The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Temari, The Parasite Queen

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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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Temari, The Parasite Queen Empty
PostSubject: Temari, The Parasite Queen   Temari, The Parasite Queen EmptySat May 14, 2022 7:49 am

The wife of The Tyranophant, who is a Parasite Goddess. She has thirteen spinal cords of which she used to absorbs energy from several different sources in order to power her life and give her immense strength. She has absorbed the beings of other beings through their souls, which she can reproduce the abilities of through her own bone techniques, known as 'Dry Bones'. Her body is composed of the Deathgirl, which gives Temari command over the dead, with a specification upon bones.

She obtained her bone powers by absorbing the essence of Sephiri Impisa, who was a Witchling on the Lost World, whose Creative Energy would ultimately return to a greater, more useful source than as an actual embodiment of itself. This is why Temari has bone powers, which are called 'Osteoderma'.

Quote :
Name: Sephiri Impisi
Origin: Africa (Setswana)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 143 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Variant

Sephiri, the Laughing Hyena, was born in Africa in the Setswana tribe. Her name, "Sephiri" means 'Hyena,' but more specifically, 'The Animal of Secret' in Tswana, while her last name, "Impisi" also means 'Hyena' in Swahili, however it also means 'the purifier,' considering that the hyenas purify carcasses by picking the bones clean. She was given this name because of the affinity she had to the hyena in her village, which raided the town every night until she was born, yielding to her laughter as if under her control. From that day forth, she was the protector of that village and the manipulator of the hyenas, even going so far as to call them with her laughter for their hunts against the will of her parents, even as a baby. She never cried; only laughed.

When she was a bit older, she joined the Hyena on their hunts, choosing to be raised by them over her biological parents because of her naturally animalistic nature, and hate to be confined. Her teeth grew sharp and pointed, like that of her hyena brethren, and her characteristics became more and more hyena-like every day, until she was actually sleeping in their den with them. She eventually left her human family behind and was adopted by her new hyena family, who continued to raise her in the wild by her choice. But she was not content in just Africa and wished to explore even more, being the adventurous and fun-loving girl that she was. Eventually, she and her three closest hyena companions -- who were also her guardians -- traveled across the land on foot to find out more about this world and to explore everything that it had to offer. Along the way, she started to collect the bones of the animals that she killed, finding them extremely interesting and compatible to her soul, as if she could still feel the spirit of the animal she ingested flowing within. Finding it disrespectful to leave the carcass behind, she took a bone from each species she killed and wore it as an ornament around her body.

Eventually, she came to find the Witch Province of the Dusk Village, sensing the 'spirits' of more animals there, not knowing that this was actually the animal attributes of the Witches. After spying on the witches and studying them in secret, she started to understand more and more what she was and how she got to be where she was now; she was a witch. A witch whose 'animal spirit' was that of the hyena; the purifier. From that moment on, she called herself the Laughing Hyena, still residing on the outskirts of the Witch Province, trying to master what she has figured her manna is; that of flesh and bone. During the time, she has become a sort of witch doctor that creates medicines for the sick secretly. Because of her inability to be affected by poisons, toxins, disease and viruses, she can consume anything and can taste the potency of all she eats, and makes very intricately made medicines for others, as she enjoys helping people. Though she is a Witch, she does not belong to the Witch Province and merely wanders around the wild lands aimlessly.

Sephiri's body works similarly to a normal hyena, as her teeth are meant to crush hard substances like rock and bone, and her stomach is able to digest literally anything. The bones of her teeth seem to get stronger the harder the substance is that she eats, and because her stomach can digest anything, she will consume anything to increase the power of her jaws and her teeth. The same way she can consume anything, she can regurgitate it as ell, even save something within a special pocket inside of her body which she can willfully choose to digest what is inside or keep it forever. Because she can ingest anything, she cannot contract an viruses or diseases, nor can she suffer the effects of any poisons or toxins. This gives her the ability to consume any animal, regardless of it was sick or poisoned by manmade toxins, as they wouldn't affect her. Her vocals are also very strong, as her laugh can be heard clear across the horizon, and possibly even farther. Being a lover of the hunt, she can run extremely quickly on her hind legs, and at the same speed on all fours, if not faster. Because of her incredible endurance, she can run for incredibly long distances for hours on end without getting tired, normally her prey is tired of running many, many hours before she is, which is what made all o her hunts so successful. She is incredibly nimble and dexterous, as well as flexible, most of this coming from her movement in the while, giving her a strong and firm body. Her fighting style is a mixture of a feral sort of dog-like fighting with numerous styles of kicking, scratching and biting her opponent. While most may think she and other hyenas are very dirty, she is actually exceptionally clean, cleaner than most people think they are. Her enchanting green eyes are able to hypnotize people, or even instill fear within their very hearts. She can also release a pheromone from her body that instills fear as well, or even charm, love and mind-control, to a degree. Consuming the bones, flesh or blood of others restores her physical form as well as her magical power. Her sense of smell, sight and hearing are much more advanced than normal humans.

Her familiars are, of course, hyenas, however they tend to be hyena bones that are brought back to life and most times even given flesh form, however it is shown that she can do this with the remains of any being, as long as she has their flesh or their bones. Her skeletal familiars are able to rot and decompose the flesh of other living creatures and cause them to become bony as well, draining life from contact with them and causing life to wither away. This, however, is only used on aggressors, as they are also shown to be able to restore wounds with their tongues and blood. These hyena and bones have many other traits she has yet to discover, as well.

As suspected, Sephiri is able to change into a full hyena, much larger than any other, and when she does, her physical attributes become much greater, but more focused on her speed and strength. She is also able to take on a partial hyena transformation, known as becoming a werehyena.' in this form, she is much more dexterous than any hyena, having the flexibility and dexterity of her human form, while retaining the speed and strength of hyena form, however it is much more difficult to use, and she has not perfected this werehyena transformation as of yet. She is also able to take the form of pure bone, ridding her bod of flesh and organs to fight without worry of being injured, or even to disassemble herself and 'play dead.' But, like the werehyena form, this is very difficult to maintain.
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