The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 What Even Is Adventuring?

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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyWed May 20, 2015 1:33 pm

First topic message reminder :

It Jaehaerys very little time to travel from his kingdom, westward to the westernmost region of the Dawn. In truth, the kingdom was more Northwestern than strictly North anyway. He arrived at the En Gulf with the one and only person he would ever allow to act as his escort, Modana.

Walking along a cliff side of the En Gulf and heading South by Southeast, Jaehaerys wasn't actually sure where he was going. More than anything, he had only wanted to stretch himself out, loosen up, and adapt to whatever changes to the world may have occurred during his time asleep. For as beautiful as Eshsira was, she was equally as infuriating and Jaehaerys rather not be bothered with her pettiness if he could help it. He wasn't that weak-willed little drakeling she'd ushered to the throne after usurping power from his absentee father.

"You're lightly dressed, Jaehaerys. Not expecting trouble?" Modana asked, walking alongside her emperor but lagging behind him only slightly. Even though she was his right hand woman, and his most prized advisor, she didn't think so highly of herself that she could walk adjacent to him.

Jaehaerys ran a couple of fingers through his long silvery white hair, allowing the winds to caress it gently with the easy breeze. "Whatever do you mean? I have my most powerful shield and sword with me." He casually brushed her question aside for now. He wasn't actually sure what she was actually getting at. Modana was a practical woman and didn't worry about the way he dressed himself. There must have been something she was worrying about.

Modana breathed deeply, placing a hand to the pommel of the blade at her hip. Unlike Jaehaerys, she was in her fully armored grab, as she usually was. "I meant for negotiations. They tend to trend sour when you're looking to acquire brides." After all that was the reason for what Jaehaerys had set out on this adventure.

Jaehaerys chuckled quickly after she spoke, "Oh that was a lie. I have enough, there aren't anymore treasures in this world that I wish to collect...." He turned his eyes to Modana briefly, slyly. "Save for one..." before closing them and folding his arms. He'd prefer just to walk in silence for a while.

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas

Posts : 44
Join date : 2015-04-15

What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 4:29 pm

"A pot calling a kettle black, surprising how anyone ever can stomach visiting this land, but it isn't you who I want to speak with much like the other one. I've already submitted to the idea of civil conversation if the one I want would come out of the lost city below the ocean. I've seen it."Jaehaerys sighed deeply to himself, placing a hand to Modana's shoulder to stabilize himself.

He then continued. "It clear that I'm not native, I don't understand the customs and rules of your kingdom and I already hinted that it's been close to a thousand years since I've been around here. It's clear that I was only passing through, I admitted that the attempt to 'take over' was a simple charade to draw out the person that was watching me and my partner as we walked. Assassination attempts are a norm, and I'd rather deal with them quickly than have a dagger at my neck until the assailant thinks of the most opportune time to engage, which is almost usually never, unless you're Modana.

"Again I've opened myself to civilized conversation that doesn't hinge on petty and childish name calling, especially with a person as egotistic and narcissistic as myself. I'd be willing to share whatever information that you need in order for this ordeal to end, but name calling and personal attacks against my character are ways to get 'more of a tyrannical opposition' from such a 'tragic behemoth' as I." He made sure to make it clear that he was mocking her manner of speech, by emphasizing the pieces he'd lifted straight from her speech verbatim.

"Of course, you could always let me and my God-Slaying Weapon be on our way, but I trust company isn't something you have often now is it?" He smirked.
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Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn
Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 8:02 pm

"First of all, you should have asked," the floating head of red hair snapped like lightning, "Unless you're looking to start a war and we go obliterate whatever kingdom you hail from off the face of this map, which shouldn't be that much of a difficulty, considering our jurisdiction in this land." The Veritas had aged quite a bit in a short time, which was a cause of several temporal displacements such as that... Especially since the Clock Towers had been opened and being from all times and spaces were able to enter during that time, as well as all Times and Spaces themselves, regardless of when or where they may be. What may have seemed to be 1,000 years could very well have been only a moment or two from being sucked into the Veritas from a different time and threaded into a different space. It was easy to synchronize alternate times to this realm, since they were fully aware of how; it was just a matter of things like this occurring because of it, which it didn't seem that she was too pleased about.

