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Delete this post Khrona; Rise From The Grave
Post by Khrona Today at 1:58 pm
Fortunately before Khrona was erased, he already absorbed enough information to restore himself after his memories were erased. This is because instead of the vessel of Khrona being implanted with the only source of information, the planet which he connected with had information about him which would be absorbed back into the regrowing Khrona after he came back into existence -- he was nothing but a vessel, but retained his power to absorb information and just reabsorbed old information after he forgot it.
"That was annoying," Khrona said after his Recovery from the Backup Information. "Oh well. Now I can do things in peace." He knew they would react that way. As ugly as it was, it was something he accounted for, which is why he was already prepared to be destroyed.
"I suppose they'll be back again to erase my data from the planet and then try to make me start over for no reason. Again." He rolled his eyes. "Though I've seen enough, I need to see... What makes them like that." He didn't want to incur it or anything, but he knew that they'd just act that way. "They haven't changed at all, this Lost World." He shook his head and sighed, hovering in midair as a disembodied upper torso.
As Khrona hovered, many after images of him left by his lingering information split from his body and faded away, showing his active movement and transition through the atmosphere.
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