The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot

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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
Grand Tabrynth

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Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Empty
PostSubject: Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot   Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot EmptySat May 07, 2022 7:16 am

='Master Control'=
Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Purge10
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6584
Pisces Male Points : 7565
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Age : 30

Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot   Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot EmptyFri Mar 22, 2024 1:03 am

='Master Control'=
Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Withdr10
Grand Tabrynth: "Extracting Data From 'Android Girl' In 'The Lost World' For 'Neo-Whore Project' Identifier."

The Neo-Whore that had been being used as an antagonist toward the Veritas by Master Bills in his own plans with a remote control device to ail or plague the Veritas from afar was being utilized for the stencil of the former 'Android Girl' protocol that was for 'Hakku', who was called the 'White Magician', that Khrona -- that is, Tymon -- dubbed 'Android Girl'.

This is the final account of the 'Android Girl', Hakku.

Quote :
Alex came here to Khrona's humble place of residence; the power was very strong here. But at least he could cope with it more better then before, because of his training in the Psycho Mesa and with the Virtual Pets. He and Chroma had defeated the monsters and had the materials to make his tracker, so now the task of returning these objects was the task now.

Chroma simply followed behind, not wanting to say anything until Alex actually got done talking to her father. She knew that they could talk anytime.

The doors to Manor Alexandros opened up, Khrona standing tall in the middle of his doorway, staring at both his daughter and Alex Star. "Took you all long enough. Hahaha." It was all in good fun. "May I have the material?"

Alex grabbed the objects -- the hides, whiskers, and sand core that they had collected. He held them out to his leader so that he could take them for his device... Wondering if Khrona would praise them for the work, or slam a door in their faces, now that the job was done. Alex looked at him, wondering what he would think of him.

Items present, Khrona extended his mind to grab hold of the items, the three of them instantly melding to the form of the creation they were destined to become for Khrona. He heard Alex Star's thoughts and felt a little bad about it, but didn't want to let him know that he knew. "Good work. I'm glad you did this for me. I wouldn't trust anyone else to do this type of mission." Khrona lent the Materios Tracker to Alex Star immediately after it was created. "As a gift to you from me."

While Khrona was being all nice and giving away gifts in this heartwarming father-son type situation, Tamura appeared with the body of one recently deceased Chisato in his hands and tossed it at the feet of the leader, right between Alex and Khrona. Tamura had two swords on his hips in sheaths and his arms crossed after tossing the body and hopefully interrupting the moment. He found a sort of... Satisfaction in doing so. "The Deadgirl was stronger than you and Zita-sama anticipated, and this was the result. She sends her regards, saying to send a legion of shinobi after her next time," Tamura said before leaning slightly to the side. "Luckily Manna is from a stronger lineage, or she would have met the same fate. That was far too dangerous of a mission."

Slowly turning his head to one of his Elite units battered by an unknown force and carrying the body of a dead shinobi, Khrona's head found its way into the palm of his hand, followed by a solemn shaking of his head. "Boy, oh boy, oh boy... I wasn't expecting things to go in this fashion." The body of Chisato would fade away into blackness, that which merged back into Khrona's cloak. "That Chisato, sadly, was a construct built by me so to watch events that went around in the Dusk with much more ease... But it seems as though she's been found out. She actually died training with me. Her mind simply could not handle it. It was tragic." Though that didn't seem to be the most pressing news, Khrona had to get that out of the way first and foremost for Tamura's sake. "And... The Deadgirl said this herself? Hm... But this is an event that the Witches said they could handle..." Though, she also knew about Chita's new appointment of herself as Head Witch... Perhaps Khrona's little niece needed some helpful guidance to take on such a big role so suddenly. "That means we'll have to send people to the 'Witch Province'... I'm sure they will greatly appreciate the help." There was so much going on here, but Khrona would be able to manage it all... He had to. Even with the Android girl and his brother back, he had to figure out just what they could do.

