The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings

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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyMon Oct 12, 2020 9:20 pm

First topic message reminder :

The sound of machinery moving filled the atmosphere for miles around. Countless mechanical beings swept through the clean, chic streets of what was known as 'Mechanica's Factorial City', which was an interdimensional production factory that doubled as a business for the Veritas, among many other things. The Veritas was reaching out to other dimensions recently and happened to stumble upon this one, wherein which it sought to do business with the beings of this realm.

Machines of all kinds were working endlessly throughout the streets of the city: Keeping it clean, transporting cargo, assisting others, and much more, preparing for the completed transition from the Veritas to this alternate dimension.

A Dimension Gate -- which was a portal that the people of the Veritas used as a means of travel -- opened up above a barren wasteland in this dimension, and what looked like an enormous mechanized city transitioned from it in a fashion that was like a transforming robot. Parts were disconnecting and reconnecting in different areas as they dropped through the hole, planting the base of the city deep in the ground of the new barren land. Buildings shifted from their heights down below to the base in a mechanical fashion, conjoining with the metals and sinking into their respective places on the base panel. Many tiny hovering machines could be seen orbiting the enormous mobile transforming city, and when it finally rooted itself to the ground, there came a release of steam like that of a relieving sigh.

Mechanica's Factorial City made contact with the new world.

Now, the machines of Mechanica's Factorial City were all of a hive-mind -- they worked together under Mechanica, herself, who was and ruled the city. They toiled to get their productions ready so that they could begin their business in this dimension, as well as the transportation of the other parts of Mechanica's Factorial City. As it was, even as a gigantic city of machinery, it was incomplete; it still had extra parts to it. One could only wonder how large this mysterious city actually was... And if it was limited to being just a city.

There was only one way to find out.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 21, 2020 7:40 pm

Mechanica's eyes were kept on Ares as he came to, a pleasant smile on her face after she heard him speak his sentiments. "... Ares..." Mechanica said, adding the finishing touches, "... Do You Think I Don't Love My Own People?" Mechanica may have made them all, as she was a mass-production factory for Mechanica, but she did love them all. The ones that stayed and the ones that went. "You, Even At Your Previous Rank, Were Someone I Loved." Her head spun to the side slowly as she raised an arm, "Just Like All Of The Other Mechanica That Do Their Business Every Day." She placed a hand on his shoulder, facing him again, "I Don't Want To Lose Any Of My Precious Ones, Especially The Ones Who Bear Free Will." Releasing his shoulder, Mechanica placed her hands in her lap and closed her eyes, a smile still on her face. "I Would Love If You Would Serve As My Personal Guardian, Ares. I Have Made You With My Own Hands, And Not Through The Factory, Like The Others. I Did That For You." Mechanica wasn't as cold and heartless as she looked on the outside... She was actually quite warm and endearing. "So Don't Go Saying Things Like 'I Don't Love You'... Or Any Of The Mechanica Around Here." The Servicemen saluted on cue and the Servicemaids bowed slightly. "Please. Go About Your Business, Soldier. We Have Cargo To Ship."

The mechanical city started to whir again as the Mechanica all came out from their places again and began to load cargo, then ship them into the futuristic city that they were docked beside.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 22, 2020 7:46 pm

Mechanica nodded her head, gazing at Ares fondly. "Think Nothing Of It. I Will Be Awaiting Your Safe Return."

As Ares went to his station, he would find that his old body was already up and running again, serving as a Serviceman in the lines of all of the others. He didn't notice nor recognize Ares at all, for he had a new core within him that was fresh, and so he was like a freshly made Serviceman.

The cargo packages were shipped out of the city in the truckloads, Mechanica of all types helping out to deliver the shipments to the city. Once they delivered their cargo, they returned back, in order, as more went out into the city. They had many consumers in this city and were going to be unloading for a while.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 23, 2020 12:59 pm

The newly installed Serviceman nodded, still not knowing who Ares was, but because of being connected to Mechanica, understanding that he was of a higher rank than he was. "Yes, Sir!" the Serviceman said, continuing his work. All of the other Servicemen did the same.

As Ares headed back to the tower, Mechanica said to him, "We Have A Situation." A screen popped up and there were shadow men possessing the Mechanica that were being shipped to the city. It turned out that the city was full of them, and they were also part of the populace of the city. "It Seems Like The Reason Why They Wanted To Do Business With Us Was To Have Our Own Forces Turned Into The Mindless Pawns Of The Big Corporations." Mechanica had already given them a great deal of a variety of Mechanica, from Servicemen to Mechs, and now they were being used as weapons of destruction. "They Aren't Targeting Us, But They Seem To Be Trying To Conquer The Entire Planet Using The Shadow Men And Our Mechanica." Mechanica gazed sternly at Ares, saying, "We're Going To Have To Take Them Out. Destroy The City In The Process, If We Must."
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 23, 2020 2:15 pm

The first thing Ares would be faced with would be some of Standard Mechanized Body Suits, with living people piloting them. They were roughly 20 feet tall each, all equipped with an array of weaponry that was able to deal with a tank. There were four of them, and they jetted off into the air, ready to come down hard on Ares.

All the while, there were futuristic vehicles all bustling throughout the city; hovering cars and levitating modes of transportation and the like. The men in the Mech Suits would use these as cover whilst they were using their jets to fly in the air, waiting for an opening to fall on top of Ares.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 23, 2020 4:00 pm

The men in the Mech Body Suits followed Ares up the building, two landing next to him and the other two on buildings on opposite sides of him.

