| Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse | |
+3Ramiel Brisbane Aeris Tiamat Taomin 7 posters | |
Author | Message |
Taomin Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Posts : 2190 Points : 2642 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-15 Age : 30
| Subject: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:40 pm | |
| First topic message reminder :
(Where We Last Left Off)
Taomin followed Ramiel's lead this time, waiting as he made an opening in Nyake's shadowy form. "There!" Taomin cried out, etching into the sky an incantation that would take the form of a Talisman. She pointed at the skull and directed the Wind to guide the slip toward the skull so that it would hopefully attach to it and begin to siphon its power -- a Siphon Talisman. "Ramiel!" Taomin cried, etching more Siphon Incantations in the sky, forging them into Talismans, "Distract Her!" He should be able to take care of that for her, and then the Talismans would be allowed to do their work. | |
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Author | Message |
The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Join date : 2014-11-16
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:51 pm | |
| "Yeah, But I Feel Some Type Of Way About It All Because She's My Daughter, Too." It would be weird to watch his own children suddenly be set up with Ramiel. They were bros and everything, but that didn't mean that there weren't lines to be drawn. "Beyond That, She Has A Temper And Is Devoted To God," Ty-kun looked up, eyes shimmering, "Like We All Are."
After a bit of silence, Ty-kun chuckled. "Maybe It Would Be Best For Just Us To Spend Some Time Together?" Ty-kun really wanted to know Ramiel's mortal wishes, since the purpose of the God of a Planet was to protect the planet and also grant wishes to deserving people. "You Sure You Don't Want Me To Grant You A Wish?" The Tyranophant asked again, "Because That's Like, My Job, Other Than Keep The Planet From Danger." | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:36 pm | |
| Ramiel shrugged. "Honestly, the only part of you that I've had a real interest in is Taomin."
At the offer of a wish, the rabbit got quiet for a moment again. He slowly shook his head. "I've nothing I want to wish for. The only wishes I could make right now would be frivolous or ignorant. Maybe both."
There was something eating at the rabbit, and even he didn't know exactly what it was. It was manifesting itself as a mild headache for now, which he was dismissing as just holding onto a bit too much new information. Which was why he was starting to seem withdrawn and maybe a touch boring. | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:26 pm | |
| This was inevitable. Ramiel was mortal, and thus had only mortal issues to think of or worry about, as well as those sorts of experiences. He was not a God -- nor a lonely one, at that -- and thus did not understand what it meant for one to be willing to grant his wishes with a blessing or to want to accompany him whilst he travelled, which normally would be seen as a high honor, coming from the God.
"Well, I Respect Your Will To Not Be Ignorant On My Property," the Tyranophant laughed, smirking a bit, "But I'M Ignorant On My Own Property, Sometimes." Then again, he could always restore whatever was destroyed -- just like he could if and when something else attacked -- but it was the principle of the matter of not destroying things that it really got down to. "Look, I'm Going To Level With You..." the Tyranophant sighed heavily, "I'm Bored As Hell. A-and It's Not Because Of You, See. It's Because, Well..." He extended his hands, expressing the vast amount of space that there was not being used, but still sitting there waiting to be utilized, "The Veritas Is Empty. I've Got Spawn Of The Generic Race Of People That Come From My Own Genes, Yes, But They Are Just The Equivalent Of The 'Human Race' On My Planet. They Inhabit The Multiverses And, Well, They're Still Just Me."
When it got right down to it, the Tyranophant, culmination of most of the beings of the Veritas as one entity, was bored with being by himself.
"It's Definitely Me," he said, patting Ramiel on the back, "Not You. And I Hope Your Head Feels Better. I'd Fix That For Ya, But It's Rude And Intrusive, I've Learned, To Use Your Powers On The Unwilling." Yes, there were a lot of 'God' rules that went with being a God. "Interacting With Mortals In That Way Is Not Exactly The Proper Demeanor For Gods, Usually, Unless They Are Tricksters... Or Just Evil. And As Much As I Love My Tricks, I'm Not Evil." Though, there was a time when he was a villain, but that's how that other universe got destroyed -- The Lost World.
