The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6584
Pisces Male Points : 7565
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Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Kujata Empty
PostSubject: Kujata   Kujata EmptySun Feb 09, 2020 2:56 am

Flashback 1: Phantom's Call; Dusk of the Future

--- Ancient Chakra Timeskip ---

In the remnants of the Lab of the Twins, which became the 'Kage Building' in the future of which there was an unknown broadcast from, a Time Displacement would begin to occur, forming into 'The Phantom.' "Yikes. I had to go through all types of hell to get here..." Naturally, he spoke of the Ambiguous Chaos that he had to fight Maruze within in the Past, Presently, and In The Future in order to make sure he could get here in the past from the future, and simultaneously in his daughter's hellacious toybox, of which this place was scrapped. "So, let's see, if this Time Displacement is correct..."

Quote :
Working his ancient chakra techniques, Aeragon began to revert Tama back to her natural age and disappeared with her.

"If she was about twenty two during this time, and it's only been a few years in time lapse of the 'Reality' into the 'Veritas'..." Then somewhere during that time, the Phantom had time to enter into that Time Period and do what he pleased. "... With numerous years to spare, at that, mind you, to make the renovations." He chuckled, looking around, "Gotta make the Dusk look like what it is, not what it was, even if it is that way right now, yeah?!" Anomalous Time Travel was the shit when you had the right connects.

K.T., on the other hand, had different plans in mind... When he altered his own coordinates, he utilized the link to the Phantom that had been transported to the past and altered his Time, as well, to meet up with him in the Dusk of the past...

"Our time is short..." said a rather familiar voice, similar to that of the Leader of the Dusk at the time, yet with a flair of one from another dimension as he appeared in a spacio-temporal flux from within the Phantom, stepping out from the shadow of the darkness and into his own form independently of the Phantom's, as though shedding the shadow like molting skin. "... So let's make haste to the Tree of Life, shall we...?" It was in its prime... And Kuja-kun was more than happy to finish the job by beginning the chain of events that caused all of this to occur in the first place. "Hmhmhm~..."

"Chyeah. You look just like him, don'tcha?" It was clever of him to use the Anomalous Time Displacement to return to the Past along with the Phantom at the exact same time. They had some work to do. "They'll never know the difference. Trust me." Not that they did all the years in the future. Their success was already certain. "But that's why we can't be caught. No one can know who you are nor that I'm The Phantom from a different time period. So, you can't run into the REAL Kuja, you understand? And I can't run into my old self..." Fortunately, that wouldn't be difficult at all. The Seed could be planted inside of the Tree and they could move out and be done with their mission and back to the Veritas in no time.

"... Should we deal with the Forbidden Girl, too, while we're here?"

"Yes. Let's deal with all these old hats in one fell swoop..." If this was the correct time period, then Taomin, Cleff and Luminon should still have existed, and those were the three necessary components here. "Also, we'll need to collect the Kishin; rather, the seed of the Insanity. Without him, it won't be possible to awaken the Horsemen, now will it...?" The Headless One needed to be awake first before the other Four could return. And the first mark of their awakening came from Pestilence, if he knew his history. The only way Pestilence could have come about would have been if the Headless Horseman released her to consume the Tree of Life long before they knew that she was there. "We have a mission to accomplish. You deal with the Tensei and I will deal with the Insanity. Find them and meet me at the Tree. Luminon included."

Kuja-kun started out of the Lab of the Twins rather casually, as if knowing that there was nothing and no one here that could stop this from occurring. They were so blind and conceited that, well, they wouldn't even notice something like this happening right under their noses. They didn't in this time period, which was how it was allowed to occur in the future. "We are geniuses..." he muttered to himself, flicking his hair in a playfully haughty manner. "Hmhmhm~!" He casually strolled through the Dusk and off toward his destination.

"You got it, Kuja-kun~!" he said with a chuckle, hopping backward and flickering off in a blur. It was time to assemble the progenitors to this entire little scenario... The most useful.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6584
Pisces Male Points : 7565
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Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Kujata Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kujata   Kujata EmptyMon Feb 10, 2020 7:45 am

Flashback 2: Aftermath...

