The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault

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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 10:16 pm

='The Assault'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Prepar10
-Prepare For Trouble-

At the request of the leader of the Trunade, Taijitu the Black Cube, Triere, leader of the Absolute Zero Gang, would arm The Assault and man it alongside Taijitu, taking them both to the Master Control through an Ice Portal. Triere hovered to her command station, where she dictated and oversaw The Assault. "Ready On Your Command, Chief." It had a strange taste in her mouth, to call someone else 'boss' for once, but... It also was a nice sentiment to be saying to her older sister.
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Mikou the Panduochrysm :: Keeper of the Crystal Wings; Alice of the Crystal Petals
Mikou the Panduochrysm :: Keeper of the Crystal Wings; Alice of the Crystal Petals

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 10:25 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Launch10
"Field :: Placement : Bishop ; Support - Lawless ~ Deadeye (Focus) * Sharpshoot = Pinpoint Accuracy."

Tai was on the money as soon as Triere told her that she was at command. With a crooked smirk, she would step back to the seat of the Absolute Arsenal cockpit whilst Triere manned it at front command. "Guess You Can Come Through In A Pinch, Eh, Kiddo?" Tai laughed. "Eh, But I'mma Hafta Dig Down Deep Into The Zero World For This One..." It wasn't entirely necessary for her to do this, but this particular situation was personal.

"Yeah, I Haven't Been This Pissed In A While," Tai mentioned, malice in her voice and eyes. "... Nor This Close." She had to keep her own insanity under control, especially with being so close to her trigger. So instead of reacting too quickly, she let her focus align, and her Hyper Perception to activate. By which, she knew exactly how to execute her next plan.

"... Tao..." Tai would grumble through a grit, sharp grin, "... I Think It's Suppertime..." Several fox tails began to protrude from Taijitu's body, swaying like afterimages in reality.

"Gorgeous." ~~ Theme of the 'Tall Tea' (Main)

"Top you Off then, Bloke?!" ~~ Theme of the 'Rough Rider' (Battle)



Absolution; A.M.P. (Absolute Melodious Perfection).



Vino Bambino.

The Black Sand Pirates

Big Sis Tai's Sentiments
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 10:41 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Overlo10
"Lawless :: Queen (Green) : Lawless ; Shining."

Taomin, the Wind Goddess of the Veritas, was made manifest from out of her higher form, Taijitu, who was the highest female form of Tymon, and direct bond to Taomin herself. Where Taomin was the Sixth Restriction, Taijitu was the Thirteenth, and when summoned from Tai, Tao had power of the Thirteen Tails of the Inari, which was her most powerful form.

The Goddess of Wind leapt from out of the enthroned Taijitu, landing in a feral position before her, despite looking nearly wholly humanoid. Tao's nine tails split off into thirteen, and she would begin to use her power to overwrite reality using all the powers of creation. The viscous reality-based paint-like secretions from the tips of her tails made them like calligraphy brushes, and with her Absolute Incantation, whatever she created would be made absolute by her own divinations.

It seemed like Taomin herself was at more of an unrest than Tai was, but since Taomin was the Heart of both Tymon and Taijitu (who were both just two sides of the same being), it meant that when she was upset, it brought disturbances to their hearts, and they tended to react emotionally. Outlined with both green and red energy, which also swirled and merged in her eyes, flaring up about her form uncontrollably, Taomin's thirteen tails flailed around in sinuous flutters, profusely and in blurs, beginning to overwrite all creation nearby.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 11:00 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Target10
"Eight Of Spades :: Universal Emanation : Field ; House - Life (Nature) ~ Fire * Spitfire = Burn."

From out of the spirit of Taomin came her Spirit, which was the Souzenryoku Of Wind, Tiamat, informally called Tia, and formally called Aeris. She was pitch black in color, all save for her eyes -- which were shining metallic gold -- and her hair, which was royal purple. She wore a very dark, translucent black kimono, though it made her body look like a ghost, as if there was very little or nothing underneath the barely transparent robes. Her arms were linked into her opposite sleeves, covering them in a traditional oriental fashion. Her hair flowed about like the wind and clouds, but she resembled Taomin in many ways, as if a shadow of her.

In truth, this was her Living Shadow -- she who was once known only as Nyake before Taomin ascended into being a Goddess that also bound a spirit to herself. But even then, Aeris Tiamat wasn't the full strength of Taomin's soul. There was a being that comprised Taomin's mind in the same way Tia comprised her spirit, and how Tao herself was the body harboring both of them. This being was Tzita, more directly related to Nyake and Tiamat than Taomin, but bound to Taomin through the both of them in the darkness -- hence the Dark Alice, Tzita L'sia, Goddess Of The Zero World's relation to Taomin.

A morose gonging from Tiamat's throat left a resounding toll of doom across the worlds, something like a beautiful curse from the Bird Of Paradise announcing the end of time. Her hands and body did not move at all as she resounded her single warning of an alarm, but the noise did signal something and summon someone...