Alex had found the unknown presence; he didn't know the man. But it was so funny that he was cutting in on the moment, though he had already taken the Materios Tracker from Khrona, and listened on the words, getting the simple things, pulling out a book and writing in a new section. The 'Deadgirl', and the 'Witch Province', putting a question mark after the written title. Now deciding to cut in, but not trying to be rude, Alex said, "Excuse me, if I may make a suggestion. Do you mind if I go? There might be strong Materios in those areas because they are filled with manna energy." Of course that was a part of it; he has always wanted to visit the 'Witch Province' to study about the manna properties there, the witches that live there, and another reason. But if Khrona said no, then he would follow his command to the letter.

"I didn't know her, so I could care less," Tamura interjected quickly before adjusting his shoulders and the way that his arms were folded. What she was doing and how she truly died was completely irrelevant to the teen. What he really cared about most was that Manna, out of all people, was sent on that mission. Honestly, from what he could see, she wasn't all that powerful. Or rather, she didn't have much practice in using the 'massive' power she held. Just riding the coattail of her lineage like a lot of others. "I've already decide that I'm going. I just wanted to drop that off and that tidbit of info off, too. I'm heading to the 'Witch Province' next to tell the 'Head Witch'," Tamura spoke as he turned around and headed off, caring nothing for the battered appearance he just happened to be sporting. It just felt like the Deadgirl had picked a direct fight with him and he couldn't let it slide.

Khrona knew of the severity of this situation... But also, he knew of the rising despair of the reawakening evils of the Dusk... 'The Four Corners'. "Hold, the both of you. Before I send you two on the mission to hunt the Deadgirl... I must advise you to go take care of another extremely pressing issue; one of the 'Four Corners'. The Dusk Security Force -- The DSF -- was supposed to take care of them, but with Chisato dead, I need new management. But I also do not want the team to go under. So it will need a new head. Whilst I think of this, you two must go on this mission to combat the Lich." Khrona knew what the Deadgirl was all about... She was going to sit and wait for her enemies to come to her, she wouldn't attack on her own. If she was going to, she would have done it already, just like with the Falshin. She was up to something, do doubt, but as to what... He wasn't sure.

Alex looked at Tamura; he was a very drastic individual, or just doing things his way. Meh, he didn't honestly care if he left and took the job himself. If the leader wanted him to go, then he would, but now, they had to work together under Khrona's orders, and this DSF. Might as well try and do some good for the village. In the past, he would just stomp off and leave like a child, but he didn't have time for that anymore. "I can try to manage the group. I may be new to leading, but I won't disappoint you. And of course, I will do my best to defeat the 'Spirit Of Earth'. But she isn't to be taken lightly, I've seen her power first hand. Are you up for it? " Alex asked Tamura, expecting him to stay. Of course, he didn't know what he would do.

Tamura stopped walking, clenching a fist tightly out of reflex and repulse of the idea that Khrona had just spewed. Though he was his leader, and Tamura was sworn as an Elite to protect the village; he didn't like the idea and was going to express his disdain. "You already saw what happens when I have partners that I don't work well with and you ask me to do it again?" Tamura questioned through grit teeth before relaxing his fist. Tamura didn't know this kid, nor did he want to or care to. The other ninja of the Dusk -- save for a slim few -- held little place in his heart, his will, and his drive; just the land the village stood on and the civilians that couldn't fend for themselves. Being asked to work with them was like an insult. "I won't tell you no. I can't. But I will ask you to rethink that order," Tamura said before turning himself around to face Khrona once again. "I'm not a babysitter."

Alex's idea to run the DSF was spirited, but unwarranted, as he had no experience and had not shown Khrona any capabilities of being a leader... Though, he was doing superbly in his assignments these days, and was no longer considered 'riff-raff' like when he was in the Chaos. He was showing great promise. "Perhaps... But only if you show me your capabilities as a leader. As you are now, I'm not sure if you are even capable enough to run such a large facility." But, this conversation was cut short by Tamura's blatant disdain for Khrona's decision... Or, perhaps it was enhanced. He looked Tamura dead in the eyes, letting his conviction meet with Khrona's own adamant nature about this mission, and for a new found reason. "Then consider this a special Elite survey; a test of a lower level ninja in capability. Your duty would thereby be enhanced, more than just being a 'babysitter', as you say. You would be testing the qualifications of Alex Star as a leader, and deducting points for foul ups. This is a very serious mission. Such is why I asked a serious Elite to monitor, and now for the fate of an aspiring Dusk Advanced." Khrona turned his head away from Tamura, now staring at Alex Star. "Alex." Khrona's hands would fold before his lips before he continued his words, a smirk hidden behind his interlocked fingers. "Consider Tamura the proctor of your next Ranking Exam."

