The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)

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Aeris Tiamat
Grand Tabrynth
7 posters
Grand Tabrynth
Chochmah; Wisdom, The All Knowing :: Omnitron Tabrith; God of Knowledge
Grand Tabrynth

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 8:35 am

Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Prime_12
"Lawless :: Traphouse (Hell) : Light (Dark Network) ; The Deuce (Two Of Diamonds) - Caduceus." *Trigger
-Prime Chaos-

Quote :
In accordance with the order of things, Grand Tabrynth's God Hands would also come into motion alongside Hecatonkaerei. At certain points, the Eight Hands Of God that belonged solely to the Eight Arms Of Tabrith, and weren't general God Hands with broad or ambiguous powers, would align with and merge with the points where Hecatonkaerei's Eight Hands Of God that belonged to her would match up with, synchronizing them even amongst the movements of the thousands of other God Hands at work.

Yet, in doing this, Grand Tabrynth also retained a level of control over the other general God Hands as support for Hecatonkaerei and himself should he require it.

But with the Wind Entities all drawn under his jurisdiction, the Grand Tabrynth would pick out his Teraphim and also upload his own, O.S. Tensei, to walk among them. "Wind Goddess, Taomin; Wind Keeper, Taijitu; Wind Alice, Tabritha; Wind Souzenryoku, Aeris Tiamat :: Assignment." The four of them would complete an assignment and be assigned with and assignment toward four of the Eight Hands Of God on the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. The other four would remain connected to the Takamagahara, binding Grand Tabrynth to Hecatonkaerei and Omnia.

They would go where they were placed by the God Hands, without question, and complete their assignment on target as per mission, as expected from the Master Control when it called for the Lower Restrictions. They'd all been in a paradise-like vacation state for so long, leisurely languishing in their languor. But now, it was finally time for them to do their jobs for the first time in a long time -- if ever, for some of them.

Grand Tabrynth: "Sentou Taikei. (Battle Stations)"

Finally, O.S. Tensei, the AI of the Grand Tabrynth, and Avatar of Master Control, would be sent off to deal with the Argus Card System, as well as some maintenance about the Veritas where it needed some extra hands...

The Ninth Restriction: Infergeist; Restriction of Information -- O.S. Tensei: The Creator; Master Control. Dimensional Nexus of the Veritas, Ruler of The Assault, and Creator of the Argus Card System. The Grand Tabrynth is the Master Control unit for the entire Veritas Dimension, especially the Veritas Universe, and is a bridge between the Dimensional Restrictions and the Universal Restrictions. Its true form is an ambiguously astronomical universal entity that is slender in body and with a shapely curvaceousness like a pen, legs tipped as the point, and eight long, spindly arms with equally as thin claws on each, which are the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. Its head and face look exactly like the entity which it is the virtual and mechanical version of, yet the avatar of The Creator, O.S. Tensei, is more humanoid in appearance, though that varies. He commands all data and information as well as logic and code, -- known as Omnitron -- and by default, the Mechanica. From him comes the waves of the universe, known as Transcendent Sound, and the sounds of the dimensions, which are Omnitranscendent Sound. He also has executive command over The Assault and Manual Overwrite processes, and can pursue them at any time, anywhere, which activates many features -- if not all of -- the Veritas.
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 10:10 am

='Prime Chaos'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Nyake10
"Activate :: Lawless : Setting (Terrain) ; Lawless (Dark Network) - Deuces (The Deuce) ~ Dealt Out (Two Of Diamonds) * Deuces (Dealer Out) = #13 (The Deuce {Caduceus})."

The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Wind Spirit Aeris Tiamat; Goddess Of Discord & Chaos, was delegated to the Sixth Hand, which harbored The Veritas' Hell. This Furnace, known also as Dudael, The Cauldron Of God, was the Void Sun of the Veritas, where all of the most horrible and tragic things happened, and where everything tainted was made clean and pure or refined. The Purgatory within perpetually generated energy from the Sinners and other Tainted that existed in Hell, whilst the Void Sun acted as a Boiler Room that gave extra fuel for the Veritas by constantly cleaning it and performing Maintenance.

