The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot

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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 3:25 am

Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Messag10

Chita, the Hypernova Superstar -- whose fame and infamy were renowned because some dumb bitch Porn Star Kenzi that was in love with her refused to stop fucking trying to be her and copy her in all ways applicable -- had to do some more work because Tear tricked Chita's dumb ass into dealing with herself and doing work for once.

Pissed as she was, as usual, that she even had to bother with anything or anyone, she'd grown quite a bit from even when she was only just a roughhousing tomboy lesbian that didn't have any kinda street cred to her name. She never really liked being an educator, cuz that was Tear's thing, but she still was and she really did have to do some work around the Veritas for Pandemia... Since... She was a teacher there. A Professor, in fact, and always was meant to do 'Field Work'.

So, this was just another 'Field Trip' down to the 'Depthsroot' where she had to actually put in some footwork and not just laze around the school and fight with students all day. Boring as it was, she did have some kinda relationship with that dumb Porn Star bitch long-distance -- which she hated, cuz she really hated ranged things in general, but... People grow -- to entertain her with that dumb shit she be talking all online and like, over the waves, and whatever. She was really feeling the breakup, and Chita was trying to get her to get the fuck on because she didn't get the message about why Chita broke up with her at all.

Texting and emanations abound, Chita finally reached the Underground Academy of Depthsroot, and... With the White Void giving her more information about herself from the past, -- which was what Rita was hiding way back when -- Chita, who was in the Eighth Restriction now, had evolved her Earth Souzenryoku to be able to control Nature now. Being the Jinseigami Amaterasu Goddess really did mean she was the Goddess Of Life, and, being only crowned such by God himself and having the White Pumpkinhead as the testament, Chita was able to use the powers of Life in all their forms... Strictly applying them to the Earth Elements she already commanded from antiquity.

"Great," she muttered to herself, "That Dumb Bitch Won't Leave Me Alone Still... To This Day..." She fwipped her phone, "And Still Won't Come See Me, Talking All That Bullshit..." She shook her head and scoffed slightly. "Plus, Looks Like The Dumb Ho Is Still Trying To Copy Me And Be Me Even Though She Is The One That Did Me Wrong Initially, Which Was Why I Broke Up With Her In The First Place, Trying Not To Correct What She Fucking Started..." Chita sighed. "... Pussy."

Chita really hated how everyone in her fucking life was a pussy, and has some misconception about what it meant to be a coward, for whatever reason. Annoying as it was, Chita was always a loner, and loved her independence as well as individuality, no matter what nor where she was in them. "... Sigh. At Least, I'm Down Here In The Depthsroot, And This Has Lots Of Nature And Stuff..." The White Void gave her all the information she needed constantly and endlessly since way back when Chita and Rita fused back into one being and Chita was the dominant, conscious one. So, she just 'knew things' and kept on getting more powerful because of what was going on in her own head via Rita. "... Being Jinseigami Means I Can Use My Life Powers To Do Goddess Shit, And I Didn't Even Get To Do That..." She scoffed again, thinking only of the things she was missing out on enjoying by having to take up her duties at all.

"Oh Well..." she finally settled, approaching the Underground Academy, "... Might As Well Fuck Around With My Nature Powers, Since I Guess I Like Plants Now...?" And she did. "... Maybe I Should Pay A Visit To Bunnybee After This..." The White Void could take her anywhere, so... She'd finish up here.

Her communication device buzzed and, lo and behold, it was that fucking Porn Star-Ex of hers, still trying to 'get some clout' and be a 'parasitic leech' or some dumb shit that real hoez did... On some ho shit. She loved her bitch ass, but... Kenzi really did need to stop at this point.
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The $yndicate
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Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
The $yndicate

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 3:30 am

='The $yndicate'=
Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Dark_p10
-Dark Path-

Right behind Chita, as always, were her lil 'Doods' -- the 'Penguin Brigade' of the 'Dark Network' in 'the $yndicate'. They were still her 'Familiars', after all. They stalked her quietly, as they usually did, the Goon Squad with them to fuck shit up, as usual. They never stopped following Chita, and never confessed their true feelings for her after she let them be alive, and didn't always fight them nor kick them around. Yet, they knew she was ballistic, and would easily trigger by anything slight that would annoy her and piss her off, so... They kept their distance, waiting to lend a hand!

... Which... Usually meant that they were gonna fuck up by fucking around too much, cuz they were not that smart.
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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 4:24 am

Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Emotio10

Still talking to that stupid bitch that she loved, Chita 'Whicked Whiffed' the 'Goon Squad' yet again... And they were getting on her fucking last of nerves, as usual... Cuz they really needed something to do. All this work was pissing her off, cuz... She was kinda horny, and also kinda bored, and also really lazy. "What Dat Smell Like...?" she asked crudely, cutting a sharp gaze straight to 'the Penguins', as she was accustomed to calling the 'Doods' that she commanded. "... Smell Like BITCH In Here..." Though she looked at and intended the intent directly at the Goon Squad, she really was talking to her ex, Kenzi, who already knew what it was, listening to Chita's own theme song for herself... Which the bitch tried to steal earlier at an indefinite point, in order to illustrate the point of how much she was trying to hurt her feelings for even needing to be broken up with at all for any reason and then trying to stick around and hide how in love she was? Oh yeah... She didn't QUITE know what her ex-girlfriend was like, but she was finna find out.