"Tch," was the sound of Tamura tsking his lips. It was almost like Khrona hadn't heard what Tamura said. Slapping a different name on something didn't change it's function. Now instead of Tamura being a babysitter, he was a babysitter that homeschooled as well. Not that much of an improvement. But he just shook his head and folded his arms, turning on his heels and starting to walk away again. "Whatever," was his response before he vanished in a burst of silvery blue chakra that rained down the ground like confetti. When it was time for the mission, he'd be there, but that didn't and wouldn't stop him from going to see the 'Head Witch' nor doing other things.

Alex looked at the ground; he felt that he wasn't ready for an exam yet. It was an honor to be given a chance to prove his worth in the matter, but he had a bad vibe from Tamura. He had seen his hand clench and unclench; it looked like he was about to flip out -- going to do more good then bad. Well, hopefully he will be able to work with him. Tamura was someone new to him; he was an Elite, but hopefully he put his oath to the village ahead of his own personal agenda. Right now, he thinks that he is babysitting Alex... Alex was going to prove that he didn't need that, but support was a different story. "Yes sir. I will gladly accept this chance," Alex said to Khrona. "I will try m--" he said to Tamura, looking at his back, but he had vanished away. He looked at where he was last at, and knew that this might have been a issue for them. He didn't trust this fellow, not even if they were in the same village. "Are you sure about this?" He turned to Khrona, his hair covered his eyes, but he was worried that things would go wrong.

Khrona shook his head, knowing Tamura wouldn't come around to something like this... But he had to realize the greater purpose behind it. Perhaps he would once they were fully engrossed in the mission... "Don't you worry about any decisions I make. Just worry about getting through your mission. Though Tamura is the highest of rank, he is technically the support of the mission. You are the true leader. He is there to evaluate you, and though it may seem pointless to him, it will do more good for the both of you than bad." Khrona knew just what he was doing, and as such, their assignment had been given to them. "I hope to hear a good report about you, Alex Star. I have faith in you. And in Tamura."

Alex would only believe that in Khrona if he expected Tamura to come around. He was not sure he could believe in himself, but he will believe in the Khrona, that believes in Alex that he sees... He had a mission to attend to, but was it needed now or later. And this device, he must have to test it out first and look for his first Materios. "When will this mission need to be done? Do I have time for one Materios hunt?"

With the mission established, Khrona turned to Chroma, who had been silently and patiently waiting in the room, giving Alex the 'Materios Tracker'. Though he wanted this mission to happen now, he knew that he needed to speak to Chroma privately. "Yes... Now take this and go for a moment." Without warning, Alex would be transported to a random place where he would find his Materios, as Khrona sat there, ready to confront Chroma. "... Chroma. Come here... We need to talk."

Of course Chroma already knew that they needed to talk. It was why she was there and hadn't said anything. She was waiting until the room was a little less crowded so her dear old dad could talk the way he wanted to. "Yes father?" She was still suppressing herself... Curses, she had forgotten. How much she wanted to call him Daddy, but, he knew that already. And the moment she was done suppressing herself, she would.

Khrona leaned over in a serious manner, interlocking his fingers. He was going to have to tell her something extremely... Important. "... Chroma. I know you know what has been going on recently... And because of that, you have been training yourself to the utmost level. That is something that has not gone unnoticed." Khrona was well aware of how she insisted on gaining her power, and why she wanted to do so in this way. It was actually extremely smart, and Khrona was happy that she had done it this way. "... I also want to tell you that I have always been pleased with you and your efforts. You've always been strong and you're much stronger than I was at that age. As I am to do with my father, you are meant to surpass me. Your powers will one day far exceed even mine. And as a gift to you to show you how much I have been paying attention to you..." He outstretched his hand, then opened it up before her, showing her Materios and Materios and Materios galore. There seemed to be multiple of every single kind of Materiso there was, save for two. "I have been collecting Materios for you. Each one expresses a different emotion I have for you and your accomplishments in your lifetime, and have been embedded with essences of my feelings. Use them in however way you want; embed them in your body, weapons, et cetera, et cetera." Khrona would wait for Chroma to take all of the Materios from his hands before he continued any further.

