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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Fourth Restriction; Shita

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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Fourth Restriction; Shita Empty
PostSubject: Fourth Restriction; Shita   Fourth Restriction; Shita EmptySun Jun 10, 2018 3:58 am

Fourth Restriction; Aura: Restriction of Energy

(Second Component of Graviso Sepulchro; Gravity Magic.)

Her magic is specifically reliant on the dominion and generation of Gravity or Antigravity through magical means. It is very versatile in ability even though it is so simple, and easily powerful enough to grant the suction strength of black holes or even greater at Zita's whim. Her Gravity Magic also seems to be able to exceed the gravitational power of a Black Hole on numerous instances, so it seems as though a Black Hole's gravitational force is not the limit in which her Gravity Magic can achieve. Though Zita is naturally immune to the effects of gravity, she can turn this ability on and off to effectively use her own Gravity Magic on herself whenever she needs to, however this only works with her magic, and other gravitational techniques used on her will not work. On another note, anything that is gravity can become anti-gravity if Zita wills it, and vice versa.

Graviso, the Gravity Manna
Documentation of all 'Gravity' abilities, characteristics and energetic forms, including but not limited to 'Antigravity.'

*More Of A Supportive Type Manna With A Powerful Offense.

*Well Rounded.

Basic Tier

Graviz (Gravity Ball): By conjuring up a bit of Gravitational Magic, Zita creates a simple ball of condensed gravity. This gravity has proven to be rather strong, however, and can effectively suck even large things into itself and crush them as if they had never existed. The Gravity Ball can be thrown and shot out in the multitudes, as well, making them very useful as a standard attack. (Basic, Gravity, First Tier, Attack)

Graviso (Gravity Flux): Concentrates the force of gravity in a small spot where she deems fit. It may be very powerful, but only consumes a small space.

Causo Graviso (Gravity Shift): With just a tiny bit of magic, Zita can change the flow of gravity, as well as the intensity of gravity to make it go in any direction she pleases at any given time as well as make it as light or as heavy as she wants to at any time. She can also easily shift the 'center of gravity' of other things at any time she chooses. (Manipulation, Gravity, Second Tier, Support)

Gravioli (Fulchrum): Zita makes a small sphere of gravity that acts as a placeholder. It will intake all projectiles into itself and can allow Zita's chains to use them as explosive fuses or as grappling hooks, or allow her to project attacks through them as gravitational portals. (Small, Gravity, First Tier, Support)


Second Tier (Amateur)


Gravitational Lens: Zita generates a gravitational field so strong that she is able to project multiple images of herself by bending and refracting light around her body. She is able to give these projected images density and physical shape via gravitational condensation, thus making them weigh the same as er own body to confuse her foes. They can be sed as 'gravitational bombs' as well.

Heragravisia (Earthbound): Zita casts gravity magic specifically focused at the feet, flowing into the foe's legs, which causes them to literally be unable to lift from the ground by any means. Though they have the ability to walk, Zita can increase the force to ensure that they stay in one place as well. If they are to try to get around this ability, gravity will intensify around their feet and cause them to fall to the ground or the force of the planet itself will suck them back down to the ground. (Concentrated, Manipulation, Gravity, Second Tier, Immobilization)


Third Tier (Advanced)

Gravizzio (Gravitational Discord): A sort of upgraded version of the Gravity Ball, in which Zita conjures up more Gravitational Magic to create a massive ball of gravity with a highly intense core. It will suck anything into this core and compresses it to about an eighth the size of Zita's body. The larger it is, the harder it is to compress, however. Using the power of the intense core, Zita can trap things that do not get compressed within it as a prison, as well. (Basic, Gravity, Third Tier, Attack)

Causo Gaviro (Gravity Seal): The upgraded version of the Gravity Shift. By using the natural center gravity inside of someone or something, Zita can easily increase its strength or create a core of pure intense gravity within the very center of the target to force it to implode on itself. Though, it's harder to focus on people, for some reason, especially those with great power. However, with inanimate objects, it works almost instantaneously. (Manipulation, Vacuum, Gravity, Third Tier, Attack)

Ars Saifogravisia (Parasitic Gravitational String): Utilizing her Gravitational Magic and control of pressure, Zita condenses a high amount of gravity into single threads of pure, highly pressurized gravitational force. These threads will 'attract' themselves to Zita's targets, whether it be by natural or magical means, thus locking on to whatever Zita wishes. If they are to touch an object, their high powered and fluctuating gravitational forces will surge through it instantaneously. The gravitational force is so strong and unstable that it causes whatever has been touched to be completely and utterly immobile as it drains their energy from it in large quantities. (Concentrated, Gravity, Third Tier, Attack, Drain)


Fourth Tier (Expert)

Graviolizzo (Gravity Moon): A large gravitational distortion that serves as a moon-sized place holder.

