The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Visitation; Tia's Tour

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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 11:17 pm

The end of the spiraling wind tunnel would be at the edge of the Cloud City, Kumo Q, which encompassed many layers of the Sky Realm. It covered many of the solid land masses of the Avisora Paradisia, yet also rested above many of the solid land masses that were closer to the actual earth below. As a city of clouds, it was filled with a rolling mist line below the feet, yet held a certain solidity to it once the feet touched the ground. The very clouds would compress to ensure that those who stepped onto the Cloud City would not fall straight down. It would feel like a marshmallowy cushion to the soles of the feet; soft and plush, nearly like dough.

In the distance, there would be many different physical structures built atop the clouds that supported them just the same as they would any person's physical body stepping upon the clouds, with a thin mist line rolling just below each and every surface. Some buildings were made of cloud and some of wind, which were different from those that were actually physical housing. These sorts of houses floated lucidly in the air and were homes to many elemental beings, whilst the physical houses were homes to the physical beings.

"After you," Tia would say, her body swirling back into quasicorporeal physicality at the very end of the wind tunnel. There, she'd wait for Hinata and Nia to step through and onto the Cloud City.
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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 11:52 pm

She was even more humbled by the humility shown by this being. This was starting out as a very pleasant vacation indeed. Seeing Tia take the form of a spiral of wind, a mirthful glint entered Hinata's eyes. Her own being formed that of millions of lavender petals. She allowed herself to simply be carried along with Tia, making them both look as if a storm of petals. Hinata was sure her daughter would follow.

Upon reaching their destination, the petals fluidly removed themselves from the wind that was Tia just before she reformed her own pseudo physical form. Hinata would follow shortly after, only doing so once Tia had given her consent to continue. The beaming, somewhat lustful smile that was on the woman's face was evident she had definitely enjoyed the trip.

"What fun!" Hinata mewed, a small giggle escaping her throat. There was a devious look within her eyes that slowly faded as she seemed to regain her elegant posture. She briefly looked around, once more taking in one of the places she had observed upon arrival. "A walk among the clouds is always welcome."
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Nia Kusanagi

Nia Kusanagi

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 11:56 pm

Nia's cheeks puffed up as her mother and the wind lady took off. She hastily donned the form of a blue phoenix, it's down made of wind instead of fire. The quiet girl skirted around the wind tunnel, following the cluster of lavender petals towards the city in the sky.

She arrived only moments after her mother and Tia, reshaping almost immediately as her eyes widened at the place before her. As soon as her feet touched the clouds that made up the ground, her eyes widened considerably. Almost like a board, Nia fell straight down on her stomach and began rolling around on the marshmallow like floor.

"Nyaaaaaaa~~!" She mewled with her eyes closed and a cat like mouth. One would swear they actually saw a cat tail and ears appear on the girl. She was actually purring!
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyWed Feb 24, 2016 12:20 am

Tia's face remained relatively stagnant, as if perpetually in a state of calm and serenity. Her eyes remained closed, and the entirety of her being seemed to be, though composed, also rather restrained. Not a single time did her eyes open nor her arms leave from their robed sleeves, and her mouth was barely open, even when she spoke. "Your daughter is quite adorable," she would say, noticing Nia's child-like playfulness. "Perhaps, she would like to play further with the clouds of this city," Tia would say, looking to Nia. Tia, who basically ruled over all that was the Avisora Paradisia, as did the Wind Goddess that ruled over her, had complete dominion over this place and all that it was, making this more than a special treat. Others that could not directly communicate with the deities would find themselves having to talk to townsfolk and whatever other beings were residents here, whilst the two guests could have free roam to engage with some of the finer qualities during their stay.

"The Veritas is about as free-roam as one can get," Tia would begin to speak now to Hinata whilst waiting for a response from Nia. Though she was speaking to Hinata the entire time, the statement prior was directed toward Nia. "The more you interact with your surroundings, the better. The more deeply you indulge in the intricacies of the land in all its forms, the more fun you will have, and the more interesting things become." There were many secrets and functions to the Veritas that were all necessary to be explored thoroughly in order to get the full experience, but as it stood, Tia would only give the most minor synopsis, as part of the tour. "Each land in the Veritas is ruled by a God or Goddess, normally referred to as a 'Peace,' which ensures that things are perpetually kept in motion and that Peace is kept within the Veritas in all its layers. Where, in the Dawn, there are many elemental and natural deities to deal with, in the lower levels of the Veritas, there is more diversity in architecture, environmen, culture, style and management of every single layer." Granted, one would have to thoroughly and deeply explore every one in order to fully grasp it, but as it stood, this was the general synopsis.

"It is to be noted that every last inch of the Veritas is alive, and therefore will respond like a living being." That was important for knowing how to treat the Veritas, and to know how the Veritas would treat others if it were mistreated. "What is it that you would care to do, Lady Hinata? To fully enjoy the Veritas, it is imperative to know the will and wants of those that are within." Even though the Veritas would be naturally fulfilling its own desires as it existed, for those that were within, the Veritas fulfilled their desires as the Veritas was also fulfilled.


