The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree

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3 posters
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 3:40 am

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Tao12
Disclaimer: "Everyone Who Has Ever Treated My Heart (Taomin) Poorly Or Badly Or Abused Us, And Also People Who Wanted To Be Us Are 'On Our List' Of People To Get Back At, No Matter How Long It Takes. Tao (That Is, Taomin, My Heart Spirit) Goes And Picks Them Out And I, Tymon (The Big Tymon That Harbors My Own Taomin) Goes Forth To Get The Selected Sacrifices So We Can Have Some 'Fun' With Them. Heheheheh. This Is That List Of Those Dumb Bitches That Thought They Were Slick, Calling Themselves 'Tao,' 'Taomin', Or 'TaoTao'."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 3:48 am

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Taomin24

Tao was chillin by herself in her fucking Sanctuary, all cool and shit, and then all these bitches wanted her, or some shit, and were calling on her name and pissing her off. So she got pissed off at them and stole their hearts and ravaged them, plus rendered their souls and stuff, but their fleshes... Were pretty sexy, so she told Big Tymon -- that is, herself in her boy version, which is just Tymon -- to go fuck them up and stuff, emphasis on the 'FUCK'. So, whomever was chosen by Tao was sent Taomin in order to 'Mark Them For Death' with a 'Kiss Of Death' right on their weak little hearts that couldn't handle them.

Someone tried to control her and send her to some weak-asses she didn't care about, but it didn't matter, because Tao only goes for the ones that she chooses, and not those chosen for her. Which is her whole M.O. So... Then, when she was pissed that people didn't love her -- as usual -- and Tymon found out, she merged back to Tymon to be Tymon, so Tymon could return to being Taomin, like he was in youth, and then... Get all the info about who was to FUCKING DIE for it. Cuz... They were not gonna live to see the day. That's why Tao wrote them all down and made them sexy enough for Tymon to even give a fuck about in the first place. Plus... They were like, compatible in their souls, or some shit.

The Sacrifice Girl was one of them; so was the Slave Girl. Then there was that Slave Bitch... And some others, or something. But those ones were the most important. Nobody cares about the rest of them. Maybe that Chibi-chan... It doesn't really matter. Only thing that matters was... She really wanted the taste of blood in her mouth again after being a Goddess for so long and abstaining from staining her tongue with the blood of random peoples she wanted or liked to fuck. God, it just felt like so long ago... And, well, them bitches calling themselves 'Tao' or 'Taomin' deserved it, so... She trapped their souls in a Soul Cage so she could hunt them down forever! Yay.

And that's what she was doing.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 4:11 am

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Yank10

Tao, the Goddess, could hear the prayers of the hearts of weak bitches... And that Slave Bitch said she wanted the soul of Tao or something so she could take 13-Inch dicks or something, which she couldn't take without Tao and her abs. So, Tao already marked her for death, she guessed, because the Slave Bitch was so weak and obsessed with her that she wasn't even her own person and was just full out Possessed, able to be Possessed as a Possession. 'Slave Bitch' was her possession to play with forever, but she was just gonna kill her, like everyone else, for being contemptuous of Taomin.

So the hunt began with Taomin being sent out from her Sanctuary and prepping herself for battle. She robed herself in her Living Shadow, as always, and was aware that there was something about that Slave Bitch... Makenzi, or something or whatever that ho's name was... That made her desperate for Tao. And, Tao didn't even like her, but she loved how weak she was to prey upon, sooooo... Allegedly, that Slave Bitch read the story of Taomin or something and thought she was sexy? That's why Tao was making up a NEW story JUST for that Slave Bitch, Makenzi. Which involved her being fucked up and fucked in every way by Tao. And being a little BITCHHHH.

The 'First Tail' would begin, and that would start up the story for Tao to do... And she'd do it like, on the computer? I think? Anyway, she just swiped a tail and a Laptop appeared and she would sit and do her stories online... By PAINTING THEM WITH THE FIRST TAIL. Outside... Online! Into... Online!! "Fuck Yes. This Is Cool."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 7:45 am

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Snigge11

Makenzi, apparently, just wanted to SAY that she was 'Tao' all day, and she also has NO sense of self and HATES HERSELF SO MUCH that she wanted to be Taomin all day, and never wanted to be herself anymore. She wanted to be Tao SOOOOO BAAAAD that she BEGGED TYMON -- BIG TYMON -- ALL DAY LONG FOREVER AND EVER to WISH she even WAS Tao... But, alas, Taomin was just not having it and was instead using her like she tried to use Tao, as revenge for trying to use Tao at all.

