The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
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 Magical City of Olde

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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 8:26 am

Relatively close to the City of Ruin, Valhalla, was a city that was not so ruined as it, due solely to abandonment before it could be destroyed by careless inhabitants, like what happened to the central city. Valparaiso Denizens rarely traveled to this part of the land due to the creatures that roamed around here as well as the magical essence lingering around that attracted them, but they were still known to loot every so often, if they were confident in their abilities and could withstand the magical effects.

"Here we are~!" she'd say with a hint of fondness, "Nehkir Maledictus; the Olde Witch City!" The buildings were very well constructed with an archaic, rather gothic architecture, as one would see in the middle-ages. Befitting of the Witches that once thrived in this place many centuries ago. "Isn't it just gorgeous~? Far less trashy than Valhalla." Tzita could also feel the magical essence lingering about coursing through her and giving her power... She may be able to improve her skills here, if she played her cards right. "Mmm... I should have just come here from the start." She also knew that since this place was abandoned, she could have El to herself and not have to worry about some brute doing anything to fuck it up... Yes... This was the perfect place.
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E. Faulkner
Spirit of the Veritas
Spirit of the Veritas
E. Faulkner

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 11:51 am

El was pulled, in tow, along with the whims of Tzita. He didn't mind it any, but he was still a bit preoccupied with thoughts about her brother. He didn't ignore Tzita though, especially the fondness that resounded in her voice. It helped get his mind off other matters and focus most of his attention on her. Much like she probably wanted.

He was immediately taken aback by the Gothic architecture, with a bit of Baroque and Victorian architecture tossed here or there. They looked familiar, similar to the architecture of his home world. "It is rather breathtaking, Lady L'sia." El admitted, attempting to resist the urge to break away from his female companion and inspect the buildings up close. He wouldn't find what he was looking for though, a sign that they originated from his world.

"So this is where you hail from, Lady L'sia." He assumed this to be so. The familiarity in her voice, as well as her fondness of the area, hinted towards her spending a lot of time here. He could understand why she would too. Valhalla, as she called where they were previously, had its... charms, but it nothing compared to Nehkir Maledictus. El wasn't even sure if he could say that without it coming out sounding particularly silly.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 1:00 pm

"I know, right~?" she had to agree, glee ringing in her voice like a bell. It wasn't often that she actually found something sentimental to happily dote on, considering that most of her pleasantries were rather superficial to most people, but this place had a special place in her heart. "Before this place was abandoned, it was the Witch City that thrived with the native Witches and Magi of all types..." She turned to him to find that he was fascinated by the architecture, and honestly, she couldn't blame him, considering where they had just come from. She even unhooked herself from around his arm, warmed by the nostalgia and smiled cutely at him, "You can go have a look if you want~. I just enjoy being here, really..."

Getting out the the Deadman's Den and coming here was pretty relaxing... Much better than being in Valparaiso all the time. And now, she had an excuse. She hopped up on one of the large, flat carved stone formations serving as a banister of sorts for the stairs into one of the buildings and would gently ease herself onto it and closing her eyes, basking in the energy that drifted all about. "Mmmmm..." she moaned lightly, feeling it course through her being, almost sensually, in fact, as she brushed her legs together gently and softly caressed the short stone wall holding her up.
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E. Faulkner
Spirit of the Veritas
Spirit of the Veritas
E. Faulkner

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 1:10 pm

Once given free reign of himself again, El didn't stray very far from her, for he could inspect the buildings nearby and reconvene with her quickly when she was ready to move. She seemed at peace here though, much more relaxed than she had when they were touring Valhalla. He supposed that was because she actually could relax here, rather than in Valhalla where she probably needed to watch her back with every step she took. He could admit she was attractive and it worked for her to be flashy, but that could attract the wrong kind of attention as well.

