The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Major Event; Apophis

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The Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptySat Oct 24, 2015 5:39 pm

Deep under the earth, far deeper than one would have ever expected was possible to dig, a grand cavern as large as a city rested in the abysmal darkness. The only thing darker than the subterranean land was the black obelisk of Medusa, which suddenly radiated its wicked pitch dark energies once again. It was, even in the pitch black darkness, able to be visibly distinguished in its blackness from all other darkness around it. For whatever reason, it had become active again.
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 8:39 am

In the deep blackness of the underground cavern, glowing serpentine eyes shot open at the emanation of the raw dark power radiating from the obelisk. A hissing laughter and sound of shifting filled the once quiet air as the form of some snake-like creature slithered up and coiled around the full length of the Megalith, absorbing the dark power coming from it. It was only once the creature coiled around the entire object that its head could be seen; a large hood of sorts belonging to that of a cobra, with an extra set of glowing eyes upon it that illuminated the room in a deep royal violet hue. At that moment, the image of the ancient Egyptian Dragon, Apophis, came into full view as a long, jet black, gaudily accented cobra and its lair was made its own by the glowing of its second set of eyes.

Major Event; Apophis Latest?cb=20121006032706
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 12:32 pm

The sound of bones cracking was the very next sound heard once the darkness was illuminated, as if the rigor mortis of a long atrophied corpse had suddenly reanimated. "Jesus... it's bright in here..." A single arm spurted up from the ground, grasping onto a wayward skull and digging its sharp claws into the sockets for support. Soon after, another arm of similar likeness, just as pale and gray as the first, would shoot up from the other side of the ground, seeking something to hold onto for leverage, just the same as the first. Before long, the two arms clenched tightly, dragging up from below the dead earth the head of a dismal looking teenager with hair just as long and unkempt as the untampered dead. A single bulbous gleaming white eye could be seen from under the darkness of the overflowing black rivers of silky hair drooping over her grayed face, yet the other was as pitch black as the night itself. The white eye darted about, scavenging the land for whatever was moving and adjusting the light uncommon to the depths of her gravesite, focusing like a vicious murderer on the snake that slipped into the tomb of the rising maiden.

"... Who Turned On The Light...?"
Major Event; Apophis Pax-east-hisako-702x360
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The Tyranophant
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Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 9:30 pm

Quote :
~At the next moment, Ty would also be able to see where every single head of Orochi was located at the time through his Third Eye, and at those marks, he would swing his arm to dice each of the spots where Orochi's heads connected to the main body with the ethereal energy of the blade projected into each of those locations, since the energy that he was able to omit from the 'King Blade' was able to reach anywhere within his established Presence. This would appear to be him slashing wildly at Orochi whilst his Commanding head was moving, but this was actually to hack at the other 7 the very moment they revealed themselves in the Veritas' reality. Not only would a connected slash sever their ties to the Veritas and isolate their realities as only individual heads, but also this would also sever their connection to their tails.~
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Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star
Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star

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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 2:39 am

Quote :
The image of the 'Prayer Beads' surrounding the Greenhouse area would 'Project' itself around Tao's neck, thus binding Tiamat at the same time with the power of the presence of this land and the Master of the Presence, itself.

Through the synchronization of each of the Shinsangels and the Shinsanities, the subduing Prayer Beads that were once only on Tao and Tia's necks would be projected also around the necks of the severed dragon heads of Orochi, preventing them from being able to grow back, as well as establishing a set dominant influence belonging to the Tensei that would prevent Orochi's regeneration without first overpowering the binding forces of the sentient beings fighting against his presence within the Veritas. Though he was assimilated with the Veritas, the realm was fighting back against him, and therefore gave him a power struggle in addition to Ty's Presence as a while that were the individual wills and consciousness of the 7 Shinsangels that protected the Veritas. Thus, in order to overcome the Veritas, or even have any sort of control over any part of the Veritas, as well as the ability to regenerate any of the lost heads, Orochi would have to overcome all 7 of the Shinsangels.
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 9:28 am

Quote :
~Each tail was slung at a high speed toward the respective targets, which were the 7 headless nubs of Orochi and where the dragon spawn were probably still wriggling about. Each spiritual hurricane was cast down upon the Veritas like a paintbrush upon paper, where the true artwork could be colored in fine detail by each tail working in tandem to create a greater story, now, and not working against each other individually. Through harmonizing with Orochi, the tactics of how each head and tail worked in harmony would be applied immediately to the 7 Shinsangels, as well. From there, through that connection, Tiamat would be able to paint each of the heads of the Veritas upon the headless nubs from where the Prayer Beads connected and assume complete control of the hijacked body, as well as each of its tails.~
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyTue Nov 10, 2015 2:45 am