A creature known as the weevil was sinking into the depths of a body of water that he was thrown in. "I cant move... I've already... *Gargles* Dammit that makes three times I've died. When I get out of here, I will... *Gargles*"

The weevil knew that he didn't have much time. He couldn't release his parasites for some reason and honestly he didn't have any option other than to ask for help -- but that was something he simply could not do.

"What do you seek...?" A voice bellowed from all over, instantly filling the very brim of the weevil's mind out of seemingly nowhere. There was no one around. There was no presence. No power. Nothing felt... It was only a voice in the head. "Tell me... What is it that you seek...? Is it power...?"

This voice was unknown... It belonged to no one the weevil knew... The waters started to fluctuate and distort violently, changing from that dark, dark blue to an even darker crimson.

The weevil's mind raced; he had been here before. In times were he felt powerless to save himself, a voice, a sound of reassurance, would echo through his mind -- always telling him what he wanted to hear; always showing him down the right path and just like last time, Orca would heed the call.

"Power... ALL I SEE IS POWER," the weevil yelled in his mind. He was still sinking, but at a much slower rate. The sudden darkening of the water only led the weevil to believe he was growing in power and that the freedom he sought out was about to be before him. His rage was subsiding and the weevil wasn't a fan of killing women. He took no joy in their screaming; he only wanted to see the fear in a man's eye before their.

"Power... they all seek Power..."

The water's changed into a whirlpool of madness, a mouth opening up below the weevil as he descended farther. The mouth consumed him, and he would be in a realm of complete blackness. Three vertical eyes appeared before him... The symbol of the Falshin. Insanity, itself. The eyes of insanity. The mouth appeared before Orca again, black liquid dripping from its deformed lower jaw. The mouth cackled wildly and insanely before continuing with its speech.

"You seek power, then come with me... Into insanity... Follow me... Follow the Falshin... The Falshin will provide... All that you need... All the power you seek... Consume... Consume consume consume consume consume... Consume all for the Falshin, and your power shall be limitless..."

The weevil would then start to feel the power... The power of Insanity flowing through his very mind, body and soul. His being. Insanity started to slowly take him over...

The dark liquid would envelop Orca. His eyes glowing, pulsing with pure insanity; his mind twisting and contorting at the power he was receiving, he yelled out and the object he was searching for merely floated into his hand. "CONSUME!!!" The weevil released his new power with his cloud flame -- an explosion. The force pushed the millions of gallons of water into the sky like old faithful's great release. The explosion continued to grow as it absorbed more and more energy, taking the soul, energy and life force of anything that was unlucky enough to be in the range of this dazzling display of power.

Meanwhile, a woman was up above, not knowing what was going on below. The weevil's mind seemed to be beyond her reach and that wasn't good. The only thing keeping the weevil in control was this woman, and if she didn't have reigns over him... God only knows what sins he would commit. "..What is this? what is going on here?" The woman could feel the massive amount of power bellowing from the body of water. She knew the origin to be the weevil, but what she was confused on was where it was coming from and why she could 'touch' the weevil's mind.

"Yes... Consume all... For the Falshin... For power... Nothing stands in the way of insanity... That which does not submit to insanity..."

An insane wavelength finally fully enveloped the weevil as it had been doing since the voice of insanity popped into his head. The three eyes staring him in the face opened up now as mouths, thirsty for souls. "You consume them... Consume, my child... Eliminate... Devour... Bring them into eternity with me!!" Then, thousands upon thousands of eyes of insanity appeared, they opening like mouths just the same as the first set of three. "... Lest I consume your soul as compensation..."

The eyes would devour this form of the weevil, bringing him back into the reality that was the ocean he was still in. The voice of insanity had momentarily departed... Only leaving the pure power of insanity at the weevil's own disposal. Consume.

