The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 The Mystical Forest

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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 4:08 pm

Suddenly, from another dimension, a portal opened up -- a Dimension Gate -- which harbored a dark looking woman with a black Gothic Lolita dress on and matching gloves and thigh high black boots. Her hair was pitch black, as were her eyes, which were only sockets; they were eyeless holes. However, there were three blue streaks in her hair that went down her bangs. She floated in on wings of tattered dark energy, a smirk on her pale face looking as if she were wanting some mischief.

"Heh, Looks Like It's About Time For Me To Do My Duties Again," the strange dark fairy said raising a hand with pure darkness swirling about it, "This Place Is About To Meet An Unfortunate Fate." Though she was eyeless, she could see through her sockets, and she gazed upon the tree where the man with pointy ears was. She looked at him and the darkness around her hand faded away. "Yo," the dark fairy called out, "Who Are You?"
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 4:31 pm

The dark fairy lowered her eyelids a little bit as Mark spoke, his assumptions about her body slightly irking her. She did wait until he was finished before she spoke, but she was no longer smirking mischievously. "That Dark Energy You Saw Is Called 'Malfortuna'," the dark fairy said. "It Has The Power Of All Bad Luck, And I Control It Completely. For I Am..." She spun around in the air, her tattered dark energy wings fluttered vivaciously as she raised her arms into the air. "The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy!" She coughed into her fist, lowering her hands. "Er, Her Dark Side, Anyway. Black Friday." To the comment about her wings, she said, "My Wings Are Made Of Dark Energy, For I Am Also A Dark Goddess With Complete Mastery Over The Darkness." Black Friday was a lot, but outwardly 'friendly' was not one of those things. She was always looking for ways to keep herself entertained, but couldn't do so too much back in her homeworld at the risk of wrecking it. So she decided to bring her wreckage to other dimensions instead.

"My Job Is To Bring Misfortune," she said to Mark, gazing down at his hand, "So I've Come To Shake Things Up For This Place. It's Due For Some Nasty Misfortune, Anyway, If I'm Correct." And she liked to be correct about what she did as a being. "As For My Eyes..." she started to say, "Or, Lack Thereof..." she went on, "... I See Through The Same Darkness That I Control. It's No Different From Having Eyes. Besides, The Eyes Belong To My Good Half, Friday. Who Is The Complete Friday The Thirteenth Fairy." Black Friday shrugged. "We're Both Named 'Friday' Because We're Two Parts Of The Same Being, But I'm Like Her Shadow. She's Also Known As 'Good Friday', Even Though She Can Also Control Bad Luck. It's Just That She Controls Good Luck, Too, See, Which Is What Makes Her 'Good Friday', Or Just Plain Old 'Friday'." The explanation was long, but it was hopefully informative.

Black Friday crossed her legs in the air and crossed her arms as well, the Dimension Gate closing behind her. "Mind Filling Me In On Where We Are? I Just Kinda Went Where My Energy Took Me And Ended Up Here. Which Is A Bad Thing For This Place, If My Energy Wanted Me To Come Here And Do What I Do Best." She chuckled. "Heh Heh Heeeeeh...!"
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 5:02 pm

"Huuuh, An Elf, Eh?" Black Friday questioned, "Yeah, You Look Like The Elves From My Dimension. They're Called 'Ari' Though Where I'm From." Though technically she was from a different realm than the realm she resided in, but since they were merged now, it really didn't matter. "I Hail From The Dream World, But I Live In A Dimension Called 'The Veritas'. It's A Place My Husband Created When The Dimension He Lived In Was Destroyed." Black Friday smirked again, snickering to herself. She remembered it like it was yesterday, that mayhem. She floated upside down and reclined, looking at Mark from her new position. "Yeah, I Live On The Edge. I'm Basically Bad Luck Incarnate, So It's Second Nature For Me." She came here to have some fun by destroying things, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen. Because of her husband, she kept herself in check from her primal urges to destroy nowadays.

