The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Rainbow Bay

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:18 pm

(23:04:35) Taomin appeared in a strange, new place that was quite unfamiliar to her. It had been a long time since she'd been in a place so quaint, considering her life was full of battles and bloodshed. "Huh, not a bad place we got here..." she muttered under her breath, eyeing it around. Finding a nice, quiet place to sit, she would rest her rear across from one who seemed engrossed in a book. She blinked a bit, wondering if she should talk to him or not.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:19 pm

(23:16:37) Taomin smirked a bit, adjusting herself in her seat so that her sword would not be uncomfortable to her in its sheath. Her piercing red eyes gazed over the table and toward the person that greeted her. "Yo," was all she said in regards to the greeting. The guy seemed like he was the quiet type, which Tao wasn't exactly pleased about, but it didn't matter because she was here as a guest. It was already hard enough for her to talk to people let alone to have someone else try to talk to her. "What's this place and where are we?" she finally inquired, wanting to get the full scoop on the location.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:25 pm

(23:25:17) Taomin quirked a brow. "Been a great many things?" quoth she. "Uh, well that doesn't exactly tell me what it is right now..." Taomin sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Ah well. Seems pretty nice, whatever this place is." All that mattered was that there was a table with some food on it and a nice guy to talk to. Fortunately, as a safe haven from fighting, it meant that she didn't have to draw her sword or anything... even if she liked to. "Rainbow Bay, eh? Well, maybe I like strange. Tell me more." Tao was definitely interested. "And who are you, by the way? I'm Taomin, the Demon Priestess."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:34 pm

(23:34:06) Taomin sighed heavily. "A priestess that was possessed by a demon. I've gotten it under control, but it still lives with me." Taomin turned to the side where the light cast its shadow and called out, "Shadow..." Suddenly her own shadow lifted from the ground, still connected to her feet, and stood beside her. "My Living Shadow, with all of the demonic stuff about me inside of it." She looked down, gazing sharply at the ground at the thought of her past and how she acquired it.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:43 pm

(23:43:13) Taomin's Living Shadow seemed completely unfazed by the the lights that went on whilst it was standing up, however Taomin, herself, had her attention drawn to the brightness that suddenly illuminated the area nearby. "Ara?" she muttered, placing a hand on the hilt of her sword. "My Living Shadow IS me. The demon is what cursed me to have it and store up all of my negative intent." Shadow fed off of Taomin whenever she was feeling negative at all, such as right now with this random newcomer. It made her uneasy, which was negative. "Friend of yours, or...?"

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:51 pm

(23:51:19) Taomin smirked again, nearly chuckling. "It's KILLED people." She licked her teeth a bit, continuing on, "As have I..." Taomin may have been tame now from her younger years, but she was actually still quite the wild feral beast lady that she'd been in youth when the demon first possessed her. Even so, the newcomers now grasped her attention more than the person she'd been speaking with, since their appearance was so... Eccentric. "Nice to meetcha, Lord Lahgyen." Tao was convinced that these people meant no harm, and even her Living Shadow was docile. It gazed at Zork with absent eyes before slipping back down onto the ground and into its place as Taomin's own shadow.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 12:09 am

(00:08:00) Taomin was interested to be before these royal people here. She'd only been around royalty either from her familial line or on a personal quest to slaughter them, so it was rather different to be speaking to the two lords on these sorts of terms. She liked it. "Yeah, and I've got a lot of other secrets, too. As I'm sure the Lords do." She nodded her head at them, since she wasn't one for being so formal when she was in her 'Demon Priestess' mode. In fact, the fact that she was being so kind was actually a miracle. Her sharp eyes caught sight of Lord Lahgyen and his smile, mirroring it, herself. "Yeah, it's a living weapon, attached to me by my very being. You interested?"

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 12:18 am

(00:18:30) Taomin shut her eyes at the thought. "It's a curse," she said blatantly. "Or, was one. Can't be taught, only acquired." He wouldn't want to undergo that sort of trial in the first place, considering what it was like for Taomin. "It requires all of your negative energy in order to be useful at all. Otherwise, it's just something that searches for negative energy." She drew her hands back behind her head, flowing with long, untamed, wild black hair. "Which is why I was fighting and killing for so long." Tao was about to end it there when she heard Lord Zork say something that made everything put into perspective a bit more. "Yeah, that's right. MY Living Shadow. No duplications. You gotta find your own curse." Tao cackled a bit, then shut her eyes.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 10:34 pm

(22:06:22) Taomin suddenly awoke from her slumber after having fallen asleep at the table the night before with two lords. It was bad manners, but she'd been traveling for a while and it was only natural to pass out when one was actually exhausted, even if they did not seem it. Taomin found herself before new people this time at this table, and the two lords were gone. She wondered how long she'd been out. "Eh? Uh. Hi?"