Apophis continued to hiss out laughter, wrapping his severed tail right around the length of the tower. "Is Thisss... RAW Darknessss...?!" As God of Chaos, a pillar that surged with this raw dark power would be like an infinite power source to the natural chaos that Apophis could create. "Yeeeesssss..." he hissed again, his body growing dark and ambiguous, as the chaos itself. The eyes on his hood gleaming at the sight of something rising from the ground. "... You! Intruder! Get Out Of My Lair! This Darkness Belongs To Me!" Whatever was within the light of the violet flare streaming from Apophis' eyes and illuminated by their splendor would be destroyed by chaotic waves of destruction within his eyesight.
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 6:03 am

"Oh, shit, is that... RAW Darkness!?" Seems as though Tabitha and the king cobra were on the same page. A grim smile cracked upon her nearly cracked pale face, her white eye gleaming and quivering intensely. She never knew how to activate that Megalith that Medusa made so long ago, or even why they still had it, but if it was still active and able to generate power, then all of that was going to belong to the Kurogami. "All Darkness... Is OUR Darkness..." Tabitha's body grew dark, eventually becoming as pitch black as the night itself, with only her single white eye piercing through within it. It, at first seemed as though she were looking at the snake, but her intent was on the darkness that the snake's light couldn't touch behind his hood, as if something were there. "... Right, Frankie...?" It wasn't clear to whom or what she was referring to, but as the violent violet waves wreaked their havoc on the empty, desolate cavern under the morgue where Tabitha's body rested, the silhouette of the girl completely faded away, as if being disintegrated by the light.
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Metal Pumpkinhead
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Metal Pumpkinhead

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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 6:22 am


There had been an ever-present presence lurking in the abyss of this land, manning the mechanics of what made this machine move. It was a listening presence and all consuming darkness. The Allsgrim; the great shadow that connects the darkness of the family together generation after generation, growing ever larger with the history of the Tensei and how each of them fell to or overcame this darkness.

"Red Alert."

Its eyes flashed open, an infernal red like one had never seen. There seemed to be coherency in what sounded to be a machine, and what could still not be seen yet within this darkness. Yet, if one were to shine a light on it now, they would find that the eyes were not inside of this darkness... But belonged to it.

"Scheduled Maintenance."

A silver mask, something like a hockey-mask and skull assembled around the eyes, depicting the head of the darkness now. It was shaped oddly, in what seemed to be a pumpkin, yet with the face of a skull. This was the face of Franquere, the Metal Pumpkinhead, who dauntingly loomed over the land, alerting that time was short for them. They were on a schedule programmed into Franquere, himself. They were cutting it close.

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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 6:37 am

Apophis, after witnessing the girl be wiped away by the power of his chaotic flame, would immediately turn to where he heard the voice of a different being speak out to him directly behind him. The moment the light of the eyes on his hood laid upon those of whatever consort the girl summoned, the same would be done to him. "A Ssservant!?" The violet light intensified like the shine in a serpent's eye before it strikes its prey. The flaming flash ignited all that was caught in the range of its light, utterly incinerating whatever was so unfortunate as to have been in any form of order at the time. "Be Gone, Sssslave!" One lick of this flame could destroy even the metaphysical order and bring it into utter chaos for Apophis to command. With an infinite power generator and a growing chaotic boundary, soon the entire land would be nothing but pure chaos for the serpent to rest in. Working from underground, taking over the land would start with a collapse from the bottom up. No matter what the other heads were doing, Apophis could single-handedly man the entire operation... And then he would be the supreme head that commanded the others. It was the perfect plan... Though a bit of extermination was in order first.
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 6:59 am

The very moment Apophis turned his back and left the land covered in darkness again, a single quivering white eye and seven extra fierce red ones appeared behind him, looking to be the eyes of a large spider. It hissed at Apophis from behind his back, the presence of power rising exponentially behind him.
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Metal Pumpkinhead
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Metal Pumpkinhead

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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 7:09 am

At the turn of Apophis' head toward the Metal Pumpkinhead, the eyes of chaos were met with the eyes of the Insanity, which was locked away inside of the infinite bowels of the darkness that was the Allsgrim. Even Chaos itself could not stop what existed beyond both Order and Chaos, and the very presence of its existence alone neutralized the air of this chaotic influence. There was insanity in chaos; a certain 'order' that was ever present and ever as it would be, including in order, itself. Those that go mad with power when exposed to Order, as it seemed Apophis was on the verge of, and those who were uncontrollably destructive when exposed to Chaos. This curse had no enemy save for one, and Chaos was not its name.

"Get Out."

