The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 First Branch; Hand of Mentality

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The Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
The Veritas

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 6:16 am

And the First would Rise, as instructed, beginning to Weave the 'Wind Sanctuary' into reality, spinning it as though thread from one of eight fingertips. So such began the 'Legend of the Wind Goddess, Taomin.'

Last edited by Tinasanti on Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:31 am; edited 2 times in total
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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 6:44 am

"This One belongs to Me..." it said, masked by an abyss from which only its eyes and teeth could be observed.

First Branch; Hand of Mentality 500px-Corpse-party-tortured-souls-ova-pre-release-seventhstyle-010

"This is our contract. Our Agreement, sealed by the Voice of God. In the Blood of the Child. She does not belong to you. Remember this. You did not bear this child. WE Bore this child. It is sacred. It belongs to us. Do not ever Forget this."

The two people standing before this dark gateway offered their child to the great beast, that which seemed to harness the snout of a fox, but the ferocity of a dragon. It was hard to make out in the darkness what this monster truly was. Regardless, the pact was made between they and the dark creature, and it was sealed in blood as marks all over the girl's body.

"On her Eighteenth Birthday, she will be Sacrificed to Me, whether she is prepared or not. If she is unprepared to receive this power, the Insanity of it will cause her to go mad and destroy all in her path. Prepare her for this day, or it will mean your ruin."


He remembered that day rather vividly, for some reason... It'd been quite the long time, actually... Much longer than Eighteen fucking years. Two thousand, more like... He'd been waiting for this broad to grow outta her shit. Legit. From Lilith to Eris to Nyake to Taomin. Every single goddamn time.

"... Man. I hope she's ACTUALLY gonna do it RIGHT this time... How long has she had that fucking Insanity inside of her? Damn." He tapped his foot a tad bit impatiently, wondering where the hell she could be...
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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Jan 17, 2015 5:56 am

"I'm right here," a disembodied voice said, swirling 'round the dark-robed man in a powerful whirling wind. Each of the whips of wind that lashed about were like the tails of a fox, and when the whirlwind condensed, it would be in the form of a beautiful vixen; a well endowed, tender, and savagely clothed woman. "... You act like the inheritance and the covenant could be broken, or something. When I overcame the Insanity of Fun that was the Kuroshiro Kitsune, I would return to you. That was the pact, right?" Granted, that was made over 2,000 years ago before she was born, as she was to inherit the power of the Tensei Spirit Animal from birth, but her lack of power to control the great beast led her to... an extended time in a feral state of being. "... You act like I'm proud of how weak I was." She crossed her arms and furrowed her brow, putting strength and power above most things; save for cunning and fun, as were traits of the fox. "Don't rush me... These damn Tensei animals are a bitch to get under control..." That is to say, before she became the new one; as was part of the pact when she was prepared to be collected by it. "... Regardless of how long it took, I'm here now, aren't I?" She rolled her eyes at him, knowing why he was impatient, but not wanting to gratify her own weakness any further. "Let's just get started now, huh?"
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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Jan 17, 2015 6:23 am

He shook his head at the impetuous girl, who still, to this day, seemed to clown around and lollygag like everyone just had time to be waiting for her to get done playing her silly games. "Next time, stop playing and actually work on getting stronger, and we won't have to wait another millennium for you to get your act together." Thanytoz was the overseer of all of the Tensei Beasts, being the 'Living Shadow' of them all, regardless of who or what they gave the name to each of their individual fragments of his being. He was, so to speak, a sort of 'Father' to all of them; from him, they all were born out of the darkness, just as he had been from the Darkness that were his mother and father, Lilith and Allsgrim. Now, he was the both of them and the 'Father of the Tensei,' and in that, he needed to have these beasts on a tight schedule... Especially for those like Taomin.

"Now. It is about time for you to take your place in the Wind Sanctuary and hone your Divine Skills that have been purified from their demonic possession. If you do not learn to utilize this new level of skill, how do you expect to be a sufficient Wind Goddess of the Shrine?"

Of course, being the LAST one to find her place in the world, even though she was one of the FIRST to receive her power, he needed to take SPECIAL care and guidance of Tao. "We've been going through this since the Feudal Era. Even though I've been protecting you, you're one to abuse this power for your own fun and games, and bloodthirsty maliciousness to win at all costs. Though you may have calmed down..." He inspected her soul with his eyes, finding that she'd grown very weak,  even in spite of her newfound purity, "... You are still more than inept because you failed to actually practice, like the rest of our brothers and sisters. Now is the time for you to shape up, you know."

