The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Taomin's Living Shadow

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 10:17 am

Taomin's Living Shadow Living13
-Living Shadow-

Now, as it was, Taomin had a Living Shadow ever since she was possessed by it long ago. Presently, she was no longer possessed, but had possession of it, and it was subdued by her. However, what she didn't know was that the Living Shadow had a name.

... I mean, she worked all of that out along the way and they were cool, and she even purified her Living Shadow and her name was changed to match her new purified form where both of them were Goddesses now, but uh... REGARDLESS OF THAT, the Living Shadow's name was Nyake. At least, as a demon. As a Goddess, her name was Aeris. As in, Eris, Goddess Of Discord. Yet she also had another name -- Tiamat. That name was another Goddess name, and her Tensei Name, since it started with a T.

So in essence, this being had three names -- the name of a Goddess, the name of a Demon, and the name of a Spirit: Tiamat, Nyake, and Aeris, respectively.

To be clear, Taomin had three different forms, as well -- A Mortal form, a Goddess form, and a Demon form. As a Mortal, she was a Human; as a Goddess, she was a Kyuubi Kitsune; as a Demon, she was an Oni.

While these two entities were separate, they were interconnected at the soul, and had been since Nyake originally possessed her as her Living Shadow. That meant that whenever Taomin had an issue... She could summon her Living Shadow to deal with it.

And so she did, in her Sky Sanctum, which was her holy home -- named Sanctimonious.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 10:32 am

='Living Shadow'=
Taomin's Living Shadow Presen10

So, Nyake's sexy self was summoned in her Demon Form from Taomin's shadow, into her holy sanctuary, aptly named 'Sanctimonious'. However, obviously, the name was using the archaic name, which meant holiness, and not the modern name, which meant it was a place of sacrilege or unholiness... Or false holiness.

However, the modern definition of 'Sanctimonious' also functioned, because Taomin did a lot of unholy shit in this place, as well. Like summoning her Living Shadow as a Demon. In that respect, the modern definition of 'Sanctimonious' was accurate, as well. And Tao did do a lot of fucked up shit in her house, okay?

That said, BOTH definitions were accurate -- the archaic AND the modern one. This was because though it was a temple that was of great holiness, it was also a place where Taomin did plenty of unholy shit. The name was meant to be a sendoff, and also ironic, in order to cover herself of her holiness AND her unholiness, and give her justification for both or either whenever she so felt like it, whilst also describing herself as both a Priestess and Demon Priestess whenever it should so suit.

Therefore, Taomin's Sky Sanctum, Sanctimonious, was a place of holiness AND unholiness, and became unholy when TAO was afflicted -- as it was about to become when Nyake showed up, ready to hear Taomin's cries from her heart and absorb her negativity.

As usual.


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Age : 30

Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 10:49 am

Taomin's Living Shadow Malice10

When it came time for Sanctimonius to become unholy, Taomin was HIGHLY upset that she had to taint her holy place AGAIN because some fucking bitch done something garbage to her. AGAIN. She hated it so much, and it made her so mad, but FORTUNATELY, her MALE VERSIONS kept her in check. Yeah, Tymon -- the Original -- was the one who made SURE Taomin didn't get out of hand. But, it didn't stop her from feeling. She was HIS Heart, after all.

Tymon always considered himself a girl at heart and spirit, and lived up to it to this day, despite his acceptance of his male form and having to stay that way because he loved God so much -- just the same as Taomin, who was essentially him in girl form.

What Tymon didn't express outwardly was always tumultuous inside, but as he grew older, he grew more and more tired of NOT expressing his malice. That's why Tao, his female form, was his heart. Because she would SURELY have no issue with it, and that's what she loved. He loved it, too, but it was like... Awesome when Tao did it. Ya know?

Anyway, Tao liked to do shit, too, so. Tymon couldn't have all the fun with the body.

Either way, someone had come 'round acting foolish ONCE AGAIN, and despite ALL the people that REGULARLY did that whom Tymon didn't care about, it was a DIFFERENT STORY ENTIRELY when someone he DID actually did something so foul. And that caused Taomin to snap. It was clear that to people of -certain- demographics, history meant -nothing- unless it was their -own- with their -own- people, and that hating God was more important than loving someone who loved them, which is what God taught. So, now, Taomin had to actually fuck some shit up, and it made her fucking MAD she had to even DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN when she was all clean and pretty and shit. SHE WAS STILL A GIRL.

Now, she could just consider this girl dead, leave it at that, and curse her already condemned soul for some foul shit. But that was too easy. See, that wouldn't teach anyone anything -- especially not LATER PEOPLE who were DEFINITELY going to try some shit. See, Tao didn't give a single FUCK about being the most hated thing on the planet by some filthy disgusting sinners. That made her no nevermind, and never WOULD. It was the principle of even if they were God-hating sinners, there was still supposed to be LOVE ON THE EARTH FOR SOMEONE WHO LOVES THEM AND DONE NOTHING TO THEM WRONG.

But that's why evil spirits are so powerful amongst the God-hating -- because all such goodness in them suddenly fled when they were exposed to someone who loved God. And the evil came out. And they took it out on, not God, but those who LOVED God, thinking it'll hurt HIM rather than JUST the people who love him, having done NO WRONG to those people AT ALL. They couldn't get to God, so they had to do the next best thing, right?