"Aaanyway, I Just Want To Do Something. Anything, At This Point. But It Isn't About Me," Ty-kun said, looking Ramiel in the eyes, "It's About You! It's About The People Who Come To The Veritas Either To Visit Or To Make A Home! THEY Are The Ones I Am Here For, Too, As The Gatekeeper Into The World! I'm Not Just Supposed To Fulfill My Will And Whims -- I'm The God. Part Of My Rules, Laws And Jobs Are To Actually Fulfill Mortal Wishes, Or Divinely Intervene And Such." Ty-kun rolled his eyes, "There's A Lot. But Again, I'm Like... A Djinni." That was the best way to put it. "In Fact, I'm Called The Crystal Djinni. So, I'm Supposed To Grant Wishes. But Someone Has To Rub The Proverbial Lamp."
Hopefully this was all making sense and not sounding selfish, because Ty-kun had been seen as selfish in the past.
"But Enough About Me," Ty-kun finally said, ceasing his rambling, since Ramiel was already stuffed in his brain with information, "What About You? I Can Tell Something Is Bothering You. I Cannot Impede On Your Free Will To Withhold It From Me, Nor To Keep Me In The Dark About It, But I Can Decipher It Using My Godliness." Ty-kun was indeed omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, as well as omnibenevolent -- hence why we were here. The thing about those things came down to free will and choices made that effected how they functioned at any given time. It was those it effected, not the one who bore the power, that made the difference... And not too many people knew that about Gods and Goddesses. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:54 am | |
| Thought on it a bit more, and whatever was eating at him grew. It turned into a heaviness in his heart.
Then it hit him like a truck. He thought of his father. The earlier talk about his family planted that seed.
He pulled his lips tight. "The last time I saw my dad was about five years ago." He started to explain. "The last time I saw him alive... I was eighteen. When I left to join the Leapers. I was 32 when he died. The last he ever heard about me was from the Leapers after I deserted." He lowered his head. "That's nagged at me ever since. I never knew what he thought of me after that. Mom told me he was still proud of me... but that's what moms are supposed to say, right?" He took in a deep breath, "It's a big taboo where I'm from, to try to reach beyond the veil."
He closed his eyes. "I'm not asking for him back, he lived his life and deserves his rest. I just can't help but think that he thought poorly of me, because he didn't know why I did what I did." He returned to staring at the ground. "I don't know why this decided to push its way into my head right now. I'm sorry. This is dumb." | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:15 pm | |
| This brought trouble to the Tyranophant's soul, since he saw that his dear friend was feeling down due to his history. Ty-kun, too, had historical issues that haunted him to this day, but as a God, they were all corrected. The only thing that was left of those issues were memories that he reflected on sometimes... Something like Ramiel was doing now.
"Your Father, Hm?" the Tyranophant asked, concerned about the well-being of Ramiel. "... So You're Concerned About His Thoughts Of You Before He Died..."
The Tyranophant thought.
"... I Can Use My Power To Channel His Spirit. Hell, I Could Bring Him Back From The Grave, Like I Did You, But It Is Ungodly To Tamper With Life And Death So Haphazardly." The Tyranophant shrugged. "The Best I Can Do Is Channel Him, And Perhaps Enchant Something So That You May Speak With Him If You So Choose At Any Given Time." The Tyranophant was a very caring person, despite his title and destructive history. When he cared about someone, he meant it.
"I Can Even Take You To The Spirit World," the Tyranophant insisted, knowing that was an option, "Because That, Too, Is A Way To Contact The Dead Without Raising The Dead." The Tyranophant did understand why reaching to the beyond was taboo in some realms, but fortunately for Ramiel, the Veritas freely allowed spirits and contact with spirits as one saw fit.
