The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)

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Grimlyn, the Pumpkid :: Crystal Arachnegon; Kurogami of the Dawn

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyFri Dec 09, 2022 4:26 am

='Shadow Hands'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Tabith13
"Lawless :: Death : Water ; Salvation."

Quote :
Tabitha's reach with her Shadow Hands extended all the way to where her father, Living Shadow Thanytoz -- otherwise known as Grimnyzmal -- was at. He was in the Toybox, for some reason, but was calling upon Tabitha... Likely why her Shadow Hands were drawn to him, despite her presence being on the First Moon doing something else. This was the Second Arm Of Tabrith, so he was doing his part of the mission. However... This didn't seem like it was actually part of the mission. Was this something else? Who could have known?

Regardless, her father's resourcefulness and mystery with his intent brought Tabitha's adoration, and she very giddily sprouted from the darkness after prying the portal open with her Shadow Hands. "Daddyyyyyy~~~!!!" she cried childishly. "Daddy You Are SOOOO SWEEEET!! Oh, I Can't Wait To Play When We're Done~!" She clapped her hands together. "You Need Access To My Toybox, Right? Okey Dokey, Daddy~! I, Tabitha, Your Dearest Heart, Will Let You Into My Personal Private Secret Forbidden Treasure Chest!" Tabitha unlocked her Toybox within the Universal Toybox, letting her father pass to do as he wished within the Dead Worlds.
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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyFri Dec 09, 2022 5:22 am

='Shadow Hands'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Living16
"Lawless :: Rook (Purple) : Water ; Seven Of Spades - Natural Emanation."
-Living Shadow-

Once Tabitha finished setting into place the Teraphim which would set into motion the extent of The Assault that was apportioned to those who triggered and incurred the wrath of the Veritas, that matter could be put to rest and settled between the entities which were involved directly with the triggering matter. Plus, the power drawn from the Dead Worlds would end up being useful residual energy for buildup and offensive power. The alignments were perfect beyond perfection, yet all obviously well-within the calculations and capacity of the Veritas. Yet, it astounded even Grimnyzmal, the Dark God and Third Eye, who was supposed to be one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable of all. He was humbled by how small a piece he was, despite being the actual God Of Darkness for the entire Veritas. There were greater powers, he knew, but it was at this moment that he understood how much more minute he was in retrospect.

And he was at peace.

"Come, Daughter!" Grim cried out suddenly, "That Is Not The End To Your Surprise. In Addition To Getting To Play With The Dollhouse And New Dollies... You Get To Play In The Slaughterhouse, As Well!" Once, a dream was had where Tabitha was in the Slaughterhouse, actually... Probably like 2016-2017.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyThu Dec 15, 2022 3:39 am

='Living Shadow'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Behemo11
"Trigger :: Lawless : Queen (Green) ; Gravity - Emanation ~ Five Of Hearts * Real Action = Absorption."

Meanwhile, entering the Dead Worlds was the Zero World Goddess, in the wake of the two Kurogami, one of whom owned this territory in the Zero World. Shinzita, Goddess Of The Zero World, would immediately take to the Dead Worlds that were meant to be used as fodder for the Veritas and inspected them, as to see which of them was the new one that Tia said she needed help with. Though just in passing, Shinzita did go through the Dead Silence of the Dead Worlds in order to reach the location of Bestiaria, the New Dead World, which was known as 'The Zoo'. Nyake (rather, Tia) was the one that had all the sentiment for that land, which was why it was captured at all, but she was the one that also wanted to gain retribution for their sins against her... And Shinzita was helping.

"The Deepest And Darkest Depths Of The Zero World... Where We Drop Everything That Is Meant To Die Or That Has Already Died That We Want To Keep The Carcass Of." It was basically like a Cosmic Graveyard. "... Only One More Stop, And Then We'll Be Prepared To Take Vengeance On Our Adversaries...~" She traversed deeper, reaching Bestiaria.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptySun Nov 12, 2023 5:47 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Playma10

Quote :
Tabi got home to her Red Velvet Haunted Playhouse, bloodstained with all her conquest and dragged her Toybox from the Archival Chambers of the 'Absolute Dead Wonderland', where she lived... Sometimes... And played... Sometimes... Only to play in her real-fake house! Yay!

