The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 The Veritas; Game Mode

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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
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The Veritas; Game Mode Empty
PostSubject: The Veritas; Game Mode   The Veritas; Game Mode EmptySun Mar 20, 2016 7:45 pm

The Game
One of the many different features of the Veritas is the manner in which you actively participate in the Veritas. One of these ways is by playing the Veritas in 'Game Mode' rather than 'Story Mode,' where instead of random events happen as they occur, a programmed sequence of events will play out in order to provide fun Quests, Missions and Adventures for people who are exploring the Veritas to undergo. This is typically for people who are 'Nomads' or 'Otherworlders' or people who decide that they do not want to stay in one place in the Veritas and need something to do that's outside of the Main Story Line or their own Stories.

The object of the game is to discover how the Veritas works as well as its secrets, to grow stronger as a person and with abilities or techniques, and to explore as much of the land as possible and acquire as much as possible.

In Game Mode you have the option of learning how to use the Command Input on the Basic Level in the Veritas in order to play using a standardized system. These Commands will be listed and taught, but are not required to actually play the game itself properly. Hence, 'Standard' and 'Freestyle' Mode.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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The Veritas; Game Mode Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Game Mode   The Veritas; Game Mode EmptyMon Mar 21, 2016 10:20 am

(Outdated; WIP)

Tabrith System

The Tabrith System is the mind of Khrona Tensei written in digital form and translated into a gaming system that is run on the operating or console system that is his daughter, Tabitha, known as Grand Tabritha. Tabrith is the Omnipedia, an infinitely large Grimoire that harbors the entire code of the Veritas as a Game itself, whilst Grand Tabritha is the system that runs and runs off of the Tabrith System. It's a Father-Daughter project between the father that made the game and the daughter that takes on and runs the game. The Game's operational functionality consists of the following.

Grand Tabrith - Game Creator/Ruler
Grand Tabritha - Game Operator/Gamemaster
Tabrith - Game Design
Tabritha - Game Navigator/Helper
Tabrynth - Game Programmer/Overseer

The Tabrith System also serves as a multipurpose communication device that allows others to speak to others who are playing directly through exchanged links. With it active, one would be able to see, hear and experience things in a manner that many other people who were not currently playing the Veritas as a game could not see, such as Menus, Icons, Targeting tools, Commands and other digital assortments and labels that came only with the game version of the Veritas. This also allows for instantaneous travel to others who are playing the game (if such is agreed upon) and if a Resonance Bond is formed, the sharing of special abilities. 

Tabrith can also be used as a dousing machine for finding any items. Tabrith as a whole has access to all information, all links, all connections, all knowledge and all data as a standard, which is how he is allowed to connect to others and feed them the necessary information about the goings on of the Veritas and worlds beyong, Monsters and anything else scanned or analyzed by it, making it quite the useful tool for anything one wishes to know on the fly.

Tabrith will 'save the data' of whomever is playing, functioning as a storage space for all such information, and is able to open up menus inside of people's minds in order to help them make quick mental decisions like opening up the Zero World Shop, changing Classes or listing Class Abilities. He is also able to give suggestions on the best course of action, if either necessary or asked to do so. He can analyze and input monster data completely and fully once the monster has been scanned, allowing the user to know all there is to know about the specific creature (unless stated otherwise.) This also works for people and objects other than energy or monsters.

Energy Reading
Being part of the Tabrith System allows one to see and scan natural energy in the Veritas to its different intensities and degrees. This energy, known as 'Creative Energy, Spiritual Energy and Life Energy,' are the three major types of energy that are within the Veritas that are scanned by the Tabrith System and analyzed for your understanding. It helps to know if there is energy that is impure or tainted and will alert you to hazardous energy in the air so that you can either attempt to remedy it or avoid it altogether if it's too much for you to handle.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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The Veritas; Game Mode Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Game Mode   The Veritas; Game Mode EmptyMon Mar 21, 2016 10:59 am

The Omnipedia; Omnidex
The Omnipedia is the entirety of the Veritas' information inside of a single grimoire, binding together the History, Items, Techniques, Landscape and all else that actually contributes to the grand design of the Veritas as an interior and whole concept. Omnidexes are slivers of the Omnipedia that are gifted to those that are playing the Veritas as a game in order for them to learn more about the Veritas through direct download and analysis of data. Though everyone's Omnipedia starts off blank, as they add to it, more gets written into it as they learn more about the Veritas and also, sometimes, even new things get added to the Veritas due to events that happen with someone playing the game and gathering data in game! Therefore it's good to play often and do as much as possible, because it may contribute to the growth of the Veritas, and you never know if it could be you that actually makes something happen or established permanently. So be sure to fill up your Omnidex with as many records and as much data about the Veritas as possible. Then you, too, can master the Veritas!

