The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Eight Arms Of Tabrith

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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:00 pm

Crystal Nexus; Eight Arms of Tabrith
*WIP, Allows for Creation and Conception of Any Living or Dead Thing. Connects all things together with Nexus, including other Minds, Dimensions, Realities, etc.; Access to Crystal Threads.

Note: Eight Restriction, Eight Arms of Tabrith harbor the Eight Hands of God and are the points of connection between all the Eight Hands and the body itself, as well as the connection to all things. Such is the purpose of the Eight Arms that connect the Eight Hands of God. They work as a nervous system, like a Brain and its Stem connecting to all of the Body. The Eight Hands harbor the Points that each Arm connects to.

By far, the worst thing that can ever be done to Khrona. He has lost all ability to keep his thoughts to himself. Even if he was within a crowd of people, his mind was the only place where no one could get him... Where no one could ever go. But with this Pact Price, he is now forced to say what is on his mind to anyone that is near him any time he thinks of something, no matter what it may be or who it may be. Nothing about him is a secret anymore.

... But on a brighter note, his "Pact Beast," if you will, is named Tabris. Tabris, himself, has no existence. This is because his existence is the very essence of Khrona combined with the very essence of Hell. Since those two things already exist, Tabris has no existence. Thus, he is one of those things that can be "Seen, but not heard" (and by that I mean, he can be seen, but by no means does he give off presence or a source of power. Ever. He is untraceable.) He was born of the dead pieces of Khrona's thoughts, reality and imagination, and once they died, they were sent to Hell thus making those parts of Khrona become lost, Khrona having no more direct control over them for eternity. They appeared in fragments, and thus Tabris is technically just made out of fragments of Khrona, as shown below (and he has just as much power as Khrona, though has his own will and direct control of himself).

Eight Arms Of Tabrith 300px-Sc2-charade

Though, Tabris can take the form of anything anyone chooses by altering their perception, then using his power (straight from Khrona) to alter his own reality and make it true, thus making him whatever anyone wants to see him as, since he has all of the power of Khrona's psychic/mental/reality abilities. He can also absorb fragments of other things, thus becoming them, as well, since he is technically incomplete. If he is near someone who isn't Khrona too long, he will begin to break them down and absorb them with his presence. And his eyes fuck shit up, it seems, in numerous ways... He can be perceived as numerous things at once, heralding each of the powers as what he has been perceived as simultaneously, as well, though he can choose whether to be perceived as what others want, as what Khrona wants, or as what he wants. The standard form Khrona and Tabris enjoy for him to take is the form that looks exactly like Khrona, however with red eyes and gray hair and in a school boy outfit.

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Kaworu_nagisa

Tabris' TRUE form, however, is that of a monstrosity. It is an octopus, being several thousands of times bigger than his original form. Let's just say that every detail of him can be seen clearly from space in this form. His upper torso is made of skulls, and above that are fragments that resemble bubbles formed to make an upper torso. This is his true form.

Eight Arms Of Tabrith One_with_the_Water_by_skinpupcoss

Eight Arms

The 8 Arms are a mixture of forces of the metaphysical laws that govern all Universes. With this Omni-Universal power, they are able to release these arms as individual 'Gods' that are capable of moving to their own will, yet still work under the power of the combined Tinasanti. As a combined unit, they control them all as one, however individually, Tensei governs Reality and Destiny, Titania governs Wishes and Fate and Trinity governs Consciousness and Will. All three of them equally govern Balance and Chaos, using them as they see fit. Each 'Arm' has a sentient form in which it moves of its own will as separate units. They are depicted below the description of what each arm does.

Last edited by Overlord Tensei on Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:00 pm

1st Arm - Sloth: One of the secondary arms (which would be one of the tentacles on Tabris' true form's body.) Sloth is the giver and the taker of Sloth.

