The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 9:41 pm

One who goes by the title 'Persona Myq'. It is an interdimensional mercenary who is a Mimic. It is an all white humanoid shapeform that wears a black trench coat and a fedora. Also dons a mask that changes when it shifts personalities. The mask contains all of its emotions and personalities, and when it detaches from its face, it takes on its own form as one of its emotions or personalities. Myq is able to mimic anything it comes in contact with and retain its form as long as it or one of its personalities remembers it. If mercenary work is slow, it is an amateur sleuth. Very diligent when at work.
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Otherworlders :: Otherlanders, Foreigners, Aliens & Xenotypes

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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 9:49 pm

Myq, the interdimensional mercenary, found its business leading it to the one Alfheimr. It stepped from out of a portal that seemed to lead to another dimension, adjusting the collar of its trench coat to make itself seem inconspicuous. Looking around, it'd seen the children at play and tensed up, wondering if the people of this dimension would be accepting of it. That's when it heard the noise coming from nearby, and it laid eyes on Younha. "Ah, greetings!" Myq said, clenching the open coat's neck, "Tell me, is there any business around here? I'm an interdimensional mercenary and am looking for work."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 10:02 pm

Myq coughed a bit, clearing its throat and popping its large collar. "Well, if you've got work for a merc, then I'm your entity! Wherever I can find work is where I stay, so I suppose if you have availability, I'll be staying in this realm." It slipped its hands in its pockets, then said, "Oh, I forgot. I am interdimensional, so I travel the dimensions doing odd jobs here and there to keep myself sustained. Even when I get a good haul, I just keep on traveling." Myq sighed fondly. "Interdimensional travel sure is something, I'll tell you that." Pausing, Myq realized that they hadn't been introduced. "The name's Myq. Persona Myq is what they call me. It's nice to meet you, miss...?"
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 10:14 pm

Myq was overjoyed by the opportunity to get right to business; it's what it lived for. Reaching out a hand for a shake, it mumbed "Jackpot~" under its breath as it turned away for a moment, but not long enough to be suspicious. The mask on its face beamed with a bright expression, showing Myq's happiness. "Yes, well, miss Younha, I must inform you that I am a Mimic. I can copy any form I see perfectly and remember it. It makes my work much easier for me." When it was said that there were rules, Myq's mask made an inquisitive face. "Oh? What are these rules that are required of me, miss Younha?"
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 10:27 pm

Myq listened intently to what Younha was saying, nodding its head to her as a sign of understanding. "I can agree to those terms," it said straightforward, "It's better than most jobs I get, but I get my jobs done." A mysterious smirk found its way to the now settling mask's face. "Getting to know each other will be a simple task in the line of work. If you're my boss, I won't fail you. Failure isn't an option for me, you see." Myq looked up to Younha with a certain glimmer in the eyes of the mask that denoted seriousness, and it said, "I have a reputation to uphold, as well..." Myq leaned back. "With the formalities out of the way, I will say that I will do my very best to uphold your honor... And mine."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 10:49 pm

Myq's mask made a pleasant face as Younha explained things further. "Happy to be on the team," it said. "So, I'm working with an orc as a partner, eh?" It inspected Younha closely as it asked, "And what are you? Not everyone is as they seem. I would know, I'm a Mimic. I'm never what I seem to be." Myq chuckled, then said suddenly, "Oh, and are there any jobs available right now? Are you in wartime or at peace? I know nothing of this land and I want to be prepared for when I set out on my missions."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 10:57 pm

Myq wasn't really taken aback by anything except the... Kawaii magic Younha said that she was capable of doing. "Kawaii... Magic...?" It was something new that it had never heard of nor seen before, and it had been a lot of places throughout the dimensions. "What does this kawaii magic entail? It's something I've never seen nor heard of before." Myq's mask smirked. "First time for everything." That aside, in times of peace, there weren't many things for mercs to do except perhaps the odd job here and there. Myq hoped that business wouldn't be slow here, too. But it was enjoying talking to Younha and wanted to get better acquainted with her... Starting with that kawaii magic.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 11:18 pm

Myq nodded. "I see. I would love to bear witness to the kawaii magic as a demonstration." Though, the predicament was the shop... "Hm..." Myq thought, "... Well, being a Mimic and all, I can mimic the shop's appearance perfectly with my body and contain whatever it is that you do within myself so that nothing becomes damaged. Whatever you do, I'm sure I can take it. Hahaha." Myq's body began to liquefy as the trench coat blended with its body. The surface of Myq thinned as it coated the entire store's interior, mimicking everything exactly as it was. "Go ahead and do what you've gotta do, then!" Myq said.