That was when Tymon (that is, Taomin) had a fucking BRILLIANT idea! "Hey!" Taomin thought, "Since So Many Bitches Is Possessed By TaoTao, Then... Perhaps I Can Use Them AS My Possessions!" That way, Tymon's Heart -- Taomin -- would be able to bring back more bitches! And they would fall in love with her, and then draw them back to Tymon, and Tymon and Tao would fuse back together... And FUCK THEM UP AS ONE, AS THEY ALWAYS DID AND DO AND HAVE SINCE FOREVER. "BWAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! TAO DID IT! NYAAAHAHAHAHAH!" She felt accomplished and would worship at Big Tymon's footstool later. Because she loved the Big Tymon and also worshiped Tymon, God Tymon.

"God Tymon," she prayed, "Do Not Fuck Us Up No Mores, Cuz I -- Well, We -- Were Too Fucking Stupid; Three Stupid, Even." She bowed her head in solemnity to Tymon, "... O, Big Tymon, We Do Know How Much Tao Has Sinned. BUT That Is Why Tao Bring Meaty Meats For Ussssssss... EMPHASIS ON THE US... So... Uh.. You Know. Heheheheh." He knew. She knew... He knew. "That Stuu-Bitch Makenzi Said She Would WORSHIP ME -- And You, By Default -- At Our Altar, Which Is Our Heart, And Our Sanctum, Where I Like... Sleep? And At Your Feet, Cuz They Are So Prettier Than Hers." Tao was almost done fucking up this beautiful prayer unto her Big Tymon, that she loved, so very much, for creating her, in his image, as she was, and always would be, since she was a little Taomin, and would always be. Forever. "Okay, I Am Done Talking Like A Dumbfuck Now, But... You Already Knew."

And... He Knew.

"Tao..." spaketh Tymon, God Tymon -- The Big Tymon -- "You Have Done Well Before Us Bringing Us The Meaty Meats. We Will Do Nicely. Go Forth And Bring Us The Others... And Prepare Them On The Altar Of Our Love. For, I, Tymon, Have Fucked You Up, And Therefore Am PLEASED With You... With Us... As We... Are... You... Me... Yes." And he knew it.

And so they were at peace.

... But then... The two dumbfucks knew what the fuck was up, and forgot that some dumb bitches REEEEEAAAALLLY wanted to be Tao Taomin so fucking bad that Tymon and Tao almost forgot. Fortunately, they didn't, because they stopped being sexy at each other and remembered that fucking 'Makenzi' worshiper at Tao's sanctum. "Oh Ya, That Dumb Slave Bitch, Makenzi... Tao, Remember This... I, Tymon, Have Placed A New Toy Out For You... A Grand Possession In The Shadow Hands Of Our Tabitha... If'n You Can Collect That 'Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll' From Out Of The Tabitha's Shadow Hands... The Great Darkness That Is Them Trying To Be You All Day Will Definitely... Pass. And, You Know, You Can Keep Your Possessions...? And Like... Kill Them? I Fucking Guess...? Wait, I Want Dibs." Tymon wanted dibs over his Taomin.

BUT TAO WOULD NOT HAVE THIS. "Aw, C'mon Mayn, I Already Gottems!"

And, by the law of Gottems... Tymon did allow Taomin first bite.

And it was good.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 11:26 am

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Pimpal10

Tao's first fucking 'Devotee' -Worshiper- *Slave* ever to her Shrine -- Makenzi -- was so fucking enslaved to trying to be Taomin and had such a nonsense of self that she was literally throwing out her actual life to be Tao herself. And it was fucking disgusting. Tao hated that shit; she wanted to just be herself without any dumb bitches trying to sacrifice themselves and their whole lives and souls and beings just to be her at all. Sooooo... She took the Big Tymon's offer on getting that 'Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll' from the Shadow Hands... So she could make her 'Devotee Worshiper Slave', Makenzi, be the Possession! Then she could use her for like... Some other shit. Hell, Tao could get her own religion, like fucking Friday -- whom she loved the same as her Boy Version, Tymon. Though she didn't get no Friday love cuz she was already a girl, and only the Big Tymon could have Friday.


Tao even written it. With WRIT.

"So Yeah, That's What Happened," Tao typed on her laptop that she made. But then she realized... She had to make this all cool and not just type on the fucking computer through Tymon... Or... Tymon had to not type... Himself through Tao. Whatever, we love each other vewy much.

"So Anyway... STAGE 1; FIRST TAIL..." she thought, kinda forgetting. "Uhhhh... BORED TO DEATH!!!" It had been a while since any of Tymon's Spirits had to even ACCESS the fucking Insanities they had. And Tao's was the Insanity Of Fun. Sooooo... She needed a LOT of stimulation JUST to have some FUN~! And fun she would have with this fucking Makenzi Devotee Worshiper Slave. That the Big Tymon -- actually, Tao herself -- scrounged up from her being... Praying... To... Tao. And it being FUCKING. ANNOYING.