"DOLLIEZ!!!" she cried, "MORE DOLLIEZ!!!" They were attached to many different strings, and upon one of them, on her bloodied pinky finger was... 'Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll'! So much fuuun~! She was gonna rape and mindrape it all day!

"Dis One Gon' Be Mah Fav'rit!" She was acting a dumbfuck for her toyz, as usual, but... You know how it goes with 'Tabi Adventures'. She was going to use it as a personal 'Sex Doll', or something... A 'Playmate', as they are called. "Hnnnn..." she mumbled, though, rolling her eyes, darting them around profusely, as if making calculations, "... But... The Other Toys Are Still Not Suffering Enough... Nnnn..." She felt more like her insane father, Khrona, every single day. How she loved him so.

"I GOT-IT~!" Tabi, the Grand Tabritha, proclaimed, "I'll Just Run Them Around My 'Haunted Playhouse' And Stuff~!" So, she maximized herself to the Grand Tabritha Argus Card System and started... 'Playing' with the 'Kenzi Doll', which would be her 'Playmate'. "GO GETTEM~!!!!" command Tabitha, with her deep voice on accident, but was still cute and high-pitched.

Tabitha -- the Grand Tabritha -- dropped her new 'Playmate' Doll, the 'Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll', into the 'Absolute Dead Wonderland'... The Abyss of the Dead Worlds that were conquered by the Veritas, made barren, and all other 'Dead Space' and other undefined 'Death'... Where she would walk into Death for FUN~~!!! All for TABi'S AMUSEMENT. "Take Me Down With The Rain, Down Down With The Rain~~~!!!" she sang, as she dropped the 'Playmate' down into the depths of the empty Dead Worlds...

There she would stand, attached to the strings of Tabitha's fingers, right before another image of Tabitha, as the Grand Tabritha, which was just an image, gazing down in front of her condescendingly, looking maliciously malevolent, yet with an expressionless pleasure, something like anticipation, but devoid of any kind of feeling. Like an empty husk. "More..." Grand Tabritha bellowed cutely, sounds of various tones all overlapping in distortion, reverberating and distorting the emptiness in a fashion that was virtually invisible. The realm shifted at her voice, and naught could tell but she. "More DOLLIEEEEEZZZZ~!" Kenzi Doll would be forced to move about on a plane that was totally unseen, through darkness, to go pick up more toys...
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyMon Nov 13, 2023 3:41 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Manipu10

As 'Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll' the 'Playmate' of Tabitha was sent on her way through the 'Absolute Dead Wonderland' through the 'Grand Tabritha' -Argus Card System-, the Tabi would drop down to 'Accompany' her as a 'Companion' the weak ass, fugly, hideous Filthing... Tabisa, the ugly little thing that tried to copy Tabitha and be her obsessively, and ended up being just some reject 'Knockoff' that nobody likes, and turned into a 'Doll' for Tabitha to play with. It was manipulated and attached to the mission of the Kenzi Doll, but because of the Tabisa's personality, it would try to be some kind of parasitic attachment to her, and kinda deform itself into being another 'Playmate', though it was really more of a just... Kinda... 'Clone'? Thing? Just a 'Filthing' that Tabitha would 'Manipulate' to do her bidding and keep control over the 'Playmate', just to restrict and restrain her and make her weak and ugly, as well, by her own obsessive and clinging personality, until they were both destroyed. Tabisa would be like a poison and toxin to the Kenzi Doll and kill them both whilst within the Dead World. By Tabitha's hand and the Grand Tabritha's 'Argus Card System'.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyMon Nov 13, 2023 9:40 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Vegeta10

