The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Traphouse Traps & Hazards

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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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PostSubject: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 3:42 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Hospic10
"Lawless :: Karma (Cycle {Passage/Transportation}) : Life (Nature) ; Restoration - Initiate ~ Three Of Clubs * Physical Action = Medicine."

As all things in the Traphouse, even the restorative conditions were naught but a well-placed trap. Not only did certain traps in the Traphouse trigger restoration of the actual Traphouse itself, but those which were set and meant to heal those within would have some sort of detrimental effect, or not restore enough energy to one who was injured, or even was just a straight up hazard.

Even the actual medical and regenerative services were traps. Those who came into care of hospice were drugged or sedated, and dealt with in their inebriation out of their right minds, detained indefinitely against their will within the place that would suck them dry and keep them injured and sick for their own benefit rather than heal them and release them. Mental games were played there, where they were told they would not recover, or there was danger beyond, or that there was nothing they could do, or even that they needed to remain within the confines of hospice forever.

Of course, with no one else to tell them otherwise, they had to believe those believed to be professionals, but... Even those who were in positions of any type of service or power were traps. Either generated by the Traphouse or acquired by those who had lived there long enough, and realized the only way to survive was to feed from the new arrivals that knew nothing of this place. They preyed upon any and everyone of any kind of ignorance, and left them in ignorance, making them believe their care was of safety, so that they would never leave, and they would live and die being picked and fed from by the so-called hospitality.

All to the benefit of the Traphouse as a whole, mind you, which even those who worked in hospice only for their own survival didn't know. Above all, the Traphouse itself was the one that gained everything, and everything inside was but a means of nutrition for its own sake, despite it having no other purpose than to contain them. So all such fodder just ended up catering to greater traps, which, in turn, made the Traphouse more effective, and forced all inside to turn against one another even further. Those granted life and health would waste them all on feeding the Traphouse unknowingly as they took life and health from anyone else, believing it for their own sake.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 3:54 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Kill_y10
"Lawless :: Setting (Terrain) : Earth ; Initiate - Two Of Clubs ~ Spiritual Action * Bitch Slap."
-Kill Yourself-

While the conditions of the Traphouse were already horrid as it was, the true danger of the Traphouse lied in the actual Filthings running around it, trying so hard to live and survive, and damaging each other in order to do so, or to try to find a means of escape. They could not live peacefully nor in harmony, because resources were so scarce, and the minimal reward for living and surviving was not at all enough to sustain their lives. This forced them, by nature, to have to pick from each other, and that drove them worse and worse into their sins.

All to the benefit of the Traphouse, one might add.

That trap alone -- the trap of being with others and forcing them into sin -- was more than enough entertainment and sustenance, because the weakest of them, or the most broken of them, or even the smartest of them, would end up just killing themselves. Their scraps were fed on and whatever little they did have went to someone else, though still ultimately the Traphouse. And everyone was always pleased there was one less mouth to feed, and all their stuff -- minimal as it may be -- would go to someone else, who might also have little, or even nothing.

Plus, the dead bodies were good eats.

Though, what was stopping people from just outright killing one another? A mutual parasitism that became a symbiotic necessity for their own lives and survival. Not everyone could die, because there were people who were necessary. Even if everyone did know that everyone was out for themselves, there was a level of a ground zero of civility, which was based solely on bartering and negotiation. Exchange of service or goods for the sake of continuing life. Some would work together to trick others, or even feign cooperation just to get something out of it, and likely get rid of the one who helped them do it... Or get gotten rid of by the one that helped them.

Whatever the case may be, the true trap remained the actual civilization and society within it -- the people and the world they made for their own vanity of living. They didn't realize that if they were all dead, then the Traphouse could not function.

But who would be so bold as to take their own lives as long as there was a shred of hope that kept them going? As long as that hope wasn't extinguished too soon before another new arrival, and the population didn't die out, then the Traphouse would live on by their own scraps -- and enjoyed the life of living from their scraps, just as some within came to. Another trap, of course, though.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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Traphouse Traps & Hazards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 4:04 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards House10
"Pawn :: Gravity : Trap ; Initiate - Three Of Hearts ~ Physical Creation * Confine."