The hard way. Like everyone always does. Whether Chita actually cares to do it that way or not. She'd grown quite lenient and considerate over the years since her growth and maturity from childishness and childhood, but she was still the same brutish bitch she was and had been her entire life, whether or not she was keeping it to herself more or less nowadays, in an attempt to be less vulgar... Like fucking Tear suggested. It was a blow to herself to have to 'calm down' and 'do it right' and 'do some work', especially because it was literally exactly what Tear wanted, always tried to lecture her into doing, and she always fought against, but... Little girls gotta grow up sometime.

"Fuck, Man, I Already Gotta Deal With This Stupid Bitch Still Not Tryna See Me And Fix It Right, But..." She sighed heavily, this time in more of a huff, her green hair getting some illustrious red streaks coursing through them the more pissed she got. "... I'm Too Perfect To Be Angry, I'm Too Perfect To Be Angry..." she muttered to herself, as if like a mantra, but still finding that the red streaks wouldn't go away, due to how much she was pissed at both her ex-bitch and also those fucking Penguins right now. "... You Know What?" she finally concluded with a burning flame in her eyes, "... I'mma Just Beat The Fuck Outcha."

All in all, she was just busy and trying to get shit done and all these fuck ups were getting in her way, especially when she was developing straight out of who she once was into an ascendent, nigh transcendent version of herself, and more. Metacognitively speaking, she was really growing and developing as a person and all this shit was getting in her way, plus trying to copy her every step of the way, and a lot of them were the fucking Penguins and Students of Pandemia plus anyone else that saw her or knew her... Especially that fucking ex-girlfriend Porn Star of hers, Kenzi.

It was like they just didn't know the meaning of 'Personal Space'. Just like every fucking person in Chita's life since back on the fucking Lost World, which was saying something, because she'd literally died and been reincarnated since then, and it was still the fucking same with other people just because she still was who she was as a person. It almost made her want to kill herself again, but she didn't even kill herself the first time; Khrona did.

Fortunately, Khrona was the smart one and did do everything to help, no matter what, and was no longer just her Uncle now, but, through Tear was kinda... Her lover? Weird as old Khrona was, the rebirth process did nullify his Uncle status and her Niece status, plus using Tear -- who was not originally a Tensei -- as his Second Restriction was still a manner of keeping things from being incestuous, but it wasn't like he'd had that in mind... Naw... He had some Big Tymon shit going on, and everyone in the Veritas who was part of the Big Tymon (their God) knew what that meant for Khrona to have done what he did and it all come out clean and smooth.

In the Eighth Restriction, Chita was the same loner bad bitch she'd always been, and not tied down to the Second Restriction protocols the same as Tear and herself as Tifaret, but Tifa was always gonna be her heart, and Chita... Would always be that loner Mondo Mongo Hypernova Superstar. "If This Bitch Don't Stop Riding My Fucking Dick Like It's Her Fucking Pole Or Sybian Or Something..." She was still on that, using some remote-control long-distance, long-range technology to just get into Chita's fucking life at all, and be there at all, and still keep her fucking distance, like she was scared or fucking something... Which she was, cuz she always was this little parasitic copycat pussy bitch. "Swear To God, I Will Actually Kill That 'Parasitic Copycat Pussy Bitch'." Verbatim, Chita was correct about her ex, cuz she really didn't ever come to see her, and really did want to keep talking to her, and really did love her, and really was trying to stay in her life in any and every way possible... Without even once coming to see her at all.

"Fucking PRINNY SQUAD," she screamed in a derogatory fashion toward her Doods, who just-so-happened to look like 'Prinnies' from 'Disgaea', but were actually just Penguins, "LINE UP FOR A FUCKING ASS-WHOOPING, SINCE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO LEAVE BITCHES ALONE." Whether or not they did it -- which they usually didn't, because they did run away from Chita all the fucking time, but liked to 'help' and 'hinder' her with their antics and fuckery -- Chita was gonna whoop their asses anyway for being too fucking close to her, and not letting her deal with her ex-girlfriend, Kenzi, and their fucking breakup. "THIS CLINGY BITCH WILL NOT LET IT GO THAT I LET HER GO AND SHE WON'T FUCKING DO RIGHT TO FUCKING FIX IT, AND Y'ALL RUNNING AROUND ACTING AN ASSHOLE IS NOT MAKING THIS ANY FUCKING BETTER." She should never have given them life out of her Manna.


But... At least she could test out her new powers before she actually did some fucking educator work in the Underground Academy. "CONSIDER THIS YOUR FUCKING TUTORIAL ON 'HOW NOT TO PISS BITCHES OFF IN 80 DAYS'." She was gonna knock them into next Christmas. "HO HO HO, DUMBFUCKS." It sounded like she was telling them to go hoe the streets and corners, and she knew those fucking idiots would actually think about it like that, so... She might as well watch them do it instead of face her directly, then lie to her about how perverse they were behind her back. "Y'ALL'S LUCKY I DON'T WANNA SEE YOUR FUCKING FACES. YOU CRAMP MY FUCKING STYLE." She kinda liked them, but it was a love-hate relationship, just like with her ex-girlfriend, Kenzi. "MOVE AROUND."