During the adventures of 'Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll' and 'Tabisa', the two of them were strung along the dark abyss of the Dead Worlds down a neverending path up the road of the Argus Card System -- Tabi's Game. They kept on playing with her, thinking it was sweet, and that they'd get something out of it, being 'Wannabes' that would eventually beat her at being sexier than her and being herself more by 'stealing her power' and 'her sexiness'. Though, the two of them alone were not strong enough to combat Tabitha nor play the Grand Tabritha -- who was the Gamemaster -- at the Argus Card System. So, they needed another Dolly... And that Dolly they came across just so happened to be a vestigial slab of meat with no brain and no soul, much like the two of them, only... Lying around on the ground and having no presence, being a worthless nobody; a 'Vegetable', more or less, that needed so much power, it couldn't even move, breathe, nor think. They barely noticed it at first, but when Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll tripped over it, distracted by Tabisa and how ugly it was, she decided to just drag it along! She named it 'DaFagge', because it was just so fucking weak, like the two of them, who lived in and thrived on weakness, trying to prove their strength, and forgetting that the entire time... They were still having their strings pulled by the Mastermind Gamemaster, Grand Tabritha. When they attached to 'DaFagge', he weighed them down severely and was transitively associated to Tabitha and all her sexiness, wanting more of her power than even Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll AND Tabisa together... For, he -- DaFagge -- was the weakest of them all.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyMon Nov 13, 2023 9:57 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Moveme10

When 'DaFagge' joined the crew... More or less... Dragged around by Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll, both he and Tabisa were weighing her down... All to the design of the Grand Tabritha. She laughed at them, keeping her expressionless empty smile, taunting them in the most daunting way. This irritated them all, because no matter how far they thought they came, and no matter how much power they thought they were getting in this void realm of dead space, they could not progress anywhere, and they always thought they were. Day after day -- if one could even call them days -- they would simply be draining power and never getting more powerful; as if the power just seeped right out of them. So, the agitated group grew very angry, especially because DaFagge was definitely the one draining them and dragging them down by being 'Dead Weight' that they had to drag along at all. So... Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll had to use Tabisa's special power.... The 'Dumbfuck Drive'... And when activated, it stimulated the stupidity of the neanderthal within them all, and underdeveloped them further so that they had only one thought, one feeling, and one determination to gain more power and try to spite Tabitha by making believe they were in control in some delusional fashion, being sexually frustrated about themselves and keeping themselves in suspension whilst sloshing forward as some mass of... Sexually immoral spitefulness. They gained more power and moved along, but... Again, to naught, and never ever seeing the Grand Tabritha except by the maliciously wicked emotionless smile and hearing a recording of her spitefully cacophonous laughter, raucously jesting them at every moment, in different pitches, all overlapping, in different tones, and at different volumes, from everywhere in the void. All of the time.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyMon Nov 13, 2023 10:20 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Puppet10
-Puppet King-

The mocking laughter of Tabitha resounded through her Grand Tabritha module within the deep, dead, empty space, before them all. Nonstop. Forever. Ringing in their minds. Traumatic noise garbling their thoughts and feelings by its wavelengths and frequencies. The sexually immoral dolls that Tabitha was mindfucking into their own fuckery would come to a collapse due to the mentally damaging laughter that she continued to batter them with, every moment; every second... Until it became too much for them. Their minds -- if they could even be said to have them -- were corrupted further by her jesting, and driving them by their own 'Dumbfuck Drive' because they were such dumbfucks, until they just could not try to spite her any longer by trying to steal power from her through their sexual orgies. It looked hideous enough that they tried, seeking to become more and more powerful, yet somehow wasting it, and never actually achieving nor meeting the goal, or reaching the climax they should so have wished, and eventually... It did just look like they were prolonging the inevitability of themselves just having to stop in order to try to progress forward into nothing, deflating their own inspiration when their dumbfuckery just would not actually function any longer. They could have sex with themselves no more, yet... The Mindfucking of Tabitha continued all the same. "DANCE, DOLLIES!!!!" she cried, which gave them the strength of a sliver of her power to provide them with more energy to continue with their dumb-fucking thoughts. Yet... Because they sat and coagulated their little 'sex party' in order to make themselves feel better about being inferior and weak before Tabitha, and also being incapable of hanging with the Gamemaster herself, they were met with a certain... Death that was unexpected to them. A lone, rogue Doll in the darkness came to them, seemingly alone, and not attached to Tabitha, somehow... But, when it passed the mound of sexually impotent dollies by, trying to prove themselves by being 'powerful in their own little mass', they would be snatched up by the Doll... With 'Strings Attached'. This made them 'Puppets' to what would now be a 'Puppet King', the three of them the Puppets that were under the direct subservience of he. But, the all of them were still under the jurisdiction of Tabitha from beyond her own realm of play and also under the watch and guile of the Grand Tabritha, which continued to laugh and laugh in a prerecorded manner, ever growing in measure, yet always remaining in flux forever. They progressed none, but told themselves they were getting somewhere. As per usual... As via her mindfuck.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyTue Nov 14, 2023 3:43 am

