The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse

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Ramiel Brisbane
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptySat Jul 13, 2019 9:40 pm

First topic message reminder :

(Where We Last Left Off)

Taomin followed Ramiel's lead this time, waiting as he made an opening in Nyake's shadowy form. "There!" Taomin cried out, etching into the sky an incantation that would take the form of a Talisman. She pointed at the skull and directed the Wind to guide the slip toward the skull so that it would hopefully attach to it and begin to siphon its power -- a Siphon Talisman. "Ramiel!" Taomin cried, etching more Siphon Incantations in the sky, forging them into Talismans, "Distract Her!" He should be able to take care of that for her, and then the Talismans would be allowed to do their work.
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Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 22, 2019 10:37 pm

"What Is Your Life Like, Captain?" Serulenia asked inquisitively, seeming to distinctly be interested in Ramiel's ways back home. "You Are Captain Of The Guard And Allegedly Have Many People Who Know, Love Or Depend On You." Serulenia sips her tea. "Elaborate On Your Life, If You Will."

Lavis seemed peculiarly interested in Ramiel's life story, as well. For analysis purposes, of course.

Rynoh seemed to be still sort of trying not to slack off, but since she wasn't in battle, she was more lackadaisical than most.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 5:04 am

The rabbit hmmed and leaned forward, setting his cup on the plinth made by Rynoh.

"Well, I can start from the beginning, but it's not that interesting. I mean, I was born on a farm, to Reginald and Ramona. I was their third son, after brothers Ronald and Robert. Since they already had two boys to help, I was able to go to school fulltime.

When I reached adulthood, I wanted to join the Lancejacks, I'd been fascinated with them since I was a kid. But they only accepted foxes. So instead I joined up with the Dragoon Leapers, a free company, er... mercenaries. There I was trained, and augmented to be able to jump almost as good as you've seen me do. After my training, I was sent to a place called City on the Sea."

He spoke of the place with a mild tone of disgust.
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Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 7:01 am

Listening intently to the story, Serulenia nodded her head a few times along the way to let Ramiel know that she was following along. She was not expecting his literal life story from when he was born, but that was a nugget of knowledge as well. Always good to know a friend's history.

"Ah, Very Good," Serulenia said, finishing off her tea. "Echo...?" She'd already come and gone with another fresh batch, and no one seemed to notice that she was gone. Serulenia picked up her next tea cup after setting the former on the silver tray for Echo to pick up and take back to the palace once everyone was done.

"Though," Serulenia started again, "I Suppose I Did Not Make Myself As Clear As I Could Have..." She blew on her tea, cooling it gently. "I Meant Your Life As Of Your Current Days, Captain."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 8:11 am

He chuckled a bit. "Ah, forgive me." He'd barely noticed his tea was nearly out before it was refilled.

He skipped a bit forward, swirlling his hand as though he were flipping through files. "Well, my current days are now rather routine... mornings I read through the collected reports from the guards the previous day, usually over some coffee and a light breakfast. Then I take a patrol either in town or outside town. I keep myself in the standard rotation. Not fair if I sit on my ass all day and hold down a desk. I usually catch a nap in the afternoon, spend some time with my wives and daughter. After she gets put to bed, I socialize for the evening before going on a second patrol, on whichever one I didn't do during the day. Then I catch another nap in the morning hours before dawn."

He thinks a bit more, and nods. "That's a pretty typical day for me. I do take days off, one or two a week, but no more than that." He takes another sip of tea. "Anything you want specifics on?"
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Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 9:44 am

Serulenia, still listening, had her servants still attending to them in rotation, if need be. Serulenia could go through several cups of tea during a nice conversation, and the lot of them were already aware of that. She mulled over her own thoughts, taking in deeply what he spoke about his life... When suddenly it came to her. "Well, What About The Citizens? As Taomin -- As Well As A Few Other Versions Of Myself -- I Met With Many Residents, However I Am Not Quite Certain What They Mean To You, Nor Too Much About They, Themselves." Serulenia sipped. "Would You Mind Filling Me In On Some Of The Locals? Friends And Otherwise?" Serulenia leaned in close, a chair being provided for her by Lavis out of her feathers with a single flap of a wing. "I Am Rather Curious About Those People."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 11:56 am

Ramiel nodded in acknowledgement, but denied another cup of tea for now. It was a matter of pacing, too much drink at once would come back around on him.

