The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal

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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
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Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal Empty
PostSubject: Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal   Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 8:28 am

Kekkei Genkai; Sealing Force/Voidforce
An ability passed down from her mother down to her, however was altered thanks to a genetic mishap by Khrona. Now instead of Chita having the Sealing Eye, she has the Sealing Force, which is a force and an energy that she can release internally or externally without using her eyes. Because the energy is of Khrona, it is able to infinitely evolve this technique, making the seals infinite in their growth. Also, she is capable of mixing the Void in with her seals at any given time, almost like permanent erase or rejection stamp. Like her mother's Sealing Eye, it has the ability to potentially seal anything and everything in any way possible, making it very powerful. It is capable of using any and every force, no matter what it may be, as a medium as well as generate its own forces, even in things that don't exist or where they shouldn't exist (only for Voidforce, however, for things that don't exist.) However, because of how powerful it is and how it is not concentrated only into her eyes and flows through her whole body, it costs a lot more power to use, but is generally worth it in the end.

(Sealing Force was moved from Magic List considering it isn't Magic, it's KG.)

*Sealing Eye



Sealing Cannon: A giant blast from her eyes that explodes in the form of a keyhole. The explosion also creates a powerful suction that pulls things in and turns into a singularity, locking anything within as a singularity with no power.

Sealing Bomb: Concentrates her Sealing Eye abilities so that she can release a huge dome of Sealing energy from around her to seal all abilities of who or whatever is within the vicinity of this dome. It is quick and disappears once someone comes into it, however it will stay up until someone comes into it. If Zita were to be attacked while in the dome by any attack, that attack would be nullified upon contact and then sealed from being used, making the dome disappear.


Sealing Merge: Merges her Sealing Eye magic with any one of her other abilities, thus making them double deadly.

Seal Transmission: Allows Zita to make her Sealing Eye magic shoot through any part of her body at any time, even coat her own body in it, however disallows her to use any other abilities if it covers her entire body. She may also shoot it out of her body in concentrated beams or blasts., or even explosions.

Sealing Sight: Shoots a beam from her keyhole pupil that goes in the direction that she looks. Whatever is in its way becomes either sealed of all power instantly, or confined within another dimension in the Sealing Room.

Sealing Abyss: Seals the abilities of whatever she touches by focusing power from her Sealing Eye. This can seal multiple techniques at one time as well as seal body parts and/or the mind or even chakra/magic itself. Quite useful. In another sense, it can create a void of pure sealing magic. Once something enters, it is sealed in there, and then erased due to its existence being sealed. Almost as potent as the Master Lock realm, for in the same sense, it has an altered reality/law and only works to the will of Zita, however it is much more limited. It only has Sealed and Not Sealed.

Alternate Realm
Sealing Frame: Creates a giant energy eye with a keyhole in its center around the foe and whatever the foe tries to do to break out or destroy it will instantly have the power matched and shot back at the foe with double the force, and if it misses the first time, it will continue to reflect about the eye until it collides with something. It can match any power, and once it is locked, it is sealed off from reality and this dimension.

Sealing Prison: Creates a giant dome that seals itself off from reality, from other dimensions, from EVERYTHING. Once within it, the dome also seals away the powers of everyone in it instantaneously (except Zita) once it has closed.

Sealing Force: Releases a force that will seal the power, etc. of whatever is within this force.

Sealing Suction: Releases an opposing suction force that sucks in everything to be sealed within it.

Sealing Chains: Condenses the Sealing Force into a physical shape, which is that of chains she can use to bind and restrict objects and their powers.

Synthetic Seal: Using a large amount of Sealing Force and energy, Chita will create a gigantic creature made nothing of this force and energy, which will fight to her will. Alternatively, she will create a giant seal that will halt all transfer of energy within a certain area for a short period of time.

