The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse

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Ramiel Brisbane
Aeris Tiamat
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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptySat Jul 13, 2019 9:40 pm

First topic message reminder :

(Where We Last Left Off)

Taomin followed Ramiel's lead this time, waiting as he made an opening in Nyake's shadowy form. "There!" Taomin cried out, etching into the sky an incantation that would take the form of a Talisman. She pointed at the skull and directed the Wind to guide the slip toward the skull so that it would hopefully attach to it and begin to siphon its power -- a Siphon Talisman. "Ramiel!" Taomin cried, etching more Siphon Incantations in the sky, forging them into Talismans, "Distract Her!" He should be able to take care of that for her, and then the Talismans would be allowed to do their work.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyTue Jul 30, 2019 8:24 pm

Ramiel considered the words, and dared a little to see what he could do. He put his off hand forward, palm out and fingers spread straight. Before him a dome of shimmering force appeared, about 10 feet wide. Just as soon as he pulled it up, he released it and let it vanish. "Ok, that's cool."

He then looked at his armor, and touched the damaged areas. It mended itself. Then he paused and thought, and looked up at the enormous Ty-sama. "Will Tiamat heal, if I did any damage at all?"
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyTue Jul 30, 2019 8:54 pm

"You Did Not Mortalize Her, First," Ty-sama said, pulling his face back some and drawing his hair out of the river, whipping it back around to his back, "So She Was Still Immortal When You Did That Damage To Her. So She Would Not Die." Though that was not the answer to the question, it was still relevant to the answer. "She Will Heal When Those Sealing Talismans Are Taken From Her. However, As Punishment For Your Death, She Is Suffering Both That Pain And More Until Further Notice."

Though peculiar, Ty-sama found it strange that Ramiel would ask about the Living Shadow of Taomin like that. He seemed to bear a great deal of hatred for her when he first found out about her, and especially when she killed him. So, what could be his motivation for asking about Tia? Perhaps his heart truly was Godlike, as Ty-sama insisted upon as a quality of his earlier. That, or perhaps it had to deal with how Taomin would function, which Ty-sama would say just in case, "Taomin Is Dealing With The Demon Right Now. The Living Shadow Will Be Made Aright. I Know This, Because I Am The Father Of All Living Shadows." This meant that Ty-sama felt the pain of Tiamat, but knew that she was to be punished, and was sealed off from it. She was locked in an independent space that she could not escape, and so the pain that would normally harm the amalgamation that were the Living Shadows would not do so.

"I Have Lived Many Lives," Ty-sama went on to say, stroking his chin softly, "And I Have Achieved Very Many Names For Myself. As The Father Of The Living Shadows, My Name Is 'Allsgrim'. One Of My Spirits -- The Dark One -- Is The New Heritor Of The Culmination Of All Living Shadows In My Place, Since He Is The Spirit Of My Son, Grimnyzmal." Ty-sama pointed to his head and a single gleaming gray third eye opened up in the midst of his forehead. "My Dark Spirit Lives In My Third Eye, No Matter My Form."

The eye closed and Ty-sama set his hand down, now sitting fully upright. "What Makes You Ask About The Living Shadow Of Taomin, My Wind Spirit? Are You After My Heart, Young Man?" Ty-sama jested.

Taking the sun in his palm, he adjusted its light through rotating it and moving it about the sky, specifically so that it would rest on the horizon and create a sunset. Time was nothing here, and neither were the laws of anything -- though they could apply at any given time. That is what made the Omnipotent Realm of the Gods... And ANY Realm that was of the Gods so dangerous; the laws could change at any time, usually to the God or Gods' will and whim. Even then, they had a natural setting that could be established which would put the laws of nature and physics and such back in their normalcy in the Godly Realms, leaving any mortal back in their mortality if they were out of control in the Godly Realms.

Ty-sama plucked one of the Tensei Moons from the other side of the Veritas -- the Silver Moon -- and set it high above the first moon that was in the sky -- a normal moon. It seemed like he were trying to make a scene for his guest that was of peak beauty, and the sunset into a dusk of the night sky with many stars glittering and moons shining seemed to be best.

