Virgo, a Virginal Spirit by nature, was an old and worn woman of clay construct that could never age nor lose beauty, but was always stuck in a perpetual lie of virginity and innocence and purity. Encaptured in pure malleable clay almost like a hardened stone, she and her doughy, yet hardened body would move jankily and creakily like an old woman or elder; down to the kinks and jerks. Yet, her hair remained beautiful. In spite of this, the Tainted Virgo Spirit that held all of her impurities incapsulated in perpetuity reared up in her most beautiful spot left -- her surface value, in her hair and eyes, and the mouths and eyes on her hair, signifying her power residing right in that core.
This sinful matron feigning virginity saw from afar what happened with the Pumpkin Head to the others, and she was wary... So much so, her root-like, viny hair that still flowed like water extended out to strike at the Pumpkin Head preemptively, and ravage him with her vanity. Her stoic demeanor and expression belied in her depth of her hair many different manner of personality, though dissonant, and not at all collective, despite actively acting collectively, in union, to her control and manipulation, whilst also maintaining a sheer fabric of space over herself in censorship.