The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Major Event; Jormungandr

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The Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptySat Oct 24, 2015 5:27 pm

The Crystal Ridge, glimmering with the beauty of its crystalline terrain, suddenly began to melt at the edges of its stasis. The once solid icy structures would pour into the land as great rivers like those flooding into the ocean, taking on a great body of water that would wrap around the entirety of the Crystal Ridge.
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 8:51 am

Within those waters of rapidly melting crystalline ice would be the body of a long and large creature, circling around the diameter of the Crystal City not once, but perhaps twice or even thrice, if not more. Snaking around as many times as it may, a dragon of the sea, Jormungandr, would raise its head up from the depths of the waters and reveal its head as that of what looked to be a grotesque eel plated with scales like that of a snake. It gazed upon the minuscule Crystal City with its long, slender snout breathing heavily upon the land, just a single breath able to melt the crystal further.

Major Event; Jormungandr Jormungandr_by_vampireprincess007-d73chdp
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The Tyranophant
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
Father Time, the Godfather :: Crystal God; The Keeper of the Veritas
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Oct 26, 2015 9:42 pm

Quote :
~At the next moment, Ty would also be able to see where every single head of Orochi was located at the time through his Third Eye, and at those marks, he would swing his arm to dice each of the spots where Orochi's heads connected to the main body with the ethereal energy of the blade projected into each of those locations, since the energy that he was able to omit from the 'King Blade' was able to reach anywhere within his established Presence. This would appear to be him slashing wildly at Orochi whilst his Commanding head was moving, but this was actually to hack at the other 7 the very moment they revealed themselves in the Veritas' reality. Not only would a connected slash sever their ties to the Veritas and isolate their realities as only individual heads, but also this would also sever their connection to their tails.~
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Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star
Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 2:34 am

Quote :
The image of the 'Prayer Beads' surrounding the Greenhouse area would 'Project' itself around Tao's neck, thus binding Tiamat at the same time with the power of the presence of this land and the Master of the Presence, itself.

Through the synchronization of each of the Shinsangels and the Shinsanities, the subduing Prayer Beads that were once only on Tao and Tia's necks would be projected also around the necks of the severed dragon heads of Orochi, preventing them from being able to grow back, as well as establishing a set dominant influence belonging to the Tensei that would prevent Orochi's regeneration without first overpowering the binding forces of the sentient beings fighting against his presence within the Veritas. Though he was assimilated with the Veritas, the realm was fighting back against him, and therefore gave him a power struggle in addition to Ty's Presence as a while that were the individual wills and consciousness of the 7 Shinsangels that protected the Veritas. Thus, in order to overcome the Veritas, or even have any sort of control over any part of the Veritas, as well as the ability to regenerate any of the lost heads, Orochi would have to overcome all 7 of the Shinsangels.
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Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 9:35 am

Quote :
~Each tail was slung at a high speed toward the respective targets, which were the 7 headless nubs of Orochi and where the dragon spawn were probably still wriggling about. Each spiritual hurricane was cast down upon the Veritas like a paintbrush upon paper, where the true artwork could be colored in fine detail by each tail working in tandem to create a greater story, now, and not working against each other individually. Through harmonizing with Orochi, the tactics of how each head and tail worked in harmony would be applied immediately to the 7 Shinsangels, as well. From there, through that connection, Tiamat would be able to paint each of the heads of the Veritas upon the headless nubs from where the Prayer Beads connected and assume complete control of the hijacked body, as well as each of its tails.~
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Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star
Magnus Teus the Opal Lightchrysm :: White Sun; Crystal Star

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 10:41 am

As the streaming streak of Indigo painted itself across the sky, by the light of its Presence would the ever transparent Presence of Teus be projected from his crystalline image and cast down into the Crystal City, whilst the actual crystal vessel continued on elsewhere. There was something else that the actual body of Teus had to deal with presently, and the very influence of his omnipresent presence should have been enough to deal with the severed head. This omnipresent presence of Teus that could be projected from or into his crystalline body at any time like a beacon of light was known as a being just as translucent as Teus, and was his confirmed Dragon Form; Bahamut. When assuming his Dragon Form, the Angelic Form that always maintained itself as Teus would be allowed to carry out Angelic Business whilst the Dragon Form carried out Draconic Business.
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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 5:29 pm