"The Only Reason Makenzi Even Wants Tao In The First Place Is For Our Sexy Abs, Which Get Even Sexier When We Are A Full Tymon," Tao was reading from her Divining Cards, as well as her Artsy Drawings... Since... You know... She does Art all of the time (like a Tymon) and also plays with Tarot Cards or something, as a Diviner, "So She Is Still Trying To Be A Parasite Leech So She Can Get The 10-12 Pack Abs That Belong To Us, As Are The Rest Of The World, And Will Not Shut Up Because She Knows We Are So Much Fucking Sexier Than She Is, But She's Too Much Of A Coward Pussy Bitch To Just Come Fucking Fight And Fuck About It." Which offended the Great Tymon and his Taomin...

So they were gonna kill that bitch. In the bed. Or... Otherwise.

"Let's Dog That Ho," Tymon suggested to his Taomin, and she said, "Yeh."

And That Was Final.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 11:54 am

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Poison10
-Poison Pop-

Apparently, when Makenzi prayed to Tymon (that is, Tao), she informed him (that is, her) that she had some dumbfuck plan that every woman in the world wanted to try out, which was to not make Tymon attached to them at all in any way physically, yet somehow take his abs from him through Tao, and also his dick through Tao, and also take his heart which IS Tao (but not the Love), and... Well, it was a stupid plan because these dumb bitches actually did need to fuck first and make him attached to them through the sex... As ALL WOMEN DO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND TO DO. SO it looked pretty cowardly for Makenzi to do anything that was otherwise, no matter what she was doing as a Devotee Worshiper Slave with an Obsessive Compulsive personality disorder that made her so much in love with all of the things about Tymon (and especially Tao) that she wanted to have them, be them, and sex them for the rest of her life.

Since she was so little and small and her plan was stupid and definitely bound to fail because of the ONE KEY COMPONENT that was INTEGRAL for it to ACTUALLY FUNCTION COHESIVELY... Cuz some DUMBFUCK MAN likely told her otherwise... It couldn't even get off of the ground nor finish itself off and would always be a waste of time no matter how much it was copied. And... Tao knew this, and told her Big Tymon about it... Even though she was the Big Tymon. And they knew that.

"So We Definitely Gotta Kill That Bitch," she mentioned to herself, because... Clearly Tymon and Taomin talked to each other all of their lives as two parts of the same whole; one Male, the other Female, respectively, "And She Is A Fucking Dumbfuck For Trying At All." Allegedly, she loved Tymon's body and Taomin so much that she wanted to live inside of them and steal their intellect as well as their intelligence, however, she was too fucking stupid to handle them... Plus, she wanted their feelings and emotions, but... Was too weak and inferior to control them. She wanted the ENTIRETY of Tymon and didn't even realize how VERY MUCH -=IN LOVE=- that she was, but she was falling apart because she just was too stupid to fucking appear before them without goddamned... TRYING to fuck someone else or TRYING TO GET ONE OVER ON SOMEONE, OR PLAY SOMEONE, OR SOME DUMB FUCKING SHIT, AND COULDN'T FINISH THE JOB.

Which is why... She became a Devotee Worshiper Slave that only got dogged and dissed and pissed on because she just missed her fucking chance fucking around... And trying to fuck with all sorts of other fucking people, listening to anyone that wasn't him, trying to one-up him, steal away Taomin from him, call herself Tao, and just not fucking get the fucking message nor the picture. AT ALL. Which is 'Don't Do That Shit At All For Any Reason'.

Makenzi did not want to be herself SO BADLY that she would go to any lengths and tell anyone anywhere in her devotion to Tymon and his own Tao (that is, his Heart) that she would just say she was the actual girl version of Tymon himself (Taomin) and pretend like she is the one that made the name, the character, the idea, the whole concept, and lived the life, as well as always was the being... Which was what made her a SLAVE to Tao, and not at all anything WORTHY of Tao and her heart. Nor Tymon. Who is the exact same person but the BOY VERSION.

And Makenzi was so stupid she really did run to anyone and anything to cause chaos to try to get to be Taomin so badly that anyone who thought she was attractive would help her. And it made Tao, Goddess Tao, so fucking angry that she had to kill that bitch by her own fucking heart. Just because Makenzi really did not understand how stupid of a bitch she was to be a Devotee Worshiper Slave that couldn't actually worship nor be devoted correctly. She slaved very well, and was quite the white slave, but she was just far too stupid to understand why she was supposed to stop bothering other people all day about Tao this and Taomin that. Which was why she could not actually function as a person when Tao rejected her and sought someone else.