Though, Ty-kun was really more concerned about why Ramiel thought that his thoughts weren't valid. It bothered him a little that Ramiel felt like this. "Hey," Ty-kun said, "Don't Think That Your Thoughts And Feelings Are Dumb. Everything Is Important, I Have Learned Through Experience. Even Your Tiniest Thought Or Feeling Triggers Something Greater... Like A Light Switch. Something Small Can Become Something Big, Or Might Be Disguising Something Big, So It Is Best To Fully Search The Mind, Body And Soul For Your Thoughts And Feelings And Deal With Them Accordingly. This Is What I Do, And It Keeps Both My Head And My Heart Clean." Maybe the small words of wisdom would resonate with Ramiel's soul and have him see the importance of his thoughts and feelings.
Ty-kun pat him on the back, attempting to console him. "And If You Ever Need Anything Else, I Will Be Here For You." He smiled, chuckling, "Even If It's Just A Day Out With Tao!" | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Fri Jul 26, 2019 8:36 pm | |
| Ramiel wiped his eyes. "I still feel stupid... it's not like it would change anything."
His vision of the afterlife was apparently static. "But thanks."
Why wouldn't he make that wish? "Maybe... just ask?"
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| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Fri Jul 26, 2019 9:35 pm | |
| "Hey, Hey, It's Okay," the Tyranophant said in a comforting tone, "I Know How Emotional It Can Be To Suffer Death And Have Unspoken Words Or Unfinished Business. That's Why There Are Proper Channels For That Without Disturbing The Dead." Ty-kun knew a lot about a lot, but his omniscience seemed to be limited to only what was being dealt with at the time -- by choice, of course, to maintain full, undivided focus.
"We Can Be In The Spirit World In A Snap," Ty-kun said, literally snapping his fingers and flickering the both of them into a realm that was made of pure plasma. There was nothing anywhere but plasma of all forms, and the entire realm radiated with pure energy and nothing else. It was more 'static' than Ramiel realized. "See? Wish Granted. Now All We Have To Do Is Locate The Energy Signature Of Your Father Using Your Own -- Since You Should Give Off Similar Vibrations -- And Then Have Your Souls Synchronize So That You Can Hear His Deepest Thoughts And Feelings About You." The Tyranophant had been teaching about the Soul for years, so this was nothing new -- just unexpected. To think, he'd have the chance to explain a Soul Synchronization again to anyone outside of the College. "Should Go Just Fine."
Now, Ty-kun knew that in order for one to enter the Spirit Realm one needed to be made of Plasma. Spirits were plasmatic beings, like fire, and are very powerful electromagnetic condensations that are formed from the biorhythm of a being during its life based on brain waves and heart rate. Therefore, Ramiel's mind had to be strong enough to maintain a Spirit Form and his heart had to be strong enough to produce the chemicals necessary to be ionically charged. "I Hope You Don't Mind Ionization, Because That Is Definitely What We Had To Do To Get You Here." The Tyranophant stepped forth, kicking off of literally no physical plane of anything in the pure plasmatic world, yet parted the plasma before him like water. "Follow Me," he said grimly, knowing that if Ramiel were to have his ions absorbed into the Realm, he would be stuck there as a lost Spirit.
Though, the Tyranophant could just get him out of his plasmatic mishap should such occur, but the point of the matter was for his Spirit form to stay intact using the brain waves from his mind and chemicals that came from his heart. "Try To Steady Yourself And Stay Stable, No Matter What You Hear Or See -- Some Spirits Are Negative And Like To Give Others A Negative Charge, Which Could Disassemble You." All they needed to do was find the wavelength that was Ramiel's father's, and they could begin their own exchange. Ty-kun only hovered in the midst of the plasmatic Spirit World using his natural exuberance to force away weak forces, as not to accidentally blow away and scatter Ramiel's particles in this space. That would be hell if he didn't know how to recollect and reassemble himself as a Spirit. "I Presume You Have Never Been In Spirit Form Before?" | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:10 am | |
| Ramiel found himself now just a 'glob' of plasma, held together by will alone. To say he was freaked out was a bit of an understatement. Of course he'd never been in spirit form before, and didn't know what to do. He was already starting to disperse, which made him panic and lose focus, creating an accelerating feedback loop. It only took a moment before he was lost to the realm. | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:11 pm | |
| "Super Star," the Tyranophant bade out, the charges of Ramiel equalizing via a resonance that harmonized each of the protons and electrons that he was comprised of and reset their charges to something extremely intense, withdrawing with a clench of the fist the particle makeup that was made of Ramiel. They would bind together via resonance alone with each other in harmonization of Ramiel's brain waves and biorhythms -- partially sustained by the Tyranophant.