Purification Field: A seal of varying size and intensity to match the situation is placed in any necessary area to repel internal or external spirits, supernatural beings (besides witches and magic, of course), forces that intend to do her harm, and even other presences and seals away or repels their effects the moment the enter vicinity of the field. It erases all darkness and tainted energy it feels within its confines forcefully using the utmost of its power, as it is a cleaning and 'purifying' mechanism. Thus, even Chita's shadow is forced to disappear when she is within one of these fields, as do the shadows of other things.

The Void (Voidforce)
The Void is an area made completely out of empty white light space, closed off from this area of existence and filled with literal nothingness and yet, all things at once. Rita, Chita's bi-polar self, has the ability to control this and create this, giving her more power than the original Void itself, potentially. It is not just related to empty space and nothingness, and can use her power to actually 'void' other things. She may utilize it in literally any way she wishes, however whenever she does use Void Energy or the Voidforce, she usually keeps it connected to her own body in some way because whenever she uses it and disconnects it from her body, it causes her more strain and consumes more of her energy faster, thus she tends to only use it as quick portals or prisons for others. At any time, it can be released as pure energy or as a force.

THE VOID itself is an entity that lives inside itself independent from all things, and is a dimensional deadzone where there is only nothingness, and anything within it will become nothingness, or nonexistence.

In her Voidforce Form, it grants all the power of space and grants the power of the void to a degree where it can be put it into other things and release it in its pure form. She can erase what touches her instantly, or take them inside herself, and in THE VOID.

Void: Power from THE VOID... Not darkness or energy, but endless space or nothingness that she can perfectly control. Allows for the absolute nullification, negation, or erasure of anything, causing it to become nonexistent. Basically, the capacity to control any level of nonexistence, even from just certain aspects to complete nothingness. The most commonly used and basic of her magic, in which she uses the Void as an extension of the her own body, as a weapon. It cannot leave the user's touch, however, since it is an extension and not a projectile. She may mold the Void into any shape she wishes at any given time of her will. The most general of her attacks, in which Rita generates an ever expanding void into nothingness and empty space. It is used typically for portals, however can also be used as an imprisoning ability to trap the unwary in nothingness for eternity.

Null and Void: Releases a powerful wave of Void that will nullify anything that comes to it, making the powers cancel each other out as if they weren't there in the first place. Though, the more powerful the attack, the more taxing it is on her.

Voided Mind: She releases a wave from her body very quickly, which takes up a large area before slowly decreasing in range. Whatever is within the area will be instantly locked in a mental void, their minds becoming blank and void of any and all thought until they either exit the range or until Rita runs out of power to sustain it.

Orb of Void: Rita creates a sphere in her hand made of the Void. It will start to suck in anything and everything it can indefinitely, its suction getting larger though it stays the same size. It has ability to consume everything, as it is infinite empty space within.

Void Distortion: Releases many powerful waves from a sphere of Void that will cause a rupturing and distortion in space and time if more and more are released. It has potential to shatter the spacial structure of those in the area and also alter time itself.

Void Collapse: Like the Universal Collapse, except using the Void, compressing then destroying whatever is inside it.

Void Release: Releasing whatever is in the Void.

Void Encompassing: Covering self and the battlefield, as well as the opponent (if wished) in the void.

Void-Particle Cannon: Condenses particles of Void that erases any other particle and whatever fundamental subparticles make up those particles.

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.

Last edited by Tifaret C. Lombardi on Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
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Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal   Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 8:28 am

Sealing Force Taijutsu; Sealing Hand
A specialized Taijutsu fighting style invented by Chita to help utilize the Sealing Force a lot better. It focuses on the control, flow and maintenance of the Sealing Force throughout the palms, fists and knees to deliver powerful, yet debilitating strikes to the opponent to hinder and destroy their bodies and moves in a matter of a few strikes. These strikes consist mostly of grabs, counters and palm strikes/fist strikes, but are not limited to those. She is skilled in using the Sealing Force to travel through even the nerves, making all of her strikes equally effective and dangerous.

Chita is able to utilize some of her normal techniques more easily with physical contact, for example striking someone with the Silencing Breath and then generating Sealing Chains at the point of impact.

