The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!

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Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta
Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Oct 10, 2018 1:06 pm

Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Street10

Fourth Restriction -- Archsage Witch Doctor; Nightstorm Badass. A giant, living, walking energy source in the shape of a thirteen foot tall pumpkin-headed scarecrow. Is a Pumpkin Head that gives itself energetic shape by its own Living Shadow, called 'Nightshade', which is an extension of itself. The one who dons the Pumpkin Head becomes Pumpkinhead's Vessel for a time, sharing all of his elemental abilities with them through unified consciousness. Has a 'Family Heirloom' that is dear to him.

Rituals: Friday The Thirteenth, Vow Of Silence, Black Friday (Friday The Thirteenth)

Tymon's Dangerous Sex Drive (WARNING!)
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Delta Creatures
Kami of the Veritas
Delta Creatures

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Oct 10, 2018 1:08 pm

A horde of wild Street Rats scuttled up from underground and from underneath the sewer plates, scurrying around the city in a frantic panic.

The Street Rats were very cautious and conscious of their territory, even though they were in a panicked state because of their natural habitat underground and in the city's dingy places being damaged and disrupted.

Any sudden movements or foreign creatures made them jump out of instinctive reflexive fear.

The Street Rats, though small and cowardly, would react more viciously when in a frantic or panicked state, where each of their sensitive senses were heightened to a peak in order to ensure survival.
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Meo Meikyuu the Lapis Lazuli Yangchrysm :: Platinum Princess, Alice of the Crystal Shell

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Oct 10, 2018 6:46 pm

Mizi, the eager Delta Townsfolk who drew her companion, Dye-Anna, closer to her would hear the sound of screeching creatures in a tizzy somewhere near the manholes and debris, where they lived.

"These creatures are all in a 'Frantic' state. It would be best to approach them with caution."
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Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta
Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Oct 10, 2018 6:47 pm

Dye-Anna was not too far behind from Mizi, since Mizi had her hand. When she stopped, so did Dye, and the two of them would look on from a distance at the horde of these rodents running around seeming to be seeking out refuge... or something to vent their frustration on.

"We've got to calm these rats down!" Dye-Anna exclaimed to Mizi. "Monkey!! Tell me how to use some of my power so that I can help ease their spirits! Then we can all tell whether they are good or bad and work from there!"
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Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta
Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Oct 10, 2018 6:48 pm

Monkey was wiser than the two young sprouts that were below -- they who were not one with nature yet, as Monkey was. He could see that it was not yet time for any sort of reaction, because the Street Rats hadn't yet settled down in their places and could rear up as a group when in a panic instead of strike individually as you got close to one whilst the others cowered in their holes waiting not to be seen. Thus, "It Is Wise To Let Them Scurry And To Stay Back For A Short Time," the Monkey stated. "Patience, Children. All Will Fall Into Place." He gazed deeply into the area and watched where every single Street Rat was trying to go, despite the erratic movements.

Fourth Restriction -- Archsage Witch Doctor; Nightstorm Badass. A giant, living, walking energy source in the shape of a thirteen foot tall pumpkin-headed scarecrow. Is a Pumpkin Head that gives itself energetic shape by its own Living Shadow, called 'Nightshade', which is an extension of itself. The one who dons the Pumpkin Head becomes Pumpkinhead's Vessel for a time, sharing all of his elemental abilities with them through unified consciousness. Has a 'Family Heirloom' that is dear to him.

Rituals: Friday The Thirteenth, Vow Of Silence, Black Friday (Friday The Thirteenth)

Tymon's Dangerous Sex Drive (WARNING!)
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Delta Creatures
Kami of the Veritas
Delta Creatures

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyThu Oct 11, 2018 9:54 pm

Out of all of the Street Rats that were running about, there was only one that actually had no place to run and hide with all of the others and no means of escape, ending up right in front of the team.

Its first instinct was to attempt to 'Intimidate' them, especially by hissing at them and hoping to make them cower in a similar fashion that it would 'Cower' if it were 'Intimidate'd.

Next, it would puff up its body and cause its fur to stand up on end so that it looked larger than it actually was, hoping to add an extra 'Effect' to the 'Intimidation' that it was doing before.

After that, the Street Rat would cry out to any of the other Street Rats that might be in the area for help.
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Meo Meikyuu the Lapis Lazuli Yangchrysm :: Platinum Princess, Alice of the Crystal Shell

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2018 12:43 pm

"Be careful!" Mizi shouted out to Dye-Anna, "That one creature is calling for help!" She was able to see where the others had gone and was clearly aware that they would rear up if they were able to regroup. "Don't let it get to the others, or else they will come back as a large group!" Mizi did her best to keep the situation under control.