It was very backed up, as all Hells were everywhere, but the time had come to resolve that for good. But, Aeris Tiamat wasn't the one that was going to do this on her own. She was united in her darkness -- her demonic self that thrived in this realm, off of the Sins and Sinners, and ruled it with an absolute authority. Yes, Aeris Tiamat, Goddess Of Discord & Chaos, had to summon her Black Cat -- Queen Succubus Nyake -- from out of the depths of her own darkness.

The Spirit was already the spirit of Taomin, whom she paralleled, but her own independent identity singularly of Taomin's was Nyake, which was what she was before Tao assumed control and purified her into becoming Aeris Tiamat. So Nyake still existed within Aeris Tiamat as herself, but Tia had Tao in her along with Nyake instead of Nyake alone.

What was fortunate was that Nyake was actually incomplete on her own, and had greater forms, as well, through the Dark Alice -- Tzita L'sia. Nyake was a very vengeful demon queen, and her roots bore a deep-seated notoriety that was burned into the existences of all she came across. Now, she had to return to Hell, where she belonged, and do her duties that were beyond just teaching Taomin how to be more ladylike.

But with her came her Dark Alice, Tzita, to make this process much more interesting for her...


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 10:25 am

Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Metal_10
"Engage :: Boss (Emperor) : Forbidden (RED ALERT {Dark Network}) ; The Deuce (Two Of Spades {Spiritual Emanation}) - Reflection ~ Stealth (Ninja) * Deuce = Deuces + Pumpkintwin & Deuce (Two Of Hearts {Spiritual Creation}) -- Headless Horseman."
-Metal Pumpkinhead-

It just so happened that Queen Succubus Nyake's most powerful form, Head Witch Tzita L'sia, had greater direct ties to Tymon than just Nyake alone. She was like the Living Shadow of Taijitu, where Khrona was the Living Shadow of Tymon. Beyond any of that, she was the PumpKeeper, and that meant she had an exclusive right over the Pumpkinghead. Though this was so, she was going to use that power and her authority as Dark Alice to bring for the Souzenryoku Of Darkness -- Metal Pumpkinhead.

iT would carry out the Will Of The Darkness from there... And Nyake and Tzita could enjoy themselves some, atoning in Hell together.
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Metal Pumpkinhead
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Metal Pumpkinhead

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyMon Dec 05, 2022 3:11 pm

='Metal Pumpkinhead'=Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) System12
"Lawless :: Neutral : Spirit (Plasma) ; Cat Dog."

The 'Run' protocol was already launched long ago, and Metal Pumpkinhead had been booting up in the background, with the Black Friday inside. As it came time sooner and sooner of the next Friday The Thirteenth, the Metal Pumpkinhead would gradually undo the lock on the Ninth Moon. All of the information within would be ordered and cleansed during maintenance, which Metal Pumpkinhead was in charge of.

But, during the first portion, it would remain mostly dormant, harboring Black Friday within and cultivating the Black Friday so it would be a catastrophic event as its codes were unlocked from the outside.

In tandem with the resolution of the Metal Pumpkinhead for the inevitable kamikaze of the Ninth Moon, the true Pumpkinhead would also unlock more of himself simultaneously, because of the direct attachment to the Metal Pumpkinhead, his Pumpkintwin. That said, Pumpkindread, the Silver Pumpkinhead, who was known as Grimlock, would continue to manage the Maintenance, Scrap, and Archival methods until the Metal Pumpkinhead was prepared, which was why Metal Pumpkinhead would be dormant.