Ty-kun dug a nail into the earth and the river that was there swirled to the center of the newly made pit, forming a pool. He also drew with a long nail an extensive path which would lead the river down a new stream, and circled it around the mountain, every drop of water splashing from the tip of his finger and along the ground as he marked the new land. The stream became a moat all too quickly, surrounding the mountains and plains below.

Thinking especially of Ramiel, Ty-sama knocked down a few of the mountains with a swipe of his sleeve, hurtling boulders, rocks and debris of various sizes all down a path in a controlled fashion. If one looked closely, one could see his fingers under his sleeve moving in time with the falling rocks, and the path created down to the ground ended with a few pebbles before Ramiel's feet. "A Trail For You," Ty-sama spake, "Shouldst You Wish To Join Me In The Mountains." Though the rocks were expertly placed so that they formed a path, they were still jagged and rigid, as though placed haphazardly, and not every surface was flat nor clear. "Though, I Presume That You Could Leap Over A Mountain With Ease At This Point."

Ty-sama chuckled. "Come," he insisted. "Sit With Me And Enjoy The Omnipotent Realm For What It Is Worth!" Ty-sama was moments away from calling down the celestial bodies to perform for them or to draw out the wine of the Gods and have a hearty celebration simply to life and friendship with Ramiel, daresay.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyTue Jul 30, 2019 9:53 pm

Ramiel lept up, and perched on Ty-sama's shoulder. He didn't even try to make himself bigger, he didn't really want to.

"I figured killing her was a long shot... I just didn't half-ass it trying to get her to stop trying to overwhelm Taomin. But I don't like that she's stuck suffering." He looks at the god. "I may not like her, but leaving her to suffer is cruel. Surely she's already taken in the lesson."

He tired the godlike power again, summoning a couple bottles of ice-cold Cactus Ranch root beer. It was from the same place he used as a reference point, and it was a rare treat he enjoyed from his childhood. One was handed up to Ty-sama, though he did upsize it partway. With the effort the rabbit was using to do this, that was his limits. Completely because that's all he thought he could do, and the effort was because he thought he needed to.
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyTue Jul 30, 2019 10:22 pm

Ty-sama immediately noticed many things about Ramiel as he spake of the suffering of Tiamat -- rather, Nyake -- in her sealed imprisonment. The same compassion he had for Taomin, he seemed to bear for her Living Shadow now. Perhaps, he saw that they were one in their unity and understood what Nyake was trying to insist to him about Taomin at the Bay; that there were things about her that he wouldn't like. Nyake -- rather, Tiamat -- was all of those things.

"My Friend," Ty-sama stated, "Mortal Suffering And Godly Suffering Are Two Different Things. Why, The Time Has Been So Short, She Would Have Learned Next To Nothing, Knowing THAT Spirit!" Ty-sama laughed heartily, accepting the upscaled beverage from his rabbit friend on his shoulder, opening it deftly and taking a swig of it. "Two Thousand Years," Ty-sama went on, "Two Thousand Years Was Her LAST Punishment. Why, It's Barely Even Been A Day For Her."

Though, Ty-sama could not help but think. "... Hmm..." he thought, "... However, Taomin Has Evolved Because Of You, And Tamed Her Living Shadow Once And For All By Becoming The Divine Priestess. So, Perhaps There Have Been Some Changes In Tiamat, As Well." This would only be revealed once her bindings were undone back at the Sky Sanctum, which could be arranged by Taomin at any given time. In fact, Ty-sama could undo Taomin's Absolute Incantation using his Absolute Value and return those seals to the value of zero.

"Though, Tiamat Is Humble To The Rest Of Us, So She Is Harmless To Anyone In The Veritas. So, It Shall Be Done."

Much like in his adolescent form, Ty-sama snapped his fingers and way, way off in the Sky Sanctum, the Sealing Talismans binding Taomin's darkness were released of their values, allowing Tiamat to roam once again as the shadow of the breeze -- the very air that was breathed.

"There Now," Ty said, "It Is Done."