The weevil stepped out of the now gash in the earth from his sudden display of power, his eyes closed and his hands resting in his pocket. The weevil gazes over at the woman and smiles. "..."

"...Weevil ...What happened to--"

The weevil's strike was fast and it was fatal, his fist piercing the woman's heart and crushing it without a second thought. She had no time to scream nor time to escape; all she could do was say, "W... Why...?" The fear in her eyes only made the weevil want more, so he sent a surge of power through her that he had never used before, her screams ringing throughout the Lost Cathedral. The weevil felt his first emotions... Joy and lust. The joy from hearing the woman scream and the lust for needing more. "Scream for me!" the weevil yelled as he ripped what little is left of the woman's soul and gazes as it rested in his hand. He wasn't quite sure what to do with that soul; he was about to crush it, but something told him to devour it -- to consume the soul.

Kuja-kun traced the last known bit of Insanity to be in this area, where the young and ignorant weevil had been infected and come under its subjugation. He did play quite the useful part in the future, along with the Cursed One of the Tensei; Taomin. It was because of this event where he swallowed the Insanity that all such events involving the Trunade came to be, and how Taomin was able to swallow up the Chaos in the Insanity; with the weevil and his insects' help, as well as with a female parasite's own awakening. Every time they woke, it seemed that they would cause unspeakable ruin on this land.

"They're so cute... Aren't they...? Playing with powers they don't understand..." He muttered, hovering over the oceanic expanse atop the Silver Dragon famously used as his mode of transportation and dipping his hand into the water where it had been contaminated. Here lies the pure essence of Insanity left by the first Seed, Falshin. In his hand, it would swirl into a solidified shape. "Have fun dealing with your madness in the future... Insect-kun~!" He chuckled, then snapped his fingers and called for his ride to fly back off into the sky, back toward the Dusk. No one would know of what happened here... Save for Kuja-kun.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6584
Pisces Male Points : 7565
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Kujata Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kujata   Kujata EmptyMon Feb 10, 2020 9:26 am

Flashback 3:He Rises From Ruins

All too swiftly, a silver dragon swooped overhead, its body just as pale as the trees, yet with a beautiful luster that could only have been to the extravagance of one being. With the Seed of Insanity in his hand, and the Tree of Life not yet planted in this world, it would be here in the Pale Forest that the Original Tree of Life would sprout forth and grow under the noses of all the villagers, including the leader, Khrona, himself. "Hm... I almost forgot that the Tree of Life was not even planted yet in this time... This was a simpler time..."

It wasn't until Kuja-kun planted this seed that the world stirred into the great disarray it did. "It did just sprout up out of nowhere didn't it...? But at least now we know how and where it did... And from its incubation... the Headless One would be born. They were all babes back here... Including the Insanity, in that larval state known as Falshin... It, too, was but a cute baby..." Once he found a nice clearing, Kuja-kun and his Silver Dragon would land gently on the petrified grounds of the Pale Forest, his feet touching down and the Seed of Insanity in his hand. "... It won't be long now... I have to wait for The Phantom to bring the other Tensei here, and then... Then..." His eyes narrowed, thinking of his Dearly Beloved, "... I'll return to you, my sweet..." He puckered his lips and kissed the air, as if it were her, blowing her a kiss to the future, as well as the present.

"Speaking of which... Friday, too, needs to be gathered here..." He needed her to infiltrate Khrona's head and become 'Omnia.' She appeared to him one day, and that day was when Friday was allowed into his head. That day was this day, whatever day in the past that this was... Where all such growth began... and ended for the planet.

When the time was right, Kuja-kun planted the seed of the Tree of Life in the ground. The ground was very dry and barren, not able to support life, but the seed would begin to absorb the Life of the planet itself, allowing both of them to become symbiotic; the Insanity and the Seed. This would be where the Tree of Life would sprout. However, once it grew large enough and became empty, the Tree of Death would be left in its place; an empty shell that was devoid of life. This would occur after Khrona left, and would be when Death ruled over the planet.