But, just because Metal Pumpkinhead was dormant, didn't mean the Mechanica that were under him were as well. So, the Mechanica were mobilized, as well as Xeno, the Crystal Darkness. They would be with the Dark Alice as well as doing other things subconsciously for Metal Pumpkinhead whilst it was dormant, awaiting the day of the Apocalypse.

Black Ignis, The Souzenryoku Of Darkness; The Pumpkintwin, Junk Lord. A metallic, mechanical entity made in the image of Pumpkinhead, hence the names Metal Pumpkinhead and Pumpkintwin. However, it also goes by 'iT' when mad, which means 'iTabitha'. It stands the same height as Pumpkinhead -- thirteen feet tall -- and its head resembles a metallic pumpkin-skull mask with large, black horns protruding from it. Its body is fully metallic and well-defined in musculature, completely naked, but bearing no genitals, and eternally wrapped in a purple flame tinted with blackness. It always looks like its wrathful and malicious, even when idle, and dislikes to speak often, unless in code or algorithm. It follows logic, algorithm, and code to the letter, and rules over all Manual Overwrite processes in the Veritas. It has strict command over all darkness, including Space and the Unknown. Its true form is that of an astronomically sized fully mechanical planet named Planet Zodion, where Mechanica live, thrive, and are made, serving as the Master Control as well as the entire planet, itself. Its signature weapon is known as Longinus.

"iT's Coming..." <3
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) 745178428_1902884
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptySat Dec 10, 2022 8:38 am

='Third Eye'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Black_11
"Trigger :: Lawless : Death ; Spirit (Plasma) - Meg ~ Six Of Diamonds * Chemical Formation = Megaera (Fury) + Megiddo (Har Megiddo)."
-Black Cat-

Nyake, who was stationed at the Sixth Hand with her counterpart, Tzita, had been dealing with Living Shadow matters via her Third Eye, which each of the Living Shadows were linked. She commanded her Black Cats and also manipulated vessels and projections to interact with the overarch of the Living Shadows, Grimnyzmal, and her lazy attachment, Taomin. After she was done with that matter, and the Black Cats were set, she could give her full attention to her own mission... As well as her vengeance.

"Finally," Nyake scoffed, opening her eyes and congealing some, "I Thought That Would Never Get Done. Fucking Tao... I Will Discipline Her Good Later!" Nyake couldn't worry about Taomin right now, though, the lucky little fox. Nyake had to give full attention to her vengeance! And her mission, she guessed.

"... Tzita..." Nyake purred with a devious tone, "... Would You Mind Taking Over Whilst I Deal With A Purrsonal Matter...? Just Call Upon Me As A Living Shadow If You Need Me, Or Even Summon Me In Spirit Form, As Tia. But Uh... I've Gotta Make A Run." Nyake cackled to herself, a sharp glint in her eye and on her white fang as she dissolved into darkness, seeping into the Sixth Moon -- the Veritas' Hell.


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Location : Deadman's Den; Forbidden Hotel -- L'Sia Estate
Job/hobbies : Goddess Of The Zero World; Head Witch - Hostess

Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptySat Dec 10, 2022 9:51 am

Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Behemo10
"Activate :: Ruler : Royal Servant ; Assist - Ally ~ Wind * Tia (Aeris) = Five Of Hearts + Real Creation."

Since the Metal Pumpkinhead was off doing extermination or whatever, Tzita and her Living Shadow really just needed to go to the depths of Hell and fuck around, really. Sure, they had to clean it up, or something like that, but that didn't mean they couldn't beat up the Sinners and have whatever kind of other terrible fun they wanted. This was supposed to be a mission, and likely also a punishment, but the two darkest freaks of the Veritas together would be able to come up with all types of pleasurable fun.