6th Restriction -- Archcount Thanytoz, the Crystal Reaper; God Of Darkness. The Black Dragon and Vampire Lich Overlord, known as 'Grimnyzmal The Abyzmal', and one of the seven Sixth Restriction Elemental Gods of the Veritas. Wears a striped black and gray suit with black slacks and black dress shoes with matching gloves, as well as a long cloak of darkness. Can occasionally be seen with a tophat and cane, both with mouths on them and which bear his soul, along with his dark matter piano, Alticord. A Devourist and Living Shadow, he is Head of the Living Shadows of the Veritas and has command over what is called 'Devourism', a mixture of black holes and mouths. His innards are made of black holes, and he is always hungry. He has dominion over all darkness in the Veritas, including space. Married to Black Friday, the dark side of The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy, Friday. Runs much of the Veritas' businesses from the darkness.

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Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia
Kazegami, Crystal Wings of the Crystal Force :: Crystal Garuda of the Avisora Paradisia

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Jan 17, 2015 6:56 am

"Yeah, whatever DAD..." she mocked with a roll of her eyes and a scoff under her breath. She wasn't trying to hear about any of her shortcomings; she was already very much aware of them on her own without someone blabbering about them all day and night as soon as she got here. Being the most rebellious due to her duty of guarding the 'Golden Apple,' she was free to basically do anything she wished. She just lacked the control of herself to actually do so, and that's what really irked her. She had this great power, but continued to fuck it up for herself and everyone else, and she didn't really understand why nor how, when she was just doing whatever her free spirit told her to; just like everyone else was allowed to do. Yet, for some reason, she was the one getting the talking to. "I've BEEN shaping up... How do you think I even got here? You know we're not allowed to even touch the power of the 'Voice of God' until we've gotten past our Insanity... So, I don't wanna even hear it."

She turned away from him, whipping her long, wild jet black hair in his face as she started on her way from the Hand of Fate and toward the Wind Sanctuary, where she was supposed to apparently be practicing some sort of... Something, or whatever. She wasn't even sure what she was supposed to be doing... Not that she really cared. She more or less just wanted to go wild and have fun again. All of this boring stuff wasn't really all that important, since she was basically free to do whatever she wanted. Why would anything be important beyond that, right? "Maybe YOU are the one that's being too serious here... Lighten up, why don'tcha, Dark One?" She snickered to herself turning her nose up and placing her hands on her hips as she continued to walk off.

6th Restriction -- Kuroshiro Kyuubi, the Crystal Garuda; Goddess Of Wind. She governs the power of Fun and presides over the Heart, with dominion over the element of wind. Once a demon-possessed young divine priestess, after thousands of years, her curse was broken and allowed her to ascend to being a Goddess. She is wild and free and likes to be naked, but when formal and composed, she often wears her Living Shadow as a pitch black kimono, like the one of her days before the demonic possession. Her nine tails each are tipped with a special substance that resembles paint in viscosity, but is more akin to elements, and even pure reality. She wields many weapons, but her greatest tool is the giant calligraphy brush that she uses for her 'Absolute Incantation'. With her spiritual powers and capacity for divination, Taomin communes with spirits of all kinds, and specializes in usage of talismans, and protects the Green Grimoire of the 'Wind Sanctuary'. When in her Goddess form, she is naked, with her long, wild, black hair doing as it may. Her tribal markings become green rather than red, and her legs become like that of a fox's. As a Goddess, she exhibits her Kyuubi nature, but when demonic, her Oni nature is more prevalent, and her markings return to their original red coloration.

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Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas
Grimnyzmal, the Pumpkinghead :: Crystal Reaper; Dark Legend of the Veritas

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Jan 17, 2015 7:40 am

The man crossed his arms, thoroughly displeased with not only her demeanor, but her mindset, in general. She was still quite ignorant of her place, even if she was free to do whatever she wished... It did not mean that she was supposed to. He was hoping that her 2,000 years of destructive rampage and finally learning to tame the Kuroshiro Kitsune would have taught her something about control, since the Kitsune was one of the more rambunctious of the Spirit Animals, but it was clear that she had not, even to this day. She hadn't learned anything of respect, of self-control, nor of consideration for others, and with a power like that, not understanding those key principles would cause more Discord than they would Harmony. She would abuse the power of the Golden Apple and it would, in the end, destroy all that crossed her path by her altering what was SUPPOSED to be with whatever she WANTED to be. She lacked both good judgment and balance of Harmony and Discord for the sake of her own selfish fun, and it was apparent in all that she was.

