The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault

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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyTue Feb 01, 2022 8:26 pm

Due to the accumulation of the different pieces of herself into a singularity, Triere, The Crystal Goddess Of The Veritas, was formed where all of the energies of the higher and lower Restrictions of herself would converge. Born of both their consciousness and intent, Triere, who was the true form, would also harbor all such thoughts and intentions of the other parts of herself that were active.

"Bitchin," she swore, smirking, eyes filled with determination, "Looks Like It's All Coming Back Together." Obviously, there was something only the people of the Veritas could see that was going on in the inside which those beyond would not yet be able to fully comprehend. If even what was directly presented was unable to be fully comprehended, how much more would things to come, until their designated time of being completely understood? Only those of the Veritas knew truly.

Where Triere just so happened to appear was at the supreme command center of one of the greatest weapons in the Veritas -- the one which was given specifically to Triere. As it was located on the Tenth Moon as part of the Tenth Moon itself, and the fact that it was presently the 'Rise Of The Tenth Moon' in the Veritas until the next 'Friday The Thirteenth', -- which would signify its Fall and the Rise of the next Tensei Moon -- the power of the 'Absolution' of the 'Tenth Moon' and the 'Tenth Restriction' was at its pinnacle. "... Daddy Left The Keys In The Tenth Moon," is all Triere said when she discovered just what it was that she was meant to do here in her cockpit.

Before she realized it, she was already commanding 'The Assault', getting it ready to fire.

='The Assault'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault 7th_pl10
"Dynazorabon (Most Powerful Widespread Connection)."
-7th Plague-

Clearly, the first Command was a Spell from a Card, as she understood the goal of the rest of the Veritas and also what was going on with the flow of energy. This was all because she was connected to all of her other Restrictions, which consciously fed her information. Mugeniere, Tempora, and now Triere were all linked up, and Triere was both of their secret weapons.

Through both the connections of Mugeniere and Tempora at Present, Triere was able to zero in on all interconnected energy, as well as the critical points within the flow.

"... This Is Going To Be..." she'd say, gradually more excited as things continued to align, "GIGANTIC!!!"
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 02, 2022 3:14 am

"Did You Get Daddy's Scorching Love Note, Dear Daughter?" spake a rather nonchalant voice from beyond, accompanied by a Dimension Gate that opened up nearby Triere, who was manning the Tenth Moon. "You Said You Wanted To Spend Some Quality Time Together Like I Do With Trinity And Tabitha A Long Time Ago, And Now We Can Have It." It was her Father, The Tyranophant, Ty-kun, floating out of the Most High Realm. In his hand, he bore the very last Card in the Argus Card System, which was going to be applied here. "Now, We'll Be Spending Much More Time Together As Well, Since It Seems Like You Are Ready To Take Helm In The Veritas." For a long while, Triere wanted to have the responsibility of commanding the Veritas, and she also wished to utilize the Weapons System that she was given. With full jurisdiction over the 'Storehouse' of the Veritas, Triere's personal militant force, 'Zettai Reido; The Tundra', would be awoken from slumber during the waning of the Tenth Moon, 'Shin Ekishoutsukiyomi'.

"We've Really Got Some Kind Of Diving Timing, Yeah?" spoke The Tyranophant, who would flip over the Card in his hand. "Considering The Date Being 2/2/22 And Also The Fact That Everything Is Coming Together So Smoothly, Plus All Of The Things That Will Become Of What Has Been Going On Leading Up To This Point..." He showed Triere the Card -- a 'Forbidden Card' -- and said finally, "... One Could Call This Entire Ordeal A Legitimate Act Of God." Who said that 'Acts Of God' could only be classified as destructive?

='Forbidden Cards'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Person10
"Six Of Hearts :: Chemical Creation : Code-O."
-Personal Card-

As sure as he was that Triere wasn't going to be happy that the last card was 'Code-O', given the origins of that specific card's backstory, he was sure that she'd be able to appreciate just as much as he would the symbolism and meaning behind it, as well as the actual function of the 'Code-O' Protocol that was created using the 'Tabrynth', which was formerly known solely as 'Cleff'. "Some Things Just Go Way Beyond The Metaphysical..."
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 02, 2022 3:50 am

Triere looked at the Forbidden Card with a great deal of subtle malice, quite irked that it was not only the last card, but it also made sense in terms of its actual meaning and purpose, plus that it was related to a past relationship of hers, which also bore ties to the 'Zettai Reido', since the translation of the name is 'Absolute Zero', which was the name of the gang she was the leader of which had now become what it was presently. All of it was simply too much of a synchronicity to be believably happening with any type of intention, and yet... Here it was, happening precisely without the intention for it to do so.