That meant that the realm, itself, was part of the Tyranophant's energy source, and this being had control over its own energy source. All of the souls harmonized on their own away from the area where the Tyranophant released his Presence, once again leaving only Ramiel within the aura of emptiness around them keeping the plasma at least a yard or so away.
Such was the vacuum of such particles of Ramiel collecting together.
"Please Try Not To Get Killed Again," the Tyranophant begged as he floated closer to Ramiel's collecting charges, waiting to lean upon them when he rematerialized based on his vision of himself and what he believed he was in his heart instead of the original.
Or, proceed with the original Ramiel reforming to Ty-kun leaning on his shoulder, talking to him. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:15 pm | |
| Ramiel, once reformed, would be the original. And with Ty holding him together for a moment, the rabbit could 'feel out' how to do it himself, though not with the ease that his friend had. For Rami, it was not an insignificant effort, but he could manage it now.
"I'll try not to..." | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:46 pm | |
| Ty-kun chuckled. "Don't Worry. Things Like That Happen More Often Than You Would Think." The Tyranophant smiled at the reformed Spirit Ramiel. "That's Why We Gods Have To Have The Power To Do Things Like That, Or Else There Goes Your Spirit, And Then Your Soul."
Ty-kun now had to fulfill the wish of Ramiel, which was to see his father. For that, the Tyranophant needed several things...
"I Will Need To Know Where He Died And How He Died So That I Can Connect Your Spirit Directly To His." | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:53 pm | |
| Ramiel looked around, then rolled his eyes. "Why did I do that? It's not like it's here... He died on the family farm, of a heart attack. It's about 4 miles south of Cactus Ranch. It's in western Kasuria, on Furrae, same plane as the Bay." | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:26 pm | |
| "Go It," the Tyranophant said, locating the dimensional coordinates for the Dimension Gate to open up to. He extended a hand and a small spiral unfurled outward into a larger opening -- a portal -- which revealed the terrain of the family farm of Ramiel Brisbane. There, in that spot where his father had been buried, is where his Spirit would be contacted from beyond the grave without disturbing the peace of his rest.
Ty-kun knew that he'd have to explain about the Spirit Realm and how to channel a Spirit as a Spirit, since it seemed that he had little knowledge about such arcane things. He seemed the type to stay away from it, in all honesty. "Here's What You Do," the Tyranophant said, "Using The Power I Am Using To Sustain You Here In A Collected Form, I Need You To Concentrate Both On The Image Of Your Father -- So That He Can Sustain An Image When Contacted -- And The Feelings That You Have For Your Father." The Tyranophant pointed to the site of the death, where the Spirit first expired, and said, "Because He Died Of A Heart Attack, His Body Was Still Intact. That Makes That Much Easier For Him To Sustain An Image After You Connect With Him, Since His Electromagnetic Waves Should Still Function The Same Way." Ty-kun smirked, placing a hand on Ramiel's back, "Now To Channel Him, You Have To Project Your Energy Toward The Grave Site And Charge The Area With Your Electromagnetic Current. The Chemicals That Comprise His Spirit Will Come Together And Formulate As Both You And He Remember, Sustained By Yours And His Electromagnetic Wavelengths Sustained By The Mind And Heart, Which Comprise The Spirit." It was basically like electrifying the Frankenstein's Monster.