"Yes, One Thousand Years Too Early, more like!!" Her voice held a rich, sharp English accent which cut just as sharply as her blistering red eyes filled with a certain repressed rage that sparked with crimson lightning. "No wonder your 'regal' manner is so outdated, much like your demeanor in and of itself." Even with her clear disposition about the manner of the man in question, she was aware that, for the sake of negotiations and keeping peace, she would have to cool down. The head closed her eyes and her hair fell to a droop, shifting to a jet black as her eyes did a cool blue. "... You Are Pardoned." She turned her nose up to him, then leered at him with contemptuous eyes, as if she were still rather displeased with having to look at him, but did so anyway simply because they were being civil, so to speak. "You have yet to answer my questions. How impolite." She shook her head, "I suppose your rather archaic manner of civility includes blatant ignorance and disregard for others, yet the expectation and entitlement for others to regard you for something that only applies in your own land...?" His persona, to Mugeniere, was absolutely atrocious and in fine need of a deft and thorough cleansing.


Blue Star, Blue Moon, Blue Seed ~~ Theme of Saphiere

Blue Violet; Peace Be With You ~~ Second Theme

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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 9:03 pm

Jaehaerys sighed deeply, as deeply as he could sigh while putting his thumb and middle fingers to his temples and massaging them. "Modana."

"My emperor has already answered the question that warranted an answer. Where we hail from is of no concern to you. Knowing that information, especially the critical part about where his castle lies, would allow you to act in retaliation against my emperor's... distasteful prank of taking over this one specific plain, which is uninhabited, and bring much suffering to the innocent people in the kingdom, as your red persona just implied she was willing to do, whether we were instigating war or not." Any hand Modana had at the ready to draw her weapon was retracted, as she stepped forward to take center stage and turn from honed warrior to experienced diplomat. This games of words were never something that she enjoyed, but she had gotten good at them during Jaehaerys' slumber and knew when they were necessary.

"We already answered the second question, a multitude of times, we were simply passing through. It seems like no matter who it is that engages us from your sides is getting hung up on the fact that my emperor had said he was going to take over this land, which he admitted was his wrongdoing and was only done to bring out the overseer that we had sensed watching us, answering your third question quite amicably. In all of your manners of tone, save for the one we are speaking to now, it sounds as if you have a prejudice or a bias against my emperor being a man... or possibly something else about him." Modana paused for a brief moment, checking to see if Jaehaerys had anything to say. Once she had concluded that he didn't, she went on an continued.

"Furthermore, because of this prejudice, or bias, you emissaries only slandered and assaulted him verbally when he has admitted his folly and tried opening the channel to peaceful negotiation, as I'd advised him to do. Felon, Tragic behemoth, cold-blooded serpent, is this how you're taught to treat outsiders? It's a shame on your own manners and as I stood here as witness, I say you've been just as disrespectful and vile as you say he has."

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn
Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 9:44 pm

"Much like your type to believe we'd attack you, even after you've come to our land and disrespected it and then would probably be stunned and displeased to have yours desecrated in the same manner, as a lesson. How foolish." It was clear that with every incorrect statement that was made, it would be met with immediate and rather harsh correction from the 'Red One' that had such absolute zero tolerance for such things, as she had always, including with her own partners. It was no surprise that yet another being could not handle the uprightness necessary with being able to hold one's head up nobly. Her eyes narrowed, yet remained blue, despite the clear crimson sparks crackling from her throat. "Probably think that we'll go off and plot against you and about methods of getting you back, as you would do if you were released. That is not the case, but the fact that you would conceive the thought shows us where you are all too clearly. We are not like you. That has been made EXCEEDINGLY clear. That is why we would not come to conquer, intend harm, destroy or antagonize you, especially if you were perusing our land PEACEFULLY. You come as a threatening influence, then back down when you are neutralized. We will do so for all that come like you, just know this." Apparently, he wasn't aware of what it meant to be violated and have a land desecrated, but he definitely could, without any sort of relent for any reason. It had been done once to that one ignorant planet of which he shared many similar traits of. To this day, they probably didn't even conceive what it was they did to deserve their fate, and cursed the Effect rather than the Cause, like fools. "Something to hide, or fear of your own safety? You don't seem to understand the necessity of proper, clear and upfront communication. As is like the lizards. Then try to slip out of what you did that was wrong after being caught." She shook her disembodied head again shamefully.