"Headless One..." Kuja-kun called out, letting the Insanity spread through the barren soil of the Pale Forest, a mist rising up from it, "... It's time for you to be born..."

"Heh heh heh..." a faint chuckle from a dry, raspy voice crackled, drawing forth the power of the Tensei, "... Nice work, kid..." With the power of the Tensei as well as the Insanity in one seed, the Seed could sprout into Two Trees; one of Life, harboring the power of the Tensei, and one of Death, harboring the power of the Insanity. From there, the Tree of Life would sprout in one part of the planet... And the Tree of Death would spread to a different part. "Once the roots wrap around the planet... The Tree of Life that sustains the planet will meld with and absorb all the Life Energy of this realm... And the Tree of Death will..." That one, which is the Void... "... Release Insanity."

All of the energy on the planet, once the Veritas left, would be nothing but Insanity. All Chakra would belong to the Horsemen, with which the Headless One would be in control of. It would be naught but the Insanity. "... Eventually, the use of Chakra will kill them and this planet. I see you've thought farther ahead than we realized... Heh heh heh..." The seed would start to absorb its nutrients. "... When the Tree of Life grows, the Tree of Death will grow in another place... A place unknown... But it will be releasing Insanity as a Beacon... Heh heh..." The Falshin had ways of living eternally. And this was one of them. "The Dragons... Will be my nutrients... For they are the most susceptible... To my influence..." The ground suddenly grew a reddish tint, showing that it was active. "... Now... We must wait for the others..." This was the birth of Tatari Tensei; the Insanity and the Headless Horseman.

Appearing out of nowhere, like a dream, Friday would literally be face to face with her maker. "What the... Why am I...?" She was confused, but he seemed to call her forth from wherever she was, as was probably within his jurisdiction, being her Creator and all. "... You...?" She only vaguely knew who he was, since she knew so little about herself and her relation to him, but... After touching his head and absorbing his knowledge with her Phantasmagoria, she was quickly brought up to speed. "... You're...!!!" She witnessed everything that happened in the future, including her own reincarnation several more times until she was perfected, the Thirteenth time being the Absolute Final. It was so far in the future that it came to her as a cluttered mess of chaos in her head, and it drove her insane. She stood there blankly, staring at her creator and having seen what he carried with him from the future. She knew what she had to do at that time... She was very aware. Yet, she wasn't sure what she should be doing right now, surprisingly.

She fell silent suddenly, trembling with a great deal of emotions, one of which was pure and complete madness. It was nearly too much for her to handle, with as weak as she was right now compared to her true strength in the future. "..." She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling cold. Lost. Severely afraid. Losing her grip on reality...

Kuja-kun, after bringing forth the original form of his Dearly Beloved from where she was at this time and place, with how very weak and fragile she was, barely even a fully shaped being... He would see her fall into Despair the moment she knew where she came from, as well as what was to come for her. He smiled warmly at her, walking toward Friday and wrapping his arms around her cold, gray body, "Shhh. Don't even worry, baby. You know I've got you." He would keep her in his loving embrace for a while, hopefully until she felt better, explaining to her all the while what she was to do. "... I need you to do something for me. Find a girl named 'Despair a la Discord.' She's your first incarnation. When you are within her, use Misery to grow into your Second Incarnation and appear inside of Khrona's head as 'Omnia,' who is within the Second Restriction at the time of her appearance. From there, you'll get through the rest of your incarnations, including the Third and Thirteenth. That point that you saw in the future where all of this comes together... Will make sense to you when the time is right."