"Well, I guess it's best to start with those I know best, and hold dearest. Those would be my wives and daughter. My wives are Sascha and Glaista. Sascha's a Havlin (halfling) thief and spy by trade. Used to be into some bad business, but now she helps with the town guard, we benefit from her expertise. She's still not exactly on the same moral code as most of the others, but she has a vested interest in things at home now, and is an efficient and silent threat to anything that interferes with that. She's also my daughter Ro'wanna's mother. Ro's just recently turned a year old. Adorable little girl, she has my ears and her mother's hair." He smiled warmly at this, "And Glai... she's a maid and keeps the castle and more just sparkling. She's technically employed by the Baroness that keeps a summer home in the bay, but she's basically a permanent resident. Sweetest mouse in the world, not a mean bone in her body. She was a slave once, I think she was created as one. And even after years of freedom, she can't stand being idle. Hell, even getting her to have an opinion is... nearly futile and causes her unimaginable stress. I think it's part of her curse. But I love her, and she loves me. I know because... you can see it when she sees or hears me, she just lights up. And you should see her with Ro when she wet nurses. She loves kids. It's a shame her curse will never let her have her own. She'd be a wonderful mother."

He paused here, in case they wanted more info on them before he moved on.
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Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 3:26 pm

The trio of hostesses and the mistress, herself, all seemed quite invested in the tellings of Ramiel. It warmed Serulenia's heart and made her smile kindly, closing her eyes to think about her own family. They weren't as simple as it seemed Ramiel's were, but sometimes, they wished it so. The simpler things in life bring the most pleasure, people say, and Serulenia knew this well because of her 'children' -- her servants.

"Truly Wonderful," Serulenia commented, nodding her head to Ramiel. "Your Family Sounds Lovely, And You Sound Like A Splendid Father." Serulenia quieted her smile, closing her eyes sternly. "It Would Have Been A Shame To Lose You." Hopefully, her words could reach him about being less reckless in the future. Even if he was in a realm of Gods and Goddesses that could revive from the dead, there was never a guarantee -- "Some Who Die Here Do Not Get A Chance To Revive, And Instead Are Sent To Our World's Hell, Where They Cannot Escape Until They Atone." The Veritas was a complex universe -- a complex dimension, even. "Though, I Find It Best Not To Dwell On The Past So. You Are Here With Us Now." Serulenia opened her eyes sternly, interjecting with a "But..." before continuing on, "You Should Really Consider Who You Have To Come Home To Before Chasing Tails."

Naturally, Tao had nine, and each had their own reality, so that was a difficulty in and of itself.

By now, everyone seemed to have finished their tea -- be it first or seconds -- and Echo was off again.

Lavis' interest was more than piqued by the interesting, yet mundane life of Ramiel. It sounded similar to how things went around Serulenia's Enchanted Palace for she and the girls. "Well, now, that was a riveting story," Lavis said. "Though, my Mistress is certainly correct about your life. Why, just look at yourself!" The bespectacled maidservant adjusted her glasses and gave a sharp glare at Ramiel. She extended a wing out to his formerly mortal wound and the damage to his armor, putting emphasis on it with the tip of her feathers, "You are a wreck! And you are willing to simply function in this fashion?"

"Lavis," Serulenia scolded, "He's Told Us His Reasons. No Need To Have Him Repeat Himself."

The maidservant bowed deeply, retracting her wing, "Yes, Mistress."