"... Ugh," she groaned, rolling her piercing red eyes as 'The Assault' continued to prepare itself, "It Would Be This Card, Of All Cards." Didn't matter. She had a protocol to fulfill right now, meaningfulness behind it or not. "Whatever," she scoffed defiantly, connecting the 'Tenth Moon' to the 'Ninth Restriction', which the 'Code-O' protocol and algorithm were created during the time of the devastation of the 'Lost World'. "I Suppose, If I Understand It Correctly, Then There's No Better Time To Use It Than In A Situation Like This." Granted, she didn't create 'Code-O' and didn't fully understand it like her Father, who created it, did. But she understood it enough to follow the procedure.

At that moment, the 'Ninth Restriction' would be patched through for 'Master Control' to man the systems.
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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 02, 2022 3:57 am

='Master Control'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Cataly10

Quote :
This access code should have Set and Marked both Access Points from the points of the 'Code-O,' as well as the single time period where the 'Code-O' was created, connected each of those to this string of reality. The 'Code-O' was an access code that served as an 'Origin Point' and could connect to any point where the access code had been successfully acknowledged.

Quote :
Once the Code-O had accessed the data from the access point, the final component could be awakened within the Tabrynth.

At that moment, each of the 7 rooms, this one included, would activate their security systems throughout the Testament Palace. This security system was that of the Seven Chakras, which, in order to achieve the full spectrum of the knowledge this tower had, all Seven needed to be passed through. The 'PASSWORD' system also activated at that time, as well, which would lock prisoners in an encryption of passwords that constantly changed based not only on progressive response, but also an AI that learned about the user in custody and applied all such knowledge of the tower to how to deal with the quarantined object. Each password differed between questions, statements, riddles, puzzles, tests, multiple choices, and any form of responsiveness one could imagine requiring the lowest to highest levels of critical thinking necessary for each subject. Thus, the Testament Palace would come to life and so would Tabrith's puzzle.
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 02, 2022 4:20 am

As the Ninth and Tenth were connected through the use of the Code-O protocol, the Origami Crystalmoon, who was known as Ty-chan, awakened from within the Tenth Moon's core, where he liked to rest himself at times. As one of the Four Faces, he was directly associated with the Tenth Moon and the Tenth Restriction, even to a greater degree than most other Tenth Restriction beings.

However, he wasn't in his normal 'Ty-chan' form. In fact, he was actually in the form of the 'White Rabbit' of the Veritas, who was known as 'Ai~Yon U.' Unlike the full Ty-chan, Ai~Yon was a portion that was dedicated for the oversight and companionship of his Future Daughter Triere's incarnations. It was through Ai~Yon that his love for her was solidified, and it would reveal itself to her through him, leading her to all of the fun things that were left for her to manage in the Veritas.

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Arsena10

His presence alone would remind her of the pact that the two of them made with each other during the early years of the Veritas, which set the foundations for its progress. It was now time to rest upon that foundation, and through it, a 'Resonance' would be established between Ai~Yon, Triere, and all of her Restrictions as the Tenth Moon continued on with its progression.
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyFri Feb 04, 2022 4:53 am

Triere couldn't help but smirk at her father's display of love toward her through a bond that only the two of them knew of. He was giving up a lot of power by letting her have so much, and though he would always be the one in control at the end of the day, it still meant something to her for him to let her deal with matters such as these at the helm with him as the subordinate. Granted, at any time he could take executive command, but surely he would only do that when absolutely necessary and not arbitrarily... As, that would certainly cause friction between the two.