She struck her hands together at the palms several times at several speeds in several different emphatic ways, as if trying to illustrate the emphasis through signals of loud instant noise, to ensure every single time, the dumbfucks that didn't quite get what she said would actually comprehend, but you know... Dull muhfukkas ain't quite the sharpest crayons in the medicine cabinet. "YOU GOTS UNTIL THE COUNT OF FUCKING ZERO." Cuz she had a 'Zero Tolerance' policy about these sorts of things, and about herself in certain instances. And, truly, whatever dumb shit they did behind the scenes was gonna be something that ruined her style, ruined her clout, or ruined her newfound fame and image, like that fucking whore tried to be doing. She knew that the Goon Squad was in love with her ex-girlfriend AND were getting in the way of their relationship, but she also knew that Kenzi was letting it happen in the first place, so... That's why she was in the doghouse and also broken up with in the first place.

Her slang and accent and dialect shifted as if she broke some kind of structure she held herself in based on such esteems like being a Hypernova Superstar, but... She was really trying to prim and proper herself up these days, and even be more ladylike. A testament to how grown she actually was now, and not how childish she used to be as a child. "NEGATIVE ONE," Chita shouted, illustrating the actual pissed-offness she had always been serious about always.

They were all steady playing some fucking 'Children's Games' as if there was no real shit to do, and like people didn't have shit to do, and it was always so annoying that people really did 'Think I'm Playing'. Kenzi was still talking all sorts of bullshit long-distance and pretending some false little light and smoke-and-mirrors plus some assistance from others and draining everyone's power like some kinda 'Power Hoe' or something was the equivalent to being stronger than Chita, especially at being sexy or sexually, in the bedroom, or in the abs, or some bullshit like that, but everyone knew that bitch was literally just trying to live off of her like she made her whole career based around, and pretend like she did everything by herself, as well as make this 'light projection image' crap the actual image of herself without letting anyone see, or to manipulate it, by basing her own power off of how much she could limit or restrain Chita's power.

That only made Chita that much more pissed, and though she knew that Kenzi's dumbfuck ass loved to piss of Chita because Kenzi was a weak as fuck and cowardly, and though she was so smart and slick and clever and all that, she was definitely just a scared-ass whore that knew Chita was stronger and better than her, and wanted to copy her, plus compete with her over the light, and never see her because she had literally been stealing some of her power and trying to compare the two of them through unequal terms, acting like that made it correct. She was really fucking dumb, and Chita woulda whooped her ass at anything -- including being a Porn Star, cuz... Kenzi wasn't even one without Chita, anyway, but...

The bitch was afraid of doing things by herself, and she only was powerful at all with help, and even then, she wasn't strong enough for Chita, so that's why she stayed away like a cowardly bitch and didn't own up to anything nor take any responsibility. Plus, she liked to be a little pussy coward, and annoy Chita like some little fucking girl, especially since she was a Porn Star and not because she was a regular old not-putting-out person. So, everyone took advantage of her and the situation, and she just thought that she was in control. Chita tried to tell her all the time, and she still just used it against Chita so that she didn't have to see her. Which was the mark of cowardice itself, all the way through. Shit-talking, big-talking, dog-barking ass bitch...

And that alone pissed Chita off beyond belief. Weak-asses like that, coupled with how -everyone- in her history was -always- that way, so it -always- made it look like these copying-ass fools were just fawning over her and running away, talking a big game, and then never actually directly confronting her? Then, trying to show off what they all learned and gained from her, but then wanna fight her again and not give her credit nor respect by seeing her face-to-face, growing up, and not being the little followers she hated, but asking for love all the fucking time in tiny little annoying ways? Yeah, definitely more than enough to set her off.
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The $yndicate
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 10:05 am

='The $yndicate'=
Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Impost10
"Lawless :: Bishop (Yellow) : Execution ; Earth - Stock ~ Portion."

The Penguins yarped at the sign of Chita's rage, knowing they would get kicked, fucked, and knocked around by her for even being in her way. The Goon Squad, especially, was terrified of how much they got in her way about her love-life between herself and Kenzi, but they didn't care too much as long as Chita did not find out. In fact, the Goon Squad was the first to run away after Chita threatened them with another ass-whooping.

The Penguin Brigade split up instantly because they were too afraid of the wrath of Chita, especially since many of them were supposed to be helping with actual things that she does and not actually getting in the way of her love life with Kenzi, but they all really loved Chita very much, they just thought her ex-girlfriend was sexy, and they were weak, and so was she. They were scared to even tell Chita the truth remotely, and wondered what she could do with them, as her Familiars created of her Witch Manna.