Vagrant distortions filled the atmosphere, essentially where the crystal was becoming liquid again, and the serpent Jormungandr had been severed. The faint parting of reality in the form of lips into a slit-like smirk revealed the first distinguishable feature of The Phantom, followed next only by his grim, gaping eyes like those of a hollowed out skull or a very deep mask. The ghastly face was followed only by a hood streaming from the tips of the haunt's face, spilling over his shoulders as a cape of pure glittering dusk, speckled with sparkles like that of the night sky. With his Presence established over the entirety of the Crystal City, en eternal Dusk was cast over this land under the length of his robe, which draped over the entire sky to set the scenery of 'midnight.' The figure perpetually affixed to reality itself would solidify through severe anomaly distortions in the atmosphere as a slender, moderately tall figure with two fox-or-cat-like ears jutting out of his hood, as though attached to the pale face like the ornaments of a mask.

"Well, well... Whaddawegotheeeeere~?" he snickered snidely, slipping his completely gloved hands into his pitch black pockets, "A Disturbance in the Force~?" The Phantom just loved to crack jokes. A real Joker, this guy. Even if they were only funny to him, he would laugh at his own leisure and of his own entertainment, and only wish that others could find fun and comedy in at least some of the things he said and did, as he found in pretty much everything he did. There was always joy in both fun and laughter, and that was the best part about divine comedies; the understanding that came behind the laughter as to why you were laughing. "I heard... That there was a DRAGON looking for a DANCE or somethin'..." The Phantom dug in his pseudo-existent ears, pulling out a weird discordant distortion that was clogging his hearing with some sort of static in the air waves. Flicking it like earwax, the convoluted discord would unravel as a distorting reality that would halt the alteration of the crystal into liquid through disturbing the chemical transition of 'Solid' to 'Liquid' by whatever means Jormungandr was utilizing at the time, preserving the rest of the platform as solid and preventing any more of it from becoming liquid.

"Theeeere~! That's MUCH better. No more of that bullshit stuck in my ears~!" He seemed genuinely pleased to be able to hear more clearly, since that meant that there should have been no more discord, as well as no more disturbances happening for no reason, of which he, as a being, was extremely acute on picking up on in every frequency. "Uh, now, where you saying something, Orochi? Or... Are you just Jormungandr, now?" *snicker*
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Otherworlders :: Otherlanders, Foreigners, Aliens & Xenotypes

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 6:25 am

Jormungandr, whose mouth had been cut from his tail along with his neck from his body would, even still, rest wrapped several times around the crystal city. Where both ends would drop into the water, instead of just a single head rising from the depths of the crystal waters, there would be two, one of which looked to be the spitting image of Jormungandr itself. The poisonous blood that spewed from the slash would splatter all over the nice, solid crystal and begin to melt it again in random locations all throughout the general Crystal Ridge. Both eel-like dragons slithered about, shaving down the edges of the Crystal Ridge with their scaly skin, eying the Crystal City like it was their prey and they were ready to strike. Without warning, both heads lashed out from opposite sides of the field toward the Crystal City, mouths oozing with highly acidic poison and necks stretched long enough to reach the city even over the long crystal expanse. Torrents of poison flooding from their mouths would melt the city on contact.
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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 7:47 am

"That must have pissed him off," the Phantom would say to himself, scratching the mask's cheek, gazing quizzically at there suddenly being a second head. "Er... Them." Though slightly puzzled, the Phantom sensed a powerful distortion in the space around him coming from both of the heads, which lashed out at a high speed. "Slow down, big fella!" he cried, suddenly Flickering out of the Crystal Ridge and Flickering in over the city, "Isolation Chamber!" An old favorite, and still just as effective to this day. An isolated reality in a geometric shape would suddenly spread around the city under the Phantom, keeping its coordinates completely segmented from the reality beyond the borders of the walls of distorting reality. Nothing outside of that sectioned off area should have been able to get in, and likewise nothing inside should have been able to get out. The Phantom would land atop the geometric figure only to find both heads pouring out poison in the boatloads and still heading toward him. He hopped into the air and Flickered out again, letting the heads and their poison crash into each other or into the walls of the Isolation Chamber.
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 9:25 am