Seeing his fingers interlock, Chroma was once again, ready for the worst from her father. She was prepared for his disapproval, yet again, and her not living up to his expectations. Yet, instead... What she received was something far from what despair she expected. She got love and the symbol of his love in the years for all of her hard work embodied in each of these numerous Materios. It was at that point where she was at a loss for words, and her emotions would rush past even her psychic power and wavelengths suppressing them. "Oh... Oh daddy..." She couldn't hold her emotions in anymore. She was overcome with joy and relief, and most of all love for her father more than ever. All this time, she had been so wrong about what she should have been doing for him... And she would humbly accept those Materios.

Khrona couldn't help but smile looking at his daughter surpass even her own limits right here at this moment, all because of the familial bond that they shared. She had cut them off for so long to prove herself, but now she should see... She didn't need to prove herself at all. "And lastly, I have two very special, very rare Materios that I have been keeping safe with me... Right next to my heart. The Materios of Life and Death, the White and Black Materios." Khrona would immediately stick his hand right into his own chest without hesitation nor flinching, stabbing his hand deep into his own heart where the two Materios resided. He pulled them from his heart and placed them into Chroma's hands. "Do whatever you want with these, but know that every time you use any of your powers... Know that I love you and always have, and always will." He would closer her hand and close his eyes, reestablishing the 'Family Bond 'between the two, and he would smile. 'No need to hold back anymore... Chroma.'

Taking these two Materios in her hand held the utmost of feelings within them. She could feel a connection to her father like no other. And with that, she finally got it. She understood. She held those two Materios close to her heart and began to cry. 'I finally understand... You do love me. I always did live up to your standards... In fact, I surpassed them... And now... I am to keep on living... Taking your hopes along with me.' Tears flowing down simply would not stop, and before she knew it, she found herself jumping over the desk to hug her father. "I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!!"

Khrona smiled at her all the way, feeling just what she was feeling, except... He had felt this way ever since she was born. This overwhelming love that she was understanding just right now. He hugged her as well, letting her know that even with what happened to her, he always, always, ALWAYS loved her. "And I love you too, Chroma." Khrona took off his gloves, his jacket dissipated from his body, and for the first time in a very, very, VERY long time... He touched someone with his bare skin, only so that he could show Chroma his truest love... So she could feel it. "And now, Chroma... Go. Go protect this world with the same conviction I have. To know that the both of us are strong. Take my hopes and my power along with you, and let our 'Family Bond' never die again. It's time for you to help out, Chroma." He nodded his head to her and stared at her with eyes filled with pure motivation. "Let the world know who you are. Not just the daughter of the leader, or the daughter of Khrona... Let them know that you are Chroma, the Monochrome Princess."

Eyes still overflowing with tears, she took all of those Materios and nodded her head. "Yes, Daddy!!" She spread her wings, and for the first time, her wings were just about as large as her father's. She spread those black dragon wings, breaking through the entirety of the room, reminiscent of her own father's ascension from his office. With one large and powerful flap, she spiraled upward toward the sky, heading to the Psycho Mesa to take care of some important business.

Watching her spread her wings for the first time just as large as he, he saw the conviction and the life come back to her dead heart, and a tear rolled down Khrona's cheek. His daughter was finally grown up. "Ah... I remember when I first had such motivation... Go, my daughter. Let this world see that you are fit to be the new leader of the Dusk..." Another tear rolled down Khrona's cheek as he lowered his head, chuckling to himself. "... And now, it's my turn to go handle some business." He interlocked his fingers again, and like a sweep of shadow, his body dissipated into an innumerable amount of blackened particles which faded away into the Dusk...