"Now, The Only Thing About This Is," the Tyranophant warned, "If You Lose The Connection, His Spirit Will Return To Being Electromagnetic Chemicals Again. We Could Always Reconnect, But It Is Best To Leave Mortal Spirits Alone Lest You Keep Them Fulminated For Too Long And They Do Not Return To Rest Because They Have Too Much Energy." Spirits were little more than chemical makeup of the flesh, so this was all a level of chemistry and alchemy than anything. "I'm The Medium, But My Power Is Great, So It Can Overcharge. Don't Take Too Long, But Don't Be Afraid To Release Your Feelings. You Don't Want A Weak Connection." Ty-kun smiled, giving Ramiel a few pats on the back.
"Now, Go Have A Chat With Your Pops, Champ." The Tyranophant pointed into the portal, ready to assist Ramiel with conducting if necessary. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:20 am | |
| Rami had to connect and charge his father's body? He did so in the way that made sense to him, he reached into the ground. He felt the charge start to flow, and guided it up out of the ground.
"Dad... Dad... Are you there?" He called out to the forming energy. It pulsed in response, but there were no words yet. He kept on adding his energy to the mass as it took form. This felt a bit ghoulish to Rami, though.
The mass became more person-like, taking on a masculine shape. It was broad in shoulder and lean in muscle, with proud lapine ears. It was a head shorter than Rami, but the were distinct similarities between the two.
"Dad?" He asked once again, and the figure looked at him. "Who are you?"
Ramiel gasped. "Your son, Ramiel. You're Reginald Brisbane, yes?"
The figure nodded, "Ramiel.. Primes damn, son. You finally got some meat on ya!" | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:12 am | |
| Ty-kun watched as the whole event unfurled, smiling contentedly with a sort of kiddish look on his face, yet with eyes that teemed with empathy. He was happy to see this sort of reunion and be part of it, for he could feel what they were feeling without them feeling what he was.
He didn't want to disturb the two of them as they spoke, but he did wish to introduce himself to his friend's father. Would have been better to do as Tao, though, he thought, but that chance was long gone. Ty-kun didn't even know if Ramiel's father noticed him.
The Tyranophant said meekly, "Hi, I'm Ty-kun, Sir..." before chuckling nervously, putting on his kiddish smile again out of embarrassment. He was an introvert and very shy, despite his sometimes tyrannical and exuberant nature when alone or with people he trusted.
Still, he did his best not to interrupt beyond introduction. He waited on his friend to get his wish accomplished, also not trying to eavesdrop on the conversation even though he was right there. He simply made his presence absent for the time being, saying, "I'll Let You To Your Own..." and fading away slowly.
The Tyranophant was still there, he was just absence, itself, and would return to his presence being present when Ramiel was done. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:06 am | |
| Reginald looked at Ty-kun, puzzled. He'd never seen a human or anyone human-like in his life. Rami had to interject, "He helped me get here, to talk to you. I'm not dead, yet."
Reggie nodded, and looked a little more at ease. "So, you finally came home. I'd offer you a cuppa tea, but well..." The elder rabbit looked at his grave, "...Yeah."
Rami nodded back, showing even more family resemblance in the little mannerisms, going all bobblehead when talking being one of them, "Yes. I should've done it sooner, but after the news... this was the first chance I had. I didn't because I was scared. I was worried what you'd think of me."
Reggie shook his head. "Ain't nothing wrong with being scared son. It's howya react to it. Hells boy, your mom 'n I were shocked when we were told you deserted, and tried to cover it up... apparently your little nurse friend ratted on you. Turned out she was your boss's girl." He shuffled a bit, "Why'd ya do it son? Before you left, you'd have never just left a job half finished. So I know you had a reason. Will ya tell me?"
Rami nodded, "It might be a long story there, pop."
Reggie laughed, "Ain't like I don't have time!" | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:14 am | |
| The Tyranophant was pleased that the conversation was going well, even in his absence. He was not eavesdropping, however it was quite difficult to remove yourself from an area that was completely yourself. The only things that existed in this space at this time were Ramiel and his father. The Tyranophant, having taken on the form of absence itself, was only absent in the present area and not completely. For that yard or so that was being maintained as a distance between the Spirit World's plasma and Ramiel's Spirit, Ty-kun's absence remained to maintain the borders.
