The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyFri Sep 15, 2017 6:48 pm

Traphouse House11
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Grimlyn, the Pumpkid :: Crystal Arachnegon; Kurogami of the Dawn

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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Dec 13, 2022 7:10 am

Traphouse Trap_h10
"Lawless :: Traphouse (Hell {Sacrifice}) : Ice ; Eight Of Spades - Universal Emanation."
-Trap House-

Quote :
Just like any Doll, even those who were smarter and in power had levels of impressionability and capacity to be manipulated, but it was more geared toward their egos that made them easier to manipulate. Which was why their big heads got them a trip to the Traphouse... Where Tabitha could REALLY have some fun...

Once dropped into the labyrinth of unerring darkness, filled with creatures that thrived in this lawless terrain, the Dolls that once had all the power would not find themselves at the mercy of everything else around them, with predators unseen to them skilled in deception great enough to even camouflage their actual bodies into something that looked pleasurable or weak, in order to become vicious and devour one seeking to dominate or control it -- much like what Tabitha and Tao had done. This was the nature of the creatures in the Traphouse, which preyed on the psyche of those who had ego issues and needs to have power and control over others, just to prove them powerless, gullible, and easy to manipulate by their own inner demons before they were trapped and put in a worse position than they'd ever been -- being incapable of control, and subject to everyone and everything around them, ignorantly.

This was the fate of all the control freaks of the Dollhouse and the Madhouse. But that wasn't even the tip of the iceberg of their punishment. What was worse than that was that they had to actually live there and survive with no control and no hope of it, nor any hope of return to what they once had or once were. This was truly a hell for anyone who had ego issues or was a control freak. A place of pure unseen powerlessness and oppressive ignorance and trickery. Yes, that is why so many of the previous Superior Dolls ended up disappearing... Because they were fodder for the Traphouse.

Though, worse than ANYTHING ELSE that was in the Traphouse was the actual ruler of the Traphouse... Which may or may not make an appearance before the little dollies.

But, Tabitha would jeer and ridicule the sad and pathetic dolls stripped of power as they wandered blindly through the darkness. "GYAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's Not So Nice Now When The Shoe Is On The Other Foot, Is It? And Now, All You Can Do Is WATCH, Incapable Of Doing ANYTHING ELSE -- Not Even RETALIATION. You Can't Catch Us, Get Revenge, Or Even Have Anything Come After Us. All You Can Do Is Keep Desperately Trying To Keep Control In A Situation Where You Don't HAVE It. Because That's All You Know." She thought. "Oh, And I Guess Gossip About It To Your Peers That Are Left In An Attempt To Make You Guys Feel Like You Are Better Than You Are, But What Good Is That Except To Further Delude You And Leave You As Wide-Open Bait For The Entities Of The Traphouse?" They truly did love to relish in frivolity, but that would actually cost them their lives in the Traphouse, which was not a fluffy and 'safe' place, like the padded cushions of the Dollhouse. No, this was hard survival with ruthless and relentless beings that had no type of empathy or sympathy for anything. All they saw was prey and predator, and these little Dolls with no combat skill, fragile of mind and heart, easily made fearful and panicked, with no way of any outlet or control, were their FODDER.

REGULAR fodder, even.

"Yes, The Entities Of The Traphouse Will Be Coming To Toy With You Dollies And Eat You Soon, So Our Work Here Is Done." Tabitha would show her true face to them once, so they could see the face of the one that owned them. "... Cry. Die. And Say Goodbye, Little Baby Dolls."

All that was left for them of the experience was a bad taste in their mouths and a wooden construct in the image of one that they'd done wrong to, as an eternal reminder of their sins. A monument to them, even. And with that, Tabitha let the Traphouse have them from there.
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyThu Dec 15, 2022 6:26 am

Traphouse Doll10
"Trigger :: Field : Position ; Knight - Offense ~ Fire * Burning Fist = Nine Of Diamonds + Virtual Formation."

Not much could be done by the now trapped Dolls now except to cling to each other even more than before, and hope that they didn't dwindle off too quickly before they actually did something useful for their survival, if anything at all. They were trapped here and only had themselves and each other, and nothing here was their friend or able to fall under their control. Traps were everywhere -- traps upon traps upon traps, even -- and every entity that they thought they could manipulate via ignorance like the Dolls in the Dollhouse would end up taking advantage of them and making them more damaged physically, emotionally, and mentally... And it didn't seem like there were any signs of stopping.

Here, these control freak passive-aggressive Dolls were the prey and the slaves of whatever was within the Traphouse -- the bottom of the food chain. So, all they could do was to delude themselves that this wasn't happening and make the best of the situation, sitting in darkness, talking about frivolous things, trying to keep each other in good spirits and mental places before any of them broke down and triggered the instability of anyone else.

