The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 Major Event: Leviathan

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The Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptySat Oct 24, 2015 2:38 pm

There was conflict in the once steady seas. A great shadow appeared in the depths, slowly growing larger as it neared the surface. Likewise, the tides grew turbulent and uneven, causing dismay in the deep.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 9:17 am

As the waters rose up from the surface, what would seem to be a haunt from the past congregated from the waters into the shape of a grand serpentine head of pure, complete water. As the head shot up toward the sky like a geyser, the distinction between aqueous bodies of the serpent and the ocean were completely unclear, as though they were one and the same. It was unknown where nor how this creature came to be, yet it was already one with the ocean, and with the opening of its chaotic eye, all the waters raged like a vicious storm. The Leviathan had awoken once again.

Major Event: Leviathan Chaos_large
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 9:39 pm

Quote :
~At the next moment, Ty would also be able to see where every single head of Orochi was located at the time through his Third Eye, and at those marks, he would swing his arm to dice each of the spots where Orochi's heads connected to the main body with the ethereal energy of the blade projected into each of those locations, since the energy that he was able to omit from the 'King Blade' was able to reach anywhere within his established Presence. This would appear to be him slashing wildly at Orochi whilst his Commanding head was moving, but this was actually to hack at the other 7 the very moment they revealed themselves in the Veritas' reality. Not only would a connected slash sever their ties to the Veritas and isolate their realities as only individual heads, but also this would also sever their connection to their tails.~
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Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star
Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 2:36 am

Quote :
The image of the 'Prayer Beads' surrounding the Greenhouse area would 'Project' itself around Tao's neck, thus binding Tiamat at the same time with the power of the presence of this land and the Master of the Presence, itself.

Through the synchronization of each of the Shinsangels and the Shinsanities, the subduing Prayer Beads that were once only on Tao and Tia's necks would be projected also around the necks of the severed dragon heads of Orochi, preventing them from being able to grow back, as well as establishing a set dominant influence belonging to the Tensei that would prevent Orochi's regeneration without first overpowering the binding forces of the sentient beings fighting against his presence within the Veritas. Though he was assimilated with the Veritas, the realm was fighting back against him, and therefore gave him a power struggle in addition to Ty's Presence as a while that were the individual wills and consciousness of the 7 Shinsangels that protected the Veritas. Thus, in order to overcome the Veritas, or even have any sort of control over any part of the Veritas, as well as the ability to regenerate any of the lost heads, Orochi would have to overcome all 7 of the Shinsangels.
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 9:32 am

Quote :
~Each tail was slung at a high speed toward the respective targets, which were the 7 headless nubs of Orochi and where the dragon spawn were probably still wriggling about. Each spiritual hurricane was cast down upon the Veritas like a paintbrush upon paper, where the true artwork could be colored in fine detail by each tail working in tandem to create a greater story, now, and not working against each other individually. Through harmonizing with Orochi, the tactics of how each head and tail worked in harmony would be applied immediately to the 7 Shinsangels, as well. From there, through that connection, Tiamat would be able to paint each of the heads of the Veritas upon the headless nubs from where the Prayer Beads connected and assume complete control of the hijacked body, as well as each of its tails.~
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyWed Oct 28, 2015 6:11 pm

From a passing storm, there was a thick trident that shot down from the sky straight for Leviathan's brain, hurdling at a speed what one would believe like lightning. It would strike the ocean.

Quote :
There was conflict in the once steady seas. A great shadow appeared in the depths, slowly growing larger as it neared the surface. Likewise, the tides grew turbulent and uneven, causing dismay in the deep.