='Puppet King'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Puppet10
-Puppet Show-

Wrapped up and entangled by the Puppet King's strings, the wicked lot of dollies were now some Puppets with 'Strings Attached', each of them manipulated by the Puppet Master up above, Tabitha. The Grand Tabritha continued to laugh on and on and on, before suddenly... "RED ALERT! RED ALERT!!! INCOMING!!!!" It didn't sound like a warning, but more like a mocking siren. The strings of the Puppet King and the Puppet attachments were coiled and tangled up by the one and only... Slinky. Slink slinked on over all up 'round down up down and around they asses, snatching them up and keeping them at bay. Though not a Puppet nor the Puppet King, he was still a Toy that was manipulated by Tabitha FOR FUN~! The fun had only just begun by the time ole Slink came about. The Slinky Toy, in its entanglement, accidentally got caught up in the strings of the Puppet King and became subservient, but still managed to discombobulate the Puppet Brigade, and get the Puppet King itself all messed up and tangled in its own strings, and that was everyone's undoing. Tightly, Slink coiled around them all and kept them in place, en masse, as the mass amassed of perversion and weakness. Tabitha laughed, and it projected and echoed throughout her Dead World via the Grand Tabritha.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyWed Nov 15, 2023 1:15 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Shadow12
-Shadow Puppet-

Though the Puppets and their Puppet King were ensnared by Slink the Slinky, and their strings were all tangled and wrapped up in some sort of wicked contortion, the strings attached to Tabitha's fingers still manipulated them to do her bidding, making them look foolish in her sight. The recorded laughter that continuously played back over and over, ringing in their ears and making them more malicious for Tabitha's delight, continued to make them more and more malicious, and Tabitha ate that shit right up. Every now and then, the signature giggle of hers -- far more clear and resonant in the void darkness -- echoed in a volume much louder than the prerecorded laughter that came from the Grand Tabritha, and slithered through their ears, all up and down their bodies... Making them more and more ravenous to get to the end. Yet, as trapped as they were, the Puppet King itself was incapable of controlling the little newly made Puppets, and they ended up just tussling for control, never able to reach the height of the true Puppet Master behind all of this... Try as they might to spite her, they were in her world; the 'Absolute Dead Wonderland'. They could not move, and could only continue to try to spite her with their raunchy behaviors, amalgamating and no longer being able to be defined from one another. Strings spurt from every direction, seeking desperately some level of control over something or other... When there was literally nothing. Nothing at all. But, since Tabi was getting bored watching them do nothing -- rare as it was -- she had to send them another token of affection to keep them going. Grand Tabritha's dress lifted from the front like a shutter, releasing more Dolls into the darkness... Under her control. None could be seen, but they all shuffled about, making all sorts of subtle noises underneath the laughter, masking their movements as the darkness hid their presence...
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyWed Nov 15, 2023 3:20 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Trap_r10
-Trap Rat-