As for hearing more, "I Am Perfectly Fine With The Exchange Of Banter," Serulenia remarked. "You Tell Me A Bit More About Your Homeland And Its Heritage; I Tell You A Bit About Mine." Serulenia chuckled a bit, "Though, Perhaps Not In This Form..." Ramiel had yet to see the other elemental Spirit Gods and Goddesses that were of the Veritas' nature, nor to whom all of them belonged. He would be quite shocked, however, most likely. Yet, it would explain how each of them functioned as beings in their coexisting ecosystems, if he even dared to care so deeply.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 4:42 pm

The rabbit looked at the leaves in the bottom of his cup. "My relationship with my wives is open. One actually enjoys seeing me with others. The other is unfortunately easily compelled. Thankfully none that have since I've known her realize they did, and treat her with respect."

He felt over the damaged scale. "A guard defends a way of life, and mine is protecting freedom of others. I hold my guard to that, too. We protect the freedom of everyone in the Bay."

He shrugged, "I guess I can tell you a bit about the Bay. I mean, beyond it being a resort town. There's this force.. or entity that is there. It brings in people from across times and worlds. Sometimes it's those that are in danger, or need refuge for other reasons. Others because they have skills we happen to need at the time."

He looks up at the moons. "It's a place of second chances. That's how I see it. It's a sanctuary as well. I think the same force that draws people in also is what has the wards up that keep most from harm." He sighed and looked down. "When I first arrived, the wards were weakening. It was a rough time, I was among the better of us when it came to medicine. Then more people started settling, and it... breathed new life into the place and the wards grew stronger. But that made the bandits more eager. They think we have untold wealth to have such protections."

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Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 6:41 pm

Serulenia was astounded to hear that there was another place that was similar to the Veritas. Not particularly 'astounded', per se, but relatively awestruck that they existed. Normally, the Home Worlds of others were particularly secluded to their own omniversal nexus, but this place seemed to have properties like the Veritas in terms of harboring wanderers and the like.

"I See," Serulenia said with a stern look on her face, "That Is A Very Good Place. The Place That You Come From." The story of their struggle was a bit troubling to the Water Goddess, but she understood. The Veritas had its own issues in the past... Which presently left it barren of newcomers.

"If There Is Anything That We Can Do For You And Your Home World, Please Let Us Know. Our Powers Are Still Great Even Beyond Our World, And No Matter The Stipulations." Some Worlds had Laws that were restrictive, but the Thirteen Restrictions made it so that the Tensei could interact on any level... Even if they didn't always want to.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 9:07 pm

He smiled, "Thank you, but we have well enough in hand, with the aid we get from the Barony, Amy, and a small number of extremely potent mages. And then there's... Jovan, I think he... it... calls themself."

He pauses, unable to explain. "I fear the day that... thing goes hostile. I don't think there's anything that can stop it, unless it wants to be stopped."

The hair on his neck stands on end.

He tries to clear his head, "So... what are the thirteen restrictions? I know I met a number of them."
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Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 9:24 pm

Somehow, Serulenia knew that this was going to happen eventually. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, awaying her servants back to the Enchanted Palace.

"It Is Time," she said in a voice that seemed like at least seven different people, many of them men.

Serulenia swirled with an aquatic aura, which whipped around her body as if ensorcelled. She was ascending from her rank in the 6th Restriction to the 7th -- where the God of all of these Gods and Goddesses resided; the Godfather. The aura splashed upward and around her body, completely engulfing her before glowing brightly...
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 9:37 pm

Bursting out of the bubble of water that surrounded Serulenia was -- firstly, a man; secondly, the 7th Restriction, who ruled over the Veritas. The Tyranophant. He was dressed rather casually, wearing nothing but a vest with a scarf and pants that also served as shoes, all having a rigid line streaking down the middle. His hair was gray, like an old man, and long, but floated behind his head as it flowed. Some covered a single eye, leaving only a crystal blue orb staring out.