That's when Makenzi thought to try to STEAL Taomin. But, her obsession over it made her much more weak, because Tao was too strong for her to handle in the first place, and she destroyed herself and others via her obnoxious obsession possession. And, yeah, Tao loved having her as a Possession, but the obsession with her was just... Pretty disgustingly annoying. Like, nobody needs to be obsessed with someone like that, and it is just... Fucking clear that she needed to die.

And she would indeed get fucked. Indeed.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 12:03 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Poison11

In whatever fucking realm Makenzi was in, when people started seeing her worshiping Tao so much, they all started to pray to Taomin and got on her fucking nerves about it, and wanted to pray to her some more and be her or have her or whatever dumb shit Makenzi was saying in her realm that ended up reaching Tao...

It was because Tao was ignoring Makenzi, and she wanted Taomin to hurt as much as she did, so all these annoying people were bothering Tao now by praying to her recklessly and getting in her way. Fortunately, Taomin really only wanted the bitches that wanted to BE HER or HAVE HER, and not really anyone else. Yet, she would still deal with anyone else that approached her, because... Like, obviously, right?

Otherwise, she really didn't fucking care.

Word spread of Taomin and she became great in the land of Makenzi. She may have slandered Tao all of the time because she was so fucking upset that she just was not her, but... Then more and more people wanted to become Tao, or worship Tao, or devote themselves, or some shit... And she started feeling more and more like a Goddess. But... It was still fucking annoying for these people to be doing that. Then she understood how Big Tymon's relationship with God was, because this was clearly how God felt. So... Now Tao was a Goddess because she had fucking... Slave Worshipers ANNOYING her and worshiping her for the WRONG REASONS all of the time in order to, what, get SOMETHING from her for nothing?

Well, that's why they had to pay. Sole reasoning why. Gotta pay for what you want from someone, or else you are stealing and you OWE.

So, Makenzi and her little 'CULT OF TAOMINISTERS' were going to pay.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 12:18 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Miscel10

Makenzi and her 'Cult Of Taoministers' were apparently starting to devote themselves to Taomin for the sake of achieving 10-Pack abs. And they were getting really upset that they had to siphon from Tao (that is, Tymon) at all, but also because the corrupt obsession of Makenzi made it clear that they were all just in it for Tao's abs and didn't actually ever get there, but wanted to achieve them. So, they looked like an obsessive group of cultists led by Makenzi and also had some level of television programming episode of some show Tao liked where it was belligerently clear that this is what went on during that time. They apparently never achieved a 10-Pack, but it was bothering Tao's body that she was losing her prized and beloved abs because Makenzi was so obsessively envious... Of Taomin. Due to being in love with her. And hating her. And tried to spite her by making this cult of people who followed Makenzi due to her attractiveness, and not actually because of her believes, brains, values, or any level of spirit within her.

So Tao had to just kinda... Write these things down as like, a 'Gospel' story of what was the 'Account' of the record of what Makenzi was doing, or something...? And it did look pretty Biblical, but... It was definitely just writing down the events that happened as truthfully as they could be testified and also with her own creative touch... As is what Tao does all of the time. And they were still there, trying to poach, leach, and sorcererize Taomin's abs from her... From her own realm... In the Veritas... Through Tymon... Himself... In 'Tymon's Room'.

It was disgusting. But, the 'Cult Of Taoministers' could indeed be manipulated like the worshipers of 'Other Gods' in the 'Bible'. Through their documentation, as is exactly what happened in the Bible. Thus proving the events of the Bible truthful JUST BY THE GODDESS, TAOMIN, HERSELF, doing something the exact same as what Biblical Events would so mirror.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Lusus Naturae

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 12:31 pm

In the Realm of wherever Makenzi was, the 'Cult Of Taoministers' were still after the legendary 10-Pack. Pray, they did, to the Goddess Taomin, for her power to be Tao, so that they could have her heart and steal her power so that her abs would be theirs. These 'Cultists' were the 'Lusus Naturae' -- the 'Freaks Of Nature' -- who did truly only care about how ugly and freaky they were, and how much prettier, better, sexier, and hotter Tao was than they were. Not anything else.

But, they were still the Devotees, Worshipers, and other Religious Fanatics who RELIGIOUSLY acted on their impulsive beliefs or desires toward Tao and her legendary 10 to 12-pack abs... That were actually just Tymon's. Because Tao is just Tymon and they didn't seem to understand... That. At all.

