The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!

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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyWed Feb 18, 2015 5:46 am

After so long, Tear and Krikor would make it from the Death Chambers to the Battle Room, which was immense and shaped like a dome. The floors were sleek and the walls were durable and reinforced, but polished and clean. It resembled a gymnasium, only with a bit more of a classy feel to it.

Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Opelucid_gym_field

"This is the Battle Arena," he'd begin to explain, already prepared to give Krikor the full run-down, "A gymnasium of sorts where all battles, such as spars, individual training, monster battles and serious assessments take place. The floor is able to elevate and descend, as well as shift its environmental structure to match whatever sort of training you wish to have at the time, no matter what sort you may ask for. This sometimes gives the field elemental effects, however none of these effects go beyond the boundary-line where anyone in the seats would be able to feel." He would point over to all of the layers and rows of seats that were not only for classroom sessions, but also for spectators that wished to watch during any other major events held.

"There is a barrier of wavelength that is so intense that nothing can get through. I had to use it to match the frequency of one of my own techniques, which is the only reason why I am certain that it works. It will keep all waves inside, save for those that allow for speculation. It is domed to ensure maximized pressure containment and completely transparent to make it feel as though the crowd is right there with the combatants without actually having to put anyone at risk." He would step forth into the room, turning to Krikor, "How do you like it?"
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyWed Feb 18, 2015 3:23 pm

Krikor let out a low whistle when he saw the Battle Arena. "Very impressive indeed," he said, looking around and taking in the sights of the Arena. "With so many people fighting here, how do you ensure that no one gets killed?" he asked, thinking that it would probably be bad form for hurt combatants to go without some form of healing. "Do you use magic? Medicine? Some combination of both?"

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyWed Feb 18, 2015 4:00 pm

"You could say..." he looked up inquisitively, as if searching for the correct wording, "... Something sort of all three?" Tear knew that there were many methods of keeping people from getting injured, and if they did, of curing them without much damage done... Most of the time. He turned to Krikor, starting to walk backward a bit, tracing the wall, then continued, "You see, everyone here has their own specialty... Some are able to heal people with their own Wavelengths. Some are capable of using magic. Others are merely practitioners of the medicinal arts. So, if anyone gets injured, we do have the 'Infirmary,' as well as medical students that usually work along those lines in order to better themselves." He would stop abruptly in front of a device built into the wall, covered up by a screen. He touched the screen and slid it open, still continuing on, "Not only that, but no one is allowed to engage in a spar or anything of the sort without a 'referee' consisting of one of the staff or a high ranking student body. In this way, we can reduce the injuries to a minimum and also stop matches if they become too serious at any given time."

The device on the wall, the control panel that set the state and turned on the barrier, was filled with an array of buttons. "Before we begin," he started again, "I'd like to show you this Control Panel. This is what dictates what sort of setting you wish to fight on. Most people play to their strengths, though some leave the stadium normalized... And others, seeking intense training, will set it toward their weaknesses." He would press a few buttons and then close the screen, the barrier generating itself over the field. "You can test the settings on your own time. Whatever you seek your environment to be, it will set the stage up accordingly. It can actually take very specific commands, as well, even to the point of mixing and matching environments as well as the creation of custom stages." Their Wavelength driven technology was actually rather advanced.

"Now, I'd like to assess you on a different terrain of your choosing, however it is rather unorthodox to test your capabilities with advantages or disadvantages due to altered variables... Therefore, having the normalized terrain, flat and simple, will be our combat grounds this evening." Tear stepped back a bit starting over to his side of the stadium. He would pause before he got too far and turned around, as though he had been forgetting something. "Ah! By the way, if you need some time to prepare yourself, just do so now and let me know when you are ready. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask now or at any given time during the assessment. In that respect, I will be informing you what I will be assessing you on when you give me the signal that you're ready." He would then continue over to his side of the field, waiting for Krikor to get prepared and to get out any last sentiments he had before the assessment began.
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 12:48 am

After Tear was done explaining the Arena and the test to Krikor, he began stretching and cracking his joints in preparation for the test. "So, what's the average pass rate for this test?" he asked Tear, drawing his greatsword and making sure it hadn't dulled since he last checked it some time ago.

"Be ready, Krikor,"
Ashcroft said in Krikor's mind. "We don't know what we'll be up against."

"I'm aware," Krikor replied mentally. "Get ready to throw out a spell or two if we need to."

"Understood," Ashcroft said. Krikor felt something of a heaviness in his right hand and forearm where Ashcroft was, indicating that more blood was available for him to use for spells.

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 5:00 am

Tear closed his eyes for a moment as Krikor started limbering up, taking it upon himself to 'limber up' in his own special way. Krikor wouldn't be able to see it, save for maybe the ever so slight glow of an aura, but when Tear opened his glossy gossamer eyes to their usual halfway point, shining like the reflection of the moon in the lake, it was clear that there was a different sort of air about him, even if his demeanor remained exactly the same. He flashed his signature deadly nonchalant smile and placed his hands behind his back, prepared for thorough inspection.