"Chita's mad again...!" they conspired, "We need to get outta here now before she actually kills us dead!!" the Penguins were really afraid at that point, and needed to talk to her ex-girlfriend, Kenzi. "But... Maybe we have to have a plan?" Then, they thought about what she said as they scrambled about. "Ho?" They thought amongst their masses, "Well, we gotta go work the corner, or something, ja?!" It wasn't even funny how many different ethnicities the Penguins resembled in their 'Parody Magic' that they were imbued with from Chita's 'Parody Magic', so... They parodied the actual likeness of others plentiful times, and made up a large part of the 'Black Licorice' and 'Dark Network' of 'The $yndicate', which was the 'Shit-Tier' that was shittier than the other parts of the $yndicate.
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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 9:46 pm

Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Noncha10

The scrambling Penguin Brigade of Doods really ticked Chita off severely when she heard and saw those dumbfucks actually do what she intended of them when she said 'ho ho ho' with intent to knock them into next Christmas. They scuttled around and started to fluster, but were upset that they hadn't been able to cover how guilty they looked about how involved they were in some shady shit, as usual. Sure, they were of the Zero World -- the Black Realm -- but they were still very upsetting as a cutthroat regime of the Veritas', especially because the Black Licorice wasn't supposed to be shitty like that. Worthless as they were, they did actually accomplish -something- for her, and it wasn't all just bullshit garbage Belial shit.

She'd have loved to have rewarded them for their previous activities with the setup of the Mugen Monsters and the Re-Opening of the Gates of Pandemia, but... She was actually very upset with them for tampering with her love life, which she only understood when she analyzed the waves and matched them up to what Kenzi (her Porn Star Ex) was saying to her. "God, You're Stupid, Kenzi," Chita shouted, as usual, like normal, as she regularly did to her ex, whilst raising the powers of the plantlife to her command for the sake of belligerently battering them, "You Will Pay For Your Crimes Against Me, You Know." Roots and vines stretched out from the ground, something like poison ivy, and swat at them, and even began to crush and smash them violently for next to no reason. All the while, Chita still argued relentlessly with Kenzi. "Your Mother, Bitch."

Kenzi was talking all that bullshit, like, forever, eternally -- so much so, that her breath stank of the diarrhea doggy-doo pigshit she smelled like whenever she opened her mouth to speak, and it was almost all worthless garbage in order to hide her true intentions, words, and emphasis, plus the hidden meaning.  "How The Pussy Wagon Doin, Bitch? Same Day As My Father's House? On The Father?" Chita wasn't as mad as she seemed, and was actually fucking around, and venting, but was definitely still quite pissed that Kenzi was an actual dumbfuck stupid bitch, for real. The Doods got a beating for it, just like Kenzi got a mouthful for it. "Still Raping Little Kids And Blaming Others...? Or, Is The System Too Old For Little Kids Like You Anymore...?" The System was the old piece of garbage government technology piece of shit that was going on elsewhere on Earth that made Kenzi even think she was anything worth a fuck to anyone but Chita, yet she liked being a piece of shit, quite on purpose, for no reason, and orchestrating sophomoric stunts, escalating them to the highest capacity, for fun. It was so annoying, especially when Chita advised against it, and beat her ass for it, and also knew how not-smart Kenzi was about how she did those things, plus to whom she had to use to manipulate her way.

"Don't Talk To People On My Facebook Page, And Stop Trying To Steal My Identity, Be In My Life, And Anything Else. 'I'm Breaking Up With You', Or Whatever You Understand In 'Little White Bitch'." She didn't seem to get it, and she was hysterical, but Chita still loved her anyway, which was why she was even getting any words at all. Not like Kenzi knew that, cuz she thought that she was just getting her way manipulatively and tricking Chita into getting information out of her rather than understanding her love, which was literally what everyone misinterpreted about her love every time she showed it -- Every. Single. Time. "So, You're Saying To Me, You Don't Want Me To Have My Dick Because You Want To Hold Onto It...?" It sounded like they were making little coy, perverse jokes, but in actuality, Kenzi was just being a little brat, like she was 4-Years Old and had literally no concept of any home training and only knew petty little tricks to try to annoy people and then take advantage of them by being more intelligent than she was. Chita did give her heart to Kenzi, but of course, when she was exposed to the Crystal Heart's rays, she was incapable of handling it, and that caused her to descend into a vain decadence of lies and slander and cheating and accusation and sex and other malicious things at Chita's true love. Which, of course, pissed her off.

Beatings abound, each of the Doods of the Goon Squad would get their tails whipped just because Chita was talking to Kenzi and it was taking so very much of her time and energy into doing that. Even amongst their fighting, it seemed like they were still making plans, making moves, having normal conversation, and even flirting sometimes. "... So... Did Ole Boi Take The Fall For The Crime Yet Or Fucking What? Cuz... You Look Like A Bitch Right Now, Losing Your Fucking Cool Like That, All Over The Fucking World, And Not Actually Coming To See Me Once, But Still Playing With That Fucking Machine." The System was still trying to mess with Chita's body and the Veritas, but Chita's own communication contracepted it in various ways whenever it got too obnoxious from her obsessive compulsiveness through being infused with the machine just to steal Chita and get all up inside her without actually coming to see her, like to cowardly pussy that she was. "Aaaand, Bail On The Same Day? You Know What...? Tomorrow." Allegedly, she went to jail today, or something, for doing exactly what she did, because of exactly what she did, and got Ole Boi out of the jam to take his place.