Playing off of the needs for life and shelter, the Traphouse provided a hope for those things, and a veil of shelter for them under its roof, but all was just temptation in order to keep the Filthings running and moving and circulating their horrid little society. Anything to keep them going without giving them much more to live for, but only just enough for them to want to keep living.

The real trap was their own will to live, which kept them confined to this place. Their hope of escape. Their dreams to accomplish something with their own lives, even in a place where accomplishments literally meant absolutely nothing and amounted to nothing. This played on their actual drives and spirits, which forced them in vain -- in order to feel better or good at all about themselves -- to continue to try to accomplish something or other, if only to make them feel important and like their lives meant something, even now.

But they really didn't. Even if they never realized it, or came to a slow realization of it, there they still would be, having to live and survive amongst people who had yet to discover, or didn't want to believe. To have to be forced to outdo them just to live, and to impress others who only had terrible morals and ethics, in order to get ahead and survive. The layers of the Traphouse were deep, and plenty were rooted in the actual behaviors of those within. As it was stated, they themselves were a trap to each other all their own, one that was only fully activated in the Traphouse.

Yet, even in normal life, that was a trap within society that kept them perpetuating their damage to themselves. It was simply heightened to a necessity in the Traphouse. If it didn't happen in normal civilizations, it wouldn't have even been an option in the Traphouse, making it less potent. But fortunately, it was as common as day, and the Traphouse could see and absorb it to grow stronger -- to learn more ways. The Traphouse was a living, learning creature -- and these creatures within also taught it with all that they did.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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Traphouse Traps & Hazards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 4:14 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Peon10
"Ruler :: Peon : Target ; Darkness - Initiate ~ Eight Of Spades * Universal Emanation = Spite."

Now, the absolute weakest, lowliest, and most useless of the Filthings -- which were universally known as 'Peons' in any instance, even beyond the Traphouse -- were the ones taken advantage of the most, above any and everyone. They were the easiest to do so, and they usually were incapable of doing anything at all about it, and if they could, they were so weak and inexperienced, it didn't matter.

They were taken as slaves, prisoners, pets, minions, lackeys, servants -- whatever any type of lowly or subordinate role there could be, especially to service someone else, or to do their work for them so they didn't have to. Peons died off more than anyone, and were used and abused more than anyone, until the ends of their lives. No one at all cared for them, and no one thought to help them unless there was a personal interest, and even then, oftentimes, they were better being left alone to rot by themselves than suffer mistreatment at the hands of others.

But they were also usually very stupid, so they believed anything at all was a sign of hope, no matter how they were treated. As long as they were with someone, being given a purpose in their purposeless and useless existence, then they were at least of benefit. It was mostly because they had literally no sense of self or value that made them feel this way, so being acknowledged at all by anyone meant they had an overexaggerated sense of self, but only in service to whomever would come along, which was also a trap that was taught to those who were not Peons in the Traphouse. Normally through experience, and not actual teaching, mind you.

Peons would do literally anything for any reason, especially and specifically because someone told them to, and didn't have any goals or feelings of their own in most cases. They usually were the first to be broken of mind and spirit, and could no longer think or feel on their own. They had no reason to, and had only hopelessness and despair. There was no fight in them, and there was no inspiration. They were too dumb to think of a way to escape, even if that was futile, nor to realize their fate at all. Some just died wandering the Traphouse as vagrants, aimlessly moving, in search of nothing at all, and having no destination. Others just sat and waited, hoping with all that they were that someone would save them or put them to use.

But... Even those Peons hadn't been completely broken yet, if they still longed for any type of salvation.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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Traphouse Traps & Hazards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 4:26 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Tempta10
"Lawless :: Shadow Agent : Gravity ; Cutthroat - Initiate ~ Three Of Hearts * Physical Creation = Revenge."