In that thought, she thought about the entire experience that they'd been through together, from the time of her coming from another dimension in the future to now. Triere chuckled. "... We Definitely Have Come A Long Way, Huh, Father?" She touched one of the interior walls of The Tundra, reminiscing fondly of when it was gifted to her so very long ago. "... I Was Still Discovering Myself Back Then, But You Left Me These Things... This One, Specifically... As A Sign Of Your Love, Despite How Much I Hated You..." She couldn't say that she understood him back then nor the ways of the Tensei, but after coming into herself and also finding the love within herself, she grew more and more understanding of the Tensei and the customs. "... Even After All Of That Crap We Went Through Because Of You... I Still Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way." Triere tapped at the smooth wall a bit, then centered herself in the control room. "So, Since The Tenth Moon, Which Is Now Risen, Reaches Its Peak And Will Soon Fall..." Triere clenched her fists, crossing her arms decisively. "... Let's Give Them Something To Remember!!!"

The borders of the Veritas were closing very quickly for quite the number of reasons, and it was up to Triere to handle the... 'Security', one could say. As the tactical head of many things in the Veritas under the supervision of her father, she was best suited for the more militant roles. That is why she was going to give the defense of the Veritas her all.

='The Assault'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Set10

Finally, all of the various components of The Assault were primed, ready to take action at any time. Though it seemed like there was no actual threat or target, most of the setup was geared toward potentiality, and even beyond that, there were a number of different focal points far outside of the Veritas that they would all preemptively be prepared for. There was clearly more going on here than just what it appeared to be, especially behind the scenes. This was just here to ensure that it all went off without a hitch.
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Raigami, Crystal Petals of the Crystal Spark :: Crystal Chrysanthemum of the Mezzo Terra
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptySun Feb 13, 2022 4:53 pm

='Pharaoh's Labyrinth'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Ally10

At the lower layer of the Assault, where the 'Arsenal' was located, the 'Royal Servant' of the Veritas was dispatched along with an army of mummy 'Servants' that would serve under the Royal Servant. There, they would man the basic weapons and functions of the Assault, such as simple offense and defense and equipment. The Royal Servant, who looked like a stately, but grim mummy, was ready to be given orders when it was time to start.
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 5:08 pm

='The Assault'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Synchr10

The continued support from more and more parts of the Veritas stacked up as the Assault was activated. With reinforcements sent to man the Arsenal, Triere could further focus on the connection points between all of her different components of her own Thirteen Restrictions. "... Let's See... There's Mugeniere In The Dawn, Who Is Ready For Impact From The Assault... And Then Tempora, Who Is In The Clock Tower, Resolving The Temporal Flux..." She traced her energy down into the lower level from there. "... And Then, In The Delta, Shiniere Is Guiding The Target..." Following Shiniere's blueprint, she would be locked on to it.

"Got It," she said decisively. "Now, It's Lu'Ciere's Turn." Her form as the Judgemaster of the Veritas was a Tenth Restriction being that had direct control over the Tenth Moon, which The Assault was stationed in. With her control outside and Triere's within, they would be able to pinpoint the 'Point Of Interest' established by the focus of Shiniere. "Tenth Moon, Almost Into Position..." Triere iterated. "Steady As She Goes On The Downswing. This Descent Is Critical."
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 6:10 pm

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Coordi10

As noted, Lu'Ciere, who was the Judgemaster, one of the Four Masters of the Veritas, was to handle her share of the Assault. With her intricate judgment, she was able to determine the best possible outcome as well as the best possible path to said best possible outcome, as well as any outcome that would be detrimental to anything hazardous. "Aim..." the Goddess Of Judgment muttered, her clock-like halo of crystalline light rotating what looked like the hands of a clock face, though in opposite order, as if trying to acquire some sort of exactness for whatever reason. As her body was adorned in a regal crystalline gown reminiscent of a general in an army and a judge, she sparkled in the dark atmosphere beyond the Tenth Moon's surface, moving her arms cautiously into a specific position.