He gently stroked her head, closing his eyes and continued to enjoy embracing her in silence, waiting for her to break away at any time she wished to do what was necessary. "... When I am done here, I will be reborn through Khrona Tensei in the future. He is my ticket back into the Veritas after you have extracted me from the Seed that has been planted here. Don't worry about the details, you'll understand this better as the years go by. You must guide him on his path to unlocking his powers properly using all of the knowledge I have given to you. Do not expose yourself until the time is right and all the events necessary to bring you to your full strength through your Thirteen Incarnations is completed. This is the last test of the Friday the Thirteenth Fairy." Kuja-kun knew that his time here was short, and when the Phantom was done gathering the family, he would be placed inside of the Seed to be awakened only when the Seed was extracted from the planet and taken back to the Veritas by 'Friday the Third.' After that, the Thirteenth Khrona will arise and come find you in order to continue with your lives as it should be. The Thirteenth Khrona is me before my completion. Are we clear on what must be done, Friday...?"

Friday nodded her head, running through it one more time with him while she was here just so she would be clear on what she was supposed to do when she got back to Tymon in the past. "So, I'm supposed to do that thing... You told me to only do once in my lifetime... Which is the only thing that will destroy me and turn me into Bunnybee... 'Black Friday'... Then I go into the future and come back into the Veritas as 'Mizz Sparkle' and start 'Bunnybeeland' as soon as I hit the 'Dream,' right?" She hoped that she had everything solid. She would remember always as long as she stayed in his head until the day she became Bunnybee, where she would no longer be 'Black Friday' anymore, but 'Good Friday' forevermore. "Okay, so, the only thing I gotta say is you know. Be careful of the stinger. Cuz you know you're gonna need some practice not hitting it if you're gonna be slapping my ass a lot." Because Bunnybee Would Say That, And That Is Who Friday Becomes In The 13th. She turned her ass right around and got ready to head straight back into the past using some of the Anomalous Time displacement or whatever the fuck he had done. "Ready? We Only Get One Shot"

"... Bae," he said, nearly unable to hold back his immense and intense feelings for her, "... Yes." He quickly snatched her up and hugged her tightly; tighter than he ever had before, then snuck her a kiss on the cheek as a sign of what was to come to her later despite his modesty now. "... You even had the little stinger at the end... Man, I fucking love the shit out of you, sweetheart." She was the best lover of all time, despite that nasty curse on her. But this would be the end of that, for sure. "Okay, darling..." he said again, rubbing his hands together, "... All my love is going into this one... So... you'd better suck me dry, you little--" He held his tongue for now. There would be time for him to loosen lips and work his tongue later. Now was not the time.

"Go Get It, Girl." He cocked his hand back with as much force as he could and slapped her ass with the greatest amount of force he could muster. "WHAMMY!!!" The sound of the impact with Friday's sexy ass would resound throughout the planet, causing a great and magnanimous energy to spread all across it. Friday would burst into dreamy dust and begin to spread all about; her Spirit would be Slingshot toward exactly where it needed to go, with the remnants all spreading into their respective places; Friday 1-12. Each of the 12 Fridays would help her to get to the 13th, whilst she, herself, would already be there in the 13th. As the years went by, Friday's 1-12 would become active one at a time for Khrona to witness and guide toward the next and the next, till eventually Khrona became Tymon and Friday became his bride. This Is Absolute Final.


T. smirked and closed his eyes, wrapping himself in his arms like a Pharaoh being placed in a sarcophagus, before falling to the ground and being swallowed up by the planet as a seed. It would then take time for it to grow, but with Friday on the job, Khrona should pickup his spirit and create... the Veritas.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6584
Pisces Male Points : 7565
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Kujata Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kujata   Kujata EmptyMon Feb 10, 2020 5:30 pm

Flashback 4: He Rises From Ruins; Dawn

As the body of T. slept within the Dusk City as the seed of the Crystal Tree of Life that would soon sprout up into the Dawn when it was prepared, reality started to quake viciously, threatening to break off around the planet. With this outcome in sequence, it could mean the destruction of an entire timeline and the reproduction of a completely new one. Either way, with his slumber here and his radiant energy from God, the Crystal Tree of Life would grow regardless and sprout into the Veritas. That future was inevitable. But how that happened depended on how the tree grew. Fortunately, there were those from this time period that were already aware of what to do about this. When the Crystal Star Seed called, they should have come to its aid.