First Seal; Silencing Breath: A direct strike to the chest, neck or mouth with an open palm harnessed with the power of the Sealing Force. When impact is made, Chita forces the Sealing Force into the throat, larynx and vocal cords immediately to ensure that the opponent cannot speak or breathe. It also inflicts the Silence status upon them, ensuring that they cannot use Jutsu or special abilities, as well.

Second Seal; Binding Sight: With the gauging of the eyes or the thrust of a palm to the face, Chita will seal the eyesight from those who connect with this as soon as they are made contact with. To ensure they do not retain their sight by conventional means, the Sealing Force will then reject the power of other abilities that would attempt to grant their sight back.

Third Seal; Constricting Serpent: A forceful, exceptionally quick grab aimed at the joints or the neck to bind and seal off movement in the bodypart Chita has touched as long as Chita holds them in her hands.

Fourth Seal; Chakra Sealer: A quick short or long ranged open palm strike or punch to the Solar Plexus, sometimes brought on by a quick grab of the hips or waist. As the name states, when Chita strikes the Solar Plexus with her attack, she seals off the entire chakra network with the Sealing Force.

Fifth Seal; Absolute Restriction: A counter stance that allows for Chita to parry most physical attacks that come her way, and then efficiently counter the attack with a throw or grab whilst sealing off whatever parts of the body she is to touch.

Sixth Seal; Great Restraint: A shoulder tackle of incredibly high strength shoots the foe back whilst sealing up a large portion of their bodies spread from the force of the impact surging through the entire body.

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.
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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
Female Points : 502
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Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal   Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 8:29 am

Divine Mist of Punishment Taijutsu
A special Taijutsu made from Chita going to the Misty Field and her Magic Gauntlets absorbing the essence of the Mist. Using the power of the wind's force and the water's current, Chita is able to direct the Mist around with every one of her techniques. This fighting style is based off of a lot of movement and skillfully placed attacks. More of a defensive and punishing fighting style, as well as an evasive one, living up to its name. Quick, strong and evasive. Her fighting stance is with one hand aligned with her waist in a fist, and the other aligned with her chest in a fist, and one foot lightly planted forward.

Whiplash: A quick jab with the fist to her waist, snapping it back just as quickly as it was launched. Fast and powerful, and when retracted generates a lot of torque for extra movements, if she wishes. When using the Mist, the punch releases a surge of forceful Mist that blows what it comes in contact with back a bit, to knock it off its guard.

Whiplash Storm: A spinning corkscrew punch that is usually the secondary move to the 'Whiplash' attack. This punch uses the gained momentum from the Whiplash to become several times more powerful, releasing an explosive punch on contact. When using the Mist, it will generate a storm of swirling Mist to blow away the attacker.

Mist Storm: Stepping forward and raising both hands in the air, she brings down two open palms with great force to slam the opponent into the ground. When used with the Mist, it creates a powerful bursting cloud of Mist on the ground that shrouds Chita's legs completely.

Mist Dragon: A spinning heel drop hook kick that is made to bring her foes down to the ground with powerful force. She may gain more momentum from spinning longer and faster, and may also allow her to mix her foe up. When used with Mist, she may release powerful waves of Mist from her foot, gaining more power, size and speed the more she spins. As she spins, she can also shroud herself in Mist to make her next move completely unpredictable, as she will not be able to be seen.

Black Lotus: A low-ground spinning hook kick to the head or mid-section. This kick is meant to evade a threat whilst also allowing Chita to knock her opponent down to the ground as well. When used with the Mist, Chita will release a thick projectile shot of Mist from her feet and to her opponent. Much more powerful and larger than the Mist Dragon's projectile shot, but slower. It resembles a large concentrated wave of Mist.

Enchanted Circle: A spinning sweep kick across the ground, which she can rise from it into a powerful snap kick into the sky. This is used to evade and trip her opponents with ease. When used with the Mist, Chita literally creates an enchanted circle that is traced by her foot sliding in a circle across the ground. When the circle is complete, it will create a burst of Mist to hide her and blast away oncoming threats with the initial burst. She may use this to hide or move about, or even teleport to other Enchanted Circle set ups, if she so chooses.