"Yo," he said a bit lackadaisically, "I'm The Tyranophant, God Of The Veritas." He smirked. "Uh, Not Like My Seven Chakra Spirits, Though, Which Taomin And Serulenia Are. Family Spirits That Make Me Who I Am. They Are Part Of Me As A Person, And Helps You Understand Who I Am."

The Tyranophant went on. "Each Of The Seven Spirits Of My Seven Chakras Have Their Own Worlds -- We're In The Water World -- And I'm The God Of Them All." He kinda dug in his ear a bit, flicking his finger as he spoke so casually for calling himself a 'God'. "All Of Them Are Me In My Elemental Forms, As I've Been Saying." Hopefully all of this was making sense now that he explained his chakras and their respective Gods and Goddesses.

"As For The Thirteen Restrictions... Those Are For Me To Unlock Or Restrain My Power. I Created Them Because I Became Too Powerful And Everyone Was Complaining... And I Foresaw My Power Running Rampant With My Psychic Powers... And, Well..." The Tyranophant shrugged his shoulders. "Here I Am, In My 7th Restriction, Watching Over The Veritas. Oh, And Before You Ask, Higher Restrictions ARE The Veritas -- 8 Is The Universe, 9 Is The Virtual Information, 10 Is My Perfect Form, 11 Is My Full Potential, 12 Is My Free Will And 13 Is My True Self."

He placed his hands in his pockets, hovering above the ground. "So You Like Me, Huh? Hahahaha, You're A Cutie, Friend! I'm Glad We Went Through What We Did, Because I Can Get... Emotional Sometimes." He sniffled jokingly.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 1:42 am

Ramiel tilted his head a bit, this was... God?

He spoke up, "Well, I guess I like parts of you. Others not so much."

There was something still keeping the rabbit on edge. It wasn't the Tyranophant, nor anything around them. It was like there was a line that drawn itself across the entire current realm, through the rabbit.

He didn't seem to realize it, just on edge. Then the "line" vanished, and almost instantly the rabbit's tension receded.

"So... the first six restrictions are... elemental in nature? I know of the fire monk Ignus, of course Tao, and more recently Serulenia... Then again, I remember Tabyrnth being the first restriction... and he was... information?"
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 8:07 am

The Tyranophant smiled at his friend, happy that he remembered anything at all about him. His hair swayed in the breeze of the atmosphere as he took a deep, cleansing breath. The first thing he said would be, "First, Call Me Ty Or Ty-kun, Rami." They were friends on several different levels. They even kissed. There was a level of brotherly love that went passed the normal bonds of kinship or friendliness that the Tyranophant felt made it okay for him to speak to him that casually.

"Second," Ty-kun added, "The Elemental Versions Of Myself Are All Of The 6th Restriction Collectively. They, Combined Form Me -- 7th Restriction. They Are My Emotions As Well As My Elements, And They Each Have A Place In My Body." It was a good thing that Ramiel brought up the Magnus Ignis, as well, for that led Ty-kun into his next point. "There Are Times Where I Must Center Myself To Keep From Letting My Emotions Run Wild And Have My Chakras Misaligned, See. Normally Has To Deal With Tao And One Known As 'Titane', The Earth God. Those Two, I Have Trouble With Because Of My Emotional, Free-Spirited Heart And My Less-Than-Grounded Nature As A Person." The Tyranophant was more of a 'Third Eye' and 'Crown' type person, which were the ones who aligned the other chakras... along with Serulenia at the Sacral, of course, since his natural element is Water.