"Oh, this isn't one of those tests that you can 'pass' nor 'fail,'" he'd say once he saw Krikor was prepared, starting to slowly walk toward him, "... That would indicate a standard for meeting a certain requirement. No, this is a test that is meant for calculation; to see where your abilities are, what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are in order to best assign a schedule for you." He began to pick up speed, transitioning into a steady and rhythmic trot once he was a quarter of a way near Krikor. "That is, what is best recommended for you to focus on your strengths, cover your weaknesses and find what is best to transition between the two." Finally, once he was halfway near Krikor, Tear would hop-step into a glide across the ground; like an ice skater skidding across the icy rink, yet from his feet were what seemed to be small waves of an aqueous substances parting as he slid elegantly across the ground. Each stride was long and fluid and his movements were slightly reminiscent of a ballet dancer.

"You will be assessed on your close combat skills, long range combat, physical and non-physical methods of combat, as well as other, more intricate methods inclusive to your personal style." His voice and posture remained calm and collected, even when faced with his opponent who clearly had weapons drawn. When Tear neared Krikor now, before he reached him, he would lift a leg and begin to spin, using the weight of his leg to gain centrifugal force as his foot came to a point on the ball of his other foot, swinging his leg around with great force and momentum. He would sweep his leg toward the ground near Krikor's feet, where in addition to his initial physical strike, a small, yet slightly forceful wave of what looked to be water would rise up in the arc of his sweep as though his foot had grazed across the surface of water. It harbored just the same amount of force as his actual kick; either one's connection enough to knock Krikor off of his feet.
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 3:28 pm

Taken by surprise by Tear's graceful fighting style, Krikor didn't even realize he was being attacked until it was too late.  The sweep itself had some of its force absorbed by Krikor's armor, knocking him off his balance, but the ensuing wave knocked him down.  He quickly tumbled backward and got back on his feet, ready to strike back when Tear got close.
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 4:43 pm

Without skipping a beat, Tear fluidly swiveled about on his pivoting foot and sprung up in the air immediately after the sweep. He would twirl in the air gracefully as if ice skating and immediately circle around him. He was careful to remain just out of range of the sword, as if he'd already calculated the distance as he continued to circle around. His eyes seemed glazed and without must focus, but the slick shimmering said something otherwise. Through his casual gliding, his eye would abruptly shoot toward Krikor's sword-wielding hand, which Tear would quickly shift his trajectory to slide close to Krikor and lift his leg, swinging his leg for a kick to his hand to knock the sword from his hand and disarm him whilst at the same time passing him by with yet another twirling stride across the ground.
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 6:46 pm

Krikor was disarmed by Tear's kick, his sword flying out of his hand.  "To hell with this," he thought, dashing in the direction that it looked like Tear was going in to try to cut him off with a punch aimed at his gut.
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptySat Feb 21, 2015 6:28 am

As Tear continued skating along, when Krikor decided to throw his punch, he would plant his other foot that was in the air firmly on the ground a little bit away from where his current position and pivot again, barely swiveling around the thrown punch, letting it ever so slightly graze past him as he made his way behind Krikor in one swift motion. "Now, now," he'd say from behind, "Losing your head in the heat of battle is rather counterproductive, unless your Sanguimancy improves from hot-bloodedness. Leaves you open for making mistakes." Tear kicked off and slid backwards quite a ways away, giving Krikor a little more breathing room, now.

"You've already been disarmed of one of your weapons. Stay alert!" Tear had made just enough distance between the two of them where he could give Krikor a little more time to think as well as to get his weapon and situate himself again. It didn't seem like close-quarter combat was his type of fighting, so it was inferred that his strength may lie in long range. Most mages were indirect and projectile fighters, naturally, but he knew that there were some whose magic was meant to reinforce their physical or close-combat style of fighting. "We will resume when you're ready."
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyMon Feb 23, 2015 7:54 pm

Krikor took the opportunity Tear was giving him, dashing backwards and grabbing his sword. He took a deep breath and got into a low stance, mentally preparing himself to counter Tear's next attack. Keeping a vigilant eye on Tear, Krikor tensed his muscles, readying his body to move with the speed required to fight back. "No catching me off guard this time," he thought.

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyTue Feb 24, 2015 6:35 am

Tear kept his eyes on Krikor as he went about getting himself together, ensuring for himself that he was ready in addition to the words noted by he, himself. "Good. Now then. From the top!" An aqueous aura would swirl about his feet for a moment or two as he began to nod his head as though listening to a tune.