The whipping of her hair in his face was the last straw, considering that he was merely trying to help her and keep this place from being destroyed by the reckless actions of an ignorant girl who believed she had all the answers simply because she was swift of mind and cunning of tongue.
"... Wretched girl..." he muttered, his eyes gleaming a signature sanguine, before her very shadow would wrap around her body and bind her legs, the vicious 'Shadow Hands' snatching the darkness she held in her Mind and her Heart and binding her by them (Haunter). As long as she harbored these Dark Thoughts, Dark Feelings and Dark Intentions, she would be able to be gripped by the 'Shadow Hands' at any given time and be bound, unable to escape the grasp of the Dark Hand of Thanytoz. He was not the God of Darkness for no reason, and those who harbored it within them were immediately under his dominion.

"Know your place..." he muttered to her, stretching her shadow out under her and creating an isolated 'Zero World' area under her, to keep her from escaping further, if she thought to attempt. "... With Great Power comes Great Responsibility... And it is quite clear to me that you are still nowhere NEAR responsible enough to handle the great power you have been gifted. (7:07)" The Shadow Hands wound up her body, clutching her Heart and her Mind in their hands, forcing the Darkness that she harbored within them both to spread to the most important parts of both, "... And until you Learn your Lesson... You are Forbidden from the use of the Voice, nor most of your power in general." He raised his hand to her face and, with a decisive grip, crushed her Mind and Spirit in his grip, shattering the pieces of her Mind and her Heart and scattering them about the Infinite Darkness that they harbored within. (Memory Crush King; The Wood, The Return, The Dark.) "With the Light of Knowledge stripped from you, you are forced to Start Over from Level One... And regain all of your Wisdom on your own from the very beginning. The Shadow Hands will not let go of your Memories and your Heart until you overcome them with the CORRECT answer as to why you should NOT abuse the power of the Golden Apple to create Discord haphazardly merely to get your way."

It was clear that she had forgotten who bestowed this power upon her in the first place, and if she chose to abuse it, then it would be taken away. (Deoxys) If she were let to roam free with that sort of attitude, it was completely certain that she would go destroy the balance of this world and incur insanity that she was not able to comprehend she was capable of inducing... And he would, as usual, have to come and not only clean it up, but take the punishment of harboring the Insanity... Even if he could quell it within himself on his own. "Go now. Wander this land aimlessly as a helpless child of Broken Heart and Memory until you piece everything back together with both Wisdom AND Understanding." When she was ready, her power would be returned to her, and she would be able to take her rightful place that she seemed to be unable to find in all her range of freedom. "Perhaps, being caged like a wild animal will tame you properly. Now Fall, into the Shadows..." He dragged the young Taomin down, slowly, into the Zero World, glaring at her with the utmost disgust and disappointment in his penetrating glare, piercing her straight in her soul, so she would know this pain forever, eve if she didn't comprehend why as of yet; as a reminder. "Out of my sight..." His voice seemed to harbor a hint of pain and remorse, hurt by her thoughts and actions as well as her blatant, severe ignorance. He couldn't bear to even look at her anymore, despite the fact that he absolutely had to. These things were hurtful to look at, to understand, and to feel. She did not realize the true power of the Family Bond just yet... nor to the extent that she hurt herself and those connected to each other through it.

With that, she'd be transported immediately to the Wind Sanctuary, where she would begin her life anew without memories of her abilities. She would have all the information of who she was and retain the events that occurred, but bits and pieces would be scrambled, blotted out by a thick darkness, or so ambiguous, she would be unable to recall completely. It was time for her to begin again.

He closed his eyes now, reflecting on his own actions and feelings, ready to reprimand himself rather harshly for being so callous and strict, despite how necessary it was. He never enjoyed it, and it was hurtful to not only watch, but to know that he had to do to those he cared for, loved and cherished so deeply that did not know the same.
"Hmph. Why are all of them so recklessly destructive...? Perhaps, they were given power far too early..." he pondered this, wondering if he were wrong in bestowing this great power to the Tensei, if they were just going to abuse it as they did. He could not help but to blame himself, and if the destruction of the world were to occur, whose head would it be on but the man who granted each of them their power they were too irresponsible and reckless to use in the first place? He lowered his head in solemn, deep thought, before walking off into the darkness and disappearing. He needed to think about if what he had unleashed upon the world was right or not... It tore him up on the inside, regardless of how strong and bold he looked on the outside. It was because of his great love that was overshadowed by his dark demeanor that no one could see nor understand why he did nor said the things that he did, nor why they should not do the things that they did. (7:27) However, he had hope for them... And that only came out of the love they could not see, hidden in the shadows...