Sacred Blade: A powerful sweep kick across the ground that will knock the opponent on their ass. When used with the Mist, Chita releases a powerful shock wave blade of rising Mist from the ground toward the opponent to blow them away.

Double Lift Kicks: Simply Lift Kick done twice in the air to knock the opponent up into the air; both being aimed toward the head. When used with the Mist, Chita releases sphere-like projectiles from her feet that are very swift and home in on the opponent.

Dragon Wheel Kick: Chita jumps on her hands and does a backflip, kicking the opponent high into the air with both feet in the process whilst she rises up from the ground, or chains into one of her sweeping kicks. When used with the Mist, she creates a powerful stream of Mist that resembles an arcing dragon over her legs to defend against attacks.

Heart Stopper: A powerful knee to the groin, chest or stomach, powerful enough to knock any foe off their feet, and fast enough to catch any others off guard. It is then immediately followed up by an elbow bash straight into the ground.

Heaven's Hammer: A whip-like thrust toward the ground with one hand, which then will force the opponent to shoot into the ground with incredible force. When used with the Mist, the concussive blow created is doubled and creates a shroud of Mist around Chita.

Mistfall: One, or a series of butterfly kicks toward the opponent with great speed and power. When used with the Mist, trails of Mist will fly off of her feet and give them a cutting effect.

God Slayer: A powerful crescent kick used by Chita bending one knee and springing off of her other foot, the straightened foot holding enough destructive power to split anything in two. When used with the Mist, a huge crescent blade of Mist follows behind it, or can be launched from it. This attack happens in a flash of Misty smoke, as it is very fast.

Divine Punishment: An old favorite, made as a powerful thrusting kick forward or upward that boots everything away with the utmost amount of Chita's power. When used with the Mist, it will create a powerful explosion upon contact, or even if it doesn't connect, the force of it will still hit.

Funeral Palm: A versatile palm thrusting move given its name for the various deadly ways it can be used, normally involving the foe being shot toward the ground. Most common ways are to lunge a palm into the face, grab hold of it, and slam the foe into the ground, or to do the same thing with the chest or neck. However, there is also the simple ability of thrusting the palm hard into the opponent with minimal movement, sending them flying backward or forcefully into the ground, or to grab other bodyparts. When used with the Mist, the Mist itself is able to force them back from long ranges away, creating a cloud of Mist around Chita upon impact.

God's Punishment: A special stance that allows for Chita to reverse or counter most, if not all moves that come her way and effectively counterattack against them. When used with the Mist, this reversal technique only becomes more potent, allowing Chita to see and think more clearly and react more swiftly.

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.
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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
Female Points : 502
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Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal   Sealing Voidforce :: The Endless Seal EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 8:30 am

White Lotus Nova

Chita, being Valerio Lombardi's daughter, she has inherited some of his abilities, naturally as a state of being of the same bloodline. Now that she has realized she has these abilities, she aims to utilize them in her everyday fighting to make herself stronger and more prepared... Upon being the firstborn of Valerio Lombardi, his Lombardi Essence and all his inherent abilities are capable of being shared with his daughter, who can use them as her own totally under her command.

These abilities became enhanced after becoming the 'White Sun, Amaterasu.' Thus, they have become what is known as 'White Lotus Nova.'

Spatial Control
Having the ability to control space, Valerio passed down this useful ability to Chita, however the effects are very much limited to her, to the point where she can only harness energies such as supernovas and the power of planets. Not your typical use of 'Space Powers,' eh? With this aspect, she can breathe in outer space, control and manipulate everything that has to do with space, (such as dark matter, stars, planets, supernovas, and meteors), and can also leave the universe at will. There are various types of space in between universes that the ones with advanced spatial power and knowledge can move through to regulate the universes. Such things are Imaginary Space, which Chita can create at will to survive in alternate realms, and create anywhere, which extends from herself or created remotely elsewhere.