Sloth: Sloth is defined as spiritual or emotional apathy, neglecting what God has spoken, and being physically and emotionally inactive. It can also be either an outright refusal or merely a carelessness in the performance of one's obligations, especially spiritual, moral or legal obligations. Sloth can also indicate a wasting due to lack of use, concerning a person, place, thing, skill, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement, or support to continue to exist. Failing to develop spiritually will lead to becoming guilty of sloth. In the Christian faith, sloth rejects grace and God.

Sloth has also been defined as a failure to do things that one should do. By this definition, evil exists when good men fail to act.

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." *Slow Piling Of Bad Things*

*Test: the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts

Acedia: Acedia (also accidie or accedie, from Latin acedĭa, and this from Greek ἀκηδία, "negligence") describes a state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one's position or condition in the world. It can lead to a state of being unable to perform one's duties in life. Its spiritual overtones make it related to but arguably distinct from depression.[1] Acedia was originally noted as a problem among monks and other ascetics who maintained a solitary life.

Anything that it may touch or that may feel the presence of the Sloth Arm will feel everything about them become slow and makes it lose power... Greatly. Exponentially and continously, even. It doesn't matter what it may be, it will become slothful. (Given the fact that this defies the natural law, the possibilities of this are endless.) Sloth Arm may also take away sloth, making everything that was slow extremely fast, with literally no lag at all. Though cannot give you power, sadly. (Sentient Form) It gains another ability in the Sentient Form, and that is to spew out waves of force that steal power from what it touches and causes them to age.

Laws Of Sloth

*Alters Input And Output Of Energy

*Alters Flow Of Energy

*Spacio-Temporal Control, Including Speed, Velocity, Motion, Movement and Distance

Sloth's Sentient Form: Slowth

Eight Arms Of Tabrith TeddiesShadow

Slowth is the sentient representation of the very essence and energy of 'Sloth' itself, and thus embodies all such laws, mechanics and physics of how it functions in and of itself as a being. It follows many 'Laws' that are set in place on how it and its energy must function and correspond to the interaction with others as well as the energy that it output and input at any given time.

He looks about anxiously this way and that, and sighs that none of the brethren come to see him, and often goes in and out of his cell, and frequently gazes up at the sun, as if it was too slow in setting, and so a kind of unreasonable confusion of mind takes possession of him like some foul darkness. "should be reproved a first and a second time. If he does not amend he must be subjected to the punishment of the rule so that the others may have fear.

Signs Of Sloth (Slowth's Natural Abilities)
Side Effects of his presence and Sloth in general, which can be applied to its General Use as well. They are just made more prominent when the Embodiment comes out to demonstrate how they are used in a Sentient and Physical shape and form.

Acedia is indicated by a range of signs. These signs (or symptoms) are typically divided into two basic categories: somatic and psychological. Acedia frequently presents signs somatically. Such bodily symptoms range from mere sleepiness to general sickness or debility, along with a host of more specific symptoms: weakness in the knees, pain in the limbs, and fever. An anecdote attributed to the Desert Mother Amma Theodora[7] also connects somatic pain and illness with the onset of acedia. A host of psychological symptoms can also signify the presence of acedia, which affects the mental state and behavior of the afflicted. Some commonly reported psychological signs revolve around a lack of attention to daily tasks and an overall dissatisfaction with life. The best-known of the psychological signs of acedia is tedium, boredom or general laziness. Author Kathleen Norris in her book "Acedia and Me" asserts that dictionary definitions such as torpor and sloth fail to do justice to this "temptation"; she believes a state of restlessness, of not living in the present and seeing the future as overwhelming is more accurate a definition than straight laziness: it is especially present in monasteries, due to the cutting off of distractions, but can invade any vocation where the labor is long, the rewards slow to appear, such as scientific research, long term marriages etc. Another sign is a lack of caring, of being unfeeling about things, whether that be your appearance, hygiene, your relationships, your communities welfare, the worlds welfare etc.; all of this, Norris relates, is connected to the hopelessness and vague unease that arises from having too many choices, lacking true commitment, of being "a slave from within". She relates this to forgetfulness about "the one thing needful": remembrance of God. Anthony Robbins, the well known life coach, also believes a lack of commitment to spiritual growth will lead to negative states of mind.