"Calculation Complete," she'd say once the time was aligned in space, and potential energy was optimal, "Launch The Assault." Apparently, everything was aligned in favor of the best possible outcome right at this moment, and the Tenth Moon was perfectly aligned to make the transition as smooth and easy as possible. By her judgment, such would come to pass, and it would be the perfect shot.
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 6:32 pm

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Master11
"Engage :: CODE-O"
-Master Control-

The recognition of this command brought the commencement of the Assault, beginning with the procedure of the 'Secret Code.' "Activating Security System." The foremost level of the Veritas Security System was the $yndicate, which carried out most of the protocols issued and maintained them all throughout the Veritas, typically through the $yndicate's direct intervention or involvement. By this account, their presence was very heavily important to the Veritas' functionality, despite being seldom noticed very regularly. Their time in the background had come to an end, for it was now time for the foreground to don its security mechanism, which happened to by the highest level of the $yndicate that came before the 'Seven Badasses'. The booting of the Security System would cause a trickle-down effect throughout the rest of the Veritas, and further integrate the $yndicate into each level of the Veritas.
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The $yndicate
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 6:48 pm

='Master Control'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault The_yn10
-The $yndicate-

With the command of the Ninth Restriction, which governed all things virtual, the $yndicate which was assigned under the Ninth Restriction's protocol would undergo its processes. All of the dormant beings awoke in their time and began to set themselves up as if to assist the Launch of The Assault automatically, like it was part of their purpose. They filled the interior of the Assault and even joined the mummies in at the Arsenal. Others still even extended themselves to the far reaches of the Veritas Universe to pursue their intended purposes.

When in place, the $yndicate that was within the Assault would relay the message to Triere at the helm. "Security System Armed." From there, they could also directly communicate with the other layers of the $yndicate, which were mostly stationed on the Veritas Planet.
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyFri Feb 18, 2022 8:34 am

Triere smirked. "Excellent Work, Team." Lu'Ciere, the Judgemaster, already calibrated for the Launch, and Mugeniere, who was on the Veritas Planet in the Dawn, had called to Launch The Assault. Shiniere, directly below and in the Delta, fixed the position, and so, that only left Triere to... "Launch The Assault." It seemed like the very term had many layers to it, each one having the same command, yet referencing different layers. It sounded redundant to one who was unaware of the intrinsic workings, but surely, each time it was said marked the beginning and end of a certain portion, though could also signal the full execution. It was up to the interpretation of the parties involved, who very much understood these technicalities that kept the system running smoothly.

The focused energy drawn from the events happening on the Veritas Planet maintained the link necessary for The Assault to launch with pinpoint precision; with accuracy that was nigh unfathomable from such recesses of deep space undefined. A powerful beam was released from the bottom of The Assault, where a type of barrel had been extended during the startup process, and was further aimed by the Judgemaster only moments ago. Triere monitored the trajectory and all calculative variables that went into its steadiness, as well as the intended target point. As of now, it was all up to Shiniere... The Me-ou.
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The Me-ou
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
White Rain Moon, Daddy's Little Angel :: The First Tenseingel; Peace of the Delta
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyFri Feb 18, 2022 8:55 am

='The Assault'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Shinie11

When the target area was struck and impact was made from The Assault, a screen appeared in the control room where Triere was stationed with the face of one who looked very similar to her, only bearing blond hair, crystal blue eyes, and black garb. "Direct Hit," said she who was like Triere, known as Shiniere, "Successful Impact. Proceed To Next Phase."
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 6:08 am

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Releas10
-Release The Titans-

"Bitchin," said Triere again, who suddenly became hyperattentive on a singular focal point, of which the rest of The Assault gravitated towards in some way, "I Suppose That It's About Time To Release Some Ground Troops, Since It Looks Like Someone Decided To Step Into The Line Of Fire, And Other Things Need To Be Progressed Rather Skillfully." She knew that someone was going to try them whilst they were setting up, and now it was time to show them what they were up against. The Assault was no joke, as it had destroyed a great deal of things in its history, one of the most notable being the place where it was conceived.

The already pulsating beam of energy shifted its essence into a frequency that resonated with the hidden powerhouse residing in a place kept out of bounds, because they were also considered 'Lawless Gods', to a certain degree. They were known as 'The Titans', and they were important to the Veritas, as some of the Veritas inhabitants were indeed Titans or descendants of Titans. One of the Titans was gathered into what the Veritas knows as 'The Tyranophant', and lives on as a Tyrant God amongst the Titans -- the legendary Typhon. It would be this Titan that would be released first in order to free the others.