"We Can Do Whatever You Want, Guy. I Came Here To Have A Good Time, Be It By Destroying Things Or Otherwise." She shrugged, then floated rightside up. "Just Call Me Black Friday," she said with a heavy sigh. "You've Got Family Do Ya? I've Got Some Kids, Myself. I'm Just About As Complex As You Are. Not Only Am I Dark Fairy, But I'm Also A Dark Goddess. My Husband's Part Fox Spirit, As Well As Several Other Things." She made a wry face and gazed off to the side. "He's A LOT Of Things, But He Found A Way To Keep Himself... Balanced." Black Friday was only a fairy and a Goddess, but her husband was like... A million other things. "So Don't Think You're Alone When It Comes To Being Other Things." Black Friday placed her hands behind her head, locking her fingers. "We Can Talk About Whatever You Like. I Don't Mind. Play A Game. Chat. Destroy Stuff. You Name It." She really wanted to destroy stuff the most, though. Primal urges and all.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 5:13 pm

Black Friday quirked a brow. "Hide And Seek, Huh? Heh, I Think You Should Do The Hiding, Because You'd Never Find Me If I Hid," she laughed. "But Whatever, Do What You Want. I'm Sure I'll Find You." Black Friday was no slouch, herself. Plus she had plenty of tricks up her sleeves that she could use to scope someone out. But this was Mark's forest after all, and he knew it better than she did. It was going to be a challenge, most likely. "I Don't Doubt That You're Good If You Got A Trophy, Though," she had to admit.

"Anyways, Yeah, Let Me Start Counting." Black Friday closed her eyes and started to count to ten somewhat slowly, giving Mark a chance to hide somewhere in the forest, or wherever he was going to hide. Black Friday wasn't a mind reader. She was a dream eater, but not a mind reader.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 8:31 pm

By the time Black Friday was done counting, Mark was already at his location. "Mweheheheh, Let Me Just See Where You've Gone..." She gazed into the darkness of the forest -- which, because she was a Dark Goddess, served as eyes for her -- and traced the path of where Mark had gone through the shadows. Cleverly, Black Friday tracked him via the darkness all the way to the lake. "Aw, Swimming?" she groaned, making a pouty face, "Well, Whatever. Let Me See Where He Is Under Here..." The darkness of the depths of the water would forcefully part the upper half as Black Friday commanded it, making a pathway for her. She looked around and tried to find Mark. "Where Is He...?" she wondered.

That was when she happened upon the secret entrance.

"Score," Black Friday said as she continued tracking Mark via the darkness of the elements, "I Sense That He Is Around Here Somewhere..." Hopefully he was able to use other means of getting away from her, because the darkness was definitely her friend right now. She was about to find him.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 9:48 pm

Black Friday could hear when Mark was escaping and said, "Aha! So This Is Where You Were!" But by the time she got there, he was already escaping back through another route. "Dammit, Don't Run From Me!" Black Friday shouted, smirking widely. When she came to the sealed portion of the pathway, she immediately knew that Mark had done this so he could escape. "Dammit...!!" The seal shouldn't have been hard to break, but it did let Mark escape her and hide somewhere else. "Mirror," Friday summoned, conjuring a mirror within the seal so that it would become like a mirror, "Break!" The mirror instantly shattered, taking the seal with it and falling to pieces on the ground.

"Now For The Real Work..." Friday noted, seeing how far and how fast Mark had run. "Hoboy. This Is Troublesome..." Black Friday did have a means to catch up, however... Fortunately, the forest was dark, or had some form of darkness to it, so she could travel through it like a fluid. She slipped into a slithering dark form, riding the darkness all the way up the trail that Mark left within the darkness. She did realize after a while of circling trees and going off in random directions that he was just buying time, but as much as he'd gotten, it wouldn't keep him from escaping her.