Anecdotally, in Tsarist Russia, if a wealthy noble woman came down with long-term depression (which can overlap with acedia) allegedly a trusted antidote was to put her in an old peasant woman's house and make her do many of the basic household duties such as fetching the water, sweeping the floor, chopping wood etc. Basic manual tasks were also considered vital to keep spirits up in the Desert Father tradition of early Christian monasticism.












Universal Loss








Snails And Slugs

Lies And Lying







Motionlessness when wanting Motion

Time Irregularities

Spacial Irregularities




Loss of Spirit and Motivation and Invigoration


Soul Numbing

Soul Conversion



To Turn Into 'Diligence': Religious views concerning the need for one to work to support society and further God's plan and work also suggest that, through inactivity, one invites the desire to sin. "For Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do." ("Against Idleness and Mischief"
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:01 pm

2nd Arm - Motivation: Another of the secondary arms (a tentacle,) Motivation is directly across from Sloth. This is because it is in total opposition to Sloth. Instead of making everything slow and unworking, it gives anything the motivation to become better. Thus, Motivation grants everything incremental, exponential and continuous power. Another effect of Motivation is that it can allow those who are hit with it to adapt to their surroundings. For example, someone is hit with an uncureable poison... Motivation (defying the natural law, as you must know) will give the body the power to adapt to the poison, absorb it, excrete it, or nullify it without any repercussions. Also, Motivation can take away the motivation of others... And you know how that goes. (Sentient Form) Motivation in Sentient Form has the ability to increase and decrease its size and proportions to any given size. It can do this for anything it wishes. It also can shoot energy beams from itself that double in power the more they are used. Motivation can also take on the powers of what it absorbs as well.

Motivation's Sentient Form:

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Innocence_by_soptastic
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:01 pm

3rd Arm - Balance: One of the two primary arms (would be one of the hands on the True Form Tabris.) Balance is one of the most powerful of the 8 Arms, only being matched by its counterpart, Chaos. Balance literally can match anything and everything that it must, finding what completes something, completing it with its natural Balance, and either doing one of the two things; 1.) Making this completed form object go forth with no weaknesses at all, or 2.) Having the balance of this thing cause it to cancel itself out, for if anything is perfectly balanced, it cannot exist. Another power of Balance is to perfectly be able to fuse anything and everything it can. It is the glorious arm of Balance. (Sentient Form) Balance takes the form of a large, green glowing goddess. She can launch an infinite amount of arrows that are neutral to everything. Once they hit something, they become its opposite and balance it out, causing it to be destroyed.

Balance in Sentient Form:

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Dissidia_Cosmos
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:02 pm

4th Arm - Momentum: One of the secondary arms behind Sloth. Momentum is a type of mixture between Sloth and Motivation... Though works in the sense of force rather than physical and energy means, like Sloth and Motivation do. Momentum can literally control the momentum of anything. It controls how fast something goes, how hard something hits, etc. etc. That is its only power, but it is quite useful, though very simple. Momentum even defies time (obviously.) Another ability of Momentum is the process of the mind. It controls how fast or how slow you think, perceive, etc. etc. Thus, a simple command such as to walk could take an hour because of Momentum making the thought not move through the body fast enough. That is the 4th arm, Momentum. (Sentient Form) Momentum in Sentient form fights using things that rotate in the form of pure energy (such as drills, spirals, spheres, discs, etc.) thus making their power increase the longer they rotate. She also can open her chest and suck in everything in a void of pure endless nothingness within herself, which only increases in suction the longer it is open (though, it starts off usually with the suction equal to the gravity of a star, only increasing more after that.)