"... As Much As I'd Hate To Call Upon Him..." muttered Triere, who rather enjoyed doing things on her own and succeeding by her own merits, "... There Is No Denying That He Is Best Suited For Commanding The Titans Right Now. There Is A Chance That They Will Battle Each Other, But There Is Also A Chance That They Will All Work Toward A Collective Goal." The energy beam should have harbored the energy of The Tyranophant, which would manifest in the target area and allow for The Titans to be summoned to that location and anywhere else he felt like, given the protocol 'Release The Titans'.

She knew her father would do her proud. This was HER mission, now, after all -- that meant HE was the subordinate here, and it was by his own declaration that he would allow her to have this. Thus, she knew he wouldn't disappoint her -- not when she felt she'd done so much for him when she was subordinate to him. She surely hoped that he didn't undermine her now.
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 6:22 am

"Ah... Dragon God Von Dragon God, At Your Service, My Daughter," said The Tyranophant as his presence manifested, but not as himself, as his 'insane' self, which he called 'Typhon'. It was only so coincidental that Typhon was the God of the Lawless Gods, and that The Tyranophant frequently allowed this part of himself to ravage the Lawless Land freely. The Titans lived in a special place within the Lawless Land which The Tyranophant guarded. Once it was time to release them, only a well-known figure with respectable power among their own would be able to lead them, otherwise they would all inevitably simply try to head the operation and end up fighting. Therefore, the strongest among them needed to keep them all aligned, and though conquered by Zeus, Typhon was considered the strongest of them all. Fortunately, no Zeus of any level could ever hope of trumping The Tyranophant -- not even by a single tiny shot. The difference in power was too unfathomable, even when he wasn't at full power.

Over the years, though Typhon never grew weaker, it became less and less a portion of The Tyranophant, and the power scales up, meaning Typhon could become far more powerful than before simply by being attached to The Tyranophant, whereas before, the Tyranophant might have become more powerful by scaling up into Typhon. This would secure his power, status, and rank among the Lawless Gods, but what it wouldn't do was keep everyone aligned or in order outright, and it was still quite a potential that they would mess up everything trying to test this power in order to trump it rather than work with it and increase its efficacy. Such was one of the main reasons why the Titans -- which some know as the Nephilim -- destroyed themselves, though they destroyed their fathers, and were also imprisoned.

The Tyranophant would guide Typhon from the Assault, and Typhon would simply move as The Tyranophant pleased, like any regular Piece.
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Raigami, Crystal Petals of the Crystal Spark :: Crystal Chrysanthemum of the Mezzo Terra
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyFri Mar 04, 2022 8:37 pm

='Pharaoh's Labyrinth'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Arsena10

Shortly after the Titans were released from the Assault along with Typhon, Franquere, the Royal Servant down below at the Arsenal of the Assault, reported a successful connection to Triere. "... The Titans are mobile," he said to her. "The Arsenal is on standby, awaiting your command." The Arsenal was the first line of offense of the Assault, and it also served as substantial support when it came to larger scales of the Assault, such as when they Release The Titans. If any extra threats became active, or if the Titans down below needed backup, the Arsenal would be the first line of assistance, commanded of course by Triere Tensei.
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptySat Mar 12, 2022 5:54 am

Quote :
Hikarigami Tempora summoned the power of the 'Zeitgeist', which was known as 'Spirit Of Time'. Not only would this create Zeitgeists, it would allow for Tempora to control the spirits of the other versions of herself and unify them in continuity. She cast forth the Zeitgeists and used the technique of the same name to call upon all of her spirits from each of her different Restrictions and establish a 'Temporal Resonance' between their souls, a great type of 'Soul Resonance' that flowed through time.

"As long as there is Light Within Me, there is Hope For The World. I Will Protect It. That is My Philosophy and My Truth."

Tempora Tensei is a Hikarigami (Light Goddess) of the Veritas, specifically being the Time Goddess after inheriting the title of the head 'Hikarigami' from her mother and father, Teleine and Teus, who are the other two Hikarigami. She is the one who maintains all things temporal in the Veritas. Before acquiring the 'Gear Of Time', which powers all temporal events in the Veritas, and also serves as part of her essence, she was known simply as Magenta, and still goes by that name often. Though she had a physical form and an Appearance, Tempora tends to remain surrounded in a veil of light known as 'Vilon', and to remain ambiguously among the folds of time until a time of her choosing to reveal her actual form underneath her veil of 'Timelight'.