Finally, Black Friday reached the underground tunnels. "As Long As There Is Darkness, I Can Travel Through It," she mentioned, mostly to herself. She slid into the dark tunnels and became one with the darkness, instantly traveling around wherever it was dark. Eventually, she found Mark and came out of the darkness like it was a portal right behind him. "Gotcha!" she exclaimed, jumping out at Mark in order to surprise him. "No Matter Where You Go, As Long As There Is Darkness, I Can Find Ya," she told him, rubbing her nose with a finger smugly. "You Cannot Escape From A Dark Goddess In The Darkness, My Friend!" So much for being able to hide.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 9:59 pm

By the time Black Friday realized that the Mark she found was a decoy, she cursed to herself, saying, "Damn Woodland Spirits...!" They were always so elusive with their methods... "But This Game Isn't Over Yet...!" Black Friday's eyeless sockets started to pour out darkness as she returned to the darkness of the underground. She would still be able to trail Mark as long as he was within the darkness, so she continued to follow where he was going. This time, however, she couldn't find him. "Damn, He Must Have Found Me Out!" She placed a hand to her chin, thinking deeply. "He's An Elf Guardian Of The Forest, So He's Gotta Be... In A Tree Somewhere!" She paused. "Like, Inside It Spiritually, Not Physically." Who was she talking to...? "Who Am I Talking To...?"

Regardless, Black Friday was going to have to find Mark, and her deduction was that he had taken this to a level where he was on his playing field rather than hers, making himself one with a tree. "I'll Just Look Around And Uh... Hm..." There sure were a lot of... Trees in a forest. She had to figure out a new way to locate him fast. Through the power of the darkness, she tried to sense where Mark had gone to, if he'd been in a tree or not. She was only making an educated guess and didn't actually know where he was now. He just wasn't in the darkness, that much was for sure, else she'd have found him already.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 10:20 pm

Black Friday, after wandering around for a while on a faint trace, eventually began to pick up some activity within a nearby tree. "Heh, I Knew He Was In A Tree..." she muttered to herself, wiping her nose with a thumb. "But He Probably Won't Come Easily... This Will Require Some Finesse." That said, she would conjure up some more "Malfortuna," as it was called, and summon a giant "Black Cat" to her aid that was made of misfortune and shadows. Whatever was unlucky enough to cross its path or have their paths crossed by it would be worse than unlucky, and the effects of being made 'unfortunate' would allow Black Friday another means to track Mark. "Go, Black Cat!" Friday commanded, throwing out her hand, the cat shooting through the shadows and around the nearby trees like a bolt of lightning. Whatever tree the Black Cat passed over would become accursed, and would allow for Black Friday to monitor it continually -- including Mark's tree.

When the Black Cat found that tree, Black Friday hovered toward it and surrounded it with a thick layer of darkness, harnessing all of the misfortune that was within the atmosphere and condensing it within the single tree rather than in multiple trees. The giant Black Cat jumped into the tree branches and would lie down. "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are, Mark!!" Black Friday shouted, intending to squeeze him out of the tree by manipulating the darkness and the misfortune via Malfortuna.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 10:36 pm

Black Friday continued trying to squeeze something out of the tree that she was focusing on, sensing Mark's presence leave it. "Come On, Come On...!" She was growing impatient. When she came up with nothing after finding that she couldn't sense Mark anymore, she dispelled the darkness and her Malfortuna, causing the Black Cat to disappear. "Tch... He's Not Here Anymore." She was confounded as to how he could have escaped her when she was constricting the entire tree... But... Then she realized... "... The Ground!" She slapped her forehead, feeling dumb. "Duh, He's A Woodland Critter! He Can Definitely Slip Through The Earthly Elements Like I Can With The Darkness!" This angered Black Friday.