"All Hail King Neptune..." bellowed a voice like thunder as the entire Ocean of Purity rolled over his shoulders and his head poked up from the abyss, glaring at the measly headless worm that would have dared to take over the sea that was part of its body. Triton, the beast of the sea, would raise his trident up in triumph at what should have been total victory over Leviathan immediately.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyMon Nov 02, 2015 4:03 am

Leviathan sensed something coming long before it reached him. Instinctively, as if receiving warning prior to the attack telepathically, he would snake his way around the pointed tips of the trident and coil himself about the length of the weapon as it touched the ocean. "... It Is Mine..." he uttered lowly, extending his tail further down the trident's base and around the hand of this 'mighty king' of the sea. "You Were Careless, Haughty One!" With Leviathan wrapped firmly around Triton's weapon, the tail of the snake would constrict Triton's grip on it and simultaneously pry it from his hand and into Leviathan's possession, whilst his head, just as large as the one that glared him in the face, would lash immediately at those haughty eyes that dared find themselves superior. The dragon's head, like that of a viper, struck just as quickly as the tongue of the snake to speak ill of Triton's shortcomings and misdeeds, and would ram into him with the might of a great tsunami crashing upon a continent, with great gallons of venom as torrential as the tides prepped for injection as soon as contact was made with Triton's voluminous oceanic body.
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyTue Nov 03, 2015 4:40 pm

The very moment Triton felt the lowly worm wriggle its way around his arm wielding the trident, he sneered at the creature in disgust, nearly wanting to drop his weapon. "Ew," was all he could muster before the constriction of the snake's body tightened and attempted to pry the weapon from his hand. In the very same instant, the long neck lashed out like a viper, only to be snatched by the free hand of Triton shooting up from the depths of the sea, firmly grasping the joint just below the head to ensure the snake could not move once it lashed out. "... The Filthy Wyrm Lives..." Triton's hand crushed the neck of Leviathan with the force of all the oceanic pressures of the water, ensuring that, even if his neck weren't broken then and there, then at the very least, his head was not moving from that spot. The next thing he would do would be to unravel Leviathan from his trident like a string of spaghetti from a rolled up fork, snatching it back out of the envious being's grasp and back into only Triton's possession.

Triton knew that to allow Leviathan into the ocean would be bad, so instead, the waters rose to their highest, bringing the entire Ocean of Purity to an immediate dryness and all the water into the body of Triton, which stood high above the clouds, which rolled over his shoulder and assimilated with his colossal body as garments of what one would deem a cape or robe, hovering loosely in the air and hiding Triton's face. Leviathan did not deserve to be looked at, anyway, nor have the grace of seeing Triton's face. These two would never see eye to eye, and this filthy snake would remain at the bottom of the sea as an envious bottom feeder, where he belonged. In this case, the bottom of the sea was under the gargantuan boot of Triton, of which Leviathan would, after being snatched from the trident, be hurled down to quickly, where Triton's foot of decisiveness would slam down with the force of all the water on the planet crashing into a single concentrated spot, and the resulting force, instead of spreading outward as it would normally, would invert itself to compress around only Triton's foot, leaving the rest of the land unscathed by this force and that much extra damage compacted unto Leviathan's body.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyTue Nov 03, 2015 5:42 pm

The great sea creature, Leviathan, would not be done away with so easily. His strength was in his neck and his body was hard enough to survive the pressures of the very bottom of the ocean, making such a feeble attempt to break him come to naught but uselessness. "You Don't Deserve This Power..." he hissed with a sickeningly raspy voice after being unraveled from the trident, "... You Are No King Of Anything... I Am King Of The Sea!!!" Even as Triton grew and Leviathan was hurled to the ground, he still spake ill of the 'sea king,' and both his eyes and body would begin to glow brightly after seeing the foot raised to stomp on him. "All Creatures Of The Deep And Land Fear Me!" Leviathan was aware that even this would not be able to break his body. There was nothing that could penetrate his nigh impervious hide. As the foot came down, scorching fire spewed from his mouth hot enough to bring even the deep sea to a boil and to evaporate any form of water that came in contact with it. As he breathed his supernaturally hot fire, Leviathan, himself, would slither just out of the way of the foot of whose sole should have been completely burnt off.