I Know I Can... ~~ (Battle Theme)
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptySat Mar 12, 2022 6:11 am

='The Assault'=
Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Alignm10

The power of Triere's Sixth Restriction form, Tempora, had finally awakened and joined the other parts of Triere's Thirteen Restrictions. As a very integral part of her being and the Veritas, it was only once the Time Goddess that harbored the Gear Of Time brought all time into alignment that Triere would have the best shot. "It Is Time!!" she shouted, the Assault having finally completed the Code-O protocol, "It's Time To Seal The Deal!" The Assault wasn't just use for offense, but it had a great many universal purposes, including general protection. It had the power to seal away large things and also create multiple seals simultaneously, both binding and blocking.

The alignment of the Assault and her Thirteen Restrictions plus all that were in position to make this happen at this particular moment were all bound together with a "CONSECRATION!" The targets were set and the Veritas was about to finalize the Code-O with the Consecration from each of Triere's different Restrictions.
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptySun Mar 13, 2022 10:11 pm

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Judgme10

The Judgemaster, Lu'Ciere, which hovered beyond the Assault as an astral embodiment, secured the thoughts and positions of the entire unit all throughout the Assault, suspending it in place with perfect precision. The 'Consecration' ended up securing the foundation of the completion of the code, as well as what it would ensure for the future. The Judgement was perfect, and Lu'Ciere's task was simply maintaining it. Many former fluctuating variables would become set, the Judgemaster holding them in place and binding them.
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyMon Mar 14, 2022 4:09 am

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Coordi10

As it all came together and the set Times and Dates were Sealed by the Consecration in progress, the Soul of Triere, which transcended her physical body of the Seventh Restriction, manifested in each of her Restrictions as a unified Spirit that linked them together yet kept them all separate. Mugeniere, of the Eleventh Restriction, was the bound energy from Triere's father's own Piscean Chrysms, Luminon and Nebulon, which preceded Mugeniere's form after they became Mugenon and embodied the power of the Pisces. When they assimilated with Triere through Signis and Blue, who were like their incarnations, Mugenon, which was Triere's father's Piscean Chrysms bound together were passed down to her and made into Mugeniere.

It was like a Fusion fusing with another Fusion, yet also becoming its own being that shared the existence of several other beings as one unified being. Being both her father and herself, plus also Luminon and Nebulon as well as Signis and Blue, the Piscean Prysm that was now known as Mugeniere could connect all of their powers at once through itself, thus making it a greater composition of Triere -- thus, the Eleventh Restriction. It was through Mugeniere that Signis and Blue could have a place, as Triere had wholly absorbed them in her Seventh Restriction form.

In order to begin this process, the Zeroth Restriction was given a prime directive that it was unsure about spurned by the Code-O protocol that was already in play. That caused the First Restriction to be born after launching The Assault throughout the Veritas. That much energy focused on one focal point through a series of periods of times all converging in the same space and happening all at once was definitely enough power to get the Zeroth Restriction overwhelmed enough to engage the First Restriction, and was well executed.

Next, the Fifth Restriction, which was the next in line, would tend to the Media of the Veritas, which she was actually rather in charge of, even beyond just her own territory. So, when it was time for the entire planet to be updated on some information, it was her duty to bring it into display, which was primarily done on the Megaplex Megaplexus, which was the hidden Center Clock Tower of the Delta, but also served as a Media Device, among plenty of other things. This Clock Tower was much more secret than the Twin Clock Towers that connects the Dusk and the Dawn together, but it still played a major role in the Veritas as a whole, such as linking certain information to certain times -- like now.

The Sixth Restriction had already initiated a certain 'Time Warp' that was going to bind all of the timelines together in all time that pertained to this situation, thus channeling all sorts of power from the radiant energies of entire timelines looping together in one point. It was accomplished through the Dawn Clock Tower, and was being extended into the Delta Clock Tower, which would then also project that energy down into the Dusk Clock Tower.