Tear would then take no hesitation in commencing a long-range assault, back flipping into the air and releasing a projectile wave of sharp, watery energy from the heel of his foot outward, similarly to a 'Flash Kick.' The liquid blade that was made would streak along the ground at a moderate pace; a density that was like that of a bladed edge and a force like that of a solid object. It would be enough to leave a gash in his armor, if it were to make contact.
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyTue Feb 24, 2015 9:30 pm

Krikor began charging a Blood Bolt spell as soon as he saw Tear's blade heading for him. Just before impact, he dodged to the side and hurled a Blood Bolt at Tear, hoping his dodging at the last second would throw him off. If the Blood Bolt made contact, it would hit with the force of a well-thrown punch, which Krikor hoped was enough to throw Tear off-balance so he could get in close for a sword attack.

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 6:29 am

The moment Tear landed on the ground and looked up to see the Blood Bolt hurdling toward him, he would, in time with Krikor, stride to the side and dodge the attack. It seemed almost as if Tear had completely mirrored him the very moment he started moving, resulting in both of them dodging each others' attacks in the same method. "Good. You seem more evasive at a distance," he made sure to comment, standing exactly as he was, "However, that's not going to help you out any if you cannot hit your target." Tear wasn't going to tell Krikor just how he was able to dodge literally at the same time as he was nor in the exact same fashion... But certainly, Tear was now just as idle as Krikor, as if waiting for him to strike first. There was a certain method that needed to be taken that was not going to be revealed, nor why Tear was assessing him in this way. "Come! Come! Show me what you are capable of, or else I cannot assess you thoroughly!" This meant no holding back for Krikor; Tear would be able to tell, indeed. As a magic practitioner, it seemed that he was very 'Cerebral,' so to speak, and perhaps might have been thinking too much. "Try not to think so much... Try it with feeling, this time!"
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyThu Feb 26, 2015 12:09 am

"Feeling, you say?" Krikor said with a smirk.  He adjusted his grip on his sword so Tear would hopefully be unable to knock it out of his hands again.  He decided to charge Tear, doing a wide horizontal strike that, combined with the length of his sword, would hopefully hit home.
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Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star
Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyThu Feb 26, 2015 9:56 am

"Oh, son..." he would say, suddenly appearing in the Aura of Tear Lacrimoso and his Wavelengths that were already quite open and active and highly receptive, "Allow Him to Understand what 'True Love' is, and how the Feeling works, Shall We?" It was a good thing that Teus Appeared LITERALLY at the BEST POSSIBLE TIME to Answer This Question.

"It Feels Like This. And Looks Like Me. Show Him What We Look Like, My Boy!!!"

The Crown would be placed on the Heart of the Pumpkin King; Pumpkinheart, activating its Wavelength and sending out 'The Light' to every Wavelength that would be receptive in a single binding pulse of energy that seemed to come from far yonder...

"In This Town!"
"WE Call Home!"
"Everyone Hail"
"To The Pumpkin Song!"

And that single Song Alone was able to Ring Louder than Any Sound In The Universe At That Time. It Had Gotten So Loud, It Rang Even In Their Hearts. And iT Stabilized The Flow. Completely Tuning All Waves Around It Immediately To Their Perfect Pitch... So They Could Witness It, Too.
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyThu Feb 26, 2015 10:55 am

"Allow Me To Demonstrate..." Tear would say, flashing his signature deadly nonchalant smile, before releasing the power of his Soul Wavelength. Having already adjusted to Krikor's wavelengths the very moment they began moving again (which was why he was mirroring him, as was part of the Assessment Test; to mirror the opponent to get a feel of their own capabilities through embodiment and restriction), he would allow the Full Power of his Soul, his Aura, to rise up around him in the shape of a large, energetic Pumpkin-shaped figure with a giant tree sprouting from it. This was the Weeping Willow Soul, otherwise known as the 'Ivory Lovechrysm,' which was literally one half of the Crystal Heart. Right then and there, for only a few powerful, long moments, Krikor would be able to see Tear's Very Soul; MaTeus, the Pumpkinhead. From its outstretching vines, as though searching for water that it thirsted for after so long, having been starved of the True Love that it had been searching for all these years, would it lash out through the waves of the school, just as someone had rang the doorbell. It would hit Tifa like a bolt of lightning; like the crack of a whip. And Tear, who revealed himself as being the Magnus Teus, would connect the Pumpkinhead to the Pumpkinheart through that simple wavelength brought on by Serendipity itself... All the way from the 13th to the 2nd, and now, to be crowning of the other side.

"Do You See...?" he said as calmly as he could, keeping his complete and utter composure with all the magnanimous energy he was receiving all at that single moment in time that he had to keep contained in his physical form, as well as in the shape of his aura on the outside of his form. "This is what we call 'The Soul' and its 'Wavelengths.' It was how I was able to mimic your movements in battle as well as counter them. We, at Pandemia, have classes that teach you how to do exactly what I have just done, if you are willing to take heed."
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 27, 2015 12:56 am

Upon seeing Tear's Very Soul, Krikor stopped charging, his eyes wide. As he slowed, he fell to his knees in awe, dropping his sword by his side as he continued to stare in amazement. "My God," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper, "it's glorious."