The Omnidex
An Omnidex is one's blank book that is meant for pure documentation. It will analyze, record, establish and realize data that it has collected from its wielder, its Chomao and the Veritas, itself. It has a multitude of functions, though because it is meant to extend the Omnipedia's already vast information bank, each one given to each person starts off completely blank. The 'New Energy' that lingers around the Veritas is complete and has not yet been observed; it is different from the Old Energy that circulates in all other dimensions and instead of being unstable and destructive, it mingles and interacts with other New Energy circulating through the Veritas and creates new forms of energy, creation and things of the like that have never before been seen, experienced or even established in any other dimension. That is why the Omnipedia needs to record this information. It harbors the information of all other dimensions except for the new things that appeared in the Veritas. This is where the 'Omnidex' users come in to help record findings and manipulate this 'New Energy' themselves in order to create other forms of 'New Energy.' This is their task from accepting the 'Omnidex.'

Chomao are Technology Sprites; a race of being that were on the verge of extinction after having their Data haphazardly absorbed and destroyed. They flourish now from the last of their kind, spawning from the Omnipedia considered the children of the Tabrith System and to Grand Tabritha to assist as guides to others, similarly like Tabritha does. These Technology Sprites are sent to hover around active participants as their universal guides and data keepers during their endeavors They are like Fae that are born of Data rather than of Manna, which are two different types of 'Mind' or 'Creative Energy.'  They could be considered a mixture of Chao, Moogles, NetNavi, Pokemon, Digimon, Mamono, Medabots and all sorts of other helpful partners merged into a single classification of entity with the sole purpose of helping out their Omnidex user. Combining all of the information of each of these beings into one, they, in and of themselves, have a plethora of functions that are independent of the Omnidex's own personal functions. They will be listed in the 'Chomao' section for further info. They serve as the personal Security System of each Omnidex, and are completely customizable down to their very shape and form. They are also capable of obtaining Classes, as well, in order to help support the user. The more powerful they get, the more access to information they are capable of granting to the user. In order to learn more techniques of a higher level, one must power up their Chomao, first.

If a Chomao dies, one loses their link to their Omnidex and can no longer access it until their Chomao is restored or unless they get a new one. If people do not use their Chomao, their Omnidex will not upgrade, and thus, neither will their abilities. They can only access/establish a link to Tabrith through the Chomao. Chomao are capable of sensing other Chomao nearby, as well as things that are able to be scanned and detected, such as Energy, Items or Monsters. They are also able to download items, weapons, etc. and use them in storage (as Tabrith itself is not only infinite data and information, but an infinite storage system as a Grimoire of unlimited space, being a Grim after all). The largest amount of storage space one is permitted to have is a single Yottabyte. Chomao are Technology Sprites that grow, adapt, learn and evolve, because in additions to being pure data, they are also living, sentient beings. They are able to change into whatever form the user desires (such as a cell phone, a computer, a book, etc.) but once the desired form for the Chomao to take has been put in place, it will only be able to assume that SINGLE form beyond its normal Chomao form, so choose wisely. Chomao are completely customizable, which become an element akin to your own personal affinity. They are able to fight for you or alongside you, and grow and learn techniques just the same way you do. They harbor your Subclass when you are not using it, so that you can also switch between your main and sub classes at will whilst also training the techniques through use of the Chomao.

*NOTE: Chomao are ONLY capable of using abilities that are of their classes. However, they have the SPECIAL ability to be able to create NEW abilities from the old ones, which are then recorded in the Omnidex and become available for all to use, including the user. They may only create abilities based on the level that they are at, however.

