The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree

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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 15, 2022 11:03 pm

A large, sentient, mobile tree-being carved with incredible craftsmanship and detail -- that which looked too skilled to be the hands of a human. There were green markings all over the form that looked runic, but ultimately seemed to be for decoration. The wood was curiously pitch black, and the leaves were a deep purple. It looked almost like the sculpture was completely naturally grown this way, as there was no fault or flaw in the wood or construction. This 'treeing' as one could colloquially call it had many humanoid features and proportions, but none so perfect and beautiful as the face, with hair of branches and leaves and ivy, and the likeness of a woman. With four slender, branch-like arms and a conical trunk that resembled a dress, it was obviously not modeled to resemble a human in any other place but the face. The being was born of the will of a great tree capable of granting life to its spawn as sentient vessels, and this one was just one of them. Using her roots underneath and upon the trunk-dress to move, she was a slow stalwart, but a dedicated avatar to the greater tree that spawned her. She serves this tree unconditionally.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 15, 2022 11:14 pm

Aegiselle, an odd roaming spectacle, was out and about during the course of the night. For whatever reason, the wooden construct aglow with a series of strange etchings slowly crawled along the ground, roots carrying it loudly via various driving into or wriggling across the ground. It was minding its own, for sure, but the noise that it made was undeniable, as were the markings that glowed on it. Wherever it was going, it was clear that it was only passing through this particular area to get there, yet its motive remained widely unknown. The noise of its roots tearing into the ground and dragging the large form across the surface grew louder outside of the meadhall as it came close in its passing.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 15, 2022 11:34 pm

Aegiselle continued the trek it was making toward wherever it was going, paying little heed to anything that was not the solitary focus of its intent. Slow as a turtle and as big as even just a modest-sized tree, the entity surely towered over the others that it was oh, so slowly moving... Beyond. Given that they'd only come out to spectate, it didn't seem to have any intention of even glancing at them. Its directive was cut and dry, whatever it was, and the being stood unwavering. However, upon closer inspection, one could see the intricacy of the designs of its glowing markings... As well as the distinguished beauty of its face. Some of the markings also seemed to form some sorts of characters, which, when translated, spelled 'Aegiselle'.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 3:52 pm

Aegiselle, the strange treeing from the night previously, was heard slowly drudging its way near in the distance. Though still relatively far, it was tall and large enough to be seen, and its roots that carried it were loud and without subtlety. It seemed like whatever she was doing last night, she had either accomplished, or her directive changed and she was now heading somewhere else. There was a gathering of people that it needed to bypass, though. But it didn't seem at all concerned, nor as though it would change paths.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 3:52 pm

Aegiselle seemed to be mindlessly focused on the single simple-minded task that it had, the carved eyes it had glowing with the same light as the runic inscriptions all over her body. She eventually approached the group directly, halting before them, the creaks and moans of a bending tree audible. Aegiselle stood stoic where it was, appearing to be looking off into the distance, despite presenting itself before the group. The eyes carved into its beautiful wooden face were a testament to its capacity of sight despite having no eyes, as the image plus the glowing should have at least remotely signified. It was certainly only decorative, and it would be able to see with or without the carvings, but it helped others to know. All Aegiselle did was wait patiently.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 4:04 pm

Aegiselle remained patiently motionless, picking up on the feelings of the others, despite doing absolutely nothing in regards. Soon enough, she dropped down to the ground with a soft thud, digging her roots into the ground slightly for security, and folding her long, spindly, branch-claws on the lower set of her arms. The higher set would rest loosely. The face of the treeing remained the same and there was no indication of any type of emotion or expression upon it at all, not even in a change of color of the marks. However, to one actually looking who could make them out, the markings did spell out in the runes the name of the being -- Aegiselle.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 4:24 pm

