The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Pokemon Fanfic; Let's Learn, Nita.

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Tifaret Tensei
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Jinseigami Amaterasu :: Sun's White Lotus; Alice of the Crystal Heart
Tifaret Tensei

Posts : 444
Female Points : 502
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Join date : 2014-11-17
Job/hobbies : White Pumpkinhead (White Lotus Nova) - Purity {Zaqiel}

Pokemon Fanfic; Let's Learn, Nita. Empty
PostSubject: Pokemon Fanfic; Let's Learn, Nita.   Pokemon Fanfic; Let's Learn, Nita. EmptyMon Jun 28, 2021 6:17 pm

A void opening up in Chita's room, Rita and the Misdreavus, Nita, exited out and onto the bed of Chita. The room was rather messy and disorderly, making Rita wretch a little.

"Gh... This boorish... Piggish fool! Prinny Squad! Adjust this room to my liking."

Out of nowhere, a buttload of Prinnies burst through the door, consuming the entire room in nothing but blueness and the word 'Dood' for a good minute or to before the flood of Prinnies exited out and revealed the new, dainty room.

"Ah... Much better. But now, Nita, I must teach you how to use your powers effectively, as you are but a newborn. With my guidance, your ghastly power will utilize the Void to combat your foes. Come now."

Floating over to Rita, Nita was happy and ready to learn ho to better her own powers so that she would be effective when she fought. She nuzzled up against Rita to show that she was ready, and Rita turned to her.

"Good. Now, your moves that can be used with The Void consist of... Destiny Bond, Snatch, Shadow Sneak and Imprison. From what I know of these abilities and how they can be used in conjunction with The Void, Destiny Bond can be used to take one down into the depths of The Void at the expense of you having to do so, too... Snatch will steal the power of that it touches and suck it straight into the Void... Shadow Sneak will invoke shadows to become void-like portals, and Imprison will totally consume one in a cubical prison of nothing but The Void, where their powers will be nullified completely. That is what I hope to teach you now."

Nita floated about happily, seemingly very ecstatic to know that she'd be able to tamper with The Void on her opponents. This would give her the naughty edge she needed in any fight, even so early. Perhaps after training, they'd go mess with some peons together. That's always nice.

Of the selection of abilities compatible with The Void, Destiny Bond seemed to be the easiest to explain, since it was almost the exact same thing anyway.

"... Your Destiny Bond. Show it to me now."

Nita nodded her head, glowing with a dim purple aura. Suddenly, Rita would also be glowing with the same purple aura as the Misdreavus before her, which signaled that the Destiny Bond was in effect.

"Hm... Alright. Let me bestow a tiny portion of my magical power unto you, so you may utilize The Void."

Rita slowly raised a limp hand up to Nita, only thing outstretched being her index finger, which flowed with the power of infinite space, and touched the forehead of the Misdreavus, allowing that power to surge through her. Nothing about the Misdreavus changed; no power surge, no alterations to the body, nothing. The only thing different now... Were the orbs around her neck. Darker than space itself, and swirling with an infinite void within itself. It was almost as if peering into another universe. When that was done, Rita would get started.

"Wonderful. This power you feel, you must control it as you use your Destiny Bond. Use it to take your opponents down there along with you... And obliterate them. Here, try it."

Rita stood completely still, awaiting Nita's attempt at the attack. Since Rita controlled The Void, she would be able to escape its grip once the Destiny Bond was done, so there was no worry. Nita concentrated on her new power, rearing up the Destiny Bond again. However this time, her body took on a more cosmic appearance, leaving only her eyes to be seen from the pitch blackness that was her own essence now. Essentially Rita, too would be enveloped by these pitch black energies, her body instantly being pulled into the Void, where she stared Nita in the face. At this point, Nita would have defeated anyone that opposed her, as she had taken them into the Void without fail.

"Good... And as soon as you take them into The Void, Nita, you crush it. Crush it all down upon your enemies and make them suffer for opposing you. Remember that."

Rita snapped her fingers and awayed The Void. Nita had a natural knack for this.

"Alright, for our next lesson... Snatch. That is an ability that steals the effects of an opponents supportive attacks, correct? Then The Void will, as well. Use Snatch and I will start to use my Self Resonance."

Rita closed her eyes and allowed her Soul Wavelength to broaden itself, becoming stronger and more resilient. At the same time, Nita was focusing on using her Snatch ability, which synchronized her power with Rita's Soul Wavelength, siphoning out the power ups that were going about within, and Rita would feel nothing.

"So that's how you do it... Now, with the Void, siphon out all of their power at once instead of just a small amount. Go on now. I will be fine."

