. Her strongest defensive ability.

Howling Thunder: Charges an immense amount of electromagnetic energy into fist and punches, aiming to electrocute and paralyze the foe as well as scramble their brain when hitting them, leaving them off guard. She propels herself with the electromagnetic pulse so that she can move faster. It can be fired as a projectile, as well from her right arm, making it hundreds of times more powerful. She can use this move with her feet as well.

Wolf Fang Palm: Punches with one hand at blinding speeds, leaving paralyzing currents through the foe if it connects just once. These punches are very powerful and are charged with electricity.


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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Join date : 2014-11-16
Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:39

MMS Type Devil; Close Combat Style, Heavy Arms, Strarf
True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina KON12906

Strarf is one of the most powerful types there is to date, and her power is only backed up by her size. Being the Heavy Arms type, she deals heavy hits and takes little damage, and has a wide array of weaponry for any kind of attack. Boasting four arms and spikes, she is hard to fight. Unlike most, she has an upgraded form called Strarf Mk. II, which she can assume if she is ever in a pinch. This gives her even more power, even more weaponry, and even more defensive measures to combat anything that stands in her way and take it down.


Schram RvGND Launcher: This is her Revolving (Rv) Grenade (GND) Launcher (Launcer). It is very powerful and can fire multiple grenades at a time for a very explosive and destructive battle type. Used in right small hand

Model PHC Handgun Vuzluif: A typical handgun that fires off bullets and explosions. Yes, explosions. Condensed ones disguised as bullets. They explode on command or on impact. Used in left small hand.

Fulsto Gufloto & Fulsto Klein: Equipped to her shoulders. Two sets of Twin daggers that she may pull out at any given time for quick slashes and attacks. This is for when she needs to get hits off quickly and efficiently. They are very sharp and very versatile. Gufloto is longer than Klein just a bit, as it is used by the larger arms whilst the smaller arms use Klein. Klein are throwing blades while Gufloto are daggers.

Angle Blades: Equipped to her head. These twin Angle Blades are long, swift swords that have more range and power than the Furusutu blades. They are used for their reach and speed.

Zhileza Rocket Hammer: A huge, powerful hammer with spikes where the flat end should be. It is, as stated, powered by rockets for powerful and swift strikes that can crush whatever it can hit. It releases several gigatons of force, so it is nothing to mess with. Used only in large hands.

GA4 "Tigru" Leg Parts & GA2 "Sabaka" Leg Parts: Massive legs with lots of armor to resist most things that try to attack. They allow her to jump incredibly high and sustain lots of balance, even in heavy fire with a lot of force. They can sustain lots of force and shock, so firing off powerful and forceful weapons isn't a problem. They also have blades on the toe for powerful kicks.

DT Rear Unit plus GA4 Arm: Her larger set of arms. These are massive and bulky, able to handle a lot of weight as well as deliver powerful punches. They handle the Rocket Hammer and all other large weapons. Very strong. They have blades fingers.

Spike Armors 1-4: Spikes that jut from her toes and her back. Nothing more.

Guard Shields: Equipped to her back. Guard shields come out to block her when she is attacked so that he main body does not get hurt. Small arms cannot attack while out, however large arms still can.

Thermal Sensor: A visor that generates itself around her face so that she may have thermal vision.

Sensor Blade Shiniyon: A huge sword that is meant for destructive slashes and such.


Rapid Dog Trap: Shoots a bullet that will surround the foe and explode numerous times when they get too close to it. Alternatively, she holds with huge arms and fires off endless rounds of exploding bullets with handgun from close range.

Piasd Nightmare: Uses all of the blades in her arsenal and attacks violently with all of them.

Apocalypse Execution: Using the full power of the Rocket Hammer, she brings it down on her enemies with several hundred gigatons of force and crushes them and everything in the area.


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:40

MMS Type Devil; Close Combat Style, Heavy Arms, Strarf Mk. II
True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina 2d6

Generally the same as its predecessor, however much faster, has flight capabilities and now is equipped with a gigantic beam sword katana as well as a short beamsword. She has kept generally all of the same equipment except has released her Ga4 Tigru leg armor to make her faster and added on other new things. Her weapons have all changed, however.


Kot: A highly condensed beam dagger equipped to her left small hand. It is very powerful and the energy used to take its shape has taken a solid form. It can easily slice through the toughest of armors and is fast.