From Latin lūsus nātūrae (“sport of Nature”),[1] from lūsus (“playing”, “sport”)[1] + nātūrae (“of Nature”), genitive singular of nātūra (“Nature”). Plural from Latin lūsūs nātūræ (“sports of Nature”), from lūsūs (“playings”, “sports”). Plural from Latin lūsūs nātūræ (“sports of Nature”), from lūsūs (“playings”, “sports”). A sportive quality in Nature to which abnormal forms were formerly ascribed; a supposed capricious act of Nature regarded as the cause and origin of anomalies in a given organism. An organism exhibiting marked such deviation from the norm, seeming to be the result of sportive design; a freak of nature. a deformed or strangely marked creature; a freak -- God's Joke.

Losers of Life & Game-Players, angry and trying to get back at others for making sport of them or mocking them. Often engage in Flytings.

It had been only just recently that a new name came up in the streets. People were talking, but not about the name that was being slung around... For whatever reason. That seemed like it would be the thing that everyone's primary focus was on, especially if it was in all of their mouths and related to recent events, but it wasn't. No, it seemed that this name slipped easily under the radar of the masses because the ones who had been speaking it recently were people who were able to use magic. Before they were captured or killed, they kept saying something about the name 'Lusus Naturae', like it was some kind of disturbance or driving force in their lives. Of course, everyone just thought they were loons, especially because the heavy reliance on cult activity and gameplay. Yeah, it's just how it ended up playing out. Whether it was intentional or accidental was anyone's guess, but it was clear that something was happening with that gameplaying community.
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 1:01 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Owarim10

Tao became quite interested in the 'Cult Of Taoministers' that were about, trying to... Siphon her abs from her? It was SO interesting to her, it stimulated her like it used to... Way back in her demonic days. A little horn sprouted from her head, that started to grow larger, like the days of her Oni nature... Hidden by her hair. It was just her hair. Her hair became reddened, like the Fourth, and she started to pant and moan sensually... "Stage 2; Curiosity - Second Tail; Let The Games Begin..."

When her second tail split from the first, she was a wild Nekomama, like the days of her youth... Her eyes sharpened as they did back then, and her hair would pinch into pigtails, but... Somehow, it fluctuated styles. She was trying not to just delve directly back into the states of being that she had been in as a youthful spirit, but... Seeing these cultists start to really worship her made her want to eat them up. She really did have to kill them, and she was itching to do so with a fever. Makenzi was gaining more traction and more followers to her belief about Taomin's 10-12 pack abs, and also how she could siphon them from Tao herself if they followed her in her 'Cult Of Taoministery'.

Tao's abs were on the line, but... It was clear that she was going to really have to fuck Makenzi. And she definitely wanted to, which was why she kept her around when she finally set her fucking eyes on her permanently. She would not be allowed to fucking live. Her entire body was not as fucking good as Tao's, and she knew it. The only leverage that she had was that she was born a female, and Taomin was born a Spirit of Tymon, which she envied so much that she wished she was. From Tao's abs to her foxy spider-toes, Makenzi could not handle it just to be near her. Makenzi had been running around for years in secret and got lots and lots of help, avoiding confrontation at any given turn, and still cowardly running even to this day.

But Tao watched on, patiently, doing minimal activity as she saw the Cult Of Taoministers grow... Under Makenzi. She still was so afraid of Tao's power and sexiness that she could only steal and run away, and hope that Taomin chased her, because that was her only tactic other than go find people to manipulate, or that were more powerful than her. She only knew bitch tactics -- the weakest of all game-playing tactics -- but it was still so cute that so many people were just helping her just to get a piece of her after they sorcered the abs from Tao (Tymon) to Makenzi.

And, everyone knew, if she wasn't some fucking whore that fucked anything that moved and not Tao (Tymon) herself, she would have no chance, would have lost by now, and would have been destroyed beyond repair. But, she was really just avoiding being weak at sex.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 7:46 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Laugha10
Taomin: "COMMAND :: SPIRIT (PLASMA) : REACTOR." - Possession