"Alright, I'll MAKE You Come Out!" she decided quite boldly. "Eat A Crow!" Friday conjured up some more Malfortuna to create a giant illusory Crow that was much larger than the trees of the forest. "GO!" she cried, sending out the Crow to pass through the trees, as it was intangible. Like the Black Cat, it would imbue whatever it touched with Malfortuna and allow Black Friday to trace the energy, as well as to control it to some degree. This overshadowing crow shot through a large chunk of the forest, as its wings were the size of several trees, and its body was like an illusion. Not a single tree fell, but those that it passed by would definitely harbor some of Black Friday's energy. The more trees the Crow flew over, the smaller it got, until it was the size of a normal crow. "Now For To Make You Cry Bloody Murder...!" Friday snapped her fingers and all of the trees infested with her Malfortuna sprouted Crows from their leaves that took up the entire treetops and made them all black. Each Crow was an eye for Black Friday to see and sense Mark as he traversed the forest. "Now... Spread Out!" Some of the Crows flew off into the darkness, whilst others remained in the trees. They were searching for Mark... Any and everywhere.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 11:10 pm

Black Friday found the decoys of Mark and became enraged by the fact that she couldn't get a solid lock on him. When she got angry, her powers got more intense, and so did the misfortune that they caused. "Stop Running!" she shouted, withdrawing her crows to form a large ball of Malfortuna overhead, which she promptly flew into and became the core of. "It's Time For You To... BREAK A LEG!!" One of her more refined techniques, which debilitated the target and hindered all forms of movement with the power of Malfortuna. Black Friday released the ball of Malfortuna as a wave of black energy that spread through the entire land, passing over tree after tree harmlessly, doing nothing to the decoys nor the forest but filling it with Malfortuna. If and when it hit Mark, it would cause him to be immobilized wherever he was, and also let Black Friday know where his location was because of the Malfortuna that would bind his legs and his general movement capabilities, if not his legs themselves.

"This Time, You Will Not Escape!" The Dark Goddess was going to get Mark if it was the last thing she did. Slowly, she hovered toward the starting point where they first appeared together, giving Mark a little more time to try something else, even if he wasn't able to move. But Friday would still be able to track him as long as her energy was within him. "Don't Let Something Unfortunate Happen To You, Mark!"
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 11:48 pm

All of the Malfortuna that was above the ground would be swiftly embedded into the ground, causing the grass to become black and the underground to become accursed. As Mark traversed the underground, he should have felt that his energy was being drained. "Crack!" Black Friday shouted, a large crack suddenly appearing underneath the earth where Mark was traveling, right in his path. It had her Malfortuna energy in it and would stop him in his tracks and paralyze him as if it were a crack that one steps on to break the back. Friday had more than one way to immobilize a target, and Mark's going underground was his undoing. The Crack grew larger and more powerful the longer it was out.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyThu Mar 25, 2021 9:07 am

Black Friday wondered how long she was going to be chasing Mark around the forest. He had to be running out of options, and she intended to trap him. When he dispersed into mist, Black Friday could sense him all the way until he went into the light. He was spread out all over the place. "Grrr... I Have To Get Him To Get In One Place!" Black Friday shouted. Mark was getting on her last nerve with this game, but she was also determined to win.

"Malfortuna..." Friday started to conjure again, this time focusing it on the surface of the ground, "Violet Bloom." Suddenly, violet flowers that seemed to be made of a special energy started to sprout from the ground all over. They released a hallucinogen into the air that caused distortions in reality, allowing for Black Friday to control it at will as well as what hallucinations that the person saw. The mist that was Mark would merge with the hallucinogen that the 'Violet Blooms' released into the air, hopefully causing him to have hallucinations regardless of his form. If she could make him hallucinate, she figured she could cause him to return to his normal form and then carefully capture him.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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Job/hobbies : Black Friday

The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyThu Mar 25, 2021 10:33 am

