The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Honorary Homage Accessories

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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
Female Points : 502
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Honorary Homage Accessories Empty
PostSubject: Honorary Homage Accessories   Honorary Homage Accessories EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 8:57 am

Though she has lost her Mario Magic, she has still retained these creatures that she generated long ago as well as their special abilities that each one of them have. Each of them may change into their different forms/species/variants of themselves as well and are kept as little keepsakes (and as homage) that have been crafted into accessories she wears. Their names and special abilities are as follows;

Albatoss - Able to generate Bob-ombs as well as split self into Albatoss clones to carpet bomb the area in nothing but powerful Bob-omb explosions. This is called "Albatoss Rain." She has an Albatoss ring on her right hand.

Boo - Able to combat non-physical and spiritual things as well as increase own size and indulge in several energies to make self stronger. Basically, normal powers of a Boo or typical ghost. It is able to ingest souls without killing a foe. It may also summon more Boos. This is called "Boo!" She has a tongue piercing in the shape of a Boo.

Shy Guy - Able to rapidly and exponentially multiply at any given time as well as change self into any of the Shy Guy variants in the process. This is called "Shy Guy Army." A Shy Guy arm band resides on her right arm.

Chain Chomp - Able to attach to Chita's arms and be used as a fist-like weapon, while still retaining all Chain Chomp-like abilities. While like this, it still can extend to allow Chita to use it like a mace or wrecking ball. It can change sizes and seems to have a mouth that leads to another world. This is called "Chain Chomp Crush." Chain Chimp resides as a necklace, dog tag or choker around her neck with a chain chomp jewel on it.

Bullet Bill - Can fly around at high speeds powered by a rocket, moving faster than any normal bullet and still have precision. It can change sizes as well and also summon more Bullet Bills of any kind and change into the Bullet Bill Gun. When Chita equips the Bullet Bill Gun, she is able to use the ability "Bullet Bill Assault," allowing her to rapidly fire off infinite rounds of Bullet Bills of any kind. Bullet Bill resides as a bullet shaped belly piercing on her naval.

Piranha Plant - Ability to grow and spew numerous types of fire from its mouth, as well as the immunity to fire itself. They can consume anything without harm and can rapidly reproduce, ergo being able to create more Piranha Plants of any size at any time. This is called the "Piranha Garden." The Piranha Plant resides as a plant-shaped bracelet with a piranha plant jewel embroidered on it on her left wrist.

Bob-Omb - Able to become any kind of explosive (like flash bombs, tear gas, sleeping gas, etc.) while still retaining normal form and also multiply, even after detonation. When equipped by Chita, she is able to fire off a nonstop assault of Bob-ombs. This is called the "Bob-omb Barrage." Bob-Omb resides as a bomb-shaped earrings.

Lakitu - Can allow Chita to use the flying cloud as well as set up invisible and untraceable cameras around the area that allow Chita to see everything the camera sees. Lakitu can also control clouds and drop lightning, rain, snow, wind or one of the other monsters from the cloud. The bigger the cloud gets, the more powerful and larger the dropped item gets. This ability is called "Lakitu!" Lakitu resides as a Cloud shaped Ankle Bracelet on her left leg.
(More to be unlocked~!)

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.
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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
Female Points : 502
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Honorary Homage Accessories Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honorary Homage Accessories   Honorary Homage Accessories EmptySun Aug 28, 2022 8:28 am

Bladed Boots - Stylish steel-toed black boots with blades hidden in the steel soles. They have unbreakable blades, and have been tailored for the fashion of a woman without losing a rugged overtone.

Silver Skin - An augmentation stemming from Valerio Lombardi's Silver Skin, which she can command at will. She usually doesn't activate it on her entire body unless necessary, and tends to only keep it so that it ends up being like chains and tattoos of chains on her body, similar to how her bladed chain-tail looked. It still retains its automatic protective features, just as with Valerio's, as well as the regenerative capacity.

Sunlight Heart - A lance-blade spear that can conduct great amounts of high-powered energy and direct it, usually in the form of a nuclear or superheated blast. Its special ability is to boost the pointed blade forward like a spaceship, which can be detached from the pole and launched as a projectile at speeds faster than light and hotter than supernovas. It has the capacity to explode atoms.