Gravisodiablo (Devil's Hold): High-class, upgraded version of the Gravitational Discord. Zita conjures up a vast amount of Gravitational Magic in the same sense of the Gravitational Discord, thus creating an immense ball of pure gravity with a highly powerful gravitational center as its core that surpasses the intensity of the Gravitational Discord a thousandfold. Due to the upgrade, it has its own sort of 'artificial intelligence,' in a sense, and will extend claws made out of its core straight out of itself that will rend, grab and/or crush whatever they touch, compressing whatever is touches severely. In addition, this sphere is able to hover around of its own free will, breaking down, absorbing and converting what it crushes so that it may get larger and 10 times more powerful with each object that is sucked into it. In the same aspect as the Gravitational Discord, Zita can trap things that do not get compressed as an even better, reinforced prison, as well.

Garuda Raajiavis (Graviton Boost): By either coating her legs in Anti-Gravity or surging high amounts of Anti-Gravity out of her body, she can accelerate and move at almost any speed depending on how much power is put into the anti-gravity. It allows her quick escapes from fast people and even faster attacks. (Enhancement, Gravity, Fourth Tier, Support)


Fifth Tier (Master)

Magna Gravisodiablo (Graviton Sphere): A highly advanced and highly powerful upgrade to the Devil's Hold. Zita conjures up an astronomical amount of Gravitational Magic that far exceeds that of the Devil's Hold, creating a gigantic sphere of gravitational power that is unmatched by any gravitational force on the planet, almost equal to that of a black hole. Due to the incredible potency and force of the suction, whatever is caught in it will be trapped inside of it. Its power and gravitational force grows the more it takes in objects, until it fills. Once it has taken in its fill of things, it will implode, as if it never existed, taking anything and everything it had inside of itself with it. (Basic, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Attack)

Arsia Teogravoru (Graviton Frame): Zita concentrates a high amount of Gravitational Magic into her hands, charging them with great gravitational power. From Zita's hands come intense, overly massive, concentrated blasts of pure gravitational force of the highest caliber, causing whatever is near to be sucked into the center and crushed into nothingness, leaving barren space void of all matter where the beams had been fired. (Concentrated, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Attack)

Galgo Millenia Gravidiablo (Graviton Wrath): Concentrating a massive amount of Gravitational Magic around the area, Zita instantaneously generates a thousand or more meteor sized, highly condensed and pressurized spheres of gravity. These spheres will either focus on one target of Zita's choosing and smash it to death with their insanely high gravity, or smash about the area in a sort of frenzy, destroying everything in the process. (Multiple Shots, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Attack)

Garuda Magnavis (Graviton Punch): A sort of advanced version of her Heavy Body technique when it is focused into her hands. Zita focuses an insanely high and unstable amount of gravity into her very fists, giving her the ability to punch with exceptional power far exceeding the physical strength of most. Upon making contact with something, for even further deadly capabilities, she is able to send this unstable, fluctuating gravity into the hit target and cause them to disassemble or cause them to simultaneously and continuously explode and implode. (Enhancement, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Attack)

Magna Causo Gravizoro (Graviton Center): The upgraded version of the Gravity Seal. Using a high-class magic, Zita creates a large sphere of gravity that nullifies the gravitational pull of the planet and anything else (in that area) before creating its own gravitational pull, forcing everything to the large sphere instead. (Manipulation, Nullification, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Support)

Magna Gravikozo (Biorhythmic Influentia): By looking at or directly feeling the Biorhythms of whom she is fighting or of nature around her, Zita can literally predict the foe's next move or any abnormalities in the area, thus giving her a vast upper hand when necessary. Not only this, but she can increase or decrease the power, potential and general capabilities of herself or anyone she uses this ability on. (Manipulation, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Support)