(22:30:35) Taomin drooled a bit as she got herself oriented. "Yeah, since last night," she'd say, looking still around for the two lords that greeted her last. She was having a nice conversation with them about her Living Shadow and some other things before she suddenly passed out from exhaustion. It was a bit impolite, but only natural when one was traveling for a long while in the night and exhausted. Taomin had come from a long ways away. Though she was more interested in finding these lords, she would still be polite, even in her Demon Priestess form. "My name's Taomin. Who are you two?"

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 10:41 pm

(22:41:29) Taomin was interested in their manners. They were so formal, and Taomin had come quite informally due to her travels. She was tired last night dealing with the two lords, but now, she could straighten herself up and make herself a tad more presentable. Her own shadow lifted from the ground and swirled around her body, forming a kimono of sorts before slipping back down to the ground and leaving an actual kimono in its place. Tao rested her hands gently in her lap and closed her eyes, calming herself from her battle thoughts, then opened her once red eyes that had become green when she looked at the two of them. Even her facial expression changed. "Nice to meet you," she would say softly.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 10:52 pm

(22:52:00) Taomin's eyes flashed red for a moment when she noticed the demeanor of Glai, turning somewhat feral for a short moment. This was short lived, however, and her eyes returned to being green only a moment afterward. "You are so shy around me," she uttered as calmly as possible, "My Living Shadow will not harm you. It isn't magic." The two lords thought that the Living Shadow was magic, as well. Perhaps they weren't aware of the depth of one's soul beyond magical property. "It's a part of myself that extends itself from me, to put this very simply." Tao adjusted her kimono and cleared her throat. "I, however, am a diviner, and do all sorts of divination with talismans." She whipped out a few slips of inverted black and white paper and waved them in the air.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 11:29 pm

(23:23:27) Taomin was rather famished, herself. She hadn't eaten since she'd gotten there, and the food is what attracted her in the first place. "May I?" she asked politely, not wanting to dig into the food. Her Living Shadow rose up from the ground, looking exactly like her, except pitch black, and then took the talismans from her hand and absorbed them back into itself.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 11:34 pm

(23:33:59) Taomin smiled softly, lowering her lids at the delicious meal before her. The jade green eyes that gazed at her two new acquaintances suddenly gleamed with a scarlet hue for a moment when gazing up and down the table at the goods to eat before returning to green. She couldn't even think of what she wanted to dig into. "Thank you so very much," Tao would say, her Living Shadow rising up behind her and creating an ominous overcast like that of a large male figure being overprotective of a woman. It meant no harm, but was just a suppressant of Tao's inned feelings... which was to really tear into the feast like the wild beast she knew she was. Instead, though, she would lightly cut herself a piece of cake to satiate her sweet tooth and have a portion of that. "So what are your stories? And have you seen two lords around this place? We were conversing last night and I wish to continue..." Tao took a small bite of her cake.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 11:56 pm

(23:56:13) Taomin chewed her cake thoroughly as she listened to what each of them were saying. The only thing that seemed to sound familiar to her was this 'Lord Zorkengoogle'. "That's him," she would say after swallowing her food. "Lord Zorkengoogle." He didn't seem as interested as the other lord, however. "But there was another one... Named... Lord Lahgyen? Lord Ayglen? Something of the sort." Tao cut herself another piece of cake from her own portions and stuck in in her mouth, gulping it down rather swiftly. "I'd still like to hear about the two of you. Unless you'd rather me speak of myself." Tao really didn't like to talk about herself, but it was definitely a topic of conversation that... came up, nonetheless.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 12:17 am

(00:17:16) Taomin lowered her lids, digging into her cake now. "I see..." she muttered, brushing over what the both of them said, since they, too, had been doing that. She didn't find it to be any good for conversation, but maybe the all of them were not the type for that... Or maybe it was Tao's presence. Still, she would take the subtle insistence from Glai and ask, "What of you?" Tao only glanced at the fluffy being that appeared before returning to her cake and inquiry to Glaista.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 10:48 pm