Aegiselle was more or less still stagnant all the time that others perceived and even as Malikai came close. It had no reaction at all until when he called upon her name, reading it right from the wood. To that, Aegiselle raised one of her free hands and sought to slowly and gently pet Malikai only once; affectionately and with endearing motions. This seemed to be the only manner in which it could communicate its feelings, as it made no sounds and did not seem capable of speaking, nor did the carved face make any type of expression. A soft rustling was audible, however, and it was the sound of the purple ash leaves it called hair fluttering about. It made no sudden movements, nor did it rear up, but still continued to express affection.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 4:36 pm

Aegiselle saw that they were of no threat to it and bore no hostility, so she was also at ease. It did not pick up on any type of dangers about, and despite how large and strange and ultimately silent she was, they seemed as though they were composed enough to not simply attack something that wasn't trying to bring them harm or danger. Aegiselle stopped petting Malikai, making vague gestures with the hands in a poor attempt at some type of communication. The gestures were slow and large; befitting of a tree. It didn't seem like the gestures were regard to humanly behaviors, so they were not convenient to decipher based on humanoid interactions. But Aegiselle allowed Malikai to continue to stand upon her and touch the runic markings.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 4:48 pm

Aegiselle now recognized that they were actively seeking interaction with it directly, and not just out of spontaneity or estranged curiosity. To this, Aegiselle would become more active, raising all of its four arms to now attempt to make the gestures necessary to communicate. Whilst three of them sought to tell a story in sequence with various different motions at different speeds and also with different ranges of motion, the solitary one reached out to Bryn, as a display of non-hostility. Sooner or later, one of the gesturing hands lowered, as if to signify a closure to the expressions, and the final two seemed to hover in relative suspension, awaiting to see if they understood her.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 5:14 pm

Aegiselle was making progress with them, and they were also reciprocating. There was soon a pleasant feeling coming from Malikai; a tenderness that seemed to wish to reach out to the inner being of this tree. Aegiselle finally made a waving motion that was able to be transliterated into common greeting, signifying a return of the hello. Then, it pointed to Malikai, then seemed to invite Bryn to take a closer look. At the same time, Aegiselle did allow Malikai to connect, but the telepathy would not be reading a mind, since Aegiselle had no actual non-plantoid organs. Instead, the network of roots, which it used to communicate like nerves, picked up on the waves and gave feedback. This would allow the treeing's feeling to be transliterated into an audible language. 'Proceed,' she felt kindly.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 5:30 pm

Aegiselle, being a plant, was very receptive to wavelengths of all types, especially light. The actual emanations coming from the two of them were no different than the rays of the sun to Aegiselle. She was quite comfortable with both Malikai and Bryn, but would regard Malikai, who was the one that took initiative in the first place. 'You honor me that you would come to engage me. I was on my way to handle sacred matters, as is what I do, for I am a Guardian Tree.' The light that was her psyche ended up being more tree-like in its attributes, despite remaining an ambiguous light. Rays of the light extended like vines and roots rather than like normal light. This seemed to be how Aegiselle saw its intangible form; or how it wished to present such. 'Do not fret of your friend. But she is also welcome,' she assured.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 5:51 pm

Aegiselle continued to be receptive and also retained openness with them. To the question of Malikai, she answered, 'I am indeed a native, but I am the spawn of a great tree, whose will I carry out. As a Guardian Tree, I am bound as a guardian to other beings, but my servitude is to my progenitor.' The two of them seemed sweet enough, albeit with Bryn being somewhat reserved, but to no issue. 'I do my duty to the tree and protect those who would need protection.' This was the extent of Aegiselle's existence, summed up. The different feelings and visuals that came of Malikai's emanations were appealing to Aegiselle, who saw them with sincerity and tenderness. 'What is it that made you wish to open communication with me?' Aegiselle asked. 'I am curious.'
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 6:05 pm