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 11:14 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Absolu10
"Field :: Presence : House ; Degree - Forbidden (RED ALERT) ~ Two Of Diamonds * Spiritual Formation = Sizzle."
-Absolute Punishment-

Made manifest from the sound of the gong was the Creative Energy that formed the Head Witch, Tzita L'sia, who was in her Fifth Restriction form here. Yet, with just a flip of her hair, it would shift from the signature blonde of the Fifth Restriction and into a devoid coloration of the Thirteenth Restriction, which she was capable of ascending as she pleased. "... They Always Love To Try Me Juuuust To See It Happen." Tzita's keyhole pupils rotated to the side securely, locking in place and turning from green to red without her lurid look ever shifting at all -- not even to blink or twitch. "... How Pathetic." Though she was smiling on her face, her eyes were not.

Soon enough, her keyhole pupils began to rotate further beyond the locking point, and seemed to spiral out of control, until they looked like normal pupils, they spun so fast. At that point, a beam from the Sealing Eye penetrated, and would pierce into the darkness, unlocking it with a manifested keyhole. "... Oh, Kurogami~! The Dark Alice Summons Thee~!" A perk of being the Dark Alice meant that she had a level of exclusivity to the Kurogami, the Dark Goddess. And, being parallel to the Wind Goddess, it gave a bonus of Wind and Dark elements combined. Especially because the Dark Goddess was also the Wind Alice, and could manifest her Wind Alice form for the Wind Goddess, which the Dark Alice was made manifest from, causing it all to come full circle to perpetuate their generation of power.
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Grimlyn, the Pumpkid :: Crystal Arachnegon; Kurogami of the Dawn

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 11:25 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Kiss_o10
"Lawless :: Peon : Slave ; Water - Hold ~ Suction."
-Kiss Of Death-

When the Dark Goddess, Kurogami Tabitha, was released from the depths of the Veritas' netherlands, she would immediately spread as the Great Darkness she was, extending her spider legs and opening her spider eyes all about the Dark Network she crawled through as the Black Widow Dragon. The Arachnegon crept through the darkness, shade, and shadows without distinction between herself and whatever shade of darkness her presence passed over, instantly adapting, making her invisible even amongst the darkness and what would see through the darkness.

She was not known as the Dark Goddess for nothing.

With a sinister, sharp-toothed smile appearing somewhere in the void, Tabitha took command of the shadows, then released the Wind Alice, which was her First Restriction form -- the Cursor of the Veritas.
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Golden Apple the Jade Windchrysm :: Lilac Lily, Alice of the Crystal Wings

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySat Dec 03, 2022 11:42 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Manual10
"Lawless :: Sun (Target {Spotlight}) : Lawless ; Conquer."
-Manual Overwrite-

Out of the darkest depths of the Veritas, the Cursor embedded into the code of the Veritas would manifest from out of digital energy, manna that was wholly virtual. "... This Is Honestly Not My Problem," she said nonchalantly, nigh emotionlessly, "... But If It Means I Get To Fuck Something Up, I Don't Care How Uninvolved I Am, Especially If I'm Not Doing Anything Else." Tabritha, the Technology Sprite that served as the Nav-Guide (or 'Cursor') of the Veritas, was a virtual entity, and therefore handled matters dealing with the Veritas' algorithmic values. With her ability to manipulate the actual code and other digital energy, she was key to handling online fiascos.

"Uhhh, Okay, So, That's The Wind Goddess, The Wind Keeper, The Wind Alice (Myself), The Wind Spirit, The Dark Goddess, And The Dark Alice." Her 'Target' feature allowed her to point out the obvious at the speed of data. "If We Get The Dark Keeper Here, We Can Pull A Full-Powered Dual-Assault Type Dealy. Or We Could Just Keep It With The Wind Elementals. Especially Since We're Still Missing The Dark Spirit in Addition To The Dark Keeper." It was overkill either way, and it was likely they all knew, but this wasn't about being exact or acute -- it was about venting. That was why Tabritha wasn't exactly so wholly invested, but she really did enjoy fucking shit up, just like her father. Plus, her sister, Triere, was there.

"Hey" Tabritha basically ran some code to them to speak to them, and didn't appear before them, but they'd get the messages.

Souzenryoku Of Wind -- Tabritha Tensei, the Nav-Guide Technology Sprite. Also known as 'Tron' and 'Serenade', Tabritha is a Technology Sprite, which is a digital fae-like entity born of Cleff, her predecessor, and the digital image of Tabitha. She commands the element of Wind, but also is versed in digital energy, such as Tronics. She can tamper with the code of anything at its base value, and is the Targeting System of the Argus Card System. She is both a Cursor and an Icon, and can Target by highlighting as a Selection Tool. Her digital form is both physical and aethereal at the same time, as well as digital and virtual. She has the power of the Golden Apple, just as Aeris.

