Name: Taijitu 'Melody' Tensei
Aliases: (Past Life) Taomin, Melody, Mikou (Nicknames) Mickey, Mike, Tai
Age: 2,019
Origin: Feudal Era, Japan
Species: Biohuman, Tenseingel
Race: Tensei (Japanese, English)
Height: 5'10
Weight: 113
It all began the moment Mikou was found mangled on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. She had been left there to rot and die, right arm taken as a prize. She'd fucked up her mission and betrayed the Mafia she belonged to. She was lucky enough to have survived this long, bleeding all over the place.
"Damn... I can't believe they really got me this time..."
Those were her final thoughts before she was ended right there on the road... Or so she thought. She was found unconscious by Cleff a long time before, scanning her memories and assessing her usefulness to him before she ever received her consciousness. He replaced her arm to match her power, which he found out happened to deal with sound. He was curious about her and wanted to study her more. It was then that she started to wake up.
"Ngh... Wha... What...?
She didn't understand anything that was going on, but she knew someone intelligent had saved her. But whether it was for good or bad reason, she did not know. She reached for her gun, only to find that her arms were bound... and that the one she lost was there. Why this thing helped her made no sense, but at least she was better.
Some time after, she was trained by Cleff to harness the power of her signature power; the Dark Network. It controlled sound in a negative way that worked completely opposite to Cleff's Transcendent Sound, and even still, it was able to be used. Cleff even upgraded her gun, changing it into a sort of megaphone, upgraded to a gigaphone, which could amplify sounds. She was made to destroy. And, just like before, when she knew she was powerful enough and had gotten all she needed to for herself... She split. Wrecked the place and escaped his clutches, into the wilds of the Lost World. This woman... This insane, selfish, and utterly sickeningly pleasurable woman... Was off. This new arm, this new gun, this new use of her power. She was going to bring some hell.
Originally Maruze's wife, Melody, once he killed their daughter, Meo, by accident, she went mute and missing. After a while of traveling by herself, she became more and more lost in Insanity, and eventually lost her mind completely, which gave her the power to speak again. With her insane, badass and unpredictable attitude, she was taken up by the Mafia. When she didn't like how the mafia was run, she took over for herself and got herself a Family, an entire crew of people to help her out in their raids. When she put them up to their biggest heist, it ended up with her having to risk her own life for the completion of the heist and safety of her family. She was then mangled and left for dead on the side of the road.
Not long after, Cleff found her and took her body in and upgraded it, using parts from his Bio-Femme biohuman collection, replacing the bone in her upper torso and her arm with a special metal, as well as a digital implant in her mind that allowed her to control sound, which was dubbed the Dark Network. Before it was completed, though, she woke up and went on a rampage, escaping with her friend Vino into the Dusk. Because the experiment was never completed, Cleff did not limit her Insanity, nor did he cap her Dark Network from taking over.
This concludes the 'Past Life' as 'Mikou.'