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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Pokemon Fanfic; Khrona's Syndicate

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Pokemon Fanfic; Khrona's Syndicate Empty
PostSubject: Pokemon Fanfic; Khrona's Syndicate   Pokemon Fanfic; Khrona's Syndicate EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 7:47 pm

Ah... Here we go... I've been waiting an eternity for this one... Let me show you how it's done...

Anticipation was on the rise as an amorphous black mass poured from a clearing in the dark sky... Spattering all across the center of the Pokemon Arena, the shadow of insanity stretched up, starting to take some sort of definite form and shape... It was all far too familiar for those who knew this blackness well, and would be able to feel the insanity being drawn to his center simply from him coming to be...

Eventually, the black blob became a figure glowing with all sorts of insanity, so very luminous that it brightened the entire Arena with a dark, grim glow...


He looked up to the sky, and each and every light in the stadium flickered on instantaneously, shining down bright on the 'being.'

In his long, slender claws he held a single pokeball... Which harbored his cute little Abra, Sabrina. He hated keeping her in there, but after what happened with Savaj, he was juuust a little cautious of leaving her alone. She was precious to him.

"Jade. Emerald."

His twin Kirlia Teleported to either side of him, both moving in utmost synchronicity. He and his Kirlia all cocked their heads to the side insanely, and he'd release in the center his little Sabrina...

"... We're gonna wreak some havoc on the planet... Ready to destroy some stuff?"

All eight of their eyes gleamed bright red... The spider's eyes...

"Hear me now, planet... This Insanity's out of the box... Hope you're prepared for a good old fashioned throw down..."

_Since the second round of the Pokemon Gym Leader Tournament was going to be starting soon enough Nurse Joy was already at the Pokemon Colosseum when all the chaos began. Hurrying to the center of the Pokemon Colosseum Nurse Joy would arrive just in time to witness the black begin to take shape an form into some inhuman being._

Nurse Joy: What are you doing here the center areana is currently close?"

His boneless head snapped to meet her the moment she set foot in his arena. With his wide, pointed smile shining bright through the darkness, he snickered at the cute Nurse Joy, the sound resounding just as loud as if amplified by surround sound speakers... Insanity was afoot.

"Closed? You're absolutely correct, miss. I'm gonna show you why this place is closed indefinitely. Sorry about this..."

The reverberation of the single snap of his fingers sent the Twin Kirlias spinning off toward the good nurse, and, midway through, they'd release a powerful dual Psychic wave from the tips of their two red horns to send her flying hard into the spectator's seats.

"Have a seat, miss... Wouldn't want you to get hurt, or nothin."

She didn't look like she could handle herself against these two psychic powerhouses... But, what could he be waiting for, perhaps? Massive amounts of insanity poured right into his vey being... And he began to exude more and more light from his body. He was drawing in all the insanity... He wanted to Absorb it all.

"Well... Not until I blow up the stadium, that is. Complements of Team Psychotic."

Gonna send this place 'blasting off' like a Rocket...


_Not expecting the two pokemon to move so fast Nurse Joy would be knocked back a few feet falling into her seat rather hard. Although not wounded in anyway Nurse Joy would still have almost all the wind knocked out of her completely from the dual Psychic wave. However quickly acting from her seated position Nurse Joy would pull out a gold whistle and quickly plow it sending its sound resonating through the whole Pokemon Colosseum. What on earth could Nurse Joy be calling with such a loud whistle._

*As the whistle's cry resonated around the Pokemon Colosseum foot steps could be heard echoing around the Pokemon Colosseum. Suddenly around the center arena and the strange man would appear 10 trainers who acted as bodyguards for both the Pokemon Colosseum and for Nurse Joy when she left the Nightmare. All these trainers where Ace Trainers in rank and all held powerful pokemon to deal with those who dared attack the Pokemon Colosseum and Nurse Joy.*

His glowing orbs came to a lucid dim at the sound of the golden whistle... It was like music to his ears, that piercing high-pitched scream... It caused his form to quiver with pleasure, followed by a slight distortion of his shape, before his eyes brightened once again at the sight of the 10 Ace Trainers.

"Oooh... I was hoping for this... Come on, 'Aces.' Let me make a disgrace of ya. Hahaha!"

He loved jokes. The twins swirled and twirled around the arena like graceful ballerinas, before converging dead center between Khrona and the Trainers. Sabrina would Teleport before them, as well. All the while, Khrona continued to absorb more and more insanity... Drawing it all in... Slowly, but surely... He was going to need quite a lot for his next transition...

"... Maybe I'll get some nice Pokemon out of this, too... Heh heh."

That was always a bonus of attacking a heavily populated Pokemon Colosseum; all the rare Pokemon to collect!

"Come on, come on... I bet these three can handle all ten of ya alone."