The serpent heads sprung back in surprise at the sudden appearance of something in their way, snapping up their respective poisons in their long snouts with a solid clasp, which spattered the toxins ever over the Crystal Ridge. The two danced around the Isolation Chamber, eying it thoroughly, trying to figure out how to engage or break it. Immediately, the thought by both eel-like dragons to wrap around the construct with their long bodies and shave down not only the defenses of this Isolation Chamber, but also the very ground their course bodies scraped. As the two wrapped around the city's border, they would spew overbearing amounts of acid from their mouths all about as though it were the dragon's fire, melting away the land and poisoning the once pure environment.
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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 10:53 am

A dark hooded figure with a pale, ghastly face suddenly appeared over the land like the face of the moon in a crescent rivaled only by its slit smirk. The two gaping eyes bore down on both heads of Jormungandr wrapping around the point of interest the Phantom had marked. "Heheheh..." a distorted chuckle laughed overhead, before the night sky wavered like the ripples of water before their very eyes. "Doko ni miteru no~?! (Where are you looking?)" the Phantom would shout as he threw out his hand, the night sky swashing over the area like a cape in the opposite direction than the two heads were turning and would 'Turn' them in reverse, rewinding them from wrapping around the Isolation Chamber whilst simultaneously cloaking himself upon the full follow through of the hurling of his atmospheric robe of dusk.

A 'Reality Warping' technique involving the motion of the hands, fingers or arms usually depicted as steering, flipping, spinning, twirling and swirling in order to turn reality in different orders and directions, as if flipping it like a mirror, or the page of a book backwards and forwards. It is commonly used for stealthily sustaining the target in place as the focal point and rotating reality slightly around them whilst leaving their own personal pinpointed center unchanged.~

With the disappearance of the Phantom's smirking face in the atmosphere and the unraveling of both heads of Jormungandr from around the perimeter of the city, the night sky would suddenly return to normal, as if nothing had changed at all. The skyline was clear and the serpents were safely on either side of the city as they were before they began their constriction.
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 11:42 am

The winding of each head around the isolated city would suddenly become the unraveling of both back to their initial starting points before ever touching the city. Each head, knowing certainly that they had wrapped around the city, would look to each other in confusion, then around in the area for what could have caused that. Only one of them had seen the Phantom, so that one turned and looked for him. The first head glided among the surface of the land, grinding it down, inspecting the lower area to see where the little creature had gone. The other remained aware, eyes keen and tongue flickering, catching whatever vibration that was in the air at the time.
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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 2:01 pm

"Now that I have your attention..." the distorted voice said again, gaping eyes appearing in the direct line of sight as the serpent that saw the Phantom once before, "... Look Into My Eyes..." As an anomaly, himself, and having established his reality as an anomaly in the area, the Phantom was able to bring others into alternate realities through any form of contact with them at all. With eye contact alone establishing his existence, the Phantom would bring Jormungandr into one of his 'Perceptual Reality Chambers,' of which would spread over the area into a sectioned off reality than that of the other head. Whilst within the Perceptual Reality Chamber, not only would the first head be isolated from the second, but also everything that was perceived by Jormungandr after that would become reality whilst within the Phantom's Perceptual Reality Chamber. There was no way to distinguish the difference between the original reality and the reality within the Perceptual Reality Chamber because they were near identical, save for the fact that one head was in one and the other was not, which was the constant variable keeping them as separate realities. In the sight of the other head, one head should have rather swiftly been swept away, as if erased in the corner of his eye.
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Otherworlders :: Otherlanders, Foreigners, Aliens & Xenotypes

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 2:40 pm

The moment Jormungandr laid eyes upon the Phantom again, he would lash out violently, reflexively trying to strike him down whilst spewing acid everywhere. Any creature that was within the field of the poisonous secretion of Jormungandr's mouth should have instantly died upon contact, as well as any solid structure begin to melt away.