Since the force of impact was compressed to that single spot, upon evasion, Leviathan would be left unscathed. Though he was much smaller than Triton was now, Leviathan was still 300 miles wide and could definitely very easily still pose a threat, as would even the smallest venomous serpent to a full-grown man, of which the scaling of this scenario mimicked. His glowing eyes stayed locked on Triton and his weapon of power as the sea creature slithered upon the now grounded foot of Triton and up his leg swiftly.
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyWed Nov 04, 2015 5:18 pm

Triton, taken aback by the sudden intense heat upon the sole of his booted foot, would detach his leg from his body as the pain shot up, yet retain control over the body part as though still part of the sea, allowing the regenerative power of the Ocean of Purity that made up his entire body to heal the wound exponentially swiftly before the snake slithered up. "... I see no crown upon your head." The moment Leviathan touched the leg, it would liquefy back into water, sucking in the serpent and contorting around his body as a giant sphere which would move in every way Leviathan did in order to keep him contained. "What would you do with Power?" Triton asked as his leg reformed, making sure to keep Leviathan contained inside of the water. Though it was clear that Leviathan could burn away the water with his blazing hot breath, Triton could continuously generate volumes more than the fire could extinguish and flood Leviathan before he could escape the large bubble of water encompassing him like a fish bowl.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyWed Nov 04, 2015 5:33 pm

Leviathan roared with fury upon being captured so easily, searing fire screeching from his tonsils with the same vehemence as his boiling anger. "WITH POWER, I WOULD ASSERT MY DOMINANCE OVER ARROGANT FOOLS LIKE YOU AND PUT YOU ALL IN YOUR PLACE!!!" The body of the creature wriggled about in the water, swimming like a fish to escape, and burning as much of the water around him as possible. Eventually, it would all become nothing but vapor. "Then, I Would Go Across The Entire Planet And Have Everyone Know That I, Leviathan, Was Most Powerful! None Would Question My Authority Nor My Supreme Reign!" No matter how much water came to contain him, Leviathan would continue to spew torrents of fire to evaporate it until he was free.
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Great Gouzen

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyWed Nov 04, 2015 5:45 pm

"... I Have Heard Enough." From a response like that, it was clear why Leviathan had no power, save for over those who were weaker than him, which he seemed to want everyone to be. Triton would have nothing of such a creature placing its filthy tail upon any sort of throne, for all that would be under his power would be tyranny and destruction. That much was all too clear. "As Much As You Burn Away My Ocean From Around You, I May Reform It Thoroughly To Encase You Again, Even From Water Molecules In The Air." At his spoken word, even with his head nowhere to be seen above the clouds, the water would instantly reform and retain around Leviathan, the evaporated water merely collecting again and cooling rapidly, once again, as a circular fish bowl around his body. "Not Only This, You've Already Long Since Breathed My Waters. In An Instant, I May Strip All The Liquid From Your Body And Leave You As Naught But Scale And Bone."

It was very clear that Triton had far greater power and authority over Leviathan, especially in his own element and in his own land, and that this creature's efforts of struggle were hopeless. As disgusting as a being it was, who constantly sought out the power of someone else merely to prove how powerful he was, and became enraged the longer he did not have it to throw around recklessly, Triton, knowing what it meant to have power, would spare his life for as long as possible and attempt to reason with the creature. "... Why Should I Allow You To Live...?" If Leviathan could not prove that he had a useful existence besides being an envious snake seeking to snatch the crown and scepter of anyone he came across for power he could not find in and of himself, then Triton would extinguish his life without further question. However, if Leviathan were able to answer this question with a pleasing answer, then Triton would extend his life, of which he held the power to end here and now.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 7:54 am