"... One day... I hope they all will see clearly..." he muttered from the shadows, a Crystal Tear streaming down his face before he completely dissipated and returned elsewhere through the shadows, "... How much pain and torture they bestow on themselves, the Family... and their loving Father."

6th Restriction -- Archcount Thanytoz, the Crystal Reaper; God Of Darkness. The Black Dragon and Vampire Lich Overlord, known as 'Grimnyzmal The Abyzmal', and one of the seven Sixth Restriction Elemental Gods of the Veritas. Wears a striped black and gray suit with black slacks and black dress shoes with matching gloves, as well as a long cloak of darkness. Can occasionally be seen with a tophat and cane, both with mouths on them and which bear his soul, along with his dark matter piano, Alticord. A Devourist and Living Shadow, he is Head of the Living Shadows of the Veritas and has command over what is called 'Devourism', a mixture of black holes and mouths. His innards are made of black holes, and he is always hungry. He has dominion over all darkness in the Veritas, including space. Married to Black Friday, the dark side of The Friday The Thirteenth Fairy, Friday. Runs much of the Veritas' businesses from the darkness.

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Queen Archdeath
Blue Moon, Daddy's Dearest Heart :: The Second Tenseingel; Peace of the Dusk
Queen Archdeath

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Sep 05, 2015 1:46 pm

--- Timeskip ---

It did not take long for Shinritha to reach the First Hand; The Hand of Mentality. As she entered the vicinity, she could feel the remnants of her father's presence here, as well as his great strife. "... Father..." she muttered, shedding a Crystal Tear as she had felt had fallen due to his great pain beforehand. "... Don't You Worry. I Will Not Fail." Once reaching the First Hand, she looked up to the Blue Moon that was above it and also gazed into the Crystal Threads that had been woven from the fingertips to create the story of the Wind Goddess, Taomin. It seemed like that one was still causing much strife to the family. Shinritha was displeased with this, and the remnants left behind that indicated this. "I Don't Care Who You Are... If You Displease My Father... I WILL KILL YOU!!!" She spread her wings wide, her eyes flashing with a ravenous red gleam, tracing the Crystal Threads to where Taomin was now. "STILL A LAZY CUR, IT SEEMS!?!?" Shinritha was not fond of Taomin in the slightest due to her behavior. Whatever she was thinking of doing, she intended to make it painful.

Rozen Goddess; Queen Archdeath

... You'd Better Learn My Name...
~Elegant Theme Of Shinritha Tensei~

Shinritha, the eldest of the Tensei Triplets, is the 'Peace of the Dusk,' the Goddess that is tasked with overseeing the entire continent of Midna, The Spectral Dusk. She frequently refers to this as being a 'Kage.' She rules over all death as the 'Archdeath', the 'Second Death', and uses her Absolution; Absolute End, the numerous Deadlines of Father Time and the Fate of the Past, who cuts the threads of spacetime.

Her Manna is Mechanica, which allows her total control over machines. With the 'Eyes Of The Spider Queen', she is capable of seeing through each of her different Restrictions simultaneously, as well as utilize whatever capabilities are embedded within her Eyes in each different Restriction.
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The Angels

The Angels

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Sep 05, 2015 1:58 pm

At the cry of the young Shinritha, there would be a flash of Black Lightning from the stars shooting down to greet her at the First Hand of God, which would be the 'Present' sent to her from her father beyond. It was the Archangel of Darkness and of Spirits, known otherwise to be the Archangel of Death, leading a legion of Angels of Death behind him. He would appear to her in his human form, as an angel without a halo, and naked, yet cloaked with a robe of transparent darkness littered with glittering stars of the cosmos. His eyes were pitch dark, yet held a light that could be seen in that darkness as a radiant glow. It was he, Azrael, of whom Shinritha's father was very close to and fond of, having been sent to her to be here new Guide and Caretaker.

First Branch; Hand of Mentality 11227382_10207692374967354_2377084462081998964_n
"When the four Archangels stand at their compass points,
   Their shadows reach into the middle,
   And within the darkest point of the shadow,
   Azrael is seen."