Clearly, nothing at all had to be done to provoke or incite these sinful feelings amongst the masses in an enclosed space with limited resources and no means of escape. Obviously, instead of even making an attempt at working together, they just fended for themselves to spare their own lives individually, despite no one individual at all having any kind of power or wisdom enough to escape the Traphouse or to make its conditions anywhere better. By working together, they had at least a potentiality of making the living situation for themselves more bearable, but with all such vanity to preserve one's own life, even if that life would literally do absolutely nothing of any value at all, it made it all too easy to prey upon that sinful nature and sow seeds of temptation to continue living that way.

And if it did seem like they were coming to some kind of harmony or togetherness, their sins would again be played upon, and the actual Traphouse itself would incite and provoke them to drive them apart, stroking their egos and vanities and prides until they were so full of themselves that they deemed themselves the only ones necessary to live and survive, and that their insignificant individual lives were most important. What did it matter what delusions they believed? The one who watched them all knew the actual truth, and inspired such delusions for its own satisfaction. So it didn't make any difference how highly they thought of themselves. It was smart enough to know that, and didn't at all care about or feel any envy at all, no matter how great they put themselves on a pedestal within the confines of the Traphouse.

There was no situation greater than the actual Traphouse itself being in control, and no one could surpass that as long as they were in this place, following its system, living in its society, and progressing it forward. For, no one who actually promoted the society they lived in could ever hope to be greater than it unless they were the ones who made it. The system itself would always have the most vain of benefits from living, and would ensure that something kept it going so that it wouldn't die, for the system itself was a sentient and living entity, albeit one that followed algorithm and protocol -- manual and analog, I might add. So anything and everything progressing that system was of benefit to the system, and it did all it could to keep them inside so it could permanently parasite from them, whilst making them believe in whatever delusions of grandeur it would create for them, be it money or fame or power or status and beyond.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 4:34 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Hearta10
"Lawless :: Factions : Life (Nature) ; Division - Initiate ~ Six Of Clubs * Chemical Action."

By forcing all life within the Traphouse to undergo insurmountable pains and tortures, be they psychological, emotional, or physical, or even otherwise, and making them believe it was each other, the Traphouse sowed division amongst them to the point where they literally were incapable of working together. All forms of what were necessary for working together -- such as trust and goodwill and the like -- were literally nonexistent here. And for those who did retain, they were immediately taken advantage of by those who already had theirs destroyed by the Traphouse, and another Filthing was added to the mix, hating everyone and not trusting anyone, therethen being damaged beyond repair and forced into a state of individualism.

All of them ran from pain, at base value. What creature wouldn't run from that which hurt it in any way? Such was nature: Fight or flight. They knew they could not fight the pain, so they had to run from it. But there was nowhere to run. There was no way to get rid of it; to ease this insatiable hurting. They would only hurt more and more, each trap building upon it, and each person they meet solidifying the heartache. They were pain, torn, damaged, broken people, and would continue this collapse until they were completely fallen and eaten up by the other Filthings that still had the drive to survive, despite it being a means to no end.

Such was the normal everyday life of the Traphouse. And it loved to watch it happen, and even to make it happen.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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Traphouse Traps & Hazards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 4:47 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Prison10
"Peon :: Gravity : Obstacle ; Initiate - Four Of Hearts ~ Elemental Creation * T.H. (Trap House)."

All in all, the very complex, intricate, and elaborate Traphouse that was established learned and grew by observing those that were within, and also by thinking on its own of new ways to implement traps and measures to incite sinful behaviors in life within it. In this way, the Traphouse was always kept entertained, always kept fed, and always had an education -- it was always growing.