Teo Graviruda (Heavy Body): Concentrates gravity into certain parts of the body (mostly the hands) and gives her the ability to transmute high powered gravity force blasts through the air to great distances spontaneously as well as break through things with her gravity enhanced body parts. (Enhancement, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Support)


Magna Priso Gravidom (Pressure Dome): Using natural pressures that come from her Gravitational Magic, Zita increases the pressure of gravity around the area, creating a dome around her target. The dome will then release exponentially powerful pressures continuously on anything and everything inside of the dome, the dome becoming smaller and smaller, pressurizing everything within. Anything that can or does survive will be locked within this tiny dome. The pressure can be of any intensity. (Dome, Trap, Gravity, Fifth Tier, Immobilization)


Sixth Tier (Legend)

Optima Gravisodiablo (Graviton Hole): An upgraded and advanced version of the Graviton Sphere, and the highest power of the Gravity Ball line of attacks. Zita conjures up an ungodly amount of Gravitational Magic that even exceeds that of the Graviton Sphere, focusing an insane amount of pressure and gravity magic in a certain area. As such, Zita can quickly and effectively create a miniature black hole. However, once creates, this black hole will continue to grow and grow, taking in anything and everything it can. Whatever is taken into the Graviton Hole is instantaneously spit out into another part of the universe at any given place. (Basic, Gravity, Sixth Tier, Attack)

Nil Causo Graviso (Zero Gravity): With just a flick of the wrist, Zita can nullify all natural gravitational forces and fields within her magical range. This does not include her own magic, however if she chooses so, it can. (Nullification, Manipulation, Gravity, Sixth Tier, Support)

Optima Grashiru (Black Shield): By focusing Antigravity around herself in an octahedron sort of fashion, Zita is able to literally push away anything she wishes at any given time. She can also control this shield so much that she can make large walls or even a skin-tight suit of nothing but this Black Shield. (Protection, Gravity, Sixth Tier, Support)

Doa Graviopia (High Gravity Flux): Sort of like a mixture of the Graviton Boost and the Heavy Body. Coats her entire body with a high concentration of gravity and anti-gravity, thus making her invisible by literally pushing away certain types of light from hitting her. If not, she will increase the power to make herself have the repulsive force equal to that of a Black Hole. In addition, she will have the ability to push and pull literally anything toward or away from her, however using this hinders her from using any other Gravity Magic simultaneously. (Armor, Enhancement, Gravity, Sixth Tier, Support)

Arsia Graviaopia (World Compressor): Zita concentrates a highly intense amount of condensed gravitational force into the form of an enormous mallet of variable size and power. The force released is not dependent on the size and can be intensified all the same. (Concentrated, Weapon, Gravity, Sixth Tier, Support)

Optima Aizo Gravizora (Heavy Crusher): A powered up version of the Graviton Frame, in which Zita concentrates high amounts of Gravitational Magic into only one of her hands, once again charging it with gravitational power. With the hand outstretched, Zita releases a funnel-like wave of magic that will cause anything aligned with her own hand to be instantaneously crushed into nothingness, sucking in anything around the blast for the same effect, leaving barren space void of all matter where the funneling wave had been fired. Alternatively, Zita can expel a large and powerful 360 degree explosion of the same ultra pressurized gravitational magic that either forces everything away or reduces whatever is within its radius to nothingness. (Vacuum, Gravity, Sixth Tier, Wide Spread)


Seventh Tier (Uber)

Gravilizzima (Graviton Eclipse): An upgraded version of the Heavy Crusher and the most powerful version of the Graviton Frame attack line. Zita concentrates severely high amounts of Gravitational Magic throughout her entire body, charging herself with nothing but this gravitational power. Once she has enough power, Zita looses all of the charges Gravitational Magic as highly intense, ultra massive gravitational explosion from her body that is so strong, it crushes anything within as well as anything near it into nothingness, void of any and all matter. The loose gravity explosion will expand gradually, yet very swiftly, growing stronger the larger it gets, destroying everything even more and more as it gets larger and stronger. It will not stop expanding until forced to stop by Zita or an outside force. (Wide Spread, Explosion, Gravity, Seventh Tier, Attack)