She would conjure up a bit of liquid in her hand and condense it into the form of a ball. When Mizi had enough of it compacted into her palm, she would hurl it like a water balloon right behind the creature so that it wouldn't try to run behind. She would do the same thing to keep it from running to any of the other sides, especially if it jumped and tried to go in different directions, keeping her hands filled with 'Water Balloons' and hurling them at a swift pace to keep the Street Rat in place. "Now, Dye!"
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Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta
Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2018 2:08 pm

"Right!" Dye-Anna cried out with passion, knowing with her heart that it was time for her to take some action to prevent harm to her comrades. As much as she wanted not to injure the creature, she knew for a fact that the creature would injure her. When she felt the impulse inside of her heart, it caused her spirit to rise up around her as an aura and extend to the Street Rat that was before her, attempting to resonate with it simply by her willpower alone.
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Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta
Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2018 5:24 pm

Monkey was impressed with what he saw in Dye-Anna's heart. Her 'Spirit' had risen up from out of her 'Vessel' and began to resonate with the creature that was calling for help and viciously threatening the party. Naturally, Monkey already knew what to do about this situation, since he was an experienced and more well aware creature than all of the others, having been in the wilderness and among the other beings for an extended period of time before meeting with his partner, Dye.

Without warning, when Dye extended her own Spirit toward the Street Rat whilst it was calling out to its own kind, Monkey also extended his spirit to her and resonated with it, causing the two of them to bond. This would allow for the both of them to synchronize and also to harmonize with the Street Rat and whatever it was calling out to at the time, giving Monkey power over the creatures and Dye-Anna the power to tame them with her Spirit alone.

Fourth Restriction -- Archsage Witch Doctor; Nightstorm Badass. A giant, living, walking energy source in the shape of a thirteen foot tall pumpkin-headed scarecrow. Is a Pumpkin Head that gives itself energetic shape by its own Living Shadow, called 'Nightshade', which is an extension of itself. The one who dons the Pumpkin Head becomes Pumpkinhead's Vessel for a time, sharing all of his elemental abilities with them through unified consciousness. Has a 'Family Heirloom' that is dear to him.

Rituals: Friday The Thirteenth, Vow Of Silence, Black Friday (Friday The Thirteenth)

Tymon's Dangerous Sex Drive (WARNING!)
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Delta Creatures
Kami of the Veritas
Delta Creatures

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2018 7:05 pm

Suddenly, the Street Rat fell soothed to the point of sedation, and the sound of its cry changed.

The rest of the Street Rats that were hidden, which were originally 'Frantic', would suddenly become 'Sedate'd and were soothed in a similar fashion as the first, all to the relief of the party and each of the creatures involved in the scuffle.
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyFri Feb 18, 2022 8:49 am

As such events transpired, a temporal wave fluctuated over the area suddenly. Though it might have gone unnoticed to most, to the Ruler of the Delta, it was to be expected. To that extent, it was she who appeared in a holographic screen before the now placid beings gathered in the Mezzo Villa, who were unaware of the many things that were going on outside of their present situation. "Greetings, Delta Townsfolk," said the Me-ou, whose blond hair framed the outline of the holographic screen, and whose sharp, cold, crystal blue eyes seemed to stare out into the heart of the peoples, "This Is The Me-ou, Ruler Of The Delta, With A Public Service Announcement. As It May Have Been Clear From The Recent Outbreak Of Creatures, The Veritas Is And Has Been Undergoing A Great Shift For Quite Some Time, The Effects Of Which Will Be Impacting To Their Greatest Measure Soon. There May Be A Great Deal Of Turbulence, But There Is No Reason To Be Alarmed. This Is A Public Service Announcement To Inform You Of The Coming Changes, Not To Deter You From Your Present Activities. Continue As You Are, But Do Not Be Alarmed If Certain Things Are Altered For A Short While. It Is All Normal And Under Control."

='The Assault'=
Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Shinie10

"Again, This Is The Me-ou With A Public Service Announcement. By The Time The Effects Have Taken Place, This Screen Will Vanish From Over The City. Until It Does, Understand That Many Things Will Be In Flux. Those Who Are Familiar With The Power Of The Spirit, Do Your Best To Stabilize Everyone And Everything Else, As They May Become Unpredictable." The Me-ou droned on about the same message for a while as if prerecorded, ensuring that anyone who might not have been paying attention was alerted and informed, as it was her responsibility to do.

Not even a few moments after she finished, a powerful force struck right at the point where the screen was stationed, almost like it was a beacon for it. The waves from the force billowed out over the Delta, harming none, but affecting much.
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Meo Meikyuu the Lapis Lazuli Yangchrysm :: Platinum Princess, Alice of the Crystal Shell

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 7:35 am

The powerful waves held much latent energy, which was causing distortions all about. Understanding the properties of waves, Mizi knew how bad this could be in terms of even close-range resonance. "Dye! This couldn't have happened at a worse time! These distortions can disrupt the wavelengths in the air and make it more difficult for us to connect with others, let alone--"

Mizi was suddenly cut off by a distortion that swept over the area, and once it passed, she disappeared. It was a mystery as to what happened to her, but she was no longer present before Dye-Anna, and it could be inferred that a temporal flux altered time around her, and she was somewhere different.
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Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta
Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 3:02 pm

Dye-Anna barely understood what Mizi was saying before she was cut off and disappeared, and this left Dye rather confused. She only had so much grasp on what the Me-ou was saying, as well. It didn't seem like these things were supposed to be happening at all, honestly, and she felt like this was a major disruption in the natural flow of the story. She could feel as if she understood how things were meant to be intended, but did not end up that way, and was now spiraling far away from the intended plotline. Of course, she didn't mind it much, but she couldn't say that she didn't notice it. Maybe it had something to do with what Mizi was talking about before she disappeared.