By the time all of that was accomplished, each of the Thirteen Restrictions of Triere's that did exist already were linked together more intricately, allowing them all to give birth to the Second Restriction form, which served as their united spirit as a single being -- Triere, herself. This was the day of her actual birth as a Lantern, the Free Wills. She was the Future Child of Khrona's by canon, and was taken from a parallel dimension and also a different timeline simultaneously, and hadn't actually been born yet. She was called 'Daddy's Little Angel', because of the certain child that he did always want to have, which was her. Her flesh was made, but her Spirit as a Lantern hadn't yet been established as a being. Since she was taken from the future, she already had certain aspects about herself created from the beginning that she didn't know about, and therefore had to be created in her past at some point -- which was the present here and now, since she was from the future.

This Spirit would embody the power of Signis, the same was the First Restriction of the Mind embodied Blue. This would also synchronize with how Priere was originally first visited by Blue and Signis came afterward, and not Signis first and Blue following. So, the fact that Blue was the First Restriction and Signis would be the Second Restriction made it that much more powerful a Consecration. "Behold..." Mugeniere spake, giving Signis' embodiment form again, "Lumiere!"


Blue Star, Blue Moon, Blue Seed ~~ Theme of Saphiere

Blue Violet; Peace Be With You ~~ Second Theme

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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyMon Mar 14, 2022 4:22 am

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Creati10

All of the raw power coming from The Assault and all of the radiant and abundant energy that it created was enough to even still boost Triere even further and spawn not just the First Restriction, but also her Second Restriction within such a short period of time, which was very impressive for a Tensei. Though technically a newborn, it was still a being of antiquity, as it was a pureblood of the race of Free Wills that existed transcendent of the Veritas Universe within the Veritas Dimension -- the Lanterns. She wasn't a Twelfth Restriction, but she was a Will that was born also of Will, as all other Lanterns are. Tigen and Pumpkinhead have always been such, and so was their Father, the PumpKing. But Lumiere -- she was a NEWBORN. Even Pumki, who was the youngest sister of the trio of siblings Pumpkinhead, Tigen, and herself, was still a Primordial, since she was still born all the way back when they were, and not just right now.

There hadn't been another Lantern offspring since Pumki, who had become Corona Tensei, Khrona Tensei's younger sister. Corona eventually became Tetra, but the spirit of Pumki was still in her. Lumiere was an all-new, newborn Lantern, who had never before existed until now. But, in accordance with storyline, she embodied Signis, Archangel Of Bloodshed, and would be sent to Triere in the future.

Right now, being a newborn Lantern, and technically a granddaughter to the PumpKing, she would be sent to Tigen and Pumpkinhead's father for a Christening immediately as she was born. Of the Lanterns, she was the first and only grandchild, making it a momentous occasion for the Primordial Father of the Lanterns, the PumpKing.

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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyMon Mar 14, 2022 7:06 pm

Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Consec10

It was upon the conception of Triere's Second Restriction that she knew what she had to do was done. The Bond between each of Triere's Thirteen Restrictions was wholly unified now thanks to the birth of Lumiere. Even though her Third Restriction had yet to be created, it, like the other two, already existed. With all of the other parts of her sustained, she would be able to materialize her Third Restriction and be allowed a Thirteenth Restriction.

That aside, all of the energy of The Assault was put to good use, and no energy was wasted anywhere, from the buildup to the actual launch. It was so strong that it granted her two whole Restrictions at once whilst still accomplishing their original tasks with great proficiency, as well. Plenty of things were still playing out, but for the most part, The Assault was done. Now it just needed to retain a defensive against anything else that might seek to disrupt the finalization, which Triere was going to handle personally.

"Royal Servant!" Triere shouted to Franquere, who was commanding the Arsenal, "Cover Me While I Am Gone -- Let No One Go Unchecked Until I Tell You." A signature Ice Seal of Triere's crystallized behind her, shattering into bunches of icy floes that were quickly sucked back into the Ice Portal that it revealed, which was Triere's Dimension Gate. She floated back into it and the Dimension Gate closed up behind her.
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault   Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault EmptyMon Mar 14, 2022 7:37 pm

Triere may have retreated from the forefront of The Assault, but her Tenth Restriction, Lu'Ciere, was still hovering as an astral body outside of The Assault, holding it together with the Consecration. This would allow for the Assault to continue, and for the Royal Servant to continue manning the Arsenal, as Triere instructed. Once Triere was finished, the Consecration would seal itself automatically, and the Assault would come to an end, and each party would go its way again.
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Zettai Reido: Absolute Arsenal; The Assault Empty
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