"Quit." And by that, Chita meant 'kill yourself'. Like those Doods were about to if they kept getting beaten up by Chita.

"???" Somehow, the connection was unstable and unclear sometimes, but Chita kept on getting more involved, because she wanted to know all the details, and also to know why Kenzi refused to do better, or to do right, and what this was all about that warranted Chita needing to break up with her in order to teach her a lesson about the hurt and pain of someone who is breaking up for a reason... As well as how cool and hot and sexy Chita was as a Hypernova Superstar. "You Ready Yet?" Chita asked, spanking one of her Doods with a poison ivy vine, "Still Working, Or Out?" Sounded like a lot was actually going on over on Kenzi's side, but she was also a huge mega-liar, so... Being as pathological, sociological, compulsive, impulsive, and habitual in her lying, she was quite ready to lie about anything and everything and all of the time... And liked it. Chita hated it, but she liked when she noticed when Kenzi wasn't lying. "Don't Fuck Around; Quit Playing Games." Chita could not stress that enough. Still, she went on, and let the Doods suffer her wrath as she spoke to Kenzi!
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The $yndicate
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
The $yndicate

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 11:40 pm

='The $yndicate'=
Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Shadow10
-Shadow Hands-

Even as Chita was caught up in her business with her Porn Star Ex-Girlfriend, Kenzi, the Goon Squad was off sinning greatly in the eyes of the lord... Rather, the lady. They were doing tons of little tiny perverse things, trying to 'end communication' and begin 'execution of' the relationship of the Porn Star from Chita for... 'Her Own Benefit', as they thought. Sure, they did work the corner... Some might have worked the pole... But what they did NOT do was allow Chita, who would get so very upset as to hurt the poor girl in her heart and brain and likely her body. Likely definitely. And they knew this for certain, but felt obligated to... Molest that Kenzi to death about how she needed to stay away from Chita, since they wouldn't be able to keep Chita from her.

So the Doods did indeed Channel the Dark Network and cause them to have to talk to them about what was going on, and then try to set up something else, bumbling and fumbling around, as if quite on purpose, which, some of them definitely were. But they were also still running from an ass-whooping, as they always were, for some reason... Except the Favorites.
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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptySat Dec 16, 2023 2:35 am

Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Strain10

The plot thickened, even as Kenzi went to jail, and somehow, Chita wasn't quite in the know, yet somehow, was aware of it all. The gal was such a liar that her pal here couldn't even figure out what kind of a false light she was even projecting unto her as she beat the dog shit out of her Penguin Brigade. "Nice Headlights, Dummy. Turn Down The High Beams, Chump. Don't Make Me Call You Back, Girl." The comm was on the fritz now, and it was likely because the System was going down, as was that False Light, and the False Testimony of such a False Prophet like her lying ass, no good, dirty, lowdown ex-girlfriend, Kenzi. Chita slurred a scoff. "Call Me, Beep Me, If You Want To Reach Me -- No System Bullshit. Get Off Of 'Tymon's Dick Machine'." And, she didn't mean the Sybian, nor the Big Tymon, himself (Circa 2017)! "Dum-B, Is The Crick Acquired In Your Neck, Or Is You Back??" Likewise, cricks were cracked right into the backs of those dumbass Goon Squad members, that likely did do extra and out-of-the-ordinary to flirt with and get Kenzi in trouble on purpose and prevent her from being with Chita, then pretending like they didn't. Which they were definitely like. "House Arrest, Or Solitary?" Chita now had the dominion over the 'System Comm', strictly with Kenzi behind bars, which she kinda... Still wasn't sure about if happened. Due to some logistical issues. "Light Me Up, Sally!" Chita shouted, before a power whip powerbomb was delivered to one of her dumbfuck Doods, being knocked around silly. It sounded like Kenzi was threatening her life, on her soul, for getting locked up. Too bad, she was a dumbfuck, as well, that knew not to whom she fucked with...

"Mixed Feelings, Or... Mixed Drinks...?" Chita had a mind to go bail her out, but... Somehow she had an inkling that this crime was not quite as menial as they might have insisted. "The Day Of...? The -VERY- Day? -EVERY- Time?" It almost sounded like... Somehow... Kenzi planned all of this to go this way, and wanted to be there; like she was throwing a cowardly, pussy, bitch tantrum just to avoid seeing Chita and not getting off of her dick from a distance, like a little fucking girl. "Lawsuit, Much? You Really Think I Won't Take It There? I Thought I Told You..." Fists of all sorts gnarled into the contorted, ground image of the fists that these roots became, in order to snatch up and use the Doods as punching bags, all for the sake of Kenzi.

She was -REALLY- teaching them a lesson about being an educator, now.

"Can You?" Chita sounded surprised; it was like her almost jailbait ex-girlfriend Porn Star was actually just plotting on busting out real quick to come see her, but was still on that bullshit with her, and wouldn't actually come see her if she did get out anytime soon. "Can-Can." She kept saying some shit like she 'can' do all these things, something like a boastful dude, but never actually followed through nor showed up to display.