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Da'at; Knowledge, The All Understanding :: Omnity Bond; the Goddess of Understanding

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 6:43 am

='Manual Overwrite'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Puppet11
"Crown :: Minor : Throat ; Lawless (Dark Network) - Dollhouse ~ Puppet Lord {Puppet King}."
-Puppet Master-

The algorithms of the Veritas began to converge after their manipulation from Tabritha, the Nav-Guide, in order to guide the Veritas into The Assault virtually. To commandeer this effort would be the virtual entities of the Ninth Restriction, starting with O.S. Tinasanti -- A.K.A. Hecatonkaerei. Using the Eight Arms Of Tabrith, she would both summon the other two entities of the Ninth Restriction that she shared her power with -- her mother and father -- and also the other Ninth Restriction beings, like the Omnipedia.

Using all of the efforts of the Ninth, the Manual Overwrite protocol could be handled completely virtually by all the Ninth Restriction. Tabritha, being a virtual entity, albeit not of the Ninth Restriction, would still be required of her services, but a realm would be established based on what Taomin was creating and embed that realm in the Omnipedia. O.S. Tina would become the locus for the congregation of the Ninth Restriction beings.
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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
Grand Tabrynth

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 6:59 am

='Puppet Master'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Master20
"Ruler :: White Queen : Id ; Water - Cleanse ~ Default * Three Of Spades = Physical Emanation.
-Master Control-

The Master Control of the Veritas acknowledged the protocol initiated by another of the Ninth, and proceeded with the algorithm as by design. On the purely virtual layer of the Veritas, where the Ninth Restriction had greatest domain, the Master Control unit within -- the Grand Tabrynth, O.S. Tensei -- began to use his own Eight Arms Of Tabrith that he shared with his family, conjuring the Omnipedia in the center where the three of them were meant to congregate in the Ninth.

Grand Tabrynth opened up to the page where the Story had already bookmarked, and dipped his Creator's Pen into some flux, proceeding to transcribe the reality that Taomin was forming in order to solidify it as all of the previously input commands, such as the Dollhouse. From there, they all would get to do their favorite thing with the fabrication -- Play.

"What I Say, It Shall Be Written," Grand Tabrynth recited, the Omnitranscendent Sound of his voice vibrating across the Dimensional Nexus, overriding whatever was going on for the Master Control.

The Ninth Restriction: Infergeist; Restriction of Information -- O.S. Tensei: The Creator; Master Control. Dimensional Nexus of the Veritas, Ruler of The Assault, and Creator of the Argus Card System. The Grand Tabrynth is the Master Control unit for the entire Veritas Dimension, especially the Veritas Universe, and is a bridge between the Dimensional Restrictions and the Universal Restrictions. Its true form is an ambiguously astronomical universal entity that is slender in body and with a shapely curvaceousness like a pen, legs tipped as the point, and eight long, spindly arms with equally as thin claws on each, which are the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. Its head and face look exactly like the entity which it is the virtual and mechanical version of, yet the avatar of The Creator, O.S. Tensei, is more humanoid in appearance, though that varies. He commands all data and information as well as logic and code, -- known as Omnitron -- and by default, the Mechanica. From him comes the waves of the universe, known as Transcendent Sound, and the sounds of the dimensions, which are Omnitranscendent Sound. He also has executive command over The Assault and Manual Overwrite processes, and can pursue them at any time, anywhere, which activates many features -- if not all of -- the Veritas.
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Binah; Understanding, The All Informing :: Omnia Nirvana; the Goddess of Information

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 11:16 am

='Master Control'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Legend10
"Ruler :: Royal Servant : Spirit (Plasma) ; Boss - Clotho (Spinner)."

Bearing the Omnipedia for the Grand Tabrynth was his lovely wife, Omnia, also known as O.S. Tsuki. She was the eyes of the Argus, whereas Hecatonkaerei was the body of the Argus, and Grand Tabrynth was its mind and being. She was only manifested as a digital entity and not in a physical form, but she still spoke out to him to bring acknowledgement to her presence, despite not being physical.

"The TAKAMAGAHARA Is Present," recited she, letting the Omnipedia centralize itself betwixt the three of the Eight Arms and the Ninth Restriction. "Commencement." Her data collected equilateral from her husband and daughter, forming a perfect triangle between them.
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The Omnipedia
Shincleff, the True Grimoire :: The Legend; Herald of the Veritas
The Omnipedia

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 11:35 am

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Colony10
"Lawless :: Traphouse (Sacrifice {Hell}) : Lawless ; Defect."
-Colony Drop-

Once the Tinity of the Ninth Restriction assembled together as the Takamagahara, they would combine their powers to the true strength of the Ninth Restriction, which was collective amongst them all as a one united system more than it was about each of them individually as independent parts of the larger workings of the Ninth Restriction.