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyWed Feb 24, 2016 9:56 am

Hinata smiled warmly at Nia. She knew she would take to the world quickly. The young Kusanagi hadn't wanted to come along at first, thinking Hinata was only going to meet with a bunch of old people so they could tell stories of their past or something. However, the girl proved how open minded she was by not pushing away the thought of there being something 'fun' in the new reality either.

"Quite adorable indeed." Whatever choice Nia would make, Hinata would slowly glide beside Tia. As she explained about those who ruled over the aspects of the Veritas, and the fact that the Veritas was a living being, Hinata's gaze would drift below the clouds.

"My husband told me before that the Veritas was a living entity due to being part of Khrona. At least, that's what it was when it was within the realm of Vescrutia. Also, I see you are a very benevolent being. You aided that young man within the desert without the need to. My opinion of you continues to grow."

When asked what she wanted to do Hinata's smile formed a contemplative line. "Ara, ara...It has been a long time since I've had a 'want'. I suppose I only wish to enjoy myself. I dare say my want is what YOU want. But just as the wind, a 'want' can change on a whim, no?" She giggled but hoped to spare Tia confusion. "I believe a fine cup of tea and some good companionship would be splendid."

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Nia Kusanagi

Nia Kusanagi

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyWed Feb 24, 2016 9:59 am

Upon hearing Tia ask if she wanted to play further in the city, Nia's eyes snapped over to her mother. Gaining her unspoken approval Nia stood with puffs of clouds clinging to her dress and hair before clasping her hands over her stomach and bowing once more. "Onegaishimasu!"
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyWed Feb 24, 2016 10:46 am

Tia remained silent for a moment or two, taking the recognition and the compliments as humbly as possible. She was the type of entity to engage in this manner, and was ever vigilant in her duties to the Veritas. She did what she believed proper, and that was all there was to it. She would not shame herself nor dishonor this place, even if there were some Tensei that were far too young and green behind the ears to understand. Tia's age was greater than many of them, and she knew of many things. Yet, her rather stiff demeanor seemed to still be rather restrained.

"You are too kind to this one," she would finally say, bowing her head again to the visiting Lady. "Though yes, you are correct in this place... All of this place... Being Our Father." There were many secrets about this place and the layers that comprised it, as well as the actual true height of the Veritas. As it stood, many could only see the extent of it to the planet itself; the physical portion of the Veritas. Yet, it was far greater than any could initially comprehend, and was hidden from all to that extent for a reason. "... If you wish to see him at any time, you may," she would say, knowing where to escort them in order to accomplish that. "However, if your wishes warrant simply a cup of tea whilst the child is at play..." Tia would smile a bit more softly, rather enjoying a spot of tea, herself. "Be our guest."

Tia's eyes would suddenly burst open, revealing piercing, blazing red eyes like those of a powerful dragon. She threw her arms to the side forcefully, causing a surging current of wind to blast from either side, whilst her hair flared about viciously. The clouds under her dress swirled about her, assimilating with her garb below and spiraling up her body. The clouds rolled over her sleeves like cloth traveling along the wind current and lifting Nia high into the air. The streaming cloud would become like a soaring dragon in the sky, and sparkling with a glittering sheen like that of crystal. The Crystal Cloud, which would carry Nia over the Cloud City, would spread its wings like that of an angel and stretch its body out around the city like the mouth of a tornado. From there, Nia would be able to see the entirety of this layer of the Cloud City below her as she was carried on the back of the Crystal Cloud. She would be kept safe and secure the entire time, yet was also free to interact with this being as she saw fit during her ride.

Meanwhile, Tia's eyes would lower, and she would swirl her arms elegantly between both she and Hinata, something like ancient Chinese movements, and winds would become calmer along with her arm movements. What would be fashioned from the clouds and compressed by the air pressure would be a fanciful table of cloud, where the two of them would be able to have their tea. Tia spun around once, letting her sleeves fly as they may, only for a small bit of the misty air to become a cloudy kettle in her hand, which would be whipped right on the table, whilst in the other hand, on the back swing, would be two tea cups. Tia's eyes returned to a full close after all was set, and with the setting prepared, she would grasp the cloudy teapot (which was already filled with water, naturally,) and bubbling from heated air within. From wherever Tia had snatched this gust of air, with it, she'd already gotten the tea leaves and let them rest as they would whilst she poured the tea for the both of them.
"Enjoy, Lady Hinata," Tia would say, placing the pot down and returning her hands to her sleeves locked before her body. From there, her wispy nigh incorporeal hair would lightly bring her cup of tea to her and she would sip daintily, yet elegantly, and return to her state of what looked to be much restraint.


