The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina)

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Binah; Understanding, The All Informing :: Omnia Nirvana; the Goddess of Information

Posts : 67
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Join date : 2014-11-23

O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina) Empty
PostSubject: O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina)   O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina) EmptyFri May 13, 2022 1:45 am

Omnia is a mysterious female entity that appeared one day to Khrona when he was in Deep Thought, looking exactly like him, only as a female. She apparently had always existed there, but he never noticed nor made a distinction between the two of them until he recognized her -- but she always recognized the difference between herself and him, especially because she was not at the forefront, like Khrona was. During various brief interactions, he learned more about her and himself through her, expanding both his mind and his powers, and also revealing to him the Thirteen Restrictions that he still utilizes to this day.

However, this would not be the last of Omnia, for even as she only existed in his head, eventually, she found her way into existing physically through him, as well.

Through an epic throwback battle with one whom is referred to as 'Brother X', the Ruler of the Twilight Village, his words reached Khrona's insanity in a way that no other words have reached him before... Khrona needed to learn to control his insanity. He wasn't sure how, but once those words resonated through Khrona's soul and mind, something began to sprout. Because the Khrona we know and love is locked in his own ways forever, he wouldn't be able to control his insanity on his own... Instead, his mind had to create another part of him... A new Khrona. A Khrona that was the total inverse of the original, yet at the same time, exactly the same... Because of him, this gave birth to... Khrina.

Khrina, as it can be seen, is a girl. This is only possible through Khrona's DNA. He literally switches his mind to that of a girl, and thus his entire body, DNA and all, adapt as well, forcing him to become a girl once Khrona becomes Khrina. Khrona can change to Khrina if he truly concentrates, and vice versa. Khrina has all of the powers and abilities of Khrona, since they are the same person... However some specific ones are different. The psychic power stays the same, but some aspects of techniques and Soul abilities change, as well as personality, demeanor, and mannerisms. Also, naturally, Khrina cannot change into the different forms of Khrona... She has her own forms.

Anyway. Khrina has a similar personality to our beloved Khrona, though instead of being as lackadaisical as Khrona is and joking about everything, she's rather strict and mean. Her sadism knows no bounds. Her insanity is so concentrated that she comes off as malicious and destructive a majority of the time. Even the Fear part of her soul has changed (but the insanity stays the same.) Instead of Fear, her soul is that of Insanity and Equanimity, thus making her very calm and composed, even if she is destructive... This is something Khrona could never obtain. She never overreacts, like Khrona does.
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Binah; Understanding, The All Informing :: Omnia Nirvana; the Goddess of Information

Posts : 67
Female Points : 87
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-11-23

O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina) Empty
PostSubject: Re: O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina)   O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina) EmptyFri May 26, 2023 1:25 pm

='The Trunade'=
#2 Asuka Yomi

Age: 16
Origin: Unknown
Species: Human
Race: Japanese
Height: 5'5
Weight: 99

O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina) Sonja_AdvanceWars2
-The Argus-

The top of the line in communication and intel, Asuka was just about as in the know as Lash, and the second most trusted and loyal in the entire Family. She had info on everyone and everything before they even knew it for themselves and could deduce that information faster than they could even get it done. Whenever Tai needed to know something, be it on the up and up or way down low, Asuka knew and she had the details in full.

Asuka Yomi reporting in. Intel is my entire life. I have information on everyone I must and everything I need, and have been building things to enhance Intel for ten years, when my parents lost their hearing and needed a way to hear. After that, I dedicated my life to helping others with my inventions, but I could plainly see with my special sight that they were not there to help me. So I went elsewhere with my inventions.

I was always a dutiful and studious girl, and got everything done on time and with the greatest efficiency, but no one cared about that or me. They only cared about the money they could make off of the things I created. That is, until I was approached by a strange organization... At first, I was scared stiff by them, but soon found that they were much nicer and more friendly than any of the businessmen I had been in contact with. They weren't trying to swindle me, they tried to support me. So I supported them in return, and that was how I became Mikou's head of Intel.

