The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium

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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Empty
PostSubject: Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium   Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium EmptyMon Jan 22, 2024 12:08 am

Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Chance10

Some time after acquiring the White Pumpkinhead and some new mastery over the White Void through such a connection with it and the Crystal Heart, Chita, having ascended as the Jinseigami Amaterasu to her Eighth Restriction, took her Life Elemental energies to the next level and returned to the place where she was turned into the Goddess that she is from the Fae she used to be. This place was like endless light, and it reminded her of Khrona, yet had a homeliness to it that made her feel like she belonged right where she was in it, no matter what. Knowing her place now in the Veritas, as the Goddess Of Life, she would come here and reign as the White Lotus Sun sometimes, since Tear was the Magnus Ignis that ruled over the White Lotus Sun, as MaTeus. Their places in the Veritas fit so very well, even Chita was having trouble believing it. Yet, it wouldn't deter her from being dutiful for once to more than just herself... But to all life as their Jinseigami Amaterasu.

Hachibadda...! (Theme)

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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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PostSubject: Re: Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium   Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium EmptyMon Jan 22, 2024 12:34 pm

Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Elim10
"Distribution :: White Queen : Id ; Ally - Direct ~ Light * Illusion."

As Chita was still coming into her Goddess life of being the Goddess Of All Life -- the Jinseigami Amaterasu -- she had some issues with life and also her newfound abilities. She was to utilize her powers on Life itself to resolve Life and bring Life to its proper Life or End Of Life, and perpetuate the cycle of souls from the Highest Heaven, where her White Void stemmed.

Chita had been recently engaged with her Porn Star Ex-Girlfriend from Earth's Realm, and the whore was getting out of control, trying to disempower Chita mentally, physically, spiritually, and on through cheap and cowardly tactics which both disgusted Chita and reminded her of all the little weaklings she used to pick on, or whom felt some level of envy, or any kind of feelings of love or admiration for her. It still, to this day, made her wretch that people did not understand her, and that achieving power to use over someone from that person and not doing it yourself was not only not the way, it wouldn't be considered as the strength of the person and accredited to their own actual strength or power, even if it made the target weaker so that they could be stronger. So, Chita was definitely quite upset at her, even though she loved her in her heart.

Even so, Chita regret that she was so powerful and dominant; strong and beautiful... That she made someone feel so envious and ugly in their weakness and inferiority where she and whomever else would go all of this way just to not love her on purpose and still harbor resentment for the love they both had for each other and how sexy and powerful they were individually, but not comparatively, since Chita was stronger, and sexier... But was part of the Big Tymon, that was the Veritas' Overgod, and was a Male, making them all physiologically male, despite giving him feminine or effeminate qualities and characters or characteristics and styles and such.

Thus, Chita came to one conclusion... To wipe out such a light with her actual life, as a flood of fire, from the sun, and from her own wrath, and the scorn of the Earth in response to the whore, in a Lake Of Fire, by Chita's own Light of her Life.

In this way, Chita Lombardi -- the Mondo Mongo Hypernova Superstar -- would acclaim herself over her perverse and weak little porno ex-girlfriend.

Hachibadda...! (Theme)

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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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PostSubject: Re: Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium   Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium EmptyMon Jan 22, 2024 1:13 pm

Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Goddes10
"Distribution :: Target : Peon ; Royal Servant - Light ~ Army Of God."

The rays of Amaterasu surged on from her White Pumpkinhead, which ever brought her into the heavenly state of Nirvanaelysium, which was her highest form, even beyond Hypernova Superstar, through the White Void. Chita could, here, hear the Angels and other Heavenly Host that made up both the Veritas and all that God made, and recalled when he blessed her, specifically, into being the Jinseigami (Life Goddess) at all through being the White Sun, Amaterasu.

So, she would spread her Light of both Life... And of her own Angels and Heavenly Host which would serve under her name and her Light, against her sworn enemy, her Porn Star Ex-Girlfriend. The Whitehot Supernova, Chita, cast the infinite Life that she generated from her own Crystal Heart and White Pumpkinhead into the Veritas as her own portion of the 'Army Of God' from the Big Tymon, Himself...

... And God, of course.

Hachibadda...! (Theme)

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Chita Lombardi

Chita Lombardi

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Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium   Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium EmptyWed Apr 24, 2024 1:13 pm

Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Hadow_13
-$hadow Bo$$-

Quote :
From out of the literal fray, from Mechanica via Teus, Tear, the Hecatoncheires that commanded Hecatonkaerei with Manual Control, input a code for him as the Big Tymon to commandeer with Dominion Chita Lombardi to do his bidding of dealing with the Neo-Whore and also with Pandemia beyond just Field World, almost like a Possession-Fusion.

Quickly, another code was put in for the fusion of Chita and Tear as the Tsukiyomi Yin Reaper (TYR): "COMMAND :: MANIPULATION : MAN GOLEM." This gave Chita a big dick and Tear's powers, fusing them to be... CHITYR. Or, Chitear. Even Tyrchita, or Tearita.

CHITYR: "... Damn, I Cannot Be THAT Bad. Didn't Know Killers Had To Be On The Loose. But... I'm The Big Floker To Joke With Me... Tonight. Gimme. Because!!!!. Or ELSE. More PAIN. Sex... Y. And I Know I'm That Bad, But... Damn, I CANNOT Be That Bad. C'mon, Guys."

Now, fused as one, they could go whoop the ass of their Pornstar Ex-Girlfriend, Kenzie, again and again.

Hachibadda...! (Theme)

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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Age : 30

Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium   Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium EmptySat Jun 15, 2024 2:40 am

Chita & The White Void, Empyrean Nirvanaelysium Famili10

CHITYR: "Don't Flokeround This Bitch... Floker's Gonna Joke With Me..."

"COMMAND :: CONTROL : CONTROL GOLEM." Tear's own presence within CHITYR was the intelligent one that kept the two of them in line -- fortunately; he was smart enough to have trained them to fuse. However, they were still imbalanced because of Chita trying to have a domineering sexual presence that disturbed Tear's humility. Yet, when Kenzie sent for him a 'RANDOM BLACK PERSON' that likely had a bigger dick, they would end up being controlled by a Control Golem that was in the image of Tymon, the great TyGod... Otherwise known as the Big Tymon.

The other ones would just keep the image of the Big Tymon there long enough as a lure to bait out the Kenzies and trap them, since the two of them were still bothering black people, being racist with government technology for a social experiment that literally had to do with bothering black people like white people had been doing with their 'perverse social experiments' before.
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