*As the 8 Ace Trainers surrounding the center of the arena where the man was located the other two would rush over to Nurse Joy quickly picking her up and taking her out of the center arena and the Pokemon Colosseum overall. These where not simply cocky trainers and where smart enough to know it would be dangerous to keep Nurse Joy so close to what was to be sure and intense battle. After Nurse Joy was moved away from the Pokemon Colosseum two Ace Trainers would jump into the arena to face the man and his pokemon. The first trainer would send out a Lucario and the second trainer would send out a Shedninja. The two trainers and their pokemon would then wait to see what the man and his pokemon would do.*

"Huuh... Lucario and Shedinja..."

He smirked and licked his lips...

"Squash the bug first... Don't worry about the mutt. Hahahaha..."

He was a little sad to see the nurse go... She was quite the looker, if he did say so, himself.

... Haha. His wife would kill him if she heard him thinking like that. Good thing she couldn't read Khrona's mind.

"Sabrina... You take some time out to do some training, too. But let Jade and Emerald take the lead in this dance."

A flashy wink at no one in particular set off a chain reaction of gleaming red flashes, and followed behind it, multiple swirling Kirlia copies all surrounding the Lucario and the Shedinja. As they spun all around the arena in unison, distortions followed them in their wake... And the Abra was nowhere to be found.

The sound of the whistle and the dark clouds seemed to catch the attention of a nearby trainer. Once the trainer entered the stadium he saw a group of people who all looked to be powerful stand off against one man.

Seeing the 8 ace trainers The trainer who recently entered the stadium stood there and watched the battle unfold for a bit. It seemed that he could no longer stand by and watch this. He removed his hood and revealed his red hair. Once his hood was gone he stomped his foot on the ground.

Shortly after his initial stomp the ground began to shake violently. Without warning a large shimmering beast with gleaming red eyes rose from the ground. This massive beast was a steelix.

As the beast stood there the ace trainer now revealed to be akira tsukishima threw out a pokeball which contained his pupitar. Both pokemon stood there waiting for their orders.

*As Akira attempted to enter into the battle suddenly 2 of the 8 trainers around the are would quickly block his path keeping him from even throwing out his pokeball to far meaning his Steelix and pupitar would be right next to him kept away from the battle that was about to begin between the man and the two trainers currently about to face him.*

Ace Trainer #1: I don't know who you are but this is not amateur hour please stay back simply trying to dog pile will just cause too much chaos.

*While the Ace trainers was speaking to Akira the others would also slightly converge on Akira's location further blocking his path. While it was said in a rude way honestly the Ace trainer was right simply having a bunch of pokemon attack someone who at the moment had unknown capabilities was foolish. It was better to have a small group face him first to better understand what this man and his pokemon could do.*

(In the Arena)

*As the multiple Kirlia appeared around Lucario and Shedninja would stand strong not letting the multiple copies scare them. After standing still for a moment Lucario's eyes would begin to glow for a moment as it used its ability to sense aura. Doing so would allow him to see the location of the real Kirlias. Quickly roaring out directions and angles the Shedninja would glow for a moment and would release a volley of Shadow Balls directly toward the real Kirlias.*

A certain something seemed to catch the ever watchful eye of the glowing being, noticed when the rest of the Ace Trainers began to converge on a certain point. It looked like... Another trainer had come to stop them. Goodie. It was a shame that those disgrAces were blocking the poor boy from all the action... Heh heh.

"Fighting amongst yourselves now, kiddies?"

The Abra that disappeared before warped right above Akira's head, locked in a fetal position. Only a moment after would its closed eyes open to slits, gleaming with a viciously bright Flash, the blinding light masking their position. To Akira, time would seem to slow, and within his mind, he would hear a woman's voice speak to him... It was Sabrina, the Abra.

Sabrina: You see how they hinder you...? It is insulting to your skill as a trainer... You should show them your skill... By battling them yourself...

Meanwhile, the Kirlia Twins were in a bind. That Lucario's ability to sense auras made their former plan less only slightly less useful, however this meant nothing to their highly developed brains. Khrona was not worried; their minds were synced, thanks to their 'special training' they received. All he had to worry about was intaking this Insanity...

Jade would warp out of the way of the Shadow Balls flying at her, filling the space of one of her illusory Double Team copies, to further confuse her two foes. Even with the ability to sense auras, if he couldn't keep up with how she Teleported, there was no use for it. Appearing right next to her brother, who had blended in with one of her copies, they linked hands and warped behind the Shedinja, letting all of the Shadow Balls come to pass.

They spun around at an incredible speed, mirroring each others movements and amplifying each others psychic power. A glint in Emerald's eyes allowed instantaneous Mimicking of the Shadow Ball released before, and, with a mind synced with his dear sister, Jade's eyes glimmered as well, and the two of them would halt simultaneously, only for a powerful barrier of incredibly twisted reality would Imprison the Shedinja where it was, accustomed to its Ghost-like form to prevent escape. With their target halted, it wouldn't be too hard to hit this creature with the Shadow Ball that had just been copied... And between the horns of Emerald, an intense dimensional distortion began to occur, pulling in the darkness of their shadows, and that caught in between the dimensions... And a sphere started to form... Growing larger... And larger... and larger...