He stepped towards one building in particular. There was nothing special about it, not to El's eyes anyway, but he touched a hand to the cold stone of the buildings wall anyway. Using his fingers, he traced along the grooves of the stone and the intricate designs of the architecture with great intrigue. Only after doing this for a few seconds, or so, did he turned his head to look towards Tzita, "So you're one of these Witches then, Lady L'sia?" He inquired this curiously, thinking she might have let that information slip since she was so familiar with this place, said it was inhabited by witches in the days of yore, and had a power he'd never seen from any woman before. She got more and more complex the longer they traveled together, and he wasn't complaining.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 6:17 am

The faint image of the same little girl that El saw before he fell into the portal flashed a few times in his line of sight, flickering in and out precariously before abruptly disappearing without a trace.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 6:26 am

Her eyes opened slightly, a tender gleam shining in the moonlight, "Awww, what gave it away...?" she muttered, whipping her hand out at him casually, a chain manifesting in her hand that would snap at his face with a single crack, "was it my... Tongue~?" She licked her lips sensually as she gave him a cute, but pouty smirk. "Guess I've been slipping... Huh?" Her voice almost seemed to ease off into a dream as her eyes returned to a close. It almost seemed like she woke up just to fall back asleep. It was getting late after all, and there was nowhere to sleep.
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E. Faulkner
Spirit of the Veritas
Spirit of the Veritas
E. Faulkner

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 7:32 am

El smiled at her affirmation, raising his arm just in the knick of time for her chain to wrap around his forearm. With a gentle tug, she would be pulled from her sitting position and into he arms. "Well you are still quite mysterious, Lady L'sia, I'm just glad I was able to deduce something on my own." Charmingly, he continued to smile... at least until the image of the ghost girl from that wispy dimension flashed in his peripheral.

Slowly he began to lean his face towards hers, his arms secured firmly around her shapely hips to hold her bountiful chest against his chiseled one, almost like he was about to give Tzita a kiss. Something he wouldn't mind doing of course. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't his current intention, instead he whispered in her ear. "I don't think we're alone." The ghost girl had only flickered in his line of sight for a split second before vanishing, but it was still worth mentioning with all they'd already been through.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyThu Dec 11, 2014 5:48 am

"Well, I wouldn't like ya if you weren't sharp," she'd say with a flirtatious giggle as she would be snatched up quick by his seemingly reflexive thought to reel her in. Her still rather tired, but always attentive eyes gazed deeply into his, glistening like her still perfectly glossed lips, "... Mind showing me how you wield it in battle...?" As both their chests touched and perked up at their arched backs, the wavelengths conducted between them was nothing short of electrifying. She felt something in her soul that, in all her years, she'd never once harbored for any of the people she'd been with... Something that seemed to ease the keyhole on her soul; a resonant vibration that seemed to wish to slip right inside of the lock.

When he came in for the presumed kiss, her body tensed with anticipation and her hand would slip behind his head and a chain from her touch wrapping tightly around his neck. Barely passing each other's mouths, a single scrape contact had  her lips moisten in anticipation to make a matching glossy set, waiting for the right moment to yank his chain.
"... Do you treat every Lady like this, or is it just... Me~?" her voice trailed off into a whisper before, as she anticipated his next words, she'd find to her surprise them not being anything that she anticipated. She scoffed, her chains dispersing as she pushed him off of her with a strength that seemed unfitting for her petite, yet tight frame, "Hmph! Way to ruin the mood, Casanova. >>; " She looked around suspiciously, gravitating away from him and back toward the stone wall, hopping up atop it and looking around keenly.

"I don't see anything. I bet you were just being a little pussy about kissing me!" And at the moment she said it, she knew that she shouldn't have, for the very, ever so slight gasp that followed was nothing short of absolutely silencing. At least, for a brief moment. 'Shit,' she thought, 'How could I have let that slip out!? What the hell is wrong with me!?' She was never off her game at any point in time... She knew it far too well to let anyone give her a slip of the tongue. It had been her practice for such a long time, it seemed like it was impossible for her to fuck up. So why...?

"B-Besides," she quickly recovered, having not been silent for too long before she picked herself right back up, "I don't see anyone around here anyway. What are you even talking about?"
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptyThu Dec 11, 2014 6:28 am

In Tzita's line of sight, where there was once nothing, as if appearing from nowhere the moment she blinked, the form of a creature standing motionlessly in the shadows with its head down in solemn misfortune would slowly raise its head to meet the eye of the L'sia. Once it made contact, it would shriek in what seemed to be pain, terror, agony and malice as the being slowly, but surely, awoke from its motionlessness in the shadows.