Raging Star Style
The Raging Star fighting style utilizes what Chita knows about her own power to generate heat and intense force to those of Supernovas and controls them throughout her body. As such, she can utilize numerous punches, kicks or any part of her body physically backed by the power of a supernova. This Taijutsu fighting style focuses on quick and fluid, powerful strikes meant to completely, yet skillfully, overwhelm the opponent.

Scorching Knuckle: Storing up an intense amount of heat within her fist, Chita makes impact with a target and causes the massive amount of heated energy to burn them away instantly upon contact.

Blazing Star Strike: An open palm thrust that creates a large swirling explosion sphere directly in front of her fist which emulates the brightness and heat of a star.

Cremation Collide: With a searing hot hand, Chita grabs her target and either causes an explosion within their body to blow them away or shoots heat straight into their bodies which will burn their bodies away on contact. Usually used in conjunction with the Searing Stride or the Scorching Knuckle.

Smoldering Foot Dive: From the sky, Chita shoots down like a rocket with heat stored into her foot, making an explosive, burning impact with what she touches. Alternatively used as a dropkick or an axe kick with the same power.

Searing Stride: An intense amount of heat from Chita's very being is generated outward around her body, causing her to become like an illusory image. Whilst the opponent is distracted by the illusion of Chita, she dashes toward them, silently propelled by heat in her feet to make for an extremely swift attack. The more heat she generates, the more illusory she becomes. This heat can also ignite at any moment, causing explosions if such an attempt backfires. Also, she can send out a heated image of herself that can pose as her for those who catch onto her technique, and when they attack it, the image fades away into nothing but supernova heat.

Hypernova Ignition: After internally creating a huge amount of reactor-like energy within, Chita's body burst into a pass of pulsating, pure energy teeming with heat and incredible force. Generated by rage, she starts off in the form of a 'Nova,' where her body is as hot as a normal molten core of a planet. When angered further, she ascends to being a supernova, where her body is a virtually condensed supernova in her form, but at the cost of her power draining faster and her body becoming more unstable, harming even herself. The next form is the worst and highest form so far, the Hypernova form, where, as stated, she'll become like a condensed Hypernova, however her form will be so unstable it will be hard to keep stable. In these forms, she can manipulate the energy radiating from her body in many different forms; condensed blasts, concussive forces, violent explosions, etc.

Stellar Impact: Chita jumps high into the sky, possibly even from using flame propulsion, and falls down upon her foe with a powerful punch straight into the ground, which is prone to cause explosions of varying sizes and intensities. It is said that the strongest version is like the force and heat of a falling star crashing into the planet.


Lombardi Essence
My bloodline. Being the leader of my mafia comes the power to do whatever it takes to protect my subordinates. As the daughter of the Advocate Of Space, Valerio Lombardi, the Lombardi Essence gives her the same capabilities as he has in addition to the power of the Lombardi Essence, which allows her to do anything to protect subordinates. This means that she is very acrobatic and can dodge most things easily, and is also pretty speedy. Without any help, she can move at speeds up to the speed of light. She also has galactic strength, and can lift up to 1,000,000 tons with ease at bare minimum, and her strength is not limited to simply physical objects.

Hitsuzen: The special ability from the Lombardi Essence. This allows to, whatever the circumstances, use any abilities or techniques, weapons, etc. at full power. This ability alone is insurance so that all other abilities remain capable of being used when it is active or activated, which can be very useful in a pinch against certain people.

Voidstar Field: A derivative of Valerio's 'Purification Field' and Chita's 'Sealing Voidforce', which creates a deadzone that functions like a stellar object, usually as a star. She can use it automatically when aggressive, and it stops all outside forces and energies, neutralizing, nullifying, or erasing them.