Despite how enraged Leviathan was that he'd been captured and more or less defeated, and was now being spared by someone so pompous, like any serpent seeking to prolong his life just a bit longer, Leviathan would comply. Perhaps he would be able to escape if he did. "... Typical. You Would Abuse Your Power Over Anyone You Deem Beneath You..." His eyes still gleamed with fury, yet now the sea faring creature seemed docile in his container, swimming around in circles anxiously. "It Is People Like You Flaunting Such Power That Drives Me To Want To Destroy You. If You Destroy Me, Would You Not Be Just Like Me?" Leviathan's eyes narrowed. If a conversation was what Triton wanted, then that was what he would get, however in terms of how pleasant it would be, Leviathan would not be so compliant. "Tell Me! Why Should YOU Have Your Power? What Makes YOU More Deserving Than I Am, Or Anyone Else, For That Matter? Why Are YOU Crowned And Strutting About All High And Mighty, Looking Down On Everyone Around You?" Leviathan looked up to the clouds, unable to see Triton's face, yet hissed at him, "You Are So Haughty, You Dare Not Even Look Me In The Face!? Pompous! Arrogant! You Deserve Nothing If You Treat Others So Lowly! So Much Lesser Than You!"
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Great Gouzen

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 8:39 am

Triton remained silent as a calm storm would as the Leviathan was allowed to plead his case before him. Though the ignorant words of the clearly envious creature were sharp and filled with much disdain, Triton was able to siphon and decipher from them the greater underlying issues that were within the Leviathan's jealous, power-hungry heart. It was important to hear out these types to the fullest of their extent, for in their tongues was the truth, even if they were prone to lie, embellish and distort said truth. Only those with eyes, ears and mind of clarity would be able to truly determine what the truth hidden behind the venomous words were.

"You Speak Of Abuse... Yet, You Were The One To Claim To Destroy Any That Opposed You And Did Not Bow To You As King." The great body of Triton would suddenly stoop down, kneeling upon one knee, the Left, and would gaze at Leviathan at his level, raising the bubble up to meet his eye, despite how Triton did not want to even look at this creature. "... Yet, Here I Am, Sparing Your Life And Bowing To You; Something You Would Not Have Done To Nor For Me." That much was clear from Leviathan's words and demeanor. Someone like him would not give anyone this sort of chance. "I Have Flaunted Nothing. I Have Barely Even Shown You A Fraction Of My True Strength, For I Know That Using Power Unnecessarily Or In Too Great A Quantity Is Wasteful And Irresponsible." At risk of bringing more envy to Leviathan, who not only had no power, but also had no control over whatever power he did have, Triton would not turn said finger of judgment over to him to cast Leviathan down for being impotent. That would make the situation worse, considering that when the envious saw what they were jealous of being used against them, it made their anger and wicked desires worse.

"To Destroy What Causes Greater Destruction And Nothing More Nor Less Is Control Of One's Power. I Would Not Be Like You In Destroying You Because You Would Destroy Everything That You Saw Fit, Yet I Would Destroy Only What Causes Destruction, And Leave Whatever Else There Was To Grow As Necessary, Even If Not Bowing To Me." There was a certain level of temperance one with control over power had to maintain, and a certain level of understanding and wisdom, as well. There would be those who would, in their own eyes, not recognize nor respect anyone, much like Leviathan, regardless of their power. In fact, there had been those who had crossed the Tensei family just like this already. They loved to show off what little power they had, yet despised when others did the same to them and sought to bring them down in order to build themselves back up. They had no respect for others' power, yet desired that power and also asked for respect of their own, much like this Leviathan did. It had happened all too many times, even just recently. "... From What I Have Shown You And How I Control My Power, It Has Chosen Me. Power Is Its Own Entity, And To It, You Are Either Strong Enough To Control It Or Weak Enough To Allow It To Control You. Much Like The Crown, You Do Not Choose It On Your Own; It Chooses You, As Well."