They were so very desperate to maintain this that they actually had to fabricate rationalization just to make the best of the terrible situation. Things to say to only each other, whom were the only people they had now. When one of them was picked off, it damaged morale, and weakened the clique.

And so, that is how they slowly were diminished.
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Grimlyn, the Pumpkid :: Crystal Arachnegon; Kurogami of the Dawn

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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyMon Jan 30, 2023 11:08 pm

Traphouse Puppet13
"Lawless :: Knight (Red) : Commander ; Fake Goods."
-Puppet Master-

The Dollies were best to play with when they were delusional and on the brink of a full-on breakdown, despite what anyone else might have thought about their little society. When they were fake, they were boring -- when they were on edge, they were more real than they were when acting and pretending in their play-society. This was what they were -for real- on the inside -- unstable, fragile existences and unaware of the true nature of their identities.

You know, like Dolls.

They were meant to be played with in any and every possible way, be it sexually, mentally, emotionally, or just physically. Who didn't play with their toys in all of those ways and more? Were the toys any the wiser to this? No -- they were just played with and put in pretend, fake situations where they were what they were not -- anything except a Doll in a fabricated world. So too was the same for these 'living' dolls. And the experience was -much- more -realistic- because they were animated, and had personalities. But they were, ultimately, still Dolls -- fabricated beings living pretend lives in a fake society with falsified relationships and foundations all under the control of a higher power that they either did not know or understand or did not recognize.

Such was Tabitha to them.

"And This Little Dolly Went Into The Deeeep Parts Of The Traphouse, And Brought All Their Little Friends Down To Play, Because They Were Angry That They'd Even Had To Experience The Trauma That Drove Them Mad And Shattered Their Patina Of Civility! But..." Tabitha feigned an exaggerated gasp, drawing the Dolls along, "... The Deeper They Went Into The Traphouse, Trying To Find Out Who And What Had Disturbed Them, So They Could Get Their Own Satisfaction... The More Demented The Terrain Looked, Almost Like A Crime Scene..."
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptySun Feb 05, 2023 1:56 am

January 31, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Traphouse Baby_e10
"Player (Playbook {Command}) :: Place : Ruler ; Formation - Black Knight ~ Offense * Tracking."
-Baby Evil-

"Everyone's Lazy And Ugly And I'm Going To Take -Full-On- Advantage. With Malice, Of Course. Guess I Should Go Observe Them In Their Natural Habitat Some More. Lost Some Research Subjects. Boohoo -- There's A Billion Of Em. It's Been -AGES- Since I've Had A Meal Like THIS Before Me... On The Platter, Served Up. That's How I Made One Of My Favorite Stories. Oh, Man, Those Days Were Golden... Some Of My -Personal- Best Work."

Absolute Punishment
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 07, 2023 1:28 pm

Traphouse Godspe10
"The Sheer -Vision- Of How Many Options And Selections They -Truly- Have In This World Will -Drive Them Mad-. Guess Who Wants To Be The One To Break It To Them? Painfully. Bitch, You Guessed It -- The One And Only."

Absolute Punishment
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 07, 2023 1:30 pm

Traphouse Savage10
"For Your Education: 'My Pronouns Are One/Only. That Is My Name Forever, If I Cannot Be One/All. That Is; 'If I Cannot Have It, No One Can.' There Can Only Be One!! -ONLY- =ONE=!!!"

Absolute Punishment
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 07, 2023 1:34 pm

Traphouse Unspec10
"... They're -Almost- Intelligent Enough To Be Of -Legal- Sentience For -Predators- To Predate..."

"Gather Together, Birds In The Sky, For The Great Feast Of God -- When His Creations Were First Old Enough For Him To Eat."

Absolute Punishment
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 07, 2023 1:36 pm

Traphouse Altar11
"Got The Keys -- Dad Left Them In The Ignition And I'm Drunk. Woot. The Lord Is Good To The Son, Leaving The Keys To Hell On The Table Like That. Why, I'd Almost Think... He'd Want Everyone To See What Happens When One Revs Up Those Fryers..."

"Rev Up Those Fryers, Cuz I Am Sure Hungry!"
"Now, You Want To Be Patient -Enough- To Eat The -Goats- For A Reason Now, Kiddos... Simmer Down And Let The Flames Take The Goats..."