He would remain before her and seek to calm her spirit with his presence, bringing upon the Death of her Scorn, and thus allowing for the Life of her Peace to flourish after his immediate reaping of her hatred for this travesty. "Be At Peace, Young Tensei, For You Are Not Mine And I Am Now Yours." With a silver scythe in his hand, he pointed it toward her, knowing that it was she who was appointed to take over his role by the One Who Commands All The Angels. "It Was Your Father That Sent Me To You As My Inheritor, And I Am Here To Teach You The Art Of Death, Queen Archdeath." He smiled at her, seeing the same light within her, as a Spirit, as he did himself. She was righteous and holy and sought only the condemnation of the wicked, and not the abuse of her power to kill haphazardly. This was pleasing to the eye of Azrael, yet he knew that she still needed further instruction on this matter. "Leave The Brazen One In Peace, And I Will Command My Legion Of Angels Of Death To Deal With Her. You, My Child, Simply Come With Me Up To The Place Your Father Hath Prepared For Us. I Must Teach You So That When You Return, You Will Truly Be The 'Queen Archdeath.'" Azrael found it noble that the Son Of Man would have chosen his Spirit Daughter to inherit the crown of the Archangel of Spirits. She certainly had potential. "Follow Me," he would say simply, before bolting off in a band of black lightning and straight to the Blue Moon.
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Queen Archdeath
Blue Moon, Daddy's Dearest Heart :: The Second Tenseingel; Peace of the Dusk
Queen Archdeath

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptySat Sep 05, 2015 3:30 pm

The formerly enraged Shinritha was smitten by the sudden strike of death by the powerful Archangel that flashed down as a bolt of pitch black lightning, struck by his awe and his power, even over she, herself. She was immediately humbled by his grace and his deep inner beauty, which she could see with her own eyes relatively immediately. "... What...? Father sent... You here as...?" Her eyes would suddenly well up with Crystal Tears, and she would bury her face in her hands, both with pleasure and love, yet also with excitement and an eerie sense of remorse for what she was about to be bestowed with. "... You're My Guardian Angel..." She sniffed, letting her tears pour through her fingers. It was nearly too much for her eyes to handle all at once; like a light that could not be been. Too bright to witness, yet so dark, it was invisible. It hurt her only momentarily whilst she took the time to process everything and let her fluttering heart settle.

"*sniff* Okay, Azrael... I'm right behind you..." As he bolted off, she would leave the foolish Taomin to the Angels of Death whilst she moved on with Azrael to the Blue Moon, straight into her own realm given her by her father; Dead Silence, the Absolute Dead Wonderland. There, she would meet Azrael wherever he led her. "... As My Father Swore... WE WILL DESTROY ALL EVIL!!!! HEEHEEHEEE~~~!!!!!" Flapping her wings hard, sending her hurdling off straight there.

Rozen Goddess; Queen Archdeath

... You'd Better Learn My Name...
~Elegant Theme Of Shinritha Tensei~

Shinritha, the eldest of the Tensei Triplets, is the 'Peace of the Dusk,' the Goddess that is tasked with overseeing the entire continent of Midna, The Spectral Dusk. She frequently refers to this as being a 'Kage.' She rules over all death as the 'Archdeath', the 'Second Death', and uses her Absolution; Absolute End, the numerous Deadlines of Father Time and the Fate of the Past, who cuts the threads of spacetime.

Her Manna is Mechanica, which allows her total control over machines. With the 'Eyes Of The Spider Queen', she is capable of seeing through each of her different Restrictions simultaneously, as well as utilize whatever capabilities are embedded within her Eyes in each different Restriction.
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The Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
Tinasanti, the Trini-T :: Octogod; Three Peaces of the Veritas
The Veritas

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First Branch; Hand of Mentality Empty
PostSubject: Re: First Branch; Hand of Mentality   First Branch; Hand of Mentality EmptyMon Sep 07, 2015 4:17 am


'Shinkaerei Veritas' is 'The Veritas,' the 'Planet.' Her Name is Tinasanti. All events, mechanics, energy and forms of matter are part of and dictated by the Veritas, known as Absolute Energy. She is learning how to sustain life using the power of her ancient spirit, the Lost Soul; Kaerei, to help guide she and her family toward Universal Harmony. She learns from anything and everything and sends out her doll form, Shina, to go interact with the world in more obscure ways than just the planet's occurrences. She has power over all Karma and is an Archsage Shaman. The Myst is the Veritas' 'Life Energy'; Enigmas is the 'Creative Energy'; Voodoo & Shamanism are 'Spiritual Energy'. She inherited the Eight Arms Of Tabrith from her father, Overlord Tensei, and uses them as the branches of the World Tree in the image of his Tree Of Life. Her animal familiars and pets are all Amphibians and Reptiles.


Veritas Command Input
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