Momentum in Sentient Form:

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Unplugged
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:02 pm

5th Arm - Presence: One of the secondary arms behind Motivation. Presence is rather simple and straight forward, allowing the presence of whatever it wants to be seen. Allowing presences to be taken away and become smaller, or even to cast a presence further than it is supposed to be (for example, the presence of a lady bug would extend for miles and miles, and everyone would be able to feel it.) Presence can also move and remove presences of other things, rather than make them bigger or smaller. This means that if Presence were to move the presence of someone (that it touches or is within its aura), it would cause them to instantaneously be in another spot (similar to warping, but without the use of the energy.) And the removal of a presence... It just taking away their existence. Plain and simple. Presence can also decrease the amount of presences nearby, or increase them (like making perfect copies of a tree or something, as many times as it wants... And then decreasing them back down to 1.) So, Presence can be helpful or detrimental depending on how it is used. (Sentient Form) Presence is the form of an Octahedron that is purely blue, but slightly translucent. It takes on numerous different shapes; anything it can think of for maximum offensive or defensive power. It releases a powerful force from itself at all times, and can sense the presence of anything and everything within 10,000 miles of it. It can shoot high powered, high concentrated energy beams and can increase the power by any given amount. In the technical sense, it's a shapeshifter with the ability to shoot out powerful blasts.

Presence Sentient Form:

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Eva_newyear03
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:03 pm

6th Arm - Chaos: But yeah, one of the primary arms and most powerful, only matched by Balance. Chaos can literally destroy and break down anything and everything it pleases through the natural chaos flowing through everything that exists. Once Chaos causes it to be destroyed, it doesn't come back. Chaos disrupts everything, causing things that are in harmony to break apart and/or be destroyed. The Chaos arm has only pure and utter destruction of everything and anything it can come in contact with. There is nothing more to be said about it. (Sentient Form) Chaos has the most powerful Sentient form, for she can generate fire that burns EVERYTHING with the power of Chaos. It burns the metaphysical, it burns other energies (even fire itself... Yeah, it burns other fire) and it burns... Shit. Everything. The only thing Chaos' Chaosfire cannot burn is Balance, for they cancel each other out. Has the power to Generate and control Insanity

Chaos' Sentient Form:

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Kishin_asura_by_uchiha_itasuke-d4jm5wo
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Overlord Tensei
Tensei, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Overlord Tensei

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Eight Arms Of Tabrith Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eight Arms Of Tabrith   Eight Arms Of Tabrith EmptyThu Nov 29, 2018 7:04 pm

7th Arm - Flaw: One of the last primary arms behind Momentum. Flaw is similar to Chaos, though a little less destructive. Chaos destroys everything, though Flaw can be used for destruction or beneficial purposes. This is because Flaw can find the flaws of anything and turn them against anything.. For example, a weakness. (The weakness of fire would be Water or Suffocation. Though Flaw cannot summon the elements, it can surely smother a fire just by using this power against it, causing the fire to die before it can burn anything.) Though, in the beneficial terms, Flaw can be used to gain immunities to your own flaws. (Taking the same example from before, Flaw can make it so that Fire can burn even underwater and cause it not to be suffocated by anything. Thus, it will burn continuously.) Therefore, Flaw is an assisting sort of arm, though very powerful, indeed. (Sentient Form) Flaw is odd, for the Sentient form is a giant voodoo doll with a spike going through it. It releases a force from itself and copies whatever is within this force. Any flawed being (which is, basically, everything) that it has copied will be erased once the spike goes all the way through Flaw (Which is about 10 posts). If Flaw is attacked, whatever is done to it will be done to whatever it has copied. Also, with every turn, Flaw nullifies one of your abilities and prohibits you from using them.

Flaw Sentient Form:

Eight Arms Of Tabrith Voodoo_Doll_Heartbreak_by_Rubber_to
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