Dye looked for Monkey shortly after coming to terms with Mizi's sudden disappearance. "Monkey!" Dye-Anna called out to him through all of the strange distortions going on all around. Who knows what could have happened to him, let alone all of the other living beings in the city. The Me-ou said that the waves were harmless, so they shouldn't have been in any danger, but there was still a level of psychological trauma for someone not accustomed to these sorts of things, for sure. The unknowing mind could only process so much.
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Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta
Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 3:10 pm

"Don't Be Frightened, Dye-Anna," said Monkey gallantly, his golden eyes gleaming with light as he puffed hard from his cigar. "Everyone Is Safe. I Am Connected To Them, And So Are You. If Anything Happened To Any Of Them, We Would Have Felt It." The wise Monkey walked through some shifting energy and before Dye-Anna, his black boots halting just before her. "Just Go Where Your Heart Guides You." The discord, though unplanned for, was inevitable by this point, and it proved to be a good transition point for them. "We Will Not Have Another Anomalous Opportunity Like This, So It Is Best To Make Use Of It For Its Actual Use And Not Dwell On Its Inconveniences." Monkey narrowed his eyes. "What Will You Do?"

Fourth Restriction -- Archsage Witch Doctor; Nightstorm Badass. A giant, living, walking energy source in the shape of a thirteen foot tall pumpkin-headed scarecrow. Is a Pumpkin Head that gives itself energetic shape by its own Living Shadow, called 'Nightshade', which is an extension of itself. The one who dons the Pumpkin Head becomes Pumpkinhead's Vessel for a time, sharing all of his elemental abilities with them through unified consciousness. Has a 'Family Heirloom' that is dear to him.

Rituals: Friday The Thirteenth, Vow Of Silence, Black Friday (Friday The Thirteenth)

Tymon's Dangerous Sex Drive (WARNING!)
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Delta Creatures
Kami of the Veritas
Delta Creatures

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 4:29 pm

Of all of the living beings affected by the sudden changes in the Delta, the Delta Creatures seemed to have the most drastic. The native species seemed to develop in a myriad of ways, and even new creatures were introduced into the ecosystem. Before Dye-Anna's eyes, she'd be able to see the blending of the Delta Creatures that had only just broken into the Mezzo Villa now part of its infrastructure. The Delta Townsfolk, who once predominantly traveled with only each other, now had some Delta Creatures of all varieties with them within city limits.
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Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta
Magna Signis the 'Jack O' Lantern' :: Great Furnace; Shinigami of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Mar 02, 2022 1:02 am

It took a while, but after seeing what was going on with the temporal fluxes about the Delta, Dye-Anna became more at peace with the outcome. It seemed like the city was not rejecting or slaying the Delta Creatures, but they were being adopted into the society, which wasn't common before. Each wave brought a new vision of the future-become-present, from small skips to large jumps, yet with Dye-Anna remaining stagnant throughout all the wonder going on around her.

It was then that her heart decided.

"... Monkey!" she called out to her partner, standing up tall and looking up to the screen with the Me-ou's face on it, "... We're going to go throughout the Delta and see what's changed, so we can get our bearings. Then, we're going to figure out what happened to Mizi." If Dye-Anna was correct about her feeling, then she would get everything she needed out of following those two directives right now. She started toward an arbitrary direction, following certain activity that was not happening before, yet seemed like it was custom, somehow -- especially among those associated with the newly inhabiting Delta Creatures.
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Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta
Magnus Ignis the Archsage Witch Doctor :: Nightstorm Badass; Crystal Oversoul of the Delta

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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! EmptyWed Mar 02, 2022 1:07 am

The Monkey of black fur and golden eyes with cigar in mouth gazed with certain intent at Dye-Anna, taking a subtle, but large finalizing puff of his smoke. "... You Got It, Kid," he'd say in his rough and abrasive voice, holding his cigar steady as he walked behind her. He found her response interesting, and wanted to see how her decisions would play out. He did not object to them at all, and seemed completely cooperative with Dye's wishes, yet was ever attentive to her, remaining observant of her...

Fourth Restriction -- Archsage Witch Doctor; Nightstorm Badass. A giant, living, walking energy source in the shape of a thirteen foot tall pumpkin-headed scarecrow. Is a Pumpkin Head that gives itself energetic shape by its own Living Shadow, called 'Nightshade', which is an extension of itself. The one who dons the Pumpkin Head becomes Pumpkinhead's Vessel for a time, sharing all of his elemental abilities with them through unified consciousness. Has a 'Family Heirloom' that is dear to him.

Rituals: Friday The Thirteenth, Vow Of Silence, Black Friday (Friday The Thirteenth)

Tymon's Dangerous Sex Drive (WARNING!)
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Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!!   Mugen Monsters Creature 1; Street Rats!!! Empty

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