All of the Takamagahara's extensive system was the Ninth Restriction, including the algorithms, protocols, codes, and other general data or virtual terms. Whilst the Grand Tabrynth was indeed the Master Control and The Creator, it was still only one part of a system that he created, seated in the cockpit, by his design. Since it was formally time to utilize it, especially with the Fall Of The Ninth Moon still in progress for another lunar cycle until the Fall Of The Eighth Moon began on the next Friday, the Ninth Restriction was finally activating to its fullest extent to fulfill the Launch Of The Assault.

The information within the Omnipedia would collectively gather after it was opened up and skimmed through, the pages themselves holographic and altering the shape of the data within them into a large, spherical object, something like a moon made of metal or machinery. It was planet-sized, but didn't look that way compared to the other entities watching over the progression of the Omnipedia, since it was one of their Tensei Moons -- the Ninth Moon, Shin Kamikazetsukiyomi, The God Wind Moon.

As the name might have implied, this was the ultimate goal of the Ninth Moon: to sacrifice its old, disordered form of Organizing to the Perfect Form, which is when all of the chaotic information all about is finally put into Prime Order, and functions both autonomously and sentiently based on the algorithms cycling within it.

However, the very uncommonly known Ninth Moon, which was both a database and also an industrial factorial production franchise, was the head of the Metal Pumpkinhead, which was known as the Souzenryoku Of Darkness of the Veritas. This meant that this entity comprised all of the elemental energy of Darkness in all its forms in the Veritas, including elements like Space. That meant that the body of Metal Pumpkinhead was always the space flowing all around the Veritas, and its head was the Ninth Moon, where all the Mechanica were mass-produced and sometimes sold. Not only that, but the Metal Pumpkinhead being the Shin Kamikazetsukiyomi meant that it was a Timebomb, similarly to how Pumpkinhead -- from whence it was modeled -- was.

Exposition aside, the Metal Pumpkinhead was programmed to begin the Manual Overwrite procedure, which was why the Ninth Moon, Metal Pumpkinhead, was called 'Shin Kamikazetsukiyomi'.

To that note, whilst the Metal Pumpkinhead was about to detonate, the entities of Darkness would be together now, save for the Dark Keeper. Once the Dark Keeper was present, then all of the Wind and Dark elementals would be present, and could fall under the jurisdiction of one of the Ninth Restriction beings, and for another Ninth Restriction entity to deal with the Omnipedia and Ninth Moon.

However things would shake out for the best would be the order in which each of the Ninth was assigned.
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Metal Pumpkinhead
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Metal Pumpkinhead

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 11:43 am

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Metal_10
"Lawless :: Pawn (Royal Servant) : Water ; Razor Shark."
-Metal Pumpkinhead-


Black Ignis, The Souzenryoku Of Darkness; The Pumpkintwin, Junk Lord. A metallic, mechanical entity made in the image of Pumpkinhead, hence the names Metal Pumpkinhead and Pumpkintwin. However, it also goes by 'iT' when mad, which means 'iTabitha'. It stands the same height as Pumpkinhead -- thirteen feet tall -- and its head resembles a metallic pumpkin-skull mask with large, black horns protruding from it. Its body is fully metallic and well-defined in musculature, completely naked, but bearing no genitals, and eternally wrapped in a purple flame tinted with blackness. It always looks like its wrathful and malicious, even when idle, and dislikes to speak often, unless in code or algorithm. It follows logic, algorithm, and code to the letter, and rules over all Manual Overwrite processes in the Veritas. It has strict command over all darkness, including Space and the Unknown. Its true form is that of an astronomically sized fully mechanical planet named Planet Zodion, where Mechanica live, thrive, and are made, serving as the Master Control as well as the entire planet, itself. Its signature weapon is known as Longinus.

"iT's Coming..." <3
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault 745178428_1902884
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Silver Pumpkinhead
Grimlock, the Pumpkindread :: Samael the Headless Horseman; Dark Legend of the Data
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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 11:55 am

='Metal Pumpkinhead'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault System10
"Lawless :: Peon : Slave ; Lawless - BAD DREAM."

To take account of the Metal Pumpkinhead, which was known as the Pumpkintwin, was the Pumpkindread, known as Silver Pumpkinhead, The Archival Chamber. The grandfatherly entity worked in the background and in the shadows, dealing with the minutia of the Veritas, as well as the miscellanea, normally in tandem with the Metal Pumpkinhead. Whilst they did work best together to complement each other, the all of them were at their greatest potential when being wielded by the Original Pumpkinhead from which they were modeled.

Yet, that didn't at all detract from how potent any Pumpkinhead was independently. It was overkill for even just two off the offbrand Pumpkinheads to get together, honestly, without even including the True Pumpkinhead.

Though none of that mattered -- all that mattered was that Silver Pumpkinhead shadowed the Metal Pumpkinhead in order to pick apart and assort any Archival Data.