Though, that was not the last of Ty-sama's curiosities. "Tell Me," he said with a strangely booming voice, though it did not seem threatening nor intentional, "Do You Believe In Yourself? I Have Noticed That You Are Quite Humble In This Realm. I Find This Both Strange And Astounding. Are You Aware Of Your Greatness, Or Do You Simply Restrain Yourself Out Of Morality?" Again, prying into the minds of others was very rude, and though Ty-sama got residual brain waves or biorhythms that told him much, it was only on what was being meditated on at the time. If it weren't, he would have to actually use one of his psychic abilities to peer into Ramiel's mind and soul to find out his answer, and that was disrespectful to his friend if he did not request or give permission. Ty-sama was a nobleman, if nothing else, and did his best to be a respectable God -- since he was God over a great deal of the Veritas; the Father, one could say.

"And Please, If I Am Pressing You Too Hard, Do Not Hesitate To Tell Me, My Friend, For I Am Holy And Will Chasten Mineself For The Sake Of Your Comfort."

Ty-sama took his sleeve and smoothed out the mountain range on the side opposite where Ramiel sat upon his shoulder, making for himself a bed of sorts. Green grass grew up from the flattened area rather swiftly and in large tufts, making it like a shag carpet which one could literally fall asleep in. Ty-sama gently, but fluidly, shifted positions from that of sitting upright to lying on his side nonchalantly, careful not to let his friend fall off of his shoulder.

With his other hand, he rebuilt the mountain range that was destroyed with simple motions of his hands, reconstructing them at their breaking points and sealing them up once the boulders touched.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 4:09 am

Rami remained steady as Ty-sama laid down. "Thank you, Maybe some mercy will be a catalyst for her change, especially if harsh punishment did not. She seems willful, and long punishments only breed resentment in someone willful." He took a long pull from the root beer he'd created. "And I don't get the other question."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 8:32 am

Ty-sama stroked his chin.

"I Can Tell That You Are Reluctant To Do Much Of Anything Here," Ty-sama said perceptively. "I Am Keen To The Fact That You Are A Humble Person, Yet I Also Am Aware That You Know You Can Do Much More Here." Ty-sama stroked his chin again, seeming very pensive. "What Is It That Makes You Wish To Keep Yourself From Going Beyond Your Normal Limitations?"

That is what puzzled Ty-sama.

Of course, there was always the 'I Don't Want To' or the 'I Don't Need To,' but Ty-sama believed it went along the lines of 'I Never Have Before.'


Thinking for someone else was rude, despite the natural thought process leaning toward its natural string.

Ty-sama drank from his bottle, finding delight in the flavor, and also favor in Ramiel. "This Drink Is Divine, By The Way," said he.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 9:29 am

Ramiel shook his head. "I'm not comfortable with it. Too easy to just 'pfft' someone because I don't agree with them, instead of respecting they have their point of view for a reason."

He smiled, "It's always been my favorite drink. Now when I can get some, I enjoy sharing." He ponders, "I mean it that it's my favorite, Normally I drink coffee or tea, or water of course, that's best anyway. I also don't drink alcohol, any of it. I never liked the taste, nor how I feel after." Tangentially relevant.

He thought more on the availability power, "I also have way more power than most, I still don't use it as effectively as I could. I wouldn't use more any better. Power's better spent elsewhere." He sighs, "I'm usually the same way with healing magics, I turn them down if I feel like there's a shortage, so someone who needs it more will have access."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 12:15 pm

"Ah," Ty-sama said, "A Noble Answer. I Suspected Something Along Those Lines." Though Ty-sama wished for Ramiel to extend his might in the matter, it was also Godlike to withhold.

There were no complaints from Ty-sama.

"Tea Is My Preference," Ty-sama stated, finishing off his root beer, "... It Truly Is The Most Calming And Healthy Beverage Besides Water, Itself." Now, he was no connoisseur, but he had his share of teas and leaves in his lifetime and enjoyed many of them. "In Fact..." He rose gently, lifting up an arm to lower toward the pool he'd made, scooping it up with his claws and melding the earth surrounding it and within it into the shape of a regal teacup, and boiled the water with his hand underneath the cup.

As Ty-sama continued to listen to Ramiel's explanation of why he did not go beyond his limits, yet there was something he said that really stuck out to him. Ty-sama plucked a tree from the ground with his free hand and gently shook the leaves into the teacup, their composition changing from one type of leaf to another on contact with the water. Now they were tea leaves, and they would gently stir in the water as Ty-sama swished the cup around.