That is, until Nyake said she wanted to opt out to go deal with some trivial matter regarding some Otherworld. "Buu, You Whore!" Tzita jeered. "Well, Fine! I'll Just Take You Up On Your Offer, Then... You Can Go Mess Around With Those Scrimmining Scramninmals... But Don't Take All Day." Tzita would draw a Sealed Card from the Argus Card System -- Aeris Tiamat's card, in fact -- and release the seal to instantly summon Tia back, even if Nyake was absent. "... Tia~!" Tzita cooed, "You DO Realize That We Can Have Some... Deviant Fun Whilst We're Here, Right~? This Is The Place To Do It~!" She giggled. "You Think They Sent Us Here For Just That Reason? Not Like I Care, But, I Wonder..."
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptySat Dec 10, 2022 10:09 am

Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Negoti10
"Six Of Clubs :: Chemical Action : Pawn ; Variable - Water ~ Construct * Mud Golem."

The Argus Card System's data of Aeris Tiamat formulated the Wind Spirit before Tzita just as soon as the Living Shadow Nyake left, having the two of them meet again. "Oh, Summoned Me So Soon, Did You~? My, Were You Lonely~?" She couldn't be mad -- Tzita had the best idea. Then again, Tzita and Tia were pretty much the same person. "... You Drive Quite A Hard Bargain There, Miss Head Witch... What Can I Do About An Offer I Cannot Refuse~?" She didn't at all seem hassled by it, but like she already had some ideas in mind after Tzita gave her the initial one.

The Wind Spirit, which wafted about elegantly in her translucent black kimono as a wisp, would begin to stir into a whirlwind, seeming stimulated. "... Yes... It Will Be A Most Pleasurable Time, Indeed..." With the vision from the Third Eye, Aeris Tiamat could see the alignment of their setup to the scenarios that were playing out beyond them, and knew just how to network with them. "... It Might Be High Time For The Fourth Beast To Claim Her Throne, Don't You Agree...?" After she spoke, Tia would cast her Presence all throughout the Sixth Moon. "... Follow Me, Tzita Darling... I Know Just How To Get The Party Started..." And she faded into the atmosphere.


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Da'at; Knowledge, The All Understanding :: Omnity Bond; the Goddess of Understanding

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyMon Dec 19, 2022 5:21 pm

Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) God_ha14
"Lawless :: Death : Earth ; The Pig - Lord Bacon."
-God Hands-

Quote :
As commanded, when the other beings were set up, Hecatonkaerei would begin to use the power of the Eight Arms Of Tabrith, which connected her to her father and mother. In doing this, she would call forth Tabrith, who was known now as both Tensei and The Tensei, as a hive-mind of the Veritas -- specifically the Tensei Clan. Tabrith, known also as the Great Mind, created and commanded Tensei of the Tensei Clan, as well as many other Constructs.

Technically, Tabrith could create all forms of life, or could create lifeless constructs and control them itself, but it all boiled down to this entity -- the Souzenryoku Of Earth -- being able to create and control life and constructs as a hive-mind. This power would be important within the Story in the Omnipedia as well as for backup and reinforcements in other locations. Since Tabrith was sentient and capable of manipulating multiple parts and versions of itself, it could deal with those who were on the Eight Hands Of God connected to the Eight Arms Of Tabrith. Likewise, whilst Hecatonkaerei dealt with things in the forefront, Tabrith could manage in the background with support, having the God Hands at its disposal, too.

In tandem, both Hecatonkaerei and Tabrith could command all of the God Hands and also create whatever they needed. For, The Great Mind was also part of The Creator, and The Godhead.
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Da'at; Knowledge, The All Understanding :: Omnity Bond; the Goddess of Understanding

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyMon Jan 30, 2023 2:30 am

='God Hands'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Prime_10
"Lawless :: Traphouse : Hell ; Catastrophe."
-Prime Chaos-

Quote :
The moment the ignorant chaotic mass extended itself in pure desperation, it would be ensnared by the God Hands of the Hecatoncheires, which were ultimately always in control of the Titans from the beginning -- as it was dictated when they were released. They served their purposes to the Veritas, as manipulated by the Hecatoncheires and Typhon.