Ultima Gravicho (Ultramassive Gravity Bomb): Creates one or more insanely condensed, unstable, tiny spheres of gravity no larger than a marble. Their gravitational power is so intense, they are said to be able to suck a planet from space down if they are to be unleashed to their full power in this form. These tiny orbs explode on Zita's command, releasing gravity so strong that it leaves nothingness where the explosions occur, and then, when done, they compress themselves back into tiny spheres once more so they do not risk bringing down a planet. (Explosion, Gravity, Seventh Tier, Attack)

Ultima Causo Gravizora (Graviton Destruction): Zita fuses her magic with the natural gravity of the area/the planet, thus causing her to control the planet's gravitational force in its entirety. Using this, she can increase the pressure of the pull to the planet's core to any intensity she wishes for however wide or small an area she wishes. She can intensify it so much that anything above the area will instantly be pulled into the core of the planet. (Manipulation, Wide Spread, Gravity, Seventh Tier, Support)

Alpha Gravikoku (Pressurizer): With a very powerful amount of just pressure from gravity, Zita can literally pressurize anything and everything she wishes with this purebred force of any intensity to bring even the most powerful of foes down to the ground with nothing but pressure alone. It is so powerful that if used to its full potential, it can easily compress the planet into a tiny sphere. Naturally, it gives Zita the ability to compress things into extremely small spheres, in which she can effectively reuse for later attacks. (Weakening, Gravity, Seventh Tier, Immobilization)

Ultima Heragravisia (Gravity Board): By creating large, black boards made of insanely concentrated and compressed gravity around the field from the ground, Zita can slow down anything and everything not associated with gravity to any speed she wishes at any given time. So, if they are affected, no matter how fast they go, Zita can still slow them to a point where it will make no difference. (Concentrated, Manipulation, Gravity, Seventh Tier, Immobilization)

Dras Congraviso (Silent Black): Creates a gravitational field similar to that of an exceptionally tiny black hole barrier around the target, which will adjust and adapt itself to their power and resistance to gravity to forcefully make them completely and utterly immobile, stealing energy from their struggling and draining their chakra constantly to keep them in place in the infinite blackness of the Silent Black. (Drain, Trap, Gravity, Seventh Tier, Immobilization)


Sin/Shin Graviton: One of Zita's most powerful abilities in her arsenal, part of the 'Sin/Shin' line of spells, the most powerful there are. By creating a gravitational force so strong that everything around it becomes unstable and unable to keep form, Zita releases it throughout the entire area to have everything instantly crushed, shattered, compressed and imploded by this godly gravitational force. (Basic, Gravity, Eighth Tier, Attack)

Sin Gravisia (Black Clear): Another one of Zita's most powerful abilities, in the same power level as a 'Sin' spell. She musters up all of the gravity produced and projected from the planet and concentrates it into one area, virtually crushing anything that isn't prepared into nothingness. Alternatively, she can generate a field of gravity all of her own so powerful it alters the very strength of the planet's gravitational force as a side effect, thus causing the gravity to become as forceful as Zita wills it to be. (Concentrated, Gravity, Eighth Tier, Attack)

Shin Gravidiablo Infinitum (Black Sin Clear): A combination of the Sin Graviton and the Black Clear together, making up Zita's most powerful gravitational attack to date. Zita musters up all of the gravity within not only this planet but any other nearby planets, stars, moons, black holes, and the like and erases all Chaos. This is Zita's absolute strongest attack, however it is immensely stressful and draining. (Gravity, Eighth Tier, Attack)

Sin Causo Gravidiablo (Grim Overload): A powerful, yet tricky ability that allows Zita to increase the power of gravity in the atmosphere so much in the area that Zita distorts and it, the flow of space, time and light will be altered to her will, or even destroyed, if she so chooses. This attack, however, does not affect her, but does everyone else indiscriminately. (Manipulation, Gravity, Eighth Tier, Support)

Sin Nil Gravidiablo (Clear Null Wave): The Antigravity equivalent to the Black Clear, by which Zita uses an immense amount of magic to nullify, suck out and absorbs forces of any and all kinds with a powerful wave of gravity and antigravity, making all forces of Zita's choosing nullified and powerless. (Nullification, Gravity, Eighth Tier, Support)

Sin Nil Gravidiablo Infinitum (Anti Sin Clear): The Antigravity equivalent to the Black Sin Clear, thereby using all of previously said gravity as antigravity, making the absolute strongest shield in her arsenal to date, though at the cost of an immense drain and stress. (Nullification, Gravity, Eighth Tier, Support)
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