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyThu Oct 05, 2017 11:40 am

Hinata's mirth seemed to grow upon witnessing Tia make their tea. It was almost like what she had done for Julia within her office of Mylania; using her hair and all. Showing that mirth, Hinata allowed a few strands of her own to hair to flow in front of her, the galaxies within her hair not shifting position even as her hair grew to receive the cup. This young being known as Tia was just as adorable as her own daughter in a way. She wondered if they were around the same age; their mannerisms honestly weren't too far apart. A small motherly sense of protectiveness entered Hinata when she looked at Tia now.


"If I may encroach upon your personal time, what is it that you do, little wind, outside of your duties to this world. You are a being and as such I would assume you take part in your own leisurely activities from time to time."
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Nia Kusanagi

Nia Kusanagi

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyThu Oct 05, 2017 11:47 am

Nia's entire being seemed to elate as she was lifted higher up by the Crystal Cloud. The beauty of the created entity was not lost on her, the spreading of its wings like that of an angel; benevolent she would assume in this case; made her insides soar as well. She stood up on the back of the Crystal Cloud and spread both arms out with her palms up. Within her hands she created two small suns, allowing them to grow to the size of large beach balls and letting out a shine that would make the Crystal Cloud glisten with colors that should not have been able to exist within the Avisora Paradisia.

She was giving a show to the entirety of the realm, along with Tia, allowing her own wings to burst free from her back as burning wind and a halo of fire to engulf the air behind the Crystal Cloud. Her eyes would close and a small smile would adorn her face as she felt the wind of the Crystal Cloud and felt the feelings of every being within Kumo Q.
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Visitation; Tia's Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visitation; Tia's Tour   Visitation; Tia's Tour EmptyFri Oct 06, 2017 9:40 am

The Spirit of the Goddess of Wind buzzed with a tranquil hum in humble temperance to the guest of honor that sat at the table of one who would guide her through the Veritas. The blaring dragon eyes closed up and her eyes sealed tightly; no smile was upon her lips. It seemed that she'd gone into some sort of meditative state of prayer. The intense look upon her face seemed to be expressing extremely strained thought, yet also deep pensiveness and precision in the depth of thought going into her answer given lack of insight on how to express such a deep and personal matter so suddenly. "Rarely Anyone Hears Me Speak..." Tia muttered quietly, "... Even When I Am Screaming..." She thought a little bit harder, seeming to be restraining herself quite a bit whilst attempting to talk or express herself at all. "... I Am Also Actually Rather Shy..." One could nearly see her pale, expressionless face breaking and blushing a bit, though her eyes remained steadily furrowed and unbroken in focus or concentration. "... So Forgive Me If I Am Finding Difficulty Expressing Myself So Quickly About Deep And Personal Matters Such As These..." The Innocence in her Voice chimed in a different pitch and held a different tone than her previous that gave information about things beyond the surface layer and explanatory purpose of the Voice of the Veritas.

"... I Like To Engage In Honorable Combat And Have Deep, Personal Bonds With Those Whom Are Found Honorable. I Also Enjoy Delighting In The Natural Beauty Of The Land In Locations That I Deem Beautiful, Especially In Mine Residence." There were such things that were brought from childhood and matured along with the Spirit of the Goddess, but there were also personal sentiments that came from each of the experiences along the way which built up to the reflective memories that Tia often enjoyed reminiscing about. She hummed quietly and moaned at the thought of her past life experiences as well as her development as a Spirit, a Goddess and an Aethereal being. "I Also Enjoy Expressing My Feelings Openly And Honestly As Well As Enjoy The Company Of Others And Reflect Deeply On Our Personal Relations." She was the quiet type, so to speak, and often being left unheard most of the time made her less willing to speak up about herself before people; she felt more comfortable talking about less personal things so openly so suddenly, but was always open to it as long as she wasn't taken advantage of -- her innocence was completely independently and intrinsically important.

"I Like To Play, Too..." she muttered on, drawing her flowing locks of hair wafting which faded into the transparent air around them yet lightly carried the teacup on an air pocket and breeze suspending it in place but swirling it around before she took a sip of it. "... You And Your Daughter Seem Like Fun People To Play With..." Though Tia muttered this sentiment lowly and to herself, the echo of her own voice ended up carrying her whispers all across the sky's horizon, but fading out of earshot long before. One of the whispers etched itself into the atmosphere as a breath of air and in the wind pocket, a Talisman with a Name on it would draw itself into the vacuum and create an Image of whatever Name was upon the Talisman at the time (of which was Tia, herself). The Image of Tia bled into the vacuous air pocket and stretched it to the fullness of its flexibility to make a tight coat of skin and a thin robe that flowed into the clouds that were evaporating from the heat of the ring of fire that Nia had just released out into the Kumo Q. Tia smiled at Nia from below, her braids of hair seeping into thin air and her long robes like that of a Chinese Empress billowing into the clouds on the layer of air below, forming another layer of clouds on top of the last to blend with the first. "Do You Like To Play, Too...?"
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