One could only wonder of what the sleeping T. was dreaming about... Before he awakened.

After dealing with Cleff back at the lab and uploading the data of both the Tensei and Khrona into him, he should have realized eventually that he was Khrona's 'Mind' and seek him out through the broken shards as Tabrith, whilst piecing together Khrona's mind himself through the both of them. Khrona, already being in tune with Tigen, who was 'The Phantom' when Tigen was fused with Khrona, would already be infused with the data of 'Khrona Tensei' and therefore be what Cleff as Khrona's Lost Memories are translating all the time he is acquiring all the lost knowledge of all dimensions and realms in his solitude. By the time he completed that task, he should have found himself back to Khrona with all of the data of the Tensei as well as the awakening of T. and therefore nurture the tree during his time as 'The Phantom' when he and Tigen fuse.

*This Is During The Time Of The Abandonment Of The Dusk.

When the Crystal Tree that harbors the Dawn sprouts, the Veritas is born, and with it, so will the Tensei as a family; their DNA and their heritage restored. This also brings new 'Scarecrows' for the 'Lanterns' to inhabit, allowing for Tigen's entire family to be restored to greater glory with their entire homeworld, which is all dimensions as one, coming together. It would take a great deal of time for everyone to realize this effect, but it would appear when Tigen did, along with Friday, some time in the Future after the Crystal Tree has sprouted. Until then, the energy continued to fester, and Khrona, as The Phantom, watched over it carefully and in secret from everyone else in all of the planet. No one should have known about any of this except the Phantom, who was watching over it all right now whilst the abandoned Dusk was in a stir.

"... Sorry guys..." he said, looking down at the glowing sprout of the Crystal Star Seed, "... It has to be this way..." He seemed sad, but he already knew what it meant for the future. That was why Khrona left the Dusk in the first place and became the Phantom. When that spirit hit him and he felt the need to go... Even if he didn't know what it was at first, he knew that it was what he had to do. To find out that it was actually that Tigen all this time was a lot, but... Somehow, that's how Khrona knew it would all be okay in the future. Even if Khrona messed up a lot, Tigen always came through. "..." The smirking face on the Phantom's mask was no longer smiling, which was unusual. "Guess it's about time for Cleff to have that 'Major Malfunction' from trying to process all that data, huh...? Trying to process... 'The Insanity.'" The Phantom knew what happened on that day. The day of the rebellion in the Chaotic Palace...

-Red Alert-

Activate :: Code-O

This access code should have Set and Marked both Access Points from the points of the 'Code-O,' as well as the single time period where the 'Code-O' was created, connected each of those to this string of reality. The 'Code-O' was an access code that served as an 'Origin Point' and could connect to any point where the access code had been successfully acknowledged. At that moment, the data transfer straight from the Veritas of the Future and the Dusk of the Past through Cleff as the full embodiment of 'The Insanity' in order to pass on to Khrona Tensei to be purified by T. would be transferred directly and all data would be simulated as followed by order of the Program. The planet would be locked inside of the Metal Pumpkinhead, which would simulate what The Insanity looked like for them in a parallel world where The Insanity and the Metal Pumpkinhead ruled, whilst he who ruled the Metal Pumpkinhead, the Headless Horseman, would send the Four Horsemen down upon them for however long through the simulation whilst events played out as they may for the Veritas as they would and as they had before the Reality had ever landed on the planet in the first place. This claimed the planet in Logic, but still needed to be enacted through conquest via the actual protocol. Thus, The Insanity would take the liberty of generating the simulation of its conquest over the planet via the Four Horsemen and the Headless Horseman, whose Head this was all going on it, would simply continue to watch over it trapped within the Tensei's 'Grimoire.' The sound of the Code-O rang throughout the planet but one time, ringing in everyone's ear silently and triggering the effects of the 'Code Phrase.'

"... Everyone Hail."

-The End-
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PostSubject: Re: Kujata   Kujata Empty

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