Personal Image Creator
The most primary and readily available function of each 'Omnidex' is access to the 'Personal Image Creator,' or 'P.I.C.' for short. Within the Omnidex's P.I.C., there will be a list of 'Classes' you can obtain to fit your 'Personal Image.' Each 'Class' has a specific 'Teaching' for one to learn and master (if they so choose) whilst they have access to the Omnidex, in order to help further learn about the 'New Energy' as well as to create more functions from the 'New Energy' based on the information listed and stored within the Omnidex. For example, if you are a Warrior, you will have access to Warrior-like abilities, which can be used in tandem with your own. It is also suggested that ones who decide on a 'Class' do things that would help strengthen their 'Class,' such as perhaps, if one were a Bishop, to become the head of a Church, or overseer of a Cemetary, just to name a few suggestions. Though this is not required, nor is establishing a 'P.I.C.' or even accessing any of its powers, it remains as an option to those who wish to use it as long as they have access to an Omnidex.

Class Info
Classes are the art that you specialize in, and what dictates your abilities and your specialties from your selection. There are many types that you can choose from, so pick which every one you feel is best for you and your 'Personal Image'. Though it is suggested that one chooses a Class that is helpful to building their Character, it is not a requirement, but merely a recommendation in order to help others mold their Character into what they wish to be, hence the 'Personal Image Creator's' main function. To obtain these Classes, one must access their Chomao, which is the Security System of each Omnidex to prevent access to too much information.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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The Veritas; Game Mode Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Game Mode   The Veritas; Game Mode EmptyMon Mar 21, 2016 11:15 am

Battle System
Instead of the normal 'Battle Style' that happens in 'Story Mode,' the 'Game Mode' Battle System has an actual structure that is independent of the manual or normal battles that may go on with people who are not playing the Veritas as a game. This Battle System, being structured and organized, teaches anyone and everyone how to use the Veritas' features in order to protect themselves on their own without them having to learn on their own through trials and tribulations undergone via the 'Story Mode' adventure. Therefore, the 'Game Mode' Battle System helps people get accustomed to fights in the Veritas that are organized rather than all over the place. This is also taught in Pandemia.


Battle Style; Formations

There shall be different types of Formations depending on what type of Battle Style you have. Knowing what type of battler you are is important to being effective, and also in making functioning teams. At a base level, everything in the Veritas follows a certain Battle Style, even if they do not directly acknowledge it, and this can be applied to both people and monsters, even if they are not playing. This is what makes the universal features of the Tabrith System applicable to anyone and everything. The Formations of the Battle Styles are as follows:

The Assault/Assailant - Physical Attacker
The Circuitbreaker - Special Attacker
The Savior - Defenders (Tanks), Counterattackers
The Wire - Supporters (Buffers/Status Boosters)
The Life Support - Healers, Protectors
The Hacker - Supporters (Debuffers/Status Ailments)

The Omnidex is arranged so that the Classes have these as their standard battle formations, and depending on what type you choose to be depicts which techniques you are eligible to learn, rather than those who are not playing the Game having to simply learn these Classes from Pandemia in an order that is not designated toward Battle Style but more on personal preference, alone. Some classes may have more or unique battle formations and others may have less depending on how the class itself is meant to be used. These are simply here to help people understand their role and the class itself in a more personal and logical manner rather than the versatility and flexibility of the open environment taught via Pandemia's Classes.

These Battle Formations help people to work together in groups and as teams, as that may be required to face some larger threats or adversity; working together. Some may decide to be the attackers whilst others may be defenders or supporters, or even healers. If everyone matches their roles, they can get things done more efficiently than if they were done alone. Also, there may be times where teamwork is absolutely essential to take down a certain foes or get past a certain area. This makes great use of the Battle Formations.

*Questionable: (How many attacks you are capable of maintaining at once is dictated by your level of newness. Unless stated otherwise, everyone is capable of using only one technique at a time from their Job Class with a maximum of 3 times per post. This can be either the same technique or three different techniques, and is considered to be your 'action time' you could say, and as long as you have time to react, you may do so 3 separate times one at a time within a post.

Ex. Strange Man Number 1 wishes to fight Khrona. He jumps high into the air and comes down with a forceful punch.

Khrona sees the man leap into the air and prepares to evade by using (insert speed boost technique here) so that he may be quick enough to dodge the man as he comes down. (First Action Used). After he evades the punch, Khrona uses (insert attacking technique here) to strike the opponent from behind. (Second Action Used.)