As long as Mark was within the range of the hallucinogen within the atmosphere, Black Friday could track his presence, no matter how scattered. "Choice," she said, getting a lock on Mark... To some degree, rather. He was still all dispersed as a mist, but that could be taken care of with a little bit of darkness... From space. "Alright, Now It's Time To Wrap This Up..." Black Friday muttered, placing her hands in front of her, palms facing each other. Within her palms, a cosmic looking darkness formed, bearing a spectral essence that was like that of the celestial bodies of space. She pulled her palms back, expanding the cosmic darkness swirling betwixt them, and it would draw in whatever she wished like a vacuum in space. This was hopefully powerful enough to suck in Mark no matter how far he spread himself, and then condense him back into a physical form. It strangely enough had no effect on the trees, though. Black Friday had total control over this suction, and Mark was the only target of it.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyThu Mar 25, 2021 11:13 am

This was getting annoying to Black Friday. She didn't like anything that made her work too hard. But she did have powers to make up for it when she did. Raising her hands up into the air as the trees rose, she would create a shield of dark space that would block out the light above. She then flew into it, appearing now in space, way above the forest. "Evil Eye..." Black Friday uttered, pointing a finger at the forest. An enormous eye with a slit pupil gazed at the entire forest from up in space, following Mark as he went off in his fox form. "If I See You, Does That Mean I Win?" Black Friday taunted, the Evil Eye starting to glow at the pupil.

Without warning, the eye shot a beam from the iris that swept across the forest and wherever Mark would go, inflicting all sorts of ailments upon him if he were caught in its rays. The Evil Eye was like an eclipse of the sun and provided only the light of its beam that produced nothing but Malfortuna. This time, Mark was going to suffer all of the effects of the Malfortuna from immobilization to blindness to deafness to whatever the hell Black Friday wanted or needed at the time. Just being caught in the beam a little bit would inflict all of this. "Give Up Yet?" Black Friday called out from space, wondering if Mark could even hear her.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyThu Mar 25, 2021 2:10 pm

Though Black Friday herself did not see the trail left by Mark, the Evil Eye did, and it traced him all across the forest, spreading the malign Malfortuna along with its baleful gaze. Whatever the orange glow was, it would also be contaminated with the Malfortuna, merging Black Friday's energy with Mark's. With that done, he's have the 'misfortune' of losing control over his own energy trail, and though he made a clever escape, he would not be able to complete his plan as he intended. Black Friday made sure of that with the Evil Eye's stare.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyThu Mar 25, 2021 9:12 pm

Black Friday saw that Mark had given up after he'd been hit with the beam from the Evil Eye. She smirked, snapping her fingers and causing all of the Malfortuna in the forest to disappear, as if it were never there. The Evil Eye closed itself up and went away. Black Friday finally returned to the ground where Mark was and said in a joking fashion, "GOTCHA~! Heh, I Knew You Couldn't Run From My Eyes!" She paused, remembering that she had no eyes. "Er. Uh. I Mean." She scratched the back of her head. "Whatever." She floated before Mark and smiled at him with a mischievously cheeky expression on her face, hands behind her head and legs crossed. "Didja Have Fun?" she asked him, genuinely curious as to whether she was good company or not. "I Did. Even Though I Was Kinda Pissed, Too. But I Always Get Pissed." She yawned. "It's Part Of Being The Dark Side Of The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy. My Specialty Is Destruction And That Only Intensifies As I Grow More Upset."

Black Friday had been explaining a lot about herself, but she hadn't heard much about Mark and this forest he guarded with others. She didn't want to hog the spotlight. She shifted to her side in the air, placing a hand on her face and leaning on her elbow as if she were on the ground, gazing at Mark with her soulless sockets. "So Anyway, What's The Deal With You And This Forest? And You Said There Were Some Other Guardians Besides You? Plus, A Daughter And Husband? Give Me All The Deetz."
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyFri Mar 26, 2021 5:23 am

She had mixed feelings about the hunting of mystical creatures for being alive. It was something that she used to do in order to acquire their souls, but she was one of them, herself. "I See, I See," Black Friday said, "Where I'm From -- The Dream World -- All Supernatural Creatures Live There, But Some Of Us Still Hunt Each Other For Each Others' Souls Because Souls Have Power To Them That Lets Us Grow Stronger." She shrugged. "It's Like That In The Veritas, Too. But, Instead Of Hunting A Supernatural Creature, You Can Now... Bond With It In Its Soul, Giving You The Power Of Its Soul Through Resonance With It." Black Friday thought. "Souls Are Like A Power Source For Us, So We Still Hunt, But Life Is Precious To Us, So We Bond." She wriggled her fingers around a bit. "But A Tasty Soul Is Still Quite A Snack For Me! Heheheh!"

