The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Absolution :: Absolute End

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Queen Archdeath
Blue Moon, Daddy's Dearest Heart :: The Second Tenseingel; Peace of the Dusk
Queen Archdeath

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Absolution :: Absolute End Empty
PostSubject: Absolution :: Absolute End   Absolution :: Absolute End EmptyThu Aug 13, 2015 6:12 pm

Power granted by a Tensei's connection with God, as proof of their power, and inherited through learning of Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Natural energy and combining them into an Absolute Energy that generates a Reality, or any of those energies necessary to sustain, destroy or create a 'Reality' or 'Absolute' of any type. Absolution gives them Absolute Power over whatever aspect it is that they control within themselves, backed by the Divine. Absolution grows in power as a Tensei grows, and becomes weaker the more a Tensei reverts. Each and every Absolution is different and unique to each Tensei's powers, which makes up the True Absolution. It is their abilities from all their Lower Restrictions combined together as a single and more powerful force that is Absolute as an energy and a force. It can effect any sort of causality from 1st (Mental) to 5th (Reality) level at the very minimum and grows in power with a Tensei as they grow further from the 5th on up. Most 'Absolution' is inherited from the '5th'. Each 'Absolution' is unique, but many of the fundamentals are shared. They are also able to be shared among Tensei, allowing two to have the same type of Absolution, but with two different sets of abilities, making it just as diverse as the race it is signature to.

(Absorption Data Collection: The basic foundation of Anatomia KG, Khrona is able to absorb anything with cells, molecules, etc into himself permanently or temporarily, giving him the ability to use the powers and abilities of what has been absorbed. However, Khrona can only absorb one thing at a time, though it can be anything, and once absorbed, can instantly adapt to it. Khrona's absorption has gotten so strong that he can even absorb metaphysical things, such as knowledge or ideas, in addition to anything on the physical and spiritual plane. It is his most signature Anatomia technique.)

(Omoshiroi Data Collection: Utilizing the natural Hyper Perception of his Tenseigan (as well as any level of it he is able to use, if he so chooses), Khrona focuses all of his attention on any target or targets of his choosing that he either notices or deems interesting enough to notice in any given way at any given time. As long as he is focused on them and does not take his mark off of them, they can never escape his sights no matter where they go, what they do or what they are. It is a two part technique that blends naturally and fluidly to form the single technique that is 'Omoshiroi.' Most times, this marker becomes a large and constant X crosshair of light on the target, never straying from the point it has marked no matter what. His targeting mark is also not limited to being x-shaped, and can be made to assume numerous different shapes (such as a dot, a sigil, a symbol, etc.) Though typically used by his eyes, he is known to use other body parts (such as a finger) to mark his targeting points. Very useful for sniping. )

(Consecration Data Collection: Khrona creates an archaic rune (The Tensei Sigil) that sanctifies and absolutely conquers what it touches, giving Khrona complete and utter dominion of what it is imbued into as long as he has the energy to do so. He is known to brand his sigil into other things and completely and absolutely take them over as his own. It is a sealing rune that wipes out the dominance and control of whatever it has touched as soon as it is activated, and once he has control, he has ABSOLUTE control over that area. It is like a branding of something, and he can place his brand on anything he wishes, even one's very existence and claim it as his own.)

(Absolute Final Wonderland Data Collection: All things become yours and are your world to do what you wish with them. Gains control over all things and turns everything into a world that the user wants, making everything they want happen absolutely.)

(Ultimitia Energia Data Collection: Positive, Negative and Neutral/Zero) and creates the Ultimate Energy known as ‘Ultimitia Energia.’ He may use it as he sees fit; shaping or molding it into any form he wishes, even embedding it in or charging it as other techniques. Though it can be manipulated by itself in whatever way he chooses, he commonly uses this energy to create ‘Ultimate Techniques’ that can only be used after he produces the necessary amount of ‘Ultimitia Energia’ to form them. It is a special type of energy that holds all charges and polarities working in complete harmony to accomplish a single ultimate goal, hence why it is the Ultimate Energy. If threatened or interrupted by outside forces or opposing energies whilst he is charging, or if he has no time to mold the energy as he wills, he is known to release whatever energy he has already charged previously as a spontaneous, pulsating wave that frees all stored energy immediately in an explosive manner. It takes one post to create the Ultimate Energy, one post to mold it into the shape he wants, and the final post to release the technique, known as any of the ‘Ultimate’ techniques listed as derivatives. While he is charging, he cannot attack nor defend, but he can easily still dodge and evade. Some charge times may differ or vary depending on the technique.)