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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 11:27 pm

Myq's mask descended from the ceiling, hovering in the midst of the pseudo-room created of its own body. It took on the properties of what it mimicked and also could attribute properties of what it already had mimicked before, so it could reinforce the wall. Still, like a pinch, the explosion did hurt. "Hahaha, ow." Myq's mask changed color briefly when it was in pain, then reverted back to its natural white coloration. "That was... Cuuute~!" Myq said, withdrawing its body back into a humanoid form, trench coat and all. "I'd be distracted by the cuteness if I were facing it." Its eyes narrowed, "But never on the job." It seemed serious about its work.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 11:40 pm

Myq's body reformed completely and its face was pressed into the mask. It could not help but acknowledge the fact that the kawaii magic was quite lethal. "Yes, it is definitely deadly to those who are not of skilled mind. But I do admit that sparkles are always pretty to look at." Myq laughed a little, rubbing its side. That seemed to be where it got hit, but the trench coat covered any marks it may have had. But the pain subsided rather quickly. Myq was very tough. It hadn't survived this long for no reason. Still, back to the conversation. "So, I know a little about you," Myq started to say, "Is there anything you wish to know about me? It would be best to inquire for the sake of future operations."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 11:50 pm

Myq's mask's face became dark and foreboding, gazing from under the shadows of the fedora donned upon its head. "Well... If you really want to know..." Myq lowered its head, letting the shadow of the fedora fully cover the eyes of the mask now. "... I can mimic anything that I have seen or remember, but I cannot become anything that I haven't until I interact with it. My power of mimickery goes even into special abilities, as I am capable of mimicking to the finest details." It grabbed the tip of its hat, continuing on, "As for my mask..." With its other hand, it grabbed the chin of the mask and pulled it off, which would allow the mask to float in midair. Suddenly, a doppelganger of Myq that was a different color stood beside him. "My mask can take on its own forms."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 12:16 am

Myq and its doppelganger gave Younha a thumbs up when she accurately assessed what they were. "You hit the nail right on the head!" it said. "That's all there is to me..." Myq looked around shadily, turning away slightly as it continued, "... Yep. All there is." The mask and its body became black as the night and suddenly shifted back toward Myq, withdrawing its form into itself and placing itself back upon Myq's face. After that, Myq became strangely quiet and somewhat reserved, hiding itself behind its coat and tipping its hat down. The mask remained black, though Myq's body had not changed colors.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 12:30 am

Myq was being oddly secretive now after the mask changed black. It didn't speak as much as it did previously and instead became silent when asked questions. However, after some time of silence, the mask became a deep navy and Myq said, "... There are some things you just have to find out." One, because it was a mouthful to explain. And two, Myq kept an air of mystery surrounding him just in case things went awry. It did understand that the communication of these matters was important, though, so it said this: "The color of my mask is not bound to one psyche or emotion. They can be any color and any emotion."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 9:34 pm

Myq's mask rippled with color as its body and trench coat followed briefly. Myq turned back white when it was done feeling all of its emotions at once. "Well, I'm sure that there's something that I can do to help that along," Myq said. "But as for me, I need something to do." It seemed eager to get to work. "Any jobs need doing right this second? I could use a pick-me-up." Myq touched the lower part of the mask's chin and adjusted its face so that the gaze would look more daunting. "I'm looking for some fun." The mask was orange, and brightening slightly.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 9:47 pm

Myq chuckled, shying behind the large collar that was surrounding his head, the mask changing into a rosy pink. "Take me out to lunch, whydon'tcha?" Though it was just playing, it was a thought. "Maybe spending some time together right now will do something!" What, though, was the question. "I like traversing other dimensions and seeing all of the interesting things from those perspectives." Myq wasn't famous, but it wasn't just someone that didn't have influence. Persona Myq. The title itself was proof of its people across the dimensional boundaries that it helped with some work for them. When Alfr stepped inside, Myq became tense and the mask's brightness faded into darkness. Myq turned away and tipped its fedora. "Evening."
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 10:17 pm

Myq's mask gave a shocked expression and flashed suddenly as it was spoken of by Younha. "Guess you were right, hun," Myq spoke with a jagged smirk on the mask's face. With that, it said, "I am Myq. Formally, Persona Myq." With a tip of the hat, Myq explained once more, "An interdimensional mercenary. And also a Mimic." It bowed its head humbly to Alfr, but said to Younha, "I've got no idea where that is at all," then laughed about it. "Hope you won't leave me in the dark about this place, boss. I haven't even set foot outside yet." Knowing nothing of Alfheim, it was clear that Myq needed to be walked through everything step by step as they prepared for the mission.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 10:33 pm