Koshca: A highly condensed beam sword equipped to her right small hand. It is very powerful and the energy used to take its shape has taken a solid form. It has much more reach and power than the Kot.

FL017 Scissor Blade: A large shortsword equipped to the right large arm. This is called a shortsword only in comparison to the hand that uses it. It is attached to the top and it is very swift and more powerful than the Kot. It is used to make quick work of weaklings. The only blade she has equipped that isn't made of energy.

Greaver: A huge highly condensed beam katana broadsword equipped to her left large arm. It is her most powerful weapon and literally cuts through anything in its way with as much power as the Rocket Hammer. It is surprisingly fast.

FL017 Rear Unit: This replaces her old bulky DT Rear Unit, giving her more mobility and maneuverability as well as great defense. Much better than the old unit.

Olyen: Her head armor. It is very durable and is used to protect her from damage to the head, though it doesn't look like it. It gives her much more control over everything she does.

Spectral Guard: Equipped to her chest. Replaces her old chest armor so that she is able to resist energy based attacks much more easily and take much more fire without having to be so bulky. This leaves her with less armor that protects her even more than before.

Rok & Klyuv: Twin blades attached to her knees. They can jut out and retract at will, so when she knees people, she can stab them as well.

Battle Shoes: Specially made feet units with boosters for excellent speed. Replaces her old sturdy feet for more mobility and maneuverability as well as ground sturdiness, however are not as good shock absorbers as her other feet.

GA2 "Karova" Leg Parts: Replaces her old Sabaka leg units, giving her much higher mobility and speed, letting her legs move faster at the expense of not being as bulky. She is quicker, however does not retain balance as well nor shock, though the legs function well in the air.

Stabilizer Wings: Wings that stabilize her in the air, attached to her shoulders and back. She is able to fly very well with these and they have boosters to enhance her flying. These are what make her maneuverability in the air the best.


Dega and Koshca: Attacks using her two blades Kot and Koshca, increasing their power output to maximum to slice through anything and everything in the way, no matter the power. Needs to cool down afterward.

Extermination "Borg Miech": Most powerful attack with her sword, Greaver. It increases its output to maximum, giving it the power to slice through anything and everything, no matter how dense nor how powerful it is with a blade 10 times the size of Greaver. Needs sufficient cooldown time after use.


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:41

AAV Type Specialized Armored Artillery Vehicle; Long Range Heavy Fire Style; Chwere Gustav
True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-11539girl_armsmecha


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:42

MBT Type-90 Ground Self-Defense Force Tank; Long Range Fire Style; MinTan

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina JGSDF_Type90_kabe
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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

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Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:43

MMS Type Panzer; Battle Breakthrough Style; Murmeltier

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-40731busou_shinkimechagirl


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:44

MMS Type Builder; Close-Ranged Combat Power Fighter; Grapprap

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-40738busou_shinkimechagirl


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:44

MMS Type Angel; High Mobility Style; Arnval

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-40725busou_shinkimechagirl


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:45

MMS Type Angel; High Mobility All Range Style; Arnval Mk. II

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina 2d5


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:46

DGG-XAMI Type Shogun; Specialized Bladed Weapon Style; Dygenguar

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-11541girl_armsmecha


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 15:48

Unit 3,412,902,323,733 Project; Artificial Construction of Emotions "A.C.E."

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina CopyX2


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk
Prof. Dr. Tron the T-Cleff :: Deus Ex Machina; Jinseigami Omnitron of the Dusk

Posts : 1706
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Age : 30

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
PostSubject: Re: True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina   True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina EmptySun 18 Jan 2015 - 16:03

------------------Further Experiments------------------------------

Experiment 0100; Blind Harvester

True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Konachancom-67134giagunmechaoriginaltailweapon


The First Restriction -- Known as 'The Great Mind', Tabrynth is a mystical dimensional puzzle entity that resolves and scrambles itself based on the consciousness of the one to whom 'The Great Mind' belongs. It is his actual mind, itself, and takes on many forms, but usually is a Technology Sprite or a Professor in a velvet violet suit. It has lavendar hair that droops over one eye and also extends back to form two large horn-like protrusions. Technology and Transcendent Sound are its powers.

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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina Empty
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True-Cleff's Many Wonderful Experiments; Personal Chomachina
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