The faint image of Ty-kun's upper torso faded in above the area, looking as if his lower half were attached to the absence, itself, whilst his presence remained outside of its boundary -- even if still connected to it.
It was all just a means of giving Ramiel and his father some privacy. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:37 pm | |
| Rami cursed under his breath. "So that was a waste of effort. I honestly can't blame her." He shook his head. "Okay, you know I was at the City on the Sea. We'd gotten an alert about a slave that had gotten loose, and was reported as dangerous and possibly rabid."
Reginald frowned. Rami nodded, "I know. Place had no laws about it. One more reason I hated the place. But... I found the escaped slave. She wasn't dangerous, or rabid. Just very, very hurt. Beaten to within an inch of her life. I took her to the medical post to get her proper care. Helped Nurse Hass set her broken wrist and take out her spleen, because it'd ruptured. Not sure how she didn't die from internal bleeding. But I... couldn't leave her. She'd just get handed over to the bastards that beat her before, and pretty sure they'd have beat her more. So I took her and ran, hid on another ship heading out to a far port. I had to get her away from those people." Rami kept himself composed, but it wasn't easy.
Reggie hugged his boy. "I understand. It wasn't an easy choice, but it sure sounds like the right one there."
Rami closed his eyes, "Sometimes I still question if it was."
His father let go, "Whatcha mean, son?"
The younger rabbit sighed. "I couldn't take care of her, Dad. She started getting sick, and never got better. I couldn't get the right antibiotics, my own injury was just as badly infected... In the end.. I didn't save her... she should have died that night, but I turned it into several months of suffering. Because I was acting like an idiot."
The elder shook his head, "Maybe you were, I wasn't there, I can't tell you. But your heart was in the right place, and you know it." | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:16 pm | |
| Though the Tyranophant was not listening to the conversation, he could feel the electromagnetic wavelengths of the two Spirits intermingling and causing emotions, along with exchange of words. Ty-kun could not help but to feel certain emotions because of Ramiel's story, and without being able to hear them, he wondered what they could be talking about. All Ty-kun felt was compassion, sorrow, pain and love, which meant the conversation was taking some emotional dips and turns.
"It's A Good Thing He Got To Talk To His Father," the Tyranophant said aloud, his voice -- though soft -- echoing throughout the Spirit World.
His curiosity nearly got the better of him, as he wished to peer down into the absence of his presence and present himself once again, however he refrained and let the rabbit spirits continue their conversation. But, Ty-kun would want to know all about it later on, which could be done verbally by Ramiel or psychically by himself, since he was a master psychic.
Seemed like their charges were getting a little bit too loaded, though. Had to make a note of that, since putting Ramiel's father back to rest would be more difficult the more energy he was given to remain in Spirit form, thanks to the 'Super Star' technique that Ty-kun used before. Nowhere near impossible, just... Maybe a little more than either rabbit would want for the other. They seemed pretty easy-going and loving, so the Tyranophant wasn't trying to make much of anything difficult for his friend and his father, including this wish that was being granted.
So he waited patiently, hoping that his friend and father were well. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:58 pm | |
| Ramiel continued, catching his father up to at least the time that he passed. This made the old man rather proud, actually.
"Just take care of your mother. I can't imagine it's been easy for her. That said... How do I, yanno..."
Ramiel looked puzzled. He pulled back his energy slowly, but his father was still there. "I'm not sure, Dad..." | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:31 pm | |
| The Tyranphant snapped his fingers and the connection between the two beings was severed instantaneously. "There You Go~!" Ty-kun shouted helpfully. He didn't want to go back into being a presence from his absence until it was time to actually do the handiwork, but he felt the need to go back down suddenly when the two wills of the father and son wished to part at the exact same time, charging their frequencies simultaneously for the Tyranophant to feel through his connection between the two of them -- as he had been doing the entire time.