Naturally, something at all had to come of the Traphouse. It couldn't just be a purposeless center of confinement, especially not since... It was alive. All of this that went on within its confines had to have some sort of purpose. And it did -- to feed the vanity of itself. To make itself better. To make itself grow. To make itself more intelligent. All was for the ultimate benefit of itself. And, as a being, the Traphouse did indeed mature. It grew stronger and smarter, more versatile and skilled, and the traps became more and more potent. Whilst all life inside of it dwindled away, like the digestion process in the stomach before being converted into waste, so too did the creatures of the Traphouse, which lived inside of it, as though like the organs -- namely the stomach.

The Traphouse literally ate them up and shat them out. So it could have nutrients to grow into a bigger and better and smarter Traphouse. But if this creature was alive, then to what ends would it continue to grow? How intimate was it with its own sentience, as well as the knowledge it had of other lifeforms that entered it? Some traps were geared toward one type of entity, whilst others for another. Some traps were wholly ineffective on some, and wholly effective on others.

It was all one big experiment to the Traphouse in order for it to grow and mature. But all inside would collapse and decay, being broken down in every sense, literally to the fullness of the extent of the word 'breakdown', until they were nothing, and all life in them had been sucked out, sometimes slowly and torturously, by the Traphouse.

And the laughter that came from the true master of the Traphouse... That laughter haunted them all their days. They didn't know any of what was just stated at all, and only saw the ruler -- Baby Evil -- as some malicious monster that had only one goal in mind, as both a child and a hellspawn: To play and to destroy, all for fun.

But Baby Evil was still a baby, and so was the Traphouse, as pristine as it was already. It had so much more room to grow, even in perfection. For, growth is a form of perfection, and even what is perfect can be expanded upon in greater perfection without detracting from its initial starting perfection. Such was the case of Baby Evil and the Traphouse.
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Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails
Alice the Inari :: Crystal Beast; The Thirteen Tails

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PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 5:04 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Void10
"Queen :: Ruler : Darkness ; Initiate - Joker ~ Personal * Wormhole."

All in all, the main interest of the things dropped into the Traphouse was to feed it whilst also punishing them and also entertaining the one who trapped them in the first place, as well as the Traphouse, itself. Any and everything else that went on in there was totally worthless; void of all value. Nothing in there had any real true meaning or worth, including the people, and nothing in there would ever amount to anything but fodder for nutrients and education of the Traphouse. It would swallow them up for its own interest, after tormenting them for its own interest. Every single inclination that went on within the Traphouse was a trap, from the feelings and thoughts and actions of the people to those of the actual Traphouse itself. And all except the Traphouse would remain none the wiser, completely devoid of any such knowledge.

It was by ignorance and vanity that the Traphouse was able to thrive... And, of course. You know. Traps. Obviously. The society it created -- the entire civilization -- was completely and fully vestigial. And because it looked remotely like it had some comparison to other civilizations, the Filthings thought it did have potential. But no, it was all a setup by choice and intent -- a neverending, permanent suction and stasis in an endless void, always breaking them down to make itself grow, so it could consume and break down more things.
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Traphouse Traps & Hazards Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse Traps & Hazards   Traphouse Traps & Hazards EmptyFri Oct 14, 2022 5:27 am

Traphouse Traps & Hazards Childr10
"Knight :: Offense : Wind ; Action - Initiate ~ Six Of Hearts * Chemical Creation = Roar."
-Children's Games-

Above all, the Traphouse was a living entity known as Baby Evil, which resided in the deepest recesses, and traversed it whenever it was hungry or bored of watching, or irritated by something. It could always be told by its distinctive laughter and other baby-like noises, most of which were completely unnerving and insane-sounding. Some had seen glimpses of Baby Evil, others never had seen it at all. The rare few had actually come face to face with it, and might have survived, though most didn't. The very fear of Baby Evil itself coming at them at any given time was enough to keep them ever on edge.

So the Traphouse kept them in a perpetual state of following childish sinful pleasures for the sake of actual survival, and engaging in childish manners of deception and violence for self-preservation in order to survive. And that alone was the sign that Baby Evil was there, playing with them, and giving them more and more reason to continue to run, and to play its games, and to work the Traphouse, until the end of their lives.

Absolute Punishment
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