Otherwise, Black Friday mostly listened to Mark's story about himself and this forest. Though the Dimension Gate wasn't magical, it did have properties that were like such, being both technology and energy at the same time. It could open up any dimension with coordinates, or randomly if one does not know where they want to go. But Friday was of the supernatural variety, being a Dark Fairy Goddess and all, so that may have explained why her energy was allowed to bring her to this forest.

"Glad You Had Fun," Black Friday said to Mark with a grin, "Just Let Me Know If You Want Me To Beat Ya At Something Else, Kay~?" Black Friday was smug, but it was part of her charm and personality. She could relate to the other guardians being in scary forms, since Black Friday assumed menacing forms, herself... If she felt like it. "I Kinda Do The Same Sometimes, Changing Into Scary Things. Mine Are More Spooky Than Anything, Though. It's Fun To Scare People. Heh Heh!" Black Friday did hear about beings that were bound to where they were located, though. It was actually quite common. "Can't Leave, Eh? Well, That Sucks." Black Friday shrugged again. "But, If You're Content With Not Leaving, Then That's Cool, Too. Not Like It's A Necessity Of Life Or Anything." But then, Black Friday wondered. "Do You Ever Get Bored Here Or Anything? Or Do Your Family And Other Guardians Keep You From Getting Bored?"
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyFri Mar 26, 2021 9:45 am

Listening to Mark, Black Friday nodded her head as he spoke. "Yeah, Yeah, I Get Ya." His talent for coming up with things to do would be what kept Black Friday entertained. The suggestion of 'tag' was met with a sly grin and the response, "Yeah, Sure. Let's Play!" Friday knew that she could keep up with the best of them, but she didn't know how well her Malfortuna would work for her in this situation... Unless she was using it to get in Mark's way to keep him from catching her, or to help her catch him. It might have been similar to the hide and seek game, but this time more openly active. "So, Who's Gonna Be 'It' First?" Black Friday asked.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyFri Mar 26, 2021 10:01 am

Black Friday chuckled confidently. "Oh Yeah? I Haven't Even Shown You TRUE Darkness Yet..." She waved her hands around and streams of dark fluid flowed from her gloves and dissipated once she stopped moving her hands. "Since I Found You In Hide And Seek, You Have To Catch Me For Tag!" Black Friday placed her hands on her hips and struck a pose in the air, spinning around as she did so. "I'm Not The Fastest, But I Do Have The Darkness On My Side... And I'm Pretty Clever. I Won't Make It Easy For You," she said.

After that, Black Friday shouted, "YOU'RE IT!" and tagged Mark so that the game could get started. On her tattered wings of dark matter, she fluttered through the forest, occasionally turning into streams of darkness to maneuver around the trees better. She didn't know the forest, but she knew the darkness; it was the same anywhere anyone went.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyFri Mar 26, 2021 2:37 pm

Surprised by Mark, Black Friday didn't expect him to speed up and be able to tag her so easily. He was fast and she wasn't able to outrun him, but she wasn't going to get tagged that easily, either. When he tried to touch her, his hand would pass through and she'd disperse into a bunch of bats made of darkness, which would flutter away and dissipate into the air.

"Hahaha! You're Not Gonna Catch Me That Easily, Mark!" Black Friday said from somewhere unknown, her voice echoing about. "But I Will Watch Out For Your Speed From Now On." He may have thought he tagged her because he was moving so fast, but she'd made sure to turn into bats before she was touched. Still, he probably couldn't tell the difference, so Friday had to explain. They were both somewhere unknown now, but Mark was still 'it' thanks to Black Friday's power.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptySat Mar 27, 2021 4:08 am

If Mark was indeed fast enough to get every last bat that Black Friday dispersed into, then she would be in trouble already. They were made of darkness and not physical, so they couldn't be tagged normally, but he'd put a seal on them so that something would happen once they reformed. That was going to leave Black Friday in a predicament.