"If You Are The One With The Power, Where Else Could It Be Better Spent?" Ty-sama hoped that Ramiel understood. "Does That Not Make It One's Own Responsibility Bearing The Power To Utilize It, And Not Withhold It?" Not to say that this was one of those situations; no, Ramiel was just fine. It was about the hypothetical 'Where Power Should Be Used' and 'By Whom' that Ty-sama was intrigued about. He had his own answers, of course, but he wasn't the one being asked anything.

"You Also Have... Shortages In Healing Arts?" That sounded odd to one with infinite energy and a system that both generated and perpetuated energy infinitely. "... Those Must Be Difficult Times, Indeed." Ty-sama could barely imagine if the Veritas was short on energy. It was short on visitors, yes, but not on anything else, really. It was an abundant place. "Mayhaps I Can Assist With That Endeavor," he said.

"Also, Would You Care For Some Tea?"
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 12:58 pm

Ramiel shook his head. "See, that's where I disagree. Power in me is as dangerous as any evil in the world. You call me noble, but it's because I try not to act first. I try to think, and prepare. If I had godlike power, allowed myself it even here, my first instincts and whims could easily cause greater harm. Without that kind of power, I have time to think, and try to better choose what's better for all. And I live with the errors I make. If I had power to fix mistakes, and never let things go wrong, I might know more, but I'd be much less wise. Wisdom doesn't come from knowledge, it comes from coping with errors, from learning to deal with what can't be changed. And when you can change anything... Well, at least that's how it works for mortals, from what I've seen. I could be very wrong."

He sighs. "There's also the fact that power in my world is a corruptive force. You start thinking 'oh this little bit won't hurt' more and more often, until your morals have corroded and twisted so far you're no longer good, or even just. If you want a first-hand example of that, have a chat with the clockmaker in the Bay, Manny Rophe. Even after giving up a lot of his power... he's not... well let's just say the taint of power left him a monster on the inside." He looks down, "I know he means well now, but his moral compass just... doesn't point the right way. Still, he was a healer of incredible power, before Kal and Ryane showed up." That was the thing, the Bay needed people to thrive, the nexus-like quality there was more a facilitator for drawing in the people it needed to live. It was a kind of symbiosis.

"As for tea, I had plenty earlier, in the oasis. But thank you."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 1:29 pm

"Wisdom Comes In Many Forms," Ty-sama began to philosophy, "As I Have Grown Wise Through My Godliness. Certainly, Errors Were Made And I Did Exactly What You Said You Wished To Avoid, But..." Ty-sama grabbed some dust from the earth and sprinkled it into his teacup, the grain becoming sugar as it fell in, "... It Is Godly To Correct Those Mistakes Rather Than Just Learn From Them Alone."

Ty-sama swirled his tea, letting it stir. "Change Is A Very Peculiar Thing -- Ever Changing In And Of Itself, Yet Always The Same Concept Wherever It Is Applied." Finally, Ty-sama took a sip of his warm tea, then let out a refreshed breath. "Being Able To Change Anything Is The Perfect Example Of What It Is To Be A God." He thought. "And Not Simply 'Poof' And Something Is What It Wasn't Before. That Is Not TRULY Godly -- That Is What Magicians Do. True Godly Change Is Doing The Work To Resolve And Also Prevent Circumstances Such As What We Are Describing From Happening Again." Ty-sama took another sip. "You Cannot Think That The Veritas Was Made Overnight, Can You? And Without Error? I Had To Ascend The Thirteen Restrictions Three Times, Destroyed An Entire Dimension, Destroyed Some Of Mine Own Dimension And Have Been Invaded By Malevolent Forces All The While. But Through Those Trials, The Veritas Became Greater Than Ever."

Though, he could say not having any visitors was disappointing. Ramiel sure was a good guy to listen to Ty-sama speak about these differences, and visit at all, actually.