"First impressions make a difference, if you were too thick to understand initially. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, to put it simply... It more than likely is one. So don't play the part and you will not be seen as what you look like." The eyes suddenly smoldered, now inspecting the two of them more thoroughly, just to make sure they weren't simply using their tongues to slither their way out of this situation simply to go back, plan for how to retaliate, then come back after what would have seemed to be a peaceful resolution was actually a lie made by the serpent's tongue. She was well too aware of how they worked; they'd resort to ANY method and call it just, for they saw nothing wrong with anything that was done by them, but only what others did to them, for some reason. Poor judgment, perhaps. "You are being scolded. Reprimanded. Thoroughly. So that you are fully aware of what you did and why it should not be done. Whether or not you already understand, because you are at fault, we will make sure you are clear. As clear as possible. As much as we deem fit, because we are the ones you saw it fit to cross, even ever so slightly." As, probably, they also believed was alright to do, for reasons that probably only fit their own agenda and personal egocentric natures as the beings they are.

"You showed us who and what you were as a being entirely immediately with your actions, and that is not to be forgotten nor to be taken lightly. Forever, it will be stained on you what sort of being you are, so regardless of what you say now, your words no longer hold any weight. You've already quite swiftly lost that privilege in terms of this land." Again, another shameful shake of the head, clearly with frustration and disappointment. "However... If you are actually sincere in your understanding of your misdeeds and do not do anything remotely similar again, certainly, you can be dealt with in a manner that is not equivalent to what you attempted to try to deal with us in. Savage." It was unclear whether or not she was shouting the slur at him or if she was noting the method of his manner, but it was clear that there was an emphasis like the crack of a whip to it.

"Not like you're here representing a good name for... Your type. In fact, you're making they and those that may have come before you look rather atrocious. Hmph." It was the problem with them, quite honestly; not caring for any but themselves in their own pride, and thus, not really taking into consideration how they looked to anyone else, as long as they looked good to themselves. Whether or not those of their Clan that may have been made Noble and True in their name and in their being, of which perhaps they'd worked many millennia for, thrown down the drain by one misfit. Clearly, he had no regard for kinship and fraternity. Common for his rather clearly unlearned type that thought he could do and say whatever and get away with it because he was who he was, as if that meant something if he weren't an upstanding person. It actually meant quite the opposite if he weren't an upright person, in fact, and would be to the detriment of himself and all like him just from him not only being a representative, but an example, being some sort of authoritative or regal figure. "Look at how you come to us as a representative of your people. If your highest is only knee high in terms of respect and valor, then what would that say about those that look up to you?" The very presence of a figure of stature was of PRIME importance for reasons he didn't seem to fully grasp, but hopefully would when she was done.

"Now. If you are QUITE finished..." she said finally, completely cooling down, but more than ready to release the heat at any given time again, "... Would you care to start over? CORRECTLY this time, as a NOBLE being and not just one POSING as one?" Once she was upset, she would continue to do this for however long she felt like it; dote on those flaws that she saw, as intensely and critically as she saw fit. However long it may be, from one minute to five months, she would not forget, nor would she relent, until it was completely remedied.


Blue Star, Blue Moon, Blue Seed ~~ Theme of Saphiere

Blue Violet; Peace Be With You ~~ Second Theme

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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 10:02 pm

"No, it seems we're done here. Allow us to leave. We've apologized for the transgressions, so we're done here." Modana said calmly. Clearly civility was lost on this people and she even had her limits.

"Yes, we'll return to where he hail from and keep it to ourselves. Clearly the world outside the Imperium is full of bigots and xenophobes."Jaehaerys added with an affirmative nod. He supposed he would go back to sleep again, maybe find a way to induce an imperium wide slumber for everyone to sleep without aging until he awoke. Hopefully the world wasn't controlled by whatever these people were.

Happily, he turned his back, as did Modana and they wanted for whatever this area was around them to be lifted. Once it was, he would just carry himself and Modana back to his castle on waves of light so that he could get there, and away from this place, as quickly as possible.

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn
Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 10:23 pm

She sighed, realizing now that he was acting on his emotions and not actually based on the true situation at hand. It wasn't uncommon, it was just really annoying BECAUSE it was such a commonplace that it was really... irritating. They all seemed to be like this, and they needed to get over it before they got hurt by that completely unnecessary and unwarranted stubbornness and pride they believed solved issues and proved something, when in actuality it legitimately only made things worse every single time without fail. "Already, you've allowed your emotions to swallow you and forget that you are completely trapped in an isolated reality." They'd returned the landscape to what it looked like outside simply to reveal to him the nature of this situation; that he would forget that he was trapped and try to escape. "... *sigh* ..." There seemed to be no end to this. They all acted on their emotions, especially their pride, when it was hurt, and now he was seeking to save face by trying to escape instead of just dealing with the issue. They'd already taken this into account prior to, which was why he was contained. "... Dragons. What will we do with you all...?"

