The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 The Veritas; Distribution System

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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
Grand Tabrynth

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The Veritas; Distribution System Empty
PostSubject: The Veritas; Distribution System   The Veritas; Distribution System EmptySun Aug 19, 2018 9:35 pm


Distributor (Dealer)


Ruler (Deck/Distributor)
Complete Consciousness

Ruler (Superego) (Black King) - Primordial

Player 1 (ID) (White)

Player 2 (Ego) (Black)

Alter Ego (Shift = Black/White)

Levels Of Consciousness (Five Worlds)
World Of Emanation -- Variable = Unconscious - Pawn (Black/White)
World Of Action -- Defense = Preconscious - Rook (Black/White)
World Of Creation -- = Subconscious - Bishop (Black/White)
World Of Formation -- Offense = Consciousness - Knight (Black/White)

Primordial World
Player (Image) = Conscious (Ego) - Queen (Black/White)
Player (Projection) = Conscience (ID) - Crown (White King)
Ruler = Superego - Black King (Target/Player)

Distribution/Recycle (Deck/Dealer) = Ruler :: House : P1/2 ; Unit - Command

Unit :: Assist : House ; Target - Command

Monster (Monster Evolution Chart)
Creature :: Proportion : Property ; Ability - Technique

Classification (Class Level Up Chart)
Class :: Subclass : Level ; Ability - Technique
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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
Grand Tabrynth

Posts : 2723
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Join date : 2014-11-24
Age : 30

The Veritas; Distribution System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Distribution System   The Veritas; Distribution System EmptySun Aug 19, 2018 9:42 pm

Layer 8 All (Black King Shelf)
Hidden/God/Clear Energy deck. All/God - Elemental
Purpose/Focus - Connecting and Storage
Ruler :: Piece : House ; Command
Piece :: Chess Movement : Command

King and Queen = Royal Aces
2 Bishops = The Phantom
2 Rooks = The Stalwart
2 Knights = The Chariot
2 Pawns = The Servbot

Layer 7 Crown
Divine/Light/Vibration Energy Body deck. Halo/Wisdom - Light
Purpose/Focus - Distribution and Recycling (Revelation)
Ruler :: Piece : Target ; House - Subordinate (Pawn)

Ivory King = Shinrona
White Bishop = Tigen
Alabaster Rook = Pumpkinhead
Shining Knight = the Phantom
Glowing Pawn =

Ivory Queen = Shinnia
White Bishop = Trinity
Alabaster Rook = Triere
Shining Knight = Tabitha
Glowing Pawn =

The Ninth Restriction: Infergeist; Restriction of Information -- O.S. Tensei: The Creator; Master Control. Dimensional Nexus of the Veritas, Ruler of The Assault, and Creator of the Argus Card System. The Grand Tabrynth is the Master Control unit for the entire Veritas Dimension, especially the Veritas Universe, and is a bridge between the Dimensional Restrictions and the Universal Restrictions. Its true form is an ambiguously astronomical universal entity that is slender in body and with a shapely curvaceousness like a pen, legs tipped as the point, and eight long, spindly arms with equally as thin claws on each, which are the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. Its head and face look exactly like the entity which it is the virtual and mechanical version of, yet the avatar of The Creator, O.S. Tensei, is more humanoid in appearance, though that varies. He commands all data and information as well as logic and code, -- known as Omnitron -- and by default, the Mechanica. From him comes the waves of the universe, known as Transcendent Sound, and the sounds of the dimensions, which are Omnitranscendent Sound. He also has executive command over The Assault and Manual Overwrite processes, and can pursue them at any time, anywhere, which activates many features -- if not all of -- the Veritas.
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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
Grand Tabrynth

Posts : 2723
Pisces Points : 2938
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Join date : 2014-11-24
Age : 30

The Veritas; Distribution System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Distribution System   The Veritas; Distribution System EmptySun Aug 19, 2018 9:42 pm

Universal - Layer 1 (Emanation)

The Universal Layer that affects and is affected by all things, especially in the lower layers.

Command Layer - Layer 2 (Formation)

Technique Deck: Techniques such as 'Offensive/Defensive, Supportive, or Debilitative' are drawn unto the Universal Energy Space where its energy is processed and drawn down gradually as necessary into desired place on Body Chakra Chart. The power is dictated by the Number cards. These 'techniques' can be used in any way deemed fit anywhere from the Body or in the Universe, unless already equipped to the Body, where only that specific technique may be used from there. Technique Cards can also be appointed to other active cards in play (Such as Player Cards).