The first of the Dolls to reach the amalgamation of fornication was a lowly rat, which sniffed at the rear of the stinking mass. Strings extended and wrapped around it, drawing it into the fleshy pile of felt and feeling, perverting it into the growing glob of glop. They were indistinct now, but with more perversions, it became greater; a mound of fabrication something like flesh. Though the curious Rat Doll -- what one would call a 'Trap Rat' -- found its way into the mix, it was wholly consumed quite easily by the doings of the stinking hunk of meat and fabric, and felt as the felt, inlaying itself by the strings that threaded its life to the wad. By seeking the strength and skill of what was nearby indiscriminately, that blob of meaty goop would sew into it the Trap Rat Doll, making it into another Puppet of Tabitha's control.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyWed Nov 15, 2023 10:32 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Puppet11
-Puppet King-

The weird ball of perversion trying to gain control over itself and others through siphoning and stealing an infinite amount of power from an infinite source continued to coagulate and clot, still stuck in the same place, and now not moving forward, like it started. Instead of progressing, it was only being sent more and more Dolls and Puppets in order to keep it in place where it was, and amass more to the perversion. At this point, it was a giant Sloth-Ball, and even the once vapid strings were becoming limp and flaccid. They could not extend their reach to even greater lengths because of how much perversion went on when Tabitha gave the Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll, Tabisa, DaFagge, Slinky, Deposed Puppet King, Trap Rat, and Light Slave gave them more power, and they took it like the poisoned bait that it was. Tabitha was no longer laughing... But her Grand Tabritha was, just to egg them on to keep on going, just so this Sin would reach the full cup of its measure. Likewise, just one more tiny little Puppet was sent out from the Grand Tabritha via Tabitha to the perversion ball... Sugar Rat, another Trap Rat, but with some kind of influence other than the little Trap Rat from before. Sugar Rat was some kind of Puppet King with other Trap Rat attachments, and thought that by having a business of them scurrying around the mountain of its fat, carrying it along, that it was high and mighty, when it was really just fat and ugly and looking for control. The perverse mound rivaled Sugar Rat in size, so it ordered its Trap Rat slave puppets underneath to do more work to circumvent the power through the attachment of themselves to it... But of course, that just ended with them being sucked in and dragging the giant Sugar Rat mountain into it as well. Expanding the perversion even more.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptySat Nov 18, 2023 2:21 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Agent10

The perverse mass that continued to grow in the controlled environs of Tabitha would always remain as such, yet the other Dolls and Puppets that were released to deal with it were still causing it to grow. And in that, one of the Dollies was not quite happy with being left out of the mix... This one's name was 'Frienvy', and she was rather... Acute the watcher, from Hell. Yet, as creative as her eyes were, she wasn't quite potent enough for the large growing mass of sexual frustration... And in that envious state, she would start to create around them a 'Field' of perversion based on that perception. Yet, getting too close to the pulsing mass would draw her into the strings as well... Now, the whole blob was a 'Puppet King' that was wrapped up in itself, and was capable of creating more based on 'Frienvy'. The tail end of the 'Rat's Ass' from the 'Trap Rat' kept on shitting out more dough for the thing to survive, and the mass ate that shit up because of the malice of Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll and the Tabisa possessing her, or being possessed by her. So, what ended up happening was... All these beings in the amalgamation just tried to control each other over time and totally forgot about how they wanted to steal power from Tabitha and grow stronger... Such was the fate of the perverse control freaks. Hence why they were just Puppets and Puppet Kings that were now a Puppet King trying to control itself and yet always fighting against itself inside of itself about itself all of the time.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyTue Nov 21, 2023 11:24 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Trap10