Now granted, you do not HAVE to use all three action points within one post if you do not want to, as you can clearly see, you can use either one or two or all three if you so choose. This is limited ONLY to the use of Final Fantasy powers and does not dictate how you use your other RP techniques, so you are not limited to three actions per post in total, just three actions per post when using the Class powers. Make sense?)

Proficiency increases with time, skill, rank, rating and other factors such as training and practice, so that later on in life, you can be a badass doing all sorts of cool things much more frequently in a single post.

Levels of Learning
Naturally, not everyone can learn everything all at once. There are several specific levels of practice one must obtain to achieve the next level of mastery. The first indicates the level of the technique as well as the Chomao, in parenthesis is the level that your character must be in order to have access to it.

Basic Level (Spirit): Basic foundation level of learning. Gotta start off with the basics. Normally very few requirements, gets people in the gist of learning their Class.

Novice Level (Anima): The next step up from the Basics, usually requiring a little bit more of a challenge to learn and maintain. Some requirements here or there sometimes, but more or less just a tiny step up from the Basic level of learning.

Intermediate Level (Wraith): The midway point of the low class stuff to the higher class stuff, usually requiring more patience, more time and possibly even an advance on some other things, such as the weapon of choice for the Class or even outside elements that work hand in hand with said Class.

Advanced Level (Spectre/Phantom): Playing with the big boys now. This is where things really get intense and the learning is just as strenuous as doing missions, however for a very good reason and a very good reward. May require a lot of time and patience, but it always ends up worth it. This is the highest level that can be achieved on your own.

Master Level (Essentia): The real top dog level of learning. Since not everyone can become a Sannin, these must be learned directly from a Sannin level member (or higher) who has learned such techniques, normally involving them taking up pupils or students. After the abilities are taught to the lower level Jounin and specialized ANBU, the lower level Jounin are able to then teach it to other Jounin. No one under Jounin should know these abilities, however, unless special notice has been taken beforehand.

Forbidden Level (Deus): Things that no one except a Kage should know. Normally, the highest and most powerful level abilities, which would then be only taught to the most trusted of trusted people with said abilities. Though these types of abilities can only be taught by Kages, it doesn't mean that other means of learning cannot be met (such as, learning from Monsters, Guardians, Summons, etc.) however, they can only be taught with the supervision of a Kage-level member, to avoid misuse.

Rating System and Spoils

Tabrith has an automated rating system that will decide how good or bad someone has done based on many variables, such as efficiency in combat, strategy, proficiency in use of skills, natural level and things of that nature. The rating is averaged based on how well one does in the actual RP. Getting a better rating will help you master your class techniques faster, so always remember to do your best if you want to master all of them!

The better one does, the better their spoils may be from certain creatures, which is also dictated by the rating system. Another very important reason why you want to do your best, so you can achieve the rarer items and more gold.

Download Items are special items that are taken from monsters based on rating and ranking. The higher rank and rate, the better the download item. Normal Drop items remain the same consistently on specific monsters, where Download Items are special and specific to only certain monsters.

Tabrith ranks will upgrade when one receives a high rating. This can effect how much more data is able to access from the Data Realm (Infinite Sea). One star is lowest, 5 Star is highest. The more stars one receives, the more perks and rewards become available to them over time. Tabrith becomes capable of sensing rarer items, unusual occurrences, stronger monsters, secrets and many other special things the more data it allows its users to see.

Last edited by Tabi on Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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The Veritas; Game Mode Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Game Mode   The Veritas; Game Mode EmptyMon Mar 21, 2016 11:16 am

NeoZero World Shoppe; Items and Storage
Throughout the Veritas, there is an shop known as the 'NeoZero World Shoppe' that is connected to the Tabrith System. It manages and stores your items for you and allows you access to the shop from different locations through the digital system. You may order potions or other items immediately from the Zero World, as long as you give up something that is of equivalent value to the item you are attempting to purchase, be it actual money or something you don't want or need anymore, or even something you've found that is worth a lot. At that moment, the item given up for tribute will be erased and in its place, something of equivalent value will be spit out from the Zero World. Though the most obvious method of currency is Gold (as it can be replaced), things such as Weapons, Sentimental Items, or other items of importance and be used as well, and value will be determined based on the item and what it was worth (be it in gold value or sentimental value, or things of that nature. All value is useful in making exchanges in the Zero World, so anything and everything can be used as currency for it.)

