The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Tainted; Succubi & Incubi

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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6591
Pisces Male Points : 7574
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Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Tainted; Succubi & Incubi Empty
PostSubject: Tainted; Succubi & Incubi   Tainted; Succubi & Incubi EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 10:53 am


Incubus = Male
Succubus = Female

Demons that drain the energy, souls and life force of other creatures through sex or other means. They absorb sexual energy and use it to increase their own power, and the more they have, the more powerful their magic becomes. Sexual energy seems to give them the most power, and they always crave more afterwards for more energy. A more powerful Succubus is capable of completely sucking dry a being that they come in contact with more quickly. Their sexual/soul stealing power only works for creatures of the opposite gender, and thus a Succubus cannot absorb the energy of a female of any other species. However, if of the same gender, the Incubus or Succubus can transform the creature into an Incubus or Succubus, thereby making them a demon that drains the energy of others as well. So, if of the same sex and interaction with one of these beings happens, you will become one, too. If of the opposite sex and interaction happens, you will have your energy sucked out.

Name: Succubus/Incubus
Species: Succubus/Incubus
Type: Demon, Aerial
Elemental Affinity: Darkness, Fire, Ice
Combat Specialty: Magical
Sociability: Lustful, Mischievous, Cunning
Threat Level: High
Habitats: Darkness Lands (Common), Old Witch City (Common), Dark Factory (Uncommon)
Weaknesses: Light/Holy Element
Immunities: Fire Element, Ice Element, (WIP)
Item Dropped: (WIP)
Additional Info: Absorbs Darkness/Shadow Element. Absorbs souls.



Natural/Signature Abilities

Hip Attack - Releases a powerful explosion from the ground which will harm and paralyze the foe, setting them up for the true attack, which is a gentle tap with the Succubus' hips, draining the soul of those hit into herself to restore her power.

Body Change - Using magic, changes the shape of the foe's body into whatever she wishes. Wears off after a certain period of time (3 turns) unless states otherwise.

Thunderbolt - Charges magic into her fingertip and fires off a massive, powerful lightning bolt from it to destroy everything caught in it.

Bound Heart - Creates a chain of magical, razor sharp hearts that will tie the foe up and paralyze their bodies, souls and minds. The heart chains will then slice their bodies up and rend them into nothing but chunks, then explode.

Sexy Heal - Does a sexy dance that heals the vitality and strength of all those who see it as well as herself. Men also tend to regain chakra and lose status ailments.

Tempting Break - Strikes a sexy, provocative pose and all who gaze at the Succubus while she does this will have their minds and souls stripped from them instantly via the power of powerful suggestive magic, then the Succubus will collect them all, combine them into a massive clod and attack you physically with them with a powerful explosion.

Flying Sparks - Drops down a ray of magic from the sky which will cause several hundred explosions of magic across the land.

Drain - Wings/Arms change into a huge, vicious mouth which creates a suction that only sucks out souls. Those caught in the suction will have their souls stripped from them and devoured by the mouth, restoring power to the succubus.

Twin Attribute - Summons the power of Fire and Ice and merges them together as a powerful spear that seeks out the foe's mind and soul, locking onto those. The spear will stab through them, totally disintegrating the body from the inside out once it touched the foe.

Nightmare - Sends foe into a state of dreaming with the power of seductive and persuasive magic and gives them horrible nightmares that eat away at their minds while letting the Succubus control their minds and do whatever she wants with the mind. Alternatively, creates a huge sphere of darkness that will absorb the psyche and souls of those who are caught in it or are within its vicinity and it will grow larger and larger until it consumes all things, destroying everything in the area and beyond until there is nothing left.

Succubus/Incubus Info

A powerful major demon with incredible magical power, considered to be one of the top ranking classes of demons there are. They are an ancient race that have always consumed the souls of the opposite sex to survive, altering their physical appearances to match that of the person they copulate with. They tend to act playful and innocent but can be quite deadly in battle. They also have a rather impressive intellect and can control various forms of Magic such as Fire and Healing.