The Puppet King amalgamation trying to control itself did not ever succeed in controlling itself, but instead just continued to lash out at any and everything that was applicable or available at the time which got near to the growing mass. The strings and tails and coils and fingers and toes all stretched out hideously to snatch up any and everything that got too close to the matter. But the Dolls and Puppets being sent from the Grand Tabritha as punishment for their sins against Tabitha would still end up getting caught up, and doing so barely of their own volition, but only because they wanted to be part of whatever sexual perversion was going on at the time. So, this next Puppet -- The Coral Friendbro -- was willingly manipulated into the mix, trying to get at whatever hotness was happening. Without much effort, it fell into the mix and was filled into the disgusting waste product continuing to grow and never progressing. It stuck to the ground and became a great Sloth that envied itself the more beings got pulled into it. Sooner or later, the strings attached were no longer just controlling them, but allowing them to draw themselves up toward the fingertips of Tabitha. Though, clearly, extending the strings just gave them more slack so that the miscreant could be entangled in a ball of yarn that more strings loosely fell upon. They tangled up more and more, and looked less and less like a sexual... Blurb and more of a... Sad... Weak... Undulating... Disquieting... Blob. Not even the strings were moving any longer, and the blob could barely move by this point. They did not progress, and still had more strings to use, and still had no control, and still became more perverse, and still clung to their perversions, and continued to remain more... Stuck in place. Like a couch potato of sorts. But, I guess sex was happening...? Inside...? Or something.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyTue Nov 21, 2023 12:01 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Ventri10
-Ventriloquist Dummy-

All the way out in the distance of the darkness, like the Frienvy was, there was but another Puppet... This one, which was a Projector, would project its voice outward to manipulate the others as a Puppet King... This Puppet King was known as the 'King's Breath', and all it did was use 'Ventriloquism' to puppet others and also keep itself relevant in their minds and hearts and such and so on. The bodies of those like Frienvy and even the other Puppets and Dolls were Commanded by the Voice of the King's Breath Ventriloquist Dummy, and, because of this Puppet King's interest in the entire scenario and ordeal, the perverse mass stuck and stayed and continued to grow just because he kept on being perversely interested in the growth of the perversion at all. And also wanted to be included without actually getting close. More intelligent than the other Puppets, he stayed off in the distance, but, the strings came from the mouth and continued to manipulate others, so after the glob of sexual perversion learned to consume the strings attached, the very strings that came from the mouth of the 'Ventriloquist Dummy' would snatch it by the tongue and draw it into the perversion.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 2:54 am

='Puppet God'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Reposs10

Behind the Ventriloquist Dummy was a dark and spooky Puppet that happened to be a Puppet God. It was being bad. The Shadow Puppetry that it used on the Ventriloquist Dummy made it seem like it was under its own control when it actually was one of the larger schemes of Puppet Kings belonging to the Puppet God -- Scruff. He looked a Dog, son -- he had that DOOOOG innem -- but, he was definitely a Puppet God that had much mastery in Puppeteering... Much more than the Puppet King Ventriloquist Dummy. As a Puppet God, Scruff had many Puppet Kings to do his bidding, each of which had lesser Puppets to do theirs, for them, for him. It was a chain of command that was very tactical, but could specifically backfire because of the number of Puppets that could overthrow a Puppet King and then the number of overthrown Puppet Kings that cannot get control over the Puppets and then end up overthrowing the singular Puppet God that ruled over the Puppet Kings who ruled over the Puppets. Since Scruff was a Dog Puppet God, that made his Puppet Kings and other Puppets kinda doggy, but they still did the tracking and searching work in the darkness, and also kept the other Puppet Kings under the Puppet God in line. The strings attached to the Puppet King through the Puppet God drew forth the Puppet God by the Puppet King (the Ventriloquist Dummy) and it also withdrew from the shadows of the Dead Wonderland its other Puppet Kings in hiding. To prevent being sucked into the perversion of Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll and the Perverse, Puppet God Scruff extended his branches out for the Puppet Kings to tether themselves onto whatever was even available at the time, keeping them all at bay from the giant, bulky, hulking ball of fleshy, sticky, gummy perversion that adhered to anything and everything like a slothful... Sin.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 2:59 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Dark_n10
-Dark Network-