After that, he had to put Ramiel's father's Spirit to rest so that he would return to his natural charges when his particles returned to their stasis.
Ty-kun channeled the vibrations in his connection to both Ramiel and his father and individually repulsed them from each other in a fashion that would cause the one to part ways with the other in an old fashioned kind of way. The charged particles of Ramiel's father sustained by the Tyranophant were lain gently down, the energy animating them being withdrawn back into Ty-kun, and the Spirit being put to rest.
The Dimension Portal closed immediately afterward.
"..." The Tyranophant was speechless at first. "Heavy, Huh?" he asked, not having heard a thing, yet felt all of the tension and compassion within whilst he was without, whilst he was transporting himself back in.
His Presence remained, keeping the plasmatic entities of Spiritual Energy from sucking in his friend, of whose wish was just granted.
"I'm Glad You Got Your Wish." Ty-kun felt like it was better to know what his father thought than to be left in darkness that might cloud his mind in honorable combat instead of be motivation for him to continue forward. "If There Is Anything Else You'd Like To Do, Please Just Tell Me And It Will Be Done, My Friend." Ty-kun wouldn't even ask about how the conversation went.
He would wait for Ramiel to tell him. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:04 am | |
| Ramiel hugged Ty, and muttered his thanks.
It was truly a load off his mind, one that didn't settle on him often, but it did.
"I'm not sure what to do now. Is there anyplace in particular you want to show me? Preferably in my normal body again?" | |
| | | The Tyranophant Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Posts : 1771 Points : 2021 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-16 Age : 30
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:56 am | |
| Reciprocating the hug, Ty-kun pat Ramiel on the back one more time before saying in a jolly tone, "Yeah, I Do Have A Place I Want You To See!" This time, their bodies would be intact, and in fact, Ty-kun was about to exit the two of them from the Spirit Realm in a short while. "It's The Realm Of The Gods," Ty-kun went on, snapping his fingers and opening up a Dimension Gate to where this realm was located. What was on the other side of the Dimension Gate was beautiful; it was a blended scenery of every type into one location and where one could visibly see the passage of energy in all its forms. It nearly looked unstable, like an illusion, but held its form completely sturdily the more one observed it. It was Pulchritude, the Omnipotent Realm. Mountains rolled across a vast scape, whilst waterfalls and rivers rushed along them. The grass was so green that one would think it to be the first of its kind, and the clouds rolled along the skyline billowing over the horizon. There were several rainbows and the ground resembled water that one could literally walk on. All of the elements of nature seemed blended together here. Ty-kun introduced it as "Pulchritude; The Beautiful Afterlife -- Realm Of The Gods." He outstretched his hand for Ramiel to enter first, saying, "After You, My Friend!" and going on to add, "Your Body Will Return To Normal Once You Enter, And You'll Be Like A God Whilst You're There." Part of why Ty-kun wanted to show Ramiel was because he wanted to see what he would be like as a God. Ty-kun thought it to be an interesting notion. "Oh, And I'll Change Forms, Too -- Into One Of My Higher Restrictions; The 10th, Where I Am In My Complete Form. However, I'll Be In My Elder Version Of Myself." He shrugged. "I Have A Child Version Of Myself, An Adolescent Version (That's Me), An Adult Version And An Elder Version. In The Omnipotent Realm, That Is Where My Elder Version Resides, So I'll Change Into My Elder Form." | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:02 pm | |
| Ramiel hesitated momentarily at the mention of becoming godlike, even if just temporarily. He did step through though after mentally steeling himself. If Ty was 'listening' to Rami's mind, he'd know now that the rabbit actually didn't like having power. The mantle of being Captain of the Guard was taken quite begrudgingly, and even more recent, the mere mention of him being the Bay's de facto leader had put him off.
