The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria

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The $yndicate
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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptyWed Mar 09, 2022 7:56 am

Mysteria, the Dream World; home of the mythical and supernatural beings and any such mystical entities otherwise unnatural to regular environs. Their space existed high above the Veritas Planet, within an enigmatic ambiguous space that resembled outer space upon the surface of the Veritas Planet. This was one of the twin Divine Arc Gates, known as the Grimlock, and it appeared to the inhabitants of the Veritas Planet and anyone onlooking the Veritas Planet as a strange halo above the planet itself. Unlike the other interconnected parts of the Veritas Planet, bound by the Crystal Bridges, the Dream World of Mysteria was totally separated, and the Divine Gate that served as the portal between this world was selective about who was let in.

Whereas there was also still outer space beyond the atmosphere of the Veritas Planet, the Dream World occupied a different 'Imaginary Space' so to speak, which existed within the confines of the regular space, the portal kept as a gateway to enter and exit this area. Though the Dream World technically existed on its own plane, and was affiliated with Creative Energy, -- called Manna in the Veritas, and known as Magic to others -- it was still part of the Veritas Planet as well... At least, in this area. There was far more expanse within the Dream World that paralleled the Veritas in its own universe alongside it, but it still existed as part of the Veritas Dimension and also the Veritas Universe.

All of that was to say, the Beautiful Dream also had a $yndicate, though the entire Dream World was technically different from the original Veritas. The Dream World was the universe that Friday, who was the wife of the one who created the Veritas, hailed from. Their union bound their two worlds together, and since she was already the heiress to the throne from her father, the Baku King, the union with the Tensei eternally solidified the bond between their two universes -- the one of Reality and the one of Dream.

The $yndicate of the Dream was under Friday's jurisdiction, since that was her rightfully ruled realm. They were given to her by her husband, who created and controlled the $yndicate, and also had joint command over them in the Dream. There, they were stationed at Valkyria, which posed as an Armory and Shoppe, something like a General Store for the Dream World. However, Valkyria was also a part of the Assault, which was a powerful force in the Veritas, where the $yndicate manned the Items and other Resources to arm people.

When the Assault was not called, the Dream Branch of the $yndicate simply worked the Shoppe, selling Items of all sorts, as well as other things, like Techniques. There were plenty of other services, such as Smithing and the like, plus a Storage and Exchange system.

The Shoppe did more than people expected, honestly.

The Dark Messenger, which had just been informed that the Dawn Branch had completed the final tasks on the Veritas Planet, appeared from a Dimension Gate now in the Valkyria Shoppe stationed in the Dream, where the $yndicate manned their stations. It was first met at the front counter by the Witch Sisters, twins Eza and Exa, whose only distinction between them was their arrangement of remaining teeth. They were elderly Witches that wore black, Gothic dresses, hair in buns, and with large, protruding, squinted eyes. "May we help you...?" they asked in unison.

Dark Messenger: "I am the Dark Messenger. The Dark Messengers before should have alerted you to my coming some time ago. After dealing with the $yndicate in Valparaiso, the Depthsroot, the Dusk, the Delta, and now the Dawn, the Dream is next to complete its part."

The Witch Sisters looked to each other for a moment, then began to cackle with excitement. "EEEHEHEHEHE!! You have kept us all waiting, Dark Messenger... We shall inform the $yndicate of your arrival..."

Without moving, the Witch Sisters retreated into the back of Valkyria, where the other parts of the rest of the $yndicate stayed. The Dark Messenger would remain hovering at the front of the Valkyria Shoppe, awaiting the highest in command here to be brought to it so that it could explain their mission.
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order

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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: Re: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptyWed Mar 16, 2022 6:05 pm

The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria The_as10
-The Assault-

Soon enough, Valkyria, the armory which was part of the Assault under the command of the $yndicate specifically, came to life at the catalyst of the Dark Messenger. Apparently, the Assault had been triggered up at the Master Control, and was building up to something greater through the $yndicate as well. The Dark Messenger was making sure that this occurred, and now that it had come far enough, The Assault would come to its end within the $yndicate, and the Security System would lock up the Veritas. Whereas all of the power had been built up from Lawless Land all the way up to here in the Dream, it would eventually be prepared for The Data, which existed beyond The Dream, which was already beyond the Dawn, Delta, and Dusk.

The Assault had already run its course in the main part, and now was to be continued throughout the $yndicate in Valkyria, which commanded much of the Veritas' distribution of resources. No one knew this, of course, since most products that were notable to the Veritas were Mechanica. However, the Veritas had other things beyond just Mechanica that were produced, and naturally, all such things had to come from somewhere. What no one knew was... All of the materials that were useful for the entire dimension were kept in Valkyria, the Storehouse.

By the time the $yndicate would be prepared to listen to the Dark Messenger about what Valkyria was about to do and also what all of the previous assignments were leading up to regarding The Assault, Valkyria itself was also awakening in order to assist.
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The $yndicate
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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: Re: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptyTue Mar 29, 2022 7:11 am

All that happened within the $yndicate that initiated Valkyria's startup brought all of the Dream Branch of the $yndicate to the Dark Messenger. They stood before it with anticipation, as if they were ready for this moment.

Dark Messenger: "Very good. Now, all of you already know about how Valkyria serves as a distributor for the Veritas. However, the Shops and Storehouses also serve as Armories. As Valkyria is the main service industry provider for the Veritas in terms of exchange and goods, it is quite imperative to the society for this section of the Distribution System to be in functioning order. This means that you all will be providing goods and exchange services for the entirety of the Veritas, and each of you must be prepared to be of service, starting here in the Dream World. Once things are taken care of here, the rest of the NeoZeroWorld Shoppes must be opened back up across the Veritas. All you have to do is make sure the Distribution System gets started and follow the protocol of the algorithm by its design. That should generate enough power to finish things off in the Data."