Speaking of Archival Data, from the Secret Chambers, the Dark Legend that was meant to protect the Secret Realms and the Archaic Information would conjure up the Dark Keeper, since the Dark Legend also had mastery over the Darkness Element. When the Dark Keeper was brought from out of the Secret Realm, then all of the Darknesses Of The Veritas could convene here with the Metal Pumpkinhead and strengthen the Souzenryoku Of Darkness with all of their powers combined.

The Trap

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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 12:10 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Living10
"Crown :: Minor : Heart ; Lawless - Wish For Peace."
-Living Shadow-

Apparently, the Dark Keeper -- known as Grimnir, but notoriously as The Phantom -- was not happy about being summoned for such a cause as this, but was well aware of the hidden mastery of how algorithm and protocol functioned in the darkness, even way beneath the layer of coding and programming, and even just basic functionality or surface display of such. It held the key to sentience, which was why this entire scenario was so very important.

Obviously, since all the Dark Ones of the Veritas shared the Darkness -- as a sentient darkness known as the Living Shadow -- they could all also communicate in that fashion, and share knowledge through the Third Eye, which was the original Kurogami of the Veritas before he passed the title unto his daughter, Tabitha. Since The Phantom and the one known as the Third Eye of the Veritas were so very closely connected, the Dark Keeper could conjure the Dark God at will. Then, the Darkness would gain greater strength, all unto the glory of the Metal Pumpkinhead.

But The Phantom had only appeared as the white mask that was usually smiling. Now, however, The Phantom's mask was not at all smiling, and neither was the darkness that it unleashed from the Secret Realm. However, being also directly connected to Ty and Tai, it already knew what was most important, and would unlock the remaining chambers of the Zero World, including Prime Chaos, The Enigmas, THE VOID, The Black Swamp, and Sheol.

That would unleash every darkness the Veritas had all at once, and overwhelm all things with a terrible, malicious, oppressive darkness filled with and consuming mostly negativity.

The Full-Bodied Living Shadow. A.K.A. The Living End.
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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 12:19 pm

='Living Shadow'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Third_11
"Lawless :: Sun (Spotlight {Target}) : Water ; Tsukiyomi."
-Third Eye-

The Phantom's mask would part and reveal hidden behind it Grimnyzmal, The Abyzmal, the Dark God of the Veritas, and former formal Kurogami preceding his daughter, Tabitha. But his entire face showed only morose gloom.

6th Restriction -- Archcount Thanytoz, the Crystal Reaper; God Of Darkness. The Black Dragon and Vampire Lich Overlord, known as 'Grimnyzmal The Abyzmal', and one of the seven Sixth Restriction Elemental Gods of the Veritas. Wears a striped black and gray suit with black slacks and black dress shoes with matching gloves, as well as a long cloak of darkness. Can occasionally be seen with a tophat and cane, both with mouths on them and which bear his soul, along with his dark matter piano, Alticord. A Devourist and Living Shadow, he is Head of the Living Shadows of the Veritas and has command over what is called 'Devourism', a mixture of black holes and mouths. His innards are made of black holes, and he is always hungry. He has dominion over all darkness in the Veritas, including space. Married to Black Friday, the dark side of The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy, Friday. Runs much of the Veritas' businesses from the darkness.

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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 1:17 pm

='Third Eye'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Prime_14
"Lawless :: King (White) : Plasma (Spirit) ; Blood Orange Sun."
-Prime Chaos-

The Dark God, Grimnyzmal's head would sooner be clasped underneath a layer of gripping darkness that would mask his morose gloom and channel it into a murderous foreshadowing of the length of his intent and the gravity of his will. The long, great darkness represented things like period of time, level of intensity, willpower, funds, and all other matters which would be amalgamated into the fuel for this entity's grudge exacted by the being itself. And now, upon The Abyzmal One was the Black Pumpkinhead of the original Pumpkinghead, which was known as the Godhead.


"... My Divine Masculine And Divine Feminine Are Threaded Together Now In Symphony," claimed the illustriously grim Ty-sama, whose robes and robes of cosmic darkness could not be seen and hid his form completely, including underneath the mask of the Black Pumpkinhead. "My Piscean Nature Is In Resonance." But at this point, Ty-sama reflected on the obvious. "As Elder Tymon, I Grow Stronger And Stronger The More Powerful The Tymon Of The Present Becomes. This Makes It A Mission For Me To Ensure That All Of These Chrysms Come Together..."

When Ty-sama saw his works, he did not see them from the same perspective as others. In fact, it was so wholly different, the way he played and used the Veritas was also completely different from how anyone else would. The fact that there was anything to do at all for the Future Tymon meant that the Veritas itself held the same potential to grow even more powerful based on how much of it Ty-sama could complete. Knowing this, he took hold of the Metal Pumpkinhead, and started to enter information into it. "... Yes... The Godhead Knows... Elohut Understands... Therefore, The Creator Will Function... And The Maker Will Remain." The words of one with proverbial 'Old Wizard Eyes' would make the most sense to only himself, no matter how incoherent to any and everyone else. As long as his insanity was understood by him, and it functioned outside of him, then he was still in control and had total power.