Rita continued to use her Self Resonance, increasing the power now. Nita activated the power of The Void, thus causing the Snatch this time to completely drain Rita of her power and give said power to Nita, causing her to feel great power beyond what was felt before. Rita winced and trembled, but quickly regained composure.

"Because The Void is an infinite space that only you may control, when you use Snatch, you are pulling in energy to fill that infinite amount of space, and therefore completely drain your target's power. Understood?"

Nita nodded her head, stopping the Snatch. These abilities were golden to her.

"As for our next ability... Shadow Sneak. Show that to me. I already have a complete understanding of what it does."

She crossed her arms and waited for Nita, whose eyes glowed and the shadow of Rita was under her power. A large black hand rose from it, aiming to grip her, but Rita spoke out abruptly.

"Stop. Here is where you would infuse the power of The Void into the shadow and allow it to grab your opponent, taking them down into it."

Of course, Nita listened right away and the blackness became more cosmic in appearance. It would grip Rita, the instant it touched her she would fall into The Void, but quickly fall out due to her own power.

"A simple trick. And now, for the final ability. Imprison. That is something I am not quite sure about. Demonstrate how it works, if you please."

Nita nodded focusing on Rita's body. The orbs on her neck flew out and hovered around Rita, generating a powerful restricting force that sealed of Rita's power whilst also restraining her in place. They swirled around her body faster and faster, showing that they were using a lot of power.

"I see... So it works similarly to the Sealing Force... Then, if that is the case, take me into one of these orbs whenever you use Imprison. Show me."

Without hesitation, one of the orbs expanded and engulfed Rita, trapping her in The Void within it. Her powers were still sealed away. however, but now she was just trapped within The Void.

"... That is quite enough. Now release me, Nita."

And again, on command, Nita would release Rita from the Imprison and let her powers return to her, exiting the Void.

"There. I think we have gotten a lot of progress done. Now, what about some of your other moves, hm?"

Looking through a database of what this specific Misdreavus knew, Rita selected a few that would be wonderful to train right off the bat.

"Let me see... The only other interesting looking ability here is Psywave. So I must have you increase your power with that."

Starting off, Nita used Psywave as releasing a powerful pulse of invisible wavy force from its body directed at Rita, as means of attack. This attack seemed to harness a lot of odd, distorted power, and seemed to hold a lot of heat, as it used a lot of moving energy.

"So this is what it feels like... Now Nita. Concentrate it."

At the drop of a hat, the invisible force became more concentrated, taking the form of a pulsating stream of rings, which seemed to lock Rita in place and lift her off of the ground.

"Now on the mind."

The pulsating rings narrowed further, becoming a multicolored thin beam of energy that pierced straight into the mind of Rita, whom Nita fought for control over her mind.

"... This ability... Is powerful... But it is weak... With you."

After a bit of a struggle, Rita burst from the power of the Psywave and forced even Nita back.

"This ability has varying intensities that do various different things. In your arsenal, it shall be your most prized attacking move. I doubt you know more than 3 levels of intensity of this specific ability, so we must train more with it. Perhaps I will escort you out into battle to test the might of your new moves... And see how well you improvise."

Nita seemed to like this idea quite a lot, shown by the happy expression on her face and the glowing black orbs on her neck.

"Since you feel so joyous about it, then let us depart. We'll find a lowly commoner to jest."

A rift opened below them and Rita and Nita would be sucked through into the abyss. Where they would appear, no one knows.

Cries to the Moon (Tifa's Theme)

Tifaret Tensei, also known by her past life's name, Chita Lombardi, is the Jinseigami Amaterasu of the Veritas, which means she is the Goddess Of Life that produces Life Energy. She has become the Life Core of Pandemia and also bears the power of the Crystal Heart of the Veritas, for she is one with it. This amplifies her power of Life. Taking over the role that the Primordial Parallelatrix once had, she now oversees the Life of the Instruments.

Her original power is over the Void and also the evolved power of the Sealing Eye signature only to her, known as the Sealing Force, which was powered by her Sealed Soul, which, unleashed, becomes the 'Forbidden Soul'. These two powers, once separated between herself and her alter ego, Rita, became one as the Sealing Voidforce once the two of them unified as one. Her own Souzenryoku is Earth Element, however it has been refined to become what is called 'Light-Bearing Earth', which is Crystal. This allows her to amplify her Willflow, which is Light Element, through her Souzenryoku. Being a Fae by origin, she is naturally proficient in Manna, and hers is called 'Gauntletta Arctina; The Black Shiver'.

Her Familiars are Penguins, whom she refers to as the 'Goon Squad'. She also always wears her special Enchantments, which bear her personal homage to her roots.
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