He could continue to walk off into the distance if he saw fit, but he would be eternally trapped in this isolated reality within the Black Skull, whether he knew or not. "If you'd rather be fitted with a realm of illusions, where you get your way and can do whatever you wish without being called out, certainly, stay here. We'll make that for you. You just won't be able to interact with other people who know how to act." That was the simply logic to it. You don't let wild animals that have no control out into a range of civility and structure and expect them to just be able to straighten up immediately. They cause chaos and destruction; why the Dragons were banished in the first place. "They still haven't learned anything..."

The disembodied head floated off behind him, figuring it important to let him know that he was still in the isolated reality. "You do know that you're still in our container, right?" To make sure he understood his own situation, the Light that was cast would suddenly grow dark, returning to that universal darkness with only the Blue Stars lingering about all about the darkness. "Remember?"


Blue Star, Blue Moon, Blue Seed ~~ Theme of Saphiere

Blue Violet; Peace Be With You ~~ Second Theme

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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 10:32 pm

"Modana already asked that we be allowed to leave, since we apologized for our transgressions and wish to return to where we came from. Once we've been able to do so, you won't ever hear from us again." Jaehaerys said, and that was all. They hadn't actually moved, besides turning their backs and signifying that they were finished with this conversation, as it was said, so any perceived walking was purely a mistake on the opposing party's side.

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn
Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 10:39 pm

(Oh man, you're right, I was totally reading too fast. A lot is going on, so sorry, but thank you for correcting me. It ensures that everything is understood and makes sense.)

It was uncertain of what they were going to do about these two... It wasn't like they could be trusted. It would probably end up that after they were released, they'd try some other criminal offense as terms of revenge. That couldn't be allowed, and they were already beyond suspect. "... Hm. That has yet to be determined." The disembodied head still did hover around the two of them, saying, "Wait a moment, and we'll see what method is fit to deal with you."


Blue Star, Blue Moon, Blue Seed ~~ Theme of Saphiere

Blue Violet; Peace Be With You ~~ Second Theme

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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 10:55 pm

"Our word clearly holds no weight, and you control the space. There is no alternative." Jaehaerys said matter-of-factly, irritated, but Modana nudged him to remind him to keep his tongue. What he should be focusing on is what he planned to do, when he got back to the Imperium, about putting everyone in eternal slumber until a time in wish it seemed better to be awake. This wasn't the time. If they treated him this way, though he was short with them, it was a wonder how they would treat his people that were curious about the outside world considering their blatant prejudice and racism against Dragons. He'd rather not put his people through that.

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn
Mugeniel the Crystal Pisces :: Jack the Ripper; Imperial General of the Dawn

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 11:00 pm

Eventually, after it seemed the initial storm of red lightning and blue fire died down, one of the three voices, this one more gentle, but still as absolute, would speak up from the disembodied head. "You will be granted your request to an audience with the authority of this land before you are escorted back to whence you came." The head started shifting in terms of hair color, now no longer red nor black, but a sparkling gold that draped down and over what would be shoulders, of which spilled over as a crystalline light from the neck down, till a full body was formed.


Blue Star, Blue Moon, Blue Seed ~~ Theme of Saphiere

Blue Violet; Peace Be With You ~~ Second Theme

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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 11:02 pm

"Splendid." Jaehaerys said sarcastically, "Because I definitely want that now, instead of just being allowed to leave."

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 11:26 pm

"Oh, quit your grousing," the sparkling lady said, her flowing crystal white dress matching her equally stunning glittering boots that touched down on the ground as the body was completely formed from thin air. "No one has forgotten your misdeeds, even if we can overlook them." As it stood, it was a matter of a criminal basically asking to be released after saying 'Sorry, I won't do it again,' as if that's actually how things worked. "... Come. Have a seat." She created an Ice Seal under herself of which to place her rear, waiting for this man to be as civilized as he requested her to be. Hopefully, at this point, he was capable of such. It was clear that Shiniere was already moving on to bigger, better things than what was not to be held onto in the past.
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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 11:32 pm

"Sorry, but I refuse." Was what Jaehaerys said.