*As the massive volley of Shadow Balls suddenly appeared behind Shedninja things would seem bad as thanks to its ability known as wonder guard while all non-super effective attacks would be knocked away super effective ones like the Shadow Balls would instantly knock him out. However suddenly before the Shadow Balls could touch Shedninja appearing in between the small space instantly would be Lucario using Extremespeed to quickly appear where it need to be. Suddenly in a flash Lucario would use Close Combat releasing a wave of punches and kicks knocking away each shadow ball at high speeds. However Lucario did not stop their and would continue to push through in hopes of hitting the two Kirlia.*

Standing there watching the awesome display of power from the pokemon only made akria want to battle even more. It was driving him crazy. But he knew that this simply had nothing to do with him. As bad as he wanted to command his steelix to take out the two kirlia he maintained his composure. This adrenaline rush that was taking over akira's body was beyond intense however akira began to think about what may happen if he were to just jump into someone Else's fight.

Akira simply did not play into the hands of the strange voices in his head urging him to attack the elite trainers. Instead he returned his pupitar to its pokeball and akira stood atop of the steelix as it burrowed back into the ground. Thus exiting the field and vanishing.

That wide, pointed smile curled down into a sinister scowl, eyes flashing a psychotic blood red. The pokemon trainer that had appeared was made to leave by these Ace Trainers... Which made Khrona very, very upset.

His body, undulating and vibrating unstably, starting to lose its shape, contorting its formless constitution into weird distorted versions of the original form.

"Hey... Why did you guys make him leave...? He seemed like he would have been good fun..."

From the mass of pure insanity, still drawing it in from the ends of the universe, a hand extended outward, pulsating violently. He pointed at the Imprisoned Shedinja...

"Crush it..."

The barrier that surrounded the Shedinja was an isolated reality, maintained by the immeasurable psychic power of these two rather odd Kirlia. Though in plain sight, it was literally trapped in the confines of that barrier (like Free's Spatial Cube), only able to move about within those boundaries... And, at Khrona's command, Jade's eyes glimmered, and the barrier would make a drastic shrink.

Meanwhile, with the Lucario have deflected the Shadow Balls, Emerald continued to draw in all such blackness to a single point right above his head, which had all too quickly become a disgustingly large ball of pure blackness.

"Shadow Ball bomb..."

The looming sphere was about the size of that great Steelix that once lurked here, and at the call of Khrona, was dropped on top of the Imprisoned Shedinja...

The compacted mass of darkness exploded outward with great power, enough to quake the entire arena, coating it all in a malicious utter umbra. The Shedinja, though nothing could leave the Imprisonment chamber, would not be protected from the great Shadow Ball's might; for things could still enter the barrier, even if they could not escape. It was only after the Shadow Ball exploded that the barrier would fade away. The power of the explosion should have been enough to handle the Lucario as well, and even if it wasn't downed, hopefully it would sustain nasty damage.

In the shade cast by the Shadow Ball, however... the Kirlia were nowhere to be found... It even cast upon the Abra, which also miraculously disappeared after Akira's departure.

*The Shadow Bomb would hit with massive force shaking the whole arena and the shock wave to knock the two Ace Trainers who where in the battle back and slam them into the colosseum walls with great force. As the smoke cleared from the area both Shedninja and Lucario could be seen laying on the ground both in very bad condition along with their two trainers who where pretty much completely knocked out. One of the observing Ace Trainers would descend into to arena and quickly pick up to two defeated trainers using their pokeballs to return their two injured pokemon before jumping back to move them away from the battle. This time two female Ace Trainers would descend into the ring to face the man both having a better understanding of how these pokemon could fight and battle. Throwing out their pokeballs the man would now be meet with a Garchomp and a Metagross and from their appearance it could be seen these two where well trained and ready for battle.*

"Ah... Looks like they're outta there..."

That twisted smile upon his face dauntingly wavered from side to side, matching the slight undulations of his body. Next up were two female trainers... Lucky~. They were pretty easy on the eyes, but let's see how they fought...

Their Pokemon were released; a Garchomp and a Metagross. His already bulbously luminous eyes popped open, and his smile grew just a bit wider.

"Heh heh... Sending out the big guns this time, hm? Nice... Jade. Emerald. Do your stuff."

The two Kirlia descended from up above, appearing from wherever they had faded out to, with their bodies slowly spinning gently downward. Jade was the first to open her eyes, and a faint glint of red followed by a sinister stare at that Garchomp were the only things she did before her eyes came to a close. They finally reached the ground, spinning between each other at such high speeds, it was nearly impossible to keep up with them, nor tell which one was which. They were identical twins, after all.

After a while, their spinning slowed, and they stopped dancing between each other, despite how beautiful it was. It wasn't too long after that where their eyes opened simultaneously, and their entire bodies became pitch black, save for those gleaming red eyes. The black shadows lunged forth at an incredibly high speed, arcing above just a bit and bearing their bodies down upon the two creatures, where hopefully they were caught in this unerring dark.

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