All of Valkyria heeded the Dark Messenger, being very much aware of their purpose and what the intent of Valkyria was supposed to be. They were quite competent about their position, especially since it was so elite amongst the other Veritas Elite Orders.

Dark Messenger: "Good. So you all are already aware that Valkyria is also another Vehicle that is also sentient, and serves as both a Storehouse and an Arsenal as part of The Assault. We need to bring Valkyria up to its optimal functionality as well, both as a 'Weapons System' and a 'Storehouse' and 'Resource' center. Since the Valkyria HQ is stationed here in the Dream World, this is where all of its main functions activate and are made useful across the Veritas. So Valkyria knows what must be done to make optimal use of itself. All you need to do is follow along and do what Valkyria says. It's as simple as that."

The $yndicate received these instructions without wavering, readied at the heart to take upon their respective duties.

Dark Messenger: "I am going on ahead and letting Valkyria take over. Good luck, $yndicate. Let us know when you've completed the mission."

The Dimension Gate appeared before the Dark Messenger again, and it passed through, and the portal closed behind it.
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order

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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: Re: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptyThu Mar 31, 2022 7:19 pm

='The Assault'=
The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Transi10

When the Dark Messenger departed, Valkyria spoke up to the $yndicate, its voice reverberating throughout the interior of the construct. "Listen Well, Dream Branch, For Our Time To Complete This Is Short. Beyond Here, The Veritas Distribution System Known As The 'Joker' Has Been Activated And Released, And Is Prepared For Distribution Of All Things Throughout The Veritas. In Order To Make The Most Of This Opportunity, The $yndicate Must Integrate With The Joker And Invest In Its Distribution. Because I Already Know Where The Joker Has Gone, I Will Send You There Now, And From There, You Will Have The Resources Of The Veritas Distributed To Each Of Our Valkyria NeoZeroWorld Shoppes." Valkyria explained the process as if it was already aware of what to do, almost like this was part of its protocol. Before long, the Dream Branch of the $yndicate was warped amongst the several different Valkyria locations across the Veritas, and also to where the Joker was stationed.
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The $yndicate
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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: Re: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptyTue Jun 14, 2022 12:00 pm


After completing the designated mission as per instruction by Valkyria, the Dream Branch of the $yndicate was returned back to the Dream World in Valkyria. With the entire Dream Branch returned, they would stand outside of the Valkyria building so that they could look upon her face, which was built into the structure of the building.

Witch Sisters: "We have returned, Valkyria... And the mission is complete. However, one of ours has come to a... Peculiar situation, and we believed it best to station him there. Chucky, the one who speaks only in laughs... His speech is an ancient tongue specific to the Jokers, just like we Witches have our own tongue... It was fitting, so we let him be. Though we are going to keep in communication, since he is stationed at a very sophisticated computer..."

Sometimes the Witch Sisters spoke in unison, and sometimes they alternated. Sometimes, they even went on singular monologues whilst the other remained quiet, before switching at some random time.

Tamahashi, the Goddess, would float up to the face of Valkyria, a greater Goddess, in order to relay to her the situation about Chucky and the Joker, in order to receive input by Valkyria.
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Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order
Judgemaster the End :: Righteous Arbiter; Goddess of All Laws, Decrees, and Order

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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: Re: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptyTue Jun 14, 2022 4:45 pm

Valkyria awakened again once the $yndicate returned, heeding what Tamahashi said to it, as well as the Witch Sisters. "... You Have Done Well, Dawn Branch," Valkyria commended. "There Is No Error In Your Ways. This Was All According To The Instruction." When Valkyria told them to integrate with the Joker, this is what she meant. "Now, You All Must Man Each Of The Other Valkyria Shops All Around The Veritas. Each One Of You Will Sell Different Wares Specific To Each Location, Yet Also A General Selection, Serving Also As A General Store For Each Location. Contact The Dark Messenger And Tell Him That The Mission Is Complete. From There, The Completion Of The Final Aspect Of The Mission Will Be Officially Handed Off To The Data Branch -- The Security System Of The Entire Veritas. Then, The Entire $yndicate Will Be Active And Unified In The Veritas."
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The $yndicate
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Legendary Task Force :: The Seven Badasses; Veritas Brigade
The $yndicate

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The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria Empty
PostSubject: Re: The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria   The $yndicate Chapter 6; Valkyria EmptySat Jun 18, 2022 10:19 am

The Dream Branch of the $yndicate complied with the orders of Valkyria, immediately contacting both the Dark Messenger and Chucky and updating them on what was going on. As Chucky dealt with the management of the Joker, the Dark Messenger appeared from a Dimension Gate.

Dark Messenger: "I take it that you've fulfilled your part of the mission?"

Tamahashi: "Yes, Dark Messenger! Everything is prepared. Godspeed to you and the Data Branch."

Dark Messenger: "Heh, likewise to you and the Dream Branch."

The $yndicate's mission was coming to a close, but it would be just the beginning for them and the rest of the Veritas once the entirety of the $yndicate was fully operational, as it was supposed to be. Now, everything was riding on the Data Branch. The Dream Branch split off to their respective Valkyria Armories and NeoZeroWorld Shoppes all across the Veritas as the Dark Messenger went on to the Testament Palace to talk to the Data Branch of the $yndicate.
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