"Emperor." Modana said, basically pleaded.

"No. I refuse." He repeated.

"Jaehaerys?" Modana asked.

"I'm just ready to go home."

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
The Me-ou

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptySun May 24, 2015 11:48 pm

Shiniere sighed heavily, somehow knowing that it would end up like this. Even though she hadn't ascended to the 6th yet, it wasn't like she was completely oblivious on how to deal with the emotional. "... Well then. Why did you come out in the first place, I wonder?" Now, it was time to make sense of the entire scenario, herself. "... And, what, by all means, made you believe that what you had done was alright outside of your own land's territory, of which I'm fairly certain you much know of... Considering your eyes can see the realm of your dominion." He clearly had capabilities that allowed her to formally and thoroughly understand that anything that was done here was of no mistake nor error of judgment; there was full on intent and she needed to understand just why that was. "Have I done something to you personally that would warrant such an attack on my land haphazardly?"
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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
The Silver Prince :: Essentia of the Veritas
Jaehaerys Gallaeron

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 12:17 am

Jaehaerys rose his hands to massage his temples again, beginning to get a major headache. "Is it such a crime to take a leisurely stroll and see the world. We've already said, on multiple occasions, to you and your belligerent and borderline racist peons of emissaries that it was a ploy to draw them out. As a ruler of my Kingdom, unlike your apparent utopia, assassination attempts are a major thing, regardless of the happiness and welfare of the majority, even Modana started as an assassin out for my life. Usually they hate when I use my soul, it's the quickest way to draw them out. I don't want your land, this solitary plain that I was going to spread my soul across, and nothing more, then retract once the perceived assassin was dealt with literally means nothing to me. I have beaches, much better beaches than this, already.

"I don't know you, certainly I don't want to know you and you don't know me. T didn't know this was your land, and you have every right to keep it, fuck if I care. I just want to go back to mine and go back to sleep. I regret even waking up this early. This is just harassment at this point, don't you see that?"

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 1:35 am

"Absurd," she scoffed "I am able to do with my land whatever I wish, is that not correct?" She hopped lightly from atop her 'Ice Seal,' which hovered up beside her horizontally, becoming a table for her to rest her hand on as she stood there beside him. "And 'Racist'? I have no idea where you even conceived that atrocious thought. All that was stated were pure facts of the matter; I was witness to the entire string of events as they occurred, you dolt. In fact, we have the entire string of events captured in reality." She went on, finding every minor detail of a flaw in his statement, "And most certainly you couldn't speak of an assassination attempt when my, shall we say, 'Security Guard' was patrolling MY back yard, mind you, for anyone that might be roaming around the shore of my Sea." She walked over to the scene of the crime, replicating the area using the information she knew about his 'Emperor's Eye' and applying it to the projected reality in the background to show him, with his own vision, where he could see just exactly where he had Shiniere fucked up.

"As the evidence clearly states, on Absolutely All Accounts, there was an expansion of your 'Domination Wavelength' haphazardly and completely unnecessarily, of which we have preserved in crystal inside of this entire reality, which is the EXACT MARKED SPOT," she snatched up one of her Blue Stars roaming around here; the Black Skull with the 'Emperor's Eye' that she captured the moment it was used and contained within herself, to ensure the safety of the evidence, "That is captured in history, having already passed and forever being documented as such," it glowed before her pulsating blue eyes like an angler fish in the darkness, before the rest of her dazzling glitter clustered around her again and Reality shifted back to the area marked out how wide the radius of it was before he retracted it, as well as the scene playing back repeatedly of it occurring as many times as one wishes as she pointed out, "That the very rest of everything else you said became invalid, isn't it?"