"Heh, Don't Forget Who You're Dealing With Here!" Black Friday's voice echoed as the she called out afterward, "Malfortuna!" The general ability of 'Malfortuna' could undo the seals via bad luck, such as running out of energy, breaking suddenly, or failing altogether. Black Friday's Malfortuna was a powerful force, having control over general negative probability. Anything could happen that could go wrong with just about anything, and that would mean that she would use that to her advantage.

Finally, when the seals were broken by whatever means the Malfortuna had in store, Black Friday reformed high above the forest, gazing down to see what had become of Mark. She still didn't see him and he was moving faster than she could keep up with visibly, so her reaction time to him might have left her vulnerable if she stayed down in the forest -- his domain. However, the darkness of the forest is what protected her from getting touched, since she could turn into darkness more quickly than when she was in the light. She didn't know how Mark was going to come at her, so she didn't conjure up anything, but she was alert and on guard... Floating warily.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptySat Mar 27, 2021 12:48 pm

Overwhelmed by the speed, Black Friday was quickly surrounded by Mark and then tagged without realizing it. "Dammit!" she shouted, turning around to find that Mark had already disappeared. "Well, Guess I'm It Then, Huh?" She just had to accept it. The real question was, though, how was she going to catch up with Mark?

Black Friday had options, but this wasn't like hide and seek where she had to simply find him. She actually had to catch him, too. She thought for a moment, but eventually came to the conclusion to use her power over darkness to help her out. She raised a hand and all throughout the forest in the line where Mark was traveling would hands of darkness shoot up from under the treetops, trying to grasp or tag Mark with their power. Likewise, Mark's shadow was a threat to him, as well. From behind him, the hands shot out of his shadow and sought to tag him that way, which seemed to be the simplest and easiest way to get him. Can't get away from your own shadow, after all.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptySun Mar 28, 2021 9:03 am

As long as Mark's shadow was still close to him and he was near the darkness, it would rise up against him to try to grab or tag him. All the while, Black Friday took note of what Mark was doing and where he was going and decided that she would take even more initiative by sealing up the light that shone into the forest. From every corner of the forest, the darkness that was below the trees would raise higher into the air, but not to grab or restrain Mark. It would instead dome over the entire forest and seal it in complete darkness, giving Black Friday leeway to basically be omnipresent within the boundaries of the darkness. Mark would be halted by the pressure of the darkness all around him and Black Friday shouted, "TAG! You're IT!"
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptySun Mar 28, 2021 9:16 am

Black Friday sighed heavily with a loud "Ugh" and immediately retracted the barrier of darkness all around the forest. "I Was Only Gonna Keep It Up For Like, One Second After I Tagged You." When she appeared, she was right beside him, arms crossed and hovering gently in the air. "But Yeah, Show Me That Flower Then. This Is Your World. I Don't Know Anything About It, So Anything's Fine." Black Friday sniffed a bit then rubbed her nose, ready to follow Mark wherever he'd go.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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The Mystical Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mystical Forest   The Mystical Forest EmptyTue Mar 30, 2021 10:20 am

Following Mark, Black Friday made note of the fact that he swung through the trees and how he made his way through the forest. Naturally, she followed along on her tattered dark energy wings, floating behind him to keep up with him as he swung. When they came to an abrupt stop, she halted before the beautiful white flower that was glowing. "Ohhh," she said with a hint of awe, "Reminds Me Of The 'Reality Flowers' We Have Back In My Dimension." She said. Suddenly, the urge to destroy came over her again, and she had to suppress her desires to obliterate the beautiful glowing plant. She did a good job, but the urge was there all the same...
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