Their incredible magical power tends to be used for seduction of all kinds. Masters of manipulating dreams and changing them into nightmares, they can enter the minds of the opposite sex and rape them even in their heads. These beings use any means necessary to consume their souls. Like vampires, they have the power to change others of the same sex into their kind (as a 'Lesser), whilst stealing the souls of the opposite sex, thus making them a threat to both sides.

Name: Master/Mistress
Species: Incubus/Succubus
Type: Demon, Aerial
Elemental Affiliation: None
Combat Specialty: Servant, Magic
Sociability: Reserved, Seclusive
Threat Level: Medium (Alone), High (With Servants)
Habitats: Darkness Lands, Enigmatic Ruins, Reversal Plains
Weakness: Physical Attacks
Immunities: Confusion, Berserk
Item Dropped: Amythest, Ether, Demon Grimoire, Demon Horn
Additional Info: Resistant to non-physical attacks, opposite sex has power drained from being near, powerful echolocation.

Demon Grimoire - Reading from it brings inanimate objects to life. Paper from the book also becomes animated objects for attacking; drawings, text, origami and other such arts or crafts. The book is able to absorb souls of others and cause the bodies to become servants until the book is destroyed.

Demon Horn - Powerful horns with the power to extend and grow. Constantly takes in lingering energy in the air to increase power of magic.

Demon Claws - Powerful claws able to extend and grow.

Natural/Signature Abilities

Rise - An ancient magic recited from a page in its magical ancient grimoire, which makes any inanimate or motionless object gain life and motion through the works of this powerful magic. Not only do the risen objects gain life, but they are under the strict control of the one who brought them to life until they are killed, in which they will become motionless once again. This works for the dead as well.

Fire Magic - Powerful fire manipulated to its will.

Ice Magic - Powerful ice manipulated to its will.

Lightning Magic - Powerful electricity manipulated to its will.

Lifesiphon - A magical ability that forcefully steals energy from the foe (that being, magic, chakra, etc.) and into the demon by being near or by linking together souls. If done via the grimoire, it will steal the actual abilities that the opponent has and use them for themselves whilst the opponent loses the power to use the stolen ability until the demon is destroyed.

Soul Steal - Absorbs the life energy of those who they come in contact with, until their souls are completely consumed and placed within their Grimoire. The soulless body then becomes a Servant.

Freeze - Freezes time in a small area around themselves or in an area concentrated with their magic.

Paper Storm - The signature ability of this grimoire, which is to fling razor sharp papers reinforced with thick magic to cause them to slice through whatever they come in contact with. To make matters worse, whatever magical abilities are within the book have their attributes embedded within the pages shot out (such as Fira would induce some pages to have the Fire element, Blizzara with ice, etc.). These pages are continuously generated and shot at the foe in the form of a tornado or a flurry of paper, and they home in on their targets.

Master Info

A demonic Duke brought to this world through the powerful lingering dark magics opening a portal to his realm. Though a very frail and dainty foe, the Master's true strength resides in his ability to animate and control inanimate or motionless objects just by using a simple spell. Its only weapon besides the inanimate objects it brings to life is the grimoire brought straight from the depths of hell along with it, from which it recites its ancient and lost magical texts. There is never a time where the Master is without its book or without an animated servant to keep the foe from attacking it with physical attacks. It becomes vulnerable when it has no servant around to protect it, and if it loses possession of its book, it will be unable to maintain itself in this world. It preys mostly on women and absorbs their life energy into the book and makes them their servants for all time, and to become more powerful.

Mistress Info


Unlike the Master, which seeks out attention, the Mistress is much more reclusive and meek, preferring not to interact with many beings at all, and always sends her Servant out first before showing her true self. Because of the instinct of being a Succubus, however, she is naturally attracted to males and unconsciously seeks them out even if she tries to avoid them. This is because the more men she feeds on, the more she matures and the more powerful her magic becomes. If she is able to steal a man's soul and keep it in her grimoire, she will then use him and his powers to protect herself from everything else.