... Some time passed, and eventually, there was Khrona's brother -- now known as the 'Imperial Wizard' or the 'Manna King' -- standing over the waters of Balneal, the City Bathed in Water; one of the new additions Khrona made to the village. It was his first time there, and he was thoroughly impressed with Khrona's renovation skills, just as with the Mezzanine. 'I had no idea why he had come here, these undiscovered lands just within the boundaries of Dusk jurisdictions. This was my first time here, the natural beauty of this place was so alluring, it radiated with calm aura and just made me feel at peace.' The 'Imperial Wizard', who seemed to conduct that feeling of calm stillness as he faced out toward the vast lands of mountains and rivers, made it seem as if he was just another part of the serene scenery. He found himself smiling as he took his place by his brother's work, looking out toward just what it was that they where protecting, and remembering the promise they made... 'We will return Order...'

In the reflection of the waters below, the man clad in silver and white should see his own covered face as he stared down below... Right? Even in the serenity of this crystal clear water, far more pure than most other water sources on the planet, he would be forced to see an odd murkiness on the surface of this water that proved to be an unnatural occurrence in this place... The water surrounding this blackness was crystal clear still, and this blackness seemed to have taken the place of his reflection. Was this hat he truly looked like? Was something looming over him? Was there an invisible force about or was something dark lurking beneath the deep? "Of course we will." Something spoke from the depths, as if having read the pure thoughts of the 'Imperial Wizard's forlorn longings. The black accumulation in the water started to grow a face now, the shape of the reflecting image now forming into Khrona, the leader of the Dusk. "But we don't have to do it in hiding anymore."

"We'll do so standing tall, and together," the softest voice spoke out from behind the man clad in both silver and white. Amidst all of the darkness that had befallen their village, there was little light to turn to, but every so often, a dim candle was lit in this sea of black; and it was none other than Khrona who had been lighting these candles, in the hearts of those he cared for. While there is still a majority of darkness hovering over the planet, the Android girl couldn't help but be drawn to this place; the place of the purest souls and hearts, and it was alongside her closest friends. With the way they were all positioned, it was almost as if the planets had aligned and something spectacular was about to happen. "In the face of disaster lies opportunity for renewal." Her hands were placed over her heart, shielding a bright light underneath. It was like this area had did nothing but put her aching heart at rest, like everything was now going to be alright. She would follow this feeling until the very end, and stay true to it, just as the other two with her would.

The Manna King could feel the waves of change radiate all around as the leaders of the Dusk now shared the same ground. It was a congregation that hadn't happened for some time. Khrona, his brother, the one person in the world who he could never hide himself from -- even as he stood now -- as nothing but a shadow of the Imperial Wizard. And the Android girl, the person in which he would never try to hide himself from... The echoing laughter of a pleased man came from within the helmet of our fair knight. He reached up, grabbing his helmet, taking off revealing the dashing young wizard within, able to show his face again at long last. "It's been too long, my friends..."

"But there is no time for formalities," Khrona said this with a sight into what was going to be and already was. He was experiencing the full effect of Grimlock's power first hand for some reason... "The state that the Dusk-- no, that is too general... The state of this entire existence is being threatened." Khrona closed his eyes and concentrated deeply on the matters at hand, feeling as though it was dire for the full extent of his psychic powers to think of a solution. It would take the combined efforts for the three of them...

The sheer occurrence of Khrona being in deep thought caused the waves in the water near them to ripple. While he may not seem like it, he puts a lot of time and effort in taking care of his fellow villagers, and that was one of the things the Android girl admired about him. It was now her turn to do the same. "It's not our jobs to safeguard existence, but I suppose we are the only ones who can do it." Once she closed her eyes and entered a state of psychosynthesis, the wind around them began to pick up rapidly, almost as if they were standing in the eye of a storm. She too began to plan and plot a way out of this abyss, and with the aid of her companions, it was inevitable.

"If it's within our power, then it is our duty..." The raising maelstrom around them was the perfect personification of the trio's raising conviction. The Manna King looked around to his peers, his friends, his family, as a feeling of confidence rose from deep within. He knew that in this great battle to come that his life would be in there hands and it was that thought that made him at ease... Because he knew there was no better group he would have liked to go into battle with. Slowly raising off the ground, the Manna King would raise through the spinning gale and to the cloudy sky about before vanishing, going off to where he was needed... To end this battle and take back his home, leaving only his lingering words behind. 'Together, we can protect everyone...'