"The Tabrynth Is My Brain's Name, And Serves As A System For The Whole Veritas," Ty-kun said. "There's A Grand Tabrynth -- Which Is Information -- At The 9th Restriction I Can Turn Into Which Is The Brain Of My Larger Avatar..." He rubbed the back of his head, floating gently. Ty-kun hovered over toward the waters of the Oasis of Serenity, looking down at his reflection. "The Veritas Is My Body. My Family Makes Up Parts Of My Body, But The Versions Of Myself Are Just Me And Not My Body Parts." Hopefully that made sense. "My Seven Spirits Are Also Me, But They Are Spirits From My Family's Former Curses That I Tamed And Embedded Into Myself, Thus Taking My Family's Generational Curses And Turning Them Into My Actual Chakras -- Hence Why They Are Both Myself And My Family." Taomin and Nyake were a prime example. Nyake was Ty-kun's mother's spirit, but Taomin was actually Ty-kun as a female.

"I've Also Got A Wife Who Had To Undergo The Thirteen Restrictions, Three Daughters And A Son Who All Have The Restrictions Placed On Them, But Combined, We All Lead Up To..." Ty-kun finally looked up, way beyond the moons -- of which the Third Moon, the Green one, was in passing -- and up into the very stars. "... Our One Overgod, Which Is My True Form. All Of My Creations Back As Me." Ty-kun in the 7th was aware that he was a creation by his 13th Restriction self, just as all the Veritas was, and all the Veritas Dimension was he.

"I Hope This Wasn't Too Much For Ya, Pal," Ty-kun said, swiveling around in the air, hands still in his pockets, "Because Now You Know The Truth About The Veritas." It was a bit troublesome when people found out that the entire dimension was his body and how vast it was, considering the universe was comprised of omniverses called 'Moons', and there was a 'Moon' for each of the Thirteen Restrictions -- an omniverse made specifically for holding back Ty-kun's power.

"But Yeah, I Rule Over The Veritas PLANET. My 8th Restriction Form Rules Over The Veritas UNIVERSE. My 10th, The Veritas Omniverse, And The 13th, The Veritas Dimension." Ty-kun chuckled. "I Even Have My Child Version And Elder Version Of Myself Running Around Here, Too..." He thought fondly of Ty-chan and Ty-sama...

"Call Me A Narcissist If You Want, But I Had A Lot Of Power I Had To Split Up. Trust Me, I Was Undefeatable. Then One Day..." Ty-kun paused dramatically, looking down to the ground solemnly, "The Fire Nation Attacked." At that, he burst into laughter, kicking his legs about as he hovered in midair. "BYAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, That One Never Gets Old!" He swiftly regained his composure and coughed, saying, "But Yeah, I Destroyed The Last Universe I Lived In During My Awakening And Created The Veritas Out Of Myself. Heh." It was an embarrassing story. "Everyone Tried To Stop Me, But They Were Too Weak, Even Though They Were The Strongest The Universe Had To Offer And, Well... Their World Was Obliterated By Me When We Had A Fight." He coughed again. "Hence, 'Tyranophant'. Tyrant Heirophant." He didn't like being a tyrant nor tyrannical except only sometimes, and people often feared him even back then for his insanity.

"So, What's All This Mean Ta You, Rami? That's My Story."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 8:36 am

Rami put his fists to the sides of his head and pulled them away as he spread his fingers. "Pyew!"

He shook his head, "That's... heavy. And... I wonder how lonely that is, existing in a universe that is almost only you, alone. I mean, without your family from before, and the different versions of yourself now... I think you kinda had to do it that way, or something similar. I think anyone would end up batshit insane if they had only themselves to live with."

He felt a mix of emotions now saddled with that glimpse of knowledge. Mostly out of sympathy for the overall condition. He didn't put a lot of hope into Ty's warm demeanor, he'd seen first hand people that put on a happy, carefree front, but were just doing it to mask a crippling, soul-devouring loneliness.
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 9:06 am

Ty-kun's visible eye shimmered when he heard Ramiel's words, the crystal blue ocular looking as if it had just witnessed a phenomenon. On his chest, there was a green light that suddenly shone -- the same color green as Taomin's eyes and markings, as well as the Heart Chakra, itself. "Rami... I..." Ty-kun didn't know that anyone could ever feel for him like that, since he was always dealing with people who were from the last dimension who escaped before it was deleted. He put a hand up to his chest where his Heart was, knowing that what he went through as Taomin was true and for real. That made him smile.