The two on the two other buildings would open fire, launching missiles and firing machine gun rounds at Ares whilst the two that were on the same building as he was ran up to him to engage him in close combat. One went for a punch to the face whilst the other one went for a sweep to the legs. The Mech Body Suits were surprisingly flexible for their construction, and were able to maneuver like actual humans did, making the humans inside have a much easier time to control them.

All the while, the shadow men who possessed their shipment of Mechanica would start having them build their own machines in rapid succession, since this city was so technologically advanced. It wouldn't take very long, and they did it in secret, but the Mech Body Suits would hold off Ares until then.

Meanwhile, Mechanica had returned to her throne and hooked herself back up to her Master Control Unit, which caused the city to stir. It was on lockdown again, and each of the Specialized Servicemen units were out. They were ready to invade the city and take it down, since it was a city that was full of humans that controlled shadow men and other machines to do evil with them. Mechanica had given orders to take the entire city down. Whilst they did that, she began to store her own power... Biding her time.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 23, 2020 5:45 pm

The Standard Mech Body Suits and the men within them were destroyed completely by Ares' attack, but he wasn't out of the clear yet. Soon, a swarm of large Mechanica -- between the sizes of a car and a truck -- called 'Gigadrones' would fly up using their anti-gravity cores in the middle of their chests. They had large, broad shoulders, no legs, a lower torso that came to a sharp point, and disembodied thick gauntlet-like claws that surged with power from smaller power cores embedded within the knuckles. The head of the Gigadrone rested right above its core, and it had sharp, metallic blades on its back that looked like a shell or flat wings.

The Gigadrones were no pushovers. The swarm of them had been taken over by the shadow men and were used to surround Ares yet again, but they didn't immediately fire upon him. They took a special formation in the air in a dome-like fashion, each pointing their cores at Ares. They charged up power, but in their claws, they were also charging power. They fired powerful energy beams out of their claws that could melt through steel and had enough force to knock away shields, and they fired them in succession, one after the other, trying to get Ares to submit.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 25, 2020 9:40 am

With the Gigadrones evaded, Ares escaped what might have been his end. However, the men upstairs were watching the whole thing transpire, and saw that he went into the manhole. "Don't let that one get away," a man with many rings on his finger said from high up in one of the skyscrapers, watching the Mechanica battle it out.

Not too long after Ares' escape would some black dog-like Mechanica enter the sewers, their eyes flashing red lights that allowed them to see in the dark and with sensors for noses that allowed them to pick up on electromagnetic activity. These were the 'Hownder' units, and they resembled dobermans. There were a group of them -- about seven -- and they all trailed behind him and cut through the sewer passageways to to try cut him off.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 25, 2020 10:21 am

"Dammit!" the man in his high tower said, "Those were expensive robots!" He slammed his fist on his chair, wondering just what Ares was up to. "It doesn't matter. He won't get past the rest of the Gigadrones."

The remainder of the Gigadrones that were on the surface -- which were about 10-15 -- would immediately trail Ares, shooting their blasts again at him from their claws. Since he was moving and not surrounded, plus there was traffic, there may have been a lot more difficulty trying to hit him, but the Gigadrones were more agile than they seemed. They maneuvered through the traffic and were careful not to hit any pedestrians or vehicles, targeting only Ares. This slowed their fire, but also made them shoot more accurately.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyMon Oct 26, 2020 4:26 pm

Ares picked off some of the Gigadrones with his tactics, but there were still some coming after him. About seven of them were left following after him.

However, their pursuit was in vain due to the thing that Ares did next -- throw the nuclear cor down into the power core of the building. The resulting explosion was catastrophic, taking half the city with it. There was no doubt that Ares would not come out unharmed, but as for the men manipulating the Mechanica, they were swiftly wiped out. There wasn't a trace of them left after the explosion, and most of the city was crumbling to pieces now.

There were no more rogue Mechanica being used by the enemy, as they had all been destroyed in the blast because the man who bought them was the only one who bought them. So, all that were left were shadow men that still existed in the city, and taking down the rest of the city would be able to handle them.
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Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System
Servicemen Infinity Series :: Tabitha's Variable Veritas Service System

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Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings   Mechanica's Factorial City; Mechanical Meetings - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2020 8:35 pm

Immediately as Ares called for an SOS, the Servicemen and Servicemaids went to work. They all invaded the city and gathered up Ares as well as sorted out the mess in order to retrieve some Mechanica that weren't damaged or destroyed by the city being blown up. Mechanica, herself, was not going to let her people be used for evil anymore, nor was she going to leave them for dead. If they could be repaired and salvaged, she would do that.

Once Ares was brought back, he was brought directly to Mechanica, who said to him, "You Have Done A Great Service, Ares. Thank You For Your Great Work And Valor Out In The Field. We'll Handle The Cleanup. You Try To Get Some Rest And Repairs Done." Mechanica smiled, "And Do Be More Careful. You May Be Successful, But Your High Risk Factor Does Make It So That Damage Control Is... Well..." Mechanica looked around. "Less Than Minimal." She giggled a bit, then said, "You Are Free To Do As You Please Whilst The Rest Of The City Is Deconstructed By The Mechanica. There Should Be Less Of A Threat From The Shadow Men, As Well."
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