With both the power to kneel before someone who needed to feel better about themselves, as well as the power to rise back up to the same level he once was before, Triton would lift himself from the ground and place his head back into the clouds, having had enough of looking at Leviathan directly. He was still rather unsightly, even if Triton was doing his best to show and teach him a lesson about himself and the things he desired from others, yet would not seek the principles of within himself. "I Have Successfully Come Down To Your Level For Your Satisfaction, And To Show You That Even Though You Are At A Lower Level, This Does Not Determine That You Are Lesser. It Is Something Else Completely That Determines If You Are Greater Or Lesser, And It Would Behoove You To Find That For Yourself." With Triton now standing tall and straight again, he would speak to Leviathan, "Come Up Here." If he was truly as powerful and high as he wished himself to be, then he should have been able to easily meet Triton's eye at the level of his height just the same as Triton had matched Leviathan's on his height. "Meet My Eye And My Standards Now, And Perhaps You Will See Why I Have What I Have. If You Cannot Match My Level, Then You Will See Why You Are Where You Are And What It Is You Lack." This was the prime reason why one learns to 'Surrender' to others' will, in order to show them things like this and that whatever outlandish request or issue they may make, it is still able to be countered and resolved without falling from grace or losing what it is that they are trying to take from you, showing exactly why you have what you have.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 10:51 am

"You Only Kneel Out Of Pity! To Look Down On Me Further!!" Leviathan continued to swim about furiously, knowing Triton's true contempt for him. "You Hold Back From Me To Boast Superiority!! Yet, Without The Body Of Water As Your Own, You Are Nothing! You Cannot Even Harm Me Without This Precious Ocean! My Strong Body, My Glowing Eyes, My Fiery Breath, My Potent Venom; Each Of These Things Makes Me Strong! But What Do You Have That Is Your Own!?" Leviathan was very much aware that if Triton did not have his command over all the seas, and would face Leviathan in his normal form, then Leviathan would be victorious over Triton.

"What Determines My Place?! Is It You?! Are You Saying That Only You Can Decide What My Place Is!? You Have No Right To Tell Me About Myself, Nor Anyone! What Gives You That Authority To Speak Such Of Me?" Seeing Triton rise back up into the clouds brought forth great wrath in Leviathan, who would, upon being challenged to meet Triton's eye, immediately swim upward toward the sky. "I Will Not Only Meet Your Eye, I Will Gnaw Them Out Of Your Skull! Then You Will Be Able To See Who Is Truly Fit To Rule!!"
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Great Gouzen

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 11:14 am

Triton closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, hearing Leviathan's great ignorance simply from his speech alone. It was all too clear to Triton how very uncouth this creature truly was, and how blind he was as well to his own shortcomings, though he sought to speak ill of others without a second thought. "... Just Like The Others..." Triton mumbled under his breath, having already seen this far too many times in a number of encounters against the Tensei simply for being as they were. "It Is Not I Who Determines Your Place, But You. And It Is Not Through Your Words Alone, Or Else, Would Not Everyone Be King Of Everything Just By Claiming The Title?" So many still had yet to understand that their words meant nothing if there were not a great deal of other things working in tandem to power them; the power of Truth. "You Must Also Be As You Say. Do As You Say. Look As You Say. Feel As You Say. Otherwise, They Are Naught But Empty Words Attempting To Fill A Gap Of Greater Emptiness In Your Soul. And, What Gap Can Emptiness Fill? Do Not Empty Words Make An Empty Heart That Much Larger? Add Emptiness To Emptiness, And Is There Not Just A Greater Void?" Hopefully, Leviathan was intelligent enough to understand this. There were many who lacked such wisdom, and with the eyes of clarity, Triton was able to determine immediately from the responses given to him.