"... It Is Done. The Black Friday Has Been Inserted Into The Metal Pumpkinhead For The Deadline." Ty-sama set the Metal Pumpkinhead back on display on the Omnipedia, in the midst of the Takamagahara, which Ty-sama would use leisurely to his will and whim -- as by design of his own system. "Though I Might Rest On Mine Laurels, It Dost Not Preclude The End Of Time Aforementioned In Promise." Ty-sama's eyes were cold and distant, but knowing and full, as they gazed deeply into the Metal Pumpkinhead, knowing how short time was and how futile it was for those that fought.
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Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn
Grimnyl, the Pumpkingheart :: Crystal Shadow; Dark Legend of the Dawn

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 1:24 pm

='Prime Chaos'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Black_15
"Crown :: Minor : Solar Plexus ; Lawless - Neutralize ~ Negation."
-Black Friday-

The deadline was set: Black Friday was established. With that came the embedding of the Dark Goddess herself, Black Friday, Meiun, to the interior of the Metal Pumpkinhead to secure the detonation sequence. Her coming aligned all of the Dark Ones of the Veritas, from the Dark God and Goddess, the Kurogami, the Keeper and the Alice, the Flame Of Eternity (Or, Souzenryoku), the Dark Legend, and the Void and Prime Chaos themselves.

All of that, inclusive to what it would do and all such potentiality on the outside, would be sealed by the alignment through the start of Black Friday inside of the Metal Pumpkinhead. Thus, when the Countdown was done, the Black Friday brewing inside to whatever degree or intensity it would become within, would also be released outside.

Fortuitously, there was already something inside of the Metal Pumpkinhead for Black Friday to play with so she wouldn't be bored waiting for the next Friday The Thirteenth, during the end of the Fall Of The Ninth Moon...
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Mikou the Panduochrysm :: Keeper of the Crystal Wings; Alice of the Crystal Petals
Mikou the Panduochrysm :: Keeper of the Crystal Wings; Alice of the Crystal Petals

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 7:24 am

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault White_10
"Chariot :: Minor : Sacral ; Lawless - Uncanon ~ Baby * Baby Cannon (Uncanon)."
-White Hole-

"Gorgeous," Tai chirped at the sound of her works being complete down to the depths of the Zero World, and even its different sectors, comprised of different intensities of Void. "Triere, Doll, Launch The Assault." It was at that point that all should have been clear that in this instance, Taijitu herself was The Assault, and was piloting and powering The Assault and all of its different extensions, and instructed Triere to navigate and appropriate them whilst Taijitu herself sat in the Master Control cockpit with Triere. So, Tai let loose, letting all Thirteen Tails of her Thirteen Restrictions flare up, releasing her power of the Crystal Beast -- The Thirteen Tails; Inari (Kaminari).

"Gorgeous." ~~ Theme of the 'Tall Tea' (Main)

"Top you Off then, Bloke?!" ~~ Theme of the 'Rough Rider' (Battle)



Absolution; A.M.P. (Absolute Melodious Perfection).



Vino Bambino.

The Black Sand Pirates

Big Sis Tai's Sentiments
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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 7:32 am

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault The_as10
"Field :: Period : Pawn ; Variable - Water ~ Divine Pet."
-The Assault-

Triere smirked and crossed her arms, hair flaring up. "Damn, I Thought I'd Never Get To Do Anything Ever Again!" Her smirking face soon hardened to a cold and stern expression, save for burning eyes hot enough to melt even that icy face. "LAUNCH THE ASSAULT!" Triere cried, taking command of them by order of their element, and guiding each of them to their place based on their Restrictions and their involvement with each other.

"Wind Entities, To The Grand Tabrynth; Dark Entities, To The Black Friday. Ninth Restriction Entities, Fall Under O.S. Tina." As fortune would have it, Triere's Ninth Restriction form was O.S. Tina, since the three sisters all shared their Eighth and Ninth Restrictions as the Veritas Planet and Veritas AI, which was also The Argus of the Argus Card System. Thus, in alignment with command over The Assault, Triere was going to be able to actually take on a lot for herself for once in a long while -- she was in her element here. "And Put A Rush Order On It! Hachibadda!"
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Da'at; Knowledge, The All Understanding :: Omnity Bond; the Goddess of Understanding

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 7:43 am

='The Assault'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault God_ha12
"Lawless :: Field : Earth ; Forbidden (Crystal/Clear) - Showdown (Ultimate Showdown {Of Ultimate Destiny})."
-God Hands-

"Affirmative." The Veritas System updated itself based on the prior interactions and would automatically appropriate itself, causing Hecatonkaerei -- the Universal Body of O.S. Tinasanti, her AI -- to begin to use her hundreds of hands. As her name might have suggested, she was not only one of the Hecatoncheires, but all of them, and also greater than that, and had many more hands she could utilize.