Myq smiled confidently as it was reassured that it would be shown the way. "Wonderful." The whole of what she said could be summed up as just that for Myq, as things seemed to fall into place rather smoothly with these conditions. Got a mission. Got someone to attend the mission with. Also getting a tutorial and tour at the same time. Myq walked into the right place at the right time, it seemed. It wasn't always this swiftly that something could be found to do for a mercenary... Those long, boring days... It looked up, pointing its mask away from Alfr, as if trying to hide it. "No mounts," it responded, "But I am a Mimic and can take on the form of a creature that one can mount." Being interdimensionally aware made it cognizent of many beings.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 10:43 pm

Myq wiped its hand across its face, the smile widening. "I bring everything I need inside of me..." Being able to assume any form had its benefits when you've seen so much. Not to mention each of his different personalities that were within the mask. "What should I turn into? An animal? A vehicle? What are we talking about?" Myq inquired rather readily, walking out of the door.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 11:09 pm

Myq morphed into a white horse with the mask upon its face floating off. The entire body was like a horse, and the mask was hovering in midair beside the horse, smiling. "Saddle up," Myq said, a green body sprouting from the back of the mask as it turned green as well. Myq hovered over to Younha to help her onto its back and then took off behind Alfr. When they arrived at their destination, Myq placed the mask back upon its face and its body along with its attire returned to normal. "This the place?"
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 11:29 pm

Myq's mask turned blue and it made a pouting face. "Darn, and here I was thinking that we'd made it to the end when we haven't even gotten started." Myq's mask removed itself from the face again and this time, Myq took the form of the ox that Alfr was leading them on. Again manifesting a humanoid body out of itself, the blue Myq escorted Younha to her seat, then dissipated its body. "Oh, some tales to tell, huh, Alfr? Go right ahead. I need to study this place a bit better and knowing some of the history would assist me a great deal." Myq continued to follow until they were bid to get off of their mounts, if at all.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyFri Apr 30, 2021 11:48 pm

Myq responded to Alfr, "I've heard some things. Seen some things that are similar." It didn't seem like Myq wanted to give much more information than that. As they trekked up the mountain, he noticed Younha become silent. Still very much interested in her background, the mask that hovered near changed into an pinkish color and sprouted a pink body from it. "So, what's bugging you, hun? Is it the weather?" The humanoid Myq constantly stayed near Younha whilst the mimicking Myq carried on. "This would be a perfect time to share something about yourself or something," it'd say after hearing some Japanese come from under her breath. "I'd volunteer, but you just seem so eager~!" The motived behind Myq's insisting were questionable at best.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptySat May 01, 2021 12:09 am

Myq thought that Younha was more open when they were alone and figured that it should probably be aware that she didn't seem to be pleased with this situation. It was raining. Or... It WAS raining. Now it wasn't, and the summit was reached. "At least it stopped raining," Myq said to Younha, ready to escort her down from atop its back before shifting back to normal once again. The doppelganger returned to the mask and the mask became a steady, settled orange color as it placed itself back upon Myq's humanoid head. "If you pay me overtime, I'll tell you a story about me~!" Myq thought that perhaps knowing more about it would cheer her up. She seemed so interested. Regardless, when Alfr suggested to look around, Myq saw just a newt. "Nothing," it said.
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptySat May 01, 2021 12:26 am

Myq tipped its hat to Younha and said happily, "Yes, ma'am!" It then grasped the chin of the mask and began to look around some more. Over near the burnt out logs for the bonfire was a strange locket on the ground that caught the eye of the very perceptive interdimensional Mimic. "I think I have something, people," it said, picking up the locket and letting it twirl a bit. Afterward, it would walk over to the others and show them. It figured Alfr would know something about this locket, so it asked, "Does this look familiar to you, Alfr?"
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu May 06, 2021 7:46 pm

Myq opened up an interdimensional portal and out of it comes a large treasure chest with an elaborate looking lock on it. The chest came down with a loud *THUNK* and then toppled upright once it hit the ground. Whatever was inside was either worth a lot, or... Perhaps, maybe a trap? Who knows?
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Myq Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myq   Myq EmptyThu May 06, 2021 7:52 pm

Myq didn't expect to be caught so easily. It seemed that Younha saw through its clever disguise as a treasure chest. "IT'S ME!!" it yelled, bursting out of the treasure chest, but only the upper torso of itself. The mask on its face was a lively shade of green. "How'd you know I was in the chest? Was it the portal?" It did travel often through interdimensional portals...
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Myq Empty
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