"Press-On Button Abs, Really? How Many Buttons Does It Take To Press-On Those Abs Forever? 13-Inches?" It was her thing to take the D, but only because she was stealing power from the Abs of the Big Tymon, and Chita did dub her 'Abless' for a reason. She did love Kenzi's abs, but... Not only were Chita's better, they were actually from the Big Tymon, and not because she stole them using the System Machine, or whatever this bullshit was that she was still worried about communicating through rather than directly linking up with Chita, which was all the reasoning why she reached solitary long-distance cowardice and running away until she got locked up, and now was still talking some bullshit about 'sorry' and 'baby, I love you,' and all that shit. "Life Sentence? Well, I Guess Life Is Better Than Death, Yeah? That's What You Said Before... In Any Case, Yeah, Don't Be Tryna Make No Moves From Behind Those Bars, Like Some Kinda Black Mafia Don... That You Wannabe So Bad. Hahahahahahaha."

With the Penguin Brigade's Goon Squad of the Dark Network and the $yndicate finally pummeled to a pulp, and potentially still ready for more, Chita felt like she's taught them all a lesson, as well as Kenzi, kinda-sorta... She did do all of this to kinda make her into and break her from being her own star, and accidentally helped Chita's clout ascend her to being a Hypernova Superstar after challenging her to a celebrity celebration-off until the system cheated for her in the light over the system and nobody cared, but Chita was still being siphoned from, and Kenzi was the only one getting the energy... Like it was now, with Chita's sweet, sweet Life Energy. "Stop Looking At My Pictures Online, Too! I Know I'm Sexier Than You, But Isn't Stealing My Abs With The Sex Machine Enough?" One would think, if one truly loved the other, no matter how fucked up, right?
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The $yndicate
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptySat Dec 16, 2023 3:12 am

='The $yndicate'=
Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Lectur10

Asses whooped as they may, the Penguins foreassed the situation and five-assed themselves out, only to ass themselves out one more time on account of Kenzi, Chita's ex-girlfriend. They were rude, vengeful, spiteful, and kind of obnoxious about their annoyance of Chita and Kenzi, but they took their ass-whoopings in secret, and in public, and were taught a lesson by this Young Mistress Teacher. She had a way about her that was much more... Hands on than Tear's methods of education. Not to say they didn't like those ass-whoopings, but... Chita really did go too far. Fortunately, they were only beaten until within an inch of their lives.

Furthermore, the entire Goon Squad was up and down the Depthsroot, and the Veritas, looking for ways in hurried, scurrying fashions to deal with the escalating situation that they more or less did to Chita and Kenzi themselves, but all they could think of was to try to cover up all of their bullshit-ass bullshit with another Penguin Suit... That is, to induct Kenzi into their Penguin Brigade. But, she not only wasn't a Penguin, she also wasn't a Suit, and even more so... She wasn't interested in them, and it was only for their own benefit and personal gain that she would end up becoming with them. Since they could, you know... Molest her some more, since they were getting upset with their molestation of Chita from a distance by getting in and staying in her way, staying stayed in her way, all the time, like the Goon Squad was supposed to do...

... For OTHER people. NOT their Young Mistress.
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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptyMon Dec 18, 2023 3:24 pm

Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Seduct10

"Color Me Surprised When I Find Out Just How Much Shade You Like... Or, Was That 'That Shit You Don't Like'?" Chita was getting more and more pissed to find out certain shit about Kenzi after she was getting more and more belligerent and somewhat malicious in her tones and alleged actions against her in a different place, throwing some kind of tantrum because she was losing out, heartbroken, and had gotten her ass whooped by Chita, plus was avoiding her in cowardice. Turns out, she was pretty racist, or something...? Meh. Wasn't like Chita couldn't handle something like that in her heart, but it was pretty sad and disappointing, because of how 'beloved' Kenzi was. "Still Fucking Up Your Life, Or Did You Learn A New Move From Me Again?" Even with the government of Earth doing some sort of fucked up shit in order to try to invade 'The Veritas' again, like they'd done in the past, Kenzi's dumbfuck as was with them, and Chita was definitely getting more and more upset because she was just listening to all this assery coming out of Kenzi's mouth because she couldn't shut the fuck up, but also couldn't leave Chita alone, and still wanted to antagonize her, and be her, and learn from her, and get more sexy secrets and sex moves from her, plus have her body, and steal from her, and all sorts of other shit, whilst making herself more ugly, and trying to slander Chita and make her look weak, ugly, unsexy, unbeautiful and all kinds of other fugly shit.

Though, when Chita tried to be very angry like she was, and her hair was becoming more reddened by the anger she normally felt, it would return to just its green coloration, and Chita felt less upset. Kenzi was still using the Earth Government's technology to suck out the 'parts of Chita that she liked', like her personality and emotions and mentality and sex moves or sex secrets, in order to try to use them in her own life, and against her, in order to compete with her, and it was really ugly. Chita was seeing why she didn't like that shit, but she knew there was something deeper that the two of them shared that was beyond just all levels of sexy hatred... And it was a sexy cutthroat love.