"... You Claim To Be On My Level And Have Such Great Power, Yet You Cannot Even Tame Your Foul Tongue." The moment Leviathan, who was still inside of the bubble, reached the clouds, all of the water would part into the clouds, not allowing the creature to pass Triton's throat to see the rest of his face. "If You Cannot Even Do That Much, Then There Is No Way You Will Ever Meet My Eye. You Cannot Even Match My Mouth." From there, if Leviathan were unable to fly, which, if Triton knew his lore about the beast, he could not, then once all of the water was extracted from around him, Leviathan would fall straight back down to the earth and crash into the ground to slither upon his belly just as the rest of the serpents were cursed to do for nearly the exact same reason. "Speak To Me As A Civil, Understanding, Intelligent Being. Your Words Are A Reflection Of Your Mind. Your Mind Is Unclean, As Your Words Have Shown Me. I Did Not Place You Anywhere Except Where You Have Shown Me You Are, As What Any Piece Of Any Puzzle Would Fit In Exactly Where It Belongs. I Have Only Judged You Based On What You Have Shown Me, And Have Shown Me No Reason To Treat You Any Differently. If You Seek That From Me, It Must Be Earned. And If You Truly Care About It That Much, Then You Will Earn It Instead Of Attempt To Steal It Out Of Envy." Each of those afflicted by Envy sought not to earn what it is they desired with such intensity, yet to steal it from someone who did earn it because they believed they deserved it or were entitled to whatever it was. Yet, by even believing something like that and thinking up such lowly methods of acquiring it, they proved to everyone around them that they were in no such way entitled, prepared nor deserving of whatever they desired. "You Have Determined Your Own Place, Leviathan. I Simply Confirmed It. And, Just As You Can Confirm Your Spot In A Position Of Lowliness, You May Always Secure A Spot In A Higher Place. But, As You Determined Your Own Place There, You Must Find A Way To Earn The Higher Place And Show Others That You Deserve It Without Wishing To Destroy Or Slander Those That Are Opposed To It."
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Otherworlders :: Otherlanders, Foreigners, Aliens & Xenotypes

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 12:55 pm

Leviathan was more than appalled now and it seemed as though the serpent's fury was to no end. "And Now You Lecture Me!? How You Still Look Down On Me! And Yet, You Expect Me To Give All Such Glory And Honor To You?" Leviathan was tired of being treated so lowly by someone who did not know how to even do the things he requested of others. Triton could not even practice what he was preaching, and though he masked it cleverly in his words and movements, Leviathan could still see that Triton still held contempt for him.

"Just The Same As I Have Not Earned Whatever You Claim I Do Not Deserve, You Have Not Earned My Respect Nor Acknowledgement, Either! Whatever You Claim I Do Not Deserve, You Deserve Even Less, Then!" Just as Leviathan reached the height of the clouds, the bubble was torn from him and he was allowed to be free... Yet, being a flightless serpent, would fall straight down to the ground with great speed, his body flailing about wildly in the air. "How You Insult Me! Humiliate Me! Disgrace Me!! And You Find These Qualities To Be Honored Or Revered?! LAUGHABLE!!" Even as Leviathan struck the ground with a heavy crash, that which left a deep impression of his own unscathed bod in the ground, something like a long trench for a river, he would rise up unharmed and look up to the clouds with scorn.

"See Now How You Run From Me! Your Power Is Not So!! You Cannot Even Remain On My Level For So Long, So How Can You Say You Are Greater Than It?!"
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 1:21 pm

Triton sighed heavily, seeing more and more clearly that his words were falling on deaf ears, and to continue to talk to Leviathan, or even acknowledge him any farther was completely fruitless. He, like so many others, would simply look for every way to counter whatever Triton was saying or doing without listening, thinking or seeing anything that he was saying. Already, Leviathan was far too caught up in what he wanted and how he was going to get it to actually recognize that Triton was giving him wisdom on how to do so. This one was completely hopeless, and that's all that Triton needed to see.

"... A King Knows When His Presence Is Defiled, Both By Himself And By Others. You Waste My Time, My Energy And My Mercy By Abusing The Power I Have Given To You To Even Be Allowed To Have It. See How You Abuse This Power You Did Not Even Know You Had? See How You Ignore This Power You Already Had For Power You Do Not Deserve? You Should Have Been Paying Closer Attention." Triton had no further business with Leviathan, knowing that all he would do would simply look for ways to worm his way out of whatever Triton was saying. There were much better things to do than to go back and forth with someone who was hell bent on simply not acknowledging anyone or anything beyond themselves, and Triton was aware of this. "... Whether Anyone Acknowledges Me Or Not Is Not My Concern. I Seek No Respect Nor Acknowledgement From Those Who Do Not Even Deserve It Themselves. Yet, To Have It Is A Great Victory And Honor, In And Of Itself. I Only Wish I Could Have Acquired Yours." Despite how Triton did not need to be respected nor honored by the lowly, it only made him that much greater, and also more humble, to have it. Perhaps, Leviathan was already aware of this and simply would not give such to Triton because he knew what it meant. That also made Leviathan that much more lowly, quite honestly.