Solar Panels - The 'Motor Gears' that Valerio used were modified on the spot to become 'Solar Panels', which had the same effect as the 'Motor Gears', but with variable 'Solar' properties, as well as other features. They are still naturally small and extremely fast, but can now come in different sizes and styles for different purposes, like shuriken. They can become invisible to the naked eye and also nullify wavelengths so that they don't make a sound, and are bladed, which can be heated for devastating effects.

Goddess Engine - An internal augmentation to the very essence. The 'Hermes Drive' that belonged to Valerio would be upgraded to become the 'Goddess Engine' when its essence was drawn into her lifeforce, thus creating a greater version of Valerio's Hermes Drive that was activated internally and externally at will. It allows for warping of any kind to any degree and any dimension, and can detect all enemies and allies in any radius of perception, as well as other omniscient properties. It grants and amplifies any Godly properties of the self and allies.

Satellite Laser - The 'Satellite 30' that Valerio used to clone himself modified with projective purposes being upgraded to holographic, virtual, and light constructs, as well as other variable construct forms. It not only creates clones now, which can be of any construction, but also whatever else she wishes, like a universal 3D-4D-5D Printer. It also breaks down into homing Satellite Lasers, which can be used offensively or like the Satellite Laser as the Satellite 30 was used. That said, the unified Satellite Laser fires a massive beam. More satellites can be added.

Fatal Attraction - The battle ax, 'Fatal Attraction', with the gravitational powers multiplied exponentially, now capable of commanding any and all electromagnetic or gravitational force to any degree or intensity.

Entropic Seals - Valerio's 'Acid Seals' were upgraded to become 'Entropic Seals', which had all the powers of entropy sealed in them, yet also had all the caustic and corrosive properties of acid, but in the form of heat and energy rather than simply and only an acidic form. This made even the radiation of the 'Entropic Seals' caustic, corrosive, and acidic, and so too was its light, therefore. They could still create acidic barriers, and also the 'Acid Seals' could still be created independently.

Now came the gun that the mafia man used, which was duplicated from Valerio's unbreakable black gun, 'Black Cat'. This one was called 'Black Manifesto', and was a 'Purification Gun' that had the power to manifest the projections of itself, as the mafia man demonstrated. She would equip that to her side as a support weapon she could shift to, and also a range weapon to cover long distances. It has some purificatory special powers, as well as a sniper rifle attachment, among other modifications that allow it to become different types of guns. With the unbreakable material it is made of, it is the ultimate purification gun which purifies all darkness and evil or negativity. If something is tainted in the least, it can be purified or purged and turn it into nothing. It also automatically stops any and all outer influences from having affect or affluence at all indirectly, neutralizing and negating all secondary abilities.

Meta-Armor - There was also the armor that was made after Valerio's 'Vibranium Armor', though the material was different than that, and was actually tailored to be able to associate itself with Tifaret's mineral-commanding powers over the earth, so she could create whatever metal or alloy she wished or needed out of the armor. She could also alter its shape, form, and appearance at will to match whatever she wished to look like without losing any effects. So she adjusted the armor to be something like a skimpy samurai-kunoichi-rogue-bandit. It can also become anti-property alloys, or anti-alloys (which are different entirely). It can negate and generate forces of any intensity.

Cosmic Angel - Valerio's signature blade, Angel, had a signature that was only to him, so the duplication of that would thereby instead generate a signature that was only to Tifaret, herself. In that, otherwise, the weapon retained its Cosmic properties and powers, as well as its Negation and Nullification abilities. It is an unbreakable blade infused with several universes that keep it bound and regenerate it as long as at least one of them exists, in addition to being unbreakable. It can become completely invisible and intangible to all perception at will, and can conduct any and all forms of cosmic energy or power. It also can utilize any level of normal elemental energy and turn it into cosmic energy, like 'Cosmic Fire'. Although both conducive and absorbent and resonant with her own power from her own energy signatures, any and all others that are not accepted to assimilate or absorb will instead be completely and absolutely neutralized, negated, nullified, and rejected or voided.

Taijitu - A scythe bearing the powers of duality and polarity, such as light and darkness as well as life and death. In that, it held the power of balance, but also great regenerative and resurrective abilities, and just the same deadly and lethal abilities.

Eraser Flame Ring - Official Mafia Ring of the Lombardi Famiglia.

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.
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