"I've never seen anything like this before," Ashcroft chimed in. "Krikor, if this is what he can teach us, your power will go beyond Sanguimancy and into territory none have seen before."

"Mr. Lacrimoso," Krikor said, still staring, "I think I'll take you up on that offer."

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Feb 27, 2015 3:40 pm

"Ahh..." he would say, relinquishing the full strength of his Wavelength at that moment that reached the 4th to simply that, now, of his normal form in the 2nd. Since it was shot off in a different direction anyway, what it needed to do had been done on a universal level. The great glow around his body would become dormant, and he would close his eyes, a bit tired, "... Well, I'll be happy to teach you how to do these sorts of things in an organized and structured classroom environment," he said with a little chuckle of his own, "Since this is a School to Teach people Exactly How to do these such things." Tear had been cultivating his Soul and his Wavelength all of his life, basically, and was also of great power as a Soul Angel when it came to terms of using it.

"However, we haven't finished your assessment! Unless you'd like me to grade you now?"
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptySun Mar 01, 2015 10:27 pm

Krikor, the awe of seeing Tear's true power finally beginning to wear off, took up his sword and got shakily to his feet. "Well, if the assessment isn't over yet, I think it would be wise to finish," he said after taking a deep breath. "What is left to do?"

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 6:05 am

"Well, I still must evaluate your long-range combat capability, how in tune you are with your powers, yourself and your weapons, as well as your skill with your weapon and how synchronized and fluid your movements are," he'd say in a rather matter-of-fact manner. "These are important skills in helping me understand the courses you need to take; such as if I need to focus on sending you to the Wavelength classes in order to help you get better at long-range combat, or perhaps the Resonance class to help you get more in tune with your weapon... Or, the Weapon class in order to help you get stronger with your weapons and fighting with them." All of these things; every movement, every action, every reaction; were important for helping Tear find out just where Krikor would be best suited for.

"Now then! Since I've shown you a bit of what this place can do for you..." he readied himself again, awaiting Krikor, "Come! Give me all that you have! Don't hold back!"
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 11:12 pm

Krikor took a deep breath and steeled himself for what was to come next. "Then I won't hold back!" he said with enthusiasm, dashing in to try to close the distance between himself and Tear before taking a swing at him with his sword.

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyThu Mar 05, 2015 6:47 pm

"Good!" he remarked as he kicked off backward just a bit to avoid the strike, kicking forward again the very moment he landed on the ground to use the force of his landing to give himself a greater boost forward. Tear would come in with an overhead ax kick from a frontal back flip, the torque of which should have given it an extra bit of 'kick.' It was coming down upon Krikor's head and if contact was made, would probably have enough force to slam him straight into the ground.
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 9:22 pm

Krikor reacted immediately to Tear's kick, bringing up his sword at an angle (the tip of it pointing downward) to block it. With luck, Tear's kick would hopefully slide down the angle of the sword, hopefully putting him off of his balance and open to a counterattack.

Leaving Earth -- A Requiem for a Lost World
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Tear M. Lacrimoso
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Shinigami Tsukuyomi :: Moon's Eye Mirror; Keeper of the Crystal Heart
Tear M. Lacrimoso

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptyFri Mar 13, 2015 9:38 pm

As Krikor's quick thinking would have it, Tear's foot that came down upon him would be guided to the ground at the angle of the blade. Though initially throwing off his balance, once Tear's wavelength readjusted to the shift in his own body's gravity from the displaced weight, he would adjust himself accordingly by bending forward and crouching down as his foot slid across the surface of the floor.

"Nice block," he said in his moment of openness, "But be sure to be swift on your follow ups." Tear would, from the ground and a slightly favorable position of bend knees would thrust himself up shoulder first into Krikor to knock him away. "Sometimes, you do not have time to wait for your opponent's reaction, so you must already be prepared and have a follow up prepared beforehand." He would stand straight up from his executed technique, getting himself situated again, "A Set Up, if you will."
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The Last Sanguimancer
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
Spirit of the Delta :: Heart's Whisper
The Last Sanguimancer

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Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Placement Test; New Student's Assessment!   Placement Test; New Student's Assessment! EmptySat Mar 14, 2015 9:26 pm

Krikor's armor took the brunt of Tear's attack, and he stepped backwards so as not to be knocked down again.  He heeded Tear's words, then figured Tear was as open as he would ever be, swinging at him with a horizontal slash.  "May as well do as he said and try to press the advantage," he thought. "Hopefully this is quick enough for him."
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