"I'm... Happy You Understand," The Tyranophant said, turning away from Ramiel in a tsundere fashion, and even blushing a bit. He hadn't met the other Spirits of Ty-kun, so he wouldn't understand why Ty-kun's reaction seemed to distant. Yet, there was a clear light glowing at the top of his head, emanating like a halo. "... The Others... Never Understood Me. They Just Tried To Damage The Veritas Out Of Spite..." There was a level of deserving that the Tyranophant had coming to him for destroying someone else's dimension, but the reason behind it was because they literally made him the enemy when they were the ones trying to destroy him for awakening at all! Mostly because they couldn't, or had done so and theirs was not as spectacular. "... But Hey, We're Brothers, Alright?" The Tyranophant turned and gazed Ramiel deep in the eye, straight into his soul, "And You're Very Much Welcome To Do As You Please In The Veritas, As I Said. Hell, Bring Your Friends, If Ya Like! I Don't Mind A Nice Visit." He reclined midair, finally taking his hands out of his pockets and folding them across his chest. "I'll Greet Them As My Whole Self, Not My Broken Up Pieces." He chuckled.

The truth was, Ty was indeed lonely. Soul-wrenchingly lonely. It could be seen in his eye and heard in his voice, even if he said nothing about it. Yet, he did. "... It Does Get A Little... Lonesome Around Here, At Times..." At that moment, a violet third eye opened up atop his head, gazing at Ramiel. "By The By, I Am Psychic, So I Can Read Your Thoughts And Feelings." His chest was still glowing green, but there was a smile on Ty-kun's face worth a million bucks now. "And Thanks For Helping To Tame Tao. It's... What My Heart Needed." That loneliness... That isolation... Everything Taomin spoke of were the Tyranophant's true feelings, as well. "So Thanks, Sweetheart~." Ty-kun winked and smooched at Rami from afar, snickering a bit afterward.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 9:57 am

"When I get back, I will let others now, but I can't compel them. Parts of you have already left an impression, both good and ill. Also... they'd need a way to get here. The Bay's nexus doesn't send people off, only allows them to return to their homeland if they hold it in their mind. Except for a couple individuals, whose homes are either grossly unsafe or non-existent anymore."

He paced around, meandered really, as he puzzled on the issue. "I might be able to find my way back here now that I've been here, so I might be able to guide a few, and they a few more, but that method's really not reliable. No real telling for us what causes it."
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 10:19 am

"I Can Open Up A Dimension Gate Anywhere!" Ty-kun said. "As Long As I Am Present, I Can Certainly Do That." It was getting into the Veritas from the outside without an escort that was difficult. But that wouldn't matter if Ty-kun were there.

"But..." he said reluctantly, wondering about the 'ill' impressions that he knew he made, "... Do You Think That They Will Accept Me?" He hovered upright now, placing his hands back into his pockets, but turned his head away from the rabbit, gazing off into the pool of water forlornly.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 10:55 am

Ramiel let out a sigh. "I can't know if they would. I'm not omniscient. The most I could do is put in a good word for you. You could also try to apologize, as yourself. But I can't make any guarantees. Some people, once they've made their mind up, that's it."

He hops overhead with a half twist to face Ty-kun when he landed. "There's also another thing, most mortals and even immortals I've known aren't up to interacting with a god. Or even fragments of one. Especially if it's a god that is foreign to their beliefs."