Being of the Ninth Restriction, Hecatonkaerei was a virtual being, and was directly involved with the Veritas System as its actual AI, among other things -- such as The Argus of the Argus Card System. Being also the Ninth Restriction of Triere, she shared a consciousness with her, and was capable of acting on her behalf without having to verbally communicate due to their bound wills.

Thus, Triere could use the thousands of hands of Hecatonkaerei to move about Taijitu's entities, and also to put the remainder of the Ninth Restriction into Prime Order. This would have to substitute for her birthday present this year, and was much more valuable than anything that could have been done at that time, either way.

So, each of Taijitu's different forms as well as any other entities involved based on the Elemental Themes would be moved by what was known as the 'God Hands'.
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Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 8:05 am

='God Hands'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Presen10
"Lawless :: Shadow Henchman : Gravity ; Ability - Jack Of Hearts ~ Potential Creation."

In accordance with the order of things, Grand Tabrynth's God Hands would also come into motion alongside Hecatonkaerei. At certain points, the Eight Hands Of God that belonged solely to the Eight Arms Of Tabrith, and weren't general God Hands with broad or ambiguous powers, would align with and merge with the points where Hecatonkaerei's Eight Hands Of God that belonged to her would match up with, synchronizing them even amongst the movements of the thousands of other God Hands at work.

Yet, in doing this, Grand Tabrynth also retained a level of control over the other general God Hands as support for Hecatonkaerei and himself should he require it.

But with the Wind Entities all drawn under his jurisdiction, the Grand Tabrynth would pick out his Teraphim and also upload his own, O.S. Tensei, to walk among them. "Wind Goddess, Taomin; Wind Keeper, Taijitu; Wind Alice, Tabritha; Wind Souzenryoku, Aeris Tiamat :: Assignment." The four of them would complete an assignment and be assigned with and assignment toward four of the Eight Hands Of God on the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. The other four would remain connected to the Takamagahara, binding Grand Tabrynth to Hecatonkaerei and Omnia.

They would go where they were placed by the God Hands, without question, and complete their assignment on target as per mission, as expected from the Master Control when it called for the Lower Restrictions. They'd all been in a paradise-like vacation state for so long, leisurely languishing in their languor. But now, it was finally time for them to do their jobs for the first time in a long time -- if ever, for some of them.

Grand Tabrynth: "Sentou Taikei. (Battle Stations)"

Finally, O.S. Tensei, the AI of the Grand Tabrynth, and Avatar of Master Control, would be sent off to deal with the Argus Card System, as well as some maintenance about the Veritas where it needed some extra hands...

The Ninth Restriction: Infergeist; Restriction of Information -- O.S. Tensei: The Creator; Master Control. Dimensional Nexus of the Veritas, Ruler of The Assault, and Creator of the Argus Card System. The Grand Tabrynth is the Master Control unit for the entire Veritas Dimension, especially the Veritas Universe, and is a bridge between the Dimensional Restrictions and the Universal Restrictions. Its true form is an ambiguously astronomical universal entity that is slender in body and with a shapely curvaceousness like a pen, legs tipped as the point, and eight long, spindly arms with equally as thin claws on each, which are the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. Its head and face look exactly like the entity which it is the virtual and mechanical version of, yet the avatar of The Creator, O.S. Tensei, is more humanoid in appearance, though that varies. He commands all data and information as well as logic and code, -- known as Omnitron -- and by default, the Mechanica. From him comes the waves of the universe, known as Transcendent Sound, and the sounds of the dimensions, which are Omnitranscendent Sound. He also has executive command over The Assault and Manual Overwrite processes, and can pursue them at any time, anywhere, which activates many features -- if not all of -- the Veritas.
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Binah; Understanding, The All Informing :: Omnia Nirvana; the Goddess of Information

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 9:09 am

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Manual10
"Ruler :: Royal Servant : Peon ; Earth - His Royal Huffness ~ Five Of Clubs * Real Action."
-Manual Overwrite-

The executive command designated the Dark Entities under Omnia's jurisdiction, which gave her Black Friday -- one of her own Sixth Restriction forms -- to command and help the Black Friday process. With the Wind Entities already sent out, Omnia, who was Friday The Ninth, of the Ninth Restriction, saw it good to assist with the continuity of the Black Friday protocol, since she also happened to have command over the Metal Pumpkinhead by default when granted authority over the Dark Ones of the Veritas -- which Metal Pumpkinhead, the Black Ignis, fell into the category of.