Still, Chita really hated that Kenzi was such a fucking coward as to use other people, remain indirect, train herself to get ready to deal with Chita in sexy ways, and then also try to cheat, and overpower herself, use others, slander her, make her weak, steal her body (mainly her muscles, like abs and arms), limit her, and do so maliciously just because she was trying to do so in secret due to making her own Porn Star career and Porn Actress career. She was the first 'Porn Actress' on Earth... But she was only made that way BECAUSE she stole the abs of the Big Tymon, who is The Veritas, and it was clear because it got through to Chita, whom Kenzi was talking to and flirting with right now, as part of Tao(min)... Who was 'Tymon's Heart Spirit' like Chita was 'Tymon's Heart'. She just didn't understand the 'Female Tymons'' places in the Veritas, within the Big Tymon, nor Tymon at all, who was in love with her, which was why his Heart and Heart Spirits were dealing with Kenzi at all, and even fucking her and her life up, which she made fraudulently in Earth on Earth by his abs and mind to use them... In secret... In 2017. To the present.

Kenzi was making some huge broadcast on the Earth and some sort of huge shitshow spectacular with the government and the rich and famous celebrities and other world powers and rulers of the Earth as the 'Whore Of Babylon' -- rather, the 'Neo-Whore Of Babylon' -- but it was really just turning out that she was ruining her life at the age of like 26 because she was being racist and a bigot and elitist and classist when she only got where she was at all by being a pretty little white farmgirl and also putting out, then 'happening upon' the technology of one of the Veritas' archenemies, 'Master Bills' or 'Mr. Perversion' or whatever he was calling himself... Which Chita only knew because of the White Void that connected her to the Big Tymon through the Crystal Heart, Rita, the Crystal Dragon. The Earth government was in on it, but it was because Kenzi made her name great at all through Tymon and his abs and mind and personality when they were being siphoned by 'Master Bills' in 2017 when he invaded 'The Veritas' by cosigning with 'Dr. Money' -- the Light Void Bo$$ -- that any of this happened at all. So, shit was hitting the fan fantastically on Earth and the Big Tymon was mobilizing to get The Veritas out of the way, whilst also still expressing how much he loved Kenzi no matter what, but still hated her for doing all of that shit, using him, making him lose his abs unknowingly and unbeknownst to him since 2017-2023, and refused to give them up.

Sad as it was, and pitiful as she was, and as sorry as he felt for her, none of that mattered, because he was so righteous, as he always was, even though he wanted her to own up to what she said to him, what she did, take responsibility, and especially come fuck -- despite using the 13-inch dicks to try to keep herself from being able to be pleasured by his sex whilst Master Bills and the Earth Governments kept his penis restrained, like it was some kind of monstrous beast... Which it was... And even doling out his Heart and Heart Spirits at all. Hence why Chita was giving her the 'mercy-breakup' talk, and still saying she could 'slide' if she wanted. She didn't understand that she was only being loved one-sidedly in the same way she loved herself one-sidedly, because Chita (and, well, the Big Tymon) loved how sexy she was... In her regards. Not what she did, and barely how she did it, but because she was still trying, and being kinda sexy doing it, flirting with him, trying at all, and thinking it was getting somewhere instead of just getting them some information because of how dumb she was. Always did like em kinda dumb, but not too much... A shame part of Big Tymon's brain was in her, manipulating her at all.

"How's Government Life Treating You? Life?" Chita quipped, now detracting her wrath from the Penguin Brigade -- the Suits. Since she couldn't get -TOO- angry because that was all being siphoned to Kenzi herself because she wanted to feel it and use it against Chita by being more angry and powerful than her, yet used it for dumbfuck reasons, she kept on getting herself fucked up by her own vanity and doing it on purpose because she was vain and wanted to find any reason for herself to avoid dealing with problems and taking responsibility without having people to manipulate, some kind of scandal, some level of coming to see the Big Tymon, of which she was trying to steal the very personalities and personages of in order to continue on in her life and be sexier, because she couldn't be sexy on her own without the things she stole and learned from Big Tymon at all... Hence why she was so perversely attached and clinging at all, and didn't want Tymon to die until she got enough of, yet couldn't, because Tymon was so infinitely sexy that she could only do so much, and she would not and could not measure up to not only who she was today without him, but also who he was before and now and in the future without him, either... Just as no one could.

And Chita was one of the personalities of his -- as his Female Self -- that made that sort of thing happen. So, of course, Chita was taking it personally, as one of Big Tymon's personalities (the Female Versions), but couldn't feel totally correctly because of how much was being siphoned to Kenzi. "To The Bereaved; You Will Be Missed. With Love." A little bit sore in the heart because she really did love 'something special' about Kenzi's dumbfuck vainglorious ass, Chita would leave it at, "Don't Forget To Write From The Farm, With Maw And Old Dad." Chita really tried to end the communication there, and let Kenzi be bereaved... But, still, the fugly copying cheating lying ass ho would not leave Big Tymon (and therefore Chita and the other Heart Spirits/Female Versions Of Tymon) alone, and tried to split up his own personality to others throughout the world on Earth and get them to keep him from himself so they could learn from him (them) and copy them (him, as herselves) for the sake of their own in order to be sexier and use his sexy secrets that he uses mostly when he's in his Female Versions of himself -- such as Tao (Taomin) and Chita (Tifaret).