He reached out and dared to touch, putting his hand on Ty's shoulder. "I'm not saying it wouldn't work. It's just you'd be working against a stacked deck. If you do go there, the best course of action is to not take it personally. Make your earnest attempt to show them you just want some friends and/or visitors, and let them choose for themselves. Then give them space and time."
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 12:27 pm

A myriad of emotions welled up in the Tyranophant as he was spoken these words by his rabbit friend. Not only was he upset about the prejudice, he was displeased with the thought that there was no way to have them be understanding about it by meeting someone in person and getting to know them. It made him feel worse that they wouldn't listen to the Captain of the Guard, of whom they sought protection. His words should have held much validity... Yet, after remembering the experiences through the Tabrynth, and also some sleuthing in the 2nd Restriction -- Tear Lacrimoso -- Ty-kun was aware of how they treated certain strangers.

They couldn't even deal with the hovering thing.

"UGH!" Ty-kun groaned, a fire in his belly welling up and his stomach turning red, "That's So RACIST!" The area around them began to contort and deform from the pleasant Oasis to a volcanic region; the grass on the ground withered and the land became cragged, the water dried up whilst the land deformed into that which was something like rock hills, and where the Enchanted Palace once was, a volcano erupted from the earth -- all in the Tyranophant's anger. He'd warped reality around them to take them to the Fire Realm of the Veritas, which was more or less desert and volcanic plains. The temperate weather did not seem to shift, though the environment did. "They Don't Even KNOW Me! And, What, Because I'm A God -- A God That EARNED His Godliness, By The Way -- They Are Just Going To Treat Me With Prejudice Right Off Of The Bat? I Remember Going There In My 8th Restriction Form And The Only Person I Could Really Socialize With Was That Ecatael Person." If Ty-kun didn't have a wife, Eca certainly would be a perfect candidate.

When Ramiel put his hand on Ty-kun's shoulder, the flames in his belly calmed and the redness coming from the pit of his stomach subsided. The land, too, shifted to a more hospitable location for them; the ground crystallized and sparkling, shimmering blades of grass sprouted up in waves all around, fluctuating with a rainbow of colors. The sky became vivid with color like aurora, yet the night still held its darkness, and the stars seemed to light up the several Moons at different distances from the location they were in now. The volcano disappeared along with Ty-kun's anger.

They were in the Crystal Garden; Sanctum Crystos, a land of Peace.

"Well, You Do Have A Point, Pal," Ty-kun said, wrapping his arm around Ramiel's shoulder in reciprocation to his camaraderie, "It Cannot Hurt To Try. Even If They Might Be A Little Racist." Honestly, Ty's feelings were hurt just thinking about it, and some of the crystal in the distance cracked a bit, but quickly reformed -- much like Ty-kun's feelings.

"But A Little Help Would Be Nice," Ty-kun chuckled, shaking Ramiel a bit in a friendly fashion whilst they were in embrace. "I Mean, I Wouldn't Mind."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 1:22 pm

That tantrum shook Ramiel enough to make him cringe, but as quickly as he calmed, Ramiel recovered.

"Eca's a sweet one. I know her well. I can try to contact her, if she knows you well, she could speak for you as well. Perhaps her words might carry more weight than mine, since she's a far more powerful being." Eca was actually a former paramour of the rabbit's. He'd even seen her real form that hid under the starlet persona she enjoyed walking around in.

"As far as racism and prejudice, Unfortunately they are a thing in my world. If my world has real gods at all, they're nothing but aloof and ambivalent, at best, down right malicious at worst. Because a truly caring and just god would not allow the evils that happen every day, or let the cruelty that some inflict on others just happen. My world is not a constructed perfection. It is riddled with flaws, and I am but one man that tries to keep a tiny sliver of peace and respite for others." He steps back and opens his arms, "I do it because it makes me happy to see others have a chance. Because I know that one of us isn't as strong as many of us. I accept that some don't appreciate it, think I'm just a bunny that humps at anything that moves." He sighs, "They're free to think what they want. I don't want to be told I should believe, and I'm not going to force anyone to believe as I do. I won't be a hypocrite like that."
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 2:57 pm

"Well, God Bless..." said the Tyranophant, hearing the compassionate words of his bunny friend. "You Really Meant What You Said To Me, Huh?" He nearly couldn't believe it, after his finding out that he was not only a man but also married and also the God of the World that they were on, but there were also more Versions of himself that were both more powerful and also comprised of the entire Universe as well as several Multiverses that existed also as Gods over the others yet again after being God of the World.