Khrona smiled somberly to himself, closing his eyes and experiencing his brother's sudden influx of power and conviction. In fact, the recent reappearance of them both was rather surprising to Khrona. He only hoped that now that they were 'awakened' from their deep slumber within the Dusk, they could assist with the greater problems at hand. "... Good to have you back, my Brother of the Dawn... My Sister of the Twilight... Join your Brother of the Dusk in his fight against these evils... I couldn't do it alone." Khrona chuckled to himself under his breath, starting to fade away into the Dusk. This was their symbolic reunion, and Khrona was well aware. "... Let's do this together guys... It's show time." He'd watch his brother speed off, and he'd look to the Android girl, who was his biggest concern. She was still so introverted and inactive with the people than Khrona would have liked, but he knew that she was trying. "... And, Android girl... Open up a little. I'm sure the more you open up, the more you'll be able to do. Accept your title as the leader of the Dusk. And I'll see you then." And with that note, Khrona faded away just as quickly as he appeared. It was now the Android's turn... To make her new promise to this village. On the pure waters of the 'Valley Of Water' -- it was time.

With everyone full of promise and determination, the Android girl was left standing alone in the mellow 'Valley Of Water'. She was well aware of what needed to be done, but unlike her brothers of the Dawn and Night, she was more like Twilight. She flickered in and out of the village and only few of their residents even knew her. She was always locked up in her lab, trying to find the next thing to construct or plan out her next action. "If I were to accept my title as leader, will everyone be able to accept me?" She looked into the palm of her artificial hand. Of course, she was not human like her brothers and other than appearance, she had little in common with human beings. At the same time, she wasn't a machine. No matter the circumstance, she was always teetering between two halves and unsure which way to go... Until now. "It doesn't matter. I'll continue to walk on my own path, straight down the middle, and anyone who wants to follow behind me is welcomed. I cannot follow my heart like the Imperial Wizard, and I cannot follow my logic and mind like Khrona. However..." Her fist clenched with a newfound resolve, and with that came a promise. A promise to not only her friends, but to her village as well. "I can listen to both my heart and mind, and then I can feel what I should be doing. I will no longer pretend to be something I am not. I'll be what I feel I am; leader of the Dusk. And as leader, I feel that Grimlock has had his time and is long overdue. My villagers... My people..." She placed her clenched fist over her chest as she began to digitally fade away. "The time has come."

Because the Android Girl was the stencil for what the Neo-Whore's concept should be before applied to any person or personage, it would serve as being the initial design for the 12-Pack abs having 'Bionic Bitch' that become of 'Mechanica's Factorial City' as her 'Sex Doll' -Mechanica- -- the 'Bionic Bitches'. It would also be made into a Veritas Service.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6584
Pisces Male Points : 7565
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot   Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot EmptyFri Mar 22, 2024 1:59 am

Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Mechan14
"Map :: Period : Pawn ; Variable - Circuit Breaker ~ Metal * Class."

Since the 12-Pack Android Girls were in high demand, a ledger was started about the general supply and demand being taken account of for only the period of time indicative to the portion of interest in such rates and at such ratios.

However, because it was seen that these things were occurring centralized around an event on Earth regarding the Neo-Whore and the creation of her Abominations -- now as Android Women (or, Gynoids) rather than as regular women, and also of herself -- the Neo-Whore, Kenzie Reeves, would have to deal with Bill Gates' plans being stupid until she resolved them and also stopped running from Tymon and the words she said just so she could try to mail him an Android of herself to avoid having sex out of fear of looking bad as a porn star before one with minimal experience but grand master wisdom and etiquette.

But, the Mechanica from the Veritas were in such high demand that they became popular in association with the Veritas to these 12-Pack Bionic Bitches from the Android Girl data of Hakku stenciled after herself. Supposedly making herself useful after all of this, still. Maybe the elder code data of Hakku would also trigger something in them via the Soul Energy...?
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Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot Empty
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Nine Of Diamonds :: Virtual Formation : Bishop ; Spiritual - Uproot
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