Points: 40
Souls Worth: 1-15
Gold Dropped: 20

Name: Lesser Succubus/Incubus
Species: Succubus/Incubus
Type: Hybrid (Humanoid, Demon)
Elemental Affiliation: Darkness
Combat Specialty: Physical
Sociability: Lustful, Simple
Threat Level: Low-Medium
Habitats: Darkness Lands (Common), Old Witch City (Common), Dark Factory (Uncommon)
Weaknesses: Light Element
Immunities: None
Item Dropped: (WIP)
Additional Info: Thrives on souls. Absorbs darkness element.



Natural/Signature Abilities


Lesser Succubus/Incubus Info

A creature that has undergone the transformation into a succubus or incubus, but is not very powerful. Alternatively, it could simply be a very weak succubus or incubus. Normally servants for the higher class of Succubi, they are very simple and less intelligent than their masters or mistresses.

Just as all demons of this class, they consume souls for food and have sex for energy, however because they are so low leveled, they are much more hungry than those that are higher. They therefore much less tactful and graceful, resulting to just viciously attacking people rather than seducing them. They are sometimes considered 'savages' among higher demons of their kind.

One can always tell a Lesser Sucubus or Incubus from one of higher status by three things; the size of their horns, the thickness of their wings and smaller tail. That is, in addition to lack of grace and intelligence. Some are also covered in fur to protect their bodies and keep them warm, as their bodies haven't fully adapted to being succubi or incubi yet. They are able to use magic, but are nowhere near proficient in it, and typically results in them using magic only of a very low level. They are only dangerous for their ability to consume souls, but otherwise, they are nothing much to fear, if you are prepared.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Tainted; Succubi & Incubi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tainted; Succubi & Incubi   Tainted; Succubi & Incubi EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 10:56 am

Observation Notes

When women feel threatened in their sexuality, they feel a need to diminish the man or men they are attracted to, which is a corruption of self. Normally, this occurs with those that have a weaker or lesser sense of self, because they pride themselves on sex the way men pride themselves on strength.

They think they control all sex.

The women also have issues with men with superior sex drives because they have some control over it, but not themselves.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6591
Pisces Male Points : 7574
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Age : 30

Tainted; Succubi & Incubi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tainted; Succubi & Incubi   Tainted; Succubi & Incubi EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 10:59 am

Observation Notes; Lesser Succubi

If a Lesser Succubus -- otherwise known as a weaker-willed woman -- obsesses over a man, she will need him to lower himself to sexually match herself.

All Lesser Succubi drain from stronger sources like leeches, but also hinder them from being sexual due to insecurity, lessening their feed, furthering how much Lesser they are. This also creates Lesser Incubi.

Lesser Succubi have needs; Greater Succubi have wants for things greater.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6591
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Age : 30

Tainted; Succubi & Incubi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tainted; Succubi & Incubi   Tainted; Succubi & Incubi EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 11:00 am

Observation Notes; Greater Succubi

Lesser Succubi have needs; Greater Succubi have wants for things greater.

A Greater Succubus obsesses about matching greater beings, not pulling them down to just their level.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6591
Pisces Male Points : 7574
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Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Tainted; Succubi & Incubi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tainted; Succubi & Incubi   Tainted; Succubi & Incubi EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 11:01 am

Observation Notes; Succubus Queens/Queen Succubi

Queen Succubi (or, Succubus Queens) needn't any gratification nor necessity to diminish sex at all in any being, and can handle any sexual situation, even when not stimulated.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

Posts : 6591
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Join date : 2014-10-14
Age : 30

Tainted; Succubi & Incubi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tainted; Succubi & Incubi   Tainted; Succubi & Incubi EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 11:03 am

Observation Notes; Differences In Succubi

All sexually immoral behaviors are of the Lesser, but all regular sexual behaviors not of the depraved belong to the natural Succubi. This is because the sexual stimulation is not normal, but forced, which is why it is immoral -- forcing sexual situations into desperation or depravity, especially quickly. This is only common in Lesser Succubi, but can change any other Succubus from any standard into a Lesser Succubus -- such as a Greater Succubus into a Succubus or a Succubus into a Lesser Succubus, and so on.
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