Thus, as it was predestined, the Titans would find themselves, in their mass as Chaos, bound again by the very same Hecatoncheires that bound them to Tartarus in the first place. Fully restrained and subdued, Chaos would be held in place, specifically by the Sixth Hand, which commanded Chaos itself.
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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptySat May 06, 2023 4:43 am

Quote :
Either way, Odin, in the form of Grimnir, would continue drawing souls from the Nine Worlds and transferring them to Hell in the Veritas, as prisoners of war. They would be repurposed as seen fit.

In that same likeness, because Grimnyzmal begat Ragnarok amongst the Norse Pantheon, it would not only spread to the Greek, but also cause a three year Cold War (Fimbulvetr) as well as move one of the Golden Chess Pieces (Teraphim) in accordance.

The souls from the Norse Pantheon and Helheim, as well as Alfheim, would end up being transferred to the Sixth Moon of the Veritas -- their personal Hell.

6th Restriction -- Archcount Thanytoz, the Crystal Reaper; God Of Darkness. The Black Dragon and Vampire Lich Overlord, known as 'Grimnyzmal The Abyzmal', and one of the seven Sixth Restriction Elemental Gods of the Veritas. Wears a striped black and gray suit with black slacks and black dress shoes with matching gloves, as well as a long cloak of darkness. Can occasionally be seen with a tophat and cane, both with mouths on them and which bear his soul, along with his dark matter piano, Alticord. A Devourist and Living Shadow, he is Head of the Living Shadows of the Veritas and has command over what is called 'Devourism', a mixture of black holes and mouths. His innards are made of black holes, and he is always hungry. He has dominion over all darkness in the Veritas, including space. Married to Black Friday, the dark side of The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy, Friday. Runs much of the Veritas' businesses from the darkness.

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Da'at; Knowledge, The All Understanding :: Omnity Bond; the Goddess of Understanding

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyTue Jul 04, 2023 2:00 pm

='The Argus'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Dungeo10
"Lawless :: Neutral : Karma ; World Power - Omoshiroi (Point Of Interest {X Marks The Spot})."
-Dungeon Master-
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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptyTue Jul 04, 2023 6:16 pm

='The Argus'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Third_14
"Lawless :: Assist : Ally ; Stealth (Ninja) - Forbidden ~ Wormwood * Meteo."
-Third Eye-

6th Restriction -- Archcount Thanytoz, the Crystal Reaper; God Of Darkness. The Black Dragon and Vampire Lich Overlord, known as 'Grimnyzmal The Abyzmal', and one of the seven Sixth Restriction Elemental Gods of the Veritas. Wears a striped black and gray suit with black slacks and black dress shoes with matching gloves, as well as a long cloak of darkness. Can occasionally be seen with a tophat and cane, both with mouths on them and which bear his soul, along with his dark matter piano, Alticord. A Devourist and Living Shadow, he is Head of the Living Shadows of the Veritas and has command over what is called 'Devourism', a mixture of black holes and mouths. His innards are made of black holes, and he is always hungry. He has dominion over all darkness in the Veritas, including space. Married to Black Friday, the dark side of The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy, Friday. Runs much of the Veritas' businesses from the darkness.

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Da'at; Knowledge, The All Understanding :: Omnity Bond; the Goddess of Understanding

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptySun Aug 27, 2023 5:42 am

='The Assault'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Alignm10

Some of the 'Valparaiso Denizens' that were about 'Valhalla' -Indiscriminately- *Indescript* would be 'Trashed' into the 'Sixth Moon' of the Veritas by Hecatonkaerei.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) EmptySun Apr 07, 2024 7:48 am

='The Assault'=
Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Mobili11
"Free :: Forbidden : Weak Match."
-Mobilize Mechanica-
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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)   Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion) Empty

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Launch The Assault: Sixth Hand Of God; Hand Of Chaos (Sixth Hand Of Emotion)
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