The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Metal Abyss

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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 11:13 pm

First topic message reminder :

Self given name after the void in her cold heart. Standard generic goth chick with a bleak disposition on generally everything. Wears a black tube top with a skull on it, tight leather pants, and steel toe boots. She's paid to be generic as a job.

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Dusk Citizens
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 2:26 pm

Metal Abyss smirked slightly, finding a hint of cuteness to the insectoid person, despite not being entirely fond of insects in general. Most people weren't, but when they could communicate and be pleasant, even a giant bee like this one could come off friendly. She seemed somewhat jittery, though. "Yeeaaah! Those guys," Abyss would say, snapping her fingers once. "... But uh, beyond all that... What's your name, anyway? You can call me Metal Abyss. I live in that ship over yonder." She pointed somewhat lazily at the S.S. Paradox, which was docked right across the way. "And like, what brings you to this place, of all places? From what I've seen, it ain't exactly the most, uh... Charming of places, ya know?"
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 2:42 pm

Metal Abyss raised her brows a bit, leaning forward slightly. "Bombus, eh? That name is da bomb." She flashed a thumbs up briefly, then winked at Bombus. But what was really interesting was that she said she wanted to attend the school here, which Metal Abyss was only minimally informed about ever since her own coming to this land. "Ehhh, I think my boss may have told me a smidgen about the school..." she said with uncertainty, "... But I honestly can't even tell ya much about it, myself." She clicked her tongue and pointed a finger gun at Bombus, then continued to say, "Hope you make it, though. Should be useful to ya." Crossing her arms, Abyss then asked, "What are ya going to the school for, eh? What about it has to do with your sister?"
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 3:04 pm

Metal Abyss chuckled slightly to herself, finding Bombus' enthusiasm refreshing. She was an interesting creature, and a rare sight at that. "Yeah, well, wish I could help ya out..." Abyss shrugged a bit. "... But I couldn't even tell ya where the school is from here, let alone what goes on there. So you'd have to go check it out for yourself. Which is probably best, anyway." Even at that sentiment, Abyss wondered what sort of 'colony' Bombus came from, and who her sister was. "Hey, maybe I'll run into your sister if she decides to attend. I mean, I don't go there, but the island is still an island, after all. Bound to run into the same people eventually, yeah?" Then again, Abyss didn't really venture off on her own, anyway, either. So... Maybe not. "... Tell her to look me up if she does."
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 3:25 pm

Metal Abyss gave a concerned, yet placid expression, not showing too much of any type of emotion, good or bad. She knew what this island had hidden in the shadows, and it seemed like this sweetie Bombus hadn't quite done her homework on it, and probably wouldn't understand it unless she lived it, as Abyss had. So, before Bombus could head off, she felt like she had to at least look out for the poor girl. "Eh, well, I ain't all that great, ya know... And neither are the people here." Granted, she didn't want to turn Bombus away, but she didn't want to lead her on, either. "... Just be careful, yeah? There are some good people here, but... There are some really bad ones, too. And they're closer than you think." She hoped that Bombus would understand her cryptic words.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 3:50 pm

Metal Abyss wasn't typically one to be very affectionate toward anyone, let alone even very friendly, but something in her couldn't simply let Bombus go on alone without knowing for sure what was going to happen. From past experiences, this place could get really rough really quickly for someone who wasn't familiarized with it, though she also didn't really see that happening to Bombus, considering she had the rare ability to fly away. After mulling it over a bit, she found herself saying, "... Chyeah. See ya, buddy." The underlying concern did not leave her, however, even if she believed Bombus could handle herself. She didn't speak on it, as not to impose, but she tapped her finger on her hip rhythmically, as if still contemplating.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 4:05 pm