Absolute Punishment
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 07, 2023 1:42 pm

Traphouse Crawl10
"Raphael -- Ziz (Sudden Death). Do Not Forget That The Firstborn Exist For A Reason, And They Were Grown Up To Be Fodder, In The Times Before Time, When -All- Was A Hindrance, Including Offspring, Whom Would Only Grow To Kill You. They Are Now Ripe Enough To Consume -- The Product Of Your Hands, Made In Your Image. Perfectly As You Were When You Were Growing The Earth And Your Businesses. Just. Like. You. When The World Was Still Fresher -- Before Your Time. So Look At The Work Of Your Hands And Chew. ChewChewChew. ChewChewChew-ChewChew." - Raptors (Birds Of Prey)

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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptySat Feb 11, 2023 6:00 am

Traphouse Realit10
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 14, 2023 5:57 pm

Traphouse Hall10
For a long while, those who had been trapped inside of what they could only call the Traphouse wandered through the seemingly endless shifting corridors. Some might have gone in circles... Others, to labyrinth mazes. Others still into even larger areas, still within the confines of some sort of sheltered area... Something clearly within a house. The sheer enormity of it all was even masked due to how many times they were forced to circle around the same exact locations... Dulling their senses and awareness to the scale of the scenario. It was likely imperceptive to them, but... It was all to the will of the ruler of the Traphouse... Which they were still so driven to hunt.
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Grimlyn, the Pumpkid :: Crystal Arachnegon; Kurogami of the Dawn

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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 14, 2023 5:59 pm

Traphouse Advanc11
They pressed on, deeper and deeper, unknowing and disoriented to the highest degree. No matter how many times they came to grips, they would find their entire formulations to be completely debased by even just a single extra thing that their tyrant displayed. It was all almost like a representation of how easy it was to collapse their fragile realities from their feeble conclusions on minimal information that remained stagnant for just long enough to be observed, then broken apart for them to have nothing left to go on except what was there for them at the very beginning. And what's more -- it was all -still- imperceptible to them. They only took the shattered pieces and picked back up wherever they left off... Continuing on for their hunt. Though, if it was so easy to build and destroy their own minds, cognition, and otherwise perceptive functions for their own level of orientation to any degree... This creature had to be both intelligent and powerful enough to end them anytime. Yet without a clear goal that wasn't to eliminate them all at once, yet again, such indications were imperceptive.
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Void Sun
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 14, 2023 6:02 pm

Traphouse Vessel10
The madness easily got to plenty of them. The noise. The subtle hints at a greater intelligence and not just some primal monster. It was too much for even their psyches to handle, and that's how plenty were lost along the way. What they didn't seem to recognize due to the span of time that they were forced elongation through, was that there were a great number of other people within who had come and gone. Much more than should have been feasible considering how long they traversed and found no one, and with no actual entryways or exits. They couldn't have just been there the entire time, especially with next to nothing in terms of resources or nourishment. It wasn't the first time they had to feast on their own, and it surely wasn't the last. The only thing keeping them from feasting on each other was mutual usefulness to the cause. Once you were deemed unproductive, however, is the moment you were considered, collectively, the next choice for fodder. But it didn't make sense how somehow, no matter how many of them were lost... There were still others to be found in other places: Rooms, halls -- you name it; someone was there sometimes. Over time, they figured out that however this creature was bringing them in... It was doing so in secret. With premeditation. As though it... Counted them. Knew their numbers specifically. Watched them without them ever knowing... And yet, never killed them. It was at that moment that they found out how very much it was playing with them... Like -actual- toys. This was nothing but a... Not even a game, but... A source of enjoyment, no different from a child playing pretend with dolls and other toys for the sake of imagination and fun. Yet, what sort of monster... Would find -fun- of -this-...?

Absolute Punishment
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Traphouse Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traphouse   Traphouse EmptyTue Feb 14, 2023 6:05 pm

Traphouse Reconf10
Instant panic set in for them when they -finally- came to the realization about the slightest of motives of this being. And yet, there it was, looking at them -- staring them down the way from darkness, a single shining baby doll eye permeating pitch blackness with a light like cognizant sentient life. Distorted waves of playful childish laughter signified immediately that it had been waiting for them to get to this level of understanding, and wanted to -see- it when it happened. However, for once, it didn't flee from them the moment it recognized that they noticed it... Instead, now, it revealed to them an even greater capacity it held -- to command the totality of the Traphouse they were trapped in, beyond just the minor trips, triggers, springs, and traps that it set off. No more fake doors and fake keys -- now they were being exposed to what it did when they -weren't- its targets. The Traphouse unfolded itself in certain sections around them, opening up like a sunroof on a convertible car, and also like the trick walls one finds that lead to old passages. There were so very many things going on, it was almost like a large construct was deconstructing itself at the seams, down to the very finest corners and hinges... Each a key element in the larger, grander scheme.
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