The beauty of the realm was, however, breathtaking. To him, the place lived up to the root of the name. | |
| | | Ty-sama Grim, the PumpKin :: Dividing Enigma; Dark Legend of the Dream
Posts : 379 Points : 453 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-11-17 Age : 30 Location : Golgotha Job/hobbies : Prime Order
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:31 pm | |
| Ty was aware of Ramiel's thoughts and feelings in more than one way, and as he passed through the Dimension Gate, his crystalline hair became long and sleek, rolling down his back like a waterfall. Around him, a translucent robe made of the actual reality of this realm folded itself neatly around him like a kimono, crystallizing itself as such once Ty-kun went through. Now he was Ty-sama, his Elder version, though he didn't look as much aged as he did distinguished. It was his demeanor that seemed to change the most, being an 'old man' now.
"Hahaha," Ty-sama laughed heartily, flowing over the water with the kimono that covered his feet, much like Tao, "It Seems From Your Feelings That You Don't Truly Know What It's Like To Be Godlike." Ty-sama smiled warmly, letting his crystal blue eyes close simultaneously, "It Has Nothing To Do With Power At All. It Is Merely A State Of Being At Your Greatest Potential, To Sum It Up." That meant that whatever Ramiel could achieve was open to him, and also plenty of other things that he wished to achieve for himself -- for this realm granted wishes, as well.
Ty-sama extended a hand out above one of the flowing rivers and swirled it, pulling it straight from the ground and wrapping it around his hand until it compressed and became an apple, of which he took a bite. The river flowed normally afterward. "Thy Will Be Done Here, To Put It Simply." Whatever Ramiel willed, it would be so for him whilst he were here, and his wishes would come true to his desire. Ty-sama hovered lightly into the sky, his proportions enlarging to match the mountains the closer he got, until he was so large that he actually sat atop the mountains as though they were a well-crafted throne; legs folded, hands in lap -- the traditional Japanese style of sitting respectfully.
"The Point Of Being Omnipotent Beyond Helping Others Is Purely For Fun!" Ty-sama stated rather exuberantly, looking up to the stars that speckled the sky whilst both the sun and moon hung high in the air, blending day and night with vivid aurora. "Relax Yourself And Enjoy Yourself. Some May Come Here And Go Power Mad, But I Do Not See This In You -- You Have Godlike Qualities In Yourself Already As Is, And I Am Certain That Such Things Will Honor You And Magnify In This Realm Over All Else." Ty-sama took a bite of his apple, which faded away after the initial consumption; back into particles of dust, from whence it came.
Chewing, Ty-sama placed a hand on one of the mountains like an armrest and leaned on the other in his lap, drawing his enormous face close to Ramiel, whose proportions were still the same as when he entered. "Control Is Key," Ty-sama said, his wisdom seeming to teem whilst he an elder -- more so than when he was an adolescent Ty-kun. "No Matter What You Want To Do, Simply Do Not Lose Control." After seeing what happened to people like Taomin and Nyake when they lost control over their Godliness, it should have been an experience already embedded within the bright bunny which would keep him from following in their footsteps.
Ty-sama smiled kindly, his long hair spilling over his neck and into the river, becoming one with the river, and flowing downstream as he gazed at Ramiel with his gigantic eyes. Ty-sama seemed interested in what Ramiel wished to do, and also what he did not want to do -- something about the omniscience made both ends of the spectrum vital for knowledge rather than just one or the other, since all information went into omniscience.
Hopefully all of this was not too much for Ramiel to take in, and he be overwhelmed by the realm around him and its lack of restriction. | |
| | | Ramiel Brisbane
Posts : 74 Points : 74 Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-07-11
| Subject: Re: Ramiel And The Divine Priestess' Curse Tue Jul 30, 2019 8:24 pm | |
| Ramiel considered the words, and dared a little to see what he could do. He put his off hand forward, palm out and fingers spread straight. Before him a dome of shimmering force appeared, about 10 feet wide. Just as soon as he pulled it up, he released it and let it vanish. "Ok, that's cool."
He then looked at his armor, and touched the damaged areas. It mended itself. Then he paused and thought, and looked up at the enormous Ty-sama. "Will Tiamat heal, if I did any damage at all?" | |
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