The light remained on the face of the Metal Pumpkinhead, whose darkness had not faded nor lessened to the smallest degree, even when exposed to copious amounts of direct contact with light. It was as if it were a physical manifestation more now than an absence of a presence. The silver face shined brightly, however, reflecting all such chaos and destructive energy in the mirror-like mask he donned. There were no more words for Apophis after that, but the burning intensity raging in the eyes of Franquere burned on like a furnace, growing hotter and more bright by the second, as if growing in power.
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 7:19 am

Apophis could feel that there was a steady rise in power around him as he gazed this new being in the face. He seemed to be immune to the power of chaos; perhaps, a chaotic being in and of himself. Apophis narrowed his eyes. "Do You Not Know How To Take Ordersss?" Suddenly, his hood expanded outward to great proportions, spreading like wings over the entirety of the cavern's ceiling and projecting ultraviolet rays down upon the land. "YOU Get Out Of MY Lair!!!" With his body perched over the tower, Apophis drew greater chaotic strength from the black obelisk powering him and used it to overcome his adversaries with as much as necessary. The fire would scorch the ground and embed itself to the ground, and also to the air, burning all that touched it and erasing whatever Apophis wished, but remaining attached to whatever Apophis had instructed, without burning or erasing it. The entire cavern should have been eternally lit with a vivid violet flame and vapor to match, filling the air with Apophis' chaotic energy and removing anything from it that would not succumb to it. There would be no darkness in the cavern any longer, and whatever was within the darkness would be exposed by the bright light and erased upon exposure. Nothing under the dark radiation of Apophis should have been able to exist any longer.
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 7:43 am

The violet flare that beamed down on the area would produce no light in the cavern. The darkness was permanent; an actual physicality or entity itself, and its presence was already established in the entirety of the cavernous space. The outline of a shadowy figure, very oblong and clumpy looking would be illuminated by Apophis' light and traced by the gentle stroke of his flares on its body, followed by monstrous, yet somehow childish laughter. "Heh heh heh... That Tickles..." An appendage, something of what looked like either an arm or a leg, sprouted out from the massive blob of darkness filling the majority of the cavern, slamming its limb down with great force to support its shape. Purple fire slipped through the cracks of the digits. The same sensation as on its back tingled upon the surface of the appendage, which would wriggle about wildly.

A second limb shot out into the wall, slamming firmly into it, as if holding it (or perhaps, the large dark mass) in place more securely with the might of something like a support beam pressed upon it now. The cavern would rumble.

The next four limbs were fastened securely to the dark obelisk, feeding from its power the same way Apophis had been. Sharing the same power source served also as a connection to both power sources, which gave further immunity to the vagrant violet flames. A stinger something like a great fang pricked the bottom, keeping the entire black body leveled as it clung to the tower.

The seventh appendage adjusted itself behind the large body, keeping it further balanced and from tipping over, yet also remaining open and flexible for prioritized maneuverability and flexibility, if necessary to move for any reason.

The final appendage, which was clearly an arm, would remain with the creature's head, which was glaring Apophis right in his actual set of eyes, the white eye becoming the same shade of violet as a wicked, nearly psychotic smile appeared on the being's face upon illumination. At that moment, Apophis would see exactly the size of what was hidden from him in the darkness; a darkness that now filled the entire area with just its body alone. A darkness the light could not erase. "Boo!" she exclaimed in a raspy, wretched voice, lashing the only normal appendage on her bod outward toward the head of Apophis, to grab him directly at his jaw before or during an anticipated strike. With his power of Chaos useless, he'd have to resort to a different method of combating this giant black widow spider.
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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyThu Nov 12, 2015 11:37 pm

Apophis was already very clear that he would not be able to face this creature by the normal means of chaotic disruption, as it seemed whatever this being was had some sort of affiliation with the chaos, or immunity to it. "You Do Not Burn At My Flame?! Chaossss Destroysssss All!!! What Trickery Is Thissss!?" Apophis, being very keen, would not immediately seek to lash at the monstrous spider girl, but instead would cock his head back and out of the way of the arm, then slip off under it. He slithered hither and thither, through each arm and appendage that had anchored the large body in most of the cavern. Something told Apophis that touching her would not be wise, and remaining connected to the same power source was not, either. Right now, it was time to be the most cunning and slip out swiftly whilst things looked less advantageous. Apophis was well aware when he was outmatched, as well as a strong believer of "he who turns and runs away lives to walk another day" would immediately find whatever crevice there was that was still available for him to enter and use the power of chaos to change his size and shape as he saw fit. Apophis would escape from the heat of battle and off into the unknown.
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Metal Pumpkinhead
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Souzenryoku of Darkness; Purple Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Flux of the Crystal Reaper
Metal Pumpkinhead

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Major Event; Apophis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Apophis   Major Event; Apophis EmptyFri Nov 13, 2015 12:10 am

In Every Crevice Of Unknown Miscellanea In This Cavern, There Was Darkness.

"Red Alert."

In All Darkness, There Was Franquere.

"Eternal Damnation."

In All Darkness, There Is Nothing That Franquere Hates, For It Is Incinerated Immediately At His Sight. Franquere Hates Apophis. Apophis Is Therefore Dead And Expelled Immediately Without Question.

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Major Event; Apophis Empty
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