Aegiselle's soft chuckle could be heard as an echoing undulation throughout this space, but endearing all the same. 'You certainly are the outgoing one. I must say, it didn't cross me to even believe I needed to interact with anyone. I have been minding my own for however long it's been, and interact very seldom, if at all, with any at any given time.' The personality of this being was clearly well-developed, meaning it was not a newly sentient being at all. 'It is refreshing that anyone should be so forthcoming, however. I was simply going to wait until you all migrated to continue my path. This is, however, decidedly better a time.' The two were now inquisitive, all to the treeing's pleasure to respond to. 'I do indeed know gestures, but it seems that there is a difference between those which are known to me and to you. Even if I did find issues communicating, one inscription on my bark would resolve that.'
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 6:28 pm

Aegiselle gave a solemn answer to them, as they were very invested in knowing more about her, and she would humble herself to that. '... No, there is no lonesomeness. A tree would only be lonesome anywhere outside of a forest, or any agriculture. With my capacity to move, and my duties to my mission, there is never a time to feel loneliness.' The connection to both the land and the greater tree helped, too, though. 'There are surely other beings like myself, though we tend to go our own way. Though I alone do not have any power, the runes have an effect that allows for its power to flow through me like a conduit. It is an ancient practice among my kind, and different runes grant us different capabilities.' To Bryn's final question, she responded, 'Wherever my duty should so arise is where I am; I will be wherever I am and complete them such.'
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 6:49 pm

Aegiselle was receptive to the sentiments of the two, as they seemed to be more comfortable sharing, and also growing more passionate about the interaction, much to Aegiselle's pleasantry. 'Making the most of the life I have is my own gift, since this life is a gift, and not a necessity. I do not need to be here, nor to have any influence at all, let alone anything good or bad. I could just as easily not exist and have no part, even if it is to fulfill my own desires. But it would fully betray the meaning of my existence, as well as the nature of it.' Perhaps more philosophical than one would expect, but trees tended to be seen as wise. 'Thank you for the offer, but I will get along fine. Though, if you all wish to communicate with me, if you find a rune and etch it into me with your names, we will be able to communicate directly.' Aegiselle noticed Malikai wavering, but hoped the words of she and Bryn would comfort him some.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 7:06 pm

Aegiselle remained calm as the two of them returned to the surface plane again, ready for them to engrave their name-runes in her bark. There seemed to be hints of concern for Malikai, who was seeming to have a bit of negative feedback from the experience. The two of them, Bryn and Malikai, were having a direct exchange, and Aegiselle would wait until the runes were completely etched so that they would be able to commune with each other. All it could offer the two of them until their names were set was the extension of its branch-hands in order to stroke their backs affectionately, as if to attempt to soothe and ease them.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 7:21 pm

Aegiselle's feelings would once again be projected and transliterated unto them as legible words, granting them the understanding necessary to further communication. 'I believe the better question is if you can understand me!' Aegiselle quipped, seeking now to rise from her place. 'Fret not about any cosmetic alterations; the composition of my bark and the knife is likened to one who engraves the ink upon the flesh.' In essence, Aegiselle was tatted, and these two now had their names on her body -- this was no different than the sensations of receiving a tattoo. 'I am sure it would hurt much more if my skin was not as thick and hard, like your flesh'. Aegiselle stood on its tentacle-esque roots, placing its hands in its lap. 'Should you two ever need the shade of my extended branches, my arms are open to you.'
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 7:45 pm

Aegiselle continued getting herself situated whilst standing, filling Malikai in. 'My duty is to protect mortal souls, and to also spread the divine protection of the tree that spawned me.' It was seemingly simple and easy, but the nuances within were more than complex.' She was happy, however, that the two were being so noble. '... Yes. The same is extended to you,' Aegiselle confirmed. 'I am capable of defending myself, but I can also be overwhelmed, especially by anything of fire'. Twas a tragic terror for a tree to experience a great deal of fire. Though Aegiselle was unafraid, she was still susceptible, fear or not. 'I am sure I would be more formidable with a weapon or some, especially befitting my size,' she added.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 8:02 pm