Metal Abyss could tell just from Bombus' reluctance to venture off that it was probably a bad idea to let her go alone. So, Abyss caved and gave into her initial thoughts about being an escort, despite being more or less unfamiliar with the way to the school, herself. "Ahhh, wait," she finally spoke up, briskly walking toward Bombus as she idled where she was, "... Let me walk with ya. I mean, I'm not really doin anything and I could use the exercise." She shrugged once again. "Plus, it'd probably be a good idea for me to know the way to the school as well." She only came to Bombus' side, not going any farther than that, then concluded, "... If you want my company, that is."
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 4:19 pm

Metal Abyss wasn't really one for being so touchy, but it couldn't hurt in this instance. She gave a crooked and reluctant smile along with a chuckle of equal likeness, slowly reaching out to Bombus' appendage. She took it lightly, saying, "... Yeah... Definitely." She seemed somewhat distant when she spoke, but that was because her mind was wandering out toward the path ahead. "... So. Let's be off, yeah?" With Bombus' hand in hers, she started off where she believed the campus was, looking around for some directions that would assist her.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 4:32 pm

Metal Abyss shook her head a bit, rolling her eyes playfully. "You sure are chipper, huh...?" she mentioned as they started away from the docks, still looking around. "I just hope that you find what you're looking for out of this place..." Which led Abyss to think about why exactly an insectoid from another land would be coming here to learn about things. Seemed somewhat odd. So, as they walked, Metal Abyss casually brought it up. "Soooo..." she'd begin to speak, trailing off a bit to lead into her next thought, "... What is it that your sister would be studying at the school here? Like, what does she want to learn?" Abyss continued to look around, just to get her bearings.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 4:46 pm

Metal Abyss continued quasi-guiding Bombus along, still only grasping her surroundings based on whatever was available, following whatever would lead them closer to the destination. She only prayed that they didn't get lost on her account, but it was better than Bombus being lost alone, she figured. "... Humanities?" she inquired curiously, "... That seems rather extensive for an insectoid. I wouldn't think that would come in handy unless she governed... Ya know... Humanoids, or something." Now, Abyss didn't want to seem like she was uncultured or anything, but she didn't know how other species functioned too in-depth. Still, what piqued her interest was that Bombus said her sister was studying to be queen. "Queen, huh?" she asked. "That means you're royalty?"
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 5:03 pm

Metal Abyss tilted her head to the side, thinking on the subject a bit. "Huh. The more you know." Even if she was searching for the right path, she was still invested in the conversation, even though her thoughts were split. And so, it took her a bit longer to really think about the subject, but once she realized what Bombus said to her, she had to ask, "Wait, does that mean that you're not able to lay eggs?" She didn't think her words would be insensitive until after she realized what she said, which made her feel a little bad about bringing it up at all. So, she tried to play it off. "... Uh, I mean, uh... I know a few of the, uh... Technical terms... Uh... Are you a, uh... Drone, is it? Worker? Something or other?" Abyss bit her lip lightly.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 21, 2022 5:23 pm

Metal Abyss wasn't normally so talkative, and it was clear why she wasn't. When it came to things she wasn't familiar with, coupled with her silver tongue, her words had a way of getting away from her. She pressed on silently, still listening to Bombus, taking advantage of her distraction by the neon in order to figure some things out quickly, then getting back on track. "... Sounds pretty strict," she finally stated, turning at a corner, now heading in a new direction. "... Sorry about bringing it up. I hope I haven't offended you or nothin', ya know? I just, uh..." She rubbed the back of her head, looking away. "... I never got too invested in learning about other lifeforms in-depth. Hell, I can't even say I know my own species that well." She stuck her tongue out playfully.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
Dusk Citizens

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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyTue Feb 22, 2022 3:34 am