Big Bang Purge: A powerful concussive big bang that doesn't do physical damage, but instead defeats malevolent powers including but not limited to: internal/external spirits, forces that are against her, and random negative forces. It literally purges, purifies, destroys, and erases all malevolence with the power of a Big Bang. The energy also acts as an erasure mechanism toward all darkness-based things, meaning that if something has even the tiniest bit of darkness inside of it, the thing would be instantly erased.

Purification Threads: Colorless strings that can bind, pull, and drain all energy and non-energy, even those that aren't a part of the normal elements, and you can't feel them when they're attaching.

Universal Collapse: She leaves the universe and then have it collapse upon itself upon her departure in whatever way possible via her own powers. This will destroy every lifeform inside of it. The most basic way to use this technique is for all of the stars in the universe explode which would destroy all the planets in existence, then because of the lack of matter inside the universe, the dark matter attempts to bind to itself which causes the universe to contract into a small ball (about the size of a baseball), then she crushes it. However, any number of methods of 'Universal Collapse' can be used -- that was simply what her father, Valerio, did.

Supernova Skin: A technique inherited from Valerio. Makes her skin burn with the white-hot intensity of 1,000 or more supernovas, and allows to combine this with various other techniques.

Hypernova Skin: Advanced form of Valerio's 'Supernova Skin', which is basically the same, except now, instead of 1,000 supernovas becoming her skin, it is 10,000 hypernovas.

Orbit Manipulation: Able to control the orbits of stellar entities, as well as anything else that bears an electromagnetic field to any degree, plus the trajectory, since all such elements fall under the laws of space.

Shining Glacial Fist: Channels the power of the Supernova Skin into the arm and reinforces it with her Gauntletta Arctina and punches with power enough to burn through any form of matter, as well as to halt their particles with the freezing power of the gauntlet, meaning that contact will prevent escape, and she can burn through.

Supernova Shot: A ball of a compressed supernova (of any size smaller than an actual supernova, no matter how large or small) explosion that shoots from the hands or feet.

Cosmic Power: Any extremity or intensity of cosmic energy can be used in its purest form and also manipulated in any way, including into derivative forms, or isolated elements in a cosmic fashion (like, 'Cosmic Fire').

Perfect Fire: Allows complete control of fire when used and changes elemental type to fire.

Perfect Speed: Boosts speed beyond the highest speed of any opponent at the time and allows her to perpetually maintain that speed or to move at any lesser speed at will, but not anything higher than just above the highest speed of the opponent.

Perfect Ice: Allows complete control of ice when used and changes elemental type to ice.

Perfect Water: Allows complete control over the water element and changes elemental type to water.

Perfect Lightning: Allows complete control of the electrical element and changes elemental type to electricity.

Perfect Wind: Allows complete control over the wind element and changes elemental type to wind.

Seikuken: A move that allows complete bodily control over self and the nullification of physical attacks in the radius, which can be expanded or contracted.

Ryusui Seikuken: Seikuken that, instead of putting up a field around oneself, puts the field only around the skin and allows better physical defense including the nullification, and reversal of all physical attacks in any type of counterattack automatically.

Twilight Energy: Has control over twilight energy itself, which is a celestial form of dark matter combined with dark energy, as well as other types of remnant stellar energies. It has the power to cause other energies to wane, weaken, and be taken into it so that it becomes more powerful based off of the remnant energies it weakens and destroys until everything settles. Any remnant energy can be used as a property, either combined or singularly, but naturally, the Twilight Energy has no element, or is directly related to spatial energy. It can even be shot as a concussive force that weakens other forces, as well.

Planetbending: A terraforming power that can create, control, manipulate, destroy, or affect a planet in any way.

Natural Energy: An alternative energy source that is derived from any non-elemental energy, which can utilize any elemental or non-elemental energy, and shift between any of them or combine or neutralize any of them.

Twilight State: After the Twilight Energy has absorbed enough power, it can be applied to the self, which allows for her to become it in essence, and utilize all of its capabilities as herself. In addition, it increases her abilities 1,000,000 fold in this state.

Dojutsu Unity: Allows complete access to every form of Dojutsu that exists and will exist.

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.
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