Aegiselle wasn't savvy on their speak of their internal affairs, as not having been exposed to such, but was not ignorant to the words they spoke. Aegiselle did not comment on them, though, as it seemed to be a more personal thing between them and whatever they were doing before meeting her. 'I very rarely have to defend myself seriously,' Aegiselle admitted. 'I am very large and imposing, and I tend to keep to paths that are solitary.' Even if something did attack, unless it was a powerful supernatural being or had some sort of heavy artillery, there wasn't much of a worry. Even broken branches could be recovered over time. 'I am more than capable of wielding a weapon,' Aegiselle assured, 'But finding one my size proves to be difficult. A sword to you is like a throwing dart to me.'
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyMon May 16, 2022 8:18 pm

Aegiselle was relatively neutral to their standpoints, as it knew of other divine beings, but only really cared about the tree it served. While not the best nor most powerful, if having any great power at all, the real loyalty came from the fact that it gave her life and purpose at all. '... As long as your values and morals and ethics are retained about yourself, even in your faith and belief, it should not matter what environment you are in.' Though Aegiselle was only speaking in passing. In that same passing, it noticed that Malikai was looking upon her markings. '... You are interested in my etchings?' it asked. 'They are the likeness of your brain and the surges through your head. Only instead of being inside of my head, they are inscribed all over my body.' Aegiselle would also state to Bryn, 'If it ends up coming to the point where I need such weaponry to defend myself, then I will surely seek you out. But there is no need to be anymore imposing than I already am, as of now,' it believed.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 22, 2022 2:34 pm

Aegiselle had been mysteriously absent and silent for a time after meeting the locals. It seemed strange that such a large creature that moved so slowly would somehow be an absentee for any reason, yet for whatever reason, she had not been present. Despite this, lo and behold, the familiar sound of heavy thuds picked up gradually across the way, far in the distance. Soon enough, Aegiselle, the mystical tree person, was again approaching. At first, it seemed like it wasn't going to stop, but when it noticed those whom it had come in contact with, she stopped and stood where they were, her head just above the rails and looking at the group.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 22, 2022 2:49 pm

Aegiselle's expressionless, beautifully carved, black, wooden face of glowing green eye sockets peered upon the roof-goers, particularly at Malikai. 'Good afternoon, Malikai,' she'd respond to him, though only he'd be able to hear her due to the rune he placed upon her. Alauntree would not be able to hear anything, but was acknowledged anyway, albeit silently. Aegiselle raised up two of its four hands in order to use its manner of gestures in order to attempt communication with Alauntree.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 22, 2022 3:04 pm

Aegiselle did not at all seem like she was perturbed in any way by any of the goings on at the time, and was unfazed as the others departed. Unto Malikai did the great tree gaze, resting its hands upon the railing of the rooftop. 'I have been traveling across the land to find sacred soil,' Aegiselle explained. There was no further explanation beyond that tidbit, however. It looked at Malikai somewhat expectantly, as if anticipating that he would open up and tell her whatever he had been up do without having to be pried. It wouldn't pry even if he was going to open up upon asking.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptySun May 22, 2022 3:16 pm

Aegiselle listened carefully, as only a tree could do, to what Malikai was expressing. His excitement preceded him, yet there was more to it than just excitement. Clearly, he had a bundle of emotions swirling about, but perhaps wasn't feeling so free about expressing them. 'It is good that you and Brynhildur were able to connect,' Aegiselle stated, 'But sometimes, even where the mind is willing, the body is not.' That was to say that perhaps she wasn't as prepared for such an entry as her mind perhaps made her believe, though it was still probably for the best. It wasn't Aegiselle's place to judge, but she could still share what her thoughts and feelings were.
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Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree   Aegiselle; Avatar Of The Sacred Tree EmptyWed May 25, 2022 8:12 pm

Aegiselle had been idled nearby as another tree, though was more obscure, and somewhat out of direct sight, since she was very large and prominent and would have been noticed immediately. She looked like a normal tree, albeit a foreign tree of some sort. Not noticeable, though, unless inspected; one would just consider the stagnant arbor as its own independent tree like the others. But she did sense what was about, and it stirred her, though there was no visible display of this. Even the runic carvings upon Aegiselle were dim.
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