Maybe there was hope.

"We're Really Friends? You Can Be Friends With Me? Because I Want To Show You A Lot Of Things That I Can Do That Are Really Fun." There were already God things that Ty-kun could do as the Tyranophant, and he wanted a reason, in all true honesty. "You Can Say Anything And Do Whatever You Like Here, Brethren," The Tyranophant insisted as he raised his arms up casually, the grass shimmering in sync behind him, halo spinning a bit and spilling light from itself.

It seemed that Ty-kun was excited about the prospect of using his powers to grant Ramiel's every whim whilst he were within the Veritas. Why would he not? "You've Already Met My Mother. You've Yet To Meet My Sister." Ty-kun winked and insisted upon 'Ecchi'. He chuckles.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 10:29 pm

He made a puzzled face, "Why can't we be friends? I mean if you didn't like me, I'd have been sent back into the Bay or annihilated... and if I didn't like you, I'd have already asked to leave." It was sound logic in Ramiel's mind.

As far as wishes and whims, for now he kept those to himself. He knew Ecatael, after all. And in his world, wishes tended to find ways to go against intention. Granted, Ty was likely very different. But past experience is all Rami had to go on. But there was one thing that piqued his curiosity. "Sister?" He asked, raising a brow.
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 11:41 pm

"I Thought I Said We Were Friends Already!" Ty-kun shouted, somewhat confused, "Why Did You Think We Couldn't?" It made no sense to Ty-kun as to why Ramiel would suddenly speak out like that, but it was not anything that was bad, so Ty-kun only got confused.

"Yes, But My Sister Is Also Connected To The Mother Spirit In Nyake Through The Living Shadow." Ty looked off to the side, looking around a bit, "Then Again, It Is Also Still Just Me In A Different Version Of Myself." He remembered Ramiel saying something about taking many wives. "Maybe My Sister Could Be Involved With You. Because I'm Married And She Is A Reincarnation, But Shares A Soul With My Daughter."

That was already probably too much to handle right now. The whole Sister-Daughter type thing. "It's The Free Will Of What I Would Be As A Female, But Is Just A Spark. It Shares Four Souls, And One Of Them Happens To Be My Sister By Reincarnation In The Gene Pool. The Others Are Myself, My Daughter And Herself, As All Three Of Us Together Plus She, Herself -- Thus Making It The Physical Incarnation As A Daughter, Even Though The Consciousness Changes Between Mine, My Sister's, My Daughter's And Hers."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2019 3:17 am

"I was meaning to explain that I agreed we're friends. Sorry."

He was trying to piece together the intricate web of personas and the imagos incorporated into Ty. "If you want me to meet your sister, please, by all means, I would like to meet her. Should I be on my best behavior?"
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
The Tyranophant

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2019 1:51 pm

"Yeah, But I Feel Some Type Of Way About It All Because She's My Daughter, Too." It would be weird to watch his own children suddenly be set up with Ramiel. They were bros and everything, but that didn't mean that there weren't lines to be drawn. "Beyond That, She Has A Temper And Is Devoted To God," Ty-kun looked up, eyes shimmering, "Like We All Are."

After a bit of silence, Ty-kun chuckled. "Maybe It Would Be Best For Just Us To Spend Some Time Together?" Ty-kun really wanted to know Ramiel's mortal wishes, since the purpose of the God of a Planet was to protect the planet and also grant wishes to deserving people. "You Sure You Don't Want Me To Grant You A Wish?" The Tyranophant asked again, "Because That's Like, My Job, Other Than Keep The Planet From Danger."
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