The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Rainbow Bay

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
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Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptySat Dec 01, 2018 11:18 pm

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(23:04:35) Taomin appeared in a strange, new place that was quite unfamiliar to her. It had been a long time since she'd been in a place so quaint, considering her life was full of battles and bloodshed. "Huh, not a bad place we got here..." she muttered under her breath, eyeing it around. Finding a nice, quiet place to sit, she would rest her rear across from one who seemed engrossed in a book. She blinked a bit, wondering if she should talk to him or not.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Join date : 2014-11-15

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 5:27 am

Taomin would appear out in deep space from a slit in the dimensions, zipping out as a silent and invisible vacuum. She'd felt from her Living Shadow that some people that it was associated with had gone out into space, and as usual, Taomin was looking for fun. The vacuum slowed to that of a cosmic looking fox spirit outside of one of the visible windows, peeking in with a glowing fade and long snout turned town for optimal visibility. The array of colors that speckled the starry fox spirit drew attention to it from within the ship, like an apparition.
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 5:27 am

Taomin made a happy face, passing through the wall of the ship through high-speed vibration in quasicorporeal form. The fox spirit that seemed to be of cosmic property was none other than the same fox Remy encountered during a party where he was rather drunk. She hoped that he remembered her, but wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. "Hello," Taomin spake in a quiet, yet echoing voice, "Do You Remember Me?" Her tails fluttered about with the same reality-like paint that coated the tips before, shifting between colors as her body did.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 5:39 am

Taomin gently lowered to the ground, touching lightly with her paws before assuming a physical form. The Kyuubi gazed up to Remy and made an expression that was somewhat lackadaisical, saying, "I sensed that you were on the move and I was bored in my dimension, so I thought I'd come play!" Taomin was always looking for fun, but it seemed like there were only sleeping bodies on the ship right now. "Perhaps this isn't the best time, though, hm?" She sat upright, rolling a paw over her face and ear simultaneously, letting her ear flick with the motion. "I presume that you're tired, judging from your attire," Taomin said, since day and night in space were basically relative.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 5:54 am

Taomin nodded. "I see..." She was not familiar with space traveling vessels since she didn't need them, but understood the logic behind them and rotating crews. "Well, would you mind if I were part of your crew? I don't exactly NEED to sleep..." Tao loved to sleep, though. It still rejuvenated, even if it wasn't necessary... And Tao got sleepy when she was bored, too. "You seem nice enough, and I'm sure the others are, too. Besides, it'll be Tao's first time on a fancy space ship! Tao has only read about then in comics or seen them in cartoons."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 6:11 am

Taomin turned her head to the side, looking somewhat disappointed. "Oh..." she said sadly, comical tears drooping from her eyes. She was really hoping for space battles. She turned her head back to the captain, her face adjusting accordingly, her tails swaying. "Well, what do you do? I'll just visit sometimes. I can always find you, even if you cannot find me." Tao stretched a bit, her tails spreading a bit. "Plus, I don't want to keep you too long. Perhaps I can help with the nightmare bit, though. I an a Priestess in my true form, after all."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 6:36 am

Taomin seemed interested, but she would lay down at the edge of the bed, as if awaiting to hear a story. Her eyes were wide and her ears were perked up as she listened intently. "Mhm... Mhm, mhm..." Truth be told, she'd seen an anime that was similar, and it made her all the more interested in this ship, despite how mundane Remy said it was. "I can imagine that some interesting things and people pass through the ship every so often." The fox smirked, making a happy face, "Perhaps I can be one of those interesting people! People from my dimension all have their... Interesting perks."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 6:56 am

Taomin sat back up, nodding profusely. "Ah! That does sound like a party," she said, seeming to have knowledge of black holes. "I may not know too much about technology, but natural phenomena are certainly well within my realm of understanding." It made Tao so excited that her tails flared up, and the paint-like substance at the end rose up along with them. She sat upright, almost like a dog waiting for a treat, her eyes showing hints of wonder. That is, until she noticed he spoke of her Living Shadow. Her head shied back down toward the ground, and she chuckled nervously. "Heh... So you made the connection, huh...? Or, she must have told you... Or maybe, someone else?" Tao chuckled nervously again. "Sorry about that. We're cool now."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

Posts : 2190
Pisces Female Points : 2642
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Join date : 2014-11-15
Age : 30

Rainbow Bay - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Bay   Rainbow Bay - Page 13 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 7:10 am

Taomin was surprised to hear this. The Living Shadow did not always disclose information to her as she basically always did to it, so this was news to her that she'd actually come here in her ascended form. "She must have really repented and respected you," Taomin said, "If she came here as Tia." It was a shocker to even Taomin. "Well, I'm sure things will work out. There's always me as a medium, if it comes down to it." Taomin listened to Remy as he spoke of his dreams and nightmares, taking a solemn face and position. "Your Heart Is Pure, But Your Mind Is Facing Trauma That May Be Repressed," Taomin said in a tone that seemed to echo, "If Trauma Is Not Dealt With, It Manifests As Nightmares. It Is Best To Attempt To Resolve Such Things Swiftly."

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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