Magical City of Olde ReDead_(Ocarina_of_Time)

Its body reeked of the stinking fragrance of burning bodies, like an unholy remnant of the wandering Witches that were tried at their Trials many moons ago in this very same city. Not only was the sight of this creature enough to paralyze its target, but also the torturous wail itself, which would leave both of them immobilze; Tzita for having made contact with its vision and El for having been within vicinity of its scream (especially with his heightened hearing). It was like hearing the faint, yet reverberating screams from out of nowhere, yet fill the air as though it were right there with them. Tzita would be unable to access her Sealing Eye due to being paralyzed before she could do so. The creature slowly moved toward them. Where their physical forms were restrained, neither their minds nor their souls were; they would be unable to create any Souzenryoku whilst they were both within this creature's presence. It seemed like they'd have been waiting an eternity for it to reach them, giving them more than enough time to watch in horror as they saw it creep closer with nothing that they were able to do to stop it from eventually reaching them and doing god knows what... There was no telling what would happen once the Sinskin got them...
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E. Faulkner
Spirit of the Veritas
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E. Faulkner

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 12:54 am

Her sudden flip in speech was certainly unexpected, but not without its own charm. El had already been fascinated with how exotic she seemed, and her colorful use of language only seemed to add to the appeal. Call him crazy, but he'd grown tired of all the proper speech patterns and manners in his home world. It gotten to the point where everyone just seemed to sound the same to him, not that he would give up that world just because of that.

He thought to comment on it, and her decree that he'd been seeing things... he'd thought to at least. Until the paralyzingly deafening scream came and tried to shatter his eardrums; HIS eardrums! He managed to move his hands to cover his ears before it got too bad, but that was all that he could really manage. The powerful sense of hearing he had was clearly working as a double edged sword right now.

He screamed as well, buckling where he stood to only a knee. El didn't have much to go on besides his physical strength which was failing him at the moment.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 2:14 am

The moment she saw it, she knew exactly what the fuck that ugly son of a bitch was. 'EW, CHUSIN!! GET AWAY FROM MY MAN!!!' Those were the words that zipped through her head as she saw her fucked up sister try to put her grubby little mitts all over El behind her back. 'I knew it was you, you little slut!!' Tzita couldn't move, but the look of pure disgust and rage was clearly frozen upon her face once trapped in a paralyzing deadlock stare with the Sinskin's horrible wretched face. 'Just wait until I get my hands on you, I swear I'll-- Wait a minute...' She realized that she was still able to consciously see what was going on, even if she couldn't move her body. She was just gonna chain this bitch down and beat her to death.


A dark womb-like pit formed in the ground under Chusin, Tzita's thoughts spinning from the Witch's Brew the shape of words, then contorting into the shape of chain's alight with a light the color of her soul; The Zero World rose up and snatched the Sinskin by the throat, dragging it down like the lowdown dirty bitch that she was. 'No rules here, bitch. I don't have to pay a red cent for this. As long as I have all my moves on my list and I know how to use them, I'm using them on you.' Thank you, Valparaiso. Tzita; the greatest 'Trapmaster' of all time.

She didn't expect El to be able to hear her thoughts nor to know nor to even understand what was actually going on her, for he was a simple nobleman that probably knew nothing of this ancient battle of the Tensei going on literally right behind his back and out of his view. He was fortunate enough to not have to look at her or know that they were even connected in any way.

When the thing's paralyzing stare was broken, so was Tzita's Paralysis, and she'd quickly point and scream out, right on cue,
"EW, EL!! GO GET THAT FILTHY THING BEHIND YOU!!" She snatched her fist back, binding the chains that she had free reign over and strangulated the corpse as much as she could. If it could twitch violently and spazz out as she choked the dog shit out of it, then it was all hoped for. In fact, that's what she was aiming for. "Go show me how you swing your sword around, yeah~? <3" If the kiss and the wink didn't get him to kill that thing, she didn't know what would, hahaha.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Grand Tabritha