(22:47:44) Taomin woke up yet again from a random slumber that came upon her from out of nowhere, though she was supposed to be more active than she seemed. Now there were another set of new people here that she didn't know and none of the people from the night before. "Eh? What the hell is this...?" she muttered to herself. "Ahem. I mean..." She was trying to be more formal since she was still a priestess, despite being in Demon Priestess mode.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 11:01 pm

(23:01:16) Taomin couldn't help but burst into laughter, destroying her whole elegant demeanor that she was trying to practice. "BAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!" she cackled, kicking her feet up on the table. Her Living Shadow slipped all over her body and undid her kimono, absorbing it into itself to reveal Tao's voluptuous and toned form. She reclined in her chair and smirked with a sharp grin. "You guys ain't so bad. Maybe I don't have to be all goody-goody around ya, yeah?" She hoped not. Tao liked to be more casual comfortable and not so... Formal.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 11:12 pm

(23:11:53) Taomin was interested in a smoke, herself. Part of her demon form was an Oni, and though she was a priestess, she had her own vices when in demon form. One of them was drinking and the other was smoking -- typical of an oni. "Mind if I have a hit?" Tao inquired, kicking a leg up and down before eyeing some cake in the corner. She had a sweet tooth like crazy.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Age : 30

Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 11:41 pm

(23:41:38) Taomin grasped the pipe rather gently and adroit despite her rough and tumble demeanor. It seemed like she had some experience with it before. Taking a long, but sharp puff, she would exhale through her still grinning teeth and close her eyes a bit, seeming much more lax. "Thaaat's the ticket..." she mumbled, passing on the pipe to whom it belonged, she presumed. "It's been a while," Tao would say as small bits of smoke still straggled from out of her throat. "But pardon my manners. I should ask, who are the each of you?" As many people as Tao had met, she'd only seen them once and then they disappeared. She was still interested in the one who wanted to deal with her Living Shadow, which was docile at the moment.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyMon Dec 03, 2018 11:56 pm

(23:55:54) Taomin nodded her head a bit, getting the gist of everyone's names. "Pip, Astrapi and Ife. Huh. Nice ta meetcha." Lowering her legs from the table and suddenly standing up, Taomin would thumb to her chest, proclaiming, "I am Taomin, the Divine Priestess!" Her markings were visible all across her fit abdomen, shoulders, thighs and face, looking like tiger stripes. "I may not look it, but I do great divination."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 10:43 pm

(22:18:31) Taomin appears in swirling slits of wind threading herself and a thicker windy kimono together.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 10:44 pm

(22:42:57) Taomin's sharp tooth grin appeared in the vacuum of the spiraling wind current and her body manifested in a physical form. "Hello, Mechanica," Tao spake with a reverberating voice like that of a large bell with a high pitch, "How Art Thou?" Taomin was not as she was when she first appeared in this Rainbow Bay place, but now in some sort of ascended state of being as an entity. Her diction reflected such.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyTue Dec 04, 2018 10:55 pm

(22:54:05) Taomin spoke with the tongue of her people, the Tensei, and referenced everything as it was from her homeland, even though she knew other terms. "I Want To Play!" she said innocently, her voice shredding through her whirling form.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyWed Dec 05, 2018 10:40 pm

(22:38:51) Taomin randomly woke up inside of a house, safe from the winter cold. She'd taken a hit from a pipe the night before and must have been unconscious all day, until someone brought her inside. That was all that she could think of. "Huh? But I was in Goddess Mode..." Perhaps she was too tired to even maintain that, and would have to remain in her Human or Demon form, which used less energy. "Tch." She noticed two people that were present, already at some banter. She figured she might as well get some info. "Hey, hello. What're you guys doing here?"

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Rainbow Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay EmptyWed Dec 05, 2018 10:46 pm

(22:45:49) Taomin licked her teeth at the prospect of some booze. "HELL YEAH!!" she cried out, getting up out of her chair in order to have someone pass her a mug full of beer. "Would remind me of old times, it would! BAAAHAHAHAHAA!" She was a hearty partier, but at the end of the day, she remembered why she used to. It dampened her spirits for a moment. Enough for her to notice the interaction with Aardemaa. "Hm? Guardian Spirits? Reminds me of my Living Shadow..." Taomin's shadow lifted from the ground and created a mirror image of Tao,except completely blacked out as a silhouette. It inspected this spirit, thoroughly, before slipping back under Taomin's feet. "Well. Nice to meet ya."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay Empty

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