Terrain (Worldly) Layer - Layer 3 (Action)

Terrain Deck
Explains the energy of the self or others, the literal terrain of the area, or the universal energy of the atmosphere. Navigation and field bonuses are active.

Mausoleum of the Emperor = Pharaoh's Labyrinth

Armory/Store - Landscapes/Locations - Items/Key Items - Accessories/Equips

Item Deck: Explains the items equipped to one or at one's disposal at the time, capable of being equipped anywhere on the Player in any of the Chakra as deemed fit. Explains the supporting items one is given, has, or that are in the energetic atmosphere that are capable of being used to both help or hinder in any way the Player deems fit, be it to the self or to others.


Environmental Layer - Layer 4 (Creation)

Functions the same as 'Layer 3,' except is mostly used as extra forces and extra attacks, shields, barriers, etc. that keep outside forces from overthrowing or overpowering the 3rd layer. These Layers are to be used First. They are separated into 4 Layers based on the Suit System, where the Third Layer combines All The Suits into the Single Layer. (Will Describe In Detail Later)

Hazard Cards
Cards that use the power of either the Zero World, are or of the Zero World, or take things to the Zero World. They are generally very dangerous, also known as 'Swamp Cards' or 'Zero World Cards.' Generally used with more malignant intent in order to draw out evil and darkness to the light so they can be destroyed or sent into the Zero World.

Ekans (Black/Swamp Diver): Senses evil and taintedness in others. Can also be used to get inside of anything guarded.
Arbok (Evil/Snake Eyes): Immediately locates and pinpoints evil and weaknesses in others and focuses on them. Can also be used to cut deep into the very raw core of other people and events.

Koffing (Toxic Mine/Swamp Bubble); An explosion of something taboo and highly unstable. Those that are tainted become poisoned and it is brought to the light.

Weezing (Zero Bomb/Swamp Grenade): An explosion of something extremely taboo or forbidden or feared. Those that are tainted become poisoned and brought to the light.

Grimer (Deconstruction/ Swamp Puddle): Deconstructs or disintegrates something entirely. Basically, taking it completely apart.

Muk (Cosmic Meltdown/Black Swamp): A meltdown that immediately destroys whatever it is used on and sends it to the Zero World.

Nettles (Thornsnare Trap)

Des Dendle (Rozen Thornfield)

Nidoran Male (Briar Rabbit)

Nidorino (Spike Rabbit)

Nidoking (King of Thorns/Rozen Master)

Nidoran Female (Nettlebunny)

Nidorina (Briarbunny)

Nidoqueen (Queen of Thorns/ Rozen Mistress)

Goop Gas Attack (Black Wave)

Support Decks (Effect)
Decks that are specifically made to support the player. Gives information on Equipment, Active Terrain or Field, Supplementary Items and Active Assists, all of which come from their own specific decks.

Side Effect (Assist) Deck: Explains the assisting energies of the self, other influences or the universe through people, self, things or events. Each Assist Card carries with it either a Known or Unknown assistance. known Assistances are assigned whilst unknown have yet to be assigned or discovered. Upon discovery, assignment and confinement happens immediately.

The Ninth Restriction: Infergeist; Restriction of Information -- O.S. Tensei: The Creator; Master Control. Dimensional Nexus of the Veritas, Ruler of The Assault, and Creator of the Argus Card System. The Grand Tabrynth is the Master Control unit for the entire Veritas Dimension, especially the Veritas Universe, and is a bridge between the Dimensional Restrictions and the Universal Restrictions. Its true form is an ambiguously astronomical universal entity that is slender in body and with a shapely curvaceousness like a pen, legs tipped as the point, and eight long, spindly arms with equally as thin claws on each, which are the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. Its head and face look exactly like the entity which it is the virtual and mechanical version of, yet the avatar of The Creator, O.S. Tensei, is more humanoid in appearance, though that varies. He commands all data and information as well as logic and code, -- known as Omnitron -- and by default, the Mechanica. From him comes the waves of the universe, known as Transcendent Sound, and the sounds of the dimensions, which are Omnitranscendent Sound. He also has executive command over The Assault and Manual Overwrite processes, and can pursue them at any time, anywhere, which activates many features -- if not all of -- the Veritas.
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