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 2:22 am

The Sinskin, having nothing else after screaming in pain and smelling really bad, as well as the wonderful gift of moving really, really slowly, was unable to reach El so she could vampire leech all his energies out of him from behind. Like the dirty bitch she was, just as Tzita knew the trifling whore to be, she was after her affection by stealing her men and eating them with her crispy skin. Her plans were foiled once she was basically strapped down, writing in pain from having to feel everything on her body at all times. The skin would dangle and jiggle and wriggle about like a little paper doll with hooks in the hands and feet and head. It moaned and cried, but its voice was suffocated by the exceedingly tight grip that was being put on the creature's neck. It was, to the utmost literal sense of the word, defenseless. (2:22)
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E. Faulkner
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Spirit of the Veritas
E. Faulkner

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 10:05 am

Once the screaming stopped, El dropped his hands from the sides of his head and down to the ground. He felt like if he would have squeezed his head any harder, to stop the screaming from getting through, then he would have popped his head like a grape. Of course, that wouldn't have happened, but that was just how bad the pain was to him.

El had never encountered something that could render him, otherwise, vulnerable by using his gifts against him. Still, as he sat there, catching his breath, he heard Tzita call out to him and it would be in poor taste if he didn't oblige her like he'd been doing. He stood, after sufficiently catching his breath, and slammed his hand down on the hilt of Durandal, flipping the sword out of its holster and up high into the sky. He locked eyes with Tzita, smiling a bit, "Don't take your eyes off me, Lady L'sia." Is what he said just as Durandal came back down within striking distance. He slammed his elbow into the hilt, as hard as he could, sending the sword flying towards the grounded creature like a fresh bullet from a gun. It would rend right through the middle of the creature, divided it into halves, the left and right halves, and Durandal would bounced off a few walls and buildings before turning to the expecting hand of its partner, El.
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 10:43 am

As El proceeded with his nearly signaturely flashy Fire Emblem 'Critical Hit,' Tzita would smile and bite the bottom of her lip, watching him do all types of sexy shit without having done really much of anything at all. He was more skilled at this 'swordplay' than she expected. "Ohoho~? So it looks like you weren't lying about that skill. Heh. Not bad..." He had to admit that, for who he was, it was a pretty accurate strike. But even so, there was no way to be sure that this thing was dead. It probably was a zombie or something from the looks of it, and unless you just beat the bloody dog shit out of those things, they'd just rise back up and get ya when you least expect it, moving slowly like creeps so that you couldn't escape. Though, Tzita couldn't say that she wasn't the same...

"You missed a spot!" she'd point out with her finger, casting forth a chain from within in the dark cesspool that confined the Sinskin, trailing from the blade's edge where it made contact with the rather infectious (upon her strict and utter command, of course,) spread of the Zero World bound by her Sealing Wavelength. The chains would grip the sword, yanking it back to the writhing corpse and stabbing it straight in the very Soul, if it had one, piercing and popping it like a little balloon to make sure Chusin and her contagious ass didn't touch anyone or anything. (10:30) "If you're gonna get in there, you gotta make sure you finish the job..." she licked her lips, whispering sweetly in his ear with her Royal Tone, exposing her English Heritage, "Yeah~? <3" You always gotta get those creatures right in the Heart, just like she had to make sure she got him. Hmhmhm.
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Grand Tabritha
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
Gamemaster the Game :: Fate and Destiny; Goddess of All Games, Strategy, and Tactics
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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 10:55 am

And with that, the evil Chusin was dead, and with it, so was the last bit of the Insanity inside of the Pumpkintwins would be dead forever and stuff. No more Pumpkinsin and no more Pumpkinhead. They were now just Pumpkindead. And now they'd live without a head. And so, that's how the story is told... of the Zero World of Olde... that which still holds the Bloody head that soon became the Pumpkindread. Without a mind and without a host, it was naught but a ghost. That which would haunt all that was Past... Until his time had come at Last. Where the True Pumpking and his Moon would fall...

In the Veritas.
Cradle and All.

(End of the Fourth Moon.)
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Metatron; Seal of Judgment :: Mark and Decree of the End
Metatron; Seal of Judgment :: Mark and Decree of the End

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Magical City of Olde Empty
PostSubject: Re: Magical City of Olde   Magical City of Olde EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 10:59 am

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Magical City of Olde Empty
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