"A Being Can Only Stoop So Low. How Low Would You Ask Another To Stoop To Make Yourself Feel Better? This Only Shows More Of What You Truly Are, And It Is As Low As You Wish For Me To Be. I Have Nothing To Prove, For My Presence And Demeanor Speak For Themselves, As Do Yours, And Those Of All. The Only Reason Why You Should Feel Insulted, Disgraced Or Humiliated Should Be Because Of Yourself And Each Choice That Led You To This Inevitable End." Triton closed his eyes and let his body sink back into the land, collapsing like torrent of water over the edge of a cliff, and crashing down with the might of a planetary waterfall. The waves immediately washed over the land and cleansed it of Leviathan, snatching from him all of the liquid in his body, and with it, his very life. "Your Time In This Land Is Up, Leviathan." With Leviathan having already previously been exposed to the Ocean of Purity from the very beginning, breathing in the waters through his gills, as well as being washed over again by the entire ocean, of which he should not have been able to outrun as a planetary tsunami, there should literally have been no possible way for Leviathan to escape this fate.

Though the waters crashed down and spread with great speed and force, once they hit the borders of the lands where they were originally marked, they would come to an immediate calm, as would Triton, who would stand in the depths beside Leviathan's bod.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 2:07 pm

Leviathan, after seeing that his words would do no more to entice Triton to hear him out and spare him any longer, would then begin to his at him, questioning whether he should stay strong and not show fear for the oncoming tide or flee from it in order to save his own life. Deeming himself strong enough to survive, Leviathan, still hissing, would remain in his place as the water washed over him and sucked him dry, leaving the completely dehydrated carcass devoid of blood, mucus, water and all such other liquids that ran through the body naturally, including those that were used to produce the flames that spewed from his mouth. The body of Leviathan, still hard and tough as ever, would stand lifeless under the depths of the ocean, falling to the ground of the deep, where his lifeless body would rest. If nothing else, he would at least have not given Triton any sort of recognition, and Leviathan could, at the very least, be satisfied with not having given in to Triton. To this creature, loss of his life was much better than loss of his pride.
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Great Gouzen
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Mizugami, Crystal Shell of the Crystal Rain :: Crystal Kappa of the Nautilus Serulenia
Great Gouzen

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 3:25 pm

Triton sighed standing next to the carcass of Leviathan, unable to shake the feeling that perhaps he had failed, somehow, not being able to preserve Leviathan's life or to help him see the error of his own ways. In spite of this, Triton closed his eyes and kept the sea calm, blessing the dead body of Leviathan and letting the water wash over and cleanse it. Though Leviathan would not come back to life, the body still needed to be cleaned in order for it to be pure and removed all taintedness in order to keep an evil spirit from reanimating it. Triton lifted the body with the currents of the water and swam off with it to do away with it as it was supposed to be. Being unable to bring someone to clarity showed Triton that there was still weakness in himself, even if he was still much more powerful than Leviathan. Though Leviathan was merely being stubborn and foolish, it was still deeply set in Triton's head that every soul could be saved, and if not, then the person who was attempting to do so was not strong enough. Though, if it was of Leviathan's will not to be saved, there was nothing anyone could do about that. Triton would simply have to live with this outcome and be at peace with it. Leviathan was dead and his body would be dealt with appropriately. That's all there was to this. He swam off into the deep, disappearing, along with the body of Leviathan that remained in his possession.
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 3:38 pm

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The Veritas
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Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 3:38 pm

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Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 3:38 pm

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Major Event: Leviathan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event: Leviathan   Major Event: Leviathan EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 4:19 pm

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