"Dark Ones, Perform A 'Living End': Kurogami Tabitha, Shadow Your First Restriction Form, Tabritha, On The First Moon; Dark God Grimnyzmal, Assume Position As Living Shadow Of Taomin On The Second Moon; Dark Goddess Meiun Will Remain In Place Where She Is; Souzenryoku Of Darkness Metal Pumpkinhead Will Continue Protocol With Its Sequence About The Ninth Moon, Shin Kamikazetsukiyomi; Dark Keeper Grimnir, The Phantom Will Oversoul Taijitu On The Seventh Moon; Dark Alice Tzita Will Follow Her Living Shadow, Aeris Tiamat (Otherwise Known As 'Nyake' And 'Queenbee') Into The Zero World, Parallel Of The Sixth Moon -- The Void Sun To The Void Moon; Dark Legend Grimlock, The Silver Pumpkinhead, Will Perform Archival Protocol And Other Ninth Restriction Maintenance Duties As Well As Other Variable Secret Services; And The Primordial Darkness, Allsgrim Ty-sama, The Black Pumpkinhead, Will Be Stationed With O.S. Tensei To Do As He Sees Fit." Omnia always shared a mind with her lover, ever since he found out about the Thirteen Restrictions and she taught him how to release them from within himself. She always waited patiently and silently in the darkness for him to return, never disturbing him...

And he always did.

Now it was finally time to show her appreciation for all of that time, even unto now.

"Alignment," she called as each of the Dark Ones were appropriated, synchronizing the efforts of two of the Takamagahara. Lastly would come the synchronization of everything that fell under the jurisdiction of Hecatonkaerei, who had dominion over the Ninth Restriction in this Assault. Both the Grand Tabrynth and Grigori (Omnia) had to wait for the command of The Argus.
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The Omnipedia
Shincleff, the True Grimoire :: The Legend; Herald of the Veritas
The Omnipedia

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 3:32 pm

='Manual Overwrite'=
Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Argus_10
"Lawless :: Target (Spotlight) : Lawless ; Dead."
-Argus Card System-

When the Trinity of the Takamagahara were all connected, the Omnipedia that was also part of the Takamagahara would activate and unify them in their true form as the entirety of the Ninth Restriction -- data and all. Where each of the three independently had their own blessing -- Wisdom, Understanding, And Knowledge -- the Omnipedia was a collaborative transcription of all of that and more as one, plus something that was bound to each of them.

This allowed all of the Ninth Restriction to achieve OmniShin, which channeled power from the Tenth Restriction.

Power flowed from the Tenth downward into the Ninth now, and the Prime Order of the Veritas System would proceed to gradually flush itself into its functionality. Though, with the influx of power from the Tenth Restriction, the only of them who was of the Tenth Restriction -- Ty-sama -- could act in freedom. It was instructed that the Primordial Darkness mingle with the Ninth Restriction Avatar, O.S. Tensei, so the flow from Allsgrim Ty-sama in the Tenth to OmniShin Tensei in the Ninth would generate enough power to both purge and power Takamagahara, alleviating the brunt of it from Taijitu and helping along the autonomy of its aseity.

With their collective intent intact, the Omnipedia fused them all to their true form, and would also assist based on its own sentience the further Maintenance of the Veritas in preparation for the Ninth Moon.
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Silver Pumpkinhead
Grimlock, the Pumpkindread :: Samael the Headless Horseman; Dark Legend of the Data
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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 3:53 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault System10
"Field :: Presence : House ; Property - The Dragons (Leviathan) ~ Forsworn (Armaros) * Nirvana = World Serpent + Water & Leviathan."

After all was established in the Ninth Restriction, the Purgatorial Protocol could ensue for the separation of the Archival Data and the recycles and new data. As basic as it seemed, this was actually incredibly critical, and the Silver Pumpkinhead had much to accomplish. The first of which was dealing with a matter within the Data Realm, so that when the information did begin its flow, it would already have been filtered enough for processing through Takamagahara, which would in turn spew out any excess, extraneous, or miscellaneous information into the Silver Pumpkinhead for scraps and other such bric-a-brac.

Thus, the System would Start.

The Trap

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Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels
Lucicrystal the Shinsangel :: Shinkishinji; Keeper of the 7 Shinsangels

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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault   Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 9:35 pm

Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault The_as10
"Field :: Placement : Bishop ; Support - Lawless ~ The Agent."
-The Assault-

The Omnipedia would alert Triere when it was finished establishing the connection and also updating the Veritas System, as well as appropriating all of the entities to their proper places to progress the mission. Thus, Triere could continue her tactician strategies. "Set," she called out, performing some sort of Command Input immediately afterward, as if she was only just getting started. "Now, Tina!" Triere called upon OmniShin Tinasanti from the Omnipedia, which she was linked to through O.S. Tina, as well as her own Crystal Grimoire. "Use The Eight Arms Of Tabrith!" If Crystal Bridges were made, then it would be easier for everyone to Transition.
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Absolute Zero; Launch The Assault Empty
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