She couldn't help but to snicker, gazing at him with the 'Gary Oak' look on her face, "Strange how I can't help seeing you like your father... Hmhmhm~." She couldn't deny that she wasn't just like her own father, though. "Such a *Chibi-chan... (<3) " She smiled and shrugged her shoulders casually, leaning on the table nonchalantly, kicking up a heel and leaning on another Ice Seal with her foot as if on a wall. "Harrassment... *snicker* On... MY Property... *snickersnicker* In... *snk* In MY Alternate Reality..." She waggled her finger at him mindfully, "Within my FATHER'S Reality..." Not to mention the many other reality layers that were made up of how she legitimately was heiress to all of acclaimed land by name and deed and title to the complete and utmost of the legitimacy, "Down to the very last moment that was recorded and saved right here where we're standing, just right now." An ice portal shattered over her hand like a miniature minty blizzard, a dainty teacup falling into her still raised finger, "This spot, which is meant to be for the one who controls the entirety of the Dawn already occupied by the Witness, that is You, Jaehaerys, of which we have documented is your name." Thorough documentation at that. Pictured, Projected... Framed, right there on the wall for all of the Eyes of Blue to see, since she was the actual witness to the events that transpired. Naturally, she could call her Bodyguard/Witness back at any given time, no doubt, to come vouch for her, without question.

"Theft." She sipped her teacup casually. "On Private Property, at that. *sip* But if there is a dispute about it, we can place all of this evidence, which I believe is documented, before the Judge, right?" She started to snap her fingers vivaciously and impatiently, calling out, "Judgemaster!! Judgemaster!" If she EVER needed a dispute settled about ANYTHING that went on here, she would definitely make sure to confront the Judgemaster about it. "S'il Vous Plait! Tout Suite!" She was actually rather steamed right now. "And now, are trying to ESCAPE without PAYING for it PROPERLY, as well." Fortunately for her, Judgemaster was the best one of all to weigh out all the claims. Last she checked, in the family record, that is. "You're not going anywhere... Until you Pay what you Owe." She thought on a starting price, one that would probably really harm him financially... "10? 30 Negative Cool Points?" She chuckled casually, raising an eyebrow haughtily, "Sir, I believe we have some serious negotiations to discuss before you walk out of this village." She took another sip, daintily, of her tea. "Please and Thank You~*!" She waited for the Judgemaster to show up. Get this situation right here dealt with quick, fast and in a hurry.
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 1:53 am

The Judgemaster, summoned from her Dimension as per request by the Young Mistress Shiniere, would appear before her in a size that was fitting of the radius of wherever Jaehaerys' expanded wavelength lingered, already manifesting into the evidence of her claims from the very moment she appeared. "..." She kept her mouth shut, assessing the charges by reviewing the events that occurred in the 'Record Book.' It was very clear that all of the claims of Shiniere were completely accurate. The Judgemaster turned her head toward Jaehaerys and Modona, gazing at them coldly and without expression. There were only three grim, ghastly words that came out billowing out of her mouth in a minty hoarfroast;

"What Say You?"
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Jaehaerys Gallaeron
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 6:28 am

"Can this be over already." Was all Jaehaerys said.

The Silver Prince of the North ~ Jaehaerys' Theme

The Bringer of Death ~ Modana's Theme

You Try My Patience! ~ Jaehaerys' Battle Theme

For His Glory! ~ Modana's Battle Theme
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Koudo Tamura
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 7:24 am

"No worries son, I'll work it out for you." Aeragon's voice said, appearing within the vicinity, before Jaehaerys and Modana, with a little girl at his left who shared the same silver hair and blue eyes of Jaehaerys. Once again, he would have to lay eyes on the Judgemaster in order to get his son and return both his children to his side where they were to remain now. In this instant, he pretty much had the best idea to settle this with.

Gently, he placed a hand to the head of his son, and stroke down to his cheek, like he had down Jaehaerys older sister, Tama, and reverted the boy back to his natural size and age. When he placed a hand to Modana;s shoulder, she would be reverted to her own natural form, which was that of a small toy sword and a figure of a soldier woman.

Once all of that was taken care of, he turned back around, "Alright, let's get into this. As retribution, how about you take a part of his Imperium equivalent to the size of the En Gulf, water notwithstanding, and equivalent to the population at the time of the offense, Jaehaerys, Modana and Blue notwithstanding, which was zero, I checked. Then, the most logical course of action and punishment; Banishment of the bloodline. Then you'll never have to deal with us again. We'll escort ourselves off the premises. Sufficient?"

Greatest Change
(Character Theme)

Exceed Limitation
(Character Battle BGM)
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 9:04 am

"Unnecessary," she mentioned, sipping her tea again as the man somehow made it into her isolated reality, "What is required is an apology. Banishment of you and the bloodline does not equate, I suspect." They were trying to give too much for something that was too small; she did not deal with imbalances in anything very well, being a perfectionist at heart. "Besides, I'm part Dragon on my Father's side, so banishing the bloodline wouldn't be very smart, now would it?" There were good dragons out there that knew how to act, most definitely. She could find respect for those ones that didn't bring the great beasts such a bad name. Even so, she hadn't realized that who she was talking to previously was a small child.