Chrysms and Prysms
Chrysms are shards of raw energy turned into pure crystal, harboring the energy of what energetic form has been crystallized. Even purified souls are capable of becoming Chrysms. Chrysms come in many different shapes and forms and harbor tons of different energies based on what kind of Chrysm it is (think of Chrysms like Materia or Magicite or things of that nature in the FF universe). They are crystallized energy of the purest form, and thus anything and any energy can be crystallized to become a Chrysm. However, as mere fragments, most Chrysms only conduct and radiate the energy they were made from and use it as a power source. When one finds many of the same Chrysm or similar Chrysms that can merge together, they can be combined to make a completed Chrysm known as a Prysm, which has far more energetic power and versatility. Chrysms and Prysms are hidden throughout the Veritas in many secret locations, but acquiring them will boost your power depending on whatever Chrysm or Prysm there is.

Note: Crystal Tears are special Chrysms that are capable of bringing and taking life. They function as the 'phoenix downs' of the world. They are also capable of causing Crystal Flowers to bloom, which harbor very special secrets if one is able to find them. They're like treasure chests, these Crystal Flowers, so try to keep a Crystal Tear handy if you can.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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The Veritas; Game Mode Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Veritas; Game Mode   The Veritas; Game Mode EmptyMon Mar 21, 2016 11:26 am

Event Details, Instructions and Guidelines
Events will pop up randomly to be done, and can be anything from a small occurrence or a monster hunt to a large surplus of energy needing purification. This can affect something as small as monster behavior to things as large as weather, reality alterations, space and time or even death. You never know because the game is randomly generating things and also randomly finding things that are already generated or actively happening outside of the game that get sucked into the game once a player finds them. 

Monsters and Hunts
Monsters that are either in their natural habitat or wild and out of control will show up in the game to be scanned by the Omnidex, and by that time it will be up to you to decide to kill it and take its soul or resonate with it and try to keep it as a companion. Both have their risks, as one who eats too many souls for power with no control will become Tainted or corrupted into a Falshin, and those who try to resonate with a monster too wild or too powerful (and seems to refuse to calm down) will try to attack you rather than acknowledge you trying to befriend it. When you either kill or resonate with a monster, its data is absorbed into the Omnidex. You can scan monsters to learn more about them and have your Omnidex automatically process things that may come up, such as weapons, techniques, abilities, appearances, habitats and things of that nature. This helps complete the Omnidex and helps others get to know the environment and the creatures within the environment better. Those who are able to achieve a Resonance with a monster and befriend it can call upon them for help later on, and train the monster as if it is their own pet or friend.

Creature Data Extraction
Absorbed monsters can be called back by recalling what souls you have absorbed through your Soul Count (so make sure you keep track somewhere, make a list or something). This is done by Tabrith reconstructing the soul from data, meaning that this ability is only for those who have an Omnidex. The monster still functions the exact same way, even as a virtual being since its soul that was extracted is used as the raw construction data material. Therefore, even as data the monster is a REAL living being. However, because of their entire makeup being that of their soul, when they are destroyed, they are gone for good, their data spreading in the wind and reconstructing itself somewhere else as something else, and you lose the ability to call that monsters data back to you because it was destroyed in battle. They may be called in any way possible and may assume numerous different energetic forms as conduits (such as pure chakra, pure fire, perhaps made of energies specific to certain characters?)

Resonated monsters do not have their souls absorbed into the Omnipedia container (Chomao), but instead become naturally friendly and will remember the one they resonated with. They may come to help them in battle, be called upon for support in a sticky situation, or anything a loyal friend or noble ally would do to help someone that was good to them. They also allow the shared use of their natural abilities, techniques and power as well as special ways to communicate with them through the soul. Some may even have the potential to become 'Soulmates' and function as 'Instruments' for certain people, so do not overlook that possibility!

With monsters whose souls have been extracted can be trained with at any given time, like they are companions for one to interact with. Be careful not to kill it, however.
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