Ty-sama couldn't help but feel poorly about the person Ramiel described. "Power Is Not Fit For Everyone, You Know. Power Over Power Is The Most Powerful Type, Since The Power Does Not Control You, You Control It." Ty-sama takes another sip of tea before swirling it around a bit more, getting the sugars just right. "Self-Control Is Key. I Had A Power Mad Phase, As Well. So Did The Rest Of The Former Residents Of That Old Dimension. But At The End Of The Day, I Used My Power To Try To Help My People, And Do What Was Best. They Just..." Ty-sama paused, looking at his reflection in his tea, "... They Just Saw My Power, And Not What I Was Doing With It. So They Tried To Defeat Me In Order To Become The Most Powerful And Did Not Ever Want To Admit That I Was Taking Care Of Them Singularly By Giving Up My Life To Become What Held Them Together. And Through That Ordeal, I Became A God." Without that strife, Ty-sama wouldn't be who he was.

But that made him think.

"Do You Believe I Am A Good God? And, What Do You Think Makes One A Good God?"
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 8:41 pm

Ramiel thought. "You are... good. From what I've seen. There is still conflict within you, some parts are self-centered, others naive. But this isn't so different from anyone I know, and these are exceptions, not a norm."

He backs up a bit, "Nothing ever comes to exist in just an instant. Unless it was just made that instant. Everything is the product of it's existence over time. I don't know how long it took for you to create the Veritas. I don't even know how long it took for my world, my reality to be made. Some aren't even sure my world is real, they claim we're just a dream of some unimaginably powerful being, and when that being wakes up, we'll all stop existing."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2019 9:05 pm

Ty-sama took what his dear friend said with a grain of salt. What was seen was only part of himself and the Veritas, so Ramiel could not know things like how things were handled, because the normal forces of the Veritas were not at work, as they should have been. Ty-sama was actually bending a lot of rules for Ramiel, in all honesty. "Well, Pardon My Say, But I Must Say That It Is Definitely Because You Are Here, And The Means Of Which You Came Which Cause A Bit Of Conflict, And There Is Normally No Conflict In The Veritas." Ty-sama was honored to say that he kept things in order quite nicely and neatly in every layer of the Veritas, no matter how lonely it was. "It Can Only Be Expected For Things To Go Awry When A Mortal Interacts So Closely With The Gods. At Least For A While. Much Begins To Revolve Around The Mortal Which Normally Does Not, Causing Sorts Of Abnormalities When They Are Engaged Or Are Engaging." The smaller parts of Ty-sama were well groomed, and he considered his portions and allotments fair. He took honor in how clean the Veritas was kept by his Spirits -- The Gods -- as well as the Tensei Family -- his family and creation.

"Thank You For Telling Me Honestly, However," Ty-sama graced, bowing his head to Ramiel kindly, "It Is Good To Have An Outer Opinion Every Once In A While. Naturally, By One's Self, They May Deem Themselves The Greatest Being To Ever Exist Simply Because There Is No One To Tell Them Otherwise." Ty-sama chuckled. He was fortunate not to be seen as egotistical or egomaniacal, as most Gods were known to have to suffer through as a stage of becoming or being a God. "We Have Our Own Struggles, And Being 'A Good God' Is One Of Them, For Those Who Wish To Be." Ty-sama's face soured when he thought of others that did not wish for that Omnibenevolence that should be within every God in the image of God and he couldn't help but say, "However, That Is Not The Case Of The Ungodly."

He didn't even want to get into the subject.

Fortunately, he did not, because Ramiel's subject was not only far more interesting, it was actually how the sway of the conversation was going. Naturally, a God needed to have basic manners and etiquette, for absolute certain. At least, that is how Ty-sama saw being a 'Good God' as.

"That Story Reminds Me Of The Veritas, Though We Know Our World Is Real. I Am Just So Disheartened To Hear That You Do Not Know If Yours Is, And If That Being Is Benevolent Enough To Wish For You All To Play In Its Dreams Without A Care, Then I Say It Is A Loving Creature And Would Not End You If It Awoke." This was just Ty-sama's experience as a God and what it was like for Godly beings who were actually up to par with the name and title, not some Ungods that were simply power mad. "If It Does Have The Power To Allow You To Live In Its Dreams, It Must Also have The Power To Make Its Dreams Into A Reality, Since You Make Your Dreams Into Realities In That Dream."