(Cosmic Wreck Collection Data: A strain of the ‘Ultimitia Energia’ that if the user is threatened or interrupted in charging or if he has no time to mold the energy as he wills, he is able to release whatever energy he has already charged previously as a swift, spontaneous, pulsating explosive wave that frees the stored energy immediately. Instead of using the ‘Ultimatum Epiphany’ to continuously build up more Ultimate Energy within himself, he is capable of RELEASING this energy he is constantly generating as an explosive wave, force, concentration, etc. from himself known as the ‘Cosmic Wreck.’ This is because any energy that comes in contact with is erased, and overexertion of this technique causes a collapse in the energetic structural equilibrium of an environment. This can range from a small shifting imbalance in a small portion of reality to an entire cosmic wreckage, hence its name. The destructive nature is dependent on how much energy he has already charged and is releasing at the time, meaning the longer he charges, the more devastating the destruction if he is interrupted.)

Absolute End
The ability to end whatever has been created that is influenced by the Absolute End, including Ends or Absolute Ends that are already in place. Typically used to create Time Loops, Deadlines, Alternate Dimensions, Parallel Worlds and such. It cuts off Spaces and Timelines from the Main Branch to ensure that they resolve their conflicts before they reconnect, if they cannot handle playing by the rules, or are eventually destroyed by isolation of energy in a single point and letting it all burn out.

(Reference: )

Ultimate Atlas (Father's Eye): The first 'Absolution' technique of Tabitha. She generates an accumulation of all data from wherever her mind has been and maps it out as an atlas of variable size, proportion and intensity on a scale of the amount of energy and level of understanding her mind is capable of at a time. She is capable of generating entire realities inside of her own mind sustained by her mind that evolve or degenerate with her mind. She is capable of also projecting this out back into the reality she has absorbed from to control what happens at all times and alter reality as she sees fit at any given time. She can create numerous 'Atlases' under different laws, such as creating a planet, universe or reality as variable sized 'marbles' or 'spheres' or 'eyes.' They are known as 'Cherub Bombs' or 'Grigori.' It is known as her 'Father's Eye' watching over her at all times that she shares with him, as well as their union in the creation of this technique, as well as the Point that Tabitha absorbed all of Vescrutia's universe into her head when she lost her memory.
-Cherub Bomb (Grigori): Sends out a Cherub or Cherubim in the form of large Atlas Eyes that are Tabitha's own looking down and ready to destroy the realm that she is looking at by detonating the Eye and taking with it whatever she was looking at that she no longer wishes to look it. It was absorbed from when the Insanity dropped a 'Cherub Bomb' on Vescrutia, and taken from her father that created it.

Absolution :: Absolute End TATARI

Alraune (Poison Ivy): After absorbing the data of Alraune Rozalyn into the Ultimate Atlas, Tabitha creates an Absolute End that takes the form of either a Spacio-Temporal body (such as a Timeline shaped like a Whip or a Time Displacement shaped like a Rose Thorn) that she is capable of controlling the complete growth of in any form, as if it were nature, itself, or a plant. It can create temporal ivy walls, thorn needle cages, pinpoint time-stop needles or anything of the like. It can also drain space and time out of anywhere it touches, like a plant absorbing nutrients and embody any form of plant there is. It is also homage to 'Alraune Rozalyn,' of whose data was first absorbed into the 'Ultimate Atlas' upon its creation and made into many of Tabitha's techniques after she touched the Tree Of Death, known as the Void Veritas.

Bezaliel (ShadOrion/MegalOrion): After absorbing the data of Shinta into the Ultimate Atlas, as well as his entire clan, Tabitha creates an Absolute End that is the embodiment of this darkness in its entirety. It is known as the 'Shadow Of God' and whatever is to fall into it can never escape the abyss. It is known as the 'Ink Blot' that voids out all creation as a unit. She can also enclose this space as one of her Rozalyns.

Rozalyn/Rox: As homage to 'Rozalyn' from Disgaea as well as all under her influence named 'Rozalyn,' Tabitha is capable of generating Reality Clones of herself that are called 'Rozalyn.' They may come in any form she wishes them to be, usually as a cosmic body, or ethereal being that does her will. She can also create male versions of these known as 'Rox.'
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