Of course, I was the first to know about our fake 'boss's' hostile re-takeover of his mafia, and quickly informed Mikou of his dastardly deeds. She and I informed the rest of the people and we all came up with an elaborate plan to get her out of that situation alive, but had to make it look as real as possible. Knowing that they'd tap into my telecommunication devices, Mikou and I came up with a secret code for talking and shared it with the others. For example, whenever I screamed at them 'Don't let that girl get away!' everyone always knew that secretly meant 'Ease up on the attack and give chase, so that the fake boss can't monitor your actions as carefully.' That was the start of our absolutely marvelous plan, even if we did have to injure her a bit. It was painful to watch, but it had to be done to get her out alive. Now that she is back, I can see that all of it was for the best. As expected.

Jamming, Disruption and Interception: An expert at both giving and receiving information, she is also exceptionally good at blocking others from getting information. Her devices are made so that no other transmissions can get around when in use, to ensure that her messages get through to whom she needs to, and signals don't get crossed. An adverse effect for enemies, but beneficial to the group. She is able to easily locate, disrupt or intercept communications of any kind simply to alter what is being said or to steal the information for her own. This is what makes her top notch at what she does. Lash also assists with Jamming and Disruption devices, since hers tend to be destructive when necessary.

Technological Expertise: Much like Lash, she is an expert genius when it comes to inventing things, however on the opposite spectrum, she makes only supporting thing, such as radios, enhanced sight materials, things of that nature. She can enhance anything necessary to make it useful for any situation, and can even invent from the most unresourceful parts. Together with Lash, they are formidable with electronics.

Intel: The most knowledgeable person about any and everything going on, she makes it her mission to get information and give it to her crew. She uses any resource she can and does have to learn everything about her targets, even her 'special powers.' As such, she was deemed head of Intel in Mikou's gang, as she was normally never wrong and always had the Intel right when they needed; a full and thoroughly complete report.

Enhanced Vision/Hearing: A special ability that she must tap into, it is apparently a sort of 'power' that her parents had, and was passed down to her through bloodline. With Enhanced Vision, Asuka is able to see through even the murkiest of fog, the darkest of night, and even clear across the land with a sort of projected vision. She is able to scan objects with her sight if she focuses hard enough, which greatly assists with her intelligence gathering capabilities. Her Enhanced Hearing serves the same purpose as the sight, able to discern numerous different sounds at once from very far away, if she focuses. This is useful for listening in on conversations and such. She can apparently also tap into other's thoughts to intercept them, and even can hear pure radio waves as they fly in the air when she concentrates hard. The best part of these abilities is that she can 'share' them with her subordinates as long as she is concentrating on them.

Counter Break: An extremely useful ability that jams others from intercepting or tapping into her intel or into whomever she is around, working like a beacon of natural jamming when others try to infiltrate, thus why it is dubbed 'Counter Break' as it is an automatic countermeasure that happens the moment someone attempts it. The jamming is also exceptionally harmful to electronics and the mind, for telepaths and mind readers.

Bad Luck: Because of her special powers, she has exceptionally terrible luck out in the field of battle, so she never goes out to fight first hand, and never wields a weapon other than a small dagger she has, which seems to not effect her 'bad luck' status at all. You can never see her in the heat of battle herself because of this, but she is always supporting... Always.

Moon's Light: Having a strange affinity to the moon, her powers seem to enhance with the phase of the moon, becoming very strong every full moon, and most powerful during the red, blue, split or harvest moons.

In 'Cube and the Black Sand Pirates,' Asuka plays as the floating digital alien head that she uses as her image for herself via one of her communication devices, code named 'PLOQMI', which is an abbreviation for 'Pilot Location Of Quintessence Measurement Index.' It absorbs Quintessence in the air and adapts to whatever Energy its antennae, which are like hands and insect feelers, have been exposed to. Immediately, the PLOQMI will take on the property and element of whatever is in the atmosphere or what it has last touched and send the reading back to whomever is on the other side of the PLOQMI head. In essence, it is always scanning and adapting to the environment as well as adjusting to match it and adapting all the while, absorbing the energies of the atmosphere in order to always display the data from the energy it absorbs and becomes.
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O.S. Tsuki; Omnia Tensei (Khrina)
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