The second was astounded to find that the first head had suddenly disappeared from right before its eyes, and would eventually slither about cautiously, searching for where its partner could have gone, as well as what could have taken it away.
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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 3:03 pm

With the two heads of Jormungandr split up effectively, and the bonus of the other instinctively looking to search for its companion, as any allied existence would do, the Phantom would be able to lure the both of them into his reality traps. Whilst the first head lashed out wildly, the Phantom would begin to alter reality within the Perceptual Reality Chamber to match the original parallel reality. "Shift!" he cried, wiping away the isolation between the entrance to the Perceptual Reality Chamber and establishing window like an open portal connecting to the original reality right before the eyes of the other head, as if suddenly looking into a mirror.

A 'Reality Warping' technique involving the motion of a hand in the air, normally as a wave, wipe or simply an open palm, which causes Reality take a turn in a direction of the user's choosing.~

Upon eye contact, the Phantom's face would appear on the entrance, gazing the two beings in the eye and linking them both within the confines of the Perceptual Reality Chamber, thus extending the boundary line of the Perceptual Reality Chamber all the way around the second serpent. The first head of Jormungandr, being led in the direction of where he'd seen the Phantom's face, should have lashed out at the second head and attacked that one, passing straight through the image of the Phantom's face and into the extension of the Perceptual Reality Chamber. Now, the both of the serpents should have been in the same reality, yet not ever know that the other hadn't been present in reality at any time. It would look to be a simple perceptual error by Jormungandr not being able to see the other head momentarily, even though there was a lot more going on in the background.
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 5:26 pm

The first head of Jormungandr, mouth filled with acidic toxins, would snap at the second head accidentally after trying to strike the Phantom's face that it had seen before and acknowledged as its enemy. With the friendly fire in its confusion, the second Jormungandr would instinctively consider the first Jormungandr to be its enemy and begin to lash back reflexively at the first in both pain and fury. Thus began Jormungandr's fight with himself, both serpents wrestling each other violently and thrashing about. There were no other targets around and they were already established as enemies to each other, with their animalistic instincts kicked in. There was nothing left for Jormungandr to do but fight himself to the death, and whichever one survived, if either, it would face the Phantom in battle.

The battle between the Jormungandrs was fierce and intense. Scales were ripped from their bodies with the scraping of their teeth along their flesh, they were each deeply pierced with the sharp tip of their long fangs, rather deeply at that, and gushing blood all about, which corroded the land. Eventually, they would fight till they sunk deep into the floor of the new pool of water, where they would be unable to be seen in the deep.
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The Phantom
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
Grimnir, the Phantom :: Ebony Fearchrysm; Dark Keeper of the Kurogami
The Phantom

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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 6:05 pm

With the two Jormungandrs fighting inside of the Perceptual Reality Chamber, of which the Phantom in his entirety was as a reality, he would be able to watch over them from outside of the isolated reality whilst they wrestled each other into the water. "... Though I'd love to see which one of these dopes come out alive... I've got more pressing issues to attend to right now." On the outside of that reality, gazing down into it with a masked face smirking widely like a cheshire cat, the Phantom would snap his fingers and cry "Break!" The bead of reality that was within his fingertips would shatter immediately, destroying that reality and whatever was within it at the time.

Usually a gesture of clenching the fist tightly, causing the Reality of a large area to shatter and break into nothing where only The Phantom can reside as an anomaly, where he may commandeer that broken space and make it part of his own Reality as a Phenomenon.~

Both Jormungandrs would be no more, and the Phantom would be standing next to the Crystal City, which was completely safe and sound. "Well, that wrapped up nicely." The Phantom was glad it was over. He and many of his group had a bunch of other things to do in the Veritas, and right now, fighting these big and unnecessary creatures just isn't what he was trying to make as one of them. "Phantom Out," he'd say with a casual salute, as if ending a broadcast or transmission with the flickering out of his entire presence from the area. All anomalies and disturbances would suddenly settle and the air would become clear again.
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The Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
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Major Event; Jormungandr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major Event; Jormungandr   Major Event; Jormungandr EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 7:49 pm

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