"... What? A wean?" she inquired, placing her teacup down on the table beside her, "... Hmph. Well, now, certainly, if this youngling caused so much trouble, I suspect that an apology is best suitable for reparations." It was unclear that Jaehaerys was nothing but a small boy, which explained quite a bit, but still excused nothing of what the situation turned out to be. "Besides. This may serve as an important lesson to him as not to steal nor to lie, I hope." She tapped her finger on the table, wondering why it is that such was unfolding this way over a simple disagreement. These things were supposed to make sense to others; do not do them. And now, because of someone else's lack of discipline, her guest was offended. "Why would I want a piece of your kingdom in the first place, pray tell? And why would it be the length of the En Gulf at all?" She looked around, pointing down at the very spot they were at "... He only attempted to steal this area; nowhere NEAR the size of the entire shore." She really couldn't understand why he believed that anything larger or smaller would make any sense in terms of payment. "You are very confusing, I must say. You and your party are overreacting and blowing this situation WAY out of proportion. None of this makes a lick of sense, really." She was having more trouble trying to find logic in the entire scenario than to endure it all, quite honestly. "Overreacting shows just as much poorness in judgment as any of the other symptoms." She sipped her tea again, rather enjoying the taste of this specific blend. To her, this was supposed to be a lesson about how to properly prevent this from occurring next time by completely removing the Cause of the situation; the actions in question.

"Your son came to conquer my land that I'd recently instructed my bodyguard to patrol, as is within her jurisdiction, she catches him red handed, finds and restrains him peacefully when he put up resistance, then documented all of the evidence and claims against him." She'd done literally nothing wrong in the slightest, and in fact, had only done everything absolutely perfectly, which is how it ended up this way. She couldn't quite comprehend why he wasn't comprehending his rather fatal error here. She sighed again, knowing that it was because of her flawless dogged pursuit. She very rarely made mistakes, even in this form, and reprimanded herself severely when she did, as she believed it was proper to do for all who made them. "Well, whenever you're ready, then."
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Koudo Tamura
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 9:21 am

"An apology? Sorry. Okay kids, let's go."

Greatest Change
(Character Theme)

Exceed Limitation
(Character Battle BGM)
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 9:36 am

Shiniere sighed. "Such a child..." She shook her head in further disappointment, feeling as though there would only be more from here. "If your words have no meaning because you didn't mean it, then you didn't pay for anything at all, now did you?" Apparently, still trying to get away with 'Theft.' "To think; we'd trust you as something more than a criminal, yet you would immediately attempt to steal AGAIN after whom I presume is your son had been prosecuted for just that." Legitimately made no sense in the slightest. "What method of payment works for you, since you cannot seem to afford what it is my charges are?" She might have been asking him to pay for something he simply couldn't afford, not even with his own cheap words and misplaced feelings.
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Koudo Tamura
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 9:59 am

Aeragon placed his hands to the heads of his children, one of which had retrieved the toy sword and other of which had retrieved the figure of the soldier. "What's that? My words meant exactly what they were suppose to. You asked for an apology, and I gave it to you." Which was true, and he was sincere in his saying of it. There just wasn't a need for fluff to it, especially when he needed to leave before all his energy ran out. He still needed to reduce the Imperium down to the play set that it is, and dragging on with this was a waste of time.

"Neither of us want or need the useless fluff, so why pretend like we do. I'm just in a rush because my time was limited from the start, and I hadn't planned on extracting my children."

Greatest Change
(Character Theme)

Exceed Limitation
(Character Battle BGM)
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order

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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 10:59 am

"The point is, you didn't have to," she said rather absolutely. "There is no dispute that this was ultimately an unnecessary chain of events, correct?" He went out of his way to cause quite severe displacements in an emotional huff because of their 'kids' so to speak not getting along. "I don't know why you're so upset, honestly." By her record, they could have just continued uninterrupted because they were all independent of each other in and of themselves, regardless of how interconnected they may have been. "I'm sure we could have all handled this in a much more civil and logical level, but all of you are below the 9th and are not expected to fully understand how to do that, yet." Each of them here were of the 6th Restriction or Lower for a reason, and this little ordeal here was one of them, to the utmost legitimacy. "We don't have things like this beyond that number, and everyone knows why. It's the honest to God reason why there is a borderline." The Grand Cross had already concluded the most optimal way to handle the situation by default, making only the best decisions possible.