Tao, once a vengeful, feral, savage, and vicious, ferocious young Demon Priestess from yore, had become, as a Goddess, much more Virtuous in her nature, especially after the assistance of the cleansing of the 'Generational Family Curses' that were upon her genealogy through her ancestry in the Tensei lineage -- up to the Big Tymon. Since she was no longer so bloodthirsty and lustful -- and especially not gluttonous, for she hated there to be even a bit of fat on her, or her own excessive overindulgence -- she was able to be patient and exude 'Temperance' (her own Virtue in the Tensei Clan) as the 'Cult Of Taoministers' led by the 'Perversion Clone', Makenzi, tried to 'Forge' and 'Fashion' the existence of 'Tao' as 'Taomin' into Makenzi through her own worship as a 'Prostitute', thus hampering the image of Tao as she was and who she was by the copying of such through the belligerent desperation in such a depraved manner. The Taoministers simply called her 'Tao' or 'Taomin' in order to praise, worship, and support her, but Makenzi, the Perversion Clone, only wanted to fulfill her stimulants of Love, Sex, and Fun by BLASPHEMING the Goddess, Tao. The Taoministers were eased into her blasphemy through her 'Prostitution', but it was because she was being manipulated by a higher power that she did not understand why she was so blasphemous as a Perversion Clone.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 7:47 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Manual10
When Makenzi, the leader of the 'Cult Of Taoministery' became a social idol for their own personal idolatry, her blasphemy reached Tao in the Veritas in her Heaven, and she saw what was becoming of the blasphemer, -- something like the God of the Big Tymon (their 'One True God Father Of All Of They Who Are The Big Tymon And Gods') -- Tao herself would have to take control of the 'Possessed' by claiming 'Possession' over her as her own 'Possession', regardless of if she liked it, wanted to, or not... Like a Big Goddess does. "Fuck, Man," Tao sneered with disgust, "Fuckin... The Favorite Got Out Of Hand, Tryna Be Me And Shit, Thinkin' She's Hot And Cool And Whatever Else, In All Her Dumbfuck Ass Shit..." Tao huffed. "Guess I Gotta Play With This Chew Toy And Wear Her All The Way Down And All The Way Out..." She gnashed her teeth playfully, not unlike a childish Ty-chan (Tabitha), when becoming more playful with herself. "FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN~!" Normally, she'd be pissed, but not seeing it as much of a threat as much as she did PREY, she was actually... Anticipating it, because she was kinda bored by herself in her 'Doghouse', so to speak... Her 'Sky Sanctum; Santimonious'. "Tao Nevah Getta Play Outside No Mores~! Hyahahahahaha." She was just fucking around; she could go outside and fuck around anytime she wanted. She just didn't want to anymore, and always went back to her 'Solitary Alone Time' place, in her Sanctum... Her Room where her Spirit resided in rest in her own Realm in the Big Tymon's Heart as his very own Heart Spirit of Anaputa. "That Dumb Bitch Tryna Be Me So Bad, So Hard... Just Fucks Her Own Self Up, And Makes Her My Toy To Play With... So Now, Tao Get To Be A BAAAAD GIRL Again... Teeheehee..." Just like old times. Yet... She was aware that Makenzi, the 'Taoministery Cult Leader', was not quite just 'Possessed' by Tao, herself... In fact, she seemed to have other 'Strings Attached', which were trying to siphon from Tao and feed into Makenzi... From a 'Blasphemy Mimic' -Puppet King-. "OMFG, Is That Just...?" She sighed, lowering her eyes. "... A Fucking Bill..." Tao pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "... Guess I've Got My Work Cut Out For Me... Good Thing I Like The Favorite Enough To 'Play' With Her And Not Just Fucking Destroy Her, Like The Damn 'Slave Girl' That They Tried This On..." Tao was WAY more coherent than people thought about these situations, being the FORBIDDEN SPIRIT OF THE BIG TYMON, HIMSELF, and being fed DIRECTLY TO AND FROM him. "This Dumb Bitch Will Bring Me Some Food AND That Fucking Puppet King If I Just Wait Out Another 'Bill Cycle'..." She blecked.
-Manual Control-

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 7:48 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Sacrif10

The Idol that was set up in the Hearts of the Taoministers in the Cult -- named Makenzi, who was trying to take the Name and Image of Tao as Taomin, like Humanity had done with God plentiful times in all history -- would end up drawing them away from Tao as a Goddess by making themselves detestable to her and abhorrent to her heart, thus repulsive to her love. Makenzi would be inadequately using these characteristics that she liked about Tao when she was just the Demon Priestess Taomin and make herself seem like she was accomplishing something in the Name of the Image, when in fact, she was being a cheaper, lesser, more depraved copy that desperately wanted the attention because she thought Taomin 'was so cool, sexy, hardcore, badass, fun, savage, and feral' in lots of sexual and intelligent ways. So, Makenzi tried to model herself after Tao as Taomin and not realize that Taomin was something of a 'Past Life' to Tao, the Goddess, that had transcended her Demonic History. So, as cute and sexy and pretty as Makenzi was, she was still fugly, and ugly before Tao because she was just slandering and mangling the image by BEING herself and COPYING what she BELIEVED or THOUGHT the 'Image Of Tao' was. However, some of the 'Depraved' in the 'Taoministery' were devout and religious followers of Makenzi, and they would worship her no matter what for being a 'Prostitute' that was sexy and had sex with them, and not because she was even taking a Name or Image of Tao at all. This spread into the 'Uncircumcised' communities in her realm and made them 'Devotees' through promises of sexual wiles that she did not intend to keep, but only use to religiously string them along and then primitively cut them off or harm them, damage them, or hurt them in their lives for even following her at all. And all of this was started because prior to such, she was groomed to be this way because of the 'Blasphemy Mimic' which was a 'Puppet King' over her, 'Puppeteering' her about for the sake of gaining a cult in order to be a 'Puppet God' that rivaled Tao as a Goddess and also blasphemed her because of her TRUE SELF as a male God named Tymon, since she was his Female Spirit and he was in love with her in a sinful, perverse, ungodly way. In this way, he thought to make people hate the Big Tymon and also blaspheme his Holy Spirit as a Female inside of himself through use of actual women that were not meant to take it, then making them turn against him and serve under him for his own goals to call himself a 'God', despite being just wishing to be a 'Puppet God'.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 7:49 pm

Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Streak10
So it went, the Perversion Cloner, Makenzi, took a great deal of the Devotees of the Cult Of Taoministery and convinced them to give her their power, in an attempt to be a Goddess like Tao using the little bits of information on Taomin that she did get, and also by siphoning power from the Big Tymon via the Tao. So, she first would have bound together their Eight-Pack abs, and that would cause them to be fused together forever through some machine that the Blasphemy Mimic Puppet King created for her. The two of them envied Tao -- that is, Tymon in his Female Version -- due to all of the superior qualities, including intelligence and sexiness. Makenzi was so very envious of this that she refused to let the abs go because she wanted to hurt Tao for being so sexy and beautiful as a being. Yet, she did envy so very much that it ended up causing her to fall in love in a different way and become incapable of not being obsessive about how she was indeed possessed by the possession of the abs. This led her to try to siphon more power from the Taominister Cult and make her body into a physical amalgamation of stolen energy from them to make her muscles better than Big Tymon, to overpower him out of envy. The love, though there, was not large enough, because Makenzi idolized herself, the muscles of Big Tymon, and also his life, plus the power of others in order to make herself into something 'more powerful' through sorcery and cheating. In this way, the Puppet King -- that Blasphemy Mimic, who hated Big Tymon first -- would control her, override her mind, and overwrite her minimal personality, soul, spirit, and body in order to create for her a personage of herself that was a vanity which made her seem like she was strong and powerful when in actuality she was just SO weak that it was EXCEEDINGLY EASY to overwrite who she was, all her weaknesses, and whatever she felt vulnerable or insecure about so that she would continually forever be stealing and siphoning through sorcery the very things that made her 'feel' strong and 'feel' powerful, so that she would bully and manipulate the Cult Of Taoministers which were once on her side. She was so dependent on this power siphoned from others -- and especially the Abs kept from Big Tymon/Tao -- that she -LITERALLY COULD NOT LIVE- without them. Thus, was why the 'Sorceress' could not be allowed to live; she lived off of others and drained them like a parasite from a source or host, which is what, essentially, a Sorceress was. That was how the Perversion Clone Makenzi became a Perversion Sorceress that would just be some kind of perverse parasite that couldn't live without a host. Obviously, instead of killing the hosts and letting her sorcer other beings, the sorceress had to die, herself, to free everyone that she was draining and drawing power from to get the muscles and abs she wanted for having overpowering sex and making Big Tymon feel bad and trying to steal the Being of Tao and Taomin from him.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyFri Mar 01, 2024 6:22 pm

February 6, 2024 @ 3:58 PM
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Walk10
The Cult of Taoministery that still was so adamant about sorcering the 12-Pack from Taomin, herself -- the female version of Tymon, that was the actual Free Spirit of his Heart -- followed Makenzi, the first cult worshiper and creator, across their world, still trying to blaspheme Tao, the Goddess, herself to make Makenzi into Tao. That way, Makenzi could be considered 'Tao' on Earth, and Tao, who was actually Tymon, would seem like she didn't have her Spirit, and that she wasn't Possessing Makenzi in order to make that 'Chew Toy' look like a fucking punk all day after leading her BY her Temptation into her own destruction. The Taominists would start to waver when the 12-Pack never hit, and it shrunk some of their dicks all of the time, plus they heard weird shit in their heads and always had to do fucked up shit, or destroy themselves and others for the sake of Makenzi being some kind of... 'Kenzifrenzi', as she was calling herself, unknowing to the others that this was the 'Favorite Name' that Tao, the actual Goddess, herself, was giving Makenzi as a 'Pet Name' as a 'Friend' due to Tao's own Frenzy being too much for her to handle, but getting a name for herself through her little toy, Makenzi.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyFri Mar 01, 2024 6:25 pm