Ty-sama took the last little bit of his tea in and gently placed his cup down back where it was before, smoothing his hand over it to return it back to its earthy state, and for the river to pool there once again. As he looked over to Ramiel on his shoulder, he would also mention, "You Never Did Tell Me About Your Interest In Mine Heart Spirit, Taomin." Ty-sama raised his eyebrows, "Would You Care For Her To Return To That Realm Of Dreams With You And Visit Sometimes When She Is Bored? Or..." Ty-sama arched his brow, now, "... Is There Something More?" Ramiel seemed concerned about Tiamat, the dark part of Taomin -- who owed him an apology, by the way -- but he had yet to voice much opinion about Taomin.
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 10:56 am

Ramiel gave a rather bittersweet smile. "It would be a great pleasure to see her in the Bay. She is sweet, kind, and beautiful. Before I knew how detrimental it was to her, how chaotic her carnal side was, I wanted to explore that, too. But now that I know, I don't want to undo what growth she's just so recently accomplished. I'm sorry to say that, because I've seen at least a portion of her energy, and she has so much in her, that I'm sure she wants to give."
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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 11:32 am

"Then, So Be It!" Ty-sama commanded, knowing that his Heart was with Ramiel already. "Truthfully, Taomin Was Going To Make Visits To That Realm, Anyway, Just For You, As Well As The Others She Has Met." Ty-sama was happy that Ramiel learned about Taomin and Tiamat for himself so that he was fully aware of what he was getting himself into before anything happened... Well, before anything ELSE happened. "The Living Shadow Should Be Tame This Time When It Returns, As Well," Ty-sama added, knowing that Tia was now humble to Ramiel. "See? It Was A Good Thing To Take This Venture. It Is What We Call 'Divine Intervention'." At its finest.

"Though," Ty-sama thought, "I Cannot Help But Wonder If My Other Parts Of Myself Will Be Accepted There. For, They Are All Gods, Even If They Are Lesser Gods Than I, And Even In My Lesser States, There Was Still Some Tension That I Felt Between Them Because Of My Personality." Ty-sama thought of coming as himself, but with all that he could do, he would probably just scare and annoy the locals. "The Only Way I Believe I'd Get In There Is If I Had My Old Shinigami Disguise On, But Even Then, That Might Scare The Locals." He could always hide his power and act humanly, if he truly willed it to be so. "There Is Always The Veil Of Humanity Or Mortality That I Can Assume, Though, Should Anything Trigger Mine Godliness..."

That's when he thought. He didn't need to intervene in a realm that wasn't his own, even if it sounded selfish to do so. Selfish for a God, that is. It was always selfish to withhold Godliness simply because you were and others were not when you could assist with matters in your Godliness. "... No, I'm Sure It Would Be Fine. Perhaps If I Came In My Child Form... Nay, Ty-chan Is A Shapeshifting Crystal. They Did Not Like Tabrynth, Who Is Also A Shapeshifting Crystal, So They Would Not Like Ty-chan. Perhaps Only Mine Adolescent Or Adult Self. Perhaps, Even Myself, The Elder Self, Could Visit..." Ty-sama seemed interested in the Bay and its people, even though some treated him harshly. They seemed like generally good people, even in their mortal flaws. It was what made them who they were.

"What Do You Think? Is Taomin Enough, Or Shall I Send More Of Myself To That Realm? The Magnus Ignis Serves No More Purpose There Since Taomin Is Retrieved And Under Control -- He Is Usually The One Which Is Sent To Obtain Her." Ty-sama chuckled. "I Have A Very Free Spirit, At Times, And So My Responsible Spirit Has To Gather My Free Spirit And Collect Myself Again. Ohohohoho."

"Of The Thirteen Restrictions, The Last Restriction I Sent There Was My Fourth -- Pumpkinhead, After Ascending From The Third; Tomon. Though Pumpkinhead Is A Being Of Pure Energy And Presence. Do You Think That It Would Bring Fear To The Masses For Pumpkinhead To Exist There?"
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 11:44 am

Ramiel thought. "If you were to stick to your human forms, at first... That might help. But I've tried to explain before to your various restrictions, but think on how long it took to hammer into my skull how you are all one, but separate, and interconnected. I might still be getting it wrong. That's another thing, we're going to have difficulty understanding the interconnection. But other than that, there's a chance any of your forms might be better received there now, at least once I get back and spread the word."