"This was an example of how it all occurs, let me just be clear." She opened the Crystal Blue Grimoire and began to scribble in it, placing all of the documented events inside of the recorded space that they were suspended in. What she wrote in the book would start to occur around them.

"If The Situation Cannot Be Resolved Peacefully Between The Parties, The Designated Isolated Space Will Become A Distorted Reality That Will Implode Upon Itself And Take All Traces Of Prior Timeline With It." This was her decree in order to completely accurately resolve the situation to the most optimal solution possible given the variables at her disposal. "Agreed?" She had to ensure that this was agreed upon by both parties, for the rules still apply until one of the other breaks them, and thus is immediately expelled. Though it was rare, it was possible for even a Tensei to be kicked out of the Mainland and into the Outlands of Valparaiso, where all of that was allowed to occur because that's where the Lawless Ones stayed. "If Both Parties Cannot Come To An Agreement, The One Who Absolves From Agreement And Induces A Disagreement Will Be Charged And Held Accountable For Not Coming To Resolution." This was the standard warning, to ensure everyone knew how the rules work when bad things start happening to them. Karmic Retribution, of sorts, until the debts are all paid. Lord knows she'd do her duty absolutely correctly to the very end.
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 6:13 pm

She was legitimately confused, rather highly frustrated and more than disappointed that things were even continuing on this long. "Well then, if you meant it, then you are free to go." As promised, the Black Skull would shatter with the snap of her fingers, becoming twinkling diamonds in the sky of which added to her glittering gleam of perfection around herself, as well as neutralizing the area to return to her own influence. "... You know, you don't have to leave. You just think you do because we got off on the wrong foot." She huffed and tapped her foot impatiently, fuming, in her own respect, that these events were occurring. She definitely hated unnecessary altercations... Rather, unnecessary anything, and she'd already found every pivotal point as to why it was long ago. Now she was more or less standing there, forced to watch it all play out as she expected, only because there wasn't much else that could be done.

"Really..." she sighed, placing a hand on her head and rubbing her temple, "Why does this have to happen to MY family...?" Yet another misunderstanding blown way out of proportion for no reason; or perhaps, reasons beyond her current understanding. Hopefully, not within a higher restriction of whose effects were now showing up in this one. If that were the case and this cataclysmic event were the result of someone playing some sort of foolish game, she was going to be even more thoroughly pissed than she already was that all of it was even playing out before her eyes.

"Agreed," she also casually slipped to the Judgemaster, as a verbal agreement was just as binding as a written one. She was going to definitely do this absolutely perfectly to the absolute end, as she had already promised herself about everything. She wouldn't lose at that, either; She wouldn't lose at following the rules. She would certainly clear her family's name of any criminal history by being the most excellent and follow the rules that were set in place. She was, at all times, attempting to come to an agreement, and would wait to watch as this event played out. "Well, at least I may get the 'Eyes' out of this," considering she could see how these events were about to play out. She raised her elbow up and an Ice Seal appeared under it to be her support as she drove her fist softly into her cheek to rest her head on.
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Koudo Tamura
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What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Even Is Adventuring?   What Even Is Adventuring? - Page 2 EmptyMon May 25, 2015 8:15 pm

Aeragon stroked the heads of his children, gently as it were as not to startle them. Once the dome thing came down, Aeragon's eyes flashed behind his mask, concealed from view by the helmet, and he began reverting the Imperium to its normal state and transported it here where everyone was, getting a visual reaction of awe from his two wards. The actual feat, in and of it, wasn't very impressive though.

Casually, he knelt down, to look into the faces of his children, Tama specifically, as he focused on rubbing her head while Jaehaerys, like a shy younger child would, just cling to his cloak with one of his small hands and the toy figure in the other. "Nah I think it's for the best if I take these kiddies elsewhere so they can play their game. I'll feel better about it. Just a gut feeling really."

After that, once the Imperium was reduced to what could almost be mistaken as a lego style play set or something of that nature, it dropped into the palm of Aeragon's free hand as he rose to his feet. "Agreed as well." He remarked to the Judgemaster.

Greatest Change
(Character Theme)

Exceed Limitation
(Character Battle BGM)
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