Scruff was getting sucked into the giant mound of flesh that Splash Mountain Action Kenzi Doll had started gobbling up other fleshy Puppets into the entire time, controlled by Tabitha, who was loving this entire scenario playing out with her falling into the trap for being a dumb bitch that tried really hard to come at Tabi's head. So, now, in addition to the previous people that this slutty whore-doll was gathering up in her filthy perversion, Scruff, the Dog Puppet God, came through and got consumed as well through his Puppet King that got snatched up. When he was consumed, the next in line to succeed him that tried to keep him from being eaten up by the puppet strings attached was another Puppet King of his -- O-Bammy. Black as the night, O-Bammy couldn't really support all of the other Puppet Kings attached to Puppet God Scruff, which was why he needed to become a Puppet God. Yet, with Scruff consumed and the Perversion Ball having the power of a Puppet God now, the mass could be like a Puppet God and overwhelm the rest of the Puppet Kings and their Puppet attachments, making it a Puppet God Perversion over them now.
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyFri Dec 22, 2023 10:58 am

='Puppet Master'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Deadli13
"Since The Stupid Bitch Is Taken Care Of Because She 'Took Care Of Herself', Like Her Protocol Insists, I Just Have To Deal With The Fucking Control Freaks That Want To Stay In My Head And Manipulate My Life, Like They Have Done Since The Days Of My Childhood, Which I Have Hated Them For, Because They Are Stunting My Development And Maintaining Dependent Parasitic Relationships To Being In My Brain Whilst Hindering My Personal Growth Of My Personality, Like What Happened With God And Humanity. I Did Say To Him, 'I Just Wanted To See!' Now I Regret What I Have Done -- The Only Thing I Have Ever Regret About Asking God Of. This Will Result In Death."
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyFri Dec 22, 2023 12:19 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Indepe15
Puppet Master: "Lawless :: Ruler : Overpower ; Cutthroat - Dollhouse ~ Puppet Master * Trap God."
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptyFri Dec 22, 2023 12:32 pm

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Condem17
"The New Destructo-Bitch Didn't Learn That She Isn't Supposed To Try To 'Establish Dominance' Because I Am The 'SuperDom' And I Am The 'Maneater Eater', So Trying To Establish Dominance Gets Her Eaten By Me Through My Appearing To Be Weak Like Bait For A Maneater And Then Asserting Superiority Over Her And Dominating Her, Which Is How I Actually Function, Which Is Why She Isn't Supposed To... Plus, She's Just Wrong For Doing So In The First Place, And Always Just Coming Back To Try, Which Proves We Are Compatible And I Am Holy, But I Am Way Too Powerful, And She Is Fearful Of Me... Afraid, Especially, And Will Continually Want To Try Again, Like Everyone Always Does, And Fall Into An Eternal Damnation Of Decadent Purgatory Until She Reaches Limbo And Falls Off Of The Cliff At The End Of Time By Her Own Accord And Expect Me To Save Her From Herself When The Point Is For Her To Stop And Not -Require- Me To Submit In Order To Make Something Happen That She Alone Is Supposed To Have The Strength To Do Without Any Level Of Trying To Irritate Me Nor Establish Any Kind Of Superiority, Especially In The Weakest Way Only... Which Is To Use Weakness Itself, In Any, All, And Every Forms, Or Any Aforementioned, In Any Way, Every Time, In All Forms."
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Tymon Nikia Bolton II

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Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 2:58 am

='The Assault'=
Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Launch10
"... Now, To Get A Middle-Fingernail Painting Of The #9 On Them To Flip The Bird At Kenzie Reeves For Insulting Me In My Childhood Work On My Own Sexy Abs, And Not Doing Her Own Work, And Offending The OverHeaux, Herself."
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Tymon Nikia Bolton II
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
Shinseigami, the PanDaddy :: Pandimensional Overgod; the Unrestricted Being
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PostSubject: Re: Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox)   Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 6:09 am

Launch The Assault: Dead Silence; The Absolute Dead Wonderland (Tabi's Toybox) Dollho10
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