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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 12:14 pm

"Hmmm..." Ty-sama thought deeply. "My Humanlike Forms, You Say? Well, That Is Easy, Since I, Myself, Am Humanlike As I Move Up The Restriction Ladder. The Only Inhuman Restrictions Are The First, Fourth, Sixth, Ninth And Twelfth. I Have Already Been There As Overlord Tensei Before -- My Eighth Restriction -- And It Was The Emotional Spirits Of The Sixth Restriction That Seemed To Bother The Dwellers." Since the Sixth Restriction were all of the Seven Spirits of Ty separated into their own beings, and they represented the seven primary emotions, even when he was in his Eighth Restriction form, he was still very emotional.

"To Clear Up Our Interconnectedness, I Am The One That Gave Them All Life -- The Creator. It Was Not Until One Of My Creations -- My Alter Ego, Khrona Tensei -- Achieved Godliness And Reached Me That I Was Able To Assemble All Of My Creations As Parts Of My Body, And They As Each Others' Family. I Had To Rebirth Them From The Crystal Tree Of Life During The Ascension, Which Caused That Dimensional Collapse I Spake Of Earlier. But After Khrona Did That And Connected To Me, All Of My Creations Became One With Me. They Were Not Originally Connected To Each Other Nor Did They Serve As Parts Of My Body Until The Ascension Process Happened, Of Which They Were All Involved. Now, Thanks To Khrona, They Are Part Of The Royal Family Lineage -- The Tensei. And I Am Their All Father, Though This Is Only My Tenth Restriction Form."

Hopefully that cleared things up for Ramiel.

"And I Do Appreciate The Word Being Sent Out By You. Thank You. I Will Do My Best As Overlord Tensei To Keep Myself Together Emotionally This Time, For Last Time My Emotions Got The Better Of Me Due To How I Was Treated."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 1:09 pm

Ramiel nodded, and wished he'd had his notepad on him to jot all this down, so that he didn't mess up the details.

Then he pulled his lips to one side of his face as he thought of something. He slid off Ty-sama to get to the ground, then bounded over to a tree. He could have lept while still on the god, but that would be about equal to kicking him, and that would be a bit rude.

At the tree, he plucked off a leaf, and it shifted and grew into a small pad of paper that was almost linen like in quality. Then he plucked a twig, and swirled it in the water, where it shaped into a pen, and the water taken up inside as ink. He wrote the words of Ty-sama down, leaving an iridescent shimmer of ink on the page. It wasn't intentionally flashy, this was just the rabbit's inexperience in transmuting things in a stable manner. Had he magical training, perhaps he'd have better control with utilizing the power of the realm around him. An interesting note, the rabbit wrote left handed, but fought with his right.
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 1:35 pm

Ty-sama smiled when he saw that his friend was finally comfortable enough with the realm to utilize it to its reality-warping potential. Ty-sama sat upright again, showing respect to Ramiel, then began to speak again.

"You Are More Adept Than You Believe You Are At Dealing With Godliness," Ty-sama stated, "For You Not Only Can Sustain A Conversation With One, But Also Know How To Understand The Methods Of The Gods. I Can See This By How You Take Notes About What I Say." It actually made Ty-sama a bit bashful, since someone was actually interested in his being.

"Hearing The Story From Another Version Of Myself Or The Tensei Family Is Also Good To Do, Since We Are All Set In Our Respective Places As Someone Or Something That Must Remain As It Is -- Never Changing, Yet Also Still Evolving." The Permanence of being a God was something that was a tricky subject, since they not only could never change, but also could still evolve. They'd reached the pinnacle of being, no matter what their potential. Even the weakest God would still be seen as such, and though could evolve, would never change. It would always be what it was.

"Though, I Know I Am Speaking A Lot About Myself. I'm Certain That You Must Be Bored Of Mine Banter. Though If You Are Still Curious Or Confused, I Will Happily Explain. There Are Several Versions Of Myself For A Reason, After All."
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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 8:15 pm

Ramiel looked up, "I'm not getting bored." He finished up his notes and closed the notepad, tucking it and the pen into a free pouch.

"I am, however, interested in getting some rest soon. With my schedule, I get low on sleep rather quickly."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 8:28 pm

Ty-sama certainly understood that. Though he was in a realm where day and night existed and did not exist simultaneously, the stress of one's body getting tired had no time setting.