Abyss had been in her fair share of street fights, as she wasn't quite as dainty as she appeared... And she was already pretty rigid-looking as it was. Whereas her upper body wasn't much to consider beyond her tits and her face, she had some thick and luscious thighs that could pack a punch. "... Heh... You're spunky, I'll give ya that..." she'd say, bending her knees in anticipation and waiting until the last second to pivot around Ollie once his weight was coming toward her and he was relatively off-balance in terms of the distribution of that weight. She used a bit of the torque of her spin to deliver a strong sweeping kick from the side, behind Ollie, hoping to use the time that he should have been recovering from his own attack to deliver the blow. "... But this ain't my first rodeo, ya know." It could be inferred that Abyss knew her way around a fight, and coupled with a pretty cool head, that she wasn't much of an impulsive fighter, either. Whether or not she actually made contact with Ollie, wherever he ended up, she would close the gap with a few brisk steps and then seek to grapple him in order to hinder his mobility.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 5:34 am

Abyss seemed to notice Ollie getting handsy once she was seeking to grapple him, seeming to be looking for a way to hinder her mobility forcefully. He may have been getting quiet, but it seemed like Metal Abyss was in the closet about her kinks, as she seemed to be enjoying the physical contact, despite what her disposition would state otherwise about her personality. Moaning slightly, she pressed herself closer to Ollie, tightening her grip, and pushing her breasts upon his body. "Mmmnnn... This is fun. Trust that this is all I've gotten touched in long enough for me." How long that was exactly was rather up in the air. Still, the growing arousal of Abyss seemed to stimulate her aggression. She'd handle Ollie vigorously, fighting with his hands for dominance over the grappling situation, and fondling her legs over his. His plush fur was a greater stimulant to her, since it felt like a plushie, and those felt good on the skin as it was, let alone so close to erroneous zones. She lowered her eyes, breathing heavily as she became somewhat intoxicated with the physical contact. "... Maybe... You'd be better on all fours...?" It was curious to her, since he'd have a lower center of gravity, more stability, and be less affected by the boat, plus because he was a cat and could potentially be more lethal than she was, since her body was not the same as a feline's. She didn't see it as much more than a stimulant, though...
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 5:34 am

Metal Abyss pouted, the cool blue of her lipstick accentuating her lips as she did, seeming to be cooling down after Zuu insisted that they stop. Abyss rose up, releasing Ollie and composing herself with a hair flip, the electric blue cascading over one of her eyes, both of which now seemed less promiscuous looking and back to their gloomy norm. Crossing her arms under her breasts, Abyss looked to Zuu. "I mean, I gotta be good for somethin, right...?" She shrugged. "... Beyond that, Zuu..." She winked with her eye under her hair, which still had enough visibility to be seen. "... I'm not opposed to having a bit of fun with girls, either." It was obvious that Abyss was still just a touch hot and bothered, but beyond that sentiment, it seemed impossible to really grasp. Either way, Ollie was unusually quiet, and quite possibly a little bit traumatized from being basically assaulted by Metal Abyss. It was adorable how flustered he was, but Abyss really didn't show it at all. All she said was, "... If you want to practice... Don't hesitate to look me up, Ollie." It was clear that there was more to her than meets the eye, but just what was still unclear.
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Dusk Citizens
Kami of the Dusk :: Fate Shogun
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 EmptyFri Mar 04, 2022 4:06 am

From Zuu's reaction to Ollie's, it was clear to Metal Abyss that letting herself let loose a little bit didn't very well sit right with them... All to her grim nonchalance. Zuu started talking, and Abyss' eyebrows raised higher as her eyelids went lower. The only thing she figured was that she had revealed a part of herself too soon, like she did when she was younger. She became cold and distant again; devoid. There were plenty of responses Metal Abyss could have made to both of them, as Ollie's tense words were picked up on before he left, and Zuu's reprimand was just as harsh. At this point, it was more than clear that Abyss' soul had once again checked out, and it was no longer suitable enough for her to open up to them. Just like everyone else. "... Sure, boss," Metal Abyss finally responded to Zuu, after a bit of silence, "... Won't happen again." She could have argued any kind of point about her freedom of self expression... But there was no point in doing that. Not to her. Not anymore. Her eyes drifted far away from direct contact, and her arms crossed. "... Trust me," she added lowly, flipping her electric blue hair out of one eye, only to have it fall back over it.
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Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Abyss   Metal Abyss - Page 4 Empty

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