February 7, 2024 @ 6:45 PM
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Ovulat10
Taomin: "Boy, I Sure To Love That Evil Sorceress Baby Girl I Done Picked Up With My Power... Gawd, She's So Stupid, And I'm Training Her Right This Fucking Now, As We Speak, Using My Own Power! She Thinks She's A Me... Teeheehee. Betcha No One Even Cares To Remember... But... I'll Have My Little Bitch... In Fact... The Big Tymon Tells Us... It's TAO's Turn With 'MY BITCH'... Teeheehee~! TaoTao Never Had The FRIDAY Before~! SQUEEEEEE! I Feel Like I'm Eleventeen Again... Praise Be To The Big Tymon~! So Sextacularia~! I'mma Call 'My Bitch'... 'TaoBooBoo'... But, You Know, I Dun Think She's 'Friday' Material... Reminds Me Of That Thing That My Tabitha Was Moidering... 'TaBisa'? Fuck That Little Tatiauna... What A Black Kenzie... Hyeheheheheh."
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyFri Mar 01, 2024 6:28 pm

February 9, 2024 @ 5:53 AM
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Fertil10
The stupid White Slave that was Makenzi, Cult Leader of the Taominists, continued to try to siphon Tao's power, until she was totally Possessed. That's when Tao, the Goddess, herself, took over all of Makenzi in a 'Religious Experience' and overtook her entire body down to her very mind and weakened her in totality, enslaving her forever. Tao laughed at Makenzi and then whispered belligerent malicious sexually hot things at her until she was feeling so weak and inferior, she couldn't even piece her life back together, since her mind was shattered, and she was 'Broke', so to speak, as she kept saying to people, being broken in by Tao to be used as the 'Chew Toy' she so always wanted. "Teehehee~! Big Tymon Always Gives Us What We Want~!" Tao chanted to herself, as Makenzi continued trying to steal more power as a sorceress, setting herself up as a greater Idol as a Black Alice that exemplified her flaws and took on Sins that Tao would shit into her to make her the TaoBooBoo that Tao wanted. This White Slave, Makenzi, the TaoBooBoo, would serve as the example for what the Slaves of Tao would always look like, and set the precedent for being the TaoBooBoo -- Tao's Slave Girl! She was instructed to collect the 'Black Adams' -- that is, the 'Weak Men' that were opposed to the 'Black Alices', the 'Weak Women' -- to turn them into Leviathans and also Nephilim that would be sent to their destruction by Tao or any of Tymon's other selves, inclusive to his Girl Selves. As it turned out, Tao wasn't even in love with Makenzi at all -- except her name -- but just the parts of her that Tao herself possessed for the Big Tymon as the practiced pawn and Chew Toy for her. She was totally unlovable and detestable, and keeping on trying to prove love that was disgusting and vile was actually offensive, but still funny to Tao on high, the Queen Of Heaven at the Top.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyWed Mar 27, 2024 2:00 am

='Taomin (CREATIA)'=
March 6, 2024 @ 6:26 AM
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Tymon41
"Game Board :: Creature : Create ; Tainted - Buzzkilljoy Fly."

Cult Leader of the Taominists was such a good little possession that she was passed along as the sacrificial offering to Tao's 12-Pack, once she believed she had surpassed Tao and gotten the 12th Pack. Unfortunately for her, the scuffle with Tao was much more brutanical than she could ever imagine, and her abs were made weak by Tao... Who was more cunning than anyone could have truly understood, tearing Makenzi to shreds and then throwing down her torn scraps at the cultists that were very obsessive over Tao's abs at all. They performed outrageous experiments on people for their abdominal muscles, and were trying to use Makenzi as a catalyst and also a conduit from Tao.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyWed Mar 27, 2024 2:03 am

9:33 AM
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Woe15
Tao: "Damnitdammit! Looks Like These Guys Felt Tao Masturbating That One Time And It Made Them Addicted To My Abs! Fawking Shit! That's Fawked Ahp, Yo!!!"
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyWed Mar 27, 2024 2:04 am

9:50 AM
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Virule11
"House :: Black Pawn : Period ; Variable - Wind ~ Aethereal * Storm Cloud."
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree   Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree EmptyFri Apr 19, 2024 2:45 am

='CREATIA (Taomin)'=
Tao's Revenge; Taomin's Killing Spree Party_11
"Player :: Set : Period ; Pawn - Force (Gravity) ~ Formation * Effect."
-Party Time-

Quote :
When Tabitha was done playing with the Perversion Ball of Kenzi, Tao would scoop it up and use it as the adhesive Binding Agent for scooping up all the other Kenzies.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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