"I See," is what Ty-sama began with before inquiring, "Would You Like To Rest In The Veritas, Or Shall I Take You Back To Your World?"

Ty-sama smiled warmly.

"Naturally, The Veritas Has All Of The Accommodations And More For Rest And Rejuvenation, So Do Not Think That We Are Not Here To Serve."
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 02, 2019 10:08 am

Ramiel looked at Ty-sama, "Back home would be preferred. Nothing quite compares to your own bed."

He looked around once more, "I will be back soon, though. There is much more to see here, and much more of you to meet."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 02, 2019 11:20 am

"Don't Let It Be Too Long, My Boy!" Ty-sama said heartily as his chest drew up in cheer. He adjusted his proportions to those of Ramiel once again and hovered as a wraith before him in a disembodied kimono blended in with reality behind it.

He floated closer, "I Love You," he said, "My Brother," he spake. Ty-sama gave him a swift and pleasant embrace that should have been familiar to him. A peck on the cheek is all he would get as a pleasantry of the pleasance of this experience with his Heart -- otherwise known as Taomin. Ramiel certainly had won the affection of someone, even if he didn't expect it to be the God of another Dimension.

"Maybe Next Time You Can Play With Me As Ty-chan, Or Something!" He grinned, "Haha."

Ty-sama was serious. There were other versions of himself that did other things. Ty-sama was a relaxed Elder that kept himself in a regally proper manner, and Ty-kun -- Adolescent Ty -- does not. Ty-chan was the one that did fun things with people and had fun to his heart's desire in the World he'd been building since he was a child. The fantasticalness of his Creations coming to life before him was simply the best type of experience there was.

Even though some of it was lost in a traumatic event that traumatized him for life and made him malicious, he was still a very nice young man.

Ty-sama let Ramiel go.

Reaching out a claw to the side of him, he would tear a hole in reality; "Cut!" said he, slashing downward and creating a slit in reality that bore open in a flash and a flicker whilst undulating color in the background -- a Dimension Portal.

"Come Back Anytime."

Ty-sama really wanted to go with Ramiel, but didn't know if he should as a form of himself that was he, himself rather than an alter ego based on his state of being at the time through the 13 Restrictions. "I Only Get To My True Self At The Seventh Restriction. Do You Think That Would Be Appropriate For Meeting With Others? As The Tyranophant? Or, Shall I Go As Ty? I Have Several Different Forms That Are At Different Stages Of Maturation In The Process, And Thus Change Significantly Along The Way." The name depended on a lot of things, and he knew that. Not many people would like 'The Tyranophant' walking around, and 'Ty-sama' might be a little too haughty for a first introduction, since no one would understand his Godliness, even if he could be composed and without his powers.

"Or Maybe I Should Go As The Representative For The Veritas -- Overlord Tensei -- Whom They Have Met Already?" Even then, Overlord Tensei might be a little too much. Ty-sama was thinking that using his real Persona, he would be fine. Yet, he still wished for a second opinion on what he should refer to himself as and at which Restriction. He would know if Ramiel told him what type of 'Name' that he should use. "What Do You Think?"
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Ramiel Brisbane

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 02, 2019 12:33 pm

The rabbit blushed a little at the kiss, he knew it came from.

He looked through the portal, then back to Ty-sama, "Come as the self you want people to see you as foremost." He placed his hand on Ty's shoulder. "So don't be a stranger, consider the door open both ways."

He stepped through the portal, turned back , and bowed deeply. "Thank you for all that you've shown me. Until we next meet."
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Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream

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Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse   Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse - Page 7 EmptyFri Aug 02, 2019 9:21 pm

"Well Met," Ty-sama said respectfully, bowing to Ramiel as he and the Veritas parted ways. "I Am Already Aware Of That Answer." He was pleased with how it looked in retrospect, envisioning it whilst Ramiel stepped through the portal.

"Matta Au Hi Made." (Until We Meet Again)

Ty-sama waved goodbye dreamily before Ramiel, as if he, himself, were weary for whatever reason. "I'll Be Seeing You Soon," were the last words that Ramiel would hear before the portal sealed off, and he was back in his safe haven home world. The stars glittered and glistened in the background with a jingle and a chime as Ty-sama smiled, batting his eyes in rhythm with the glitzing lights above.
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