Since Kenzi thought she was so slick, manipulating the Porn Industry, Master Bills, the Government, and random people who were friends, family, associates, enemies, and otherwise through the plans of the very same people whom she did countermanipulate strictly because they were against Big Tymon for being able to manipulate them better than that, but didn't like it because they weren't a sexy whore, Chita had to say something slick back to her to tell all those fucking people through their 'Government Mind Ray' device, so that they all knew she wasn't actually that smart nor that manipulative, but was just using Big Tymon's own brain and personalities and getting herself fucked up in the process by stealing all of their light and making them look stupid not realizing he was Puppet Mastering her, like he was known to do, and had several different leagues of things keeping himself up to speed and record on the account, "I Hope You Finally Feel Like You Can Have Better Sex Now, Thanks To Me And What I Did To Make You."

That surely set her off. Not like it mattered, but... Chita really relished in knowing she was seeing Kenzi fall from grace through the White Void and the very same 'Government Technology' she was trying to boggart for 'Clout Vanity' in order to show how she could fall from grace and collapse... Elegantly as a fugly white trash whore that didn't know when everyone already knew what was going on and that she wasn't the brains, the smart one, nor the one that wasn't taking the fall for all the people that set her up to be a pariah and also ruin her for even taking the bait of taking the light in the first place whilst the others played with and toyed with her like she did to them, especially after lifting her up in the light as a 'Porn Actress' for everyone to see and know... As the 'Scandal Of Tymon's Life' or some shit. In order to ruin her. So, Chita was actually enjoying watching Kenzi fuck herself up because she was too vain and stupid to let go of Big Tymon's body, mind, and life, because she already ruined hers and didn't want to quit, but wanted to sneak into his and be some kind of parasite that lived in the midst of friends, family, enemies, strangers, and whomever else. As if she was sneaky, and it hadn't been clear the entire time that she was... Clearly trying to stay in his life, and Chita was just not really paying it much mind because that sounded like a personal problem on the other end that she was clearly making clear by Big Tymon having his hand in himself and his own life in a way where Kenzi was meant to go and make all of them dead by fucking with them at all because she was just someone that was being manipulated by Big Tymon's mastermindfucking mastermindraping techniques to get rid of those people -AFTER- Kenzi got herself so scandalous that she did just fuck up people's lives that Tymon didn't life. "Hiding From Me And Acting Like The Government Ain't In On It Won't Keep You Stuck On These Abs Like You Think, Bitch. Everyone Knows What Happened And That You Were Spared Just To Keep The Abs."

Sooo... That was what they were doing. And when it came down to it, Chita had her own ways to combat those things... And it was a bit of a gamble to chance it on the 'Goon Squad' and 'Penguin Brigade' but... 'The $yndicate' did have some connections, as well as 'The Trunade', and the 'Dark Network' was the most important. "... Black Licorice...!" she summoned, drawing forth the Zero Worlders of the Dark Network in order to orchestrate some 'Cutthroat' techniques about their 'Suits', "... Take Dem Hoez Ta Hell, Yeah...?" Chita was kinda fucking around, but she really meant it, and the ones that liked to take down fugly bitches and use them up and not bother someone that wasn't bothering them, plus intended to help them -- no matter how much they hated them -- would always supersede someone who intended to obviously be malicious and belligerent to them forever. "Slide," she said, making not to them -- and especially the Goon Squad -- "Y'all Can Finally Gone An' Fuck." She sighed, "But... Don't Fuck Around With Me, And Don't Fuck It Up And Make It Come Back Around On Me."

Chita's only miss in this is that Kenzi's weak punk pussy bitch ass really did all this just to avoid fucking because she was weak, and was a last-ditch effort she came up with (barely) after having help, being told what to do in case this very thing happened (and following along, because she wasn't and isn't the smart one in any regard), and being forced to do it and find the way out in the first place and didn't even want to, but needed to have as a contingency plan, but didn't want to have to admit. "... Just Leave Her A Message That I Still Love Her Cute Ass And That She Can 'Come Fuck', And That I Wanna Fuck The Shit Outta Her Still, No Matter What." Chita would seal such messages with a signature technique of the Big Tymon: "'Poison~Kiss'; 'Poison!Kiss'; & 'Poison<3Kiss'."

And with that, they should have been sent on their way as 'Dark Messengers' of 'The Veritas'.
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The $yndicate
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
The $yndicate

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Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot   Pandemia Chapter 9; The Underground Academy Of Depthsroot EmptySun Aug 18, 2024 2:29 pm

The Dark Messengers finally took Chita's message with a grain of salt and the Goon Squad left, asses handed to them and tired of fighting with Chita and for Kenzi, her ex-girlfriend. So they quietly assembled the Depthsroot Residents that were meant to be schooled in the Underground Academy and left that part to Pandemia.
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