Well, two could play at that game, and Taomin could get all types of shit going down with absolute ease. Not even just in the world of dreams, but ALL OVER THE GODDAMN PLANET SO THAT A GOD-HATING ASSHOLE COULD NOT =LIVE= ON THIS MOTHERFUCKER, AND BE TOTALLY OKAY WITH THEM TAKING THEIR OWN LIFE AND =NEVER= FEEL BAD ABOUT IT =AGAIN=.


As much as she loved was as much as she hated. And it was literally a matter of Life (Love) or Death (Hate).

So of course, she would curse such a woman with a Grudge, using Nyake, her Living Shadow, to do that. It was about to get real Sanctimonious up in this Sky Sanctum, that's for fucking sure. Ain't no holiness here -- God done left the building for this one.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Location : Chomao * Shiyoko
Job/hobbies : Black Cat (Cheshire Cat)

Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 11:52 am

='Living Shadow'=
Taomin's Living Shadow Dismis10

Nyake sat there and absorbed all of Taomin's negativity, as usual, as she had been doing since she had possessed her as her Living Shadow, popping some gum nonchalantly. "So Whatchoo Tryna Do, Bitch? What, You Wanna Go Crazy? You Tryna Reputational Rupture? Or, What? Absolute Punishment? What? You Even GOT A Plan, Or You Just Wanted ME To Think Of Something?" Nyake rolled her eyes, popping her gum once more.

"I Mean, I'm Down For Whatever, You Know Me, But... Shit If You Don't Have A Fucking Plan, Bitch, I Don't Know What You Expect Me To Do." Nyake looked at her nails nonchalantly.


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 12:04 pm

Taomin's Living Shadow Natura10
-Natural Disaster-

"OMFG, STFU, Nyake, And Do Some Real Work Instead Of Fucking Around All Day. Goddamn." Taomin rolled her eyes, knowing Nyake just wanted to piss her off more. It was working, but... Her green markings on her body became red, signifying her tainted demonic nature returned. "Fucking Hell, Why Do I Have To Think Of It? Why Can't I Just Tell You What I Want And You Think Up Something, You're So Smart, Right? Fucking Christ, Nyake." Taomin was about to cry. Actually, not really, but she was about to fuck some shit up. "Think, Bitch, Think! I'm Too Fucked Up Right Now, And You Know Me! I'll Go Fuck Someone Up BECAUSE I'm In A Bad Place, Ya Know?!?" Taomin whipped out her sword, Makkani. "Damn, Do You Even REMEMBER Those Days, Nyake? Like, AT ALL? I Know It's Been A While, But It Hasn't Been 2,000 Years, Has It? Fuck!"

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 12:34 pm

='Living Shadow'=
Taomin's Living Shadow Punish10

Neither of them were smarter than the other, but Tao was definitely crazy as fuck. Hell, Tymon himself was just a crazy ass motherfucker, so obviously, Tao would be super crazy, being the heart that inspired such shit. Or... Got inspired by such shit. Really, all she wanted was any old idea at all, but Nyake still had a thought about it all. "... Why Not Use Your Divination? It Works, Yeah? So, Won't You Be Okay With That Shit?" Nyake sighed, rolling her eyes. "Damn, You Don't Have To Be So Hostile. Just Channel All That Hate Energy Into The Cards. It WORKS, Right? Damn. Annoying Ass Bitch..."


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 12:39 pm

Taomin's Living Shadow Taomin15

"MAN, FUCK YOU. WE'RE TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE UP IN HERE." Taomin was serious, because that was pretty much her whole M.O. when she was upset. Crazy as fuck. But... "... You Know, You Have A Point, Though. Might As Well Fuck Up Everything And Everyone, Yeah? Huh." Taomin actually definitely was okay with the cards this time. "... Fine. But You'd Better Put In Some Shadow Work, Or Some Bullshit Like That. I Fucking Guess." She stepped up to Nyake, hate in her eyes. "... Thanks, Bitch." She gave her a sloppy kiss, then immediately turned away with a burning hatred in her eyes, summoning and setting up her cards to pull some straight up scandalous shit with her divination powers. "... Slap Some Talismans On These Hoes..."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

Posts : 1242
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Location : Chomao * Shiyoko
Job/hobbies : Black Cat (Cheshire Cat)

Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptySat Oct 22, 2022 4:11 pm

='Living Shadow'=
Taomin's Living Shadow Influe10
"Crown :: Minor : Heart ; Lawless (Cutthroat) - Seep ~ Contamination."


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptyTue Oct 25, 2022 12:12 am

Taomin's Living Shadow Absenc10
"Field :: Position : Knight ; Offense - Wind (Lawless) ~ Texas Funeral."

*Left Hanging -- Technique.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Taomin's Living Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taomin's Living Shadow   Taomin's Living Shadow EmptyFri Mar 17, 2023 8:28 am

Taomin's Living Shadow Creato10
"Initiate :: Lawless : Queen (Green) ; Dominion - Wind (#5) ~ Barrage."

Tao came back to her place later, after all that bullshit was taken care of. Now she could play inside her own sanctuary, which she was accustomed. Of course, the first thing she did was get naked and drink and smoke and ate and drank some more. And... It reminded her of when she used to party and fuck and slaughter people when her Living Shadow possessed her. Good times... Good times.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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